You’re Beautiful: Episode 11

My site totally crashed with last week’s recaps, so let’s hope it holds up this week…

I think my enjoyment of this episode (which was fun and funny) was dulled by the Big Spoiler that was everywhere days in advance, which totally killed the scene for me. Seriously, press, you’re going to go and spoil the very last thing that happens in the episode? Good holy hell.


Ivy – “어차피 잊어야 할 사람” (Someone I need to forget anyway) [ Download ]

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A note, since there were some questions regarding Mi-nyeo’s motivations in the last episode:

Heyi first wanted Mi-nyeo to come clean to the A.N.JELL guys, thinking they’d hate her for it. When she realized they’d probably forgive her, she stopped Mi-nyeo from confessing and told her to pick a more public setting for her humiliation. I think Mi-nyeo’s reasons for going along with Heyi’s demands are a little skewed, but it’s in tune with her character because she is so sweet and innocent that Heyi takes advantage of it. Mi-nyeo doesn’t necessarily have low self-esteem but she consistently undervalues her worth, and lets Heyi convince her that if she were to confess the truth to the A.N.JELL guys and then the story came out, they would be implicated in the deception as well, possibly ruining their images and/or careers. Therefore if she comes clean to the world at the press conference, the guys are spared the accusations since they can honestly say they didn’t know. She would be the only one to “take responsibility” for perpetrating the deception and then leave the group cleanly.


As reporters surround him, Shin-woo follows his announcement that the hidden Mi-nyeo is his girlfriend with the caveat, “I don’t want to reveal my girlfriend now. Please move aside to let us leave.”

Of course, the reporters aren’t about to back off from such a juicy story, so they keep crowding the couple. Tae-kyung takes off his jacket and pushes his way past the reporters to hand it to Shin-woo, who covers Mi-nyeo’s head with it. He ushers her out of the theater and down the hall to the dressing room.

(I’m sorry, I HAVE to complain, only because the Hong sisters have done so well otherwise in diverting cliches and keeping us surprised in good ways. But this is a near-exact repeat of the Last Scandal scenario — Episode 8, for the curious — which packed an emotional punch because it was such a pivotal scene, providing a moment of truth that was not solely romantic. It’s only a minor complaint, but the similarity to another drama keeps me from feeling the emotions of this scene.)

As Mi-nyeo leaves, the hairclip falls from her hair and gets trampled by the crowd. Tae-kyung picks up the broken clip and pockets it while Jeremy tries to come to grips with his shock.

Sung-chan is completely unaware of everything and therefore confused. Heyi is confused as well, but for a different reason: she doesn’t understand why her plan was thwarted. Tae-kyung picks up on Heyi’s remark and asks, “How did you know that was Mi-nam?” Heyi can’t let him know that she had ordered Mi-nam to reveal herself at the press conference and can’t produce a quick answer. He says, “We’ll talk later,” and leaves.

Heyi laments that the guys showed up and stopped things, “when I could have finished her.” Instead, she may be the one who is finished (with Tae-kyung).

In the dressing room, Mi-nyeo keeps her head covered and mournfully tells Shin-woo, “I’m sorry. I’m not actually a boy. If you see me now, you will be very angry with me. And I cannot say the words to ask for forgiveness.”

Shin-woo takes the jacket off her head and says, “This has happened so suddenly, so I don’t know what to say first. I hadn’t prepared for this scenario. Should I be angry first? Saying it’s okay right away would be strange, wouldn’t it?”

It’s rather cute as he puts on a grave face and says sternly, “Mi-nam, you were a girl? Wow, I’m speechless… How did I not know all this time? Mi-nam, I thought you were clumsy, but you’re really something.” She feels miserable as he continues, “I’ll find out later how this all happened, but now, I’m done playing the nice hyung.” But he smiles as he finishes, “From now on, we’re starting over.”

Tae-kyung and Jeremy join them, and the latter faces Mi-nyeo with angry eyes. He seems honestly hurt at her deception, while Tae-kyung announces that he knew Mi-nam was a girl and apologizes for hiding it: “If you can’t accept it, speak up now. I’ll handle things so you don’t get dragged into it, and I’ll take responsibility for Go Mi-nam.”

Jeremy faces Mi-nyeo, grabs her shoulders, and then surprises everyone by planting a kiss on her forehead. He breaks into a smile and exclaims giddily, “You were a girl! I love it!”

Tae-kyung: “Go Mi-nam, we’re one team now. You said you came here today because you didn’t want anyone to be hurt. If that’s what you want, then keep acting as a man through the end. Even if you want to quit now, we can’t let that happen. We’ll take responsibility for you, so you take responsibility for us, too.”

She’s touched by their understanding and promises to not get caught. She puts on her male garb, ready to resume her performance as Mi-nam. The reporters are thrown off the scent when the stylist is dressed in Mi-nyeo’s outfit and escorted away (with her head covered) by Hoon-yi.

Tae-kyung and Shin-woo pause to trade intense looks, but Shin-woo breaks the tension by saying, “It’s a good thing everything worked out.” Tae-kyung may be jealous that Shin-woo saved Mi-nyeo but he must know it was all for the best, because he answers, “Thanks to you, it did.”

The foursome leaves, with Jeremy is in such a good mood that he wants to throw another party. Tae-kyung announces that they’ve got one last obstacle to face: Heyi.

Heyi approaches in nice-fairy mode, but Tae-kyung tells her to cut it out, since everyone knows. She drops her fake-sweet act so quickly that the other three are taken aback, as she sarcastically calls Jeremy and Shin-woo “angels” for forgiving Mi-nam’s deception so quickly.

She tells Tae-kyung that she won’t end things with him. Even if their relationship is fake, she told him from the start that she would decide its end. Tae-kyung counters, “You promised not to let on that you knew about Mi-nam. You broke that promise first.”

Heyi isn’t daunted — if they want to shut her up, he has to continue the act. She orders, “You keep acting like my boyfriend, Mi-nam keeps acting like a man, and you two keep acting like angels.” Tae-kyung adds, “Yeah, and you keep acting like you’re nice.” She answers, “Naturally.”

As she goes, Jeremy realizes that Tae-kyung faked his relationship to keep Mi-nam’s secret. Hearing this, Mi-nyeo turns to him, saying, “Hyungnim, I’m—”

He cuts her off: “You’re sorry, thank you. I don’t want to hear that anymore. Do that with Shin-woo and Jeremy now.”

Aunt Mi-ja begs Mo Hwa-ran’s assistant for a brief meeting, and is let into her hotel suite. Among the half-drunk bottles of liquor, she finds a photo of the twins with their father, which strikes her as strange. But that’s forgotten as she goes to use the bathroom and finds Hwa-ran unconscious in the bathtub. At first she thinks she’s just enjoying a bubble bath, but grows alarmed and calls for help.

The next thing we know, Hwa-ran is being hooked up to an IV drip and her assistant hands Mi-ja an envelope of hush money, asking her to keep this quiet. Mi-ja is happy to take the money, but asks whether Hwa-ran has ever had surgery. Told no, she wonders what the abdomen scar means — could the unmarried pop singer have had a secret love child?

Jeremy refuses to let Mi-nam share rooms with Tae-kyung anymore and moves her things into her own room. She casts a longing last look at Pig-Rabbit, but leaves without it. Annoyed, he grumbles, “She’s saying this isn’t hers, huh? She doesn’t even take it with her.” Then it occurs to him that Mi-nyeo hasn’t even noticed that she has lost her hairclip, and is irritated that he cared enough to take it.

He doesn’t know the real reason she left the stuffed animal behind. She sighs, “How could I take Pig-Rabbit with me? I even lost the hairclip.”

Since they’re out of food, Jeremy wants to take Mi-nam grocery shopping (which is a domestic gesture that one often does with a boy/girlfriend). Tae-kyung’s against it, so the other two guys just tell him he can stay home, then. Naturally he tags along, scowling behind their backs.

It’s cute how Jeremy keeps trying to hug Mi-nyeo whenever his excitement overtakes him, and every time, Tae-kyung swoops in to pull him back. He tells Mi-nyeo to ignore Jeremy, since he grew up in England and has different ideas of what’s appropriate.

Spotting various products at the grocery store reminds Jeremy of the CFs they used to do, which the other two are embarrassed to recall. For instance, there’s the ice cream they endorsed, and the noodles (which came with a dance), and chocolate bars. Shin-woo muses that recalling all their CFs makes him feel old.

Sung-chan also feels melancholy over how much the A.N.JELL guys have grown — now two of them are even dating. (Given that they’re on their sixth album and about twenty, they must have started out really young, a la SHINee or FT Island.) He’s also sad because he senses they’re hiding a secret from him.

While Sung-chan is out of earshot, Hoon-yi tells the stylist that they only have to hold out a little longer till the real Mi-nam returns, but wonders what will happen to Mi-nyeo then. Hoon-yi thinks that she may not go back, since she’s fallen in love.

Tae-kyung points out a price sticker in Mi-nyeo’s hair, which makes her think of her hairclip because the tag reads 3,000 won. (He insists, “I told you it was 100,000 won!”)

She confesses that she lost it, to which he says, “Well, at least you knew you’d lost it.” He tells her he’d seen it being kicked around at the press conference, but it’s useless now and should be thrown out. Mi-nyeo starts to protest, but she’s interrupted by a passing employee, and almost falls when she loses her balance.

Shin-woo grabs her to prevent her fall, and Tae-kyung notices how he rests a hand on her waist. After Tae-kyung leaves, Mi-nyeo finishes what she’d started to say, “But it’s precious to me.”

That night Tae-kyung has trouble sleeping, and runs into Aunt Mi-ja at the refrigerator. He’d thought Mi-nam was back in her room, but Mi-ja says she isn’t, having believed Mi-nam to be staying in Tae-kyung’s room. Puzzled, he searches the house for her and wonders where she went.

It occurs to him that she may have gone off in search of the hairclip, but he can’t believe it. He tries to remember what she started to say at the supermarket, and imagines possible ways she could have finished her statement:

  1. Perhaps she would have sneered, “I agree with you. If something has no use, you should get rid of it. It’s only 3,000 won, right?” But he rules this out — she doesn’t disrespect him THAT much.
  2. Maybe she would have said carelessly, “I was wondering where to throw it away, so it’s good that I lost it. I was embarrassed to wear it around. It’s only 3,000 won, right?” But no, she didn’t hate the clip that much. She was happy when he found it last time.
  3. What if she’d said, in her earnest way, “I cannot throw it away. The pin you gave me is really valuable to me. I’ll find it again.”

Tae-kyung can’t see why she would do that if she likes Shin-woo. However, he remembers the expression on her face after their star-moon conversation, and how she had asked whether it was okay to like the star.

Mi-nyeo has pleaded with the security guard at the theater to let her in, and starts scouring the floor for the hairclip.

Tae-kyung arrives at the theater, telling himself, “She definitely won’t be here. There’s no way she’d be here. I’m only here to confirm she’s not, since I can’t sleep anyway.” As he pauses before opening the doors, he wonders with irritation, “Why am I so nervous because of Go Mi-nam?”

Yet once he’s inside, all he sees is an empty theater. The guard had told Mi-nyeo to make sure nobody found out she was here, so she hides from the newcomer. Not seeing her, Tae-kyung asks himself with exasperation, “What the heck was I thinking?” He takes the broken clip out of his pocket, drops it on the ground, and leaves.

After Tae-kyung leaves, Mi-nyeo accidentally knocks over a stack of chairs, causing a loud clatter. Tae-kyung hears and starts to head back inside, but at that moment he receives a phone call from Hwa-ran’s assistant — Hwa-ran is very ill and is asking for him.

Tae-kyung heads out quickly without noticing Mi-nyeo. She in turn spies the pin on the ground and retrieves it in relief.

I’m not sure if Hwa-ran’s condition is the result of an actual illness or just general fatigue with life, but in any case she speaks to Tae-kyung in a defeated tone: “What’s the point in living a long life? I’m tired of living.” He asks if that’s why she’s so in need of something to make into a memory, and she asks if he’ll help make a memory that would give her the strength to live a long life.

Tae-kyung: “If I say no, you’ll call me with something like this again.”
Hwa-ran: “I’m going to grow sicker. If I call you, would you not come?”
Tae-kyung: “If I don’t want that to happen, I’ll have to agree. I’ll make that song for you.”
Hwa-ran: “I knew you would. Because you’re my son.”

She promises to tell him everything about her love when he does the song.

Mi-nyeo tries to fix her broken hairclip with glue. She decides against asking Tae-kyung for help: “If he found out I went back to find this, he’ll think it’s strange. He might discover my feelings.”

When Tae-kyung returns, she hides the clip and tries to act nonchalant, lying that she had been home the whole time. He’s skeptical, but the subject turns to her current activity. She won’t explain what she’s trying to fix, but she does show him her current dilemma: she’s accidentally glued her fingers together.

Tae-kyung soaks her hands in water and gets to work on separating them, as Mi-nyeo notes with dismay, “I’ve caused another accident.” His tone is less curt than usual as he answers, “This is okay. Thanks to you, it’s a good thing I’m not thinking complicated thoughts, and instead focusing on separating glued fingers.”

Sensing his mood, she asks if something bad happened. He replies, “There’s someone who’s asking an unreasonable request of me, but eventually I ended up agreeing to it.” Mi-nyeo guesses privately that his mother must be the one in question.

Tae-kyung: “Oddly enough, every time I’m full of complicated thoughts because of that person, you’ve come along, so you’ve been pretty useful. Like today.”
Mi-nyeo: “I’m glad my fingers were useful to you. If I knew this would happen, I would have glued all ten of them together.”

At that, he smiles gently at her, which makes her feelings well up — so the moment her finger is free, she presses her nose. He asks why she’s always doing that: “Do you have some secret?”

After he leaves, Mi-nyeo takes her clip out and says, “My feelings are a secret.”

Understandably, the fans take news of Shin-woo’s new girlfriend hard, although they insist that as true fans, they should congratulate the oppas. Mi-nyeo apologizes to Shin-woo for causing this misunderstanding, and Shin-woo says (being deliberately misleading) that the fans are bugging him, and “most of all, the fans are bothering the girl I like.” Of course, Mi-nyeo interprets this to mean that Shin-woo’s real girlfriend is upset because of her.

Hoon-yi spies the twosome talking and drags Tae-kyung along to eavesdrop. They hear Shin-woo ask, “Mi-nam, if necessary, could you go to that girl and explain things?” Believing that Mi-nam likes Shin-woo, Tae-kyung grows angry at the request because it seems callous to subject her to that. But Mi-nyeo is happy to oblige and agrees.

Hoon-yi finds this situation heartbreaking: “That means she’ll have to go to the girlfriend of the man she likes and say, ‘I am nobody. Kang Shin-woo likes you.'” Tae-kyung secretly agrees, but says it won’t happen — Mi-nyeo has enough pride not to do that.

Mi-ja doesn’t know the full situation with Hwa-ran, but she knows enough that it’s complicated. If Hwa-ran sees her with Mi-nam, this may endanger her position (and her chances at getting money for her brother’s work). Therefore, she tells Mi-nyeo that she’ll be staying with friends for a while and vows to settle the money issue without Mi-nam’s knowledge. She sighs, “How great would it be if Hwa-ran’s secret child was Mi-nam?”

Hwa-ran inquires into the whereabouts of the Go twins, and hears that the boy is in the States and therefore tough to locate. The girl had been living in a convent until recently, so she decides to find Mi-nyeo first.

In light of the conversation he overheard, Tae-kyung is increasingly bothered by interactions between Shin-woo and Mi-nyeo. He and Hoon-yi have decided that Shin-woo’s every action must be ripping Mi-nyeo’s heart apart. Therefore when Shin-woo suggests a friendly game of badminton, Tae-kyung balks and orders Mi-nyeo to stick by his side. To learn the new songs, of course.

Mi-nyeo: “I have already nearly learned them. I will not need to stick by your side.”
Tae-kyung: “I’m offering to help you, but you don’t want it?”
Mi-nyeo: “Right, I don’t want it. I’m going to go play badminton.”

At the badminton court, Tae-kyung hears Mi-nyeo cheerfully accepting Shin-woo’s offer to be on the same team. Disgruntled, he mutters, “Are you saying you’ll rip your heart apart later, but you’re fine for now? Stupid Pig-Rabbit.”

Tae-kyung orders Shin-woo to his team to keep them separated. Jeremy is only too happy to be paired with her.

However, Tae-kyung’s irritation makes him play aggressively and he hits Mi-nyeo with the birdie repeatedly, which wrecks the mood. He taunts, “How is it you haven’t hit any of my shots? How is it you’re not good at anything?”

She counters that there IS something she’s good at. She demonstrates her special skill — hanging on to a high bar longer than anybody else. The guys say she doesn’t need to prove it, but she’s determined to show them something she’s good at.

As a fun challenge, Jeremy tries get her to come down by making her laugh. He fails, so Shin-woo goes next — and kisses her forehead. Shocked, Mi-nyeo lets go and falls.

She asks him not to joke around like this, so he responds, “It wasn’t a joke. We made a bet, and I’m pretty competitive.”


Heyi voices (false) concerns over having another girl (Mi-nam) constantly with her supposed boyfriend. Playing on the stylist’s sympathies, she says that people think she’s a big star, but she’s also an ordinary woman who feels insecure and jealous: “Even if she returns to being a woman, she may not leave. She may like it here where everyone treats her well. Will she want to return to where she used to live?”

Feeling sorry for Heyi, the stylist lets her in on a secret that even Tae-kyung doesn’t know — Mi-nam used to live at a convent. Therefore, it’s likely that she’ll return to the convent when everything is over. Heyi is cheered by this and promises to keep the secret — but is happy at the thought that the boys would be shocked at this bit of info.

Tae-kyung’s frustration over Mi-nyeo is at a steady simmer, so when she brings him some lime juice, he retorts, “It’s your fault I have to drink this sour stuff, too.”

Noticing that Mi-nyeo is starting to talk back to him (she defends herself from his unfair accusation), he asks why she’s not holding back like she used to. He points out that she let Shin-woo surprise her with the kiss.

Mi-nyeo: “That’s because I was so surprised.”
Tae-kyung: “Yeah, it was so obvious you were surprised. You know what else shows? That you want to be with him, and look good to him, and that you like him!”
Mi-nyeo: “Hyungnim! Didn’t I tell you that’s not true?”
Tae-kyung: “You won’t be able to hold out for long. Soon, Shin-woo will find out, and then I’ll have to feel sorry for you again. That creates inconveniences for the other person too.”
Mi-nyeo: “Is liking someone that bad? I’m not expecting anything, and I’m being careful not to be found out. Is that so wrong?”
Tae-kyung: “Are you in a position to do that? If I were Shin-woo, I’d feel dumbfounded and horrible.”

We know that Tae-kyung is venting, but she takes his words to heart. When he looks up, he’s surprised to see her expression as she cries.

More calmly, he asks if she’d like him to step in and do something about it. Hurt, she tells him, “Just pretend not to know.”

Later, she prays to Mother Superior, “I’ll endure and leave this place, and leave my star.”

Shin-woo sets up a romantic dinner at a restaurant and practices how he’ll confess to Mi-nyeo, who is on her way to meet him thinking she will be meeting with Shin-woo’s girlfriend.

Hoon-yi catches Mi-nyeo on her way out, and feels moved with pity. He goes to Tae-kyung, who doesn’t want to hear anything about Mi-nam. But when he finds out that she’s on her way to see Shin-woo to confess the truth to the other woman, he rushes out to stop her.

Tae-kyung grabs Mi-nyeo just as she’s about to leave, and pulls her back into the building. She protests, but he won’t let go. Angrily, he asks how she can have so little pride — whenever he sees her, he feels pity and annoyance because of her.

Confused at his inexplicable anger, Mi-nyeo bursts out, “Then don’t feel bothered by a thing like me!” He retorts, “With you like this, how can I not feel bothered?”

By now, their emotions are raw and their argument has escalated to shouting. Both have misunderstood the other’s feelings, so they’re frustrated with what they see as unfair accusations from the other side.

Mi-nyeo: “What does it matter to you that I’m going there now? It’s not an inconvenience to you, so why are you interfering and bothered by it?”
Tae-kyung: “You’re so foolish that it makes me angry. Why do I have to feel so angry because of you?”
Mi-nyeo: “Why are you angry because of me?! Just keep ignoring a thing like me! You can just not watch whatever I do!”
Tae-kyung: “But I keep seeing you!”
Mi-nyeo: “You can’t even see anything properly! You’re well-off on your own, so bright on your own that those around you can’t see in the dark! You can’t see anything properly and you don’t know anything, so why are you acting like this? Why are you angry with me, who’s just trying to endure? Just leave me in the dark. Who asked for you to look at me?!”

Barely letting her finish, Tae-kyung suddenly grabs the back of her neck and swoops in for a kiss.


First, regarding Hwa-ran: I wonder if this is the turning point in Tae-kyung’s relationship with his mother, because for the first time, Hwa-ran seems weak and pathetic. When Tae-kyung visits her sickbed, her words aren’t any less selfish and they have the potential to be just as hurtful as before, but they’ve seemed to have lost their toxic power over Tae-kyung. Maybe he feels the pang, but I don’t get the sense he’s as crushed as he was in the past. Perhaps he finally sees his mother as a weak woman with a limited amount of love, rather than for what she should have been?

As for Shin-woo: As a character, I still sympathize with his unrequited love, but I stopped feeling sorry for him with this episode. Actually, it started waning a while back, but this is where it culminates, because he heard the truth from Mi-nyeo and — despite good intentions — still kept up the lie. It would have been perfect timing to admit that he’d known and that he was trying to help her by going along with it, but instead he plays along with her worries. One could argue that he’s thinking of her benefit by preserving her illusion — and I think that’s been true until now — but in this episode, we saw him showing some amusement at the idea of keeping the ruse going just a little while longer.

I think Shin-woo was just setting himself up for a grand gesture, feeling proud of himself for how he’d wow her at the restaurant. But that’s him being enamored of romance, not acting with her best interests in mind, and so again he misses his timing. (Well, he hasn’t missed yet, but I’m assuming that with The Kiss, he’ll find his restaurant date disappointed.) Some of his earlier missed moments weren’t his fault — like the date in Myungdong where he called her to reveal the truth — but you could argue that it was always in his power to take the initiative. (He could have shown himself earlier, rather than buying her ice cream and clothing first.) I’m not sure if she would have fallen for him, but if he’d been honest earlier, he would have had a better shot before she started falling for Tae-kyung. But no longer is he a victim of bad timing — he’s creating it himself.

Korean press tends to handle news/entertainment reporting differently, in that there’s no real regard for “spoilers” — it was reported days ago as “Tae-kyung surprises Mi-nam with a kiss in Episode 11!” Those words were right in the headlines with accompanying thumbnail images. Way to kill excitement.

The reason I hated the spoiler of the kiss wasn’t just because it messes up one moment, but rather, it ruins the entire episode for me. That is to say, we can tell from the way this episode unfolds that Tae-kyung’s jealousy and frustration with Mi-nam are on a constant crescendo, and knowing there’s a kiss somewhere messes with the buildup of tension. Normally I’d be wondering, “What’s going to happen? How will he deal with the pressure?” and squeal at the end scene. If you know he’s going to kiss her, you can figure out that his growing jealousy is what spurs the kiss. With the plot all laid out like that, the fun gets sucked out. (I know some people love spoilers, but I just don’t get it!)


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I love Jeremy's blue hoodie! Anyone knows where to find one?

about the story, i guess i'm kinda lucky because i haven't watch Last Scandal nor do i know about the spoilers, so this is a very interesting episode for me. Love it! but i kind of expecting the kiss scene for the main couple in this episode though, maybe because of the Jeremy's and Shinwoo's forehead kisses earlier. those scenes kinda gave me some warning that it's coming. But i still scream when it did! haha! hah can't wait for today's episode!!


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Oooh, I just read 148 icechocolate's post - that actually sounds kind of plausible, with the way this drama's been twisting things! Still, I do think there was some mouth-to-mouth action, but I wouldn't be surprised if its spun in some completely random way, like you said.


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Thans JB for the recap. Am so loving this.....


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the spoilers for episode 10 ruined it for me - i tried to enjoy it, pretending i didn't accidentally read people's comments etc about it but it still dampened my mood when i watched it last week - so i kept away from spoilers today with this episode. i'm glad i did! the momentum buildup was great, i love the fact that tae-kyung himself was surprised about the kiss but fact is, she got kissed plenty in this episode by all 3 dudes! (this is when we wish we're her, isn't it? hahaha)

totally agree with you about SW, JB. ep 12's preview looks like he's finally making that move but ahhh, obviously too late.

@113: as much as i love the OST, i've too agree. they're using it a lillll too much.

can't wait for ep12!


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Thanks for the recap!

About Shinwoo... I literally threw my hands in the air when he didn't take opportunity to confess at the beginning of the episode. It was just never meant to be, huh? Would have been interesting though...


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and oh oh oh JB, i totally agree with you too about Last Scandal. LS's one was epiccc as compared to this (no offence though) :D


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i also saw the spoiler as ANJELL kisses but i just quickly shut the page since i didn't want to know what they were talking about. boy am i glad i did that.. i forgot about that headline and it was pretty vague so i thought it was another pretend heyi and taekyung kiss.. i was so shocked when they kissed in the middle of the argument.. i admit i did squeal ^_^ i couldn't help it ..

i hope nobody posts future spoilers without a warning in the first line or preferably headline. can't wait for tomorrow's episode! and your recap!


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OMG! That was one of the least romantic kissing scene ever. Not only did their poses look awkward, but they had to do a 360 degree turn to show how extremely stiff and awkward their poses were in different angles. I'm wondering if that was even a real kiss since I don't think I ever saw their lips locking together.


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Thanks javabeans for your recaps. I hate spoilers too. I was lucky enough not to see any spoilers before watching, so the kiss scene totally made my day!

i love this drama so much. YB made me feel compelled to comment as i've been a silent reader of your site for so long!

I believed SBS or whoever in charge, released the kissing scene to media to help garner more ratings for the drama. so they unintentionally spoil our fun in the drama.

Anyway, do keep the cracks coming! :) Thanks so much!


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I think the kiss was supposed to be an awkward one. It was actually shown in different angles to show the stiffness and awkwardness of it. Sorta even animate like in still shots. I don't think it was supposed to be soft and romantic.....since TK had just reached his limits of frustrations and boiled over and acted accordingly. None-the-less, it was exciting! At least something, FINALLY. I'm looking forward to a sweeter, softer and more passionate kind of kiss though......it should be coming, right? PLEASE???


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I just discovered your blog a few days ago, and I’m so glad I did! So far I’ve been able to read all your recaps on YB, and they are written with so much clarity and wit. Reading your recaps often clears up confusions I have regarding certain episodes, but most of all it’s great reading a blog written out of dedication and passion. I’m more of a jdrama fan, and the only Korean show I’ve really watched is Coffee Prince, so I’m going through your ratings page to see if there’s anything else I can watch :)

So, not being a regular Kdrama watcher, I’ve never seen that scene is Scandal before, so for me it was something fresh. Still, I agree that there’s been a shift in regards to how I see SW, and it’s solidified in this episode. Previously, one could still sympathise with him, but I think more and more there’s this certain selfishness that seems to be surfacing from him. Not that that in itself is necessarily a bad thing, but he does make a big deal out of NOT being selfish. Yet he’s so adamant about having a fairytale reveal, where he can go “Ta-da! It was me all along!” I’m not sure, but it does seem self-gratifying.

On the contrary TK seems more consistently unselfish in his motives and actions. I’d never been found of sulky male leads that saturate pretty much every idol drama out there, so I was surprised at my own fondness for TK. He seemed to be just another cut and paste. But I think I’d have to put it down to how he thinks about the band and everyone before himself, especially in critical situations. And as you said in previous recaps, he’s so bad at maintaining his demeanour, it's endearing.

Watching Hwa-ran scenes really touches something in me. I don’t know what but I’m astounded that a mother could act like her. Perhaps the change in TK was brought about by what MN told him at the end of his birthday. Perhaps that enabled him to be more generous with his mother. Hearing words like “you’re precious” and stuff, does soothe the sharp edges I believe. And when you’re less hurt, you’re more likely to forgive.

About the kiss. I usually read spoilers and they’re ok. It’s definitely better to watch it without, but usually it doesn’t spoil my enjoyment. What I was miffed about when watching the preview was how I’d watched these “grab-and-kiss” scenes so many times. I thought TK and MN deserved a more original first kiss (wishes of a fangirl, surely). But like many people, I really enjoyed the shocked look TK had at the end. I wasn’t expecting it, and it certainly brought a whole new dimension to the kiss.

Funny scenes were, well, funny. And cute! But I'm glad they stuck more to the angst in this one.

On a side note, I am morbidly starting to ship Shin Woo/He-Yi O_O Something about his quiet confidence as juxtaposed with her inner rage seems to click for me. But obviously not gonna happen, ha.

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@130 mgurl about your post...

On the other hand, sometimes, if you keep a secret too long, even if the perfect opening is there, it’s difficult to find the words to explain that you knew all along. Like he said, he’s never prepared for that scenario so he played it safe.

I agreed with you...

a bit similar for Ken in Proposal Daisakusen (Jodrama), he has a perfect time to tell Rei about his feeling but difficult to find the words to explain....then,as a result..he played it safe.

*hehehe..anyway it just a drama i don't care...
The important is the real things-->YONG HWa..hahahahaha*

hahahaha..YB gambare!!



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Thks JABEANSRECAP#11.I"hate" a spoiler!!But all Actors haven had to act of the Screenwriters?,aren't there.
I still like SW.He is so gentle & softfacing.


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oh my god! i love the last part haha.. though it rips my heart whoah.. haha..


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that last scene was SO awesome - not the kiss, but the shouting match that lead up to it. I think Park Shin hye did a really awesome job there!!! I squeaked a bit while I was watching that, and then went GASP when they kissed. I really hope those last shots were just a let's-stop-time-and-look-at-this-scene-from-5786-different-angles thing, and that they "continue" in ep 12. please.... they are too good to be wasted like this. XD


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This show is AWESOME!!!!!! Thanks JB for your wonderful recaps you are great 2.


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I agree JB...but then again, it's better to have spoilers than to die of anticipation...waiting for one week is like hell :((

Great recaps JB :)


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Thank you so much for the recaps! :D

I felt such disappointment when TK didn't realise MN was in the hall all along! The whole scene created so much tension and he was thissss close to finding her inside finding the hairclip, but then his mobile rang and I was so frustrated!

Loved the scenes with Jeremy openly confessing his affections to MN and trying to hug her. He's such an adorable kid!


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@jacq: I agree, I think the kiss looked awkward because both of them were angry and it was pure reflex on TK's part. You can see from his eyes that even he was surprised with his reaction. How I wish it would turn softer as the kiss goes on hehe. Waiting for tomorrow's continuation of the kiss!

I also agree with JB on Shin Woo. I was expecting him to confess that he knew about MN when she told him the truth but he pretended to be surprised. At that point, I stopped feeling sorry for him. Now I'm just annoyed.

At least Jeremy is still his old adorkable self. Laughed out loud with his antics.

As for Hwa Ran, I think her condition was a result of her being an alcoholic. I remember when she was talking to MN at the studio, she even put alcohol in her coffee. Yikes.

Anyway, thanks again for the recaps. :)


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Thanks DB, I love your take on why MN got 'conned' into confessing. Finally, I'm back home and get to read the review. I was so distracted the whole day at work b'cos my IT gave me a warning that I'm spending too much time on 'non work related' sites... bummer. No guesses that I was refreshing like mad previously.

I think that I'm one of those that don't mind spoiler. I actually read the summary in one of the forums last night while watching it raw. It gives a sort of guide what was going on as I don't know Korean apart from Hyung, Hyungnim...

My favourite scene would be Jeremy's. All of them, especially when TK and SW stops him from hugging MN.

Am I the only person who finds that the Fake Fairy is actually 3-faced? Her fake sweet face, her bxxchy face and her unsure of herself face (usually when things turn bad for herself while she's talking to herself).

As for SW, my feeling is that he sort of lives in his own world where only his idea of romantism is the real deal. Everything must be of the perfect timing at setting of his choosing. I mean, he can just tell MN that he actually knows that she was a female in the dressing room, but no, he has to wait for his grand gesture of his choice before he can confess. It really mirrors life where these type of people will miss the boat, whereas those that grabs the opportunities are the ones that succeeds.


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Thanks as always, dramabeans!

I was spoilered too and I really regret it! ;_____;


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Jeremy is hilarious in this episode. And TK just gets hotter.

I'm with you about the kiss spoiler....part of me thinks that it might've been to spur higher ratings for this week?

ANYHOW, that argument at the end was acted amazingly! LOVED the emotion clashing btwn the 2 of them, which is why I wish I didn't know the kiss was coming *sigh*

Love reading your recaps after I watch, thanks!


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after episode 12... no more spoilers for me. have to stay away from facebook, soompi, etc. although i know about the kiss, i still could not help but squeal aloud. at 3am, no less. lol!

i'll just re-watch the previous episodes to cope with my withdrawal syndrome next week. sigh... what will happen to me after this? when you're beautiful is over? i'll definitely buy the DVD...

thank you for the recap. the subs not out yet in mysoju...


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in regards to the kiss: yeah it looked awkward cuz the director did the frozen-in-time thing and shot it at so many different angles. usually directors will do that 360 degree shot, but cuz they were on the platform it's something that's hard to shoot and if they want to shoot it that way, will require a lot of time that they didn't have.

I'm pretty sure that mi nyeo and taekyung are going to pull apart really quickly in ep 12 because taekyung didn't mean to kiss her and I do wonder if their characters have kissing experience. She's a nun in training. And i'm not sure if he has even had a girlfriend before. and he's so fastidious. I think Taekyung probably had at most like 2 kisses before.


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can i just say this: i love you JEREMMMMY!!! gosh he's so cute, adorable and very very funny! can i just keep him so my day would always be fun! hahaha

seriously, what can I say for the ending...hmmm can't wait for the next episode...

and ... shin woo, don't worry we're here for you!

and.... go minam: you're one lucky girl!


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waaaaa! i'm loving this. i'm excited for the next episode


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thanks for the recap JB. can't understand korean so i came here to know what all the angst is all about. but like someone said before... because we don't know the language we look for clues in body language. in this episode i can see that PSH shines in her acting when she's attacked verbally by TK. can see the hurt and anguish in her eyes. heartbreaking stuff!

JGS is doing his usual stuff... mesmerizing us as usual, especially the part when he smiles during the time he helps GMN to unglue her fingers. i don't know how PSH is able to withstand the terrawatt smile beamed solely on her! :)

love jeremy as usual. honest with his feelings.

and shin woo... i think the scriptwriters is trying to tell us (especially the ladies) that romantic things/words/setting doesn't/shouldn't necessarily make you fall in love with someone. he might be the best looking, gentle guy but the things he's doing is always self centric. at first, he's keeping the secret because he wants to amuse himself, he's bored. like someone said, it's about power. shin woo always has to have the upper hand, he likes things to be under his control. he intuitively knows that GMY cares for TK but he rationalize to her that it's just a FAN feeling. that's manipulative. he knows a secret but he didn't let it be known. he wants to give all the time. that's another way to control someone else. make them feel indebted to you. i surely cannot stand a man who thinks that he always have to do things for me. hey... i've got brain too!

while TK were dragged howling, complaining and scowling along the way to cater to GMY, his actions are always to the best of the group or the right thing to do. while it may seems like TK's on the upper hand but actually he's being controlled by GMY (to certain extent). how else can you explain his willingness to share his room (he's OCD) and singing in the boy's bathroom with GMN best friend in some school just because GMY said "Hyung!" and look at him with her puppy dog eyes. GMY also helps heals TK hurts about his mother. that's power sharing! that's what we call give and take. that's what make the relationship special.

i think the stiffness in the kissing is just like a freeze moment in time when TK drag MN to him and they touch lips. the surprise in the face of TK is supposed to be the cliffhanger. but because everyone is so fired up about the kiss preview... that's all they are seeing, the kissing part. i think the scene should have been filmed better (rather than asking the actors to freeze for like 2 minutes for the film, it might be better to do matrix like photography?) to get the impact of surprise emotionally for TK.

just my 1 cents worth.

have a great evening everyone. like yesterday, i'll be waiting anxiously for the raw version to be out for me to see. and then waiting for JB to do her recap. another day with not enough sleep for me :)

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wooooooooooooooooooooooooow many comments! java b good work. it s clear that she ll get angry after this kiss.if not it will be strang.


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Wasn't sold on the last scene... not only because the spoiler really "spoiled" it for me, but also because that was such an anemic, half-hearted effort!
C'mon guys! If you're gonna be at it, at least give us some proper face sucking action!

This appears to be a recurring problem with kdrama and jdoramas. The kissing scenes are just disgraceful.... if anyone tried to pull such a feeble attempt at a liplock in real life, he'll probably elicit feelling of pity rather than passion.


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I woke up this morning and the first image I had in my head forced me to log on and say this:

Note to wardrobe: TK's supermarket outfit made him look like an evil imp who couldn't decide between a hoodie and a poncho.

And furthermore: Hoodie up? ok famous guy, but tucked behind ears? no, no, NO, no, no.

The supermarket scene was pretty fun, but I think my favourite bit was when TK zipped Jeremy's hoodie right up over his head. I did laugh.


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ohh! what a kiss! melt-melt.

i love tae-kyung's habit of tucking his hoodie behind his ears, i think i'll try it. ;)
Jeremy's reaction was another highlight, he makes me laugh!


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@ 181 reluctantbutaddicted
"And furthermore: Hoodie up? ok famous guy, but tucked behind ears? no, no, NO, no, no"

If it was anyone less cuter, i would've scream no no no. But it is JGS and how do you say no to him.

@180 Fran
"C’mon guys! If you’re gonna be at it, at least give us some proper face sucking action! "



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I agree with you JB. I hate SPOILERS!


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Odd enough..i love spoilers! =p I'm one of those ppl who hates anticipating n waiting n d fact dat i'm in d middle of my final exam doesn't help at all..i'm easily distracted n dat's why i've been reading all d spoilers as my 'fix' so dat i can study..but myb after my final exam i'll stop reading spoilers (but i dun think i can stay away from ep previews though..=p) n focused on finding BTS..dat way i'll enjoy d last 4 eps better..=)

I totally heart Jeremy in dis ep..he's so damn cute..*not that i dun love him from before..=p* each time he says to MN something like "i really like you" or "you are so cute" n tried to hug her i screamed in delight..though i'm kinda dissapointed seeing dat he will only be a comic relief in future episodes *i dun see him seriously pursuing his feelings towards mi nam knowing dat she's a girl* but i guess two guys in love with d same girl wud provide enough angst..let alone dis series hv other 2 major things to deal with (mi nam being a girl revealed to d public n d thing bet tk mom n mn dad)..so i'm contended enough having jeremy as a 'humour machine'. .=)

As for d kiss bet MN n TK..some ppl said it might be fake but thinking logically *thankfully dis series still hv some logic in it despite it being a kdrama which are full of illogical things* why wud it be fake? for TK-HY it is understandable as he hates her but dis one is a kiss bet 2 people who totally in love with each other *though both are dense enough to not know that their feelings for each other are reciprocated* I just hope..sincerely hoping that in ep 12 d 'shock kiss' will turn to be more passionate just like JGS-PSH kiss in Etude CF..there's no harm in hoping, rite? =)

i'm off to watch ep 12! can't wait for tomorrow's recap..thanks JB! =)


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I avoided the thread in soompi all week and I'm glad I did. I didn't know about the kiss and hence the excitement was still there for me when I read it in your recap.

I do wonder what the next episode will bring. Will TK deny everything i.e. the kiss was just to shut her up? Or will he confess his feelings and all will be happy and dancing?


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Well, I guess my everyone-have-a-calm-cup-of-tea prediction was closer to the mark than the major-hysterics one. It was rather sweet to have everyone skate sharply past the MN-Betrayal moment and give us some nice sweet moments of the boys being united on Team MN. Though, as we know, this is just following the pattern of Wed episodes, of sweetening us up for the killer blow in the Thurs episode.

While I appreciate the veer away from Major Hysterics, I thought that at points this episode was spinning its wheels. The cliched missed moments in the auditorium-at-night scene was a let-down from earlier episodes, when such cliches were eschewed and TK got straight to the point. Why is it that the TK who was so fast and sharp when he was persecuting MN is now so slow and stupid when it comes to *getting* MN or his own feelings? OK, we're gearing up the angst to lead up to The Kiss. And I guess I just have to understand and appreciate that.

ShinWoo ShinWoo ShinWoo. What can I say. I don't feel disappointed with him. Because I stopped feeling anything for him episodes ago. Much as I appreciate the warmness of his character, I just can't get into a block of wood. I think his screen character is really quite likeable, for a love rival (hey, if the worst thing that people can say about you is "lousy timing"!), but we need an actor who can ACT. Look, seriously. Look at any screen cap of our three boys. JSG: scowl - totally convincing. LHK: silly smile or silly shock - silly, but convincingly and endearingly so. JYH... nothing. Just... nothing. JYH needs to have a word with his agent - he needs to avoid over-reaching.

Hong Ki, on the other hand, needs to give his agent the biggest Christmas present ever. Because he has been beautifully cast, in a role which shows off his natural exuberance and charm to best advantage and doesn't demand more acting skill than he can deliver. Jeremy is just too adorable in this episode. Over the top, but entirely in keeping with the character Hong Ki has carefully built up.

TK -- Actually, I'm not feeling the jealousy as much as the protectiveness. Partly, who can be jealous of a block of wood? I'm just not feeling that aspect. I'm more with the notion that TK is primarily concerned about MN. He really thinks that she is helpless to run her own affairs or exercise any self-preservation. He thinks she is liable to inflict suffering on herself in order to help someone else (whatever makes him think that??!!) He feels angry and exasperated that he can't protect her from being hurt by her supposed unrequited love for ShinWoo. Particularly as he's not even admitting to himself that he is protecting her, and has been for ages. Aw.

MN -- Loved the symbolism in the playground. Yes, sweetie, you're really really good at holding on and enduring. The boys may roll their eyes and say you are bonkers. But we know this is your redeeming quality, and we know that your longsuffering is one reason (of many) why the boys all love you.

apropos of nothing:-- Hey! Both PSH and LHK are lefties!

Why aren't we getting more MV parodies? We want more!

I'm travelling next week to a destination with dodgy internet. Downside: Can't join in the fun fan frenzy. Upside: No spoilers! Yay!

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oh em gee! I just died watching this episode! waaaaaaaaaaaah! now I just can't sleep T.T

I wish there would be an episode where they'd get to be real couples and going on dates hehehehe. thought I'd probably die [again :D] out of jealousy!!!


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HAHA! Don't read Korean news too much, so I was superbly pleased (and surprised!) with the kiss at the end! Knew it had to happen sometime! Am looking forward to the next episode SO MUCH. Thanks for the brilliant recap!


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hehe, i love SPOILERS because I can't stand the waiting : )

thanks for the recap...


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Oh My GOD! *-*

You wouldn't know how excited I am everytime I visit your blog (which is everyday...!)

Yesterday, I watched this episode but raw...and I coudn't help but visit your homepage to see if the recap was out...I refreshed the page until 4 in the morning and then fell asleep...

And when I woke up, my first thought was "Go and see if the recap is there!" And yeaaaaah it IS!

Thank you so much for the trouble, it is sooooo amazing to finally understand one and every word they say! (I understand most of it, but the most important part are still in the dark!) and thanks to you, it is bright and clear!

Fans of YAB (and kdramas!) from Belgium thank youuuuuuuu!

Keep up with the good work, it is just GREAT to see what you do (recaps or news from the other side of the Earth)


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I did not know about the kiss! OMO!! That last conversation, the punctuating kiss...OMO!!

I squealed. Then I immediately re-watched the scene and squealed again. Eeeee! I'm doing a little dance!


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@serendipity - PSH is actually ambidextrous, she signed her autograph for her brother's friend with her right hand. :)


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waaaah. I'm totally with you. I ALSO HATE SPOILERS! Every week I always try to avoid Previews in Youtube or Spoiler blogs or whatever... It just kills the excitement! But when my sister told me that TK will kiss MN [which really sucked, I had already beaten her up with all the spoiling ^^], I was like 'WHAAAAT? SERIOUSLY?'' and I just couldn't help and watch the preview myself! Actually seeing that KISS SCENE was the highlight of my day... weeeeeeeh! But then I regretted watching it after Episode 11. :DD

Anyway, I enjoyed last night's episode! It showed us more on Tae Kyung getting jealous and feeling really sick about his "subconscious" love for MN. awwww. I often ask WHY DO I HAVE THIS THING FOR BAD AND EMOTIONALLY DAMAGED GUYS????? Come to think of it, Gu Jun Pyo and Hwan Tae Kyung are both tough on the outside but in reality they're sissies and babies [such cute and hot babies :D] who are just in search for love and care... Guys like them, are DANGEROUS. bwahahahaha. Nwi, I love the scene where TK was trying to get the glue out of MN hands it was such a sweet scene... Also, TK ones again flashed his infamous and uber cute smile!!!! waaaaah! and he did it TWICE... but the last scene was the bang! I just love how YB leaves our jaws dropping in every ending part of their episodes. [ I should meet the director :))]. I'm also happy that atleast SW is making his pro-moves on MN... that's quite a progress. I really like how he simply do sweet things for MN... Actually, I'm enjoying it since I'd get to see alot of JEALOUS TAE KYUNG, which is cute. :))


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omg he's finally kissed her! yayyyy~~~~ *does a little dance*


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hi! i've been reading your blog for quite some time now and it is totally awesome. the recaps are SO helpful and fun to read c: anyway i was just wondering if someone could help me out. does anyone know the song that plays in the background while the three of them are acting out the CFs in the supermarket at approx 24mins and 27 seconds. it starts with 'you and me...' thank you in advance! c:


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wouldn't it be nice if Jeremy were given some "a little more than friends" time with GM? fair is fair! he is afterall no small worm. just something to make TK and SW squirm. a twist for Jeremy and GM would be fun to watch!


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I had no idea about the kiss, so it was a complete shock to me! My jaws totally dropped open as I wasn't expecting it...
it was quite a shocking/funny kiss. I'm not sure about tae kyung's intentions...was it just a rash reaction? or has it already fallen for her (he TOTALLY HAS) but just doesn't know it?
I'm hoping there will be a better kiss scene soon :) :) :)
But then again this drama is so light-hearted and funny that a 'serious' kiss scene might have to be altered to fit ...
i'm really hoping that there will be a chance for Go Mi Nam to become Go Mi Nyu again!!! Will the real go mi nam ever come back? because it would be terrible for them not to wrap up that part of the story


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forgot one very important thing... thank you JB! you've made watching YB so much richer and fun... naah, giddy fun to be more accurate. Bless you!


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@ 193 Snikki

And she holds her chopsticks in her left hand.

Hey, wait a minute, she is the perfect mixed doubles partner for TK! A left-hander and a right-hander - perfect! (We'll just ignore the fact that SW is right-handed too shall we...)

Er, obsessing, overmuch?


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cant wait to wacth ep 12!!!!!!! and of course ur precious recap>>>>>>>>


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