Open Thread #111

For those of you/us in the States, Happy (day after) Thanksgiving! Hope you all had lots of turkey and good stuff. I personally have no desire to brave the mad shopping crowds for Black Friday, but may you all be blessed with good retail luck. I’m off to bask in the LA sunshine! This is the first time I’ve been in this city as a mere visitor. Weird.


Mae – “In Pieces” [ Download ]

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@ belleza

My [Korean] guy friends weren't into Morrissey. It was all R&B, hip-hop. ;)

@ Samsooki

It doesn't have to be sad, just moving...and like I said, I didn't cry.

@ kb

If you liked Sung Yuri in HGD, you're not gonna get anything better than that....except maybe, Rabbit & Lizzard (I suspect, though not verified yet).

@ langdon813
"And in my neck of the woods (in the 80’s), there were VERY few people who even knew who The Smiths were. It was all Duran Duran and Lover Boy."

My deepest sympathies. What a lonely place that must've been. :(


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@199 langdon813 -

“Actually, Snow Queen isn’t sad at all.”

Gasp! samsooki, you are a LYING LIAR WHO LIES!

hehe! That's awesome. Okay, I guess it depends on what I mean by "isn't" and by "sad" and by "at all." LOL. If that's not a lawyer answer, I don't know what is. Yes, there are parts that are not extremely happy, but such is true with all k-dramas, no?

1. Still, Snow Queen is really good. If you want a semi-play by play, if you go to Open Thread 78, starting with Post 102 (http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/04/open-thread-78/), you can see how I flew through the episodes over two days.

April 12, 6:32 p.m. - I had blown through first seven episodes of Snow Queen through Netflix. Quote: "I reserve the right to change my mind, but at this point, through the first 7 episodes, Snow Queen is as good as it gets. Highly, highly recommended."

April 12, 7:30 p.m. - Quote: OMG. Episode 8 of Snow Queen was the best. Can hardly breathe…. it was that good.

April 13, 8:20 p.m. - Quote: "I just saw Episode 9. Wow....Btw, I paused this post to watch Episode 10. And jeeeez, Episode 10 was just great. LOL. I am so addicted."

April 13: 9:37 p.m. - Quote: "Episodes 11 and 12…. I cannot stop….. LOL."

April 14, 8:28 p.m. Quote: "Wow…. Episode 13…. one of the coolest couplets ever...Episode 14…. fun, happy."

April 17, 8:00 a.m. Quote: What can I say. Of all the dramas above, I think Snow Queen might have been the most…dramatic? ...right now, Snow Queen is che-go. All I know is that once I started watching, I almost couldn’t stop. I watched this series in just over 2 days, and it was all I could think about at work. Snow Queen is so engrossing, so awesome, so interesting, so much drama and story and love and everything. And Hyun Bin is awesome, but the star of this series is Sung Yu Ri, and I don’t know if there is another actress that could have done what she did.

hehe... me obsess much? perhaps I have a bit too much hyperbole here... :) but whatever. I liked it a lot, that's all.

2. Snow Queen has the perfect example of the Oppa-Pout-Wiggle, that alone is worth the price of admission.

From Open Thread 81, post 147, where the OPW technique was discussed, perhaps first. hehe!

ATTENTION: for all those who don’t really know about the “oppa!” *pout* *wiggle* technique, please turn your attention to the following clip, starting from about 2:15 to about 2:25. You can watch in HQ for detailed viewing as to the specifics of how to perform the technique.




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@ langdon-unni

*whispers* I didn't cry in Snow Queen either. *hides myself in barrell* (I'm kinda on the side of the LYING LIAR WHO LIES in this debate, sorry unni).

Okay, SQ was moving and touching and I liked it alot, but I really really invested in the stooopidity of the genius himself, Binnie's Han Tae-woong character (he's a genius who can't find a smart way to deal with his grief, oh jesus).

After its all said and done, what I really, really remember from SQ was.....drum roll....falling head over heals in love with Sung Yuri's wardrobe. The woman was perfectly dressed for every single scene, in the most luscious gorgeous outfits whether dressed up or down.

I file SQ away for best dressed heroine, scruffiest hero category.

Btw, I am even more bitter about my haircut last week after Mu-cheng (Ady) shows up in AC after the time leap with the most glorious mane of long hair. My hair was almost that length, almost hitting my goal of Choi Ji-woo in Air City hair, and then my mean mommy dragged me to get a haircut. Boo hoo, I console myself by saying that both ladies Must Be Wearing Extensions!

@ crzycpl and serendipity

Hee, I cringe in AC all the time, it's still a TW-drama after all. ;-) But I love the second go around for Mu-cheng and Guang-xi, it's complicated, but the same electricity is there. Plus you have Xiao-le (who i think is 6, but the little boy is probably 7-8 to be such a good actor), mine own boy is 4.

Anyways, the entire village of Hua-tien speaks exactly like my extended family! It's like a reunion on screen, my family lives in a small village in Taiwan much like Hua-tien Village, and everyone has the same surname. I understand the Taiwanese perfectly, and actually makes me chuckle at their many many double-entendres.

And yes, AC is just like a romance novel (also my guilty pleasure - and hubby knows it, he secretly re-named my Kindle "_____'s romance bookmobile"). Plucky heroine meets hero, reforms him with her kindness and heart, they fall in love, Great Tragic Misunderstanding separates them, they re-connect years later, misunderstanding resolved, happily ever after.

Like I said when I first caught an episode of AC, it's got every cliche in the book, but when done right, it's the reason we want to watch a romance drama in the first place, it pushes all our buttons.


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@ ockoala and @ LYING LIAR WHO LIES

When Bora drops to her knees and begs Park Kyu...er, Dr. What's His Name to please please please save her, because if she dies her oppa can't live? Nothing? Not even a sniffle? I've got tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Of course, I could cry over just how beautiful Binnie is in every single scene, OMG (and how much I covet Sung Yuri's fabulous wardrobe, totally agree. Actually, just give me the boots and I'd be happy).

That's fine. I've shed enough tears for all of us. I'll take one for the team and become the official DB Weeper.


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@204 langdon813 -

Okay, you got me. That scene was pretty intense. I am not sure if I cried then, but surely at some point.

I loved this drama so much that after I saw it on Netflix, I got the Director's Cut limited edition box set. It's the prettiest box set I own.


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@201 hjkomo

"My deepest sympathies. What a lonely place that must’ve been."

And continues to be! If you're not into the Garden Club or Ladies Auxiliary (whatever the hell THAT is...all I know is that everyone in it has a really big house, LOL), then there's no social life to speak of here.

Still, I find kindred spirits one way or another. My husband says I'm like a heat seeking missile that way...I've always managed to find my kind of people. It's just that now they're pretty much all on the internet. :-)


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@ samsooki

I knew this all along. But thanks for confirming it publicly! :-) What sort of goodies does the Director's Cut version have?

And how's Baby Ji Hoonie? Is he letting you and Mama Samsooki sleep a little more at night?


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@langdon813 -

Lemme go home and check and see. It's been a few months since I last cracked the box.

Baby Henry / Ji-Hoonie and mama are doing fine. He is 6 weeks old today! And no, alas, he doesn't like sleeping at night - I think he is all set to join the ranks of college students who ditch classes, sleep all day and party all night.

Thanks for asking!


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@ langdon813

I'm sure I shed a tear or two in Snow Queen. It was at the very start of my kdrama obsession and whether I liked to admit it or not, that whole death-because-of-cancer angle hadn't lost it's charm on me yet.

@ ockoala

I've just realised the AC is airing live and that only one episode gets shown each week. So now I have to wait until next Monday or Tuesday to watch the next episode?? NO FAIR!! ARGH! Will have to find something else to fill in the time.

So, ockoala-unni, what should I watch next?


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@ crzycpl

Ooh, I'm a unni! *claps hands in glee* You honor me, but goodness, now I best endeavor to come up with some fun drama to help tide you over for 4 weeks (until AC finishes airing - AC is addicting, isn't it, even though it really isn't that special or amazing, it's just pure comforting goodness).

What do you feel like? I'm just gonna throw out dramas that aired this year, okay (and some I haven't seen). Also, JB posted an amazing compendium of trendy rom-coms earlier this week, read that thread, it's heaps more complete.

1. Friends, the Legend - caused samsooki and langdon to have fits of extreme intensity and dispair. Apparently episode 19 is to be seen to be believed. I'm too chicken to start it.

2. Return of Iljimae - I need to watch this, too, if only to get Jung Il-woo off my back.

3. That Fool/Partner/The Man Who Can't Get Married - all three have been recommended by various people, all aired along with City Hall, so I pretty much ignored them b/c of that reason only, but will someday watch.

For my recommendation:

Other than City Hall, the only other drama this year I absolutely loved without reservation (save for the need to actually watch the ENTIRE 21 episodes the way it was meant to be seen) is Tamra the Island. It's a saguek, and the first 4 episodes are beyond slapstick and adorable. But starting episode 5, it takes off and never looks back (gee, does that refrain sound familiar to me). But the Tamra that aired was 16 episodes as it was cut short and ended early, but even that was so so good.

Oh, and the TW-drama that was for me the breakthrough of the last decade (since Meteor Garden launched the idol-genre in TW) is Black & White. I love B&W, since I haven't watched IRIS, I can only surmise the two dramas are very very similar, but IRIS is probably larger in scope and scale and budget.


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@ All Islanders and Team Park Kyu

I'm attaching a link to the original Tamra manhwa (I just finished reading it).


In it, you can see that William is a certifiable hottie that can stand toe to toe with Park Kyu (and Beo-jin is less cute and more sexy gorgeous). It's not done yet, but reading the manhwa allays a central concern of Tamra, which is how in the living gods can BJ pick William over Park Kyu at any given time. It's clear in the manhwa where William's attraction lies, and I much appreciate making it a very certifiable love triangle.


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I'm on a Tamra-roll this afternoon:

Pulled from Tamra's soompi thread, this from YA Entertainment

"Yes, YA Entertainment plans to release Tamra The Island on DVD with English subtitles. We are working on the subtitles right now.
YA Entertainment will release the full version (20 episodes, plus 3 hours of special features). From what I've heard, the director's cut you mentioned will only have 1 hour of special features, which they call "the 21st episode" (and no English subtitles). Our US version will have all the episodes, all the special features, and English subtitles."

Yay, but I don't think this will be out until after the new year, so sad again.


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@ ockoala

I guess I should be calling you ockoala jiejie. Not sure what I feel like at the moment. I don't usually go into a drama with much expectations. I usually follow through to the end, regardless of whether I like it or hate it. I think the only drama which I haven't seen to the end to date is Love story in Harvard. I don't know why but I've just never gotten around to finishing it!

I saw JB's rom-com recommendations post last week and I was LOL when I realised that I had watched most of them. But there were a few, like Fantasy Couple, that I hadn't seen and been meaning to get to 'one of these days'. But with the constant churn of new dramas these days, I find it hard to dig through my archives to find an old series which may, or may not, interest me. Maybe I'm a sucker of hype and 'in' trends .. like BBF earlier this year, Coffee Prince in its hey day etc. Maybe I need the support groups around me to keep me interested. Maybe I just need some good looking boys/men in the drama to reel me in. :P I must say, the calibre of today's leading men in Asian dramas has improved infinitely since the 90s!! ;) Whatever the reason, I'm going to dig through my boxes and boxes of old dramas and see if there is anything worth watching.

On an unrelated matter, I've always wondered what your username means. Does the 'oc' part stand for Orange County? And then the 'koala' part ... it couldn't mean Australian ... so you must like koala bears? :D


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@213 -

Or she IS a koala bear, just with an internet connection.



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@ 214 samsooki

I wasn't going to say THAT! but since you mentioned it ... :D


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@ crzycpl and my favorite ^_^

Some days I am one, and other days I am the other. Depends on my mood and shape-shifting abilities. ;-)

If there weren't so many great dramas out there, I have a long list of dramas I want to re-watch myself. Time, I really am your slave.

Oh, and as for calling me jie-jie, you can call me whatever you want, though I may prefer unni, as this is a k-drama blog (let's stick with the k-honorific titles), and also because aint nobody has ever called me a jie-jie in my entire real life, it's way to weird. I've been a gu-gu and an ah-yi since I was an infant (comes with having way to fertile of a bunch of relatives), and now a Ma-ma. As for a jie-jie, I have one of my own, she's a real sweetie who takes care of me.


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@ crzycpl

Completely agree with all of ockoala's suggestions!

I wholeheartedly recommend The Man Who Can't Get Married if you're in the mood for a comedy. I laughed like a crazy person every single episode; so much so that my husband started warning me not to watch it after he went to bed! I never saw the Japanese version but I know some who did thought this didn't measure up. I'm glad I haven't seen the original because I really enjoyed this one!

If you're in the mood for both comedy AND melodrama, then Tamra is definitely the way to go. Team Park Kyu have posted countless odes to this little gem with good reason. I'm definitely counting the minutes until the DVD is released.

If you're REALLY in the mood for something different (and by different I mean scary), then I recommend Hon (Soul). I thought it was really good and very under-appreciated. Plus, it's on Dramafever. Bonus!

And I (unlike some people whom I've already picked on enough today) can't in good conscience recommend Friend, Our Legend without the proper caveat:

It's one of the best things I've ever watched in my entire life, but it ripped my heart from my chest, twisted my guts into knots, and left me a sobbing, hysterical mess at the end. As long as you know that going in...well, I won't say you'll be fine, but my conscience will be clear!


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I think you and I are in sync today-
I just learned my friend had a new baby boy- named Langden. I went "heh" I know another neat person with that name *wink*
Unlike my (fave) Esq., I was like you in SQ; I cried like a fool. I think the fact that I watched that right after MNIKSS, I wasn't ready to see my Binnie so "down and out". ( I think that's one of the reason that I haven't seen Friend, Legend YET. I almost was going to see it, but then I read how much you cried, and then it was the same time my cousin was diagnosed (which BTW had some good news. After 7 weeks of Tyrosine kinase inhibitors/ oral (cancer therapeutic) meds, the tumors have shrunk a little - yeh!!!), so I didn't and couldn't watch that particular drama.
I also love The Man who can't married. I guess I am a little biased since my Ji Jin Hee was in it. ;)

Thanks for the youtube...the ockoala babies are tooo cute. Now that I know how you all look like, I'm going to look for you guys in 85C.

@Tamna Island DVD
Yeah!!!! The fact that a eng. subbed version will be available is great news for me.

Let's see, DVD's that I need to get as soon as it's available-
* City Hall no if's or but's about that
* The Man who can't get married anything with JJH - yes
* Tamna Island prerequisites for the 2nd round viewing/discussion here in OT
* MFL uhhh, maybe not( the horrendeous hair (esp my poor JIW)
*HGD uhhh, another maybe ( didn't like the fusion sageuk/ending)
*YB He** yeah ( JGS alone is sufficient enough for me to buy the DVD; and if they have a gift package that includes pig rabbit, I would even pay extra for 1 day service ;)
*ROI This is a definitely a goodie for me- the mane of hair, good fighting scences, and the fact that it made me cry EVERY episode.

Ooooh, how I wish I don't have to mature and have to remember not to break the bank ( the retirement funds, the kids' college funds) . Now, I have to choose "which one??", "how many???", " __________(my name), that's enough !!!"

Could you pleeeeease check your e mails. Poor Ji Hoon, the bad Daddy is not reading my mails to you, eh?? ( Christmas is coming soon, and I need Daddy help me) ;)


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Great...just read my post, a bunch of typo's and errors...sorry ;)

"Ooooh, how I wish I don’t have to mature and have to remember not to break the bank ( the retirement funds, the kids’ college funds) . Now, I have to choose “which one??”, - not to mature ( I'm OLD enough; I don't need to be more) , but " not to be mature" , he he....That's what happened when I got too excited after hearing the release of the Tamna Island's DVD. TEAM PARK KYU


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hjkomo 193
"-As for NA, didn’t Rick Yune have THE STUPIDEST line?"

i think there were several ties for this one, but man, the action was intense!

samsooki 198
"uber cutie Sung Yuri, like you’ve never seen her before (or since)."

that's all you had to say...

ockoala 203
"….falling head over heals in love with Sung Yuri’s wardrobe. The woman was perfectly dressed for every single scene, in the most luscious gorgeous outfits whether dressed up or down."

i'm sold. now playing....snow queen...hahaha.


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Work is driving me bananas!! Knowing that i have 16 days to finish a month's amount of work is stressin me big time... but at least there's a light at the end of this dank dark tunnel...and that light is ASIA! so i shall continue slaving away so that i can enjoy my reward.

i recently saw a fanmade MV for What's Up Fox and now i wanna watch it!! I remember some people talking about it before on OT... whatcha think of it? yay or nay?

and all this talk of SQ and my Park Kyu and how it is or "isn't" "sad" "at all" has piqued my interest...

juggling quite a few dramas right now (AC, MNIKSS, Shanghai Sweetheart, Tokyo Dogs, Samurai High, IRIS sneak peaks) so we'll see what I have time for.

For 85C fans - i went at lunch today and bought way too much.. WAY. TOO. MUCH. i always do this. i buy all this stuff that looks good and suddenly i have 15 bread thingys and one me to eat them all. sigh. the sacrifices i must make.


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@ ockoala

Oh, the other thing about romance novels I haven't mentioned -- I CAN'T PUT THEM DOWN!!! They are rubbish, they are recycled, but once I pick one up, if I survive the first 20 pages (i.e., no grammar train-smashes, no(t much) anachronistic dialogue, not too much sheer stupidity) I want to read to the end at one fell swoop. Even though I absolutely know how it is all going to end. It's, like, my brain gets hijacked. Is this going to happen to me with Autumn Concerto? Oh dear oh dear.

Since I've started watching Asian dramas, I have completely kicked my romance novel reading habit. Gee, I wonder why...


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@ 218 cingdoc

GREAT news about your cousin, that's fantastic!

@ 221 lovenyc52

What's Up Fox gets two enthusiastic thumbs up from me, I really liked it. Definitely yay!


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@221 lovenyc52

I liked "What's Up Fox". It was... sweet. It has a very likeable non-irritating heroine. Of more mature years than usual, but without the in-your-faceness of aggressively defensive noonas. And an adorable hero. It will break no boundaries, but it's enjoyable.


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@ All Islanders & Team Park Kyu

The YA Entertainment's DVD set w/English subs is scheduled to be released in February, 2010....but the Korean version will be released in this month, so online rips/subs may be available soon. :D

@ langdon813, cingdoc
I enjoyed The Man Who Can't Get Married. It was funny and entertaining.
I didn't watch the original, either.

@ lovenyc52

I liked What's Up Fox?, the follow-up drama from the writer of MNIKSS.
Chun Jung Myung is adorable. Great cast including Go Hyun Jung, Ahn Sun Young, Yoon Yeo Jung, Son Hyun Joo.


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hehe :P


- I think in the 18 years I lived with my parents, I only saw the dishwasher being used ONCE.

- Bathroom vanity with only 1 light bulb? Try 1 fluorescent bulb.


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@ 226 hjkomo

OMG, the freezer! I am DYING, so hysterical. :-D

I have got to look up a comparable Southern Mom blog now.


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@ langdon813

My mom's not that much into freezing....but this past July, hubby almost hurled when he found a carton of eggs in my parents' fridge with a summer-2008 sell-by date. Ugh. (Remember, hubby's the one I had to convince that keeping kimchi for more than a week was perfectly fine. ;) ) In their defense, I think they just forgot they had those eggs in the fridge...at least, that's what I'm hoping...


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@ 222 serendipity

Growing on a stashes of japanese mangas and my mom watching Taiwanese soaps on the TV behind me pretty much doomed me for life - I transitioned into the nature state of reading romance novels as a dirty little secret and now watching k-dramas like I was about to take a test on them and my future depended on answering all the questions correctly.

However, somehow I found the motivation to put these things away for 15 years while I finished high school, college, law school, and the obligatory stay in hell known as Big Law. Then I landed a cush job (pay sucks but I no longer want to kill every living being in my building, so yes, happy now), and promptly resumed consuming the fanciful romance in books and TV at a rapid clip. That's how I ended up here, and it feels so good. :-)

@ hjkomo

Love the link, and your korean-american stories (and belleza's not-so-tall tales from the South Bay). I think for the most part Chinese/Taiwanese-American culture issues are less intense. But feel free to disagree away.

@ cingdoc

Thanks for sharing the positive update on your cousin. Very heartwarming to hear.

If you ever run into me, I expect you to scream "Pig-Rabbit" on the top of your lungs, okay?

@ lovenyc52

It's the curse of 85c, you buy way more than you'll ever want to eat because you waited half your life to get into the store and fought hoards of people to snatch that bread, and by god, you are gonna grab as much as you can. It's like braving a sample sale at Barneys.


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@228 hjkomo
OMG, I think we have the same Mom....what's true to a Korean Mom is just as true for a Chinese mother. I mean, I almost got a divorce from my hubby early part of our marriage because of " can't your Mom throw that UFO/food away"...I can still remember CLEARLY in my mind what happened 12 years ago. My mother decided to make pig feet/ginger for me right after I had lil cingdoc #2. Well, Grandma Cingdoc never make anything less than 30 people worth of food. There were a LOT of pig feet in my house. After a month, hubby decided to throw it out...Imagine this, I was napping with the baby, and suddenly I heard a loud scream , followed by loud sobbing. I ran downstair and found my Mom in TOTAL despair. When I finally figured what happened ( Holy Cr*p), I gave my hubby a combo look( WTH and Oh Boy). My mother packed and left the next day. It took me another 2 weeks before she would talk to me (us). The moral behind this-
My Triplets sisters, who live with my mother, got smart. They would pack the food up and take it to work ( and throw them out at work!!). I guess they think what Mom doesn't know won't hurt her(feeling).

My house's rule- if it's in the fridge more than 2 days, bye bye. I ONLY cook enough for 8 (there's 4 people in our house, but after swim practice, the size 0 16 yo eats like a vacuum!!!)


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That's my home right there. Wow. Is somebody stalking my parents?


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@ cingdoc

I jest...my mom's not that extreme. She's actually pretty laid back, and hubby loves her cooking. It's just that he's a bit paranoid when it comes to food-born contagions and making sure everything is sanitary. He volunteers to do the dishes at my parents' house to make sure they're cleaned well enough (as long as my grandmother's not around to scold him). After halmoni broke her second hip, my parents went over to her place every night to have dinner there rather than at home, so Mom hardly ever cooked at home for a year or so (and, thus, the year-old eggs). Then, halmoni broke her shoulder and moved in with my aunt...then crazy family shenanigans ensued...and she moved in with my parents. I'm sure the fridge is checked regularly now. ;)


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Can anyone make you as crazy as your mother does? My mom is ill so I try to be patient, but it's tough sometimes!

She called my cell three times this morning in the space of about 30 seconds (hang up, redial, hang up, redial...hope my customer liked my ringtone because he certainly heard it enough). Her message was "Are you on your way?"

This worried me a bit because I pick her up at the same time every day, so I called her back and said I'll be there in 5 minutes (45 minutes before her appt. which takes literally 2 minutes to drive to). So I arrive in 5 minutes, as promised, and she proceeded to keep me waiting for 30 minutes while she dilly-dallied around! "Well, I didn't think you literally meant 5 minutes". I live 1.5 miles from you, woman! Even if I catch the ONE red light between us I'll get there in under 5 minutes. What part of "on my way" did you not understand?

Ahhh...venting. It's a wonderful thing. Much better than smashing the base of the phone off the wall with the receiver like I did a couple of years ago, thanks to her. And I'm such a non-violent person, truly! :-)

But I must persevere, because this is the same woman who dropped me off at a KISS concert when I was 13 after my dad said I couldn't go. She completely understood that if I didn't go I would DIE. And it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.


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I don't know if anyone remembered a discussion about a classic Japanese manga/anima called Candy Candy many OTs ago.

Well, I found the manga online translated into English to read.

If anyone is interested: http://manga.animea.net/candy-candy.html

I checked out some of the best scenes, and woah, it's still as good as ever. Also, remember, I first read this as a 8 year old, and the memories are indelible and likely my fondness colors it with rose tinted glasses. But....I kinda think CC is really that good. :-) It's the grandfather of serial Asian dramas as we know it.


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re: http://stuffkoreanmomslike.blogspot.com/

HAHA!! i love it! my mom totally has bags upon bags filled with tied up plastic bags and nicely folded paper bags for re-usage. my own bathroom currently has only 2 bulbs in use (there's 8 fixtures, but i figure i only really use the side with the working bulbs anyway so why light up the whole darn place right??). and in the year and half i've lived in this townhome i have never once used the dishwasher either. i think my mom now uses hers once a week to keep it running.

have you guys checked out http://mymomisafob.com and http://mydadisafob.com ? both freakin hilarious.

i think The Whole Shabang is seeping from my pores. tt's glorious. All you Boiling Crab lovers should know what i'm talkin about :) My friends and i went to the Alhambra Boiling Crab tonight and amongst the 7 of us who ate, we ordered: 6 pounds of shrimp, 2 pounds of crawfish, sweet potato fries, 4 orders of catfish and fries, 2 dozen raw oysters and 20 corns... yes 20 corns. and we ate every last piece. then we went to yogurtland. oh the gluttony. and no matter how many times i wash my hands, even after using limes and washing with scented soap, the Whole Shabang manages to overcome. Magical.

BTW, thanks to all those who recommend What's Up Fox - i think i'll catch it on dramafever since it's so conveniently there! :)

yessss... new IRIS tomorrow. keeping my fingers crossed for more yummy 3 minute TOP scenes.


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^ My mom isn't into freezing since we grew eating mostly fresh organic stuff that my parents grew but my mother-in-law is a big freezer junkie.

MIL freezes everything. I once went over to cook dinner for them and asked for some garlic and scallion and she told me its in the freezer. I can maybe see the garlic but who freezes scallions? Apparently she buys bags of it, washes it, chops it up and freezes it and uses it for months. I asked for some butter and again its in the freezer. When I go into the freezer to get the butter I find neatly stacked saran wrapped rice that she had taken the time toast and wrap. She doesn't keep anything in the lower part of the frig except drinks, eggs and fruits.

Later when I was cleaning up I ask her for tupperware to put away the leftovers. Yup they are in the dishwasher along with neatly folded plastic square bags.

Ironically for someone obsessed with the freezer she doesn't refrigerate other things like say a bagel with cream cheese. But that is another story of how I almost got poisoned by MIL with a day old bagel and cream cheese.


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@ Chunojummas & Chunoholics

35 days and counting...



again - the main trailer, if you haven't seen it before



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^ ^ Thanks hjkomo!

I needed a Jang Hyuk fix today! I can't watch Robbers at the moment because AZNV is having some technical issues. Woe is me. :-(

I do have 3 newly subbed eps of IRIS so all is not lost, but...that's not what I'm in the mood for. I want my sleazy slimy gangsta Jang Hyuk, dammit!

I guess I could watch Tazza on Dramafever...is it good?


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@ langdon813

Unfortunately I do not live in North America and therefore cannot access Dramafever. But thanks for the warning re Friends, Our Legend. I started watching the first episode last week but then Autumn Concerto got in the way - you can blame ockoala! :P

Korean mums and all other Asian mums are the same, don't you think? My mum also freezes everything. I'm sure there is meat in the freezer from circa 2001 which is unknown and will be lost in the freezer forever. In addition to plastic bags, my mother also collects other wonderful things such as glass jars and egg cartons. Last time I was home, I found a bucket full of plastic bottle caps - no bottles, just the bottle caps. I said, what the? At least my mother doesn't use the dishwasher to store her plastic bags. No, she uses the dishwasher to store dishes because her cupboards are full of other useless things and therefore she can't fit the dishes in the cupboards where they are supposed to be! Bless her!


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"I do have 3 newly subbed eps of IRIS so all is not lost, but…that’s not what I’m in the mood for. I want my sleazy slimy gangsta Jang Hyuk, dammit!"

Are we talking ep 7-10 or anything above 10? Hubby bugs me everyday if new subs have been released by with2S and currently its only up to ep 10. Me I'm like meh about IRIS. I'm pretty much watching at this point to look at TOP and see what will develop with LBH and KSY. Hubby keeps complaining that TOP's acting sucks and he can't seem to speak korean or english correctly. He can't get away from TOP though since I force him to listen to Big Bang in the car. kekeke


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"my mom totally has bags upon bags filled with tied up plastic bags and nicely folded paper bags for re-usage. my own bathroom currently has only 2 bulbs in use (there’s 8 fixtures, but i figure i only really use the side with the working bulbs anyway so why light up the whole darn place right??). and in the year and half i’ve lived in this townhome i have never once used the dishwasher either"

Exactly. Like. My. Family. OMGROTFLMAOAZNFTW!!!!


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Finally home and finally finished watching YB. It was nice cute Asian ending. I felt like I wanted a bit more intimacy or something... supposedly the target audience for this drama is teens???

And everybody here now is talking about Asian moms. I have to admit I do bags and freezer things myself. There is a dishwasher just in case for when I sell this house, it has to be here for open house... I also freeze chopped up leeks and scallions... There are time you can't find them at markets, so when I see them, I get them(organic ones).

Thanks to langdon813, now I'm on to Iris ep8, sometimes, it takes up to 2 hours to watch one episode, just because I get distracted (unlike YB or B&W, the story telling style or actually, the main theme of this drama isn't exactly my cup of tea), still just watching LBH and TOP is worth it.


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@240 nycgrl

I've got Eps 11-13 to watch that have just been recently subbed. Are you downloading it or streaming? If you want the streaming site just let me know.

Husbands are so silly. TOP is 100% badass in IRIS! He sounds good, he looks GREAT...no complaints from this viewer! :-D


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"I also freeze chopped up leeks and scallions…"

Don't live near a Ranch 91 market, celestialorigin? Anybody here have frozen zongzi or jiaozi in the freezer?

Does anybody's mom go NUTS in the crab leg section of the Asian buffet, even though the crab legs aren't any good?


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"TOP is 100% badass in IRIS! He sounds good, he looks GREAT…no complaints from this viewer! :) " - hallelujah langdon813!!!!!

@ belleza - i have to admit, the minimal lights in the bathroom thing is my own doing. i believe the bathroom lights at my parent's house [mostly] all work. and i have an unbelievable amount of frozen jiaozi in my freezer. i get them from Little Green Bean in Rowland Heights cuz they have chives in them, adding extra yummy flavor hehe.


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add me to the list regarding STILL have (previously) freshly made zongzhi in the freezer. Mom made it during the festival , but as always we can't never finish them. The 16yo LOVES shio lung bao, so we always have some in the freezer...that's why most of my family have more than 1 fridge and freezer. Grandma Cingdoc has 3 fridges and 3 freezers and they are ALWAYS FULL. I only have 2 , he he


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"I’ve got Eps 11-13 to watch that have just been recently subbed. Are you downloading it or streaming? If you want the streaming site just let me know."

Me want. Me want. I've been downloading from aja-aja.

"Husbands are so silly. TOP is 100% badass in IRIS! He sounds good, he looks GREAT…no complaints from this viewer! "

I admit his acting is not great but I chalk up the other comments to pure unbridled jealousy since I act like a teen every time he comes on.


"Does anybody’s mom go NUTS in the crab leg section of the Asian buffet, even though the crab legs aren’t any good?"

Actually that describes my entire family at an all you can eat buffet. It gets really embarrassing as the exoskeleton piles up. You should have seen our summer vacation family photos from one of AC's finer dining establishments.


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"Actually that describes my entire family at an all you can eat buffet. It gets really embarrassing as the exoskeleton piles up. "

Oh you know, that's another one. For anybody who goes to Todai, does your mom like stalk the lobster line and ask you to go back in line to grab another 2 or 3 lobster tails . . . which are 90% mayo?

Another question. When your friend suggests going to Panda's Express, do you

A) curse at them
B) disown them
C) or do you order the orange chicken?

I don't know . . . whenever an Asian friend of mine suggests PE, I go into a tirade about American marginalization of Chinese culture. I've even called the Panda Express food "racist" lol. And nothing else bothers me, just friends wanting to go to Panda Express. Huh.

"add me to the list regarding STILL have (previously) freshly made zongzhi in the freezer."

What I love about zongzhi is how well it keeps in the freezer. That glutionous mouthfeel laughs at freezer burn.

"The 16yo LOVES shio lung bao, so we always have some in the freezer…"

You know, I don't know what it is about white folk, but they LOVE soup dumplings. Anthony Bourdain listed it as one of his favorite foods in the world. I was like "huh, nobody's ever thought of gnocci filled with alfredo?"


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@248 belleza
Guilty...guilty...guilty...I am one of those who loves PE. ;) ..Hey, if I'm busy at work and didn't pack any lunch from home, I rather eat my eggplant/tofu than let's say Mc kee D's or In & Outs. But most of the time, I pack the food that I have cooked the night before...like oxtails for tonight ;)

"What I love about zongzhi is how well it keeps in the freezer. That glutionous mouthfeel laughs at freezer burn. "...funny that you said that...I made sticky rice for Thanksgiving in lieu of the usual stuffing, all 12 cups of rice!!!

“The 16yo LOVES shio lung bao, so we always have some in the freezer…”

"You know, I don’t know what it is about white folk, but they LOVE soup dumplings"...uhhh, that would describe 75% of my household. My family eats whatever I cook ( mostly Chinese and Burmese style) , but if given a choice ( uhh, mostly NO, he he...I slave over the stove, so you all better eat it )...they all would say "Mexican food" please (tamales, enchilada, etc)...good and bad from living in So Cal/Inland Empire .


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Hhhm, I missed all the food talk today, and storage methods of food. I'm not a big foodie, except when you lure me to French Laundry, Per Se or Masa with an omakase meal.

Those adorable cheeky KSA-fans at her soompi thread had a grand ole time thinking about her next co-star/possible future boyfriend. Yeah, CSW is taken, but then ran down the gamut from BSB to GY to SJS and on.

And thanks to etee7144, they settled on this guy. "pan sabisu" or fan service for hjkomo and langdon-unni.

This is a wickedly awesome YT video btw (thank you etee7144): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA4wb-xLjgE

The pairing possibility gave me a brain anyeurism from happiness, but alas, I'm still signing off by saying *MINE* and reminding myself I need to watch Musa this week. If anyone needs me, I'm be drooling while having this YT video on continuous loup.

Dum, dum, dum, "I like [bad boys] and I cannot lie"......


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