Open Thread #111

For those of you/us in the States, Happy (day after) Thanksgiving! Hope you all had lots of turkey and good stuff. I personally have no desire to brave the mad shopping crowds for Black Friday, but may you all be blessed with good retail luck. I’m off to bask in the LA sunshine! This is the first time I’ve been in this city as a mere visitor. Weird.


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What city do you call home now Sarah?

You couldn't pay me to go shopping today. My sisters tried to talk me into it but I'm firmly rooted to my house today. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving meal yesterday!


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I've never done the whole black friday thing either, but actually today I'm going to stop by Target, cuz they have this adorable hat I'm hoping is on sale. It's freaking cute, but not $14 cute. I am such a cheapskate haha.



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i went shopping on last year's black friday...im pretty sure i almost died haha. my mom wanted to wake me up at 5 am and go with her, but i declined haha.

ahhhh im so sad YB is over!


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thanks so much for your recaps of YAB, javabeans!! (or..sarah? i'm guessing thats your real name, according to @Amyable?)

do you have any recommendations for upcoming dramas to fill up the void (and crack addiction) that YAB left in us addicts? or any suggestions for oldies to tide us over during the upcoming holidays?

enjoy your holiday! :)


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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrated it : )

I borrowed my boss's dog on Wednesday, and I've got to return her today, which means braving the city. We had fun though. I'm going down to Portland this week to pick up a puppy for my parents (!), so it was like practice. My family just NEEDS a dog.

And now I'm going to disappear until I watch the end of YB. I don't want to know anything that happens, hee!


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the best way to get over YAB addiction is to watch the series all over again! n listen to OST, watch BTS, trawl the internet for news... haha. :p HTK & pig-rabbit forever!!!! *aww~*

that's wat i did for my cityhall addiction... although i'm still addicted lah, LOL!

*goes off to rewatch YAB, current kdrama flavour * ;)

looking forward to more kdrama crack from dramabeans! =)


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now that YAB is over, i just hope Will It snow at Christmas is a good replacement. I like Han Ye Seul and Go Soo but I'm dreading the melodrama it might bring.


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Happy (Black) OT Friday y'all!

I hope everyone in the US had a great Thanksgiving! Mine was fantastic if you don't count the fact that I ate as much in a single day as I normally would in a week.

There's no way I'm leaving the house today. I'm boycotting crowds, housework and above all, food (OMG) in favor of an all day dramathon, in my pj's, while only sipping coffee and maybe some water in the afternoon. I don't want to look at food, smell food, or think about food until at least tomorrow. URGH.

I thoroughly enjoyed the YB finale last night. Like a lot of people I wished for just one more kiss, but as chaste as the whole show was I'm really content with the ones we had. The hand-holding scene was really more powerful anyway, because just holding MN's hand always filled TK with such joy, and symbolized his desire to hold on to her and never let go. Which is a LOT more romantic, if you think about it.

I absolutely loved it when Jeremy went off on TK. I think I'll miss him most of all. :-(


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Happy Belated Turkey Day!

I'm seriously so sad that YB is over and thanks to JB for your dedicated weekly screencaps and insightful comments for each episode. I'm going to miss it all :(

I've been trawling on the soompi forums and I think to all the YB addicts out there, there may be good news :):

(This is all info passed onto us by cecilia from soompi)
Bad part first, apparently 30 minutes was cut out of episode 16 :(

Good news: it looks like a directors cut dvd is very probable and with eng subs, but may only be sold on korean sites

Better news: the HONG sisters personally contacted the DC gall about the YB project wanting the originals. The DC gall had wanted to send the sisters a copy of the book and CD but they didn't have enough to print extra copies. (the HONG SISTERS KNOW!!)

Also, ANJELL may be holding a christmas concert (but all is still in the works)

EVEN BETTER NEWS: Season 2 is highly likely, it seems that the director and production teams are discussing : only problem is that cast may be different :( <- I sincerely hope not because most of the original cast have already expressed interest in returning to their roles for a second season.

That is all for now.

YB--you've changed the way i went about my week, I used to look forward to Wednesdays and thursdays and hating the weekends b/c of YB deprivations, HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS WITHDRAWAL?!?!


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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrated it.
Muslim is celebrating Eid al Adha (Annual Pilgrimage to Mecca) so we are on holidays also. Happy Eid al Adha to those who are celebrating it.

one of my daughters downloaded JDorama "Bara no nai Hanaya" - The flower shop without roses. seen the first episode. loved it. makes me smile, laugh and cry on the first episode! i hope it's going to be good until the end. gorgeous visual and great acting.

we also saw some clips of "Tokyo Dogs". Oguri Shun looks better here than when he was Hanazawa Rui. Hates his looks in Hanakimi.

I think i'll be watching JDorama to cope with my 'You're Beautiful" with drawl.


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Happy Black Friday to everyone as well. :) I too will not be going out, but for a different reason: homework. Three days of break left and so much to do!

RIP You're Beautiful, even though we fans probably will keep it alive for a few more months. :)


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Episode 15 & 16 of You're Beautiful were a tad bland & non-cutesy compared to the previous episodes. The whole Taekyung & his pride thing was frustrating & prolonged to watch as well & but what he said at the concert to Minyu (I LOVE YOU!!!!) made up for it! The last episode wasnt' enough for me,I NEED MOREEEEEEEE! (kekeke)

QUESTION: Is it Jang Geun Seuk singing Without Words or 9th Street..? TY!


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The downside of my four-and a half days weekend: Every day feels like a Saturday and I keep expecting a new episode of Smile, You to be up. Waiting is tough with no trivial things, like working for a living to distract me.

The plus side: I'm going to see Ninja Assassin today! Would have seen it Wednesday night if my buddy who I'm gonna watch it with hadn't been busy. And I wouldn't have seen it last night if I hadn't left my cellphone out in the carport for two hours (blame it on The Itis... I was well into a food coma by the time I pulled into the driveway).


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oh god......in full YAB denial here.......why does it have to end??? What am i going to do with my days now???


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Wow, with YAB over..... I'm left with a strange feeling inside. I've never felt so attached to a drama ever - and I've never watched a drama airing. The whole hype, the awesome and fast subbing, the forums and recaps have been an amazing rollercoaster ride, and I wouldn't have traded the experience of watching this as it aired, for anything in the world. I've grown more attached the actors/actresses, the parodies, and the Behind-The-Scenes than the actual drama, I think sometimes. They're just.... so full of laughter and lulz on so many levels. I loved the Seo Taji parody the most. And the genie parody. and..... LOL. After watching all of this amazing content, it doesn't feel like much of a drama - it feels like a compilation of awesomeness and laughter - packaged together like a wonderful autumn present.

I don't think I can watch YAB for the second time, right after finishing it. I need a few months break from it so I can just.... finally relax my muscles and my YAB-hyper-mind, which is scouring the internet for any news regarding the drama. LOL, when I thought my kdrama addiction couldnt have gotten any worse.... *sighs*


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Hm... I tried posting several times but it hasn't seem to load. I'm sorry if this is triple posting but I'm on another computer now.

I wanted to say belated turkey day to all! This Thanksgiving, besides friends and family I am most grateful to the Hong sisters who've revived my love in korean dramas. I can't even remember the last drama I would wait dedicatedly for every week and one which would cause me to flock to the fan forums for any juicy tidbit of info I can get. I'd also like to thank JB for all the weekly recaps and insight commentary.

Overall, I'm going to miss YB so much and I don't know how I am quite going to handle it. I've been trawling around the soompi forums and I'd like to post some info which was given to us by cecilia from soompi

Bad news: apparently 30 minutes of material was cut from the final episode :( OTOKE?!?!

Good news: It seems that the Director's cut is most probable and it may come with Eng subs, but the downside is its probably only going to be found on korean sites

Better news: ANJELL may be holding a christmas concert , but everything is only in the works , not 100%

Even Better news: it seems that the director and production company are in the works discussing about a season2 and its highly probable. It seems that the cast may change but its not certain <--- i sincerely hope this is not the case because most of the original cast have discussed a desire to return to their roles

Best news: It seems that the HONG sisters found out about the YB project and was really interested. They got in contact with the DC gall and requested the original material from them. DC gall had planned to get the books and CD out to them but unfortunately didn't quite have enough money to print extra books for them, but I think they may be getting it out to them. (Hong sisters know about our dedication so I hope it means they'll be creating more ANJELL material :) )

I wanted to share the news to you all, but I am definitely really sad that YB is over. It's the best drama I've ever seen IMHO, ranks above Full House and My Girl. I'm definitely praying that season 2 does in deed happen hopefully we'll get news by christmas.

YB--you've changed the way I went about my week. I'm going to miss Wednesday and Thursday, there's nothing to look forward to anymore :(. HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THE WITHDRAWAL?!?!?!


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@ 12 jm126:
JGS, PSH and 9th Street all have their own version of Without Words.


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AGH?!?! I guess i didn't know there was a word limit with my commentary

I wanted to share some news to tide the YB-addicts out there, this is from soompi

Bad news: there was 30 minutes of material cut from the last ep

Good news: seems that the directors cut DVD with eng sub is highly likely

Better news: Anjell maybe holding a christmas concert, but all is only currently in discussion

Even Better news: the production team is in discussion about season 2, though cast might change (I hope this isnt tru since most of the original cast have spoken about their desire to return to their roles)

Best news: the hong sisters discovered the YB project and got in contact with the DC gall, they wanted the original material so it looks like they KNOW the fans love for their series

Hopefully this posts, I'm really going to miss YB and JB's weekly recaps and commentary.


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JB, Happy belated Thanksgiving! Are you enjoying our California sunshine? Isn't it gorgeous here? I hope you are having a great time.


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Em...anyone of you watching IRIS?

Also, Sarah Beans: Were you the Sarah that asked me a question in Starjiwoo?

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!! I miss my mom's cooking :(


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@ 17: Awesome news! Thanks so much!!! Hope i could get a copy of the Director's cut dvd!!!! I'm so hoping for a season 2 with the same cast... It's more LOVE that way!
(but not putting my hopes up too much... I might just get disappointed if ot doesn't happen)

I'm in YB withdrawal.. I'm at a loss on the suddenly vacant timeslot during WED-THURS nights now... I've ever been so attached to a drama before... And its my first time to watch it the same day it aired in Korea! I'm from the Philippines and glad that ABS-CBN got the rights to this show! They pick the right voices for the characters that sometimes I forget their original voice... But I think that this time, the casts' original voices are stuck to my head that I'm really hoping that they do a great dubbing of this well loved show... (Their dubbing is way better than another station here in the Philippines...)


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happy friday everyone!! it's actually saturday morning here in korea, but hey, no need to sweat the small stuff right? :D

that concert scene was a killer~ >< the song fit so perfectly!!!
yb!!! never has a drama taken such a hold on me like minam has. ㅠㅠ how can a drama be so good?? i really wish park shin hye and jang geun seok would just go out in real life, if only to satisfy my fantasies. X)
SEASON 2!!! even though i know it has like 1% chance of being good... SEASON 2!!!
oh, and crack dealer=javabeans=coffee=addicting. 'tis all connected. ^^

i hope i can go snowboarding soon. i seriously NEED to get on the slopes. XD thank god for shuttle buses and public transportation.

@12 jm126: In regards to your question about without words, the song is sung by 9th street, and it's on the OST part 1. :)


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So you are in Korean town in LA? It's fun there, I miss the yummy food. ** Wave from 5 hours drive North of CA *
By the way, buy a house, and you don't have any more money to shop.. :d

Happy Belated Thanks giving. The holidays are not over. We have 3 more days to party.


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Thank you for the wonderful YAB recaps. I tried downloading the song "Goodbye" and could not :( Pardon my impudence, but will you be uploading the song "What do I do?" I love all the songs from this series.


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JB, take a good quality rest and think of your next crack for us :D

It's been a fun journey with YB and your YB recaps :D



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EID MUBARAK, Muslim fans! I am off to make turkey biriyani with saffron for Eid festivities in a couple of hours. Secret to moist biriyani -- no, not the ghee. It is putting everything into the oven towards the very end to slowly cook to perfection. And adding mint to the cilantro mix.

The good thing about YAB ending during this week is that between cooking for Thanksgiving and cooking for EId, I have had little time to feel sad. I think next Wednesday is when the sadness will really hit when I realize that there is no episode to look forward to that.

So now, my favoritest of favorite K-dramas are, presented in order, somewhat, but not quite (note the total lack of melodramas and historical fiction):

My Lovely Kim Sam Soon (still my all time fav) -- perfect, with a great ending
Coffee Prince -- perfect, with a great ending
City Hall -- so, so good, with such a perfect ending
You're Beautiful -- perfect, with a meh ending
Dalja's Spring
Time Between Dog and Wolf
My Girl

Have a wonderful weekend, all.


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First: Eid Mubarak and Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone!

Thank you JB for the amazing recaps! YB was my first mania drama and it was a fun ride. I loved following the show with everyone here on OT and it wouldn't have been the same without y'all. I am both sad and relieved its over.

I have no idea how everyone does it but watching a still airing drama is exhausting. I'm going to miss the A.N.Jells but I am glad to get back to normalcy. I think this will be my only mania drama for a while. I need a long break from the internet.

I'm very glad I put off watching IRIS, I don't think I could handle two dramas once. Now I will be finishing up City Hall (I'm on episode 8. I know I shouldn't, but I'm still rooting for Jung Do. samsooki, your recaps make it so much better, thanks for your hard work.) and waiting for IRIS to finish so I can marathon it on winter break.

Going to see Ninja Assasin in a few hours. My cousin told me it's great for action fans, though a bit gory. I can't wait to see Rain on the big screen!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


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hi everyone!!!

Hope those in America are enjoying the wondrousness of leftovers today! hahaa, there are still soo many uneaten desserts in my fridge...

Unfortunately, school and my final thesis have taken over my life and I haven't been able to keep up in the drama world. But I do hope to watch Ninja Assassin this weekend and maybe The Blind Side?

Happy Friday, all.


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Thanks so much!
And thanks for all of your wonderful recaps.
Have an awesome time in LA :)


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I am definitely avoiding the Black Friday sales. I've never done Black Friday and probably never will. Some people started to wait as early as Tuesday evening in the cold and sleeping outside. I'm not sure if having a couple hundred dollars off a laptop is worth it. There are sales during other times of the year if you're assiduous in keeping track of deals.

As for You're Beautiful...I would love a director's cut with all the extra footage...but I don't want a Season 2. I think because of You're Beautiful, JGS, Park Shin Hye and the rest of the cast will have new and more varied opportunities for them. And what would be the new conflict? and would a new conflict touch our hearts as much as You're Beautiful 1? And I love the part where I wait and see what new wacky stuff the Hong sisters will pull out next.

Don't know what I should watch next....


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Second season A.N.GELL member changes: ????

TK is branching out on his own, singing solo and composing (even for his mother);

SW is moving into acting, with singing as 2nd priority;

Jeremy is still with A.N.Jell, but also doing a lot of MC duties;

GMN is the remaining member, along with new A.N.GELL members ... Mi Nyeo, Hye Yi and fan-girl, Suri !!! hahahaha!

... and they are named, "A.N.GELL plus*"

Of course the problem is that Mi Nam and Mi Nyeo would have to appear at the same time.


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Happy Turkey Day!

Black Friday shopping was awful. Found nothing so left early. Oh well...saved some money. :)


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Happy Thanksgiving!!! I am one who loves on line shopping. Now that YB is over, I am going through another "search" for a good replacement. Hope all had a great Turkey day. I live in LA and you should have been here, the weather was in the 80's - but I heard there is rain coming down from the North.

Thank you so much for all your reviews of YB. I could not live without your reviews while I wait patiently for the Eng Sub to come on.

Happy belated Turkey Day!!!


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i decide to not go to afternoon get together with my friends on thanks giving just to watch YB live and rest;;

after i watched the last episode..

i feel lost... i feel like... this is it? this is really the end?

what am i gonna do from now on...

my life has been circulate around YB in the past 2 months
i got some major withdrawal... i feel like i am so related to it.. that i don't even want to rewatch it now ...because it just gonna make me miss it even more...

glad to get my life back... i will miss the days full of laughter that i got from you,YB...


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Happy Friday Everyone:-)Wish I was celebrating Thanksgiving or Eid too:-) I could use some holiday cheer.:-)I used to laugh at other people for getting addicted to dramas and discussing the characters in them as if they were real people.

And Yikes!Suddenly I find myself among them and as terribly addicted as them.YB is over.:-( As someone previously said,it feels as if I'm saying goodbye to my friends.:-( Oh well maybe it's because this is the first time ,I watched a drama while it was still airing.Got so caught up with the drama and discussing about the drama that I forget I had a real life to get back to:-)Best thing about YB besides the drama it self were the amazing fans.It felt so good to be on boards where everyone was so passionate about the same thing for once:-)And wow the actors actually acknowledged the fans and their hard work with so much humility.That was something new for me.:-) K my rave over.

By the way just wanted to know, if you guys were to recommend say just 5 songs to introduce someone to Korean music what would they be?I think JB has got Indie music covered pretty well.So I'm just curious about good examples of other genres in Korean music.Thanks in advance:-)


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Happy Friday and Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.

As with the majority of you, I'm very sad that YB is over... I watched the last ep last night raw, then watched it again raw with JB's recaps...and once viikii starts working again for me, i'll watch it subbed. Then to deal with the withdrawl i'll have all my DL's yay! And once the director cut comes out, i'll probably get that too cuz i want all the extra goodies hehe.

As for Black Friday... did not go anywhere near it. Had planned on maybe stopping by but the later it gets in the day the more i'm inclined to just wanna snuggle at home with my dramas and leftovers. It's going to be a very lazy day indeed.

*edit* - who else loved the part where Jeremy gets carried away by the Manager at the bar and the manager IS PATTING HIS BACK LIKE HE'S SOOTHING A BABY?!?! ha. i laughed so hard.


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@37: OMG SAME! Jeremy always makes me rofl but he also has the ability to make me cry<3


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So, in the past few weeks I have become a HUGE Kim Rae-won fan. I started out by watching My Love Patzzi, which was very cute. Then I watched Attic Cat, which I thought was very repetitive and overall pretty awful (much like Full House - I never understood the attraction to that one). Kim Rae-won was good in it, though, even if his character was a total cad.

I was wary to watch Gourmet because I gravitate towards storylines where the romance is a stronger focus, but it was so excellent! Now I'm watching Which Star Are You From, which I was afraid would be weepy (I avoid melodramas like the plague), but is actually pretty cute so far, and hasn't been drawing out the secrets too much.

Overall, I think Kim Rae-won is just an excellent actor, and I love the good-natured honesty he brings to his characters. I was so sad to discover that he went into his army service this summer!

In other news, I still have the last two episodes of You're Beautiful to watch. I'm not ready for it to be over!


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Happy Friday everyone! I hope no one is braving the whole black friday thing (and if you are--or did--good luck!). I for one would never do the whole black friday.

Now that YB is over, I can actually start watching it. I wanted to wait for the subs to be finished, but I think WithS2 will be done with the last two episodes soon.

So this weekend will be full of Assorted Gems (which I really should start downloading from the beginning), LY1000x, and YB. I'm going to wait for IRIS to finish being subbed before I start it; I feel like its a drama I'm going to watch clear through without many breaks--so winter break sounds like a good idea for that.

I hope everyone has a good weekend!


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TGIF! Now I can return to my drama addiction. The week long prep for Thanksgiving and day of cooking and clearing away are over, my life is once again my own. Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and are not feeling remorseful from over eating. I want to send this greeting that I read in the paper yesterday.
May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
May your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

Today, it's back to watching YB, only on ep.12 so may finish it this afternoon. Soooo much more fun than fighting the crowds at the mall and risking the well being of my beloved little red wagon to the crazy LA drivers!
Have a great weekend!


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Happy Festival Season to everyone! (yep that should cover it all...until next month!)

Hope you had your fill of food, fun and love during your celebrations!

Re: You're Beautiful
Really thank you JB for your recaps of YB! I've been unable to get my fix of ep 15 or 16 YB on video yet (argghhh!!) since my PC has an 'illness' (sob sob I hate the USB that infected my PC with a trojan... am loath to do anything till it is fixed!)
Once again JB you came to the rescue with yout awesome recaps. That should be worth a Thanksgiving celebration in and of itself!

I just realised this week that I had a contact that visits Korea regularly (I am such a durr head that i forgot) - perhaps I can convince them to track down a Pig Rabbit and YB for a Xmas pressie.....*sigh might take some explaining to them why I must have it though! hehehe

All this talk of Black Friday sales reminds me that spur of the moment purchase I made a few weeks ago. I had planned to get A (ie 1) pair of shoes, and walked out with a laptop, 2 pairs of shoes and booksssss 2 hrs later! See there was a reason to pick up my laptop (which I am visiting DB on right now!). It is for emergencies like DB/YB fixes. See the benefits of spur of the moment shopping? Lifesaver! Thanksgiving indeed!


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Eid Mubarak and Happy Belated Thanksgiving (aka Day to Pick Up Leftovers)! I was going to try my hand at making coconut cream pie for Eid (even though I don't really like coconut...I just love saying coconut cream pie...it sounds DELISH in my mouth. lol) but I'm too afraid to battle the traffic to pick up ingredients on Black Friday.

Also, 2 weddings tonight, same hotel, same time...what to do? Run from one to the other is the game plan so far...

I have yet to watch the last 4 eps of You're Beautiful and am excitedly anticipating Smile, You tomorrow! :)

JB, have a great time in L.A. and everyone else, have an awesome weekend either digesting all those calories or swimming in the joy of your retail luck!


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Yeah I basically woke up at 4:05 am and left the house for Best Buy around 5 am. I got out w/ a nano, wall charger & 2 silicone case deal & 2 Supernatural dvds (one was worth $9.99...season 4). Now I have a beaming headache from lack of sleep. I still dunno if it was worth it to wake up that early to shop, since it was my first time. Bleh, fun while it lasted but I am NEVER doing that again. I need my precious beauty sleep. :) Enjoy the LA sunshine, as I live in cold, yet sunny, & maybe breezy norcal weather.


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Oh Black Friday. Yeah, I leave the scrambling for my parents while I catch up on much needed sleep. I act as the price checker at home who compares deals. It's hilarious.

Enjoy your time in LA!


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happy OT everyone!

took advantage of the black friday sales today and bought two pairs of boots. feel very satisfied, but still would've preferred getting leather motorcycle boots instead of the ones i ended up buying. the leather boots were more expensive and was starting to fall apart, so it was bye bye to kick-ass booties : (

@ lovenyc52 (from previous OT)

when i saw the showtimes for the concert, i was thinking the same exact thing hahaha! im glad i get to watch yu le bai fen bai, but i still would love to see him in person. apparently he said he will be staying in ny for a few more days to do some shopping lol, so maybe i'll bump into him? but im not so sure if i want that to happen anymore, b/c im sure i'll die of a heart attack or hyperventilate uncontrollably upon actually seeing him for reallllz in front of my eyes.
just wondering, would you be willing to answer some questions about OT and socializing on jb's blog? it's for an anthropology class, and if u don't mind u can send me ur email address to [email protected]. thank you!


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The CD cover for Cloud Cuckoo Land! I love those guys =]


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I went out shopping today. Very early. I'm cool with standing in a line and being civil, even if the temperature drops and it's raining.... I usually go out buying things for friends and family that have to work today or can't get out; help them since I don't really need anything at the moment. But I bought myself some cute earrings.

I got up at 1:30am (went to sleep at 11:30 the previous night) shopped until about 10am at 5 different locations (I count the mall a location, but I went to four stores in that). I took a 3 hour nap in the day to recharge from it all. Now I'm just chilling out.

I wish I just could wake up and Smile, You would be up. :D Oh well, I could use a little afternoon to relax since I have to go into my office for a few hours this weekend... (evil production deadlines wait for no one! :/ )


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@42, bspanda

I feel your pain where the Trojan virus is concerned. I got one on my work laptop a few months ago and it absolutely killed it dead. I sent it off to my IT guy and he thought he had it cleaned up, but several days ago it popped back up. I hope it's gone for good now but we'll see! It's a very nasty, insidious virus so I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best!

I made my first purchase from YA today; I bought the YB photo book! Still debating on whether or not to get Pig-Rabbit and the comic book to make the silliness complete. But hey, that's the beauty of being in your 40's and having grown kids. You can spend your money on anything you want...even if it is stuffed animals and comic books. 8)


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do you know of any new dramas that are coming out that are of YB-ish vibe? I always try to get news of new things to watch from your website, and it seems like there isn't one in sight yet...


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