My Fair Lady: Episode 16 (Final)
by javabeans
Oh my gosh, this was one of the worst finales I’ve ever seen. I’ve been leaving room for the drama to upswing at the eleventh hour, but now that it’s over I can say with certainty that this is a gross disappointment. I can’t say it’s the worst last episode EVER (because there are many dramas I have never seen finale episodes for, of course), but certainly one of the most disjointed, nonsensical, pointless finales I’ve actually watched. It’s as bad as Witch Amusement for weirdness — but maybe even worse because at least Witch Amusement‘s finale was amusing to watch.
My Fair Lady OST – “I Love You” [ Download ]
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EPISODE 16 RECAP (FINAL) (thank goodness)
Grandpa Kang comes home from the hospital, and Hae-na devotes herself to caring for him. Life returns to normalcy, as Hae-na admits in a letter that she writes to Dong-chan, “Nothing has changed. Except for you, everything is the same.”
She says she’s doing well and wonders how he is. She writes, “When I miss you, I imagine that you’re with me.” As she goes about her daily business, she imagines that Dong-chan is still around, nagging her and acting as her butler. “I miss you. I can’t help missing you.”
However, she doesn’t actually mail the letter, because the housekeeper later finds it crumpled and discarded.
Dong-chan, meanwhile, is back at the flower shop. Eui-joo gives him the news that the chairman left the hospital. Although he is relieved that this is a sign of improvement, Eui-joo says it’s more that he’s given up on treatment.
The directors all know the end is near, as they hint in a meeting held at the mansion. Hae-na has taken reins of the company temporarily, and counters their insinuations of the chairman’s failing health by saying that he’s well. (They all know the truth, but there’s an usavory eagerness to see him kick the bucket and vacate his spot.)
Tomorrow is Hae-na’s birthday, and Hae-na goes out for a walk along a bamboo-lined trail with her grandfather. As she steps aside to retrieve drinks, Dong-chan arrives. He has been directed here by Woo-sung, who wants to “repay his debt” by bringing him to Hae-na.
The meeting is awkward, and Grandpa’s demeanor stern. Dong-chan says that he didn’t plan this meeting, but now that he’s here, he has something he’d like to say: “Please live a long time. If only for agasshi’s sake, you must live a long time.” (Uh…? I don’t see the point in this dialogue — or this scene — since he ain’t telling Grandpa anything he doesn’t already know.)
He turns to go, just as Hae-na returns with drinks. The shock of seeing each other renders both mute for a prolonged moment, until he bows his head to her and continues on his way.
Hae-na watches him go sadly, until her grandfather calls her back to attention. He doesn’t know how Dong-chan came to be here, and writes this off as “a strange coincidence.”
Later, both indulge in their own pity parties, thinking of each other. Dong-chan rewatches his video clip of Hae-na telling him “I love you,” then wishes her a happy birthday.
In the morning, the staff surprises her with a birthday song and cake. She’s moved to tears.
(Hae-na’s birthday is a random thing that doesn’t serve much of a purpose. I wonder if they decided to shoehorn it in here because Yoon Eun-hye just celebrated her 25th birthday on set last week.)
Eui-joo calls Tae-yoon out to lunch again. She knows he finds her annoying, but she has a reason for this meeting. She sees how sad Dong-chan is, and is convinced that the couple are still pining for each other. Therefore, she thinks it would be a good birthday gift to Hae-na to bring the two back together, and enlists Tae-yoon’s help.
Eui-joo is rather proud of her scheme, and therefore put out when Tae-yoon responds unenthusiastically. She reminds him that they’re partners, and presses her point.
She lays out her plan — all he has to do is call Hae-na out. She’ll take care of getting Dong-chan.
Her suggested meeting point is a tourist ferry that travels along the river. Tae-yoon laughs at her, teasing her for thinking of such a corny activity. Who’d want to do something so lame? Eui-joo answers grumpily that she’s never ridden one before but thinks it would be romantic.
Grandpa asks his butler and housekeeper to keep taking care of Hae-na, as they have done a good job all these years. But the housekeeper speaks up hesitantly to say they’re not the ones Hae-na needs — the person she really needs is Dong-chan. She hands him Hae-na’s discarded letter to prove her point.
(Geez Louise! You’d think Hae-na were a child, the way they are carrying on about her, or at least a minor. She is a 24-year-old ADULT, and a supremely rich one, at that. She’ll be FINE.)
Now here’s where the plot logic starts getting fuzzy for me. I’m not sure if it is as sloppy as it seems or if I’m just missing something. Dong-chan goes to the Han River, where he recalls the last time he’d been here with Hae-na (they’d lit a cake and she’d asked him to stay with her). Hae-na also happens to arrive here and sees Dong-chan sitting along the bank. (I am assuming that she was heading to meet Tae-yoon at the ferry and saw Dong-chan coincidentally.)
When he looks up and they make eye contact, she hurriedly walks away. He catches up to her and they have a short, strained conversation wherein they trade pleasantries. When she gets up to go, Dong-chan grabs her hand and tells her to wait. Presenting her with her birthday coupon, he wants to claim it now: “Spend today with me.”
So they walk holding hands, happily play games at the arcade, feed each other ice cream, and what the heck is going on…? (They’re somber, then giddy, then playful, then somber again? Oh, whatever.)
They catch up on what’s going on in their lives; Hae-na tells Dong-chan that she’s been working hard, and even wrote him letters that she didn’t send. He says he’s been keeping busy and doing okay, although he has missed her too. When he says (lies?) that he hasn’t been struggling too much, she confesses that she has. She lays her head against his shoulder, “Just for a moment.”
All this while, Eui-joo and Tae-yoon wait at the boat for Hae-na and Dong-chan to join them there. At the same time, they both receive text messages, which tell them that the two others will not be meeting them. Realizing that their attempt failed, they try to get off the boat, only to find that it’s already pulling away from the dock. They’re stuck onboard.
Unfortunately, Tae-yoon gets a bad case of motion sickness and rushes to the bathroom to barf. He admits this is his first time on a boat, and feels embarrassed to always show his weaknesses around Eui-joo. She waves it off, saying that it’s not like they’re dating, so there’s no need to keep up appearances.
Grandpa reads Hae-na’s letters, perturbed at the contents since it shows that her love for Dong-chan remains undimmed. The next day, he tells Hae-na that he’s quite happy, and asks if she’s happy too. She answers, “If you’re with me, I’m happy.”
Grandpa says he has a birthday present to give her: “Live the way you want. That’s the best happiness. Whether that’s being the successor, or Seo Dong-chan, seek what you want. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Hae-na sort of understands, although I would contend that she doesn’t because she doesn’t rush off to reconcile with Dong-chan even though there’s nothing stopping her now.
She heads inside to fetch Grandpa a blanket, and when she returns, he’s asleep. Or so she thinks.
After a moment, Hae-na realizes that Grandpa is dead, and cries.
(The music is exceedingly tragic and the tone jarringly solemn. I literally asked my screen, frustrated, “What the hell kind of drama do you think you are?”)
After the funeral, Dong-chan finds Hae-na in the bamboo forest. She tells him she could feel him around her as she prepared the funeral, and assures him weakly that she’s okay: “But truthfully, I’m scared.” She’s all alone now. “How do I live on my own?”
He comforts her.
Su-min wins a child modeling contest and WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW? (I know this is just to give us a cute montage of Wang Seok-hyun, but it makes no sense. It’s so random and out of context. Eh, whatever.)
Hae-na calls a handful of directors, including Uncle Chul-gu, to the house for a meeting. She has made a decision: “I’m will decline the successor’s position at this time. However, this does not mean I am giving it up.” She’s going to go study abroad, to learn and gain more experience. So she will leave the company in the hands of management experts.
After the directors leave, she asks Chul-gu to keep good watch over the company until she comes back, and not ruin it. He’s surprised, but agrees. I’m surprised, because WTF? He’s been an immoral and ludicrously over-the-top villain all series long, and suddenly he’s competent?
Hae-na extends a hand, and they shake on it.
Next, Hae-na cooks a meal for her servants as she announces, “I’m going to leave tomorrow. I don’t know when I’ll return. But when I come back, I’ll come back as a grown-up, mature Kang Hae-na.”
The servants are stunned and saddened, but also touched at her sincerity in cooking for them. She says that the food is “a bribe to ask you not to leave here and wait for me.”
(Personal aside: Last-minute studying abroad is a cliche I HATE because it makes no sense. You can’t just go overnight to study abroad! What about finding a school and a program and making arrangements? It’s a lame way to get someone on a plane — or under the threat of getting on a plane — and it’s about time dramas either give more thought to it, or figured out a better story to elicit that conflict.)
As she heads to the airport, Hae-na gives Dong-chan a call, but because he’s at work, he misses it. Eui-joo rushes in to tell him that Hae-na is leaving for the States, urging him to find her to say his goodbyes. Dong-chan is tempted to, but decides against the urge. However, when he checks his phone, Hae-na’s voicemail message gives him second thoughts:
Hae-na: “It’s me. I’m calling because I thought I should at least say my goodbyes. I’m about to leave for far away. How happy can I be in a place without you? And how happy can you be here, without me? What is real happiness? Grandfather gave me the freedom to be happy as his last present. The happiness I don’t want to lose is you, but I know how difficult I made things for you by being Kang Hae-na. So I’m going to leave now. When will I be able to return? I don’t know exactly when, but I will definitely return. At that time, if your happiness is still me, and mine is still you, then let’s love again and start over.”
Spurred into action by her words, Dong-chan changes his mind and sprints out of the shop, grabs a cab, and heads straight to the airport. Once there, he scours the terminal looking for a sign of Hae-na, who has just arrived and is saying her goodbyes to her butler trio.
Spotting her in the crowd, walking to her gate, Dong-chan heads straight for her, their steps echoing the scene from Episode 1. Now he speaks to her in casual speech, startling her with his assertiveness: “Hey, you! Where do you think you’re going, without my consent?”
Hae-na looks up at him, perplexed, as he insists (oddly, with a pretty unemotional delivery), “Don’t go! I’ve been thinking, and I can’t let you go like this. I don’t think I can be happy in a place without you. So don’t go.”
But maybe the lack of emotion is the whole point of this scene; to play the big reunion without the big drama. Or whatever. Hae-na starts to catch on, and she retorts, “Hey! Do you think I’m the kind of woman who will come and go when you tell me to?”
By now it’s like they’re so relieved to be back together (again) that they revert back to their familiar script of bickering, where they fight but don’t really mean what they’re saying. He taunts her to try to leave, and she taunts back, “You think I won’t?”
Dong-chan blocks her path and says, “I can’t ever let you go. And I won’t let you go in the future.” She looks at him, holding back a smile, and reminds him that this is his cue to carry her out.
So he does, just as he did in Episode 1, and scoops her up over his shoulder. As the crowd watches, he shouts laughingly, “She’s my woman!”
And now for a truly choppy, random epilogue:
Su-min shoots an ad or photo spread of some sort, while his family brags that he’s one of them. The PD practically rolls his eyes at the silly Kangs.
Tae-yoon takes on a case representing Dong-chan’s debt collectors, who are now in jail and blame their misfortune on Seo Dong-chan.
Eui-joo complains that Su-ah has stolen her shoe designs and pleads with Tae-yoon (whom she’s been calling “Mr. Lawyer” all this time) to help her. He turns her down, which upsets her, until he leans toward her flirtatiously and says, “I’ll help you if you call me Tae-yoon.”
The butler trio go on a group blind date… only to find that it’s with the maid trio. All are disappointed.
Butler Mr. Jang and housekeeper Ms. Jo have some flirty vibes going on.
And finally, Hae-na and Dong-chan are fighting once again over some insignificant thing, and Hae-na shuts him up with a kiss. Dong-chan says jokingly, “That has lost its effect,” which prompts her to kiss him repeatedly.
The end. Or whatever.
What an awful finale. It felt like a school play and I cringed throughout. Honest-to-goodness, I think that everyone — even the writer and director — gave up in this last episode and simply ran out of steam. I am relieved this drama is over. The best thing about this episode was the IRIS trailer at the end of it.
I think the thing that rankles most of us still watching at this point is that this drama should have been better. The scenery, lighting, and wardrobe were all gorgeous. The music was badly overused but not bad on its own merits. The cast was certainly easy on the eyes. And aside from Yoon Eun-hye’s slow start as snooty Hae-na, the acting was never the problem. I think she was the only one actually trying to act in this last episode, actually, and was impressed she could still wring out some tears when we’ve all lost the ability to connect with the story or these people.
Heck, the only reason I stuck with this drama for so long was because there were bits and pieces scattered throughout that hinted at a better drama. I kept hoping that the story would swing back upward and return to its high moments, but instead it kept crawling downward in a steady decline. I feel duped.
I think it would take days to nitpick all the little things that went wrong, so I’ll skip that exercise. But there were some huge threads left hanging, as most of you have already pointed out before, such as Hae-na’s first love. Seriously, what was the point? It would have been more fun to make Hae-na a bitch just for fun, rather than giving her a big emotional backstory and then never addressing it.
Furthermore, her transformation was so excessive that it feels like Hae-na grew a new personality entirely. I wish we’d gotten to see traces of the old Hae-na lingering in the new one, because otherwise it feels like one of those daytime soaps like All My Children where actors leave and new people are brought in to replace them and it’s just treated like it’s normal. What I liked about Fantasy Couple, for instance, is that Anna softened her hard edges and became more sympathetic, but she was the same person at the end that she was at the beginning. It’s like Hae-na started out similar to Anna and then turned into Eun-chan from Coffee Prince.
It speaks well of Moon Chae-won that she had people both liking and disliking her so strongly, because I just realized that Eui-joo is a completely blank character. What do we know about her? What personality traits is she given? What character quirks? All we know is that she speaks her mind and wants to design shoes. What a complete failure of the writer to create a character — but Moon Chae-won somehow made Eui-joo a real person. (Jung Il-woo fell flatter in that regard, because I think he was thinking too hard about analyzing his character instead of just, I dunno, being it.)
I like Yoon Sang-hyun and I thought he did as well with Dong-chan as could be expected. Unfortunately, the Dong-chan dance (butler, not-butler, butler, not-butler) got repetitive about eight episodes ago, after which we were essentially seeing the same story repeating itself over and over again. And that made his storyline, and therefore character, tiresome. His relationship with Hae-na suffered the same lack of imagination with same conflict playing out in episode after episode. It’s sixteen episodes of Groundhog Day. Urgh.
I think we can all agree that the actors deserved better, and that they all have brighter futures ahead of them. Let’s wipe the slate clean and move on, shall we? (If I didn’t leave this drama behind me, I’d be too bummed about the time I spent on it.)
- My Fair Lady: Episode 15
- My Fair Lady: Episode 14
- My Fair Lady: Episode 13
- Who’s to blame for confusing characters?
- My Fair Lady: Episode 12
- My Fair Lady: Episode 11
- Stars of My Fair Lady deny dating rumors
- Jung Il-woo is confused with his character
- My Fair Lady: Episode 10
- My Fair Lady: Episode 9
- Fans rally to support Yoon Eun-hye
- Yoon Eun-hye sheds tears at acting criticism
- My Fair Lady: Episode 8
- Happy birthday, Jung Il-woo
- My Fair Lady: Episode 7
- My Fair Lady: Episode 6
- My Fair Lady: Episode 5
- My Fair Lady: Episode 4
- My Fair Lady: Episode 3
- Moon Chae-won promises more smiles in My Fair Lady
- More gifts for the staff of My Fair Lady
- My Fair Lady: Episode 2
- My Fair Lady: Episode 1
Tags: Jung Il-woo, Moon Chae-won, My Fair Lady, Yoon Eun-hye, Yoon Sang-hyun
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201 hooi
October 11, 2009 at 7:20 AM
I think everyone is entitled to their opinion.But I think I will not be reading the recap first before the watching the drama from now onwards.I dont want to be
influent and not giving the drama a fair start .I still love YSH and YEH ,they have done their best,love the back drop and the fashion ....Ya I still think is worth watching.
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202 Paulyn
October 11, 2009 at 9:47 AM
I hope there will come out a Special version to show more about YSH and YEH after living together at Lady Castle. haha
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203 Nonbirira
October 11, 2009 at 3:31 PM
Haven't watched the drama (no interest at all) but the comments here are highly entertaining! The pouting! The outrage! I find myself coming back for more!
A few pointers for the "tourists" (lol @189 nycgrl)
1) This is Dramabeans' blog. She gets to write what she wants.
2) She's been doing this a LONG time and has a lot of experience watching/writing about Kdramas.
3) Her writing is well-informed, intelligent, critical and yes, very personal. Oh and often hilarious - even the snarkiness!
4) She is very open about what/who she likes but that isn't enough to protect a drama/actor/writer from her wrath if they are not up to snuff! She is also quick to praise if it/he/her deserves it.
From what I understand, you are expecting a site that gives you something quite different. There are other many sites out there that would make you much happier. So, off you go... Shoo! Shoo!
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204 barbie
October 11, 2009 at 7:28 PM
YES, I agree with you @ 196 goldlilys THIS IS HER BLOG then let her RANT on WHATEVER SHE WANTS.
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205 sleeplessinwgtn
October 12, 2009 at 1:15 AM
Entertaining reading...
My primary motivation for watching MFL is because of my 'addiction' to 'Coffee Prince', so I looked forward to YEH next drama, just as much as I looked forward to the other CP cast's new dramas. I watched Triple for that reason, too, plus Yoon Kye Sang.
Anyway, I also do not agree with JB 5% of the time but that's just normal.
If your opinions clash, feel free to express them but not in an offensive way as to bash the person. Argue with her opinion, put forward your own views, but please do not call people names.
I usually read JB views after I've watched the episode altho' there were occasions when I did the opposite. JB recaps cum reviews enhance my k-drama viewing experience and I'm eternally grateful to her.
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206 summer
October 15, 2009 at 4:00 PM
i actually quite enjoyed the drama. The couple was great, simply love them. I do agree that the story is a little make-no-sense, but nevertheless, enjoy watching the sparks between the couple, and attracted to the songs too
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207 Ally
October 15, 2009 at 10:19 PM
I liked this drama. I looked forward to watching it.
It was fun.
I liked YEH.
The recaps are much appreciated and made me laugh at times.
Thanks for all of your hard work.
Am looking forward to the recaps of You're Beautiful...
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208 SPF
October 17, 2009 at 12:41 AM
Does anyone know what song is playing on episode 16..when Hae-na goes out for a walk along a bamboo-lined trail with her grandfather. As she steps aside to retrieve drinks, Dong-chan arrives? And as they pass that song plays..
I cant seem to find it anywhere!
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October 18, 2009 at 1:24 AM
I thought the ending was okay. It wasnt great, but it wasnt as bad as you said it was. I have to remind you though...its a KOREAN DRAMA. Theres always going to be something that does not make sense or doesnt seem right. Personally, i think you are wayy too nit picky. You going crazy about some scenes and expressing your emotions overdramatically doesnt really help.
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October 18, 2009 at 1:37 AM
To people who say that the only people that liked the drama are YEH's die hard fans, well Im not and I still enjoyed it
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211 Rin
October 19, 2009 at 11:25 PM
Well... I thought I could continue watching this series but it just bored me. I gave up after episode 10 and pretty much read JB's reviews and skipped to watch the parts with Moon Chae-won and Jung Il-woo cus from the beginning (like allll the way from the beginning before he "likes" YEH's character) I thought he and MCW would make a cute couple (:
I'm kinda glad they did make it so that the two are interested in each other hehe. I hope they'll star in a series together again soon.
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212 zheisya
October 20, 2009 at 7:20 PM
I've lost my interest in episode 7.. Fortunately I found Tamra, The Island that wash away my disappointment from this drama.
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213 Anjo
October 20, 2009 at 10:25 PM
My Fair lady is very nice kdrama, i'm not a die hard fan, but the way the episode runs it's fantastic acting natural, in episode 10 there is love song playing when Dongchan goes to his mother grave, and when Hae-na wait for him to talk about something.
I like the song (Can't Control Love) and (I love You) even its korean love song, what a wonderful couple there acting are very great, anyway i'm not script writer nor a Director, there some not so much intended scene, and shortcut, but for me this drama is good i play the scene many times, i cant help myself my tears drop, well dunno what, maybe because look likes i attach myself to a Great Love Story...Congrats to Cast more power...
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214 Oscar
October 21, 2009 at 7:24 AM
LOL... ure comments written here seems like a great influence to others, JB.. they followed U!!!
so mny readers are agreed with u...although they admitted that they stopped watching on earlier episodes......dang!! what watched only epi 5, but still crawling to read its recaps till the end ? what an ugly excuses.....
feeling like, "I have my pleasure to join in bad mouthed over YEH's drama..."
better u said it loud..instead of saying that u agree over something that u dont even watch it YET!!! duh!!
JB, I love to read your recaps, u're always fast!!! and detailed with tones pictures of the drama... u're great... sincerely kudos to ur hard work....
but sometimes, i think ure still being too subjective over some dramas...
I would love to see u commenting harsh in Hong Sister's project.... ehm, have u ? coz, u seems excited with everything about Hong sister....i'll check u out in U're beautiful recaps..... hope to see fair judgment there....
I still appreciate if you would use more light words in describing ur disappointment, instead of writing...
" Oh my gosh, this was one of the worst finales I’ve ever that it’s over I can say with certainty that this is a gross disappointment, What an awful finale. The best thing about this episode was the IRIS trailer at the end of it"
this is ur blog, i know, but as it open for public, u can't deny that ur comments might hurt others too.... and affected to others who haven't watch this drama to feel pessimistic to even start watching it....
I believe ur web is about deconstructing K-drama, but no offenses taken, ur comments there is a full insult....
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215 shee
October 21, 2009 at 10:22 AM
@emanuel...i really enjoyed reading your msg re Eun as i'm one of her admirers too here in America. well said & need i say more? i for one thought she wasn't bad at all...i cried when she cried in this series & both she & yoon sang were very convincing in their performance! i gave them two thumbs up way up plus i liked MFL so much that i've seen it 4x since its inception including when it's ended a few weeks ago! I guess we're all entitled to our own opinion and criticisms or not this is after all a fantasy drama!
btw i just loved the ending .... a happy one & i wished there's more episodes really showing these two loveable characters got married, enjoying their lives in the mansion and with dong chan as hyena's right hand man. hats off to this drama and its lead actors. I hope they team up again soon!
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216 shee
October 21, 2009 at 10:34 AM
@117.... i agree with you, it's hard to read every comments here but your caught my eye! the worst ending for me and these are just the ones i cld think of right now...Lovers in Paris (good storyline luvd it but when it ended that's one of the worst so confusing & most ppl thought the same thing) Summer Scent was one of them & as i said i can't think of the others. MFL is one of the best finale i've seen...sweet moments DC and HN spent together esp. on every bit of their dates! While watching I didn't find myself fast forwarding some segments cause all of them were (to me) substantial!
Yes I too love that airport scene...loved it & have been rewatching this drama for the 4th time now which is breaking the record for me in terms of watching Kdramas! This will be one of my best 10 Kdramas of all time...yes we all must have seen some flaws but is there any dramas you've seen that's flawless? Tell me about it! I'm a latecomer here i'm sure but i still want to put my 2cents on this here! To sum it up and sorry for those who were not satisfied with this drama, i love every minute of it & most especially the Yoons! The're a great couple!
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217 Liza
October 21, 2009 at 6:45 PM
Shooo....I am soo relived i'm not the only person who thinks Lady Castle sucked!! I too was disappointed it and just hanged on cause I thought somthing good was gonna happen...result ....ABSOLUTLY RUBBISH!! Thank you for recapping You're Beautiful....atleast so far....i think that drama HAS a plot (not to mention alot of eyecandy and funny moments...MUCH FUNNIER THEN LADY CASTLE) The actors did great on thier part (although i felt Tae-yoon got a bit drabby)!! ThHANK YOU JAVABEANS!!
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218 Liza
October 21, 2009 at 6:45 PM
Shooo....I am soo relived i'm not the only person who thinks Lady Castle sucked!! I too was disappointed it and just hanged on cause I thought somthing good was gonna happen...result ....ABSOLUTLY RUBBISH!! Thank you for recapping You're Beautiful....atleast so far....i think that drama HAS a plot (not to mention alot of eyecandy and funny moments...MUCH FUNNIER THEN LADY CASTLE) The actors did great on thier part (although i felt Tae-yoon got a bit drabby)!! ThHANK YOU JAVABEANS!
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219 Oscar
October 22, 2009 at 5:45 AM
@217, this is what we said, IGNORANT PEOPLE....
why r u bother to watch Rubbish, dear ?
Just make one drama urself, maybe u can make better ??????
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220 bunnie
October 24, 2009 at 12:36 AM
I gave up on this drama and watch Shining Inheritance instead. I'm just glad I did. I've had a bad feeling ever since the 8th episode. Too many non-sense, WTH happened to Hyena-Taeyoon relationship?? geez. overall, it's not that bad but not great either :D
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221 shin
October 27, 2009 at 12:50 PM
Sorry, I'm late to the game. I starting watching it online last week. I'm finally done! I’m not sure where all you nice people live. I just know there are a lot of well educated people commenting on this site. Your expression of ideas, opinions and criticism are well thought out and written as I read almost all the comments from episode 1 thru 16.
Anyhow, Unless most of you watch Drama's for a living. Don’t have a jobs, nitpick at little things. MFL was okay, not great, not bad. I’ve seen worse! I've only recently found Javabeans’s website and I respect her opinions, commentary and recaps. Like some people on here said she is, was, still a fan of YEH. Therefore, I basically watch because YEH. Hated Dongchan at first but he grew on me. I don’t know what you ppls are looking for in a drama. Seriously, can't you just watch it for the sake of watching? I know time is valuable and there are many, many new Dramas to choose from. Even if you hated it, we all have different taste, opinions and ways to enjoy this poorly scripted drama. Would I recommend this drama to by buddies? Yes!
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222 koalabear
October 28, 2009 at 7:37 PM
Just finished watching the drama's last episode today after catching up on it big time. I can't say also it's one of the great dramas out there, since I also found the ending quite predictable but the acting is good still, though there were some flaws in the story itself but I enjoyed watching and waiting every week (I allotted time to finish this drama) since this drama is good in it's own way
anybody is entitled to his/her opinions and let's remember that this is only a drama so I respect all the comments written here :)
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223 sephora
October 29, 2009 at 2:05 AM
finished watching all of MFL.. awww, i know the feeling of having (some) disappointments (thinking that i watched Shining Inheritance then MFL, when i found Shining Inheritance quite lovely!),.
i was thinking that MFL had a really interesting plot, it had a certain flair at the start, disappointed it wasn't maintained thoughout the series.
but i'll agree, i hate the scriptwriting! should have been way way better.. hmm and maybe partly on the directing.. oh well, if there's a awful script, can directing even salvage that?
some (if not most) lacked character depth- i like the actors though, they fit the physical aspects of the role.. but character build up was also lacking.
although the series had flaws, it was still entertaining. (a YEH fan myself, i hope she gets better (or the best) scriptwriters next time.
@ shin- i think drama criticizing /critiques, most (of us) only wants better dramas next time.. we can only hope for the best :).. like for me, i'm disappointed that MFL could have turned out with much more inspiring and moving scenes/episodes. MFL's plot concept was good.
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224 sittie
October 30, 2009 at 1:24 AM
i love watching MFL aaahhhh miss the cast the yoon couple i love those two.....
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225 anyu
November 3, 2009 at 12:51 AM
Finally finish MFL what a wonderful Love Story, i love it i have many channel in my receiver, but dunno why i watch this story lovable, comedy, and many others wow amazing congrats to the Cast...
Waiting for Part 2 i just love this couple Yoon, my heart touch by this love story...
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226 diana
November 5, 2009 at 5:50 AM
all i can think about after this drama ended is Jung Il Woo and Moon Chae Won should make a drama starring each other the leads. the grandpa dying part was still sad though cos this drama didnt feel like there was anybody going to die. 'My girl's' grandpa didnt die..huhu
*cross pinkies for JIW and MCW!!* who knows rite.. and *cross pinkies for better scripts when that happens!!*
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227 fraulein
November 8, 2009 at 5:17 AM
I hung around for the IRIS trailer too, which never came; (
This series was passable for me. Bring on IRIS............
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228 esyah
December 17, 2009 at 10:22 AM
love the ending!!! same as the starts..
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229 miniejungle
December 23, 2009 at 9:30 AM
i gave up after epi 10. just couldn;t carry on anymore. the script was lousy, the acting was bad... :( i was drawn to it because of the hype of YEH but gosh it was so painful to watch this show.
thanks for the recap. from epi10 to 16 when i read your recap i dont see myself missing anything at all - save my time for better shows to watch! thank you!
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230 ghian
January 25, 2010 at 1:33 AM
it was cute though...
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231 delicious
February 1, 2010 at 11:27 PM
\\\\\\\\m sorry but i thoroughly enjoyed this drama, watching yoon eun hye is such a pleasure. She had once again shown her versatility. Hope to see more great projects for her. From the Philippines, more power! Fighting!
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232 anne
February 6, 2010 at 12:02 AM
I feel sorry for those who didn't appreciate this TV drama it was nice and really good...I've watch it straight on DVD and it's really really nice and only disappointment is that it end that fast ...all I can say is that I want more of yoon eun hye....
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233 kappaieru
February 15, 2010 at 9:13 AM
just looking at the number of people who posted on this page shows just how the drama affected many people
For me, skipped from episode 5 straight to the last episode, and the only reason was eun hye. a fan before still a fan now
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234 Zodd
March 4, 2010 at 4:07 PM
I know I'm late but... Bwhahahah look at the butthurt comments. The truth hurts doesn't it. This series was mediocre series all around.
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235 ice kanokwan
March 12, 2010 at 7:37 AM
i like Yoon Sang Hyun and his role so much
he acts so well
anyway i agree with u that the HaeNa's role is so similar with the role of Jo Anna in the couple of fantasy. if u compare Hanyehseul with YEH, Hanyehseul will definitely win. but i think maybe YEH just wanna act this way so it will not too resemble to Anna's role.
i give this movie 10 point of out 10 bec of Yoon sang Hyun oppa keke
sound silly?
i don't care hahaha
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236 nhandaemo
April 20, 2010 at 12:46 AM
the finale episode is a total disaster!!!
'my fair lady' is actually a pretty good dramas,,
but the basic plot is too ordinary..
i think 16 episode is way too long..
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237 aywe
May 15, 2010 at 12:36 AM
I like pairs view Tae yoon and Eui joo, because from the first I saw this I immediately fell on their mereka.I want them to play together again because their films are suitable partner.
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238 syan
July 15, 2010 at 2:46 AM
I think this series is worth watching. When ever i watch a drama if its echo in my mind ever days, it is because the drama is good.
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239 junaly
July 30, 2010 at 7:25 AM
i haven't watched the drama yet
but i think the way the drama falls apart is disappointing
i think i will watch it
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240 Dlover
August 2, 2010 at 5:28 AM
jeez this place is a war zone
the fangirls should get a life fast
they are really messed up in there
actor shiping ways ^^
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241 IDIO
September 24, 2010 at 8:34 AM
I only read these recaps just to cheat in watching the epis haha. But, I wasn't going to respond at all to this until I read these comments. Why are any of these people who didn't like it giving a hoot about the show if they've been reading about it? And if you haven't seen the epis why are you commenting on the recaps? you haven't seen it for urself so how are you even thinking ur opinon matters lol.
So far I enjoy it :). Not cause of the actors or anything but because it's light hearted and fun.
I'm wondering if you know anything about the korean culture or just a wannabe say ur american but korean but watched dramas when you were little but you are AMERICAN.....uh hello most of kdramas that are "romance comedy" or just "romance drama" are...cliched. I mean DUH! That's the good thing about them. Seriously if you go thinking they won't be....*laughs loudly* something must be wrong with...YOU.
I don't understand why you even watched this series to the end OR for that matter decided to post these because in my opinion why waste ur time on something you just don't like? Unless it's some kind of obsession on ur part. I know some people like that who just like writing about things they don't like because they have nothing better to do with thier lives.
*shurgs* Just by ur choices on "good" dramas in ur FAQ section should have raised a brow at what ur classification of a good kdrama really is. You probably like "You're Beautiful" lol...which is by far the most sickening drama ever for me. But, we all have our own taste...I think you have it up here I'll probably check to see what you thought about it.
Enough of me bashing, but I do like the drama, but not as much as I like others. I'll watch it all though because it's fun and a pickme up :). I love light hearted stuff. Some scenes though I've seen in this one seem to be drawn out...and I mean like the camrea stays on the people for longer than they should.
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242 eLiz
October 9, 2010 at 9:48 PM
wow.I don't hate this series that mcuh but I don't like it that much either...
I only watched/read the reviews because of yoon eun hye..and her role cause I love how she acts as a bitchy rich girl but I agree with you guys.the plot is predictable and a lot of scenes were random.
Also,I was disappointed because I was hoping that tae-yoon and eui joo would end up together..dong chan and hae na would get would be replaced by eui joo in the shoe company..etc!! It would have been nicer if things ended that way....sigh.oh well.,
good job for the reviews even though the drama series is not that good.,=)
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243 Kathy
January 24, 2011 at 10:52 AM
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244 ashura
February 15, 2011 at 8:18 AM
I loved this drama to bits, contrary to what DB think. I felt the story was touching, plot interesting, acting awesome. Doesn't have those "noble suffer in silence" kind of story line, as DB claims to hate. I love reading your recaps, but for some strange reason I only agree with your rating for My Girlfriend is a Nine-tailed fox, as I didn't finish CP and skimmed through MNIKSS.
But I always love a second opinion on things, so I still enjoy reading your recaps (for info) and I think you have done a great job (i shall just ignore some "hurtful" comments about those drama i like)!
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245 Jenny
July 18, 2011 at 11:04 AM
I do like this drama, alot.. But I wouldn't say it was the best? At times I wanted to drop it completely, I was basically forcing myself to watch. Because I'm such a massive fan of Yoon Eun Hye I wanted to watch it till the end, which I did and I've only watched about 6 KDrama's so I can't exactly state if it was the worst finale or not. But it wasn't the best.
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246 Em
August 27, 2011 at 9:54 PM
I'm only up to ep 11 and struggling to watch the rest but I will because I hate leaving a drama unwatched, even though I've read the recaps here. I agree with javabeans that I think the writers ran out of ideas and just kept repeating the same sentences and scenes, which was a disappointment because the first 7 or so eps displayed a lot of potential. I didn't like Yoon Sang Hyun in this part because he's quite a bit older, didn't really suit a 'butler' type and doesn't have much on-screen chemistry with Yoon Eun Hye. I think this is the only time in a kdrama where I wanted the lead female to end up with the 2nd lead male (Jung Il woo).
Just wanted to say though - that I liked YEH's two-way hairstyle. So versatile! lol.
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247 Ada
September 30, 2011 at 10:59 AM
Her hair was suddenly long. It grew so fast overnight in this episode -_-" hair extension?
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248 8031
November 9, 2011 at 3:58 AM
Does anyone know the name of the song when Hae-Na and her grandfather went for a walk and then saw Butler Seo and all he did was nod. The song is awesome ! Cant figure out what its called though
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249 jerome
November 21, 2011 at 7:56 PM
ah i like the creator of this drama sow nice movie heheheh great NO.1 so strange ah i actually enjoy the whole movie from beginning to ending. and im so sad that his grand father was ?????? im only watching this because its nice and great nice one
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250 Ellie
November 27, 2011 at 11:16 PM
I gave up on this show in the middle of episode 2. I'm glad I did but I couldn't resist skipping to this recap to see if I made the right decision. It sounded horrible. Sorry for your time wasted.
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