Drinking interview with Han Hyo-joo (Part 2)

Continuing from Part 1 of the drinking interview with Han Hyo-joo, here’s Part 2:

“No more talk of scandals… I’ve been hurt a lot”

What drinking habits do you have?

Nothing in particular. My face doesn’t redden, either. If I really drink a lot, I get a little sentimental.

Have you had the opportunity to drink much?

I haven’t. I don’t drink when I’m filming something — it makes my face break out. After the drama ended we had a wrap party, but I had filming the next day so I didn’t drink. Today is the first time in a while.

What kind of project do you want to do next?

I’d like to do a really depressing melodrama once. Isn’t my age right now the time I can look my prettiest? I’d like to show myself pretty in love. It’s time I did.

That was the answer I’d been waiting for. I poured Han Hyo-joo another glass and brought up the topic of a scandal that came out not long ago. Actually, this is a question that her manager had asked me before the interview, “Please don’t bring this up.” But I had to ask.

Speaking of the scandal reports…

I knew you would say that. I wish that would stop… It was my first time encountering that, so I was hurt by it. Even talking about this makes me feel apologetic toward that person.

Is it really like your explanation that “he’s like an older brother to me”?

Yes, just like that.

The peaceful mood immediately turned, as though I’d accused her falsely. I changed the subject.

Then what is your ideal type of man?

I like men who are passionate about their work, and on a personal level, someone I can depend on. I like boyfriends who are supportive.

When would you like to marry?

I don’t know. I’m definitely sure that it’s not time yet. But I do think I should get married.

What about men you can’t stand?

Men who brag. It’s good to have confidence, but I hate when they talk big for no reason. I’ve found I can intuitively sense when conversing with people like that whether we’ll be a good match or not.

I am a dutiful but curt daughter

You went through a lot together with Ivy as you spent three years together as trainees.

We lived together for a while as trainees of Fantom Entertainment. Originally there were three of us. There was a singer who debuted not long ago as Block. The three of us had fun together, but we gave each other personal space.

Did you have a lot of unsuccessful auditions?

I didn’t, but I didn’t go out to a lot of auditions. In my first semester of university, I was really into college life so there are times I got into trouble with my management for not going on auditions that they told me to go on. I loved life as a student.

Your actual debut was in a beauty pageant.

So you know that, too. In 2003, I won the grand prize at the Miss Binggrae pageant. I showed my storytelling ability there, and danced in a group dance too.

The oral storytelling is unexpected.

My mother is a school commissioner in Cheongju now, but she used to be a kindergarten teacher. That’s how I came into natural contact with oral storytelling.

Your family must have worried a long when you came up to Seoul at a young age.

I came to Seoul in my second year of high school, and my father opposed me living alone in a strange place.

What kind of daughter are you?

I am a dutiful daughter, but I’m also a bit curt.

What kind of student were you in high school?

Since I was a kid, I ran around and played like a boy. I ran races and liked ball sports, and I think I ran the 100 meter dash in about 15 seconds. I went to a girls high school in Cheongju, and transferred to a coed school in Kyunggi province in my second year. The boys saw me run and thought I was good.

I’ve heard you like to read a lot.

It’s not to that extreme but when I have time, I always read. These days I’m reading a book called Orange Beach. It’s a good book that gives hope to people living difficult lives.

What would you be doing if not for becoming an actor?

I’d probably be an unemployed person readying to join the work force.

Lastly, if you were a reporter, what would you ask Han Hyo-joo?

I don’t want to ask. [Laughs]

What is in Han Hyo-joo’s bag?

“Oh no, I didn’t know about this… I’m a little taken aback.”

Han Hyo-joo’s face suddenly froze. She was at a loss, having never once shown the contents of her bag to anyone before.

Still, I persuaded her and out came the contents of the Marc Jacobs fabric purse: the cell phone and pouch, wallet and glasses without lenses, exercise cap and hairband, and one book. The cell phone and pouch matched in pink, her favorite color. Inside the wallet were a few 1,000 won notes [$1 bills].

The lens-less black-rimmed glasses are a fashion item. She says she uses them frequently because they create a different feel without using much makeup. She likes the hat because it goes well with her hot pants and T-shirt, and the black hairband with a little rabbit doll hanging from it is a gift from a fan.

Han Hyo-joo’s current events test

Usually, actresses have the same reaction upon receiving the sheet with the quiz questions. However, Han Hyo-joo, who has emptied one bottle of wine, sits like a student in an exam and begins to quickly go through the questions. She concentrates, jotting the answer down below the question or circling as she goes, giving off a vibe of composure.

The first question whirls inside her mouth, wrinkling her nose, but soon she remembers the right answer. [The question is: What is the name of the Joseon-era medical book that was recently added to the UNESCO resgister? “Donguibogam.”] In the case of answer 22, floating exchange rate system, she only gets as far as “floating.” I gave her a hint to question 10, and she got it right.

Via IS Plus


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interesting, makes her seem like a different person. i have not watched Brilliant Legacy yet, but I did watch Spring Waltz. My impression of her from that drama is that she is pretty and cute, good actress (that drama has a lot of very sad scenes). But I was not drawn to her acting. Maybe if I see her portray a comical character. I like actresses with spunk.


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curt? and why the red hair again? It must be the current trend in Korea. Atleast her shade of red looks more natural than the CP lady. Sorry I forgot how to spell her name.


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she said So Ji Sub is her ideal man and wants to go on vacation together. Right ? Is it?


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Thanks for sharing this!
I really like Han Hyo Joo's down-to-earth and fresh personality. I'm not sure where I've seen the rabbit before..but it looks awfully familiar!


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Thanks for translating the interview! :) I really love Han Hyo Joo <3
sjsmn: Yeah, she recently said her ideal man was So Ji Sub, lol.
marie*: HHJ has a plushie that's the same rabbit, haha


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Is 72 the number correct??? ... Because Kang Ji Hwan had the same score too...


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what was the scandal?


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I didn't think her scandal with Kang Do-han was that big....wasn't he in Full House?


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thought she could have taken the whole mention of scandal a bit more lightly since it wasn't really a scandal. but otherwise, she seems down to earth and smart! and i like seeing her cell phone look used.


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I LOL'd at the 'I want to do a heavy melodrama' answer that Han Hyo-Joo gave. Was Spring Waltz a light melodrama? A non-angsty melodrama? A light romantic comedy? *starts counting on my fingers* It had... mistaken identities, extremely serious illnesses, betrayal, adoption, a love square, depressing sombre (but enlightening! classical! moving!) piano music, the Fated Love, poor-girl-rich-guy-complex-that-wasn't-meant-to-be, and... um, *all* its missing is the evil stepmother and step-siblings. But then, she had that in Brilliant Legacy!


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She looks so young for someone who seems so mature.

And oh! I love her bag. Very much.


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Ooh this was an interesting interview!
I had my eye on that bag for months then finally decided against it. But now I'm wishing I'd gotten it - first Geum Jandi, now Han Hyo-joo has it too?!


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What a Alkie! lol


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@ 11: Yah, i thought that too. I'm kind of puzzled when she mentioned heavy melodrama. Wasn't springwaltz is a melodrama and a woman in love?

Spring waltz is a sad and season dramas, after Autumn in My Heart, Winter and Summer Scent.


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I LOL'ed at her answer too. I mean Brillant Legacy wasn't as melodramatic as a lot of dramas...but there was definitely some angst....maybe she meant a mixture of the plots from Spring Waltz and Brillant Legacy...a la Stairway to Heaven or something?

I think she's cute, and much as I had enjoyed watching BL, it was mostly because the actress who played the stepmother did an awesome job (and that made me stick around till the end to see what retribution she gets) and because the grandmother was a lot of fun. But I don't know....she doesn't have that "it" factor for me. Still, I wish her the best in her future projects.


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#12, she is young. she is 22. i actually see her looking older. n i notice wrinkles at the end of her eyes. must be too tired from the busy schedule. but she's still pretty. i love her look with her previous long black hair more. n i agree she does sounded matured for someone her age. i like her personality.

#2, i'm with you. i watched spring waltz & brilliant legacy. she's kinda a good actress but i never really drawn to her acting. her crying hardly brought me to tears, even if she cried like a river. but she did have her great moments too.

thanks javabeans for translating this article!


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#16, LOL i agree with you. i dont think BL is the melo type but SW definitely one. yeah, maybe she wanted a more melo one. oh no!

n you just speak my mind on the 'it' part. when i watched her in drama, something was just missing for me, i dunno what. maybe that was it. yeah, KMS was brilliant as the stepmom. i love granny too. n i actually love MCW's acting as seungmi. i had swing of feelings towards her character, from hatred to pity, props to her. her emotional scenes n LSG's too were believable, n often send me to tears.


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i really like hyo joo...even shes' not a really great actress but she can act well...i like her acting in BL...but in Iljimae,,,she was just flat...i dunno..but so far,,i keep enjoying his acting....enjoying all her dramas except spring waltz....it was sad...but BL is a highly recommended drama..i love it much more than city hall..LOL


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again, she's cute


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She's refreshingly pretty. I also like the fact that she doesn't look generic.


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Thanks for translating the interview!

I like her! She reminds me of a Hong Kong actress, Chen Song Ling.

What mobile phone is she using? Is it the same one that was shown in many of the kdramas, with multi colour stripes on the back?


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hmmm.. i don't really like the way the reporter interviewed her.. i feel like something's not right.. i don't know.. it's just in my opinion..


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Why do so many in Korea feel the need to chug absolutely every alcoholic substance? Even WINE? Why, why, why? It's tragic.


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LOL @ question 20. even pres. aquino made it to the test. well... current events :)


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@ 24

Drinking is part of Korea's culture. Oftentimes, when people want to really get to know each other, they'll do it over a bottle of soju. It's supposed to symbolize loosening up and being relaxed in each other's company. Of course, it can go overboard and people can get seriously drunk, but that doesn't happen normally. This custom is even used in the U.S. The most recent example is Pres, Obama trying to smooth over the whole prof. Gates/police officer/racial thing with a bottle of beer at the white house. America isn't without its faults too, some people may ask why Americans feel the need to stuff their faces with fast food every day. Although that isn't necessarily true, many people do eat at a lot of McDonalds and other fastfood restaurants. Another example is doing drugs and becoming addicts. You call drinking wine tragic, but may I ask, what's so tragic about it? It's a tradition if you will, and if it doesn't go overboard, I don't see anything so particularly "tragic" about it.


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Oh, believe me, I think the fast food epidemic in the U.S. is just as bad if not worse. I just get freaked out a bit by how FAST some of my friends and acquaintances (of all ages) in Korea drink. It's like the whole point of drinking is to get drunk. So I cringed when I read about this actress drinking her wine so quickly- since wine is meant to be enjoyed and doesn't even taste good when gulped! I mean, she's only 22, and I was more like that when I was younger too. But the "drink to get drunk" mentality seems to stick around longer in Korea, into middle age or old age. I understand that alcohol is a great social lubricator, but what's the point of using too much to get to know someone if you then forget everything they told you because you were too drunk? (:

Anyway, sorry to derail the comments, back to Han Hyo-joo!


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Bonnie, if it makes you feel better, I don't think she drank all that quickly. The reporter says she gulped down a drink after a particular question, but to give you a sense of perspective, the drinking interview with Kang Ji-hwan took place over six hours.


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I like her hair here... I know I could never pull it off but she looks good! (And I really love her comfortable dressing style in Shining Inheritance!) I didn't really like her character in My Boss My Teacher (is that right?), her hair covered most of her face and she's quite pretty actually... Wasn't Shining Inheritance a melodrama? It sure seemed a little more soppier than my usual stuff but it had lots of light scenes to balance it out so I stood through it. I sure hope she doesn't do something too melodramatic... Shining Inheritance is now my fave kdrama of 2009! :)


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Gosh, (still) only 22 yrs old - it seems that HHJ has been around for a while now.

Anyway, HHJ is a total cutie (and that's not just in the looks dept.) - but she looks better w/o the bangs and w/ darker locks.


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Personally, I became a HHJ fan from her movie, Ad Lib Night. I liked her before in Spring Waltz, but it was more her 'innocent air' in the drama that drew me to her, not the acting. Ad Lib Night really showed off the amount of potential she has as a serious actor. I think she's been making smart choices in terms of the projects she takes, and so far, with each new drama, she only improves.

Even beyond Ad Lib Night, I think she's shown her acting skills to better display in her films than in her dramas. She was great in Ride Away as well. Both films required such subtle nuances, and she did it so well. Personally, I think she should wait on her next drama and stick to the film choices; she's really shown the most growth there.


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..i nEvEr heAr thAt kind 0f scAndAl!

..l0vE han hyo jo0 vEry much!


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nice interview.. very interesting.. i began to like her due to her drama brilliant legacy ,which is currently being shown here in the Philippines.


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Thanks javabeans for posting this interview of my new favorite korean actress, Han Hyo-joo!!!

I agree with vrosemarie regarding hyo joo's comftable style of dressing in Shining Inheritance! It's simple yet with spunk and style, I like it so much! Not to mention her hair is very cute and suits her a lot, and not too many people would still look good in a hair that is wavy, you know how the standard of beauty leans more on straight-tangle-free hair nowadays? hehe. One more thing though, I noticed hyo-joo's eyes is somewhat hazel brown? It's kind of light brown, I was thinking that it could be contact lenses but she cries with that on and it could be really painful? So does han hyo-joo have somewhat foreign blood? like half chinese or something?

Anyway I've always liked her since I first saw her in Spring Waltz and liked her more in Shining Inheritance. It's currently being aired here in the Phils. but since I don't have that much free time to watch that brilliant drama regularly I decided to watch it on dvd and successfully finished it in 3 days. Thinking about it she always have characters who are pitiful but here in Shining Inheritance I liked her for being strong-willed and she talks back to her ruthless stepmom and that atleast relieves me from completely being annoyed! hehe. (well in Filipino drama standards, her stepmom isn't ruthless at all bec if it was here you could expect that the stepmom would kidnap or even assault eun sung or eun woo! I hate the idea! Good thing this was a korean drama hehe!).

I hope the best for Han Hyo-joo, I hope I can meet her someday and take a picture with her. I agree that she's a woman with a nice impression something like that. You know when you see people and you immediately know that they're nice? That's the feeling I have for hyo-joo. So aja fighting! :-)


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is she reading all these...???


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I never knew Han Hyo Joo until i've recently watched Spring Waltz, and my oh my, I loved her character there. I love her "innocent air", as quoted from #31, her looks, the way she acted, and the fact that she's not hollow (she reads, she's not someone who looks good and thats all there is). I feel bad 'cuz I missed Shining Inheritance (I never knew she was there), but I'll make sure I'll watch that series sooner or later. If Han Hyo Joo would visit the Philippines, I swear I'd be there. haha.


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Please translate all of those questions to english. please.


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So cute


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She is great in Dong Yi! The historical drama has 60 episodes, and I enjoyed it from beginning to end.


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she is cute.....


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so cute korean actress & would like to write if some one could drop how I could get her. thx


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must be true. she is not the generic type of "korean actress". you have her a mix of blunt innocence and a subtle way of being strong-willed. i also like the fact that she seemed to speak her mind. go GirL! :] got to see more of your talent bloom in the future.


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34. Yeah, you could say that.. i also feel the same way towards her. You would quickly know that she's nice just by looking at her. and she's great. Dong yi's been airing here in the Philippines. But i couldn't wait to see what would happen to the next epi, so i decided to just have dvds of it, even if it means having 2 hours of sleep :) And i'm nearly to the end. But what can i say. She's been great, so so great. I hope she would go here in the Phil. It would be a dream come true if i would meet her personally.

Goodluck to your career :D


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she is cute brilliant and great in her movies i watched spring walt brilliant legacy and dong yi and i will say she is great with so many talent.being sad strong will and with dong yi every part was there and i will personally say she did well together with JJH.tanx for the translation and i will say please HHJ slow on the drinking bcus your fans care alot about you.sucess in your future


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i always like Han Hyo joo.. she has a nice attitude towards everything.. happy, intelligent, good actress, kind actress , fun to hang-out, and helpful to poor people..like in the Philippines.. 2007.. 6 yrs past. Bless You.. Dong Yi character's perfect because you have the same characteristic even though its only a movie.. You really perfected it.. im still watching it. 2013.. like what i said before.. Bless You and Have a Good awesome , wonderful long life !


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hi you're a girl or a boy?


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hi you're a girl or a boy?


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I realy love han hyo joo!!!


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