Rain eyes a return to television dramas

Singer, actor, fashion designer, entertainment company CEO, and all-around entertainer Rain is said to be eyeing a return to broadcast television later this year.

According to a rep from Rain’s company J.Tune Entertainment, the star has been looking favorably at several proposals for drama roles, and plans to make his final decision soon. One possibility is with a project whose writer made the suggestion directly to the star himself, and as they are close friends, Rain is said to be considering that role seriously. His rep said, “It’s true that he’s looking more positively on a drama role rather than a film.”

Rain had at one point decided to make his television comeback last year, but development fizzled on the project. This would be his first drama in four years, following 2005’s revenge series A Love to Kill. He’s done several films in the interim — I’m a Cyborg But That’s Okay, Speed Racer, Ninja Assassin — but arguably hasn’t been able to reclaim the visibility he’d enjoyed at his peak, around the time of his incredibly popular 2004 trendy drama Full House co-starring Song Hye-gyo and his third album (“It’s Raining”).

(Personally, I think his somewhat haphazard approach to breaking into the American market set him back quite a bit. Without the proper organization and strategic planning required for such a huge undertaking, his career screeched to a halt back home as he dropped out of the spotlight for several years — eons in showbiz time. I think Rain is a decent actor, particularly with his roles in Sangdoo, Let’s Go to School and I’m a Cyborg But That’s Okay, so if this drama thing ends up happening, I’ll be looking forward to it.)

Rain left Korea on July 6 for U.S. promotional activities for Ninja Assassin, which will have its worldwide premiere on November 25. Following his return to Korea, he’ll hold a fanmeeting on the 26th.

Via Star News




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Full House 2 with Song Hye Kyo !!!!

Ok, I know that's not gonna happen but I can dream can't I?


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Um....excuse me, but OH MY GOD.


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One more thing:

Thank you, JB!

Really, truly. From the bottom of my cougar heart (which just grew 3 sizes).



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i hope it's that drama with Jeon Ji Hyun that were in talk a while back, they were suppose to, but they're both busy. Not a big fan of Full House, but it's my first Korean drama so it's got a little room in my heart (ala Mi-rae, aisshh!). I'll still check out his drama, whatever it is.


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If anything Rain is a force of nature in Asia (excuse the pun). His charisma and pure star appeal makes him watchable, makes him an event, whether he is in a good drama or a poorly written one. You have to watch.

I didn't see Sang Do or Cyborg, but I have to say that Full House was a little underwhelming.

That said, I think Ninja Assassin will be a lot bigger than many people think it will be in the United States (quoting Kim Sun Ah loosely when they punk'd her, "have you SEEN Rain's body???"). Steven Colbert alone will make Rain something of a household name for the American intellectuaratti. I have a friend who loves watching the Colbert Report, and his favorite catch phrase is now, "Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!" from the dance-off skit that Rain did with Colbert.

Any drama role that Rain ends up doing will probably get a 5% boost just from Rain's appearance, maybe more.


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@Samsooki, you saw that prank? Have you seen them dancing Tango at his Comeback show last year?


behind the scenes (practice) was so cute and funny. They have a cool brother-sister relationship.


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Call me low-brow but I loved Full House and I love me some Rain. I've not really ventured into K-movies so he can come on back to dramas anytime.


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i thought he was wonderfulllll in sangdoo (one of my favorite dramas of all time), and he was endearing in full house. i thought he acted well in a love to kill, but the drama was too heavy and depressing for my taste. however i love rain as an actor. i've often told people that i think he should quit singing and act instead. he definitely has something to fall back on when he retires from being a pop star. hahaha SO looking forward to whatever drama he picks :)


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OK, let me put my objective hat back on (I'll try anyway).

Sangdoo, Let's Go To School - LOVED IT. Seriously, absolutely loved it. The best relationship in the drama was between Sangdoo and his little daughter Bori. This man did anything (and I do mean anything) to feed and clothe and care for this child while barely an adult himself.

Mild Spoiler Alert:

It's established early on in the drama that Sangdoo's daughter is sick, which leads him to commit some pretty desperate and unsavory acts in order to pay for her medical care and extended hospital stay. The whole drama is worth watching for a single scene: Sangdoo and the doctor that Bori has a crush on have convinced her that "bald is beautiful" by showing her pictures of, well, beautiful bald women (Demi Moore, Sinead O'Oconnor, etc.) so that she won't mind losing her hair. Sangdoo encourages Bori to sing a happy song over and over again as he shaves her head, all the while crying helpless tears behind her back. I might have to go watch this scene again right this minute. Was it a shameless tearjerker? Absolutely. Did it have one or two too many endings? For sure. But I loved it.

Full House - only worth watching for the eye candy factor. Would I watch FH2? Oh hell yeah.

A Love to Kill - I liked Rain in this. I thought he was really good as a man seeking vengeance on behalf of his brother, but man, was I glad when it ended. I wouldn't watch it again for money. I was praying for someone to kill ME by the time the end finally came.

I'm a Cyborg But That's Okay - one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen, but worth watching just to hear Rain yodel. Yes, he really CAN do everything!!

Speed Racer - yep, I only watched it because Rain was in it. I admit it.

Ninja Assassin - reputed to be one of the most violent movies ever made. I'll just have to watch through my fingers.


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Rain in a drama again? yay!
i really like him as an actor...like someone mentioned, he definitely has that to fall back on once he is done being a pop star.

whatever the drama is about, i am definitely watching it...

and @ langdon813, that scene you described makes me tear just thinking about it...definitely the most touching scene i have seen in a kdrama thus far T_T....but boy did that ending piss me off *spoiler* i still dont know if they died or not LOL */spoiler*


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OMG, if he's going back to small screen, I hope someone cooks up a project collab between him and Hwang Bo. Didn't they use to have chemistry back then, when Rain was just starting? It'll be fun seeing him again in reality tv shows as well.


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@10, hbhjjb


It was definitely a happy ending!


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Full House was the reason i got into Korean TV series.
Before, I thought Korean Dramas (having only switched-at-birth, evil scheming adoptive parents, terminal disease, amnesia plots) are very typical until I saw Full House. It had none of those, proving that not everything that comes out of Korean dramas are dark , gloomy and tragic.

I hope he does a comedy, after all I need something to lift my spirits now that most of the hunky korean guys are in the army. No more tears please


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he certainly can Act but he is not a Great actor if you get the difference.
But then what 'singer/actor/and lot of other things' have the time to put into one skill, like acting, that they can become a really good actor.
Long as they can do a workmen like job, if they decide to take on an acting role, that should be good enough. I give singer/actors a lot of lee way in that regard.


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I know Rain puts his heart in everything but I think he could've done better than Speed Racer and Ninja Assassin. He can really act, judging from what I saw in I'm a Cyborg But That's Okay. I know the film received mixed reviews but it totally worked for me.

I also saw and loved all of his dramas, even the dark A Love to Kill. So I hope his plans of starring in a drama will materialize soon.


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Come back before Megan Fox gets to you!


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I'm a European girl, and the reason why I see kdrama is Rain. I'm interested in Asian cinema, especially Korean films, I saw "I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok", the performance of Rain touched me and I wanted to see other of his works. Like this, I arrived to "Full House", and it's because of this that now I'm here, reading "Dramabeans", interested in Korean dramas and Korean actors, enjoying and being moved for some characters created in a so far country and, at the same time, so close to my sensitivity. If I saw "Speed Racer" it was because Rain was in the film, and if I will go to see "Ninja Assassin" it will be for the same reason.


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i really haven't seen full house even thought everyone seems to like it. thought i've seen the trailer for i'm a cyborg and it looked interesting.


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"Come back before Megan Fox gets to you!"


I bet all Megan Fox's male fans already googled for "Rain Korean Justin Timberlake"


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I haven`t seen any of his project, but I know his a good actor. I think his good in drama and comedy.


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Rain in a drama again?!??! Hell yes! Hahahaha

Despite its many shortcomings, Full House is one of my all time favourites. And I was more than willing to watch A Time to Kill and Let's go to school, Sang-doo because of Rain, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Speed Racer and I'm a Cyborg, but it's OK. Not much to write about there.


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@10 hbhjjb:
it was a ... happy ending, but it sure left alot of us wondering ?! at it.

i think rain has this screen presence, maybe because he's so willing to do anything. and how he pushed his success through even when rejected in early career.

full house was ... saccharine for me. i dislike the resolution, didn't make enough sense for me.

i wish he has a little bit more dramas under his belt. i think he demonstrated a little more depth in a love to kill. but yeah, i would like to see him in another drama. though i have to wait and see for the story first.


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I hope he acts in a new drama! He's one of the reasons I started to watch korean dramas. I think he's a good actor (I know my opinion sounds biased).

It's a pity Speed Racer wasn't sucessful, I liked the anime (i watched when I was young) and some actors and actress of movie were great too, Rain did a great job too, even his accent wasn't that strong. But unfortunelly the movie had a bad script and those special effects made the viewer dizzy. I also didn't liked how they made the movie into a live-action instead of an adaptation. But anyway, I loved 'I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok' and I thought Rain was amazing there.

I'm fan of Rain so I'll watch anything with him. lol. But I'm sure even people that aren't his fan enjoy his acting too.


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I'm all for Rain returning to Korea!!
(Although the ONLY way I would ever get to meet him would be in the States, given a huge miracle). XDDD

I just watched 'Full House' last month and his acting ability did not disappoint while 'I'm A Cyborg...' was mildly entertaining. Basically, I'm on a role with watching all of his works.
'Sangdoo' is killing me right now and I just want to skip to 'A Love To Kill.' Rain as a bad guy=total hotness.

I'm anticipating Ninja Assassin's release as well and on seeing how many lines he has this time around (I don't think he had much in Speed Racer but that's yet to be proven since it's still the Queue). Plus, with all of the grueling and not to mention strict diet he was on to attain the body, I definitely want to check that out.

All in all, I'm rooting for Rain and I hope all of his business ventures work out for him.
You could say I'm officially an awestruck/captivated fan. XD

*As for Full House 2, I really don't want to watch the second season (Don't want him to return/Nor start up). I think the director/scriptor ended the drama beautifully and it did not leave me questioning anything. To resurrect it would be to kill the original. Sometimes sequels do horribly and I'm afraid that Full House 2 would be no exception. >.<


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Hye Gyo and Rain should act together again. Whether it could be Full House 2 or other drama, still a lot of BiKyo fans will be very satisfied. (including meee!!!) ^^


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Hye Kyo and Rain should act together again. Whether it will be Full House 2 or any other drama, still BiKyo fans will be very satsfied. (inculding meeee!!! ) ^^


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ick. can't stand this guy, so it's a given that i won't be tuning in to anything he does.


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Heck yah!! Rain comes back to dramas. At first, when I watch Sang-doo, he seemed like a pro-actor, but I didn't know that it was actually his first acting gig. I'm so amazed at how incredibly talented he is at everything he does. True, Song Hye Gyo and Bi should act together again ... just not on Full House 2 since I don't know what other story they can tell.


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hoping for more “RAIN” this year!


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So I`m the only one who truly loved A love to kill and I`m a Cyborg??? Maybe I`m strange... On the other hand I liked only few episodes of Sangdoo...

Many people criticize Rain for his dreams of US but I`m really happy...cause that`s the only way I can watch him in the cinema in Poland^^

Frankly speaking I`m not also a big fan of Speed Racer but I don`t think that we should treat this movie as an end of his career. His young, ambitious and talented.
When I`m reading news about Rain I always get a feeling that you gave him always a real bashing even for small mistakes. Like you would expect from him more...The truth is his only a human


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sickening to hear Rain & SongHyeKyo again again over again thousand times year in year out year after year. full house the stupiest quarrelling drama. u ppl enjoy weird fighting day n night call good chemistry.
dont like to see them in acting again for hell sake, arent they dating and getting married soon didnt they fell in love on n off the set. not enuf want to see them make babies in anor drama??
enuf is enuf of this stupid couple!! everyday in day out nothing but Rain and HyeKyo until sick of hearing.


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^oooohhh. we've got a hater in the house everyone!

I like him as an actor. I mean, c'mon, Sangdoo? One of the best performance by a newbie/singer-turned-actor. He's not among the "best" (yet) but he sure knows how to work the camera. You can always feel his presence onscreen. All of the dramas, even his movies, he portayed different characters. All of them were portayed very well.

I'm looking forward to his return on the small screen. I hope the story is good, though. I still haven't watched A Love to Kill in full. That drama was okay from the beginning from went on to being ridiculously boring. I got through a lot of episodes because of Rain's part and Kim Sa Rang's.


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I certainly can't wait for Rain to do a come back to dramas. He's the Major reason I got addict to Kdramas in the first place .Please come back very soon.



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Still...Rain and Hye Kyo look good together...BiKyo Drama one more time!!!


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apparently i've seen cyborg ...i like it
most of his drama that ilove to watch
is fullhouse but in love to kill not so ..
thanks jb...


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hi here in the philippines were loking 4ward 4 rain, his full house will going to have a filipino adaptation here.. we miss you!


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@ Langdon 813,

I agree with every word you have said. As a big fan with utmost admiration for Rain, I see him as more than a multitainer, he is a good actor to boot. Let's see... let's start with
Sang Doo, Let's go to school.
For me, the story was so good (not to mention sad I could not bring myself to watch it again, this rabid fan watches each of his series more than 5 times). It is more than a typical love story between male and female leads, it is about different types of love
- Fatherly love - towards Bori. He changed Bori's life, as did she for his
- male bonding - especially after ep 10 - between Rain and Lee Donggun's character. As a measure of Sang Doo's likeability, even Min suk who started out hating his guts and love rival ends up rooting for him
- unrequited love - Sera's love for Sang Doo, which turns her into a meanie
- and of course, Sang Doo's love for his childhood sweetheart (i forgot her character's name ; P )

The saddest part was not so much of him having to leave Gong Hyo Jin's character but the fact that the happy go lucky lad had to leave his happy go lucky demeanor behind him when the going got too tough

The story made me think because of its many levels - it shows that growing up (thru Sang Doo's eyes) encompasses accepting responsibilities that come with being an adult. SD chose Bori over EH even after he found out he's not Bori's biological father. It demonstrates the strong emotional ties between father/ daughter.

I lost it so many times
- when SD tells Minsuk he'd die 900 times for EH
- when he shaves Bori's head
- when he and EH finally part when they realise it is impossible to be together (after spending a whole day together)
- when they got hit by the darn trailer and died in each other's arms (why make us hold out with hope if it was going to end that way?)

I particularly enjoyed the growth of SD's character and the friendship that develops between him and Min Suk.

Never imagined this series would have such a profound effect on me

Full House
- Entertaining and enjoyable - I believe I speak for all Rain fans

- Again, another depressing plot but he executed his role of the revenge consumed man tormented by a so called forbidden love, and being caught in between a obligatory relationship with Dajung.
- Some say he looked thoroughly constipated at times. I'd have to say I was looking to overlook that because he carried himself so well.

I'm a cyborg but that's ok
- Warped and weird to me but hey, it's my idol - i sat thru it

Speed Racer
- how could i not support my idol in my maiden hollywood flick? Flawed performance but I'd stand by him,

I am keenly anticipating the time he commits to a new drama project, we've been starved for too long...............


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He may not be the best actor in Korea but he's one of the best in his class

ALTK was too dark at times but i sat thru it only because it was him. He certainly shows depth and a commendable emotional range.

Feel free to disagree, though.


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typo error
* his maiden hollywood flick


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give me some Rain and Kim Sun Ah. they look so good together in the prank and tango dance. the reality show where they show them practicing and having fun together. But i hope they plan it well so it wont be criticized like the KSA-Lee Dong Gun's When Its At Night (although this is guilty pleasure for me)...

Can we get another one from the writer of City Hall??? I dont want to get from the writer of MNIKSS because i think their next project was What's Up Fox that was sort of very MNIKSS.

I also hope this time, KSA plays the rich girl. She's been stereotyped with being the poor loudmouth for so long. Im thinking KSA is a rich executive heiress of a big corporation. She is very career-driven. The Rain can be the younger street smart guy full of angst. There goes the comedy. But since we know KSA is so good with drama and no-words acting.. we need a dramatic turn. her family is against him. society is against them.

what you think???


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