Forget Partner, let’s look at Triple
by javabeans
(From top left, going clockwise, they are: Lee Hana, Yoon Kye-sang, Kim Hee, Lee Seon-kyun, Min Hyo-rin, and Lee Jung-jae.)
I don’t have much to add on top of what I’ve already said about Triple, other than that it has new posters out. The one above and the one directly below are almost exactly the same — I thought they were identical, at first — and show the six main characters and give us our first idea of how some will pair off. (Still not sure how lead character Min Hyo-rin will be treated, or how her ice-skating character relates to the ad executives.)
(Based on the order of the cast list, I’m going to guess that Lee Jung-jae takes the lead and Yoon Kye-sang, sigh, takes a backseat.)
Drama premieres on MBC on June 10.
(The last guy is young actor Song Joong-ki, btw. He’s also in Ogamdo.)
Tags: Kim Hee, Lee Hana, Lee Jung-jae, Lee Seon-kyun, Lee Yoon-jung, Min Hyo-rin, Song Joong-ki, Triple, Yoon Kye-sang
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1 etsy
May 26, 2009 at 9:10 PM
the drama looks downright FUN. im excited
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2 gailt
May 26, 2009 at 9:12 PM
the pictures make the drama look bright and sunny. i like kim hee's blue boots. :D
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3 Samsooki
May 26, 2009 at 9:14 PM
Ensemble casts can be tough to deal with, whether it is a movie or a drama. Do you spread out the story lines? How to make everybody happy with the amount of scenes and lines?
And, often times, in large group scenes, it feels like characters are just waiting around in the scene, waiting patiently to say their line, then after they say their line, and they go back to being quiet again. Still, I note Lee Yoon-jung might be the saving grace, as she can skillfully neutralize possible negatives associated with large casts, and we'll probably see inter-woven story lines that move people around in more intimate scenes of 2-3 ppl max.
The workup for Triple has been pretty big. I wonder what kind of pressure the actors are facing, now that they know what they are going up against, and especially for Min Hyo Rin, who has been working so hard to be credible. Sort of wish that the publicity had been more low key, but given Kim Yeon Ah's (김연아) World Championship and world record, there's no backing away now...
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4 ripgal
May 26, 2009 at 9:18 PM
That IS one unique poster. Totally has that manga-ish feel to it..
I wonder if Lee Jung Jae's character's funny? I would love to see him work his comedic skills on screen again. The last time I've seen him in a comical role was in Oh Brothers.. and he just blew me away in that movie!
So Sarah, Lee Jung Jae or Yoon Kye Sang? =P
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5 KP
May 26, 2009 at 9:22 PM
Min Hyo Rin plays Lee Jung Jae's stepsister. The two were orphaned when she was 13 - her mother and his father died in a car accident, I believe. The preview's up too -
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6 penny
May 26, 2009 at 9:22 PM
I LOVE when Yoon Kye-Sang smiles..i'm glad to see him again in another project because i really enjoyed him in Who Are You? i was just re-watching the drama last week and every time i see him i can't help but SMILE ^__^ too..i don't care if he gets the backseat in this drama because to see him is worth it and even if he doesn't get the girl in the end it's ok too..
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7 KP
May 26, 2009 at 9:24 PM
Min Hyo Rin plays Lee Jung Jae's stepsister!
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8 Philippa
May 26, 2009 at 9:26 PM
The casting looks amazing!
awesome peopleeee
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9 Javabeans
May 26, 2009 at 9:32 PM
"So Sarah, Lee Jung Jae or Yoon Kye Sang? =P "
Yoon Kye-sang! No, Lee Jung-jae! Yoon Kye-sang! Lee Jung-jae! Kang Ji-hwan! Um, all of them smooshed together?
"I LOVE when Yoon Kye-Sang smiles... i was just re-watching the drama last week and every time i see him i can’t help but SMILE "
this is my absolute favorite Yoon Kye-sang smile from Who Are You:

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10 yelibean
May 26, 2009 at 9:33 PM
this seems fun!
from watching the preview, it seems the OST will be awesome like Coffee Prince...yay!
cant wait! i hope it doesnt disappoint ^^
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11 hjkomo
May 26, 2009 at 9:43 PM
So, if Lee Hana gets paired with Yoon Kye Sang....
then your Lee Jung Jae is safe, Sarah. :D
That just leaves Samsooki to fight a 1) losing, 2) utterly futile battle against the rest of us for Kang Ji Hwan. ;)
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12 Taohua
May 26, 2009 at 9:51 PM
This looks like it will be a lot of fun! Seriously, it seems like this year is turning out well for interesting dramas!
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13 Kender
May 26, 2009 at 9:53 PM
Oh man oh man oh man, the suspense is killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
They all look like they're having a ton of fun off-screen, too. This is going to be adorable. :3
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14 mojadora
May 26, 2009 at 10:02 PM
aw.. i was hoping that yoon kye sang would be the lead too
i love him so much in she is 19 an in who are you, one of my favorite actors,..
i dont know that lee jung jae guy.. is he good?
haven't seen him in anything yet..
i dont care about the girls but to have yoon kye sang and lee sun gyun in one drama is more than enough to make me watch this.. cant wait..yay!
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15 din
May 26, 2009 at 10:03 PM
wee! i'm really excited for this! :D
i just wished Kang Ji Hwan was still in the cast though :p
but it's alright :D
Song Joong-ki... i'm keeping my eyes open for this fresh eye candy. hihi.
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16 mojadora
May 26, 2009 at 10:05 PM
and i so love yoon kye sang's chinky eyes when he smiles!
and his cheeks too! so cute...
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17 hanjanman
May 26, 2009 at 10:31 PM
@ hjkomo,
That's it, I've had it! I've been keeping mum about this since I saw the last open thread but you have drawn me out of my lurker status. Let me put it this way. I have never questioned Samsooki's Binniesexuality. I could totally relate to that being also a man. BUT, that's as long he doesn't touch my Kang Ji Hwan! Call it Hwanniesexuality. I have seen Kang Ji Hwan take on different roles, from drama, action and comedy and he always seem to fit the role. I think versatile is the word I'm looking for here. And he's such a funny guy with a confident swagger and oozing charisma. This is one guy you would love to have soju drinks with at those street tent boozers(don't know what they're called in Korean) and have endless stories to share with, or have a singsong together at a noreabang. I bet he'd be such a riot to hang out with. Has anyone seen him show off his dancing skills in Sangsang Plus when they were plugging Capital Scandal? That was so hilarious, the other guys were rolling with laughter!
I will never get jealous and would happily share Kang Ji Hwan with you and the other ladies. But not with another man! So please, do not encourage Samsooki.
@ Samsooki
I forbid you to watch Capital Scandal. I'd allow you Hong Gil Dong but that's it. You hear?
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18 nycgrl
May 26, 2009 at 10:50 PM
JB's post is something out of Chinatown. Tortured, contradictory and honest.
I'll be rooting for the backseat driver though. This will be the third time I've rooted for the 2nd lead.
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19 chajjye
May 26, 2009 at 10:58 PM
Yay! Triple! Yay! But 6 main leads? Wow.
And song jung-ki?! loved him so much in my precious you. sigh. this must be an eye-candy paradise.
Must. Bear. With. Patience. Till. I. Graduate. Must.
*throw hands in the air
BTW, I thought lee jung jae's character was playing a speed skater?
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20 Rin
May 26, 2009 at 11:06 PM
Lee Jung Jae seems a bit.. old to be paired off with one of the girls... >__>
Hmm I just hope there will lots of scenes for Yoon Kye Sang and Lee Sun Gyun XD
Seems like there will a lot of good drama the second half of 09. What to watch...
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21 hjkomo
May 26, 2009 at 11:17 PM
@ hanjanman
ROFL!!! :P
Versatile, he certainly is.
And who else could pull off that ajumma pama? (and long before the BOF craze)
Thank you for coming out of lurker status. :D
But let me make things clear:
1) I was not encouraging Samsooki. In fact, I was doing my best to discourage him.
There's no point in him diving into a fight where he'll be ripped to shreds...that's right...SHREDS.
2) @Samsooki - take notes. Now, here's a man who knows how to get what he wants without antagonizing the worst foe imaginable. {insert appropriate Korean idiom here...but I can't think of any at the moment}
Come on, you're married. You should've learned by now who wins these fights.
It's no contest! ;)
Back to topic - Song Joong-ki's yummy. :)
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22 deeta
May 26, 2009 at 11:20 PM
Wait, so it's Lee Jungjae/Min Hyorin pairing? Err, that's a bit...
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23 Jasmine
May 26, 2009 at 11:21 PM
lol. i was rofling hard at your comment. anyway, the cast look downright smexy. the guys especially. actually ONLY the guys.
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24 B.B.
May 26, 2009 at 11:28 PM
JB. - whisper, whisper - secret, Lee Jung Jae is still a black agent, come back to infiltrate the international world of Ice Skaters - his lady, Choi Ji Woo's heart wavered from the long wait, and is now with Lee Jin Wook. So brush up and polish your ice steps, your in with a chance.......ROFL
Just could not resist.....Looking forward to Jung Jae, sprinting about again.
Samsookie/Binnie now hanjanman/Hwannie who's next ????
Applause for our guys ^^.
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25 Ilbum noona
May 26, 2009 at 11:47 PM
I wonder if Jung Il Woo still take the leading role..
Too bad, he gave up his role in Triple for his role in Return of Iljimae..
Jung Jae and Hyo Rin? There will be another ahjussi and young girl pairing..
If it happens, then there is no difference with its previous drama; Cinderella Man..
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26 kitty
May 27, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Lee Jung Jae! *squeals* Love it when he smiles. Not quite... err... understanding the mushroom-like hairstyle, but still, it's been a while since I saw him in a drama. Hopefully this will be good!
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27 LaFr4ise
May 27, 2009 at 12:05 AM
Thanks Javabeans.. been waiting for the update of Triple. Love all the actors in this drama, but still crossing my finger on the story lines.. hopefully this will be a good one..
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28 jboogie
May 27, 2009 at 12:16 AM
@jb I totally agree about YKS! I was just re-watching that very ep the other day!
I truly can't wait for this show...hurry the heck up already!
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29 ally
May 27, 2009 at 12:16 AM
omo! isnt the seventh image a picture of the coffee prince director?? waao
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30 CyNurse
May 27, 2009 at 12:23 AM
Yoon Kye Sang, I'll watch this for Yoon Kye Sang!
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31 ripgal
May 27, 2009 at 1:25 AM
Now we're discussing Kang Ji Hwan in the Triple thread...lolz... your fault Sarah! :P
Okay, Lee Jung Jae paired up with Min Hyo Rin? Ermm...that's a bit of a mismatch for me. I have nothing against MHR, well except that she's a TOTAL NEWBIE.. but I'm not quite for the step brother falling for step-sister kinda storyline. And he's too old for her.... it's like KSW and Yoona all over again. Okay, it's me being really jealous because she gets to be with my Lee Jung Jaeeee....urhh...<_<
@16 mojadara
Yes, Lee Jung Jae's a great actor. But he's kinda out of the drama scene for quite some time? (Well does Air City count?) He can play serious and comedy without having to try... just like Kang Ji Hwan?
@17 hanjanman
"Has anyone seen him show off his dancing skills in Sangsang Plus when they were plugging Capital Scandal? "
Me me me!! That totally got me rolling on the floor man. I rewatched it like SO SO MANY TIMES!
I totally thought he was gonna do the signature swing he did in CS, but I never never expected to see him create his own "BOUNCING" dance...lolz..
And why the heck is nobody talking about "The Voice"?
We totally need Thundie or Dahee here...
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32 hjkomo
May 27, 2009 at 1:31 AM
Sorry for going OT - but someone please direct me to the SangSangPlus - CS dance! :D
As for The Voice - the squealing shall commence as soon as he's heard....right now, we're just giving him a hiatus because he's newly married. ;)
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33 Orchid
May 27, 2009 at 1:50 AM
i always think The Voice looks better with glasses. :-)
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34 c_gunawan541
May 27, 2009 at 1:53 AM
Forget flower boys, these men are charismatic and just my type.
I never really like flower boys anyway. hahahaha~~
Seems like everyone is having fun and i'm anticipating Lee Hana in this, i hope she ends up with any one of the guys.
It's hard to choose between these 3 wonderful guys, i got a small crush on LJJ in air city even though i didn't finish that drama....
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35 elisa
May 27, 2009 at 2:01 AM
yeah i agree with the other comments. the pictures make the drama look so funn, i'm like excited to watch it already. FOR ALL THAT LSG MAGIC! hehe the donut pic. oh priceless.
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36 cosmopolite
May 27, 2009 at 2:02 AM
Somebody wipe the drool from my work desk.
(I think I should stop smiling at my screen like a total idiot because my coworker is looking at me weird. And knowing my boss, he's lurking somewhere! Yikes!)
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37 djeedjes
May 27, 2009 at 2:31 AM
*Sorry for going OT - but someone please direct me to the SangSangPlus - CS dance! :D *
Yes, please please??
The posters look fun, but I'm not so interested with this anymore because no Kang Ji Hwan...and now I'm more looking forward for Partners.
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38 hanjanman
May 27, 2009 at 2:55 AM
@ hjkomo, djes and ripgal(just in case you needed to see it one more time)
The Kang Ji Hwan Bounce dance. Enjoy!
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39 popy
May 27, 2009 at 3:27 AM
I'm waiting "Triple" because of... Yoon Kye-sang. I love his smile that make me feel natural and comfortable. I have been waiting his new project since "Who are you?". But until now, I have no lots of info. about characters. I can only see the clear couple Kim Hee, Lee Seon-kyun, but how about Lee Hana, Yoon Kye-sang, Min Hyo-rin, and Lee Jung-jae? I have no doubt about Lee Jung-jae's acting comedy, but I think his face is a bit old to pair with Min Hyo-rin (although he's "just" 10-year older than Min Hyo-rin. hehe). So the rest of them are Lee Hana, Yoon Kye-sang and Lee Jung-jae. I don't want to see the triangle love because I don't want to see my love "Kye-sang" to suffer misery on screen.
I think MBC tries to keep the script in secret to attract the audiences.
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40 crzycpl
May 27, 2009 at 3:35 AM
Yoon Kye-sang is looking a little skinny these days. I love his smile. He had me from the days of My sister-in-law is 19. I'm so excited about this drama. Can't wait!
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41 B.B.
May 27, 2009 at 4:21 AM
@ hanjanman
Thanks so for the link - brilliant.
Seen this one guys -
I go with new groom rest
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42 bbm
May 27, 2009 at 4:24 AM
hanjanman, thank you for the link... i was laughing so hard when he bounce... :P
yes, KJH why did you leave.... TT
but there still 'the-newly-wed-voice' and yoon kye sang, i wouldn't miss it...
and JB, thank you for Yoon Kye Sang smiling pic... he looked like a child when he smile like that...
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43 AndLoveYelledNO
May 27, 2009 at 5:38 AM
Yoon Kye-Sang is just amazing. I feel the need to watch "Who are you?" again for the billionth time now :D
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44 Samsooki
May 27, 2009 at 5:45 AM
i feel like you guys are all mistaken and we really really got off on the wrong foot.
Let me start over.
First, Kang Ji Hwan and I have a connection. I felt it when I was watching Hong Gil Dong, ep 4, and I was like, wow, Hong Gil Dong and I have a connection. It was destiny, it was oon-myung, and I had no idea it was going to happen. As we all know, you cannot fight oon-myung.
Second, there is no fight to be had here, since Kang Ji Hwan and I have a connection. But in the interest of fair play (ala My Love Patzzi, et al.) we should just let JB choose, since JB has clearly chosen YKS and not KJW.
My proposal is that we should all write a nerdy haiku about KJW and then let JB decide the winner, making note that this is still a Triple thread, not a KJW thread. My nerdy haiku entry:
Kang Ji Hwan (mine!), was
Ensemble casting why you
Drop'd out of Triple?
*clap* *applause* *woot* Thank you, no you are too kind. I am not really a poet, but thank you. My stable of guys now include Binnie and Kang Ji Hwan. You guys can all look but don't touch.
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45 bspanda
May 27, 2009 at 6:50 AM
Wheeee what a delightful poster! So so cute! With so many cuties too! Can't wait for Triple!!!
Only thing is - why does Lee Jung Jae have a 'Spock-ish' haircut? While Spock was very smouldering smexy in latest 'Star Trek' - why oh why have this cut on Lee Jung Jae? It's not flattering in the stills. (I'll still watch him of course!) But it's like LJJ and his stylist both nodded off while stylist was cutting it. Regardless LJJ is still hot hot hot.
Ok am trying to keep my promise from last open thread to keep on topic in a thread......but sorry Javabeans have to break it on mention of Kang Ji Hwan (am sure you understand right?) Perhaps we should have an open thread just on KJK? hehehe
@11 et al hjkomo
Totally agree - Samsooki could/would not win against KJH lionesses! It would get very ugly, very quickly. (Not that I want Samsooki hurt. Hell no! Samsooki has great taste to love of Binnie, appreciates Hwannie and his comments in this blogs are classics for crying out loud! How about we convince him to share/play nice in re: KJH?)
Ajumma pama + sunnies in a fusion sageuk. Only Kang Ji Hwan could pull it off.
@ hanjanman
Glad you are no longer a lurker! Wow you are willing to share KJH!? Nice! KJH really is versatile, smexy and adorkable! He seems to enjoy himself, while coming off sometimes as being slightly shy? Whatever it is - I'ld hang out with him anytime anyplace :p Have you seen him in Rough Cut with So Ji Sub? Very nice. Now waiting for Civil Servant #7.
And be still my fangirly heart - thanks for sharing the Bounce Dance. So adorkable - reminds me to check out the Lotte CF again...for the zillionth time.
Honestly Hwanniesexuality and Binniesexuality can co-exisit! Different yes, yet both supernova hot!
@ 34 c_gunawan541
Triple seems to stand for 'Men Men Men' Makes one think 'F4 who?' hehe
@ 41 B.B
Thanks - what a riot!
What is the song that KJK attempts to sing? Is it the song he sang on the Fireworks OST or something else?
(Honestly this blog is more effective than all the cold/flu pills I've been popping today. Feel much better already! Thanks Dramabeans gang!)
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46 hanjanman
May 27, 2009 at 6:50 AM
@ Samsooki
Didn't I just say that you keep off Kang Ji Hwan??? Why couldn't you just be a one man, well, man and stick to Hyun Bin? However, in the spirit of fair play, here is my haiku:
Lee Jung Jae may take
Your place in Triple but not
My heart, Ji Hwan ssi.
By the way, your oonmyung claim is dubious. He sent me a sign(a wink) at the Lotte duty free mv.
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47 B.B.
May 27, 2009 at 6:56 AM
@ 44 Samsooki.
OK, here goes haiku trial, LAUGH later guys.....
Absent ! Kang Ji Hwan,
Triple, how to enjoy fear I
men, a trio remain.
Howz zat Samsooki.
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48 Samsooki
May 27, 2009 at 6:59 AM
@45 bspanda
But KJH and I have a connection! Doesn't this TOTALLY remind you of the k-drama mitchin girls (crazy girls) who will not let go their man even though KJH and I have a connection? I can name like a half-dozen dramas where the mitchin girls did not let go even though their "man" had a connection with someone else. It's not love!
It's like you guys didn't learn a thing by watching k-dramas. The crazy girls never win in the end!
@46 hanjanman
Wow..... great haiku, Hanjanman! It's like you captured the essence of your futile and unrequited love for KJH that is the backbone of most k-dramas.
*applause*. In all sincerity, that should be good enough for tied for 2nd place in the KJH contest, which earns you a free cellphone voicemail message brought to you by my Kang Ji Hwan. :)
@47, B.B.
I had no idea we had so many poets amongst us!
Your poem has a lot of depth and pathos... I feel almost sad (for you). I think you have the essence of what it means to be without Kang Ji Hwan, which is good foreshadowing because Kang Ji Hwan will soon be mine after I finish Hong Gil Dong and Capital Scandal.
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49 bspanda
May 27, 2009 at 7:12 AM
Just when i said this blog was making me feel better....
I post, a nanosecond after you, to read this
'Kang Ji Hwan and I have a connection'
What are you trying to do? KIll me when I'm already sick!!!!! As well as throw down a haiku challenge, when I have no idea what that is? Mean mean meanie....*sobs*
What was it you said about steak and blue? Kicking self for mentioning questioning your Binniesexuality if you not like KJH! So feel like I should not have shared now!
psst hjkomo I think I take back what I said - going for blood!
@ hanjanman
Can you please help defend KJH from Samsooki?
(BTW sorry that wink was for me - I claimed it weeks ago. But we can still be friends right? hehe)
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50 Samsooki
May 27, 2009 at 7:24 AM
That wink from the end of the Lotte CF music video? At about the 2:57 mark? That wink was from Kang Ji Hwan????!!! Oh my. I didn't think he was winking at me, but now that I go back and play that MV again, he WAS winking at me.
My new haiku, based on Lotte Duty Free:
So I'm loving you
And Triple is missing you
But Mine! wink'd at me...
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