Kang Ji-hwan is still thirsty for success

With the new romantic-comedy spy movie Level 7 Civil Servant (aka Secret Couple) about to come out — it’s in theaters April 23 — both stars have been heavily promoting the movie, which is earning favorable buzz and, in my opinion, looks pretty zippy and fun.

Thanks to all the press they’re doing, here’s a new interview out with my man (mine!) Kang Ji-hwan.

“I’m not a top star or top actor. That’s why I’m still thirsty.”

The young man began acting at the age of 25 and told himself he would quit if he wasn’t able to succeed by the age of 30. He pounded on the door of the musical world and stood onstage with a minor part. But the spotlight only shined on the lead.

Then, he was going to appear in a television drama series. To see their son, his parents sat in front of the television all day. The young man was cast in the role of the main character’s dead son, appearing as a sticker photo on a cell phone.

The frustrated young man finally got his break at the age of 29. His face didn’t start to be known to the public until he appeared on the daily drama Be Strong, Geum-soon. But that was just briefly, as all the dramas he appeared in were crushed by competing dramas Hwang Jini, War of Money, New Heart and others.

That young man at last earned a “new actor” award at the age of 32, then took on the film role of top star Kim Haneul‘s love interest. This is Kang Ji-hwan.

(I think the intro’s rather dramatic, because while Kang Ji-hwan’s dramas all faced stiff competition, he wasn’t quite the forgotten star it sounds like. He had a few flops like 90 Days’ Time to Love and Fireworks, but he definitely gained notice with Capital Scandal and Hong Gil Dong, and by the time he won the new actor award for Rough Cut, he was already pretty popular, if not a household name. For what it’s worth.)



Your comic side in Level 7 Civil Servant resembles your role in Hong Gil Dong more than in Rough Cut.

Even so, I think Rough Cut was more influential in getting me cast for this. They say that people in film don’t watch television dramas very much.

Do you tend to avoid the press? It’s been a long time since you made your debut, but you haven’t done many interviews, and you haven’t revealed much to the public. It was like that for Rough Cut as well.

When I start working on a project, I can’t really worry about other things. I didn’t learn acting formally, and I didn’t really know why my audition for Be Strong, Geum-soon was successful. At the time, the priority was to survive on a day-by-day basis. I didn’t know any older sunbae actors so I had nobody to learn from, and I could only dig into the scripts. If I let my attention wander elsewhere even for a short while, it was impossible to immerse myself fully in the emotions.

Maybe that turned into a habit, but I continued to study the scripts in that way. I didn’t even have a chance to look around me. And when doing Rough Cut, we were supposed to have some promotional events in Japan, but the release date was moved up so that didn’t happen.

You were an unknown for a long while, and even after you took on lead roles, for a while your dramas faltered in the ratings to competitor dramas.

I had decided that after starting to act at age 25, if I hadn’t succeeded by age 30 I would give up. Even aside from that, I’m the kind of person who’s sensitive anyway and feels pressure keenly. With Capital Scandal, all I could think was what would happen if it failed because of me, and what I could do to turn that around. I just tried to survive.



Having gone through such tough times, why did you not quit acting?

At first, when things didn’t work out, I would feel this stubbornness develop. When I started with musicals, I figured I would first need to make some money, so I worked for a year. Then, I rehearsed like crazy, but the real applause was only for the leads. Truthfully, that’s obvious, but at that age, I didn’t get it.

In the drama More Beautiful Than a Flower, I played Go Du-shim’s dead son, and came out only as a sticker photo on a cell phone. But because their son was going to be on, my parents sat in front of the television waiting to see me. Seeing that made me suddenly well up with tears. I decided I had to make it as a lead.

I auditioned for the musical Grease and got the lead part, and brought my parents to see it.

Your dramas like 90 Days’ Time to Love, Capital Scandal, and Hong Gil Dong suffered in the ratings due to competing dramas.

They were all good, award-worthy dramas. There was some mania fandom, but not much response. There were many dark days when I would drink to leave those characters behind. But I couldn’t shake off the addictive thoughts that things might improve if I just work a little harder. And then I met Hong Gil Dong, even if that did get pushed back in the ratings from New Heart.

And after that you did Rough Cut.

As I was working on Hong Gil Dong, I wanted to do a more masculine project. Plus, it was my first commercial film. With Rough Cut, I would naturally be compared to So Ji-sub, so my foremost thought was that I’d better not forget how to act.

If there’s anything to feel disappointed about, it was that I had thought that a film set would provide more space and time than a drama to immerse myself in the emotions, but that wasn’t possible. As you know, it was a low-budget film, so we were pressed for time, and we had to use film sparingly. When I would hear that we spent a lot of money on film, my back actually broke out in a cold sweat. The result was good, but I felt a little disappointed that I couldn’t let myself go as much as I wanted.

Did you feel that with Level 7 Civil Servant?

It’ll be up to the audience to judge if it came out well, but I put everything into it, like I’d burned myself into ashes. Director Shin Tae-ra told me that he’d be behind me, so I could try anything I wanted. It was like putting fire to a volcano that was about to erupt.

Every day after filming ended, I asked my manager, “Wasn’t I good today?” The director and Kim Haneul enabled me to indulge myself as much as I wanted. I wasn’t left wanting on this movie, to say the least.

Were you friends with Kim Haneul when you worked on your drama together? [90 Days’ Time to Love]

At that time, we weren’t really close. I was preoccupied just with my own acting. This time, we were totally in tune with each other, and even ad-libbed lines. She was always ready to react, and made me step it up.



Your first film is actually the indie movie Host & Guest. Did the experience help you?

When I was mostly working in minor roles, if someone offered me a lead part I took it no matter what. All I recall is being cold, hungry, and having to be sparing with film. Because we had to conserve film, I couldn’t mess up even a syllable of dialogue. Still, those memories of being cold and hungry helped me successfully audition for Be Strong, Geum-soon. At the time, the writer said I was very lacking, but she could see my thirst in my eyes, which is why they picked me.

Are you still thirsty?

Of course. I’m not a top star, or a top actor. You have to rise one step at a time to make it up the mountain. I can see the peak, but it’s so steep that it does feel endless. I hope for a project that will be my rope so I can climb up. But for now I’ve started the path, and rising to the top is my primary goal. Since I haven’t made it there yet, I don’t know what my next goal is after that.

You often show a cheerful side to you, but it seems like your true personality is different.

Actually, I’m not the cheerful type, and I don’t make friends easily. It’s just that now, I’m aware of a responsibility to set the mood as the lead actor.

The more a person succeeds, the more one is subject to interfering noises.

I think so. With a bigger role, I need to focus even more, but then people say I’ve become arrogant. So when there are crew dinners, I’m the first at the table. Because I hear various negative comments, my thoughts of opening up disappear and I shrink back even more.

I think I am on my way up, but I end up staying in my room, wondering, “What am I doing?” Actually, I started having those kinds of thoughts from Hong Gil Dong on, and went into a slight depression. I think that’s the dilemma I have these days.

Now when you focus on your script and are unable to look around, do you feel freer?

To show a different side to me from Level 7 Civil Servant, I’m going to dive into the script even more. But I am going to try to create some space for myself, even if I don’t change drastically.


Via Star News


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No, Sarah, you can't have him. You've got Lee Jung Jae.
Kang Ji Hwan's mine! *nae-neung, nae-neung* ;) Lol.


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Aww T0T
Kang Ji Hwan is really just amazing<3
Let's hope he shoots it into this "top star" fame soon. But to be fair, I think he's a really well known name; it's just that he's not had the "it project" yet, y'know? "Top stars" will always be remembered for a certain role they took, or at least, some actors will always be identified by that one drama that they shot in and it was a mania. So that's what Kang Ji Hwan needs, really.
Actors who don't just shoot into fame overnight and work their way up from the bottom are the ones who stick around, really. Best of luck to Kang Ji Hwan<3


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yeaaahhh i like KJH's sensibilities. he is surely deserving of everything he has now. and i do believe he still has lot to show. i cant wait for him to reach his goals, but not stopping there of course. i dont think the other dramas past were flops he just wasnt as noticed then. he is handling the limelight pretty well i must say.


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I think he's mine :) Fine, he's all ours!

I don't think HGD was a flop...

And besides, he's an awesome actor. And he has loads of opportunities ahead of him :)


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"No, Sarah, you can’t have him. You’ve got Lee Jung Jae."

Why, you say that as though Jung-jae oppa and I don't have an *understanding*! That being I get to have him, Kang Ji-hwan, and Yoon Kye-sang, and they are naturally devoted to me. (Oh, and Jae Hee too. But I can loan him out.)

s( ̄∇ ̄)/`
(that's hand-on-hip action there, oh snap)


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No beans (and all the rest of you!), he's MINE! lolz..

KJH's so frank. I love how he doesn't try to hide the fact that he's always craved for more ever since he became an actor. I remember he once said in an interview (or equivalent) that he was really down when Capital Scandal faltered in the ratings competition. He had devoted a lot of effort to making the drama, and truly hoped it would gain good response, but it failed to materialise for him. But at least the drama earned him an Excellence Award! :P... in fact he was on an awards roll ever since Capital Scandal...I think he's got like 6-7 trophies at home right now...

And btw, Lee Jung Jae is also mine Beans. You can't possibly have them all!! Imagine how you would have reacted if all three guys, Lee Jung Jae, Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Kye Sang were cast in Triple? It would have been total insanity! XD


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I would love to see him act with Yoon Eun Hye...since he dropped out of TRIPPLE and YEH doesn't have a leading man yet for LADY CASTLE...just my wishful thinking.


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Lol. So, only Jae Hee's available to loan out because he's fulfilling his military service? How generous of you... :P
메~롱! - I knew I spelled it wrong. o.O

Triple, 빨리 빨리 와! 어서! :D


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Kang Ji Hwan <3!!

Look forward for his next movie...and that telecinema. Well look forward to see him again in any sort!! :P

( Can we just share him? ;) )


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ohh boy....I *heart* Kang Ji Hwan with all my heart!

I wish he hadn't dropped Triple, it would have been all that much more awesome with him!

Can't wait to see his new movie, it looks great!!


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He's amazing. He's taught me some things through this interview. He's so wise and well-spoken. So proud to be his fan.


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ahh I never knew he was 32 o.o

I thought he was acting for more than 7 yrs >.<

I look forward to his movie ^^


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thanks for the article Javabeans....i <3 Ji Hwan ...can't wait to see his new movie


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I feel if Kang Ji Hwan was still in Triple my head might of exploded with man goodness.

I probably could have shore up though...


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I really amazed on how open and natural he is. The fact that stricken me in his interview is:-

1) The tough path of him in becoming a real and recognize actor. (When I watch Save Your Last Dance For Me last month-but can't finish it) I amazed on how lack his acting then and how excellent his acting in Capital Scandal and Hong Gil Dong was. It was an obvious vast of difference. Very contrary. That show how hard he work in improve his acting and there is talent inside him that wait to be develop. And now, we can see he is born to be an actor (Not like some others that how hard they tried but they can't just pull and act like Kang Ji-Hwan).

To stress the fact in become a successful, excellent actor, you need to learn, admit, improve and know your mistakes and flaws so you can rise and become greater.

2) How he is not easily satisfied. Showing he is someone who is determined, full of wit kind of person.

3) The emotional conflict as an individual in dealing with stress, depression between adjusting himself in social interaction doing what he feel strong about and want most i.e mesmerized himself in acting, script and put a fire while acting between the demand of an actor to be sociable and likable (while in the set) which is contrary with his personality.

My take, do what you want and believe most and think its right most. You can't force everything will come into places. It will slightly and slowly will mature yourself in dealing with the contrary demand between the social interaction and ones character). All the best Kang Ji-Hwan. This is one of the very best interview I ever read. It's natural and reflect a normal character of a human being.

@Heejee: I think he 'it' is Hong Gil Dong. It was his remarkable project despite it's low rating.

Btw: He is not in Triple? But why? Waaa


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Btw: His acting in Capital Scandal is just splendid! It didn't matter if it didn't received so much responses in Korean dear as long as he has been acknowledge through a prestigious awards!


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I love how Kang Ji Hwan is so open and candid in his interviews..He doesn't really hold anything back and is always really frank.
I remember watching bits of BSGS and comparing it to CS and HGD and thinking, damn..this guy has really improved and grown in his skills..

I wish he was still part of Triple..How much awesome-ness would that have been!
Looking forward to seeing Level 7 Civil Servant!


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lols. I feel bad for him. He is one of the actors that can actually act well! There are wonderful actors, but I think KJH did an excellent job in Capital Scandal and Hong Gil Dong. He has a wide range of emotions when he acts and that's what makes his drama's memorable. I watched all of his dramas except for 90 days (too taboo) and Be strong Geum Soon (too long), and he was the best in CS and HGD. I do agree that those drama's deserve more than what they got. But, oh wells. Much success to him and him finding a wife ( I hope Han Ji Min and him gets together! heheehe).


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Oh Snap you have him and Yoon Kye-sang. You sure are one lucky lady, Javabeans.


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Excellent pics! :lol:

Thanks for this post...he was adorable and hilarious in Geum Soon; also loved him in HGD and Capital Scandal...he's definitely one of my favorites! ;)


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Oh I never knew about his drinking to get over the rough patches. He means social drinking right? Host & Guest was very nice work. Dunno why, his expressions here are a bit Ha Jungwoo to me. maybe the knitted eyebrow?

The comparison to mountains is very similar to a quote of Ryu seung-beom I read today: younger actors can't follow older one's footsteps exactly in climbing the same mountains. they have to climb their own mountains in their own ways - although they have it easier because the seniors have shown the direction and mistakes to learn from.

It was gratifying to read what a thoughtful, serious actor RSB is about his work. Kang strikes me the same way (although it's funny actors always talk about mountains: from Barrymore to O'Toole...time for a new analogy? LOL) Just like dedicated writers are always improving and exploring, whether they be focused on well-funded, exotic/grandiloquent research, or the most mundane sightings in their neighborhood, not winning literary prizes or getting on best-seller list doesn't mean they're in a slump. the same is true of actors who aren't constantly paraded in spotlight by media, and get handed out the season's crowns by their order. anyone who loves the work just plugs away...luckily it's all preserved for purchase or DL, ahaha.


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Ah! Awesome pics to stare and drool at....



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KJW don't be depressed there are more people who lives vs. those who said negative things about you. Just be yourself and be happy. Know that a lot loves you and fighting over you, hahahahah =)

Goodness, he's so loveable!


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lol i love it when you're in fangirl mode!


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s( ̄∇ ̄)/`
(that’s hand-on-hip action there, oh snap)"

LMAO. i just spat out some juice on my screen hahahaha.


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Must you have them hotties all to yourself? hehe. LOL'ed at your "oh snap"


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for some reason hong gil dong didn't do so well in ratings, but from what i've read and seen, it became an internet success!


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LOL! You guys are soooo funny! where is the love people, where is the love! hehehe........ regardless of who he belongs to......it looks to be a good movie.... can't wait to see it!

So Ji Sub LOVE!


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Wow, he's completely different from what I expected. I expected him to be really upbeat and outgoing, but he seems very melancholic. I still like him, but it definitely wasn't what I was expecting.


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his smile on the last pic is a little bit weird!
but nevertheless, i fell in love with him while watching capital scandal,
i think he deserve to be popular because of his natural acting


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i am crying when i read this. you know i began love her since 2005 . since be strong geum soon. i am so sad at that time. ( his name not even mentioned in hancinema ). i just can find his pic in empas, naver or daum . ( i am not Korean so it's hard for me ).. it's just a really few people like her. even i am so sad when he has just started playing in 90 days with ha neul some people said " who is he?? " " ha neul better with Kwon sangWoo !! " ..

i am so Happy especially because his hard work finally paid.


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LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE. <3 Srsly, who doesn't love this guy with a burning passion? He's so wonderfullllll.. *swoon* I'm surprised, too; I knew he was serious and dedicated, but I didn't realise he was that... antisocial, I guess. Ohhh, I want to hug him. Hong Gil Dong and Capital Scandal were both great, and he was wonnnnnderful in both of them. IF ONLY he'd been in Triple.


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So much love in this thread!

gah, now I feel bad cos I dropped HGD after 4 eps! :*(

"They say that people in film don’t watch television dramas very much."
That puzzled me and got me thinking. Sounds like dramas are considered/seen as second-rate stuff? Hmm.


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he is ours...OURS...LET'S ALL SHARE *.*


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sharing is caring!


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"21 ed - Apr 16, 2009 at 10:01 pm
Oh I never knew about his drinking to get over the rough patches. He means social drinking right?"

Ed, ( If i remember correcty) in one of Ji Hwan's interviews,he said that get the haggard, sickly look in 90 days, he drank heavily and requested no make-up... but even after the series ended, he couldn't shake the character off , became very depressed and continued to drink heavily for several months.


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annyeong javabeans -- i thought Kang was mine? ^--^ I first noticed how handsome this actor is when i saw him in save the last dance! i thought wow he's a cutie! i still have to see his other projects though. he's definitely one of my favorite Korean actors!

thanks javabeans for sharing this nice interview which i have to continue reading now.


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He's such a great and beloved actor. I think it says a lot about the entertainment industry in Korea that even someone of his stature would still feel burdened/depressed by the pressures of his career. Hopefully no matter what he can keep his spirits up and not fall into the depression that has a lot of entertainers considering suicide.

Keep up the good work KJH! You are a top actor in our book!


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Oh, Ji Hwan-ah, you'll always be a top star in my mind, babe.

Wish they'd asked him why he's not going to be in Triple!


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Aw, that was so sad. His parents sat in front of the TV all day and all they got was a photo sticker of him on a cellphone. :(

I'm glad he's getting the recognition he deserves. The guy's so talented.


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Loved him in Hong Gil Dong... and well now, I'm a devoted obsessed fan really :]
But seriously, I loved his acting in that drama (never mind his cute smirks and gorgeous looks)... go Kang Ji Hwan! So glad his hard work has paid off, and I hope he keeps going to better and bigger things.

And haa for the truck load of comments with 'he's mine' on.
Though guys, you're getting it wrong... he's m-i-n-e :]


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HGD had low ratings !? o_O but it was soo goood ! sigh* if it wasn't for new heart, i bet it would've had high ratings. and besides, ratings don't matter, his performance was great! after watching HGD last year, i got addicted to KJH (oh, and also jang geun suk, keke).
and @Sere, you should continue HGD! it gets better and better (:

i also didn't expect KJH's personality to kinda melancholy too; i guess after watching some of his dramas, i always thought he was a sorta outgoing guy :p but nevertheless, i love him !

AND WHAT? HE WAS GONNA BE ON TRIPLE?! sigh. why did he drop outttt T_T


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he is really a guy worth fighting for


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i thought Hong Gil Dong had some respectable ratings. And they're pretty good ratings considering the sageuk isn't about some famous real-life personage. There are so many good dramas with horrendous ratings.

Love Kang Ji Hwan! And i love hearing about his passion for his work, his dedication, and his honesty about how it's really like for him to enter and grow into this business.

and i had just realized that 90 days' time in love was an entire series about a doomed relationship. i had always thought it was a movie. gosh imagine spending an entire season doing a depressing melodrama.


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"but even after the series ended, he couldn’t shake the character off , became very depressed and continued to drink heavily for several months."

Method alcoholism. I don't recommend it. ;)

@Kang Ji Hwan,

Kang Ji Hwan really struggled with his relationship with the camera for a long time. And in a way, that made him better. Instead of mugging to the camera to convey emotion (in the way Song Seung Heon does), he developed his own way with dialogue. How to make words count. I think his chemistry with leads runs a bit hot and cold, because it may be just the circumstances of the story or casting.

But, yeah, if you've followed his career since the Be Strong days, there were some really, really rough days when he was a starving actor, and you could tell that he would very much like to be popular. He's more awkward and grizzled in his outlook (I want to use the word "cynical" but I think the more appropriate word is "anxious"), like the next project could be the last. But, for the most part, he's picky too. Capital Scandal interested him; Hong Gil Dong interested him; Rough Cut interested him.

@all things Lee Jung Jae,

Why do people talk about My Man when I'm in the room? Sarah, you blogging hussy you, I know you cheated on Oppa with Choi Min Soo! Me and TMZ are on it! As for the rest of you, oh it's on *2 snaps in a massive lollipop lololilolipop formation* I will bring it like Lil Kim and the Argentine tango. I will bring it like an ajumma at a garage sale. I will bring it like Ginger, Sunny, and Miranda. Oh! My! Gawd! That's right; when it comes to My Man, Belleza is fierce like Tyra in a fat suit. *cat pose* >:P


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"Why do people talk about My Man when I’m in the room? Sarah, you blogging hussy you, I know you cheated on Oppa with Choi Min Soo! ... I will bring it like an ajumma at a garage sale. ...when it comes to My Man, Belleza is fierce like Tyra in a fat suit."

It's ON.

It's okay though. You can bust out all your "I'm bringin' it" moves, and my Ji-hwan oppa will protect me. And well, if your Jung-jae oppa jumps in to defend you, then maybe they will just have to take off their shirts for, uh, better mobility, and I will be forced to pull up my chair at the sidelines and douse them with water (for cooling!) and settle back with some mojitos and popcorn. For the greater good, of course. Because in this scenario, there is ALWAYS a greater good.


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Thank you Sarah for translating this wonderful interview of" your" man...hehe...
I really enjoy reading it...
I felt bad reading about his role in More Beautiful Than a Flower.

90 Days’ Time For Love was his biggest flop but it's definitely an unforgettable drama for me. The subject matter of that drama was just too painful and depressing... not a lot of people want to put themselves through something like that.
If I know it's going to be that painful...maybe I would think twice before starting.
But it's too late...

Watching that drama really changed me...I was so emotionally invested... to the point that I wish I will never have to through that again...
KJH's acting was so good in that drama and everything just felt so real. The pain is real and I can feel it every time.
KJH is an amazing actor. I wish him all the best and hope his new movie will be well received.


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HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Javabeans! What were you doing at #47? I was totally rofl-ing!!


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OMG! Thanks for posting this article.
Kang Ji hwan is my favorite actor, my star ^__^
I love him as actor and as a man, ordinary, kindness and with a great sense of humor.


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thanks for posting another kang ji-hwan article.....


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