I Tarzan, you Elle
by javabeans
I guess everyone has an off day?
Hot model (and tepid actor) Daniel Henney graces the cover of July’s issue of Elle, which also boasts a photo spread and interview within its pages. Henney shot his spread in Hawaii around the concept of “tough,” “sexy,” and “wild.”
I hadn’t thought Daniel Henney could look bad in a photo shoot (refer to Exhibits A, B, and C), but isn’t life full of surprises? I suppose the beach photo isn’t so bad, but the black-and-white shot — what exactly were they aiming for? Why the weird ’70s haircut and ’90s Calvin Klein ad-like claustrophobic corridor? Why is he holding a bottle like this is a drink ad? Is he supposed to look smoldering, or is my confusion mirrored in his expression? He looks kinda… trashy, no?
Whatever the case may be with Elle, Henney’s next project is the upcoming U.S. movie X-Men: Wolverine, tentatively scheduled for a May 2009 release.
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1 Blake
June 17, 2008 at 8:12 AM
wow. ew.
i totally don't recognize him in the first photo. the shadows hide his face.
as for the secodn photo, i think it was just clumsily cropped. he must be holding onto something... on second thought, that photo is just so AWKWARD. i DON'T want a full view of his armpit hair as sexy as he is.
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2 whaleatape
June 17, 2008 at 8:17 AM
Eww. Never was fond of Daniel Henney, but this has got to be the worst I've seen him in. That black and white shot is distasteful.
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3 fogfan
June 17, 2008 at 8:30 AM
Wow! I mean...wow!! Um...he's certainly got that whole beach-bum-give-me-a-dollar-or-I'll-slice-you look going. And someone should tell him that something died on his head and is drooping over his face.
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4 sils
June 17, 2008 at 8:43 AM
It's the hair, I'm not digging it. I would still take him though lol :)
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5 t-hype
June 17, 2008 at 8:53 AM
I totally didn't recognize him either! Daniel looks very...French.
I'm not in love with the hair...it is a bit toupee-ish BUT he looks like a MAN and I love men. It's a refreshing change for him. The art directors probably wanted to do something that appealed to a more Western masculine aesthetic. So be it! If only I could get my hands on a copy...
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6 all4movies
June 17, 2008 at 8:58 AM
Maybe the hair is to hide his gorgeous face and focus on those amazing pecs?
He looks a lot tougher in the B & W which is different from his usual smooth model looking self.
Anyways, he's really buffed.
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7 emmaC
June 17, 2008 at 9:01 AM
ok, at first I totally though the first picture was An Jae Wook (in his younger days with the unflattering short short hair cut) and then I saw the rest of the pics - I can't believe its Daniel Henney and he does not look good (by the way I am a huge fan of An Jae Wook).
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8 Justine
June 17, 2008 at 9:32 AM
sexy photos .... but what is this hair cut????????????
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9 jinkzz
June 17, 2008 at 10:11 AM
Whoa...i didnt even recognize Daniel Henney in those pictures...no traces of him at all...it's like a different person... dont like the hair...and that black and white pic shows his armpit hair in full view...not something i want to see very early in the morning...hehehe
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10 porcelain
June 17, 2008 at 10:13 AM
Daniel baby... you need a scrub in the tubs... oh ma goodness... aren't you scruffy... and armpit hair... no no no no "Calvin Klein ad style" posing...
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11 sf
June 17, 2008 at 10:14 AM
The 1st pic is a refreshing change from the usual (and kind of getting old) look of the clean-cut, business suit man. the 2nd picture is not so good, mostly b/c he looks like a male prostitute - "come hither" look and all. The 3rd picture isn't bad though. Not amazing but different enough from the usual for me to appreciate.
Nonetheless, I wish DH would learn how to act. He truly only has 2 facial expressions: smiling and 'not' smiling.
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12 giddygirl108
June 17, 2008 at 10:48 AM
I like the first picture of him. I'm not a fan of Daniel Henney and don't think he's as attractive as other stars/celebrities so at least from me, it's saying a lot that I like the first photo. However, I definitely agree with you on the black and white photos...what were they aiming for? It looks like a sad attempt at grungy and tough.
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13 infatuated22
June 17, 2008 at 10:55 AM
I Love daniel henney but what happened here? the first picture is not as bad except for the shadow that make it looks like he's possessed, but other than that i kinda like the first pic. he reminds me of the asian version of mathew mcconaughey , but those two pictures below i totally agree that his refined and suave look totally went down the drain. Poor thing. i hope that when he plays in wolverine he doesnt look like this because if hes trying to look like hugh jackman then hes going the wrong direction.. is there a wave in korea right now in which the celebreties' stylist are on strike or something because i've been watching some shows and there seems to be alot of fashion misses. All i have to say is please pay whatever the stylists' demands and bring back hot and refined daniel henney.
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14 eblu
June 17, 2008 at 11:08 AM
...liked him better when he was better-groomed
this is just...oi
is it the hair or does he look skinnier than before?
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15 applecheeks
June 17, 2008 at 11:48 AM
It's an unfortunate realization but we must accept that Daniel Henney cannot pull off sideswept bangs.
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16 Jane
June 17, 2008 at 11:51 AM
He's hot but Daniel Oh is hotter!
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17 ed
June 17, 2008 at 12:19 PM
yeah wow, i thought it was just me not digging the new look!
he's seriously not pulling off the trashy, grimey chic. some men like vincent cassel can (yep French!), if they can suggest some life experience, streetwise to explain the odor and filth :D but daniel...he's born and groomed to be the darling bourgeois prince.
that armpit bush can star in a movie on its own, tho!
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18 m
June 17, 2008 at 12:26 PM
normally i like guys who look like guys (which i suppose, puts me at odds with the way most asian guys, especially the idols, look), but here, he looks skanky & greasy. like someone said previously, he looks like a male prostitue. & to top it off, they have to put the elle logo in the second picture, right "there" too, not to mention the placement of the bottle in the third picture. i know sex sells, but please. if that's not total male ho, i don't know what is.
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19 michy
June 17, 2008 at 12:59 PM
he's so much better - CLEAN! i like CLEAN , SUIT and SEXY
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20 Korean Drama Queen
June 17, 2008 at 1:02 PM
Those last two photos age him like 20 years.
They look like before and after shots of a Wife-beater. The alcohol changes the mood of the photos.
The concept must be asian red-neck.
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21 Javabeans
June 17, 2008 at 1:07 PM
I had the same thought. So... orange-neck then?
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22 shro
June 17, 2008 at 1:48 PM
wife beater, haha. yeah, the beer bottles don't exactly help. :) terrible.
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23 tea party
June 17, 2008 at 2:24 PM
ew too much man hair on display
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24 shro
June 17, 2008 at 2:30 PM
I love this new look! I like the natural scruffy look on a guy...that sort of careless non-metro-sexual kind of look. I started to get tired of his super-clean-cut preppy snobby look...this is a nice breath of fresh air. Anyway...I have this feeling that the whole Johnny Depp look might be popular even amongst guys who are really mainstream image. Though the beer is a little too much, but hey...that's what the guy drinks...from what I observe in his interviews and such, he really is a down-to-earth All American guy who doesn't have champagne and caviar for breakfast. Wow, he actually looks like a completely different ethnicity...he could be part Latin (like Peruvian-Japanese)...he really could be anything with just a slight change of his hair, skin pigment, and facial hair. Well, heck, I dated a scruffy guy so I'm biased.
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25 mooray
June 17, 2008 at 3:00 PM
WOW, and here I thought Daniel Henney looked flawless in photoshoots
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26 nixxochick
June 17, 2008 at 3:52 PM
i will agree with most and say that he does not look good in these pics......
but i will also agree with Sils and still take him cause he is still VERY hot! :)
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27 Liv
June 17, 2008 at 5:34 PM
I guess its all trial and error in the land of modern fashion photography. And this would just be error. I mean, I dont think is an unattractive photo shoot - if this was a less attractive person (or a person who is not as generally clean-cut as Daniel Henney is) , Id probably think the pictures were pretty hot. But because he is capable of looking so much more attractive, its a let down. That said, if I was to see a guy like that on a deserted beach, I'd be just as likely to flee as to run towards him :)
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28 LaNuit
June 17, 2008 at 5:34 PM
omg...when i first saw the pic i was like "who the heck is that?? eww!"
and then i read that it was daniel henney and i was like NOOOO!!!! CAN'T BE! But after arguing with myself for a bit...i have to admit to myself that it is him...gosh...he's hot looking but the photos so do not work!
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29 Mel
June 17, 2008 at 6:36 PM
Hahahah Orange-Neck!
I think he looks much older, which I like. I still like picture No.1 and 3 Not digging the second picture, I don't understand the concept of it. He looks so Asian in this Photoshoot (Which is good!) ~^^
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30 enkhee
June 17, 2008 at 7:32 PM
not loving the hair. too much in all four places. please put his face back on. just his face. ... and the pecs too.
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31 Row
June 17, 2008 at 8:47 PM
I'm not a big fan of Daniel Henney, primarily because I'm having a hard time getting past through the thought that he really cannot act (I think I'm hard to please when it comes to Korean celebs because ALMOST all of them CAN act in my opinion), so that one thing that makes him "bearable" (sorry fans of DH) is his looks. He is good looking, or at least was until these photos surfaced. Kinda dirty looking, I think. Definitely a fashion/photoshoot bo-bo. Doesn't look good on him. Now if it were KSW, it'd probably look natural and hot, the kind that would make you literally drool. Ha-ha!!
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32 ames4eva
June 17, 2008 at 9:11 PM
argh, i agree... daniel henney always looked gorgeous until now lol
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33 mookie
June 18, 2008 at 1:37 AM
I have a feeling the concept was to channel some Johnny Depp, but he needs another 20 years of cool and decent acting... and way better stylists than this imitation by a fine man of a finer man.
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34 cartman
June 18, 2008 at 4:01 AM
yeah..he looks trashy alright..trashy-ly hot! lol haha :)
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35 Toya
June 18, 2008 at 8:32 AM
For true, his hair looks dorky.
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36 fogfan
June 18, 2008 at 1:57 PM
More photos over at POPSEOUL. Ew. There's a shot of him wearing a black shirt with a pencil thin mustache, I swear he looks as if he's trying to imitate John Galliano.
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37 ExpatJane
June 20, 2008 at 2:39 AM
Y'all mean, but I like my men a bit messy ;)
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38 Philippa
June 20, 2008 at 10:11 PM
That does NOT look like him at all! What's up with the hair?
lmfao, the whole thing is just a mess...
He's still hot though.
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June 21, 2008 at 11:39 AM
You guys are HORRIBLE!!!! This is a FASHION EDITORIAL!! I can't believe how much you guys sit back and pick this guy apart. He's gorgeous!!! He's also talented and someday he will most likely get his due. To be the first mainstream foreigner on Korean television speaking english, to open doors for mixed actors, to sweep all the best new actor awards for "My Father" (1st time in history), and to now be immortalized as a Marvel Comic character in X-men is to say the least....... ADMIRABLE!! You all sit back behind the safety of your computers and say "he WAS good looking until now"!?? hahaha!!! We should support asian talent around the globe (or all talent for that matter), and hope that he can change asian stereotypes in H.W....
Think before you write people.
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40 Ceci
June 25, 2008 at 1:57 PM
it took me a while to figure out who it was...correction..i finally knew who it was when i read that it was daniel...I was like...u got to be kiddin' that is not him...so i looked intently (more like googled at him...jeje...) and I concur i do not like the second pic it is not "moving my tapete"... not only that but his hair is just not working...for me...it is like blah...i do like the gruffyness, but the hair is not there...can't find words to explain it...
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41 PrincUndund
September 22, 2008 at 3:33 AM
nice work, guy
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42 alicia
March 25, 2009 at 1:13 PM
Still drop dead gorgeous IMO. Artistic quality of the shot could be improved but Daniel Henney's smile is still amazing, and his body is ...well, do I really need to say anything about it? Speaks for itself. Hot man.
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43 lilychya
May 19, 2009 at 7:08 AM
WTH??? to be honest, it is hard to find a good photo shoot that can do justice to Daniel Henney's perfect look. I just still couldn't find one that can capture this God-bless handsome face. what a big let down. the only way for me to really admire him is in motion pictures a.k.a movies or series.
Elle is disappointing!!!
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44 Leigh
May 18, 2010 at 9:12 PM
I thought he looked swift...there are many sides to a person's looks and I think he pulled it off terrifically....if you all had these reactions, that only shows how talented his is.
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45 Andrea
November 7, 2014 at 11:31 AM
Oh man. I will be the lone wolf salivating in the night here: I think those last two photos of him are *HAWT*. Like, pants-on-fire, I'll-be-in-my-bunk hot. Not a big fan of the first photo, though.
I LOVE this scruffy look on him. As another poster pointed out, he looks a lot more Asian to me when he's got some scruff going on, which is nothin' but a good thing.
Seriously, whenever my friend and I go on our periodic Daniel Henney binges, the first thing we type into the Google search bar is 'Daniel Henney beer'. The second thing is 'Daniel Henney shower'. >ᴗ<
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