“I am SO glad Yi San is finally ending!” “Tell me about it.”
by javabeans
Anyone else confused about the weird, constantly changing drama-programming schedule these days? Well, blame it all on Monday-Tuesday’s sageuk juggernaut drama Yi San.
MBC’s extremely popular long-running historical hit (which began airing last September) was originally set to air, I believe, something around 50 episodes. But because of its popularity, the series was extended, and extended again — and then retracted its extension, only to then extend it again. Finally, they’d set today (June 10th, that is) as its finale airdate — until President Lee Myung Bak announced his intention to have a “Talk with the Nation” to air the 9th, which would push Yi San‘s finale to the following Monday (June 16). However, then the talk was canceled, bringing the finale back to the 10th, but then MBC decided to reschedule it to the 16th anyway.
As a result, KBS and SBS have likewise scrambled to avoid butting heads with the competition with their new dramas. That explains why Strongest Chil Woo, which was originally planning to premiere yesterday (June 9), moved to next Tuesday (June 17), with SBS’s Gourmet following suit. Tuesday is a strange day to premiere a new Monday-Tuesday show (I wonder if both series will then extend their runs by one episode to even out their broadcast schedule), but with Yi San ending Monday, they aren’t taking chances.
You might wonder why the other two stations would so obviously show their fear of MBC’s drama, but we’re talking brand-new series here. If a minor schedule reshuffling can start the new drama on a clean slate, it’s a small price to pay rather than jinxing its schedule by handicapping its premiere episode knowingly. And MBC’s constant extensions may have frustrated some fans — story always suffers with last-minute tinkering — but MBC’s had a rather lackluster ratings year. Nothing else has matched, or even come near, Yi San‘s 30% ratings numbers, which is why they’ve been so reluctant to relinquish it. (MBC follows Yi San with the Kim Sun Ah series When Night Comes.)
In any case, with their finale still to air, the cast and crew of Yi San gathered at Seoul’s 63 Building on the 10th to pre-emptively raise a toast to the end of their drama (maybe they had no time to shift their location reservation with all this last-minute schedule reshuffling?). Stars Lee Seo Jin and Han Ji Min were naturally present, as was MBC president Eom Ki Young.
Who wants to lay bets on how long it takes Lee Seo Jin to announce his wedding plans now that he’s free from filming?
Ibadi – “끝나지 않은 이야기” (Unending story) [ Download ]
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Tags: Han Ji-min, Lee Seo-jin, Yi San
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1 mily2
June 10, 2008 at 11:42 AM
thank goodness this drama is ending.. we really need this to end so we can rest.. Like sarah said.. there are extensions after extensions ever since MrsKorea & myself decide to take on the challenge of subbing this drama.. It has been a long & tiring journey.. I can't wait to release the last 2 eps of subs and get it over and done with. lol.. On behalf of MrsKorea & Suz.. thank you for enjoying this long journey with us!!
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November 13, 2012 at 5:42 PM
Thank you for sub this drama. I am watching right now!
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2 phiphi
June 10, 2008 at 12:39 PM
9 months long of Yi San? Lol I'm not sure if I have the patient to follow a drama that long (77 episodes!)
Ha, ha, I bet the subbing team for this drama is jumping up and down for a farewell dance to this one! Hats off to you guys.
Next please!
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3 yasi
June 10, 2008 at 2:10 PM
hi,dear dramabeans
you know,your site is wonderful
number one
i like it and i visit it almost every night
GoD bless u
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4 all4movies
June 10, 2008 at 2:14 PM
mily2, kudos to you and MrsKorea for all your hard work.
I have enjoyed this series and can't wait to buy it and watch it again at my own pace.
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5 yetti
June 10, 2008 at 2:28 PM
what is the final episode #?
yes, great site, btw
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6 ladychick
June 10, 2008 at 3:43 PM
I'm a bit confused about the broadcasting schedule now.....If Yi San E76 was aired on 9 June and E77 will be aired on 16 June, then what was aired yesterday (10 June)?
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7 Javabeans
June 10, 2008 at 3:57 PM
Mon. June 9 -- Ep 76
Tues. June 10 -- Special '한편으로 보는 이산’
Mon. June 16 -- Ep 77 (Finale)
Tues. June 17 -- Special
Talk about milking something for all it's worth.
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8 Philippa
June 10, 2008 at 4:24 PM
yesterday I watched it up to episode 75! I love it!!!!
I love this drama! I just hate it that ____ died! Usually I say, that's a good thing at least it's realistic! But this time I was so MADDDDD!!!
I love this drama! I love historical dramas!
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9 jyiskool
June 10, 2008 at 4:52 PM
who is lee seo jin dating or getting married to?
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10 Javabeans
June 10, 2008 at 4:58 PM
jyskool: Kim Jung Eun
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11 ruki
June 10, 2008 at 6:16 PM
I'm betting their gonna get married december or january!
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12 X
June 10, 2008 at 7:08 PM
It's even crazier, Gourmet and Chil Woo apparently will show two episodes back to back on Tuesday 17. They're so explicit about what really counts in Korean Drama nowadays, uh? First it was a King & I producer openly telling the come-and-go policy toward the show was only because of Yi San, now everyone else is working around the end of Yi San, and even MBC's new president Eom said half jokingly he'd love to have a "season 2-3 of Yi San." Yeah, sure...
but why? Cause Yi San makes 4-500 Million Won in publicity per episode. That's why. That's all that matters these days in Yeouido. Dinero.
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13 Row
June 10, 2008 at 8:02 PM
To the person who asked who Lee Seo Jin is marrying or planning to marry, it's Kim Jung Eun, his co-star in "Lovers". I can't wait for them to get married and have children. Maybe the baby CAN HAVE Jung Eun's eyes and Seo Jin's dimples? lol!
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14 Sue
June 10, 2008 at 8:30 PM
LOL @ the song choice!
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15 k pop it
June 10, 2008 at 10:22 PM
this is a pretty song
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16 Emily
June 11, 2008 at 7:03 PM
It's finally over! I have to say, I tried to like this drama but it was so repetitive in the beginning that I gave up after episode 15. And then I got mad at Yisan because it was affecting the ratings of other dramas that I was interested in and I wanted the dramas that I liked to do well. So, yeah, bye bye Yisan....wouldn't miss you at all.
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17 leah
June 11, 2008 at 11:04 PM
So this is how they look without the costume…im so used to watching them in yi san and ive always wondered what they looked like in real life…thanks for posting this...
…am I the only one that’s sad that yi san is ending? I love this drama…I guess we all have our own preference…because were all different.. *peace
im a regular at your site...this place is cool!
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18 belleza
June 12, 2008 at 12:11 AM
77 episodes? Pisha!! Right now in SoCal, we're on episode 168 of Likable or Not (aka. Seonjae Must Die!), and the show's starting to get interesting!
With Dae Mul and Cain and Abel bowing down, the scheduling of many shows this year has been really jittery. What will happen when the Olympics happen?
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19 robert
June 14, 2008 at 5:57 AM
why does lee seo jin look at han ji min that way and smiling heartily?
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20 puela
June 16, 2008 at 5:04 PM
YAY!! Dont get me wrong the drama is good.. thou draggy at times.. (more than none) but I'm so glad that it is over... no more uploading of yisan and more delays on Gourmet... also why so many specials.. anyways .. thanks to Mily, Mrs.Korea, and Suz for the subs.. u guys kick major behind!!! :lol:
ps: hope they got rid of the evil queen.. geez pisses me off... hehehe
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21 linda
July 6, 2008 at 9:42 AM
This korean Drama is very fantastic, amazing and super duper. I always want to see the next episode every time I watch it. Wish this drama never ends.
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22 JungleWalk
July 28, 2008 at 7:37 PM
First. - my greatest thanks to Mily2 and Mrs. Korea for the Subtitle.
Enjoy every dialog - it's hillarious, right out spoken etc.
Love this movie to death - plan on purchasing.
Love all the movie stars... the best is the interior design/decor,
the outfit, the colors and yes, kudos to the cinematography.
Can beat Hollywood
Top hats to the director and producer. We get to enjoy so much in the U.S.
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23 Marzieh
October 4, 2008 at 10:51 AM
I 'm Marzieh from Iran.
I really liked Yi san drama specially lee soe jin.
he is lovely.
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24 weird
December 9, 2008 at 5:57 AM
people are weird for not liking yi san. the drama wouldn't be SO POPULAR if it's draggy or bad.
think people. the show wouldn't be SO POPULAR for no reasons. -____-
and other dramas who suffers because of yi san should blame themselves for not being able to compete with it.
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January 17, 2010 at 3:47 AM
i love this movie,in special the queen hye-eui
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26 taben
August 29, 2011 at 11:11 PM
hi i so like yi san and i will love theis drama and i will from kurdestan in iraq hh much much to yi san
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27 saeedeh
December 25, 2011 at 3:01 PM
hi,i'm saeede,from iran
so far i saw all the eps,i'm going to miss the movie...
i don't relly know their real names,but i love them all
bye the way,as it seems sb will die,would you tell me who?(last eps hasn't been performed in our country yet.and i can't wait)
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28 ChaoticProdigy
March 18, 2012 at 7:10 PM
I am currently watching Yi San, I am up to episode ep74 and really wanted to know where I can find the special episode of
Mon. June 9 — Ep 76
Tues. June 10 — Special ‘한편으로 보는 이산’ <<<<<
Mon. June 16 — Ep 77 (Finale)
Tues. June 17 — Special <<<<<<
javabeans: Do you know any website i can go on to watch it?
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29 dragonlovescat
March 12, 2013 at 4:46 AM
i cried so much watching this drama. very breath taking and sad.. :(( but i really enjoyed watching it. :) it was just finished airing here in the philippines. love korean historical dramas. ^___^
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30 Cherry
September 28, 2015 at 11:49 PM
A heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Korea, mily2 and Suzy for their great efforts to bring forth the excellent english subtitles in this drama. Without the subtitles, many of us outside Korea would not be able to enjoy and love this amazing drama of Yi San. Congratulations to the directors, writer, main co-stars and all cast members. Everyone were good in his/her role. Fighting!!!!
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31 mary
July 19, 2016 at 10:16 AM
I had no idea Yi San was that huge in SK... O_O
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