Stars raise awareness (about selves)
by javabeans
Okay, normally I’d choose to look on the bright side of something like this (there was this star campaign for domestic adoptions, for instance), but the timing — and the way the article frames the issue — is totally not even trying to hide the publicity spin.
Five stars — Kim Rae Won, Lee Junki, Yeon Jung Hoon, Lee Wan, and Kim Jae Won — are stepping up as models in a photo exhibition to raise awareness for handicapped children in conjunction with Holt International Children’s Services. Coincidentally, they’re also currently promoting their newest acting projects. I’m sure the photo spread has nothing to do with that. But the report is quick to follow each actor’s description of his handicapped-child photo shoot with a description of his upcoming drama or project. Because it would be a shame to let such great PR go to waste.
Like Yoon Eun Hye before him, Kim Rae Won is given particular mention for the easy, cheerful way he connected with his photo partner, 5-year-old Kim Dae Joon, who’s been afflicted with conditions since birth bearing names from hydrocephalus to cerebral atrophy, hypoxic brain injury, cerebral palsy, benign myoclonic epilepsy, and developmental retardation. (Kim Rae Won’s upcoming drama Gourmet airs on SBS. The article points out how he flew all the way from Japan, where he was busy with promotions, for the shoot. OMG! He flew in from promo work for… more promo work.)
Lee Junki posed with a 7-month-old girl, Jeon Yoo Ha, who was born with a cleft lip and palate. (Don’t forget to tune in to Lee Junki’s Iljimae on SBS next week!)
Lee Wan shot his photo with 14-year-old Lee Soo Hoon, who has Down Syndrome. (Lee Wan just finished filming his fourth film and is readying for his next.)
Yeon Jung Hoon had his photo shoot with 2-year-old Kim Joon Seok, who suffered from prenatal development problems and was born with a finger deformity (only four on the right hand) and hemiplegia (the right side of his face is paralyzed — but that baby is adorable). (Yeon Jung Hoon is currently preparing for his television comeback.)
And finally, Kim Jae Won posed with 3-year-old Yoon Dae Woon, a mentally handicapped boy with cerebral palsy who has trouble standing on his own. Apparently the boy spilled grape juice over Kim Jae Won’s white pants during the shoot, which I find inexplicably funny. It would’ve been hilarious if the photo actually showed the grape stain, but alas, it doesn’t. (To be fair, Kim Jae Won does not appear to be currently promoting his own agenda.)
The “photo story” goes on display for three days at a gallery in Seoul starting May 29 — the gallery has its opening party on the 30th — after which the promotion goes nationwide.
Via Asia Economy
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Tags: Kim Jae-won, Kim Rae-won, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Wan, photo shoots
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1 yelibean
May 17, 2008 at 12:44 PM
my favorites have to be Lee Jun Ki and Kim Rae Won's sweet...
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2 ok-jk
May 17, 2008 at 12:49 PM
Despite my dislike for effeminite guys like Lee Jun Ki, I have to agree! I'm surprised he looks really good here! The little pony tail, the pose - it's quite nice! :) Haha.
Anyways, so my theory of celebrity adoptions and celebrity charity work etc etc... is that even if they wanted, no matter how much they may try to avoid any personal PR, it's inevitable it will happen.
Despite the initial reason for doing such PR work; (and undoubtedly, I know that you, Javabeans, aren't saying that they're doing it solely for PR promo for their dramas or anything,) it's the "lesser evil" in all that is happening in the K-culture world. It definitely is sad to recognize that goodwill such as this comes tightly packaged with an ulterior motive, but at least the goodwill aspect is still there.
There are those who work for the celebrities who do need to feed their own families, buy their own Porsches/Jaguars and ship their kids to expensive international schools ;), so overall, though it doesn't make the situation justifiable, it is the reality of the CIRCLE OF LIFE. Haha. :)
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3 Miki
May 17, 2008 at 1:20 PM
Well, look on the bright side, Javabeans. We get to see these adorable kids who really can be helped if people are more aware. Whether or not they have ulterior motives, and even if the kids' cause are being overshadowed by the PR work, the truth is that people WILL pay attention, as they inevitably do if a star is involved. It's the sad truth. So whether or not they're doing it solely for the publicity, there's goodness in there.
Isn't there another article out there that doesn't so blatantly advertise these stars?
And to be fair, we can't really jump to conclusions, as we can only look on and judge without knowing anything about who these stars really are. So let's just look at it happily, and say maybe even if they publicized themselves, it's part of their job and how they earn money. They did raise awareness, and maybe some of them even really cares.
I loved the Lee-Junki picture, though I'm not fond of the ponytail. And I adore the kid in Yeon Jung Hoon's pic.
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4 sasa
May 17, 2008 at 1:30 PM
dang. i wish yeon jung hoon was above this crap. thats totally inconsiderate of them. how could they plug something so insignificant into a adoption campaign for challenged children. stupid bitches.
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5 sf
May 17, 2008 at 1:37 PM
Eh, for me Lee Junki's frizzled hair makes me nervous ^^ But the babies are all heartbreakingly cute and there are very few things that make a guy even hotter than an adorable kiddie in his arms...
I feel like the "ulterior motive" we say we see in the actions of celebrities doing charity work will always be present - if only because the presence of a celebrity alone IS inherently attention catching. I feel like everybody wins in these sorts of situations since awareness is the first step to all is well I suppose :S
And as ideal as it would be....I wonder, how much responsibility for problems created by a whole society, do celebrities need to take? Is it a celebrity's "obligation" to create social awareness - any more than it is an average citizen's? Is this social obligation inherent in being a celebrity or is it simply an ideal we unfairly thrust upon them "in return for making them famous?" Should celebrities be expected to partake in "extraneous" volunteer work outside their job (being a celebrity)? ....yup....^^;;
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6 its trish
May 17, 2008 at 1:37 PM
one can but have faith that there are genuine intentions behind it all
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7 Mel
May 17, 2008 at 2:34 PM
This is such a sweet photo shoot. The babies are so darn cute ~^^. I like this campaign even if the actors have ulterior motives....
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8 anna
May 17, 2008 at 4:02 PM
To be fair, even if all of this is a publicity stunt, at least it's for a good cause. I like to be a bit optimistic.
Kim Joon Seok is the most adorable baby I've seen.. this week. He's so lovely.
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9 Miki
May 17, 2008 at 6:42 PM
I really wonder too. It's we who makes celebs famous. Otherwise, they'd just be actors. We raise them above that status. (I mean, look at theater actors. Most are less good-looking, but more talented, and yet get little attention). We can't expect them to "repay us" by doing charity work (even if they should, because they have the money and everyone has an obligation when they have the means) because we GAVE them that money.
And we give them attention too. Companies wouldn't seek out these stars if they didn't think we wouldn't pay attention if stars weren't in the shoot. Stars wouldn't go to the shoot if they didn't think it benefit them. We applaud, we critique, but in the end, we watch and we listen, and the message (the PR work and the charity work) do seep in.
And to a point, it's unfair to say that they're out for their own agenda ALL the time. I remember reading on Javabean's site about a star who hid their charity work, I believe, because they were worried people were going to critique them about being a hypocrite.
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10 o-cha
May 17, 2008 at 6:53 PM
aww javabeans..cut them some least they're trying to increase awareness for a good cause. Whether or not there are hidden agendas..just let it slide..=)
The kids are hopefully people will be more open to adoption ideas in Korea. If it takes some cute kids and some stars to increase awareness then I'm all for
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11 hannahlove
May 17, 2008 at 8:13 PM
I'll agree with you... I mean I do agree that Korea(ns) really need their eyes opened to children with special needs or any children that are 'abnormal' but I think celebrities who are actually interested in this should have been used like Lee Da Hae (she's been known to be on even committees that help with individuals who have special needs and etc)
So it is a bit strange that these certain actors were used.
BUT the article kind of make it even worse that they had to mention their new dramas/projects coming out haha
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12 cartman
May 17, 2008 at 9:03 PM
Lee Junki still looks hot as expected..haha :)
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13 Blake
May 17, 2008 at 11:03 PM
am i the only one who thinks Lee JunKi looks ridiculous here? He looks like the frazzled but happy mommy of the child.
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14 thuytran
May 17, 2008 at 11:47 PM
Wow, those picture look so beauty.... but i like Kim Jae Won 's picture the most...he look so handsome and together with the boy look so sweet... love it...
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April 16, 2014 at 5:46 AM
Agreeeee.... Kim jae won soooo cute!!saranghandagoooo ???
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15 Sue
May 18, 2008 at 1:34 AM
isn't cleft palate completely fixable through surgery?
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16 marcel
May 18, 2008 at 2:04 AM
i've just gotten over b*!@#ing about jung ryu won.. & now this? :( i do like actors & singers for what they do.. most of the time.. but it's really depressing to think that something like these children's physical challenges will play a part in boosting these celebrities images.. the ethical implications are too disheartening & to me it's like the basest form of exploitation possible.. just knowing the korean media & public & the way things roll in the entertainment biz... & as much as i feel disgusted by the whole system.. i still wouldn't have the grounds to condemn the actors for insincerity.. & in the end the cause will also benefit to some degree... so there you have it.. maybe i'll just stop watching kdramas for a while.. the whole celebrity & idol culture thing.. odd social phenomenon that it is.. is just getting out of hand..
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17 julier
May 18, 2008 at 5:03 AM
Yeah, I understand your point, but the photos are nice to see. I would like to think that it is the stars' management cos that are to blame for the timing, but the stars sincerity in participating is real. I can think that right? Lee Jung Hoon was in Yellow Handkerchief, which highlighted the issues of adoption and single parenting, and Kim Jae Won was in the drama Yuri's House, which briefly dealt with an international adoption. This all promotes a good cause. I hope to contnue to see more of these campaigns. Thanks so much for the post and beautiful photos dramabeans! Love your blog!
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18 Jo
May 18, 2008 at 9:31 AM
What happened to Kim Jae Won?? I havent seen him in the spotlight for quite a while now...:I
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19 dae
May 18, 2008 at 9:41 AM
you're right Sue it is, i had my grandson operated on when he was about 2yrs old cause we couldn't bare to have him stitched at a young age. and i don't think its a disability rather a deformity that can be fixed thru surgery. maybe the child like the rest has some other problems not highlighted in the news. but it does hurt my heart seeing a child with cleft lip palate.
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20 jippo
May 18, 2008 at 12:15 PM
I guess they need to work on their subtlety and hope that their sincerity shines through.
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21 BetaCandy
May 19, 2008 at 2:59 PM
I totally believe that some of the stars, at least, are genuine in their charity efforts.
But the agents, managers, studio execs and PR people that work for, behind and around them? It's their job to turn anything celebs do, positive or negative, into a sickening display of exhibitionism. ;)
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22 Thuytran
May 21, 2008 at 8:34 AM
Yeah, what 's happen to Kim Jae Won?? Do you know what is he doing now ? why's he so quiet these day.....?
Don't be so sad .. i don't think they do that on the purpose ... i think they just want to do some charity to let the people to pay attention about those poor child and help them... Like Kim Jae Won, in last December and January he had 2 charitary in Japan to help the Poor Child and donation for Marrow Bank....he made the aution and get a lot of money to donate for the program" the Children Dream" ....
Noone know what is he doing now?? ... look those picture i really like it ... and those smile for sure to make the kid happy.....
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23 amy
May 21, 2008 at 7:32 PM
Love those picture so much... they are cute together....
My favorites is Kim Jae Won 's picture .... miss him and his drama so much
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24 yellowK
June 16, 2008 at 1:18 AM
does seem a bit shameless...but hmm, i guess its an age of multi-tasking? hopefully some DO genuinely care about the cause.
kim rae won's pic is my favorite as well (best of luck with gourmet!), athough i'm not sure what's up with LJK's hair....
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25 Bored..
September 29, 2008 at 2:10 AM
Lee Jun Ki looks like the mother of the baby ... :D
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26 MEK
October 17, 2008 at 12:24 PM
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Kim Rae Won!!!!!!!!!! I just cant get enough of him. that pix is so cute - well he's sooooooooooo cute.
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27 Jake
March 5, 2009 at 9:57 AM
Lee, Soo Hoon ("Sonny") is now a member of our Iowa family, following adoption this past month.
Do you think there's any opportunity to contact Lee Wan (or a contact who can contact him) to (1) tell him the news and (2) see if he could help our son celebrate his adoption?
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