Rain as a Hollywoodified ninja

Well, this is an interesting new look for Rain… I mean, I think he looks pretty. But is now really the time to be feminizing his look further?

Okay, the details of his Wednesday afternoon press conference:

Rain, newly of the William Morris Agency, has been cast as the lead in a film to be produced by Joel Silver and the Wachowski brothers, titled Ninja Assassin. Regarding the possibility that both his first and second Hollywood roles seem to be Japanese characters (he plays a Japanese racecar driver in Speed Racer, also directed by the Wachowskis), Rain explains: “I haven’t received the script for Ninja Assassin so I’m not positive, but it’s my understanding that the character is not Japanese.”

Way to give a vague non-answer, but I can see how it could be problematic for both his Hollywood roles to be Japanese. Sure, he’s done some crossover promotion in Japan (with average, or perhaps slightly disappointing, results), but I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that the Korea-Japan relationship is still very much love-hate. (Love? Japanese dramas, pop music, anime. Hate? Well, just say “Dokdo” and prepare yourself for lengthy ethnocentric tirades — on both sides of the aisle.)

He continues: “I’ve been learning English and taking dance lessons and doing lots of preparations in the States. Although more than anything my music and recording work is most important to me, because I’ve been cast in Ninja Assasssin in my first leading Hollywood role, I’ll be debuting first as an actor.”

He hasn’t read the script. (CAN he read the script? Will he have it translated for him, and then translate it back?) He’s playing a ninja. He’s participating on the OST for an animated film, Kung Fu Panda. He’s got his Beijing Olympics single. He wants to produce a “worldwide album” this year. And debut two new artists who are trainees with his own label. RAIN! There is only one of you! Pick a side and stick to it until it’s complete! So many reservations about all this.

Via Hankyung, Sports Seoul, Mk.co.kr


Rain – “Move On” (Japanese version). There’s a Korean version of this song too, but it came out first on his Japanese album so this is the version I’m more used to. [ zShare download ]

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If he does play a Japanese ninja, the slogan for Korean actors these days should be...

"Korean, the other Japanese."

And with a title like Ninja Assassin...it just shows that Asian actors can't escape being chop socky props with dialogue. Well, good luck to Bi on that project...


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Ok I'm not going to comment anymore on how I think this will turn out. There might be a miracle you know. =)

I'm just going to comment on how he looks in that pic. I think this style looks super cute on him. XD. I'm just not sure if Hollywood likes cute...I'm sure Japan does...


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Feminizing? It's more like nerdifying.


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I feel bad for Asians actors who dream of capturing Hollywood. Hollywood is not what it used to be anymore. Look at all the stars, the good ones are the ones who know how to stay away from all the Hollywood crap. It used to be sex, drugs and rock and roll, well you can say the same of Hollywood: sex, drugs and Hollywood. Look at their latest casualty: Heath Ledger. Sure you can make it big, but you do pay a price. I think Asian stars who are doing well in Asia don't need to degrade themselves by going to America, it's true the only roles they'll get are stereotypical Asian roles, and the only fans they'll have will still be the ones who knew them before Hollywood. Face it, America is still white, even African Americans are in a pool of their own- but it's always "fun" and "politically correct" to have a few Asians here and there. I think Asian stars get more respect and have better roles in their home country and across Asia. About the English, Americans are the worst. It's only at independent movie theaters that you will find a movie in its original language with subtitles. What's with everyone here having to speak English? Americans can't read subtitles? Americans can't understand people with accents? Even in Europe, the radio will play songs in different languages and show movies in their original language with subtitles at mainstream theaters. Making it in America is not the same as it used to be- and that's looking at all angles, especially economic and political. Look at us, Bush being elected President was a joke, to re-elect him was just plain stupid. That's America! So I say, Bi, stay home where you are loved and valued, America will just destroy you with its stupidity.


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he's starting to look like bae yong joooooooon! ... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!


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Wish I could pull off the I-just-got-up-and-tied-my-hair-back-in-a-ponytail-and-still-look-hot look.
Rain, get in my bed.


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I have to applaud Rain's effort, he is one extremely hard-working guy. I just hope he doesn't burnout.
He also looks extremely adorable in that photo.


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Dang...does he really need to do all of that in such a short amount of time? What is he trying to prove?


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mics wrote, "I’m just going to comment on how he looks in that pic. I think this style looks super cute on him. XD. I’m just not sure if Hollywood likes cute…I’m sure Japan does…"
Yeah, a little too much Bae Yong Joon for my tastes.
hmm, that's exactly what I was thinking!

Wasn't his LA concert canceled because of fatigue? (sorry, I can't remember the details)
Won't all this overscheduling lead to a breakdown or something?


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a ninja movie? as if we need one more...
i really hope rain succeeds in all his ambitious projects without having to drop any of them and without burning out...
and @ #4 hmm: a lot of people are too lazy to read the subtitles b/c they think it's too distracting and that it takes away from the whole movie experience and that they didn't pay money to read subtitles. or so a lot of my friends say. =/
hopefully, one day it'll all change. ::sigh::


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wow...i give the man props for his determination..good luck to him in his endeavors and i REALLY hope his english has improved..it must have, right?? If the Wachowski siblings offered him the leading role for one of their movies, then he must have made a good impression while filming Speed Racer..and they must believe that his english is good enough to play a leading role, RIIIIIIGHT?????

well, i wish him the best because Americans can be very cruel =(


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I'm milidy impressed the Brothers offered him a 2nd role. He must have seemed charismatic enough despite the English O_o Or perhaps he will play a SILENT ninja :D or hopefully a man of very very few words. Actually, I think a silent ninja role would do Rain a world of good. Seriously, if he doesn't have to talk than nobody will judge his English and solely on his acting skill.

I hope he does well, truly. He tries so hard and it would amazing to see Asia whip out a YOUNG actor in his prime. Not one of those wise-man-sensei kinds of people with a beard, white hair, and the furthest thing from goodlooking. Or a the repressed nerd w/ immigrant parents. I have an odd feeling breaking into Hollywood will be much harder for Aisian males somehow. Women, sad as it is, can always play the exotic beauty card and gather a large rice-chaser fanbase. Boys, not so much. Especially since American women tend to favor the strong, big man more than the sensitive, lean boy look (I think). You really got to fly on pure acting skill if you're a guy. It's going to be an uphill climb for sure.


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I couldn't recognize him at first, and I still can't believe that it's him. It not a good look for him at all!!!! T_T
Some how I think of Michael Jackson when looking at that picture. T_T

and is that ring on his finger the same one as Song Hye Kyo's (or so the rumors say).


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gosh this is like watching two cars collide into each other in slow motion but even then, you can't do anything about it. Yes i'm impressed by how diligent and hardworking he is but...he should have polished up his english and read up on what Hollywood is really about and how asian actors are treated here in the US before he got on that plane to the US. He's going to be stuck with stereotypical asian roles. It's going to be like:

"dude, we need a young asian guy with a thick accent to act the part of a kungfu master in this new boxing movie.....john cho was our first choice but he speaks perfect english and refuses to fake an accent...".
"How about Rain? his accent's REAL. he's actually korean- but i'm pretty sure korean and chinese accents sound the same. no one will notice. no one did in any of the 30 japanese roles he acted in. "

i wish him the best of luck- but i hope he comes to his senses. korea is his home, his security. i hope he doesn't choose too many Japanese roles if korean fans will get angry. if so, when Hollywood drops him, he won't have any place to go except for Japan.


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A tad on the feminine side, will say very, very metrosexual.
As for the other thing...
Joel Silver certainly has his hits and misses as a producer. Let's not forget Romeo Must Die and what it did for Jet Li (solidified his appeal). The Wachowski brothers scare me a little, and while I'm not the greatest fan of their works, they are well respected industry wide.
I tend to be a wide-eyed, naive optimist when it comes to artists that I like, so what I will say is that it seems to be a positive thing that after working on speed racer, they find him good enough to have him star in a movie. I think it speaks to his acting talent (which, as I've said before, ain't too shabby) or that they see something in him worth marketing.


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first off, that is such a weird weird picture. i'd personally like bi to stick to his hip-hop style. he looks like a wanna-be (nerd) coffee prince.

sf, i agree with you about the *silent* ninja thing. maybe bi'll just brood and fight and go brood some more. unless his english has vastly improved, i'm not too sure about the cross-over into hollywood...

i think the sensitive, lean-boy is catching on in hollywood tho via the music scene. yay for emo boys. ;)


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"So many reservations about all this."

Indeeeed. "Ninja Assassin"....oh god, how stereotypical is that!


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aza aza bi
im asian frum the the west i wish him the best..^^
i'm most def gonna see his moive,..
he looks h.a..u.t.e in the pic above
nothing like M.J..
aza aza hwaiting bi!


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The pic is uber uber cute....Love love his style. Long hair though...And are those REAL glasses? Oo I never knew he wore them. Someone mentioned it's feminine and metrosexual. I don't mind, as I'm a pretty boy fan, but I'm pretty sure Hollywood won't like it. They like masculinity....All I can say is that I'm glad he's got a hot six pack under there.

I believe in miracles. Hoping with all my heart, though I'm striving to be realistic so my heart won't get too crushed if he doesn't succeed. I don't really mind actors being of different origins. I mean, normal actors play English, Irish, Australian, American all the time (provided they can do the accent, of course) but I wouldn't want to have him in that role forever.


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I've seen Chinese play Japanese. Now Koreans play Japanese. Will wait until Japanese play Japanese.


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I for one, like his look in that picture. I've always been one for the awkward-nerdy looking type.

On another note, he really is coming off as too ambitious. It'd be awesome if he made it big as a hot action star in America, but in a movie titled, "Ninja Assassin"? I'm really hoping this is just one of those coded movie titles that they'll eventually change. Please don't make him Japanese! It'd be awesome if they recognized his Korean origins a little and created a storyline with some substance. I worry about the whole "English" thing though - like will he be able to speak it?

He really needs to focus on one thing at a time.


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first of all, i hate the whole look; hollywood always makes asian men look feminine...there is a whole history about this. its either martial arts or a ninja. but good luck to him. second, this whole idea of america not liking accents has been around since the 1900s. when silent films came out famous mexican and spaniards were on film like Vargas, but when "sound" movies starting becoming popular in the early 1900s a lot of the actors lost their roles because of their accents. i can totally see that happening here. third, bush was re-elected mainly because after the terrorist attacks there was great sympathy for him and the whole damn iraq war. so its not stupidity in america, bc that time period was rough. if he were to run again and get re-elected then yes, there is definitly stupidity on america's part. fourth, i hate it when people say "white" america; its such a big stereotype out there especially in asia. they always equate white= american. yes, i admit , there may be a white stronghold, but i believe america is coming a good long ways, especially with the whole interracial marriage and transracial adoption thing

anyway i wish rain the best of luck, the glasses make him look nerdy, and i will always remember him for full house. hopefully he doesn't get caught up in the infamous hollywood lifestyle.
peace out~


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ROFL at comment by rocketfuel and Shika!!
" I’ve seen Chinese play Japanese. Now Koreans play Japanese. Will wait until Japanese play Japanese."
"If he does play a Japanese ninja, the slogan for Korean actors these days should be…
“Korean, the other Japanese.” "

well.. ive got to say hmmm's comments ring true.. i think those who truly do succeed in hollywood (asian actors, they dont really push it) they really are seen with potential to breakthrough that market and they really have this xfactor. john cho, one of my faves started out small but slowly fame. i think rain is biting of more than he can chew at times. if he sticks to one first then if it goes well moves to the other is better. not unless he is that multi talented and multi tasking that he can make everything work. it doesnt really happen like that in real life.


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all about supply/demand isn't it? few people would pass up worldwide fame & H-wood paycheck. but look at heath ledger: had more acting talent than 2 rain's put together, yet he was typecast & seen as a total joke to non-teens, until getting some "risque" roles. the truth is rain can't compete for "serious" roles with actors his age group in korea. oh sure, he'll never be out of work as a spunky tough/romantic interest on TV, or trade his popstar fame in movies for the short term. but in the long run, he has to distinguish himself from the massive artistic achievement of his peers somehow. he's done it already: constantly performing "the rain ambition", with mad networking skills to back it up.


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i kinda generally agree with hmm that Asian actors especially those who are doing well in Asia should stay where they are. if they wish to expand their career outside of Asia, they should chose wisely the kind of movies and characters that they are going to play. it would be sad to see brilliant Asian actors reduced into playing petty, insignificant, stereotyped roles especially so in American movies. i remember how painful and frustrating it was watching Gong Li in Miami Vice ... wishing that she had not degraded herself playing that role in the movie.


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rain's glasses & penguin suit look adorable.. & although i'm annoyed at hollywood for casting him like they did.. ninja assassin? wth.. i'm still proud of him for having come this far..


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why are you so negatively comments on him. At least he has something to aim for. For me Go Rain !!! Go......


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sf & Blake - the silent ninja thing may actually be better, BUT he ain't no Jae Hee... ;)

Maybe, if he spends the entire movie shirtless, then he'll garner enough of a younger female following in the U.S. - never underestimate the power of screaming teenage girls...or, boys, for that matter...


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Why do people assume he can just come to Hollywood and get the best roles? There are American actors who had to "pay their dues" by starting at the bottom. He is no different, try and remember he's only a "Superstar" in Asia. In America he is virtually unknown. I think people should give him a chance to at least get his foot in the door. Not to mention his English sucks. No matter how you look at it, it's just a fact. And yes it is very necessary for him to learn English to succeed in Hollywood. It is no different than if I tried to succeed in Hallyu, I would be expected at some point to learn Korean. How many major roles could I get in Korean entertainment only speaking English? Not many, a few small parts but nothing major. I watch Korean dramas and the English parts for actors are minimal. With that said, I like him as an actor and singer, but I have to be realistic.


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a lead role already for Rain? wow! WMA is fast!
I am glad for Rain and I wish him all the best...

but I don't like his outfit here...
and sadly, yes, i agree that he's becoming prettier...


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Gong Li ?dregraded? Miami Vice? LOL/ Michael Mann is one of the best directors in the world.. Some Chinese director/actors noted how great it was to see a a chinese woman who shook off Stereortypical Chinese characteristics in a movie. She was not a Ninja. or a martial arts etc. thats an ACTRESS!

Director Wang Quanan ("Tuya's Marriage", 2007 Berlin Film Festival winner) : "I was so excited when watching Gong Li in Miami Vice. Her shake-off [of Asian characteristics] means so much. The thing that made me so excited was not necessarily Miami Vice the film itself. What I meant is that there is finally a Chinese actor who can shake off those characteristics from the inside to outside, and can really have the quality and ability to contend with Hollywood. This is very difficult to accomplish for a Chinese actor. Of course, some Chinese actors would display some unexpected behavior and get attention for that, but this does not belong to the art category. So, I was really full of respect for Gong Li at that moment because of the power deep inside her that can help her contend in Hollywood."


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He doesn't look like a fighter. He looks more like a Gardner or something. He seems more like the korean version of Justin Timberlake, 20 percent talent, 75 percent fluff, and 5 percent female.

They need someone with a fighters demeanor. Look at Bruce Lee, Jet Li, even Jackie Chan, you can see it in their facial expressions. They know what it is to be a fighter. Not this Korean guy, he looks like a sissy, someone that will run at the first sign of a fight.

The Wachowski's should produce/direct another SCI FI, like that DreamscapesAxis movie, once rumored about on the Internet. They need to do something totally original again, and stop adapting other work. sheesh. it's ridiculous.


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Yeah ! DreamScapesaxis, that'd be a great movie for the Wachowski's . whatever happened to that movie ?

Rain looks like a girly type of guy, not a ninja type.
I agree that of all the jobless actors that need a break, the Wachowski's only get people that don't need a break into the biz. bastards. Really, Rain is already a superstar in Asia, with the popularity of the Wachowski's why don't they find fresh new talent instead giving such a strong role to an already accomplished entertainer. With so many GREAT martial Arts/Actors trying to break into the Movie Industry and they get this sissyboy. heh, go figure.


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Thoughts on 32,33:
I hadn't thought about it - casting fresh talents would be a nice gesture from WB. But hey, if casting *established* actors are their MO then whatever.

On the other hand, I actually like the fact that the WB are letting a non-fighter looking Asian fellow go for a ninja role. For chrissake we've got a glut of "fighter" Asian types in Hollywood, it's worse than the bespectacled computer genius/nerd stereotype. The last thing we need is another Jackie Chan, Jet Li, or Tony Jaa. I'm pretty prone to agreeing with the Timberlake analogy but there's a reason JT has got a screaming teen girl fanbase.

If Rain has got to pull some karate moves, let it be as a sensitive guy with a personality, fears, and a past that doesn't involve revenge or nationalism; not the little fighter prodigy-that-has-been-trained-by-a-sensei-in-the-secrets-of-martial-arts orphan who needs to save the world (and avenge his parents' deaths along the way). Or the cold-hearted, impeccably trained, incapable of love, katana-wielding masta who commits hari kari when he inevitably falls in love with his sworn enemy's daughter or he "fails his mission or his country." A little heart for once would be nice and if it takes a wishy-washy looking Asian dude (with a regrettable accent) who'd rather run into the arms of his g/f or mommy than fight to do it I'm game.


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Well Jet Li was first introduced to us in the last Lethal Weapon and he didn't speak that much. When I saw him I thought he kicked but and was awesome without hardly ever talking! Loved that movie. Rain should stick to something and just do that and concentrate on that for at least one year then on to the next thing. He looks cute in this pick but me-n-likey-metro-look.


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Now I am really looking forward to his debut...just to see the results of all these speculations on his debut. I see all these speculations and attention as a plus eventhough people have doubts about his success. Oh well...there is no such thing as bad publicity for these celebrities.

I am curious of Rain's own aspirations. Is this part of his plan? Or is he more of a puppet, grabbing at any opportunties that come his way without choice. I find it disturbing that as an actor he didn't read the script or know his role before he accepted the leading role. But maybe he is thinking "Beggars can't be choosers." or perhaps he thinks the opportunity to work with big shot Hollywood folks is good enough regardless of the role/character. That is giving a lot of credit to the producer/directors/agency. See...I am curious of what he wants and knows. What I've read so far about him (in blogs only), are opinions and the opinions make him look clueless, ignorant and a slow learner. Can Rain not pick up/improve his English? He is still young and definitely not as old as Chow Yuan Fatt, Jet Li or Jackie Chan when they debuted in USA. Hopefully RAIN will also try to speak the language as often as possible and perhaps consider moving here for some duration to actually immerse in the USA if he is really determined to do this. I've seen ESL students (with very poor English sometimes) improve in their command of the language after arriving in the States and have to converse in the language. I believe success should be about hard work..if he can work hard at it, I hate to doubt him or mock his English just because he sounded weak in an interview or two he gave months ago. That is really sad to doubt somebody's language aspirations by canceling the efforts and the ability to learn and improve by the person.

I see a lot of playing by the stereotypes in Rain's plans. Kung Fu Panda (Chinese background) and Ninja Assassins (Japanese background) are Asian-related roles. Well..he has to start somewhere and I guess the Asian-mold is the easiest for the consumers to accept and for his agency to market his talents. Nothing wrong about that...just need to make sure he doesn't continue to limit himself or submit to this kind of marketing down the road. Like I said previously, they can't really cast Rain as a NYPD policeman or a convict who killed his wife/children in downtown Chicago because Rain doesn't know how to act those roles effectively. Well, if he is a really talented actor, he could imagine himself in those roles but he is a singer/dancer. Ninjas and Kungfu roles are mostly imaginative...so I think this is somewhat the easiest acting debut for him. With the Wachowski brothers, I assume that they will use action and CG effects to compensate for perhaps the lack of acting or dialogues. (for e.g. Keanu Reeves was good looking and tall but not the best actor with clear speaking English...so he had only a few lines in the Matrix , lots of CG effects , cool scenes and originality in the plot)

About his other endeavors, I don't think RAIN is putting his eggs into one basket. Hence he is trying to plant the seeds to different things as well as experiment different things. He is young and has others working for/with him. It is not like he is flying solo with all these plans. Sometimes celebrities (I can't really call Rain an actor or a singer) are very passive. I think they can only plant the seeds in different areas hoping for more opportunities/exposure via one of these endeavors.
Having multi-ambitions is not necessarily a bad thing as things are too unpredictable in the entertainment world. Some people are just like that...plus, Rain hasn't found his "Selling point" yet. Maybe his agency paid him a "standard fee" contract and that includes doing this many things for them for the duration of the contract. LOL. It is all about making a profit for some folks!

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i like the shirtless idea actually. after the jonas brothers rise to fame, i've learned i should never doubt the power of screaming girl-fans...

ginnie, keanu reeves had limited english? really? i didn't know that the lack of dialogue in the matrix series had anything to do with keanu reeves' speaking ability.
as for bi's alleged feminine look, keanu reeves wasn't exactly the buffest fighter guy out there but he was pretty fierce in the matrix wasn't he?


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Nope. I wasn't saying Keanu lacks English vocabulary or grammar (not that it shows on-screen because the lines were scripted for him anyways). I think Keanu can't read his lines. They are so flat and without emotion, it is as if he didn't understand the meanings / emotions behind what he just said. To me, I don't always understand his dialogues because of the way he delivers his lines.


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Rains smug pie hole would make for an incompetent Ninja or any Martial Artist. Ninja AssAssIn aka Ninja Scroll is a great Anime, and alot of special effects will ensue, however the subject matter is the same ole chop socky schlock mature minded movie goers have grown tired of.

With all the great but unemployed Martial Arts Actors here in the US, why do they hire Rain ? The Wachowski Brothers don't need a pop singer cum actor to lure audiences.

Wachowski Brothers, do something original "again" for christ sakes, like the Dreamscapesaxis movie rumored about, here.


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"Nope. I wasn’t saying Keanu lacks English vocabulary or grammar (not that it shows on-screen because the lines were scripted for him anyways). I think Keanu can’t read his lines. They are so flat and without emotion, it is as if he didn’t understand the meanings / emotions behind what he just said."

God, what a retard you are. Do you Keanu bashers even listen to yourselves sometimes?


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lol AJ, are you actually defending Keanu's acting? because the man has some strengths (presence, for one; i went through my keanu infatuation phase too), but i've never heard acting listed as one of them.


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I always thought Keanu was cute but not terribly bright or talented. Though I love some of his movie ... OK, IQ went down with Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures but it was a phase you had to go through ... he certainly is not someone I would hire for a dramatic role. However, wasn't there that movie where he acted as a serial killer? I thought he was surprisingly good in that and showed range he had not before.

I saw the row over Rain and his Hollywood ambition in the Ceiling Thunking post. I really do not know that much about him but from what I know, the boy sounds like he has determination in spades. When they told him he was too ugly to make it as an idol, he plugged at it till he was. I applaud him for his determination and never-say-die attitude. Although many of his decisions seems ill-advised or ill-though out, at least he tried. Because until you do, how do you know if you will fail or succeed? May successes have come from complete ignorance of the obstacles and cards staked against them.

He must know that he could fail. And he must know everyone is watching him to see if he will. And he must know that if he returns homes with his tail between his legs, the ridicule and mockery that will ensue will be hard to take. Because he is such a big star in Asia, the consequences of mediocrity in Hollywood will be viciously negative. But still he does it. I just hope that his fans back in Asia will be as supportive of him as Jackie Chan's were when he first returned whipped and humbled on his first foray into the West.


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I'd still say, let's wait and see. he is representing himself more than anything. Hopefully he give his best. I wouldnt expect a top grosser so if his movies do well (really well), that'll be the day...


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I love how Hollywood works.
But Rain has Yon-samas style here, Yon-sama looks better.
Like with MOAG just being asian makes you a geisha.
But now there is going to be a remake of Kurosawas seven samurais where George Clooney(rumoured) will be a western stranded in feudal Japan and Ziyi Zhang as his love interest.


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Hmmm.... I feel kinda bad for rain. In asia, he was All That...a highly regarded model and singer, always in demand to play the lead roles in dramas and movies.. In America, he's lucky if he gets a kind-of-sort-of-nice mention in Stephen colbert....and he's lucky if he's typecast into a minor role in speed racer. I remember watching a press conference for speed racer, and rain was this nondescript blob in the far back, which kind of looked odd because in asia he'd definitely be one of the most visible there, talking it away and answering questions and being flattered to lil bits. Isnt this all horribly degrading for him? A considerable step down? Is Hollywood worth putting everything he's earned in Asia to start all over at the bottom again in America? I don't know whether to call it sirvility or humility. Whether its ambition or desperation. I don't know. There's just this horrible, sirvile, self-depreciating tendency to glorify the west and whinteness in asian pop-culture and asian culture in general that sometimes it makes me cringe inside.


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^ But on the other hand I want to give Rain the benefit of doubt. Because I've always thought he was one of the most genuinely humble celebrities out there.... so maybe he isn't the one to think "this is beneath me." I'm just curious as to the lengths he is willing to go to make it in hollywood, which is far, i'm sure, but seriously how much is he willing to give up to maybe possibly make it?


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I'm w/ Ter.

Someone's got to take the first step and not be afraid to get his hands dirty so to speak. If you can't start from the top, start from the bottom. You want something bad enough, you take what you can get. I suppose it could be "degrading" for some Asian stars but maybe that's why they haven't made it. The Asian stars we know now were terribly obscure for many years until their big break finally came. In many ways Rain's fame is kind of working against him since expectations are high and people are waiting for him to make a mistake.

The fact that Rain's name is being bounced around so much nowadays may make it seem oxymoronic to his rep of being "humble" - but I think the sheer fact that he is trying so hard despite the fact so few have succeeded, stubbornly refusing to go back to his comfort zone despite the setbacks, and pretty much risking much of his acting credibility to be in Hollywood... Nobody can say this kid doesn't have guts. He may go down but dude, he's going to go down fighting ---


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Personally, I think he should just stick with singing, dancing, and acting in Korean dramas and movies. Please, he shouldn't try to enter the Hollywood acting industry if he can't even properly enunciate English words. He should practice his english before entering into Hollywood.


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Having lived in Korea and Japan it sounded to me like Rain was imitating a japanese accent in speed racer. I was laughing about it the whole time. I had my reservations about rain cause he looks ridiculous in all the ads you see, but he's actually a really good actor too, he was one of the leads in a dope movie called "I'm a Cyborg, but that's OK." I do have some issues with chinese or korean people playing Japanese characters but most of it springs from my anger that westerners can't tell the difference. Rain was introduced as the name of his character (some japanese name like Daejou Togokan) twice at the premiere of speed racer. That to me is ridiculous. When europeans play characters from other countries (see Jean-Claude Van Damme or Sean Connery) they get to keep their name and ethnic identity. Rain is apparently too difficult of a name to remember, they may as well have introduced him as "asian guy."


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thanks to rockefuel for the comment ... it made my day... good luck to Bi...it's a hard task and he had the courage to go for it...


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