Ten-year reunion for pop stars SES

SES, that bastion of ’90s pop girl bands, got back together for their tenth reunion at a special fanmeeting on the 9th, their first official event as a group since their unofficial breakup five years ago.

Prior to the fanmeeting itself, the group (Bada, Eugene, and Shoo) spoke with reporters, answering such questions like, “This is your ten-year anniversary fanmeeting. How did you decide to meet here today?”

S, E, and S

Eugene: “We all thought about it. From a long time ago, we’ve noted 2007 as our ten-year anniversary. We kept talking about it.”

Bada: “I’m excited and thrilled to have arrived at our tenth anniversary. If I had to express how I feel in words, I’d take all day.”

Eugene: “Today’s fanmeeting is a day for us to celebrate among ourseives, but also to give a big present to our fans. I think of it as a chance to repay our fans who’ve shown us love for the past ten years. I want to do my best performing today, to give them a reason to think that it was a good thing they stuck with us these past ten years. And it’ll become a nice memory for us, too.”

Shoo: “Ten years have flown so quickly, we don’t really feel it ourselves, but looking at those around us, I can sense that, Ah, time has passed. I’m so grateful to see that our fans from the early days of our debut have grown into adults and members of society and have still maintained their unfailing interest in us.”


SES – “Red Angel” from album five. [ zShare download ]

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Question: Aside from this fanmeeting, do you have any plans to make a commemorative album?

Eugene: “We’ve thought a lot about that. Feeling greedy [as in, overambitious], I wanted to release an album, but because of our own individual activities, it’s difficult. I’m glad that we were able to do this fanmeeting — I didn’t want to miss our ten-year anniversary.”

Bada: “I hope today’s fanmeeting can be a time for us, who’ve received such love as singers from everyone, to repay our fans. To those who remember our music, I think it’ll be a meaningful time.”

“Dreams Come True,” an early hit from their second album. [ zShare download ]

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Question: During your time as SES, what’s the thing you remember the most?

Eugene: “In the days prior to our debut in 1997, we would go into the rehearsal room when the sun rose and leave when the sun set. There were no days when our bodies weren’t bruised, and in the mornings our muscles ached…”

Shoo: “At the time, it was very difficult for me. Rehearsing was hard and I had bruises every day. If I made a mistake in the choreography, I’d find a corner and do 40 sit-ups. … But I endured the difficulties and pain and stuck it out, which I think gave me perserverence.”

Bada: “I’m lead singer Bada [laughs]. I remember back then how Shoo and Eugene were incredibly pretty. They both wore size 55 and I was a 66. If there were two pretty outfits, the ugly one was mine. So I felt really envious of the two.

“But they treated me well, so there was no stress. Our debut came in my third year of high school, when I was preparing for entrance exams, and during study time, the two would look after me like a mother.”

“Be Natural” from the fourth album. [ zShare download ]

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“Meguri au sekai” — They were also one of the early bands to branch out into the Japanese market, where they were moderately successful. [ download ]

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In the pop music world, there are your junior singers like the Wonder Girls and Girls Generation. What would you like to say to them?

Eugene: “When I look at both groups, I think a lot about the past, thinking, ‘We were like that too…’ They look cute and I listen to their songs. In particular, I can see our early selves when looking at Girls Generation. Pop singers often flaunt a ‘sexy code,’ but like us when we started, Girls Generation has a cute side to them.”

Bada: “What I’d like to say to these junior singers is, what’s important is to know what music you’re making and what you’re doing. Each individual has one chance and one life to live, and it would be good to know what you’re doing. I hope those younger singers can make music with passion.”



Thoughts of reuniting?

Bada: “Since we haven’t officially disbanded, I can’t answer about reuniting. Our fans may be disappointed that we can’t give a definitive answer about when we’ll make a comeback, but when the opportunity arises, it could be possible anytime.”

Eugene: “These days, we’re working solo a lot, and we haven’t had that chance. Because of that, we worked on our individual careers, but I still think that we’re acting as members of SES.”

“Tiny Little Things” (fourth album) [ zShare download ]

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What was the most difficult moment for SES?

Bada: “Because our senior singers HOT were successful, we didn’t really have a hard time as new singers. At the very beginning, it was a little tough.”

Eugene: “At the time, we’d do all our press at once, so it wasn’t so bad. I remember doing a lot in particular for the first album — we’d wake up early and work late nights, so much that I was thrilled just to have several hours off.”

Shoo: “I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t have a school life. I didn’t have many friends. But I think we become even closer because of that.”


Via Newsen

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Bada looks like she got 20 years older.. instead of 10..

Eugene looks amazing! ^^


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Thanks so much for sharing some of SES's songs. They're one of my favourite groups. It's really made my day!!!.


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cute ^^


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ahhh! i LOVED ses and im just glad that theres news of them for their reunion. i wnoder if theyre still friends cuz it doesnt really sound like they keep in touch


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S.E.S is probably the only girlband I actually like. Their songs were amazing from the start of their career and they were really talented. It's nice to see them all together again...


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yeah i agree with you. s.e.s forever and i agree with evrything u wrote like their song and talented... reallly love them.
s.e.s. fighthing!!


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How come Bada always ends up getting the worst outfits out of the three? Poor Bada. Her sweater looks like someone macheted it.

10 years...it almost seems surreal.


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10 years sure have flew by...
I used to listen to their songs. It's always nice to see them together...now I'm just hoping for a new album from them. There seems to be a lot of old school singer and/or groups releasing new albums lately..so hopefully SES will do the same.


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The first S looks like my doctor when I was little.. hahha
Are they like copying Spice Girls kind of,,, with the reunion and stuff... lmao.


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i hope they do get together to make a final album like the spice girls. :D


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You are sooooo awesome! Where are you? I can just kissssss you!!!!!!!!! I've looked everywhere to download and even buy SES's first Japanese single!!!!!! I downloaded from a Japanese site but it was a broken song that took me hours and hours to download just that one song BUT you put it on here!!!!!! AND the TWoTWo song which I remember when I was learning about kpop....wow...just wow....I am having a verrrrrrrry happy day and will be blasting these fav songs of mine while driving around to do what I need to do today!!!


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