SES’s Bada-less “Happy Brand”

Speaking of SES, the ladies of the pop group are in the news again. Or at least two of them are.

Eugene and Shoo (wither Bada?) have just opened their new website selling their brand at the “SES Mall” (www.sesmall.co.kr), and have named their new fashion line SHB — which stands for “SES Happy Brand.”

This isn’t the first time actors and pop stars are branching out into fashion — singer-actress Uhm Jung Hwa capitalized on her sultry sex-kitten image with a lingerie line, actress Lee Hye Young has her own fashion brand (“Missing Dorothy,” sold via home shopping), as do actresses Lee Seung Yeon (the “About Elle” line), Hwang Shin Hye, Byun Jung Soo, and others.

But Eugene and Shoo are attempting to set themselves apart from the other stars-slash-fashion-brands by having their own styles directly infused into their line, incorporating Shoo’s “cute and lovable” and Eugene’s “feminine, soft” styles. (Apparently Bada’s absence is explained because of her contract with a different line, which prevents her participation.)

Congrats to them, but what’s with every star these days wanting to be a mogul in every possible avenue available to them, rather than focusing on one or two things at which they actually excel? Next thing you know they’ll all be peddling novelty edible cosmetics, or random perfumes with terrible juvenile names.

Take a look at the ladies modeling their line after the jump.


SES – “Just a Feeling” (remix version). This song reminds me of mid-career Mariah Carey, kind of. You know, the “Emotions” and “Fantasy” days. [ zShare download ]

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Via Joy News, Newsen


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It's all about "more money, more money." Plus, when you're young and have more than enough money than the average blue collar worker, one of your worst enemy is boredom. Plus, it's more productive that they keep themselves busy while they are still relevant.


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they have cute outfits, must be expensive. But the one with the short hair, her skirt doesn't go with her outfit. She should have worn a different one.


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As a cynic, I think it's just to capitalise more on whatever assets they already have. It's economical, isn't it?

Eugene looks gorgeous in the photos though. Shoo... oh the horrors of plastic surgery. It'll take a while for me to get over what she did to her face... The clothes do look quite nice.


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i like eugene's clothes. they look wearable.


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I really don't like the black and white polka dotted dress on Shoo. It makes her look like a frumpy ajumma. EWWWW!!!!.


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i think shoo looks cute in the 1st pic
then, those super sharp teeeny plastic nose, ugh
but they both look pretty anyway


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I totally want that white sweater/dress thing.

EEEEEEEE Cute! Though I would wear it with jeans or something...


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DISCLAIMER: My comment is completely irrelevant. Sorry. Can't seem to wait until the next open thread!

So I was procrastinating (what's new, right?) and went back to watch some kdramas that I've missed the first time around. I am soooo completely pissed at myself because of this. Why is it that I'm so easily lured into these sappy dramas where the protagonists fall in love and then one of them (for some gosh dang leukemia/cancer/food poisoning/whatever reason) has to dieeeeeeeeee! Since I just finished one, my emotions are still raw (hence, the ranting; again, sorry) and I don't understand what good I get out of this.

Bottom line: Sappy dramas make me depressed and teary not to mention eager to call up people and tell them I love them before who-knows-what-happens.

Am I the only weirdo here? [end of randomness. had to get it out somewhere! jwesonghahmnida!]


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Athough it makes perfect business sense for talents to flood the market with a variety of product (while also employing volumes of other folks, which is good for the economy) some, in fact, do end up sacrificing the potential for excellance for the lure of the cash box. In my estimation, the lovely Eugene is far from guilty of such a sacrifice. She is not only the quintessential, fresh-faced and likeable "girl-next-door" (That is, if you happen to have a homecoming queen for a neighbor!), but the woman is also severely talented. From what I've seen she can: sing, dance, act, model, emcee, speak publically, wear clothes that you wish you were in (double entendre intended!), and just sit smiling beautifully; doing all with a high degree of efficiency. The fact that she actually appears to like and respect her fans is an added bonus. You don't get the feeling that you're being scammed with her. Blindly following the siren's song, maybe, but not afraid that you'll end up being clubbed on the head and served for diner.

While I very much agree that I'd far rather see fish concentrate on swimming, birds on flying, and, while we're at it.....most people would help us out a lot if they worked on improving their driving skills; I'll personally have to give Eugene a pass on this one. If she starts putting out rap records though....I'll still remember her for that dazzling smile.


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Blame P-diddy! lol. I have no problem with celebs branching out into the fashion industry. I think it's naive to think that they can depend on their careers forever. It's a good thing to have some side business for a fallback plan. They have to think about their future. Pretty soon they will be in their 30s and who can guarantee that they will still have fans then.


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i love the white dress Shoo's wearing.! so cute.! <3


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