Alpha girls
by javabeans
According to the following article, actress and brainiac (and I say that with affection) Kim Tae Hee has toppled sultry star Kim Hye Soo as Korea’s foremost “alpha girl.”
This comes as a result of a poll conducted by cable channel On Style — I think these surveys are mostly crap, but they generate some “news” on an otherwise slow news day so… (Yes, I realize the irony of pointing out a problem, then perpetuating it… heh. And let’s not even get into how they’re praising the women using a term that conveys sly disparaging undertones in its very word choice…)
Sweet Sorrow – “당당한 그녀가 아름답다” (That confident woman is beautiful), from the soundtrack of Seducing Mr. Perfect. I was looking for an appropriate song to post — something about a successful woman, or an intelligent one — and can you believe, there were (predictably) tonnnns of songs about beautiful girls, and nary one about a smart one? So this is the best I could do. “Confident” isn’t a perfect translation, but I suppose it’s close enough. (It means someone who’s open, dignified, unashamed.)
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(Kim Hye Soo)
On Style defined “alpha girl” as a woman who excelled in her respective field; Kim Tae Hee came in at first place. Respondents cited her intelligence for attending Seoul National University, her perfect looks, and her acting and commercial popularity as reasons for picking her.
Kim Hye Soo (who always strikes me as odd-looking — she can look super-sexy in one photo, and super-creepy in the next) came in just behind in second place; her confidence, self-possessed air and charisma were cited as her assets.
Trailing in a distant third place was MBC news anchor Kim Joo Ha, followed by actress Lee Hye Young, actress Kim Yun Jin, broadcaster Choi Hwa Jung, comedian Park Kyung Lim…
(Kim Tae Hee)
김태희, 김혜수 제치고 대한민국 ‘알파걸’ 1위
2007-09-30 11:49:47
[마이데일리 = 강지훈 기자] 배우 김태희가 김혜수를 제치고 대한민국 대표 알파걸로 선정됐다.케이블 채널 온스타일은 지난 7월과 8월 ‘온스타일 세션’에 참가한 20세부터 34세까지의 여성 208명을 대상으로 ‘핑크알파하면 떠오르는 연예인은?’이라는 주제로 실시한 설문조사 결과 김태희가 1위에 올랐다고 발표했다. 핑크알파란 온스타일을 상징하는 핑크와 알파걸의 합성어로 무한한 열정과 끼로 자기 분야에서 탁월한 능력을 발휘하며, 사회의 리더역할을 수행하는 여성을 뜻한다.
김태희는 응답자 중 21%로부터 지지를 얻어 1위를 차지했다. 응답자들은 김태희의 ‘서울대 출신이라는 학력과 완벽한 외모, 연기와 CF 등에서 인기를 얻고 있는 점’ 등을 이유로 꼽았다. 이어 김혜수가 응답자 19%의 선택을 받아 아슬아슬하게 2위에 올랐다. 김혜수의 경우 ‘당당하고 철저한 자기관리’ ‘카리스마 있고 항상 자신있는 모습’ 등이 이유라고 답했다.
이어 김주하 MBC 주말 뉴스데스크 앵커가 3위(12%), 배우 이혜영(8%) 김윤진(7%), 방송인 최화정(5%) 박경림(5%) 등이 뒤를 이었다.
한편 알파걸에 어울리는 남자 친구로는 ‘외국생활로 인한 개방적이고 열린 사고’ ‘여성의 개성을 인정하고 동등한 시선으로 대해줄 것 같다’는 이유로 다니엘 헤니(24%)가 1위에 올랐고 장동건(22%) 조인성(10%) 강동원(7%) 등 꽃미남 배우들이 뒤를 이었다.
Tags: Kim Hye-soo, Kim Tae-hee
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1 moomoo
September 30, 2007 at 10:51 AM
omg. i love her so much. she's so freakin' pretty.
i love her smile and she is a good role model.
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2 gramps
September 30, 2007 at 11:25 AM
The think that puzzles me about KTH is: she has great natural beauty and charm (and people who go digging up photos from High School files have produced evidence that the beauty is indeed non-surgical in origin). She comes across delightfully in interviews, chat shows and in her various TV commercials. So why does she think that "acting" consists of making those lovely big eyes of hers pop out of her head as if on stalks whenever she tries to convey any emotion beyond mild boredom? And how do the other players who have to stay focussed and serious in scenes where she turns on her eye-bulging mode manage not to crack up?
I guess I'd now better go hide somewhere.
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3 Ariel
September 30, 2007 at 11:34 AM
I thought you made a mistake I was thinking Song Hye Kyo and who the hell is Kim Hye Soo then I looked it up in Han Cinema and everything suddenly became clear. Okay I always refer to Han Cinema when it comes to the Most Wanted and last I checked Song was still number 1. But your right I prefer Kim Tae Hee's looks, but Hye Soo could act. I've watched War of Flowers and Hye Soo was good. Anyway I've only watch that 1 movie with Hye Soo, but for Tae Hee I've watched Love Story in Harvard (pretty and cute), Stairway to Heaven (I thought her eyes were going to pop out, I kept thinking damn the girl's range is sorely limited), Restless (a warrior angel??? still has no depth, good special effects though) and Forbidden Love (she was sad the whole duration of the movie, I felt doom from start to end).
She was paired with a lot of Hot Guys, well except for Stairway (but who cares Kwan Sang
Woo carried her), anyway she's one lucky girl and I salute her. Wish she could show more range in her acting skills.
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4 Javabeans
September 30, 2007 at 11:40 AM
I definitely agree with Kim Tae Hee comments. Gorgeous and intelligent, the greatest stumbling block to her acting career is her acting. Well, I guess you can't have it all. Now THAT would just be too unfair. ;)
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5 Mics
September 30, 2007 at 2:26 PM
Ahaha I was thinking the same thing about her. The bulging eyes really does kill her acting career. Well it doesn't seem to kill it just yet. Good face w/ bad acting seems to work pretty well right now. She looks like an angel in those pics, like she won't be able to hurt a fly.
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6 LYNda
September 30, 2007 at 7:16 PM
I don't know much about Korean Educational system, but in America just because you go to Yale doesn't mean you're super intelligent. George Bush attended Yale and so did Kerry. They are both C average stupid students. It's nice you got in, but what are they doing while they're at the university. It's probably hard keeping up with studies and filming. I don't buy it.
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7 djeedjes
September 30, 2007 at 8:04 PM
I always remember KTH for her acting in Love in Harvard-which is dusty in my drawer. Too bad her acting isn't as pretty as she is. But that's true, you can't have it all.
And yes, I've seen her old pictures, which showed that she's always beauty from her early days. Another proof that it was in the genes, simply just see her younger brother, Lee Wan!
( If, this is just IF, their look made from plastic technology, can they get a package deal for the surgeries? family package? buy 1 get 1 free? :P nevermind. I'm just babbling. Sorry. :D )
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8 -
October 1, 2007 at 12:12 AM
Lynda, I believe its very hard getting admitted to the prestigious Seoul National University, I think it requires a lot of examination and preparation and is very different from the application system in the States, where students are evaluated on different levels. A lot of countries work in that sense with national universities, with exams testing everyone who competes for a place and academic intelligence being a prime factor. SNU is very difficult to get in for overseas applicants from the US too, even from Ivy League schools, from what I've researched on the university. So I'll definitely buy that SNU graduates, who got in and made it through, must be pretty smart, unless i'm all wrong about the school. I know it has some of the best departments in the country and several are internationally renowned.
KTH is beautiful and I agree with all the acting range comments. She doesn't irritate me like some other actresses who can't act, but I still wish sometimes she'd put more into the meaty roles she gets that could be so much more with the prowess of someone else. I don't think she studied acting, right?
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9 thunderbolt
October 1, 2007 at 1:31 AM
"Kim Hye Soo (who always strikes me as odd-looking — she can look super-sexy in one photo, and super-creepy in the next)..."
LOL, my exact sentiments about KHS. There's just something weird about her lips. But I like her acting. She was wild (in a good and convincing way) in A Day For An Affair.
Can't say the same about Kim Tae Hee's acting (or lack of it) though. I've only watched her in Stairway to Heaven and since that one is the worst k-drama I've ever watched (hands-down the "worstest" if I may use the word and also the most aggravating, mind-boggling... OK, I mustn't get started on my STH rant, oops), I steer clear of any other work that she's in.
Gramps, you have space in your hideout?^^
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10 myrte
October 1, 2007 at 3:45 AM
Congrats KTH! contrary to what others are saying here i still firmly believe that you are Korea's No. 1 pride! :) You have it all - beauty, brain and talent...You may not be the best actress but you are one of the three Korean actresses (LYA and HJW) that i really really admire.
Keep up the good work and We love you from philippines! :)
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11 kelso311
October 1, 2007 at 4:48 AM
Where can find the article or better yet can you post the rest of the poll.
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12 kelso311
October 1, 2007 at 4:51 AM
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13 charmie
October 1, 2007 at 1:02 PM
kim tae hee is a very pretty and talented girl...
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14 cocoa
October 1, 2007 at 6:22 PM
In Korea (as far as I know from cousins and the news, etc in Korea), students study...a LOT in High school (definitely more rigorous studying done in Korea in comparison to the US), and they have exam after exam for college entrance...and so to be accepted into a school like SNU means she must have had great grades and exam scores.
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15 SM
October 1, 2007 at 6:58 PM
KTH is pretty which I totally agree but her acting is so poor. When I watched her in the drama, I just want to turn it off. She tried to use her big and beautiful eyes to express her emotion but it was such a failure. Her eyes to me seem emotionless or only convert the anger or coldness. I cant feel anything from her eyes. >
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16 Jen
October 2, 2007 at 7:15 PM
For some reason I think KTH is really overrated. She looks cold and evil in all her dramas, it must be her eyes or her mouth. Her acting doesn't help much either.
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17 mawee
October 2, 2007 at 10:56 PM
well, KTH doesnt have versatility. At least Kim Hye Soo can be super sexy and super creepy in the next! Heehee~
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18 IrisF
October 3, 2007 at 9:52 PM
Kim Tae Hee? Uhm, what can I say? Don't know much about her education thingie but her acting was not that convincing to me. I don't feel like she's such an angle in Love Story in Harvard because her eyes don't tell the story. But the fact that she speaks English pretty well compared to the other two male leads in "Love Story in Harvard" makes her role less irritating. That drama just turns me off. I couldn't believe that two guys who speak English poorly can lead two groups of Harvard super students!
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October 25, 2007 at 2:59 PM
i love kim tae hee. but i do agree with your comments about her acting. and #8, i believe she studied fashion design at SNU.
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20 anastassia
December 28, 2007 at 12:14 PM
Good Looks doesn't mean good acting. Good look is one thing but good talent in acting is one thing. I'm happy that the commenters is are being objective. She sure is pure beauty but in terms of acting there is much more talented actress out there. Anyhow, she can improve in her acting.
Her brother on the other hand was so marveleous. He is one of my very favourite actors. Still young but very deep, intense and excellent acting.
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21 lilily2
January 29, 2008 at 1:26 AM
KTH is sort of the Korean equivalent of Jessica Alba.
to enjoy, turn the tv on mute!!!
and as cute as lee wan is, he doesn't strike me as any better an actor than his sister is. same limitations. same (tiny) range.
he does his own version of the Kim eyes... most of his past roles have been staring intensely (lustfully) at the innocent young female lead who's had way too much misfortune in her life
(and for the record, park shinae is the most unexciting, unattractive heroine in distress i've ever seen. i guess her appeal is to the 35+ perverted ajusshi's)
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22 SunYoung
March 14, 2008 at 4:09 AM
It's amazing to me that Korea is so underestimated LYNda. I wasn't raised in Korea but I was born there, in the capital, in fact. So naturally, I wanted to know more. I learned after about two hours(yeah, that's it. I'm kind of lazy.... ^^) that the amount of studying done in Korea, in any of the well known Asian countries(although Korea isn't as widely known as Japan or China), is much MUCH more studying than done here in the US(in one article,it was stated that the amount of out-of-school study time in Korea is more than four times the amount in America). In fact, one of my friends had to move back to Korea after about two years in America and from an email, I heard she was studying three years above grade level.....and it was normal over there. Not to mention the fact that over there, most schools(I thought it was all at first then heard differently) only have one day with no school; some still have hours of study or tutors in their free time. All in all, to get into such a good, well known college in a place like that would be very, very hard. least, that's what I think.....
*Crawls into a random hiding place only to bump into gramps and thunderbolt*
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23 ezra
April 16, 2008 at 9:02 PM
I have watched Korean movies with the lead roles having nose bleeds just by studying for the College Exams. Just the mere fact that high schools have loads of pre-tests before the actual test say a lot about the quality of education in Korea. Seoul National University is the best university in Korea and just by passing and graduating from that school must say a lot about your intelligence. AAAND, people in Korea give a lot of importance to education. I can't say that confidently about the Americans (nor us Filipinos, sadly. :P)
Although Kim Tae Hee is not that much of a brilliant actress, her charm, good track record and stunning good looks brought her to her success. I agree that if she had good acting skills, wouldn't that be a pain for the human race? ;) Not everyone can have everything, but with KTH, it's thisclose to that. :))
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24 *dramas2
May 4, 2008 at 11:39 AM
whoa, i would've never guessed kim tae hee was 'smart' too... well, isnt' she one lucky girl, looks brains, money.. she has it all :P
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25 Alvina
October 28, 2008 at 4:13 PM
for some reason, the last picture looks like Hwangbo
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26 Midnight
January 16, 2010 at 1:28 AM
Good ! She is so beauty.
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27 souksakhone
July 1, 2010 at 12:26 AM
Kim hye soo is so pretty.i want to talk with her face to face,but i have a chance to meet her.i only dream that day.
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28 sam ath
October 24, 2010 at 7:48 PM
Hi when i see you i love you so much.u are beautiful that i never see.
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29 khamthawn
September 7, 2014 at 7:02 AM
Yea, she is beautiful among Korean acctress and singers.
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