Actors acting for free?

Is it too cynical of me that my second thought after hearing this news (the first being the requisite “Aww”) was, “This is probably just for the publicity”?

Well, no matter. This time, I’ll believe people are good and nice and all that crap. Today I take the blue pill.

Apparently actress Park Shi Eun, whom you may remember as the calculating and possessive (but so pretty!) Chaerin from Delightful Girl Chun Hyang (she was also in Doctor Kkang and mini-drama Looking For Dorothy) heard about the recent troubles of R&B duo Monday Kiz — singer Kim Min Su was recently in a car accident and has had to have multiple shoulder/ligament surgeries. In the wake of the accident (Kim is still in the hospital and has more surgery to undergo), Monday Kiz has been unable to continue activities for their upcoming third album, and has instead decided to release a digital single album.

Park Shi Eun felt sympathetic to their predicament and agreed to appear in the title song’s music video without payment. Actor Sung Woo Jin (Surgeon Bong Dalhee), who will also appear in the music video, has also waived his fee. According to Monday Kiz’s management company: “After hearing about Kim Min Su’s accident, Park Shi Eun expressed her intent to appear in the video for no payment,” adding, “It must have been a difficult enough decision to agree to appear when details are still unclear for the present, but we had no idea she would do so without any pay.”

(Monday Kiz)


Monday Kiz – “하늘아 제발” (Heaven, please) [ zShare download ]

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From Sports Chosun via Daum:

박시은, 먼데이키즈 뮤비에 노개런티 출연

2007년 9월 20일 (목) 21:59 스포츠조선

[이승우 기자 / 조선닷컴 ET팀] 배우 박시은이 먼데이키즈의 뮤직비디오에 노 개런티로 출연한다.

박시은은 KBS2 드라마 ‘쾌걸춘향’, SBS ‘토지’, MBC ‘닥터 깽’등에 출연해 좋은 연기를 선보였던 인물.

먼데이키즈의 소속사측은 “박시은은 먼데이키즈의 멤버 김민수의 교통사고소식을 접한 뒤 출연료 없이 출연하겠다는 의사표시를 했다”며 “당분간 활동이 불투명 한 가수의 뮤직비디오에 출연하는 것이 쉬운 선택이 아니었는데 노 개런티로 출연할 줄은 정말 생각조차 못했다”고 전했다.

박시은은 이번 뮤직비디오에서 SBS 드라마 ‘야인시대’와 ‘외과의사 봉달희’에 출연해 연기력을 인정받은 성우진와 연기호흡을 맞춘다. 성우진 역시 노 개런티로 출연할 예정이다.

한편 지난 3일 교통사고로 후방 무릎 십자인대와 측부 및 내측부 인대 수술, 그리고 어깨 탈골 수술을 받은 김민수는 2차 수술을 남겨두고 현재 입원중이다.

From eDaily:

박시은-성우진, 먼데이키즈 뮤비 노개런티로 지원 나서

2007-09-20 17:03:09

[이데일리 SPN 유숙기자] 교통사고로 정규 3집 앨범 활동이 불가능하게 된 남성듀오 먼데이키즈가 든든한 지원군을 만났다.

탤런트 박시은과 성우진이 먼데이키즈의 안타까운 사연을 듣고 3집 앨범 대신 발매되는 싱글앨범 타이틀곡 뮤직비디오에 개런티도 받지 않고 출연하기로 한 것.

박시은은 뮤직비디오의 연출을 맡은 손정환 감독과의 두터운 친분으로, 성우진은 먼데이키즈의 소속사 관계자와의 우정으로 노 개런티 출연을 약속했다.

먼 데이키즈의 소속사 캔 엔터테인먼트 측은 “싱글 앨범 발매 일정이 촉박하게 잡혀 당장 내일(21일) 촬영에 들어가야 해 하루 전에야 배우들에게 연락할 수 있었다”며 “섭외에 어려움을 겪을 거라 예상했는데 쉽게 승낙을 받아 고맙고 다행이다”고 전했다.

먼 데이키즈는 멤버 김민수가 지난 3일 3집 앨범 녹음을 마친 후 오토바이를 타고 귀가하다 교통사고를 당해 3집 발매를 취소하고 싱글앨범을 발매하기로 결정했다. 먼데이키즈의 싱글앨범 ‘미완성(Incompletion)’은 오는 10월1일 발매된다.



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song es muy muy bellisima... muchas gracias
amazing and thanks for sharing!!!


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Thanks to you, I think I just found a new favorite R&B duo. Usually I'm really picky with my music, especially Korean music, but wow. 하늘아 제발 really...impressed me, hahaha. Reminds me a little of Fly to the Sky, but they're still really good. I will check out the their albums!


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you are bored
you've had 3 posts on the same day...
thankfully if nothing is good on the asian networks, the american drama season is just beginning so take a look at those shows...if you're interested in that stuff


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I agree. Reminds me of FTTS. Thanks!


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well I think its a nice gesture....whether it for publicity or not ^_^


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singer Kim Min Su was recently in a car accident and has had to have multiple shoulder/ligament surgeries. In the wake of the accident (Kim is still in the hospital and has more surgery to undergo)....

THAT already sounds very painful and sad. I hope nobody would take this tragedy to benefit himself/herself because that is very disturbing. I think there is a lot of ways for positive publicity but this is not it.
Javabeans, I want to trust that she didn't do such a thing.....>_


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"Well, no matter. This time, I’ll believe people are good and nice and all that crap. Today I take the blue pill." HAHA... you are hilarious. bored but wit and sense of humor still intact. heehee.

Back on topic.. I, too, hope she's genuine and is doing this because she really cares.


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Thank You Dear Javabeans.
(another celeb and another car accident, ooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!
how many celeb's car accident in one year???? )

Anyway, what about Gong Yoo???


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kind gesture... just hope she doesn't pull a chae rin on us, and turn the situation to her advantage... but , heck lets put a lil faith on the human kind.... should we?? he he


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whoaaa... my goodness.

this song of theirs is REALLY nice.

hella strong and loving the chorus and beat XDD


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He just DIED didnt he?
Saw a Post on POPSEOUL.


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