Coffee Prince: Seventeenth Cup (Final)

And, finally. Here we are: the final episode!


The Hi-Lights – “울트라 캡숑 히든 보너스” (ultra awesome hidden bonus) [ zShare download ]

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I’m sad for two reasons: First, that Coffee Prince is over. And second, that the finale wasn’t nearly as good as it could have, or should have, been. Don’t get me wrong; it was a perfectly serviceable final episode. It was cute, and we had a happy ending. For that alone, it was fine. I’ll leave off commenting on the rest till the end.


Han Gyul and Eun Chan wake up from their night together feeling happy but bashful. Han Gyul is so flustered he hurries to dress as Eun Chan wakes up, and puts both legs through one pant leg, causing him to fall to the ground onto some conveniently dropped pillows.


Eun Chan knows her mother’s going to kill her when she finds out she spent the night with Han Gyul, but she’s not so panicked that she can’t first have breakfast with him. Han Gyul tells Eun Chan not to grow her hair or wear miniskirts when she’s in Italy: “If men ask if you have a boyfriend, tell them you’re married. No, just stay invisible.” Sobering to the fact that she’s leaving soon, he cautions her to take good care of herself. They’ll have to go on dates every day before she leaves; he’ll take her all the places she wanted to go to before.

Driving in to work together, Eun Chan gets a call from Eun Sae, who tells Eun Chan she owes her. Eun Sae covered for her, telling their mother that Eun Chan had left early for work.

Maximilian Hecker – “Flower Four” ::

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Ha Rim sees them arriving to work together and immediately senses something different. With glee, he guesses the truth and tries to go around proving it. He manages to sneak up on them, and singsongs his congratulations to the couple.


Han Gyul goes out of his way to sneak a present to Eun Chan so she’ll find it while cleaning, which turns out to be a pair of shoes (for comfort, since baristas are always on their feet). Eun Chan wonders if it’s okay to accept, because there’s a saying that you shouldn’t give your lover shoes because they’ll run away from you — but Han Gyul has taken proper precautions, writing inside them: “You’re mine!” and signing with his name.


That night, Eun Chan falls asleep while on the phone with Han Gyul, and he leaves her on speakerphone — and awakens the next morning with a laugh to realize Eun Chan is still snoring into her phone. He hangs up and calls back to serenade her with the song “I Love You,” originally sung by Han Dong Joon.

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On her last day of work, Eun Chan makes her sad goodbyes with everyone. Each of the Princes takes his turn to say a few last words, finding Eun Chan crying in her work locker. Min Yub is first, and gives her some cosmetics as a present, saying she’ll be very pretty when she does herself up. He tells her, “You know I really respect and like you, don’t you? Don’t worry about Angel and your mother, because I’ll look after them.”

Next is Sun Ki: “Take care of yourself, and come back safely. You’ll do a good job — I have faith in you.” For once, Ha Rim has the fewest words, tearing up as Eun Chan tells him how much she likes him, even if they’ve fought in the past. He cries, and leaves her with a goodbye letter without being able to say anything.

Eun Chan cries as she reads the note (song: Maximilian Hecker’s “I’ll Be a Virgin, I’ll Be a Mountain” from a previous episode):

“My Chan, have a good time studying abroad. I don’t know how I’ll stay cheerful after you leave. Since you can sleep and eat well wherever you go, that doesn’t worry me, but there’s just one thing that does — you and men. You’d better not be won over by some guy’s flowery words or killer smile. I’ll handle Han Gyul hyung over here, so don’t worry. If only you weren’t his girl, I could’ve tried pursuing you. My Chan, I’ll miss you. P.S. — dreams come true!”


Meanwhile, Han Sung and Yu Ju’s marriage has been going well. Yu Ju has taken special care to refrain from working or going out to meet friends to watch out for the baby, but still, she encounters trouble. She experiences pains that send her to the hospital, and (the implication is that) they lose the baby. Han Sung comforts her (without anger or resentment, merely worry).


Everyone’s sad to see Eun Chan go, starting with her family, the Coffee Princes, and of course, Han Gyul. Eun Chan goes to the airport alone to avoid a painful parting, especially with Han Gyul, and says her last goodbyes to him over the phone. Her last words before hanging up are a choked string of “I love you”s. (Song: “Sad Thing” by 어른아이 / Adult Child, posted previously.)



And then, we’re two years later.

Eun Chan’s voiceover reads the various messages she’s sent to Han Gyul over the past two years via postcards, which he has posted up on his refrigerator.

Her messages include:

“There are lots of handsome men here. I’ve got a lot of them chasing me around saying they like me. Still, you’re the most handsome of them all!…”

“I’m sleeping late these days, with the excuse that I don’t have a part-time job to go to. Did I come here to study, or play?…”

“But thanks to you and Grandmother, I’m learning a lot. It’s so interesting. Thank you, and love you. I’ll become an impressive woman and go back soon. I miss you. I really miss you! … I love you. Here’s a kiss for you!”


Han Gyul has been busy working with the company to franchise the next store — Coffee Princess.

Min Yub has been working as a model, while Eun Sae works with the behind-the-scenes staff. They’re still together, and at her suggestion, he’s changed his modeling name to simply “Hwang Min.” (Eun Sae’s nickname for him, though, is “Yub.” I wonder if part of her suggestion, aside from professional reasons, was so she gets to be the only one to call him that. It’s cute.) It’s nice to see her so proud of him for something, which is a nice change from their early relationship.


Han Gyul is eagerly counting down the days to Eun Chan’s return, so naturally he’s shocked and panicked when Eun Chan mentions the possibility of staying in Italy for another year to further her studies. It’s a great opportunity for her, her tuition will be covered, and she’d like to stay… Han Gyul yells an insistent no, and reminds her that she signed the contract with his grandmother to come back after two years. He’d even planned the opening of the new cafe to time with her arrival. She asks, “Then should I give it up and return?” and tells him she’ll forget the idea since he doesn’t like it… which makes Han Gyul feel guilty.


Ha Rim, who’s in charge of the interior design for the new Coffee Princess cafe, has been dating Byul for the past two years. I find her inclusion in the story pretty pointless, but I suppose she’s there to give some promise of a happy ending for Ha Rim. She brings up the fact that Ha Rim’s family is going through tough times (they had to close their hospital), which is another weirdly tacked-on story bit. But okay.

Likewise, a new girl walks into the Coffee Prince one day to earnestly request a job there, and the girl seems to serve the main purpose of giving Sun Ki a potential happy ending too. The girl (who also had a minor role in Dal Ja’s Spring) gets on Sun Ki’s nerves, until she responds to his grumbling in fluent Japanese, which is a welcome surprise. It’s also hinted that she’s sort of an Eun Chan version 2.0 — Ha Rim’s reaction to her appearance echoes the very words he first said about Eun Chan, she’s cheerful, she’s 24, and I think she’s supposed to be tomboyish (although the actress is too feminine for that to come across well).

Even Mr. Hong gets a storyline, meeting his long-ago love (the good liar) by chance and having a brief conversation with her. She’s married and has a child now, and I suppose his sense of closure comes when he gets up to leave, and she tells him, “Go on. This time I’ll be the one who stays behind.” He answers, “Sure, I’ll try being the first to go this time.” Closure’s good and all, but I never really felt his story was opened enough to require closing.


Han Sung and Yu Ju celebrate their two-year anniversary. They seem happy, but Yu Ju appears to still be affected by the baby they lost. Han Sung comes upon her as she stares at a set of baby shoes, and guesses what she’s thinking:

“Yu Ju, I don’t have any greed for more. With you always looking at me, and being by my side, and us both doing work we love… I don’t have any more to wish for.”

Han Sung tells her that he thinks they should stop going to the hospital, which I surmise is because they’ve been trying to become pregnant. Yu Ju suggests they go away on a trip together.

(Song: Arco’s “Perfect World,” previously posted.)

Meanwhile, at home alone, Han Gyul deliberates over his new dilemma — whether to persuade Eun Chan to come home quickly, or to let her further her studies as she wants. Finally, he comes to a decision, and calls her, leaving the message:

“You have to pay me back later for putting me through all this. Continue your studying, then come home. Just one more year. When you get this message, call me.”

He runs off, yelling, “Come home quickly! I miss you! Come back soon!”

Later, Han Gyul has a somewhat disappointing interview with a potential barista, who wants double the pay that was offered. After she leaves, Eun Chan arrives unexpectedly, rendering him stunned and speechless.

Eun Chan starts off by saying that she’s here to interview for the barista position, and lists all her qualifications. (Song: “Make Up” by 어른아이 / Adult Child.)

Eun Chan: “It sounded like that other applicant was asking for double the pay, but all you have to do is feed me. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack. I’m good at cleaning, I’m strong, and I make really great coffee. I also have an excellent history as an international barista. I do pretty well.”
Han Gyul: “More than skill, we need someone with a devoted work ethic.”
Eun Chan: “I’m incredibly devoted. If you just say so nicely, I can do the cleaning, cooking, dishes, and everything for you.”

After the initial gladness at seeing each other again, Han Gyul is (mildly) upset that she came back without saying anything, and for putting him through such worry, thinking she’d be gone another year. She assures him that she won’t leave him alone ever again: “Even if you told me to leave now, I won’t. I’ve got to stick by your side every day from now on. I won’t leave you for even a minute.” Mollified, Han Gyul asks, “Twenty-four hours? Night and day, every day? Then we’ll have to get married quickly.”

It appears she misled him purposely with her suggestion of staying another year, and had his parents and grandmother in on the secret. Eun Chan’s kept in contact with them all this time (Han Gyul’s father even met her in Italy when he traveled there on business), and his parents are firmly in favor of the relationship. Even his grandmother can’t hide her gruffness too much: “She asked me to keep her return a secret, but she’s with Han Gyul right now. They’re just crazy about each other.”

And naturally, everyone at Coffee Prince is thrilled to see her (and shocked at her new look).

(Song: “La la la, it’s love” by The Melody, on the OST.)

Han Sung and Yu Ju have their romantic getaway…


And Han Gyul tries out his coffee-making skills for Eun Chan.

(Ending song: “Coffee Is…” by Cloud Cuckoo Land, posted previously.)



Coffee Prince closes today!


Additional thoughts:

This episode left me smiling widely and feeling good. It was a nice wrap-up to a series that turned out to be surprisingly more insightful, fun, and engaging than I’d hoped when I first started watching. I re-read what I’d written in response to the first episode, and was particularly happy to be proved wrong in initially supposing the series held little promise for profound meaning.

As a final episode, I didn’t particularly find this 17th hour to be anything extraordinary. I seem to be in the minority in having absolutely no problem with the “__ years later” device, at least on principle. Some series misuse the time skip in a lazy or poor way, and some use it very well. My disappointment with the last episode has nothing to do with the fact that they skipped two years. It’s merely that this episode felt like a (very, very) long epilogue. They could have cut it in half and been fine. It felt like a tacked-on extension to a series that had been so popular that its very talented director and writer were forced to artificially lengthen its material to fill an extra hour. Imagine that.

But when all’s said and done, I thoroughly enjoyed Coffee Prince, and didn’t tire of it at any point through its conclusion — which is remarkable, given the pure statistics: seventeen episode summaries, twenty novel recaps, and an additional ten posts on miscellaneous news items and behind-the-scenes interviews. That’s a whopping total of forty-seven posts, and I won’t even dare to do a word count, but I’m guessing it must top out at more than 60,000 words, at least. That’s the size of a novel.

And the comments from everyone! All 2,830 of them. That makes Coffee Prince nothing short of a phenomenon. Thanks to everyone for participating in what has been an overwhelmingly pleasant fandom (as far as I can tell), and here’s to hoping it’s not too long before we get another series (and fandom) that’s as widely entertaining and engaging as this has been.


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Many Many thanks sarah for completing CP!! I hope that even if this eppie may seem like a long epilogue you loved it. I loved every minute of this drama. The cast was just the best!! ^^ thanks for all the songs, caps and such wonderful insight. I hope more people can get to appreciate CP. This has been a wonderful cup of Coffee that will linger in ur taste buds. :D


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Thank you very much javabeans. I've enjoyed all your recaps of the series and the novel.


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Another wonderful summary.. Thank you .. I admit in the last episode (16) I was a little annoyed with EC's decision of leaving HG behind after accepting his proposal.. However I gave it a long thought I've realized that with the given situation I'd probably do the exact same thing (except I won't accept the proposal to begin with and then ask him to wait.. I still find it quite selfish).. This episode did the 2 year transition period very subtly. I was happy with the result (it's been mentioned like million times already, the PD is VERY talented).. Now how do I feel about the ending.. Well aside from the cliche ridden 2 year in the future.. I think it wasn't a bad ending .. It wasn't what some of us had anticipated but none the less I really can't complain.. I could care less about the wedding .. I just wanted a little more post Italy EC and HG time.. But it still acceptable.. So far it was a very memorable drama that I've enjoyed in a very long time..

PS: On episode 14 we've seen the piggy back ride YEH got from GY.. Which reminds me of another thing .. Kim Jeong Hoon had to endure some of it in Xman horse game.. Let's see the result (it was some what very funny and painful at the same time).. Note: Watch the ending part..

~~GY Vs KJH~~

Yoon Eun Hye in Kim Jeong Hoon's back in XMan Horse game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPrMVwrbiqA

Yoon Eun Hye in Gong Yoo's back in Coffee Prince: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FwG8nT-BNqg


I know you've been searching for another memorable drama to watch.. I thought I should mention something about Mars (Taiwanese Drama), if you haven't watched it already.. It's not another candy coated drama, rather it's VERY dark and some what disturbing at points (then again so's life).. I somewhat find myself hooked on it (I only watched up to episode 5).. So far so good ..


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I think you can understand KOREAN language. If you like "YOON EUN HYE", I recommend you to see "포도밭 그 사나이"(Grapery The Man).
Its a very nice Kdrama. (I think it is better than Coffee Prince.)


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I almost think I'm going to miss your summaries, screencaps, and songs more than the actual episodes! Can't wait to see this subbed.

Javabeans, what would we have done w/o you?? THANK YOU!!!!!

Looking forward to your next drama!


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OMG thanks so much for this whole experience... if it wasn't for ur wonderful summaries i'd be waiting an extra 1-2 weeks for a subbed episode. I really enjoyed this series its definately going on my all time favorites list, the writer and the directer did an incredible job. Yes, i do agree with ur conclusion that they had to lengthen and kind of water down it from 16 episodes to 17. But, regardless of that i finished this series feeling very happy and giddy for Han Gyul and Eun Chan, and i just wanted to express that i fully appreciate the series, novel, and news article summaries that you gave us all. :D


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ill keep it short coz i think everyone else has already expressed our gratitude for your summaries... quickly updated and always detailed, almost as if we were watching the episode itself! thanks so much, and i look forward to ur upcoming entries, whatever they may be!


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Thank you thank you so much! I'm truly grateful for all the summaries that you've done =)


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i am going to honestly say i was expecting a lot more out of the last episode, but regardless i am completely ecstatic with how it ended.
I am thrilled to see that HK and EC finally took thier romance to the next level, and i was completely amused on how HK was trying to get dressed before EC woke up...had me laughing really hard.

i'm not toooo crazy on how they ended the stories of the other princes, but i am still happy that we got some ending to their story. And well it is more than obvious that i liked how EC came back to HK.....and was it just me or did HK look soooo HOT in this episode?

anyways...thank you for all your hard work, i am really going to miss waiting for your posts on Mondays and Tuesday.
thanks once more!


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h!..... tnx for mak!ng us smile! I'm really waiting for this last episodes! I didn't attend our class and just read your reviews....i will never ever forget you! mwuaaahhhh!!! till the next k-drama!!!! Saranghaeyo! peupadeu ssi koeyo!!!!


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I must admit, the "2 Years" part was rather disappointing to me. When Eun Chan returned, she returned a little *too* girly. But that's just my opinion. ^^;; Otherwise, I do agree that this last episode was a nice happy ending that did give some closure (even if some of the scenes did seemed to be just "tacked on" (ex: Ha Rim's and Min Yeop's scenes, and that totally random new girl employee). I did enjoy the series and I absolutely, positively appreciate you guys for summarizing each episode!! It really helped in understanding the plot-line in each episode. I seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart!


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Hey Dramabeans! Just wondering, (since i don't understand Korean) during the end, when Han Sung & Yu Ju were on there trip they recieve a message... What did it say?? But anyways, Thanks thanks thanks so much for all your episode summaries!!! You are so great!!!! TY TY TY TY!!! Soo haaaappyyyyy!!


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i'm goin to miss this drama so much!!!!!


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thank you java!
I loved Coffee Prince so much & I really appreciated all your hard work ^^v
You rock!
& Thank you so much for taking your time with the updates


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Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing them with us. I've never commented before, but I wanted to say reading your summaries and critiques have filled my days with joy, and I'm very grateful to you. Thanks again and take care.


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sorry if I'm double-commenting, but are you making a recap of the CP special, too?? And With S2 subbing the CP special?


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Thank you dear Javabeans for your hard works and your N-times that you spend for sharing this amazing drama with us. Thank you for all this recapes that you provided them.
You increased the taste of coffee for me. Thank to GOD that I found my Coffee Prince and special thank to Coffee prince that I found you ( at episode 6th).
I think I'm the first and the last fan of Coffee Prince and YOU from IRAN.
(at least until now)
Thank you for those secondes, hours, days and nights in the past 1-2 months.
What beautiful memories ( MY SUMMER LOVE ): Scooter, Jja Jang myoun, open-roof car, pride or money, Wang Ja cafe, 13 not 23, Go eun-chan, Choi han-kyul, YJ, HS, eun-sae, Taekwondo, stone horses, Princes, MY CHAN, toys, Ssuljae (Terry), moving bed, green apples, sajjanim, cups, latte art, barista, COFFEE PRINCE, coffee princess, mocha, espresso, Oh COFFEE Oh COFFEE ... and Dear Javabeans.

Dear Javabeans you are My DreamBeans (not Drama).
I will stay with you. Be strong and successful.
Coffee is my life.
Your Espresso


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Just can't help but agree with charcoalx and papico that the producers may come up with a sequel. I have not seen the show yet but from reading some of the posts, there may be such possibilities. Afterall CP's strength is its realism to life and even with all the closures for the minor characters, nothing is guaranteed. The journey for EC and HG to become a married couple may still be fraught with obstacles, especially since EC is now more confident and living her life the way she never could before. The CP vehicle has become immensely popular and this can also be a reason why they would try to cash in on it, although with Gong Yoo going away, I'm nmot sure how they can do it. If this does happen, I'll be quite divided. CP has been too good and I do not want anything else to mar my memories of it and yet part of me wants to see more of it. CP Addicts, you know what I mean?


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woah! you sure are early today javabeans!

like what others said last night after the final cup -- experience the coffee prince withdrawal --- well... never thought i'd feel this way... i thought i can handle it but this is totally hard -- I STILL CAN'T GET OVER IT! it'll take me months again --- this is more like breaking up... hu hu hu hu...

when the final cup started last night -- at first, i was giggling and shaking and my heart was beating so fast and hearing the voice over (even though i don't understand everything he said) i burst out into tears knowing that "THIS IS IT"... until the end especially when they showed the sign at the end... "THE COFFEE PRINCE IS NOW CLOSE!"

the coffee prince fever was surely amazing. getting excited, cry, laugh and feel surprised just like everyone here was a wonderful experience. i'm like a kanggaroo jumping from one forum or streaming site to another and i see same people from all over the globe leaving comments, exchanging ideas... sharing emotions for coffee prince. i've never been part of anything like this before and now i'm glad that i am and especially with coffee prince. i've enjoyed your summaries, your thoughts, the music and the people in this thread. i sure hope that there will be another one like this in the future coz i'll definitely miss reading your summaries. it's been a pleasure javabeans and i'd say you did a great job -- i admire your writing skills.

one last thing, because of this, my korean has truly improved...





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I'm totally loving the hots guys on your new banner (Hyun Bin, Lee Dong Wook and Eric). Congrats on finishing the series. Any more thoughts on Taereung National Village?


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wonderful ending to such a beautiful series... thanks java beans...


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Sorry in advance for a second post, but here it is...

>>To all those involved in the production of Coffee Prince,

**Claps** Salute** for a job well done! I can tell that this one was from the heart.

Coffee Prince was just lovely. Although the homosexuality issue was only piggy-backed onto the simple love story between Eun Chan and Han Gyul, i truly appreciate that you treated the side story with as much care as if it was the main story. Thank you for humanizing the inner thoughts, struggles and emotional hurdles of individuals undergoing these sexual discoveries. Coffee Prince underlined the universally acknowledged fact that love is selfless, unconditional and unbiased against outer appearance, sex, age, nationality, religion, wealth or bad hair days.

Coffee Prince was brilliantly directed, thoughfully written, solidly performed and beautifully filmed. Enough has been said about the director, writer and cast but i think the same praise can be applied to all those who worked on this project. If I may, let me take time to thank you not only for the things that you did well, but also for the things that you did not do.

Thank you for not resorting to slap-stick comedies when dealing with mistaken sexual identity. I was glad that Coffee Prince was not the typical romantic comedy and that the heroine was not the usual perfectly coiffed starlet. Thank you for giving us music that were more complex, diverse and thoughtfully chosen/placed. Who should I give credit to besides Tearliner and company? Thank you for not showing me another lover prance on the beach at sunset but instead a refreshing midnight rendezvous between two soul mates. That was done soooo right, guys! Although you did give us the cancer-streakened grandmother, back-hugging shots and airport good-bye scenes, it was overlooked since you did many other things so well. Thank you for taking the time when it was necessary and not rushed some of the scenes. I appreciate those golden silences. And finally, thank you for allowing the script a chance to flourish, for giving the characters room to grow and the actors/actresses an opportunity to hone their craft. They were great, BTW.

To me, Coffee Prince was not perfect, but it came close. I loved it!

>>To fellow commentators,

It has been a pleasure reading many of your inputs. Your comments have enhanced my Coffee Prince’s viewing experience many times fold. However, it was the non-CP related comments that I found most invaluable. You guys rock!

>>To dear Javabeans,

Kudos for putting up with all the domain crashes, hotlink ignoramus, bandwidth bandits, BGM pirates, server hackers, admin headaches, and many many more behind-the-scene dilemmas so that we can continue to enjoy Coffee Prince. Your commitment to keep this place going is amazing. Your writing is just simply sublime. The sheer volume and speed of your work are mind-boggling. Thank you for making me aware of another culture besides my own. It has been a privilege and thanks again for the opportunity to participate. Until the next K-drama craze, take care and happy blogging!

secret admirer

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Thanks for a great ride. This was my first relatively "live" series and I greatly enjoyed it because of your helpful summaries. Do you think you have time for Oh Su Jung now?
I've watched a couple of episodes and I think your witty and insightful comments would add greatly to the experience.


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thank you for all your hard work to bring all of us, Coffee Prince addicts, great reviews and summary of all the episodes. Without you I think most of us would have gone madly insane waiting for the subs to come out maybe even cause some kind of riot or some kind social disorders. THANK YOU ^_^


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PS Thanks for all the songs. This is the first time I've been able to download MP3's without any problems to my computer and cellphone. You're my angel.


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I'm still smiling like a fool.
Great ending.
It did drag on a bit.... but they didn't do anything that made me angry or it didn't make me want to throw things at the screen
it was very very cute =)


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p.s also thank you SOOOOOOOO so so so much
although im korean and watched without subs, your blog helped with things i didn't quite get.
it was great and while writing you added in the cute random details.
i hope that as other dramas come out you'll keep it up =)
thank you!!!


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Thank you and a big hug for a job excellently done! I find myself addicted to your blog. It is now my most credible source for kdramas. Though I haven't seen the episode, I have to read your summaries in order to understand, but from all the comments, it seems as if it was not as satisfying as all the other "cups". Then again maintaining a momentum is really difficult after the couple's love scenes. We just seemed to have gotten greedy and expected more. As far as I'm concerned, I've never been satisfied with any k-drama ending that I have seen. They always seen short of expectations so that you have no recourse but to move on to the next drama to satisfy your "thirst". I along with many others will wait for your next recommendation.


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Finally I can concentrate now on my board exam without thinking of YEH and this crazy crazy sitcom. This also happened to me during my Goong days. It was all worth it though. I read that she's planning on tackling serious dramas after this one. I'll surely miss that oh so cute roles of hers. As a guy I find her sex appeal on this drama totally nonexistent. God pls let her at least have long hair on her next project. Thank YOU javabeans for making this one of my most surreal blogging experience ever.


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thanks Dramabeans for everything!!! though I've only posted twice in you blog, this my second post, I've always stayed in your blog for happy moments, sad ones, and even pervy ones kekeke... this drama is far by the best k-drama I've ever seen in a long time. It's been a wild ride for us coffee prince addicts waiting every monday and tuesday for summary and they were all great!

thanks again and keep it up
ur the best!!!
kamsamida! goodbye coffee prince! Hangul - Eunchan


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Many thanks for posting about Coffee Prince these two months, Javabeans! As Coffee Prince draws to an end, so does this amazing summer. I am so glad, honestly, that Coffee Prince became one of the highlights of my summer. It was near perfect, and became one of my all-time favorite dramas. Although I found that the 17th cup did, produce some question marks about the drama, I was still pleased about how the "happy ending" concept was applied to each of the characters in the drama, which allowed the audience to know that all are well and content. All the relationships and connections were pretty much settled, but I found particularly, that even though Yoo Joo and Han Seong were not able to produce a baby, the drama did show that they were very happy together, and their relationship was quite solid and joyful. They had been through a lot with each other, and it's really pleasing to know that they are past the stage of early love, and are adapted to living and enjoying life with each other. As for the "two years later" idea, I suppose there'll be a sequel after Gong Yoo's return from the army? But as for now, I am very, very content with the whole drama...once again, described - absolutely brilliant


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I'd like to thank you doing the summaries & for sharing your passion with all of us!!!!We really appreciate your hard work!!!!!!!!!!


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Ohgod it's over. Real life looms.

I can't say enough about this series and how much I love it but other people have said it and better too - I guess it was inevitable that this episode might feel like too many fillers - like the whole mini-plot device about Eun Chan pretending to stay on longer, and the flashback montages that bracketed the beginning and the end of the episode, but I love that they still managed to give it signature Coffee Prince touches. Even Eun Chan's trick was something that she would've conceivably done.

Things I loved:
1) They managed to stay in touch over two years. Most couples can't seem to do that - granted in Chun Hyang and My Girl they were actually estranged, but in Kim Sam Soon and Dalja's Spring... fate mysteriously intervened?! I know it's unlikely for so much yet so little to have changed over two years, but I appreciate it that everything that made me feel squishy for staying the same did stay the same.
2) The overnight phone call. In real life speakerphones don't sound like that but I'm not complaining!! It's so sweet that after physically spending the night together the night before, they get to spend another night just being together thruogh an open phone line. The wonders of technology! I also loved Han Gyul's reaction when he realised that Eun Chan fell asleep haha
3) Granny stays cool. And alive :)
4) I admit giving everyone a happy ending is sort of a random filler thing, but I quite like Harim and Byul's relationship. I like it that the self-asserted player has stayed in a relationship for 2 years with... a greater player. lol.

Eun Sae also looks great when she grows up. I found it odd that given all the almost-slapdash wrap ups they made to some characters' love lives, they didn't do as much for Eun Chan's mum.. why??

OH man I can't even string together a coherent response. But basically THANK YOU Javabeans - for quick awesome accurate funny insightful thoughtful summaries, that strike a chord in everyone (however diverse our backgrounds) that in turn spurs more delicious discussion. If not for this blog I wouldn't even have discovered Coffee Prince, and I would've missed out on this crazy rollercoaster ride that's taken me to new heights and depths with my kdrama/Korean obsession. I don't know what I'm going to do now it's over (a lie - I should've started revising for exams a month ago) but I mean - I don't know how to fill the space its now left. I guess all I'm saying is - THANKS FOR THE RIDE. I'm getting the CP DVD, something my mum points out I could've planned on doing and just waited patiently for ages ago - but now when I rewatch every step in this drama, this relationship - it won't be just Eun Chan and Han Gyul I'll be watching - I'll be remembering every step of the way, the mad excitement when previews come out, hair-tearing frustration at overloaded servers - and damned if I don't start to cry ;_;

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Thanks Javabeans! I hope there will be another great story like this (^-^)


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hmmmmmm am deeply saddened by the end, because it's over. many may feel that it may have lacked the fireworks and grand endings that many may have envisioned. On the contrary, i embrace it for the simplicity of how things eventually settled in the end. CP never boasted of grand gestures and world shattering/changing scenes to make the story work. it was the pureness of emotion, whether in scenes of quiet comfort or intense passion, that we've all come to love this, from beginning to end. thanks for giving the lovely summaries, appreciate it. in love all the way to the end with cp. v. much in love. :)


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Thanks for all of your great summaries, reviews, and music! Like everyone else, I am now addicted to your blog. :) CP is definately one of my favorite dramas ...on to watching w/ subs!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!


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Above link is Lee, Yoon Jung's pd latest interview after last shooting day.
Javabean, if you translate that interview, many visitors are enjoy and understanding CP more!!:)


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I don't know if anyone will ever get to see this comment since comments are being posted all the time. Anyways:

ATTENTION to USA Coffee Prince watchers--the saga of CP cycles over again on Channel LA18, your Asian TV station! WHOO! It's from 9:50PM - 10:50PM (PST). I just happened to head over to Ch. 18 right now and I saw Min Yub.. then saw Han Gyul next to him... and I said, "OMG COFFEE PRINCE!! AHH!!" lol Go!!


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Actually the PD was pretty smart, in a way? To concentrate all the sweet filler bits at the end, when people are at their most sentimental and want so much CP they won't find it (too much of) a drag. She could've diluted the effect over the last few episodes but I think if that had happened, CP would definitely have been far less tight than it is now. So yeah! I hope that's the case :)


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I feel like tearing up ...

Thank you javabeans for your wonderful summaries and thoughts on each and every episode of Coffee Prince. It helped me in my urge to watch the series as soon as the newest ep came out even if it meant to watch the ep RAW and half of the time not having a clue what was being said. You remedied this.



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Thanks you so much javabeans.i really enjoyed all the topics you posted here esp Coffee Prince,Thanks for you effort you are a big help to us who don't understand Korean.Becoz of you were in track. reading your summaries and listening to the song makes me feel ive also watched the series.I will keep coming here.looking for your more summaries and reviews. A big hug for you!


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Thanks so much! i really really enjoy Coffee Prince-- All thanks to u!
A big kissssssss for u.....
hope u will have more summaries up in furture.....


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love it! love it! sooooooooooo much!!!


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haven't seen the last cup. but with your comment that the last couple of episodes seemed a very long epilogue, then I would definitely love it. Well, i am just too tired watching dramas that end abruptly. I'd like to enjoy bits & pieces of HK and EC's sweet moments and each coffee prince's story.

You know what, before, I would surf for K-dramas and I would end up to your website not realizing that I was actually visiting a good writer's page. Thanks for the Coffee Prince I got to visit again and enjoy your every post. You simply deliver your words diligently and imaginatively. I'm your fan now I've actually bookmarked your site:) Thanks so much and I'll be around for sure


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hey javabeans!
i just love your reviews!
so much insight, so much depth.. beri gooo~ood!
i will miss coffee prince
i will miss eunchan and hankyul
i will miss yoon eun hye!
i wonder when the next drama of this magnitude will pop up... hopefully soon so that i can suffer less from cp withdrawal!!


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it's a combination of sadness and happiness what Coffee Prince has made me. The ending is not that special or different from other series but im sure it has made a lot of our kdrama addicts like me to remember this beautiful and unforgettable story of HK and EC. I personally is confessing that I'll be rewatching the episodes over and over until my eyes hurt. =) I can't wait to own the DVD. And for the blogging you made....kumapsumnida!! I bookmarked your site and looking forward to your next stories. Thanks so much for sharing.


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Thank you so much Dramabeans...You're the best!!!!!!


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these summaries were such a wonderful supplement (:


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Really enjoyed this series - will certainly miss Eun Chan and Han Gyul. must catch the special.
will re-watch the whole series again to fill the void. certainly the best I've watched this year so far !!!!


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Can't wait to see this episode. Thank you for posting all of CP episodes; that, in itself, required a lot of work and dedication. We truly appreciate it!


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