Coffee Prince: Seventeenth Cup (Final)

And, finally. Here we are: the final episode!


The Hi-Lights – “울트라 캡숑 히든 보너스” (ultra awesome hidden bonus) [ zShare download ]

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I’m sad for two reasons: First, that Coffee Prince is over. And second, that the finale wasn’t nearly as good as it could have, or should have, been. Don’t get me wrong; it was a perfectly serviceable final episode. It was cute, and we had a happy ending. For that alone, it was fine. I’ll leave off commenting on the rest till the end.


Han Gyul and Eun Chan wake up from their night together feeling happy but bashful. Han Gyul is so flustered he hurries to dress as Eun Chan wakes up, and puts both legs through one pant leg, causing him to fall to the ground onto some conveniently dropped pillows.


Eun Chan knows her mother’s going to kill her when she finds out she spent the night with Han Gyul, but she’s not so panicked that she can’t first have breakfast with him. Han Gyul tells Eun Chan not to grow her hair or wear miniskirts when she’s in Italy: “If men ask if you have a boyfriend, tell them you’re married. No, just stay invisible.” Sobering to the fact that she’s leaving soon, he cautions her to take good care of herself. They’ll have to go on dates every day before she leaves; he’ll take her all the places she wanted to go to before.

Driving in to work together, Eun Chan gets a call from Eun Sae, who tells Eun Chan she owes her. Eun Sae covered for her, telling their mother that Eun Chan had left early for work.

Maximilian Hecker – “Flower Four” ::

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Ha Rim sees them arriving to work together and immediately senses something different. With glee, he guesses the truth and tries to go around proving it. He manages to sneak up on them, and singsongs his congratulations to the couple.


Han Gyul goes out of his way to sneak a present to Eun Chan so she’ll find it while cleaning, which turns out to be a pair of shoes (for comfort, since baristas are always on their feet). Eun Chan wonders if it’s okay to accept, because there’s a saying that you shouldn’t give your lover shoes because they’ll run away from you — but Han Gyul has taken proper precautions, writing inside them: “You’re mine!” and signing with his name.


That night, Eun Chan falls asleep while on the phone with Han Gyul, and he leaves her on speakerphone — and awakens the next morning with a laugh to realize Eun Chan is still snoring into her phone. He hangs up and calls back to serenade her with the song “I Love You,” originally sung by Han Dong Joon.

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On her last day of work, Eun Chan makes her sad goodbyes with everyone. Each of the Princes takes his turn to say a few last words, finding Eun Chan crying in her work locker. Min Yub is first, and gives her some cosmetics as a present, saying she’ll be very pretty when she does herself up. He tells her, “You know I really respect and like you, don’t you? Don’t worry about Angel and your mother, because I’ll look after them.”

Next is Sun Ki: “Take care of yourself, and come back safely. You’ll do a good job — I have faith in you.” For once, Ha Rim has the fewest words, tearing up as Eun Chan tells him how much she likes him, even if they’ve fought in the past. He cries, and leaves her with a goodbye letter without being able to say anything.

Eun Chan cries as she reads the note (song: Maximilian Hecker’s “I’ll Be a Virgin, I’ll Be a Mountain” from a previous episode):

“My Chan, have a good time studying abroad. I don’t know how I’ll stay cheerful after you leave. Since you can sleep and eat well wherever you go, that doesn’t worry me, but there’s just one thing that does — you and men. You’d better not be won over by some guy’s flowery words or killer smile. I’ll handle Han Gyul hyung over here, so don’t worry. If only you weren’t his girl, I could’ve tried pursuing you. My Chan, I’ll miss you. P.S. — dreams come true!”


Meanwhile, Han Sung and Yu Ju’s marriage has been going well. Yu Ju has taken special care to refrain from working or going out to meet friends to watch out for the baby, but still, she encounters trouble. She experiences pains that send her to the hospital, and (the implication is that) they lose the baby. Han Sung comforts her (without anger or resentment, merely worry).


Everyone’s sad to see Eun Chan go, starting with her family, the Coffee Princes, and of course, Han Gyul. Eun Chan goes to the airport alone to avoid a painful parting, especially with Han Gyul, and says her last goodbyes to him over the phone. Her last words before hanging up are a choked string of “I love you”s. (Song: “Sad Thing” by 어른아이 / Adult Child, posted previously.)



And then, we’re two years later.

Eun Chan’s voiceover reads the various messages she’s sent to Han Gyul over the past two years via postcards, which he has posted up on his refrigerator.

Her messages include:

“There are lots of handsome men here. I’ve got a lot of them chasing me around saying they like me. Still, you’re the most handsome of them all!…”

“I’m sleeping late these days, with the excuse that I don’t have a part-time job to go to. Did I come here to study, or play?…”

“But thanks to you and Grandmother, I’m learning a lot. It’s so interesting. Thank you, and love you. I’ll become an impressive woman and go back soon. I miss you. I really miss you! … I love you. Here’s a kiss for you!”


Han Gyul has been busy working with the company to franchise the next store — Coffee Princess.

Min Yub has been working as a model, while Eun Sae works with the behind-the-scenes staff. They’re still together, and at her suggestion, he’s changed his modeling name to simply “Hwang Min.” (Eun Sae’s nickname for him, though, is “Yub.” I wonder if part of her suggestion, aside from professional reasons, was so she gets to be the only one to call him that. It’s cute.) It’s nice to see her so proud of him for something, which is a nice change from their early relationship.


Han Gyul is eagerly counting down the days to Eun Chan’s return, so naturally he’s shocked and panicked when Eun Chan mentions the possibility of staying in Italy for another year to further her studies. It’s a great opportunity for her, her tuition will be covered, and she’d like to stay… Han Gyul yells an insistent no, and reminds her that she signed the contract with his grandmother to come back after two years. He’d even planned the opening of the new cafe to time with her arrival. She asks, “Then should I give it up and return?” and tells him she’ll forget the idea since he doesn’t like it… which makes Han Gyul feel guilty.


Ha Rim, who’s in charge of the interior design for the new Coffee Princess cafe, has been dating Byul for the past two years. I find her inclusion in the story pretty pointless, but I suppose she’s there to give some promise of a happy ending for Ha Rim. She brings up the fact that Ha Rim’s family is going through tough times (they had to close their hospital), which is another weirdly tacked-on story bit. But okay.

Likewise, a new girl walks into the Coffee Prince one day to earnestly request a job there, and the girl seems to serve the main purpose of giving Sun Ki a potential happy ending too. The girl (who also had a minor role in Dal Ja’s Spring) gets on Sun Ki’s nerves, until she responds to his grumbling in fluent Japanese, which is a welcome surprise. It’s also hinted that she’s sort of an Eun Chan version 2.0 — Ha Rim’s reaction to her appearance echoes the very words he first said about Eun Chan, she’s cheerful, she’s 24, and I think she’s supposed to be tomboyish (although the actress is too feminine for that to come across well).

Even Mr. Hong gets a storyline, meeting his long-ago love (the good liar) by chance and having a brief conversation with her. She’s married and has a child now, and I suppose his sense of closure comes when he gets up to leave, and she tells him, “Go on. This time I’ll be the one who stays behind.” He answers, “Sure, I’ll try being the first to go this time.” Closure’s good and all, but I never really felt his story was opened enough to require closing.


Han Sung and Yu Ju celebrate their two-year anniversary. They seem happy, but Yu Ju appears to still be affected by the baby they lost. Han Sung comes upon her as she stares at a set of baby shoes, and guesses what she’s thinking:

“Yu Ju, I don’t have any greed for more. With you always looking at me, and being by my side, and us both doing work we love… I don’t have any more to wish for.”

Han Sung tells her that he thinks they should stop going to the hospital, which I surmise is because they’ve been trying to become pregnant. Yu Ju suggests they go away on a trip together.

(Song: Arco’s “Perfect World,” previously posted.)

Meanwhile, at home alone, Han Gyul deliberates over his new dilemma — whether to persuade Eun Chan to come home quickly, or to let her further her studies as she wants. Finally, he comes to a decision, and calls her, leaving the message:

“You have to pay me back later for putting me through all this. Continue your studying, then come home. Just one more year. When you get this message, call me.”

He runs off, yelling, “Come home quickly! I miss you! Come back soon!”

Later, Han Gyul has a somewhat disappointing interview with a potential barista, who wants double the pay that was offered. After she leaves, Eun Chan arrives unexpectedly, rendering him stunned and speechless.

Eun Chan starts off by saying that she’s here to interview for the barista position, and lists all her qualifications. (Song: “Make Up” by 어른아이 / Adult Child.)

Eun Chan: “It sounded like that other applicant was asking for double the pay, but all you have to do is feed me. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack. I’m good at cleaning, I’m strong, and I make really great coffee. I also have an excellent history as an international barista. I do pretty well.”
Han Gyul: “More than skill, we need someone with a devoted work ethic.”
Eun Chan: “I’m incredibly devoted. If you just say so nicely, I can do the cleaning, cooking, dishes, and everything for you.”

After the initial gladness at seeing each other again, Han Gyul is (mildly) upset that she came back without saying anything, and for putting him through such worry, thinking she’d be gone another year. She assures him that she won’t leave him alone ever again: “Even if you told me to leave now, I won’t. I’ve got to stick by your side every day from now on. I won’t leave you for even a minute.” Mollified, Han Gyul asks, “Twenty-four hours? Night and day, every day? Then we’ll have to get married quickly.”

It appears she misled him purposely with her suggestion of staying another year, and had his parents and grandmother in on the secret. Eun Chan’s kept in contact with them all this time (Han Gyul’s father even met her in Italy when he traveled there on business), and his parents are firmly in favor of the relationship. Even his grandmother can’t hide her gruffness too much: “She asked me to keep her return a secret, but she’s with Han Gyul right now. They’re just crazy about each other.”

And naturally, everyone at Coffee Prince is thrilled to see her (and shocked at her new look).

(Song: “La la la, it’s love” by The Melody, on the OST.)

Han Sung and Yu Ju have their romantic getaway…


And Han Gyul tries out his coffee-making skills for Eun Chan.

(Ending song: “Coffee Is…” by Cloud Cuckoo Land, posted previously.)



Coffee Prince closes today!


Additional thoughts:

This episode left me smiling widely and feeling good. It was a nice wrap-up to a series that turned out to be surprisingly more insightful, fun, and engaging than I’d hoped when I first started watching. I re-read what I’d written in response to the first episode, and was particularly happy to be proved wrong in initially supposing the series held little promise for profound meaning.

As a final episode, I didn’t particularly find this 17th hour to be anything extraordinary. I seem to be in the minority in having absolutely no problem with the “__ years later” device, at least on principle. Some series misuse the time skip in a lazy or poor way, and some use it very well. My disappointment with the last episode has nothing to do with the fact that they skipped two years. It’s merely that this episode felt like a (very, very) long epilogue. They could have cut it in half and been fine. It felt like a tacked-on extension to a series that had been so popular that its very talented director and writer were forced to artificially lengthen its material to fill an extra hour. Imagine that.

But when all’s said and done, I thoroughly enjoyed Coffee Prince, and didn’t tire of it at any point through its conclusion — which is remarkable, given the pure statistics: seventeen episode summaries, twenty novel recaps, and an additional ten posts on miscellaneous news items and behind-the-scenes interviews. That’s a whopping total of forty-seven posts, and I won’t even dare to do a word count, but I’m guessing it must top out at more than 60,000 words, at least. That’s the size of a novel.

And the comments from everyone! All 2,830 of them. That makes Coffee Prince nothing short of a phenomenon. Thanks to everyone for participating in what has been an overwhelmingly pleasant fandom (as far as I can tell), and here’s to hoping it’s not too long before we get another series (and fandom) that’s as widely entertaining and engaging as this has been.


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thank you so much for all the hard work your putting just 2 finish till the end...yeah its kinda frustrating about the finale, but the story over all is pretty nice...they really deserved the high rating...plus i really love YOON EUN HYE!!! she rock in this drama...this is her best next to princess hour...hopefully she will have another drama....good work...to all coffee prince crew...thanks dramabeans...muwah!


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Dear Javabeans,
I am sad becos CP is over. I will definitely miss reading ur summaries. You have done a great job.. Zillion Thanks Javabeans.


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Thank you for everything!!!!! I'll be waiting for your next series...!!!! OOps...im predicting there will be a COFFEE PRINCESS spinoff (cross fingers)...well if there is, i hope it's as good as coffee prince or even better. Take care javabeans, MWAH!!!


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thank you so much----- i kept up with all your writing. you did a very good job.


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Thank you, javabeans!!


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i cant believe it has ended already... i don't wanna let go yet... kinda feel like theres something missing...like i would've liked it better if it ended right when she came back...then had a long narration at the end...imma admit it, i did want the cliche last kiss lol...oh well...i've enjoyed it, all 17 cups ... it turned out to be more than i expected and thats rare... thank you Javabeans for your hard work and your funny deep insightful comments... though coffee prince has ended I will still suspport your blog, cuz you have brought so much laughter into my nights...see you at you next project...kisses.

ps: love you JavaBeans!!!!!!!! he he...
...thank you


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Thank you so much for your hard work with the recaps! I've been lurking till now, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your writing style. It's elegant and editorializes in a way that feels true to the show, and it's nearly as entertaining as watching the episodes themselves. I am still waiting for episodes 15-17 to be subtitled, so I would have very, very long waits to find out what happens every week if not for your blog.

This has been my first kdrama, and I have loved Coffee Prince to pieces. I've looked at the other kdramas listed under your "about" section, and now I'm considering watching some more.

Thanks again for helping to make my first kdrama such a great experience!



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I won't comment much on the ending, apart from that I agree with your points completely, and that I did feel warm and happy at the end.

It has been quite a journey. Thanks for guiding us through it. Coffee Prince is going down as one of my most favorite dramas of all time...not only because it was well acted, well written and well directed, but also because I watched it alongside an amazing fandom (esp here at dramabeans!) sharing valuable insights, meaningful discussions or just a giggly happy thought, which was an amazing, uniting experience! CP and you made the past few weeks much more bearable for me. Thanks for that!
And congratulations on your record number of posts on this show--they were all wonderfully written and cherished :)!
I have been and will always be your die-hard fan!!


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The ending seems to be very satisfying!! Thank you so much!


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Wow, what an ending!!! Thank you so much for translating the episode for us. You are the best. I am going to miss Coffee prince so much. I heard that Gong Yoo is going to the army. I hope that everything goes well for him. I love all his dramas, I'll miss him sooooo. I hope that yoon eun hye, will be part of more drama in the future. She is a great actress.
Thank you Javabeans, for all your hard work, I really enjoy reading your comments ^^


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i have to admit i cried alot starting from when EC hugs mr. hong and then lost it when i heard HR's farewell letter and then even more when HG bawled in the car. i was all cried out by the end of the first half so i could notice that the writer was busy wrapping up every minor storyline we didnt really need to have closure for -esp that long drawn out scene with mr.hong and his former love. someone on soompi mentioned how "the oldies were taking up the precious HG and EC moments". my one and only complaint was the fact that EC skirted the topic of marriage in the car before she called the grandmother. even just a verbal agreement of marriage soon would have sufficed for me. it made it seem like she really was gonna make him wait a few more years.
on monday morning, the two actors who played SK and MY went to the hair salon they've been using all along for their new looks since the drama is over and they can finally change their hairstyles. that's when the reality of the end of the drama sank in for me. everyone is moving on to their next gig, but i cant help but feel that for all the viewers and fans of CP - this drama will resonate for years to come with its overwhelming talent. the whole ensemble of cast and crew was a synergy of love, dedication, attention to details and that says alot about how perfection can be achieved. i will miss CP and your summaries equally sarah - they go hand in hand in contributing to the overall enjoyment of the show. thanks for your herculean effort every mon and tues - your sacrfices were our treasures!!!! bless you!!!


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Hey Javabeans!
Actually this will be first time commenting on your hard work but you should know that I have been reading your summary ever since. I want to thank you and those who helped you with it so much for summarizing, it was greatly done!! We all hope that there will be another drama just like this and I must tell you I'll still be active checking your website for another drama and summarization. As for Coffee Prince, I agree with you that it wasn't as extraordinary however beautifully done. I'll be looking forward to the Special Features of it. I give you my gratitude for you have done a very, very good job! Better actually! Thanks!


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Woke up @ 3am to read on the end of coffee prince, muchas gracias dramabeans...lots of "oh for cuteness" moments i see in this last episode. Thankx, you did a bang up job


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Thanks for your excellent summaries. I actually enjoy them alot. It's kinda sad that Coffee Prince ends. However, we will have another good one. Keep up your good job.
Aja aja fighting! ;P


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awww its over. but im rather pleased with ending even tho there was a little unneccessary stuff. thanks for all of the wonderful posts and all the hard work :D


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Thank you so much, Javabeans! :D


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What, that's it? Okay, honestly this ending is not good enough for Coffee Prince, it is sufficient but not satisfying enough. I don't feel it was up to par, man they spoiled me too much to have this ending. NO CP don't end.....ani!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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thanks for your hard work. i appreciate it! coffee prince is over but... not for me. :) i will revisit it and watch it till i can see all the episodes with my eyes closed. your random songs were great. i love listening to the music while i read the summaries. thanks~


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Javabeans , thank you !!!Keep up the good work and see you on your next KDrama project.


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GAHH!! I completely forgot that you update at around 5 PM (PST). ARRGHH. Two hours late. -_- Anyways, I'm off to get my reading on! Thanks Javabeans!! :D


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Javabeans, thanx a lot for your summaries - they make coffee-savouring very enjoyable. Can't say this is an exceptional final cup but Coffee Prince in its entirety fills me with that fuzzy warm feeling :)

Just as the last ep attempted to provide closures for all its key characters, I thought that the production people are also opening up possibilities that could lead to a sequel - like how Eun Chan avoided the topic of marriage while in the car, Sunki's potential new love interest in the 'waffle gal', Chan's mom indefinite wedding with the butcher uncle, among others. This said, I like it as it is and prefer that the exploits of CP's successful formula ends here.


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Thank you so much for your hard work! You are amazing! You were a godsend after getting addicted to Coffee Prince. Your website is definitely on my favs. I enjoyed your comments too! Keep up the good work!


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It is final cup. I never realized coffe prince have been trough untill 17th there are lot of reason to re-watch this drama for me. Thank you javabens for your summary, all i have wait in one week only visit you website to read your written. Sad, how can it last but whwnever it start it must end right. Your screenshot are beautifull and touch me a lot. See you for another drama. Good Job.


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Thank you so much!

The episode sounds cute. Just reading about it put a big, silly grin on my face!

I was kind of hoping that EC would change her mind about going to Italy (studying coffee-making in Korea). It still doesn't sit right with me that HK opted to stay, while she opted to leave, but overall, I adored the series. It's easily my favorite kdrama ever.


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(Sorry about the double post. I forgot to sign my name the first time)

Thank you so much!

The episode sounds cute. Just reading about it put a big, silly grin on my face!

I was kind of hoping that EC would change her mind about going to Italy (studying coffee-making in Korea). It still doesn't sit right with me that HK opted to stay, while she opted to leave, but overall, I adored the series. It's easily my favorite kdrama ever.


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I must still be giddy from the recap...I put my name in the wrong field. (the above two posts [74, 75] are mine)


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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and translations with us! (It helps that you are an EXCELLENT and very engaging writer :D) I'll miss Coffee Prince and all the discussion you helped to start about it. I'll be looking forward to the next series you'll blog so eagerly about!


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i really enjoyed all your coffee prince summary and for that i thank you! i was actually expecting more on the last episode. for me, it just felt like they crammed this episode. i still wish han gyul and eun chan couldve married at least after being away from each other for two years. or since eun chan finally had her dream come true, i think it was time to give han gyul what he wants which was living together or getting married.. dont get me wrong, i still like the ending. i cried so much when eun chan was leaving then finally bawled my eyes out when han gyul started crying. i was touched by harim's goodbye to eun chan and harim made me laugh so hard too when he was singing congratulations to han gyul and eun chan... *sigh* im gonna miss staying up late on mondays and tuesdays. this has been the best kdrama ever! i really hope they do a sequel on this drama but i heard gong yoo is joining the army this fall. i think they should do coffee princess next with eun chan and han gyul finally married! for some reason, i could really sense a possible sequel. maybe they could keep gong yoo acting a little bit longer before he trains up for the military. sounds good to me, eh?


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I also felt that this episode was kind of a long epilogue.. but end it with a smile.. it feels good that everyone is happy in the end.. but I'm still bitter about the baby.. why it had to be that way? why they can't have one? *cries*

Thank you Javabeans for every thing and every effort you put in this site. I started reading your summaries for GoongS but I only became addicted to your site during Witch Yoo Hee days .. and following your taste, I started watching Coffee Prince.. I should thank you for that, too. Thank you! m(_ _)m


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I've been a silent lurker for reasons beyond, i've always felt like i should reply but never did....
First of all, thank you for being part of the coffee prince journey. Your summaries were just as a part of following the Coffee Prince phenomenon as waiting for the written preview, the short preview, the long preview. I'm sure i'm with alot of other people in saying that you were the thing that people looked forward to after an episode. So, thank you. I know it must be alot of work writing up the summaries, doing the caps, posting up the songs so i just want to say i really really appreciate it.
I'll be sure to follow your blog from now on to see what other good kdramas come up.

I'm sure you know by now, with your huge number of followers, that your writing style is great :D so there's no need for me to go into that. I liked how you put so much attention into little details e.g. keeping to the 5-syllable word game, and i liked how you almost always kept the summary itself objective so as to let as decide for ourselves. I think what i would enjoy even more is if you had more of your own thoughts at the end, not just on the storyline, but the acting, the music, the cinematography...i like reading your thoughts XD

For me the last episode was enjoyable and adequate but less than perfect. Like you, i had no problems with the 2 years later technique but I felt that we saw a better ending for everyone but the HK-EC couple, that they didn't have enough screen time together, that there essence wasn't represented well with their ending. As i said on soompi, a little hair ruffling before the zoom out would have made all the difference to me, i'm such a nitpicker -.-. I'm a little sad that the ending wasn't a perfect one for me, even though it was enjoyable. I really enjoyed the first half of the episode though, and i feel sorry that the end of the episode seems to have taken away from the beginning for some people. But still, i really enjoyed it.

Is coffee prince my favourite drama of all time? I think it could be. I'll wait and see with the subs and rewatching the thing in it's entirety. It's definitely a drama I've become attached to, even more so than Goong and withdrawal will be hard. But at least i know i'm not alone. :D

Long post. - yinyin

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Thanks a lot for your summary. I think the ending is fine but expect the passionated kissing or hugging from HG... So sad that the drama came to an end... I think we all enjoy watching this drama.


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yeah, an early post! i have yet to see the episode, so i'll reserve my comments on the last ep.

as always, thank you, javabeans. i'm looking forward to the next fandom.


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Hi Javabeans!
Can't believe it..its over now-the 17th cup of 'coffee' . The CP withdrawal symptom is setting in already :( But thanks to Javabeans I could always have a 'cuppa' here. I love happy endings . Thanks Javabeans for all the wonderful summaries .


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Hi Javabeans,
NOt really a big Bang for an ending. but what else could we say. no complains... a happy ending for everyone.
thank you for sharing the summeries to us. see you to your next kdrama summary...


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I am as happy as a clam. Satisfied. Content. Relieved.

Did it end with a bang? Not particularly; but what a perfect closure it was. It wasn't anything over the top (although the fangirl in me wouldn't mind to see a grand wedding ending; but I know that I must start to control my greed), and in my opinion, it wasn't lacking anything either. Everything falls perfectly in its place; nothing is overdone. Han Gyul and Eun Chan's relationship has moved on to a new chapter, one that we will never be able to watch or read about, but we all know that it's going to be a happy ending after all. As for the side stories, I do agree with you that some are just plain unnecessary, but since I got my happy ending, I can't complain much, nor do I want to.

When I first decided to watch Coffee Prince, it was simply because of a shallow reason, which I gladly admit shamelessly (Is it a sin to fall in love to such a beautiful face? Gong Yoo is God-sent, I tell you!). But I never thought that it would become such a phenomenon. Beautifully written, artistically captured, perfectly well-acted, brilliantly directed, and the music! I have never heard such an impressive compilation of soundtrack; The story and its characters were mind-opening and profoundly moving. Probably not the greatest, but it was enchanting with its simplicity.

Here's to you Javabeans, and the whole Coffee crews! A job well done!



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What a nice finale--except for the ending. The ending seemed kind of short--I guess I was expecting a marriage. lol Anyways, I have to see the episode first, rather than judge it through the summary (which I have ALWAYS found helpful, enjoyable, and entertaining).

To Javabeans: Thank you so much for summarizing 17 Cups of Coffee Prince. I always looked forward to the Cup summaries since the subbing teams are kind of in a standby with the updates. Your hard work has entertained thousands (soon to be a million probably), and I thank you for that. I'm looking forward to your next project. AJA! At salamat sa lahat (And thank you for everything).


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Thank you sooooooo much for your excellent and speedy summaries!! *chu*
I've been OBSESSED with CP - the novel, the series and the music! You have been an absolute angel with your dedicated hard work. I've loved your comments and thoughts (which I've totally agreed with in the main, LOL) that you've scattered throughout your MANY posts (I'm not going to count them ^-^).
As you said it was a "satisfying" rather than excellent ending .... but I just love the whole thing so much that I can't really complain - except that I'm going to be in mourning and be missing the excitement of my CP-fix from now on! Hurry up producers and bring us another phenomenon to fill the space!! >.


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just by reading your summary... I could tear up... ha!ha!ha! how crazy can that be??
Anyway, thanks a million for making our days filled with joy with your wonderful summaries!

*hugs and kisses*


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WOW! you got it up fast! thanks alot!


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I just finished watching the last cup (raw). I enjoyed and loved every minute of it. Their acting and expression are superb!!! Can't get them out of my mind. Fantastic!!

Thank you very much Javabeans for your wonderful, well written summaries and insights. It has been a pleasure reading your blog. God Bless.


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thank you javabeans!!
just like you, and im sure many of your fans, i thoroughly enjoyed this series and it is all thanks to you. though i was also a little disappointed in the ending as well because of the need to give everyone a happy ending. but other than that, it was alright (well, i havent watched the episode) based on your summary.


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Thanks so much for your well written reviews, great screencaps, and song links :) I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts *hugs*


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I'm enjoying reading your summary, appreciate your hard work. Thanks .......so much


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Yikes, holy moly, you guys are fast... Hope that your server holds up for the next 2 days. At this rate, 400+ comments is a reality javabeans! Congratulations!

Ahh , Coffee Prince! This is really bittersweet for me! Like some of you, i feel for the missed potential. I had to watch the episode twice before i could come to a conclusion on how i feel about the ending. Obviously, the ending has the same understated and subtle vibes like the whole series.

I didn't mind the fast-forward timeframe option. Sometimes it is vital to employ that particular method to illustrate change or growth in the character (like it did so well in Delightful Girl Chun Hyang) or underline the undying love/bond between the two lovers (see My Girl). But in this case, it was not successfully employed like its predecessors. What i mean is that i expected to see more of the end results of Eun Chan's trip - to understand that Han Gyul's sacrifice was worthwhile. And Coffee Prince didn't really give me that. We did get a sense that she was able to experience a whole new world (from the postcards and pictures), but it was not explored as nicely as it should have. And i didn't see her change that much - wel, besides the physical appearance. Felt kinda rushed at the end. In fact, I was totally ready for the alternative ending - the kind that is open-ended (like in MNIKSS or Soulmate) but nope, it never happened. The operative word is "could have or should have" here I supposed. Maybe i'm just nit-picking on things.

Secondly, the episode felt unnecessary and for the first time, disjointed. The scenes failed to connect and the flow sometimes felt forced/draggy. It's like if it was unenthusiastically written and more or less formulaically directed by another director - not quite the same as the first 14 eps.

Bottomline, I guess i was disappointed with the execution of the ending. Sure, we all want to see a nicely wrap-up story with everyone's stories accounted for. I'm all for that too. They could have truncated episode 17 into another 20 minutes to be added to the end of Ep 16. Last week could have continued (post camera pull back) to fast-forward and give us snapshots two years later. And they could have used Han Gyul's voiceover to narrate the fates of the characters, giving us short glimpses of their lives and situations, ending with the shot of Eun Chan and Han Gyul sipping coffee. Oh well, i'm still cool cause it still is a happy ending and no one died (not even the grandmother!).

However, this episode did not take away the fact that Coffee Prince was a very good show and that it was much superior in many ways than others in its genre.

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its always sad to say goodbye, but at least we have you to turn to, javabeans. this kdrama had left something in our heart and it will stay for long time. anyway, am not sure if there will be any drama that can replace CP as it turn to be a very good drama to watch. javabeans, you're the best and hopefully, you will find another drama that will glued us to your page again! cheers!


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Thanks Javabeans! Agree that its not the great ending im kind of looking forward to, but i lovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!!!! and what now from here? Whew, no other drama yet in line for me LOL. I guess it will take a long time lol.Thanks to your great summaries javabeans!will still be lurking here in your blog site for more future great drama summaries!will make sure that my next asian trip would be KOREA.hehe


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MOST OF ALL, MUCH THANKS TO THE WRITERS AND ACTORS/ACTRESSES OF COFFEE PRINCE! Without them, this drama would not be possible!!! (roll on floor with glee**)

To Dramabeans: I would have to disagree with you about Mr. Hong's closing ending. It's refreshing how they incorporate a slight history about Mr. Hong's past in the beginning and miraculously they reappear again in story regardless if they need closure or not.

I felt Ha Rim relationship is a little forced and useless. He would be fine on his own. i wonder, what ever happened to sun ki's mystery woman?

Anyway, a ending is an ending -- oh what a beautiful ending it is!!~~~Everyone on a happy note. I felt the ending could have talked more about Eun Chan and Han Kyul! I would love to see more scenes of that!! Hope to see more wonderful dramas!!!


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CP has come to an end.I am so glad it was a happy ending .This is the first kdrama that I became so addicted with.Eun Chan and Han Gyul are now my favorite kdrama couple.Thanks for all your hard work.Keep it up.


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I'm sad that it ended. =( I'm gonna miss reading your summaries, javabeans!


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I just finished watching this episode, and I have to say I'm satisfied. I agree with your thought of this episode being a "very very long epilogue." The 'two years later' concept worked fine for me, but I just feel as though some things worked out too ideally (i.e.- Sunki meeting a female version of himself... with a touch of Eun Chan?). Actually, scratch that. While some aspects are a little fairy-tale like, other parts just balance it out perfectly--Min Yeop and Eun Sae, for instance. Eun Sae may not have achieved her dream of becoming a singer, but she found something (and someone!) that made her happy. In my opinion, Han Sung and Yooju's relationship/story turned out perfectly. While things didn't turn out perfectly, they both found happiness with each other. Somehow, I'm most satisfied with having watched their relationship develop throughout the series. Yooju losing the baby still makes me want to cry, though.

While I still feel like some things deserve a better closure (i.e.- Harim's relationship with his family), this was a nice way to end the drama. Like you said, it was a "perfectly serviceable final episode," but some things could have been better. Who am I to complain, though? This was one of the few, lighter dramas that kept my interest throughout the entire series. I'll take what I can, and in this case, the characters actually developed, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching all of them change. I fell in love with every single character, and I cheered them on through all the episodes. It was no doubt a beautiful drama with an amazing soundtrack to boot!

Props to the script writers, director, and actors for this drama, and to you (Javabeans) for all your hard work!


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