Coffee Prince Lyrics: “White Love Story”
by javabeans
Lordy! Judging from yesterday’s traffic boost (14,000 hits. Fourteen thousand), I’m guessing people really, really like Coffee Prince. And why wouldn’t you? Yesterday’s episode was great.
Here’s a lyrics post for the song used in the last scene of the episode (#6).
As One – “White Love Story” [ zShare download ]
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처음엔 알지 못했어 나를 보는 그대의 그눈빛이 왜 그렇게 안타까웠는지 언제나 묻고 싶던 말 아주 조금 내맘 알고 있는지 한번도 얘기한적 없었지만 이젠 아는데 그대도 나처럼 그대로 멈춰버렸죠 이젠 아는데 그대도 나처럼 울지 않아요 |
I didn’t know at first why your gaze, looking at me made me feel so flustered I always wanted to ask if you understood just a little of my feelings although I never told you Now I know, how you were as lost Things stood still Now I know, how you were as lost I won’t cry |
Tags: Coffee Prince, song lyrics
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51 Gramps
September 1, 2007 at 6:47 AM
#50 hmLee
If I may put a word in here... People who want to know more about javabeans (while respecting the important fact that she has every right to a life of her own outside what she chooses to share in this blog) will find that she has already told us quite a lot over the past months about her linguistic and cultural background in her main posts on various matters, all of which are well worth reading (and not just for such autobiographical glimpses). For example, to answer your questions here about her Korean language, try And without for one moment wanting to encourage anything remotely approaching cyber-stalking, there are other things of this kind in other postings, but I'll leave those who want to find them the fun of looking...
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52 Gramps
September 1, 2007 at 8:09 AM
Sorry, folks, me - rudely - again. My excuse being this time that I've been turning over the linguistic point, and I think this is something where we beginners in Korean may well learn something useful, so I'd like to say something which might also help those who know no Korean at all to see what the issue is about.
Here is my attempt at a crude hyper-literal translation of the opening lines, which attempts to show to English speakers what the sentence components are (and, more importantly, which components essential to a European mind aren't explicitly present in Korean).
처음엔 알지 못했어
Initially did not know
나를 보는 그대의 그눈빛이
At me looking your gaze
왜 그렇게 안타까웠는지
why in such way peturbed
This is a construction that causes a lot of comprehension trouble for learners like me (and apparently for people who are way past the early learning stage too)
Its pattern is:
verb of cognition (here the negated past tense of 알다, to know, in the first line)
plus interrogative particle (왜, why in line 3)
plus modifer ending on verb or adjective (안타까웠는)
plus indirect question marker 지 (which tells us the modified verb or adjective links in with the interrogative word to form the equivalent of a "why do/did -is/was ..." indirect question in English.) [For Tagalog speakers: the final 지 plays the role of the particle kung in a construction like "'Di ko malaman kung bakit ... "]
The logic is plain enough, but the difficulty from the European perspective is supplying the subect(s) and/or objects which, as the literal translation above indicates, are missing ('me' is indeed marked as the object of "look'. but that doesn't help with anything else much).
Now the distinctive Korean relationship of pyschology to grammar (which means that some verb and adjective forms can only be first person/subjectively felt-known, while other things can only be third person/objectively observed/inferred) indicates that the pronoun we need to supply for "know" here is "I". But the comment raises the question as to which of the two people involved ("you" or "I/me") is the subject/experiencer of the "flustered state" and which of them is its cause. Javabeans in her translation goes for "me", the recipient of the gaze, being the flustered party as a result of being looked at. The comment however, wondering whether it isn't in fact "You" (referred to as the "he") i.e. the gazer, who is "flustered" as a result of doing the looking.
Now my inclination is to follow javabeans' intepretation. But then (a) I am a blundering novice in Korean and (b) I worship every byte javabeans sends into the ether: so my opinion is pretty worthless anway. But I'll be interested to hear what she says when she gets a chance; and whatever it is, it will take me and those like me a tiny steplet further towards the day when we can actually understand this stuff for ourselves...
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53 hmLee
September 1, 2007 at 9:01 AM
Hello Gramps. Thanks to you, now I know a bit of javabeans. About the lyric, If i quote only this sentence 나를 보는 그대의 그눈빛이 왜 그렇게 안타까웠는지(why your gaze, looking at me made me feel so flustered) and survey who the subject is, I guess the result would be 50:50. However throught out the whole lyric, the story goes like this. At first "I" didn't know why "YOU" were flustered, but now "I" know "YOU" were as lost
and wandering as "I" was, and so on. I mean, I can't tell who is the one flustered gramatically, but from the atmosphere I can tell "YOU" are the one. But you guys, Gramps and javabeans, are so good at Korean. I really like to be fluent in English, but I can hear only 50% of talking. However you guys can talk about this stuff
"Its pattern is:
verb of cognition (here the negated past tense of 알다, to know, in the first line)
plus interrogative particle (왜, why in line 3)
plus modifer ending on verb or adjective (안타까웠는)..."
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54 ickafry
September 26, 2007 at 7:20 AM
glad i found ur blog!! i really love coffee prince..and this song brings tears to my eyes..a heartwarming song..just keep it up! you are making many people happy and inlove..thanks!
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55 Coffee Maniac
October 17, 2007 at 12:30 AM
Hi javabean, do you have a a romanized versin of "White Love Story"? Thanks!! Mwahh!!
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56 Gramps
October 17, 2007 at 12:59 AM
#55 AHEM! See #41 above.
[Incidentally, this type of "romanization" as used by English speaking KPop fans is strictly for sing-along purposes (and why not?). But in places, stuff like this reads like gibberish to anyone who understands Korean, because it doesn't accurately reflect the original groupings of sounds (or indeed often those sounds themselves), either as they are spoken or as they are written according to current norms. Proper romanization (of which there are three and a half main varieties) attempts to re-write Hangul in a way that preserves the original sense, though the result may not be so "singable". But it can't be done mechanically by substituting fixed Latin alphabet letter sequences for each Hangul character, which is how KPop-style romanization is generally done.]
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57 ickafry
October 24, 2007 at 5:15 AM
i really love this song! its my lullaby whenever i sleep.. i love coffee prince!
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58 Skangrrl
October 24, 2007 at 2:26 PM
Jaysus, now that I know the lurics of this song, it's bringing tears to my eyes. What a beautiful song! I love it ... and will try to do it justice. Ta again.
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59 Skangrrl
October 24, 2007 at 3:03 PM
Just read Gramps' "crude hyper-literal translation" and I think it is relevant only to me. LOL. Since I am going to try to interpret each phrase as according to the musical phrase (if that makes sense to you), I need to know the literal, literal translation so I can convey the exact movements to each phrase.
While knowing the clean-uped, grammatically correct and elegant phrasing of the translation, for dance purposes, it is always better to get the literal meanings. Gramps, although it was just the 1st 3 lines, it was very useful so ta. Sarah, still a brilliant job and I just wish I understood the rudiments of Korean so I can do a better job interpreting it into movements. Great site!
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60 b_rules
October 29, 2007 at 4:22 AM
thanks so much for sharing this song.... hehe
goooooooo coffee prince... totally agree with the comments about the song suiting the scene... the feeling and everything! but yeah.. gong yoo's expressions...
thanks so much agen!! keep up the good work!!
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61 kuromi-ori
October 30, 2007 at 1:59 AM
I have grown fond of listening to this song ever since I have watched the sixth episode of Coffee Prince... and even though i don't know what the lyrics mean.. i don't know, I just feel it even though I can't understand a single word (except sarang-he yo XD). Thank you for sharing the english translation!
"Coffee Prince was the summer of 2007". ^_^v
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62 Apple
November 10, 2007 at 3:58 AM
I LOVE U JAVA BEANSSSSS *1 million hearts*
I LOVE COFFEE PRINCE to deathh!! best kdrama since.... autumn in my heart, winter story, witch yoo hee, my sassy girl, and beautiful life.
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63 joshua flores
December 22, 2007 at 9:57 AM
i really like this drama, the first k-drama i've seen and its great!!!! heart warming=]
friends talk about it frequently..i can see why=] only on episode 11 though, i wish it was clearer=[i wonder how its like on video...
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64 shi
December 29, 2007 at 8:02 PM
oH!! wow!! I'm really a die hard fan of gong yoo.... nice song... good to hear.... go korean!!! (^_^).v,,
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65 planet mars
January 2, 2008 at 10:26 PM
the story and the subtle music of coffee prince make it addictive for the's kinda mellowed yaoi..the difference is that the other partner is really a girl. I also liked the way they made the cute and mushy scenes, just enough to make the heart flutter...
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66 kaye
January 8, 2008 at 6:00 PM
thank you for the song translation! i was having a hard time looking for one. :)
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67 Kim Alexia
January 9, 2008 at 3:26 AM
Coffee Prince the best!
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68 lec
January 10, 2008 at 4:01 AM
i watched the whole drama in just 3 days, it is really addictive!
i really really love this scene! and the song.. it simply is the best! it made everything perfect!
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69 Hya
January 18, 2008 at 8:53 AM
does anyone has any idea what the title of the english song when the lead actor & actress were at the beach? shld b episode 9..ard 45 min of tat episode..
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70 lee
January 19, 2008 at 6:57 AM
you rock! thanks a bunch for the translation, i had a hard time finding it, some sites just had the hangul version..great! and also, finished coffee prince and it really is a great watch..wanna watch it again..hehe^^
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71 Joyce Anne virata
January 21, 2008 at 5:58 AM
sad!!! nman kainis wla pah me partner xa valentine sna may boy na andyan lang xa tabi!!!.............,,,,,,,,,,,,,....................??????????????????????? thankful ako dahil na buo ang songz na toh da ba!!!????????????????,,,,,,,,.......................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, joyce nga pla!! thankssssssssssssss!!!
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72 Joyce Anne virata
January 21, 2008 at 6:00 AM
ka inloved pla toh kahit hindi moh maintindihan!!!!! mattauhan kah sa song na toh!!.............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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73 jamie
January 21, 2008 at 11:53 PM
can i have a copy of white love story lyrics in korean language?tnx
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74 angelica
January 23, 2008 at 8:01 AM
i loved the song and thank god and the person who sings it and the one also post it!!!!!!!
"maraming salamat".......... happy new year everyone.............
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75 sophia
January 24, 2008 at 3:24 AM
ye!this was it thanks for the lyrics this wes kind !!!!!daa feel inlove to another hahaha!!!!!1
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76 marjil
January 24, 2008 at 8:32 AM
ang ganda ng story nila nakaka in love.............. i like the story very much..............i love you mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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January 24, 2008 at 9:34 PM
sarang eyo
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78 elley0314
January 28, 2008 at 3:02 AM
i just want to comment on the lyrics of white love story, the finale part i think one line is missing, i've watched the video with the english translation and it says there...
last 2 lines..."thank you, FOR SUCH A WORTHLESS ME
for giving me the gift of you..."
i just want to know which is right, cuz lyrics is quite important,right!
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79 cyrus mcquire martin
January 29, 2008 at 1:42 AM
you have made the best TV show "Coffee Prince" which i began watching at night in the prime time.
i have been following every episode of that show and it's number one here in the Philippines. it's really great to know how the story ends so i will not be missing the scenes until the end. i am planning to write a blog for that show to inspire others watch it.......
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80 buddy
January 29, 2008 at 6:57 AM
kamsahamnida for posting this english translation of white love story!
saranghe for making us happy trough your site!
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81 mica
January 30, 2008 at 6:09 PM
thanks for this!
im so in love with CP!
most especially GY!! :)
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82 mica
January 30, 2008 at 6:09 PM
thanks for this!
im so in love with CP!
most especially GY!
shux. cant say enough. hahaha:)
i love it!
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83 jessie
February 2, 2008 at 1:05 AM
u know guys..its now airing hir in manila(phils.)and even before its not yet aired and i only seen the trailer...igot crazy over dis..i dont know why!! i juz love dem both and ofcorz da whole story!!im so addicted.LOL
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84 enzo_nin
February 6, 2008 at 5:44 PM
I have just recently watched Coffee Prince and I was definitely stricken to the bones! Its very nice and worth remembering. I wonder how did the Director come up with this very fantastic story. The scences or the scenarios have its own unique expression of human experiences, thereby making it outstanding and profoundly tremendous.
I am anticipating that Eun Chan's will soon revel her identity. THAT SHE IS A LADY!
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85 Aggie
February 8, 2008 at 7:36 PM
javabeans, you are a gift to all the thousands of people who rely on your translation to be able to fully grasp CP!! Thanks!!!!
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86 mycatming
March 9, 2008 at 9:31 PM
can anyone please tell me the title of han kyul's song for go eun chan? the one he sang for her??? please.... contact me: my IM is [email protected] Friendster: [email protected] multiply: blogspot:
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87 erikaqt
March 10, 2008 at 6:57 AM
love it sooooo000 MUUUUCCCHHH!!!!
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88 asni with green
March 14, 2008 at 12:10 AM
chaiyok coffee prince
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89 ydanne
March 14, 2008 at 3:35 PM
hi im very touch of this song that i almost cry nakaka iyak talaga as in kasi ang kanta nayun ang nag papa-alala sa akin ng aking crush all i can say na patuloy mo pa ang magandang katangi-an mo .............................................. ::::..>>>>?//??//////// and thankzz for that song talagang it so amazing kaya keep up your artistic atitude

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90 lesley
March 14, 2008 at 10:19 PM
how can i put this song on my friendster. i already tried in on different sites but it wont play.i really like this song.please tell me where to get its code,please.i would really appreciate it.
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91 spring
March 20, 2008 at 7:18 PM
Does anyone know what is the name of the song/singer of the last part of the drama episode 17 when eun chan ask the manager if he could hire her??
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92 christin
March 25, 2008 at 8:44 PM
i love this so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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93 christin
March 25, 2008 at 8:46 PM
Cho-umen alji mothae-sso
Narul bonun / kudae-ye gu / nunbichi
Wae gurohke / antakkawon-nun-ji
Onjena modko shipdon mal
Aju chogum / nae mam algo in-nunji
Hanbon-do yae-gi-han chogopsotji-man
Ijen anun-de kudae-do nachorom
Haruharul hemae-yotdon gol
Chamdul su obshi
Nomu apahae-ssotdan(un) gol
Sonul chamayo
Tashinun kudae nohji anhulke
Saranghaeyo naega sumshwimnun nalkkaji
Kudaero mom-chwobolyotjyo
Nayegen nul
Mojilkeman tae-hadon kudae-ga
Nal bomyo usojudon nal
Ijen anun-de kudae-do nachorom
Haruharul hemae-yotdon gol
Chamdul su obshi
Nomu apa-haessotdan(un) gol
Sonul chabatjyo
Tashinun narul nohji marayo
Saranghaeyo naega nun-gam-nun nalkkaji
Ulji anhayo ije kudae
Nae gyote issuni
Komawoyo irohke mojaran nae-ge
Kudae-rul sonmul-hae-jwoso
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94 butterfly
April 6, 2008 at 11:31 PM
i rily in love with this song..!! it touch mah heart :
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95 marjorie
May 12, 2008 at 1:56 AM
im a fanatic of this movie hope that it wil have a part two. because the story is not enough. thanks
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96 Jnr
July 21, 2008 at 8:10 AM
Didn't han kyol going to military service ?
hoah, yoo eun hye is so cute... lol
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97 Mae Mae
August 1, 2008 at 12:42 AM
yaahh!! XD
i likee cofffeee prince alot ehehe
verry veryy cuutee love story eheh (:
andand that song is very nice (:
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98 Nhette
August 10, 2008 at 3:01 PM
i am addicted to asian dramas... seriously!!! i'm asian but somehow dramas from home are a bit too predictable and almost too familiar already... and i don't mind the dubbed ones i watch on network tv at home but when they're dubbed some parts are missed... parts in a conversation like how they call each other... oppa, unni, ahjussi, ajumma... noonim and noona- i'm still not sure if it's a respectful way to call an unni.
when i watch these dramas i also learn some words...
and also bits of their traditions and way of life...
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99 dharla
October 7, 2008 at 7:19 PM
whos sing thing song...? she have lovely voice..i like it very much...
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March 24, 2009 at 12:53 AM
i love coffee prince....
n' this song....
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