by javabeans
With QUE SERA SERA ending this weekend, I had the suggestion from fellow fans ginnie and Xena to open things up for you all to contribute your thoughts of the series. If we get a lot of great responses here, they thought it would be nice to share this compilation of thoughts with the people behind the series over at MBC’s official site, where people affiliated with the show have been known to read and post.
So, what do you think? Of the series, of the stories, of the acting, production, anything? If you had the chance to address the people who worked to bring us such a great series, what would you say?
Post your impressions here! With any luck, maybe they’ll get to read them.
Edited to add: Now that the series is over, I’m bumping this so it displays after the last episode summary. Original timestamp is: 2007-05-07, 9:02:23 pm
Also edited to add: Here’s an excellent example from Xena:
a taunting, unbridled enigma.To Whom It May Concern:
I have been earnestly enthralled with the K-drama ‘Que Sera Sera’ from the moment the first episode aired. The drama was refreshing, the direction bold, the story-telling ruthlessly brilliant and the characters divine. The performances from the two main protagonists; JUNG YOO MI and Eric Mun/MOON JUNG HYUK are flawlessly impeccable and their scenes together sizzle with all the right chemistry required to invite audiences to voyeuristically intrude and bask in these lover’s affairs, their arguments, their beautiful highs and their heartbreaking lows. ‘Que sera sera’ has moved me immensely.
JUNG YOO MI displays the same screen presence and sparkles with the same quirky quality found in international singer/actress Bjork, whom also seduces viewers, with a surreal woman/child demeanor. And Eric Mun/MOON JUNG HYUK portrays the damaged prince, anti-hero Casanova, contemporary Romeo beautifully.
Tae Joo being a tarnished protagonist is immensely appealing, for we see things through his eyes, which I adore. A character does not have to be ‘likeable’ or ‘safe’ in order to be appreciated and this drama has been courageous enough to display that. It makes no excuses and treats viewers with the curiosity of mature content without having to over explain itself. We are more than capable of filling in the blanks, no over justification needed. The love story of Kang Tae Joo and Han Eun Soo has been a taunting, unbridled enigma.
‘Que sera sera’s’ re-telling of the old love story of falling in love with opposites, it’s modern feel, topped with the edgy direction of KIM YOON CHUL have been a brave, dramatic and visual treat. And it has left me with an unquenchable thirst of always, simply wanting more!
I could go and on in praise of the serial but I shall not. I just wanted to thank the cast, crew and the production of QSS, for providing and sharing such a wonderful and addictive distraction in the world of ‘que sera sera’ and I wish everyone the very best of luck with their future projects. We look forward to experiencing new ventures from the QSS team and pray they shall continue to be as fearless in the execution of storytelling as this drama has been.
But first, a reminder of who brought us the series……
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Kim Yoon Chul (김윤철) |
Choi Chang Wook (최창욱) “환상의 커플” (Fantasy Couple) |
Do Hyun Jung (도현정) “남자의 향기” (A Man’s Scent) |
And of course, the series would not be complete without its stellar cast………
JUNG YOO MI Han Eun Soo |
LEE KYU HAN Shin Joon Hyuk |
YOON JI HYE Cha Hye Rin |
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EUN SUNG (or Lee Eun Sung) Han Ji Soo |
GEUM BO RA Ji Kyung Sook (Eun Soo’s mother) |
SONG JAE HO Cha Hyung Min (Hye Rin’s father) |
YOON MI RA Yoon Jung Im (Hye Rin’s mother) |
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Some stills from behind the scenes……
Tags: Eric, Jung Yumi, Que Sera Sera
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1 jxbeaucp
May 7, 2007 at 9:44 PM
i think that the series is a very interesting one and has enough humor to keep u watching. I think the cast is really great. I think Eric improved a lot on his acting and as far as the other actor and actress the whole cast are good. To me this drama is really refreshing and I don't know if it because of the atmosphere in the scenes or the casts. REally enjoy the series thanks a lot!!!!
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2 hanna
May 7, 2007 at 10:33 PM
ok, well, I enjoy the plot/storyline and the cast, but overall the drama felt a little draggy and that 3 episodes could've been compressed into one. Of the actors, I've seen Eric act the most, and he's definitely improved (and still hot ;] ).
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3 Wany
May 7, 2007 at 10:43 PM
yeah.I love this drama coz i has eric beside i love storyline so much it's fresh.I think is a great drama you can learn about love and life from this drama.
about production.I love custome of drama.
Thank you for produce good drama for us.thank you so much.
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4 addict
May 7, 2007 at 10:49 PM
I loved the soundtrack of this drama, especially the W&Whale's "Moonlight". I'm not a korean, but I was still attracted by the drama as a whole. There were times when the drama was slow and boring, but overall it was a great drama to watch. Thank you so much for all your hard work and keep up the good work!
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5 Lori
May 7, 2007 at 11:03 PM
This is an absolutely wonderful drama- so much different from ones I've seen before. I like that it's real, that the characters are upfront, forward, and honest and that things actually happen! More has happened in these last fifteen episodes than 4 dramas combined! I was a fan of the original two couples and you know what, I was a fan of the new two couples and now I don't know anymore. I don't know if any other drama garnered the same kind of reaction from me.
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6 Ivory
May 7, 2007 at 11:40 PM
I am loving this series...mostly because like what some other people have already said; this show seems realistic and that in itself stands out. I am drawn to shows that are more character driven than plot driven, and this one really takes us down many paths with each different character as their layers are taken off or pasted on...depending on whom we're talking about here. Also, I am enjoying the Tae Joo character because he isn't like all the galant prince charming Korean Drama heros out there. He's really flawed, which attracts me because that shows that he's really human and relatable. Who hasn't been human and chosen the safest route because they were scared? Just like Sam Shiki in My Lovely Sam Soon: he was hot but he was very flawed as the hero in the show because he was arrogant, indecisive, and mean at times, but he was also showed at other times as kind, vunerable, and brave. I'm just waiting for Tae Joo to complete his journey so that he will learn a lesson in love and life.
Also, I want to commend the writers, director, and people behind the show for telling us a story, and not just a fairy tale. My Lovely Sam Soon's message was to not be afraid to live and to love like we've never been hurt before; I hope QSS's message is just as meaningful and worthwhile to learn. And, even though Eun Soo is married to JH right now, I am still rooting for a happy ending with Eun Soo and Tae Joo. I hope to God no one important dies just so that someone can learn a lesson though!
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7 ay_link
May 7, 2007 at 11:57 PM
LOVE the soundtrack for sure :) Lovely drama? Hmm I don't think so, LOL. But this is gotta be the one drama that I can't really tell why I keep following it every weekend and still 'bearable' to watch it raw. Hopefully it all will end well, and somewhat, I kinda don't care much about TJ-ES couple, even though it's obvious they both are the main leads. If there's a twist to this twisted story, hopefully, I just hope, I will still enjoy it until the very last drop. Thank you Sarah for everything,.. for this blog, for the summaries *muah* ^^
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8 huneunyoung
May 8, 2007 at 2:54 AM
i loved the storyline. i just cant wait for the ending.. well. i kinda dont want it to end but.. eh. whatever. final episode please! haha
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9 xy
May 8, 2007 at 3:14 AM
i loved this drama a lot, too, as well as the OST, which i found was great! i liked the way how the characters were so well developed and enjoyed the acting. i thought this drama very refreshing... it stood out a lot and was sometimes daring in terms of the realization but that was just what made the whole thing charming. i disagree that the story was draggy; the pace of the drama was quite fast in comparison to other dramas, where the protagonists seem indecisive and the drama goes on and on without anyone knowing why the main characters still aren´t together yet. the storyline might not have been anything new but the drama was clearly driven by the characters.
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10 princess
May 8, 2007 at 3:53 AM
this drama was really great.. the people indulged in the production of drama has really done a great work... even eric and jung yoo mi did their performances really well... keep it up!!!!!!!!
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11 jo
May 8, 2007 at 4:04 AM
I do think that this is a great drama. But i think the Eun Soo and Tai joo's character are very sad cos they cannot be someone that they love...So, it's a very depressing... Hope that they will end up together...Eric is hot his girlfriend must be very lucky to have him...
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12 lollipop2000
May 8, 2007 at 5:10 AM
I had watched countless of kdramas and many I had not managed to complete. QSS is one of those rare kdramas that I had followed religiously and anxiously awaiting for the conclusion. I enjoyed the performances of the stellar cast especially seriously delicious Eric Mun and of course the rest. Beautiful cinematography and soulful soundtrack too. Love the endings for each episode that kept you on tenterhooks. Will Eun Soo end up with Tae Joo and is she really pregnant? I can't wait for the ending but will be sad to see such a unique drama end. Despite the perceived poor ratings in Korea, I strongly support this wonderful drama. And may I say again Eric is super seriously HOT!!
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13 sunamma
May 8, 2007 at 5:23 AM
its has a gr8 story and the character is drawn so prfectly. i just love the character of TA JOO & EUN SOO . they make a gr8 couple.
wish i was the one playing yhe character of EUN SOO coa i DAMN falling for eric hahah.....
nd the soundtrack of this drama is very unique. i just love it ....
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14 kori65
May 8, 2007 at 7:04 AM
eric's acting has improve a great deal. eun soo is a natural.fun to watch her.
storyline is not the normal kdrama ...which makes it more interesting.
show is not draggy,full of surprises. Joon hyuk is also a very good actor.potray his character well.the sister ji soo is cute.but eun soo is the best..i think she did a great job..turning from a naive girl to a jaded woman. could feel her sadness when she look out to the lake during her honeymoon before she was interrupted by hubby and her facial expressions changed to a different person.
what kind of life has she gotten herself into.....being dump by one man and now into a marriage with a man she don't love...
what will her future hold???? que sera sera ...what ever will be will be....
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15 Marzy
May 8, 2007 at 7:34 AM
in a long time, this drama has been very different than the rest. at first, it started out like an underdog but as time passed the attention for it grew. not only were the cast great but the story was unique and real. it wasnt that typical type of drama that you had something predictable. here up to now, we cant say how it'll end. the characters writtten are so intense, depth, charisma and seemingly come to life by the actors, who did a great job. id love to commend Eric, YooMi and KyuHan. they showed a different side to them for this drama and they really shined (good looks aint everything) i cant think of any other actors who'd suit better. eric has really stepped his game, KyuHan was unexpected unlike MNKSS days and YooMi was just brilliant charming. i really enjoyed this drama and up to now im sad its ending. every week i anticipate what will happen in this drama because you cant always tell. applause to the PD for the unique style of directing and approach to the drama, applause to the writer who kept us on our toes and gave us a deeper look at life and to the crew also. the soundtrack here is also great, it fits the mood and also gives life to the sequences. all in all, this drama rocks. even if i dont the ending yet or how ill perceive everything after, it was an exciting ride im glad i saw it.
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16 pzsvkb
May 8, 2007 at 8:21 AM
i love the series so much cause every episode is interisting and you will not feel bored.....
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17 cannes
May 8, 2007 at 8:25 AM
Hi,gennie ^^
I am cannes ,UB master.
I got your mail now.Did Wany tell you UB's message?
my MSN address is [email protected]
i want to talk with you now.
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18 Katherine
May 8, 2007 at 7:34 AM
There's a long list highly reccomended K-drams this season and QSS is one of them. Actually it wasn't my top fav at the beginning, but QSS has this "X-factor" that kept pulling me n that's it...i got ADDICTED! hahaha!
I guessed that there's too many of those exaggerating romance comedies nowadays. Whereas QSS is more closer to the heart i should say. Very realistic.
Kudos to the actors, actresses and the team for producing such lovely drama for the mass audience!
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19 Juliesean
May 8, 2007 at 8:46 AM
l love everything about this drama. Each episode is so unpredictable and makes me impatient for the next one. The theme about loving someone resonates with everyone, regardless of nationality or colour.
At first, I was not too keen on this drama until I started following it from episode 3. It started off as a usual boy-meets-girl drama but as it develops, it delves into every aspect of love.
The cast were also great. Special mention to Eric. He has really grown as an actor. I could feel his pain and anguish in those heart-wrenching scenes. And being one sexy dude didn't hurt either. No one overacted or underacted.
Lastly, kudos to the QSS team, from the writers, director to the producers. Not sure how the ratings is in Korea, but this is one drama that leaves a deep impression. One of the best Korean dramas i have seen, and you are speaking to one k-drama obsessed fan.
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20 doremi02
May 8, 2007 at 9:05 AM
To tell the truth, it's the only drama so far that makes me stay up very late waiting for downloading, also very eager to join in to post my comments. I found out that I become talkative and open-minded these days *lol*
All I want to say about this drama is just one word: PERFECT.
Actually, I didn't want to see it at first. Among lots of dramas were shown at the same time, i didn't notice it simply because the casts are so un-wellknown (I'm not an Eric's fan that time so don't blame me if I thought it that way) but i was impressed by the title Que sera sera hence i decided to give it a try. And it's worthy. I am very pleased with my decision.
This drama has very dramatic and interesting plot. I can't remember how many times I was shock because of watching this awesome serie. The script writer always know how to end the episode in an unpredictable and unexpected way. And it makes the audiences just want to see more and more. As some of QSS_ers mentioned before, this drama is just so real, the characters is just so..human being that's why this drama is so different from the others, because of that I adore this drama so much.
Besides a good plot, i want to praise the actors and actresses for doing their best to make their characters alive. I can see clearly their efforts in portraying the character's personality and I do appreciate that. I didn't see other projects from the casts but Eric, I must say that he improves his acting skill a lot. Tea Joo suits him very well and he makes me change my mind about the thought of "singer becomes actor" with the submission of heart.
Thanks a lot, QSS crew for excellent creativeness, doing wonderful job.
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May 8, 2007 at 9:19 AM
I love to see the improvement of eric's acting skill...He shown us his acting ability.
the storyline is Ok but not much interesting
One best thing in this story is casting. I impressed the casting team. They casted the right people for the right role especially main actress. she is pure and innocent
eric's role suit him well too
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22 Grace
May 8, 2007 at 9:58 AM
Congrats to a K drama so different from the usual. Love the bits of details that evoke my thots here and there.
Great job!
Please... more more more!!!
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23 Nathalia
May 8, 2007 at 10:30 AM
I've watched quite a lot of k-dramas but this one is just unique !!
I'm so addicted I even watch it without subs (and I don't speak korean)...
Then I get an excuse to rewatch once I get subs.... crazy, maybe ?
I just love the down to earth side of it, the way the characters are not exactly what they seemed, and the way the plot is unpredictable...
I'm afraid I'll sound like a broken record and say things which have already been said, but the cast is fantastic. Eric's acting is amazing. Jung Yoo mi is doing a great job...
I'm really into the expectation of how this will end, because I can't predict but at the same time... Why is it ending so soon ??
Let's have 10 more episodes !! ^-^
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24 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 10:51 AM
I will be posting my long posts from soompi, and after the show finished will write a LONG review so here is goes.
I like the raciness of this show, it has reality to it. Eric fits the player image well, he looks like one. I don't think he is like that in real life though...I didn't like the other guy in MNIKSS but he looks a lot better in this one.
My thoughts so far is that Hye Rin pretends to be this self-assured capable woman, but inside she is quite vulnerable and insecure. TJ is kind of like the Beast in Beauty and the Beast. Rough exterior but warm inside. He has his faults but he isn't a bad person. ES is very....hard to describe, maybe eccentric suits her. She has a purity to her, but ignorance is bliss seems to fit her character. I think she is sheltered so far and quite childlike, example the whole underwear thing. Lastly SJH....hard to say to much about him, except that he seems lie someone who lets himself be a puppet, he lets go of his dream of piloting, the question is why. I think there is more than the obvious to it. Like HR said he seems cowardly, wanting to have something but at the same time not fighting for it. Looking forward to see how things will play out btw him and HR after the kiss , and the previews for 3 looks like things will heat up. Quite the love square will happen
ES and HR battle
TJ and SJH smackdown
Can't wait to see how all the puzzle pieces fall together!!!!!!
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25 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 10:55 AM
Okay out of all the shows this week, this one excites me the most, I cannot wait to enjoy it with subs, by the way I bow down to those delightful subbers, translators, etc who are generous to share these shows with us so that non-koreans can enjoy it just as much. Hats off to you guys, seriously you make my day everytime it comes up. Also thanks to people like Javabeans and Ginnie, and others who give us exclusives better way to say spoilers on this show, I know it is more than you two so thanks to those who do it, as well as music. ngs, interviews and the like, you guys are truly wonderful.
So looking forward to LQ, and the summaries, I;lve always wanted a scene like that in an elevator where you get stuck with th guy you like and...leave it up to your imaginations, lol. I have to say this show is shining the most out of all the others, I'll tie it with Mawang since that one is also thought provoking.
I hope the bro-sis can have a happy ending, love is unpredictable like that so I hope they can be able to express their live for each other at the end, I'm sure it is painful for the both of them. Also I think that once TJ realizes his feelings for our ES it will be like a lightning bolt and he'll start making a fool of himself, he seems like that kind of guy, but then he is also the type to deny and ignore....the opposite sex is funny but then again they say the same about us!!!!
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26 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 10:57 AM
I feel really sad for him, but for some reason i feel way worse for HR...you have more patience than me, but then again I'm not known to be very patient..lol. We'll just have to see what happens.
This show is so juicy,grown-up, and realistic...it is becoming my co-fav out of the one's that premiered.
This show has
1) Great acting
2) Superb choice in music
3) Great cast chemistry
4) Great story..side stories and the like
It is a Quadruple threat!!!!!!
What's this about kissing in every episode, if that is true, this drama is really an exception, most dramas have like 2 kisses except for my DJS..hehe but that would be cool if it did!!
Eun Soo: “That was fun.”
Tae Joo: “What?”
Eun Soo: “It's fun. Want to do it again?”
That is just too classic...that is by far my favorite part so far, can't wait to see what happens in 4. Is it two eps per week? ES is just too cool, being so dense is really funny. I guess she should be called quirky.
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27 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:05 AM
I'm looking forward to the upcoming episodes...I want to see when JH starts to like ES and I bet there will be serious jealousy fron TJ and HR. It would be cool if ES asked JH to pretend to be her bf to make TJ jealous and it helps him get over HR but them he falls in love with ES...it would be so twisted. Or what if ES and TJ get back together and he keeps the contract from her..but HR tells her about it and instead of confronting TJ...ES keeps it to herself and finds herself involved with JH to make TJ jealous...but HR gets jealous of JH with ES and wants him back and JH can't control his feelings for HR and things heat up between them. Then they are all playing each other even though they know who they really want to be with. Having time on my hands makes me come up with this twisted scenarios...another one would be that TJ and HR decide to actually get married and he becomes the head of her Dad's company working alongside JH...JH tries to get over it but finds himself still with feelings for HR...HR knows she loves her Oppa and they start having an affair and TJ and ES can't deny their feelings for each other but she doesn't want to be the other woman so she ends up leaving...TJ tells HR that they should divorce and goes after ES.I'm having too much fun...What if ES hooks up with JH... and they decide to have a contract marriage...they are also playing the part of fiance like HR and TJ...and they decide that they should have a double wedding...on the last episode we are all prepared to see ES and JH get married and HR and TJ get married but none of them are there. ES,TJ,HR,JH are at the airport and HR and JH leave to go back to Italy(I think that is the place he was at) and we see ES and TJ holding hands as they watch them go. I have a crazy amount of imagination...I need some QSS!!!
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28 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:08 AM
I agree with you Ginnie I also dread those kind of scenarios...what I love about this show is that there is so much depth to each of the characters that is slowly being weaved into the story. I bet that at the end we will all let go of our initial feelings for each of the characters will do a 360. What I like is that everyone isn't what they seem and I think that we will be in for a lot of surprises in the end. What I love and hate is that we just don't have that predictability of what is going to happen like in typical k-dramas because this show is really quite original. The director seems to have a knack for adding depth and reality to his dramas.
So yeah everyone needs to keep it coming with your thoughts love reading them and sharing mine her I go
TJ: To me TJ is one of those guys that see too much of the reality of life and give up that faith and hope that possibilities exist out there. Like TJ thinks that what is the point of even trying to go after something that doesn't fit because it will just be too much. He keeps himself at a distance like when he says to HR dating is fun as long as you don't get in to deep. I think he is getting in deep with ES and is pulling away because she gets to him. He wants to be tough and strong and with her he is weak and not himself. It scares him not to have that control over things so he'd rather back off and not even try. He's scared and he doesn't even know is yet, I think it will hit him with full force but hopefully it won't be too late. He is a classic example of someone who has faced the realities of the living and doesn't want to believe in hope or faith when it is something you can't control. I don't know if that makes sense but I hope you get what I am saying. I actually really like him...yes he can be a jerk but he doesn't do it intentionally it is just that he doesn't no better kind of like a child. He's more alone than we all think and I get a sense of loneliness beneath his surface. We all wear masks to hide ourselves and TJ wears his very well. I think his heart has been hurt in the past and he puts up a wall so that he doesn't hurt but when he does that he misses out on what it is to really love someone. Because love is more painful than anything else. There is more pain that happiness for the msot part. So in his mind it is like why go through that instead just have the happiness but then it is not really love. There is so much to say about him..but I will wait till later.
ES: I think ES is like the light to TJ's darkness he's so used to the dark that the light seems to hard to reach. ES is more real than any of the other characters that is her strength and also her weakness. I think she is a lo smarter than we give her credit for. She has a different kind of wisdom in her. She's just like a breath of fresh air, but I think that there is also a naive side to her. She is naive about love but at the same time aren't we all naive about love...I think there is a lot more to her and can't wait to see it. She is the type that when she feels she REALLY feels whether it is happiness or sadness she seems to feel it more than the average person would. She has this energy about her that is attractive and unreal and it makes TJ uneasy. She's different from his "other girls" and that is how it should be. It takes someone different to make you wake up and see what you really needed and what you really wanted. I admire her because people tend to be cautious while she just jumps ahead but sometimes going without looking has dire consequences. I just hope that when ES lands she is able to deal with whatever comes ahead.
HR: She is actually quite a naive and weak person. Not in a negative sense but more to say she has a purity and innocence about her that she doesn't want to admit. She's a romantic and a dreamer who has to face reality. She loves deeply and hurts just as much. She is used to getting what she wants but when it is something she needs it doesn't go her way. She knows she is beautiful and that men want her but she doesn't want just any man she wants her one and only. She is someone who has been disappointed about love and I think because her pain is deep she is using childish methods to ease it. I actually feel a lot of sympathy for her and I hope that she can find a love that is true and deep that sees behind the mask she wears and can heal her heart and give her that overwhelming and unconditional love. Someone who loves her just as she is with all her faults and can be someone who will always stand by her side and support her!!! Isn't that what we all dream of...hopefully it won't always be just dreams.
JH: I don't think that coward is the right word for him more likely a conformist would be better. He is someone who has been handed his life through HR's parents and I think he feels a great deal of obligatory responsibility to them. They are all he knows because he knows nothing of himself. He is a man living but not really living. I think this quote describes him "Those who are afraid to fall, never learn to fly." He's afraid of actually being who he is, actually following his dreams, actually living. He's just going through life but he isn't really living. I think there is a lot of sadness in him. Fear is a powerful weapon against ourselves and his happens to be quite strong. i just hope that he finds that self-belief that self-worth to go after what he wants and what he needs. He needs others to tell him who he is and they say he isn't good enough..he needs to find that answer within himself and hopefully he will realize it is a person's character and heart that is important and relevant not his material worth.
All these characters need to find themselves in one way or another before they can truly love another person. Loving someone means excepting their imperfections and excepting yours and that is something they need to figure out. Love is a journey and they've only begun to travel that road...they will face many obstacles but I hope at the end they will be where they should be. I really love this show because when I write this I think about these things in my own life and can reflect on it. Love is a complicated puzzle that none of us will ever figure out completely but hopefully they will figure out enough of the pieces.
Some quotes that go with the show to me are...
TJ AND ES: "Like flowers love blooms in odd places."
"Most people want to be the sun that brightens up your life, but I'd rather be the moon that shines down on you in your darkest hours." for JH to HR AND VICE VERSA
"Love is like playing the piano. First you learn the keys, then you learn the rules. Then you leave the rules and play by what's in your heart. For TJ
"Love requires a leap of faith, and doesn't always guarantee a safe landing." For ES
***That was a lot but hope you found it interesting!!!^__^!!!
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29 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:15 AM
GINNIE you notice a lot of the deeper things of the show...I like that a lot..in regards to what you said I think and hope the PD and writers have a reason for this. Okay this just popped into my head but what if the male leads end up being related in some way...does that seem unlikely? Well it is just a thought, let's see we are on episode 6 right, not half-way so I think after 6-7 (ES/JH) there will be more character development. At least that is what I'm hoping..maybe they want to just give us little tidbits to string us along..for me I feel like this show is going to have a BOMB like there is going to be something so huge that it makes me do a 360 and fall out of my chair kind of huge. I don't know why but I just feel like that. Maybe they don't tell us everything up front is so that we make our own judgments and when we see the truth we might alter it or favor it more. Just like life we see what we want to see and judge what we don't know, but if we get the chance to know we might end up seeing things in a different light...
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30 addicted
May 8, 2007 at 11:17 AM
Que Sera Sera IS simply superb in writing, acting, score, directing and raw honest human emotions. Congratulations and thank you for creating a most excellent drama.
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31 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:18 AM
I think that TJ is kind of a subtle control freak...he says he want to live him life as he pleases... but in reality what he does gives him in my opinion the lowest amount of pleasure. He controls his feelings, his heart, his everything. But you know what he can't control anything when it comes to ES she's different in a unique kind of way. She throws him off his balance and he's too afraid to be completely thrown out of his orbit...well he better get ready to fall off the don't call it falling in love for nothing.
HR is really childish in my opinion...I think ES is more mature than her...she is also kind of a control freak...and needs to learn that in life and in love there will be obstacles so be ready to handle it MATURELY!!!! She could have been like ES and do whatever and keep him guessing.
I think that was very smart of ES because when women cling men get tired this way she is indifferent and he's the one doing the chasing instead of her. Makes them curious and makes them realize what they've lost. I like her style of doing things.
It was really sad to see ES crying in the elevator...TJ you jerk!!! Redeem yourself....he looked pretty good in the shower scene. Hey was there a kiss in this episode??
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32 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:21 AM
You know what XENA I liked what you had to say and why we all feel this way is because THAT'S LIFE. This drama does an amazing job of putting reality into it. They are all doing the kind of things that we all do. It's what makes us human,it is both good and bad at the same time and at different time. We all have doubts, we all love, we all get broken heart, we all can be childish and manipulative. We all hurt, we all use hurt to hurt others intentionally and unintentionally. We feel so much for these characters ranging from adoration to frustration because there is a significant amount of humanity in all of them. I love my k-dramas with the unrealistic atmosphere but it's one's like this that stay with me. One's like these that each us something and leave a mark on on. Sound sappy but it's true. I got a lot of things from DJS and I'm getting a lot from QSS. Life is all about making mistakes but it's what we do after that mistake that counts. All these characters have lessons to learn and we'll learn a lot from them and with them. The feelings we all get from watching this show is what makes it stand out and what makes it memorable. To me they make love realistic. Because love isn't a fairytale and you don't meet Prince Charming. You fall and you fall hard it hurts but hopefully the person you love will give you the hand you need to get up again. Love is like a roller coaster, scary and thrilling. Sometimes we're so afraid we forget to enjoy the ride. And sometimes we don't even get on missing out on all of it. I love this show because it does make me feel happy, frustrated, sad, giggly and everything else. Wow that was a lot hope it makes sense!!!
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33 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:24 AM
Wow ES was simply amazing in episode 7... I feel like screaming you go girl over and over. I was just so proud of her for moth being the typical k-drama heroine and swooning when they guy tries to make amends. It's like teaching a dog a new trick or how to behave you can't give in to easily or they'll never learn. At the beginning she was the one doing the pursuing well you know what TJ it is time for you to be a REAL MAN and prove your worth. TJ is actually quite childish when it comes to ES...when will it hit him that he's different with her, he's not himself. He doesn't get jealous or possessive with other women but he loses his supposed cool around her. HR is WAY TOO CHILDISH in these last few episodes, but then again Love is childish and there in no set way of explaining yourself when it comes to love.
She's going to end hurting more than anyone else in the end... I understand she loves her Oppa but sometimes you have to let go, and then if they come back you know it's meant and if they don't...then their chapter in the story of your life has closed and you need to move on. Seriously I want to see her being mature like ES...ES is hurting but she makes me bow to her self-control. My God she is just so awesome in episode 7. If you read JB's blog every word out of her mouth is gold. TJ got exactly what he deserved...a swift and accurate kick in the ego/brain/head. He needs to get a clue. God I know guys like him in real life and they just haven't found a girl to turn them around. TJ needs to do something big something GIGANTIC to win back ES's affections. HR could learn a thing or two from ES's behavior.
I wonder about the pictures an about JH's past...so much mystery and I'm sure will all be blown away by whatever it is. I don't want to see any JH/ES moments dry.gif and I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANY TJ/HR stuff crazy.gif....but I know we will see more and more. I wonder if TJ/HR will sleep together. I mean something has to happen in the next 10 episodes and I have a feeling it will have to do with who's with who....yeah I'm sure others are wondering about it too. I'm waiting for the storm that is brewing to start pouring down on the characters...we'll see what happens...hehehe looking forward to 8!!!
That was a mouthful
ES: "To be great is to be misunderstood." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
HR: "When people leave you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anybody who leaves you. And it doesn't mean that they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."-unknown-
HR be strong...if he comes back to you it is for a reason if he doesn't there is still a reason behind it. Being manipulative will only cause others to suffer as well as yourself.!!!! Get a clue!!!
GINNIE that was funny kissing germs....hahahahaha...well that is literally being lovesick..lol!!!
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34 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:28 AM
XENA your not the only one that hopes they get it on...I mean if there is going to be a kiss in every episode they might as well step it up a little. When I saw that kiss scene it for some reason made me think of My Fair Lady...or Gone With the Wind. TJ is Scarlett and ES is Rett. I can't survive till Saturday...omo...GROUP HUG INDEED!!!!
I have to repeat that YM looks stunning in the dress and the hair she has this surprising but captivating beauty about her. No one not even my lovely YEH could have pulled this role off the way she does. It stands out because she does.
I also wish there was an international forum or something so that us Non-Koreans could vote and have our voices heard about shows like this...aigoo what is up with people not seeing how amazing this show is. But like JB says it's like being in a secret club!!!
That GIF makes me want to vomit...sorry White Star...I am only for a TJ/ES kiss...but since TJ kissed HR it is only fair dry.gif
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35 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:29 AM
This drama is going to keep us guessing till the last moment...cause if they decide to go against the norm then TJ could lose ES to JH. Like someone said you don't always get second chances. For me I'm always like what did they do with the first one. I can actually see it happening like that. JH and ES end up falling in love with each other...like they heal each other's broken heart *gags* Or JH falls in love with ES and wants to be with her but she still loves TJ. I don't think though they are at the love stage yet...OMO I'm going crazy guys thinking about this show. What if TJ tries to forget ES and ends up falling for HR in a surprise kind of way. Like he made mistakes w/ES but he learns from them and ends up with HR *GAGS A MILLIONBILLION TIMES* I really want HR/JH together in the end...that this time they both fight for their love and not give it up. I totally want to see HR bawl...cry so hard she'll pass out. I want someone to end up in the hospital and then the other person confesses to them...I wanna hospital scene. I think TJ should end up in the hospital. Like what if he pretended to get hurt...and when ES comes running he's like I'm getting treated for a broken heart...God that would be so cute. I need to act out these scenes I come up with..that is why actors rule they get to work in fantasyland!!!!
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36 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:30 AM
it is so true and sad that we realize how important the people we had were only after we lose them. That is why it is so important not to have too many regrets in your life. Life wisely and love deeply is how I want to live my life...too many of us forget that love is priceless, I think that statement fits in well with the show. The only one who realizes this in my opinion is ES...to have love and be loved is the greatest wealth any of us can gain.
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37 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:31 AM
"This man can handle all women...but doesn't know how to handle this one."
She's not like ALL women...that being the man point...he knows how to care about women he doesn't care about..but when it comes to one that he does...he's completely flustered.
It seems that there is going to be A LOT of misunderstandings going on for a while.aigoo why is it that no one will be the bigger person? To me they are all acting childish in their own ways. I think a lot of the time in love we hurt more than we have to because we don't take time to listen to the unspoken words and thoughts of the other person. We feel that we are in the right and they are in the wrong so we don't see that maybe we both have things we need to work on. Love is such a complicated problem with so many solutions...you just have to figure out which one is the right one.
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38 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:33 AM
You guys I think I'm going to bawl...they had not one not two but THREE kisses... I have a feeling there will be more and I will continue to feel for TJ...God I think I would be in an immense amount of unbearable pain...but I think that was the shock that TJ needed to realize that he needs to be serious in his pursuit of ES...that she is a river of gold and if he want to swim in it he needs to be worthy of it.
Now he's going to realize that his actions need to replace his words...and he needs to PROVE...that he was an idiot to let her go and hopefully her pride will let her take him back. *edit* when I say her pride will let her take him back she'll realize that like before her feelings for him are more important than her pride. In love and in life too much or too little pride can be damaging. When we have too much pride we put ourselves at some unreachable level and watch the people we cherish walk away when we could have stopped them. When we have too little pride we allow ourselves to be used and mistreated. So there needs to be a balance. In love you have to give more than you get, and the same goes for life. I truly believe that if you really love a person you don't mind putting them first,they'll also be putting you first.
The problems with the characters are:
Pride (too much/too little)
Respect(for themselves and others)
Fear (to truly open their hearts, because no true love has never felt the sting of pain and hurt)
Communication(lack of it)
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39 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:35 AM
I can't remember who said it but it was like "Why am I so emotionally invested in this show?"
I keep asking myself why it tugs so much on my heart, and I don't think I have a definite answer for that..but it probably has something to do with the reality of the show. I mean we've all probably like someone we thought was to good for us, or liked someone our parents didn't approve of. We've all probably let our pride get in the way of pursuing someone or something. We've probably all been hurt by love. We've all probably cried for hours over someone who just didn't treat us right and ended up breaking our hearts(haven't had that yet...don't look forward to it...but who does). I think as you get older you realize the important things in life and you realize that love is only the foundation to a lasting relationship. It is the strongest and most stable foundation..but it is only a starting point. You need trust,respect, sensitivity. flexibility, responsibility, courage, understanding, and most of all communication (so many other things) that makes a relationship last and keeps the love flowing. I think that once these characters realize that love hurts, it is probably the most painful feeling, but it is also the most liberating and the happiest feeling we can have is love for our friends, family, and of course lovers. Once they move past that point and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...I think they can all have lasting relationships...need to stop flooding the thread check you guys out later!!!
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40 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:36 AM
This just popped into my head...TJ is actually dense and childish enough not to realize his own feelings...like when your a kid you think you really don't like this person when in actuality to really really like them..but you don't get it that you like them...so you end up doing repeatedly stupid things to them like putting gum in their hair..or in an adults case using words as their weapons of choice same affect is to hurt the other person. Cause you want a reaction from them...but you don't know why. TJ just doesn't know why? and that is the problem I think he needs to go and do some self-reflection. I think all the characters are thinking that their weaknesses make them strong...like in JH's case he thinks by ignoring HR and blah blah blah he is being strong but he's being weak. You don't run from confrontations and problems...I mean you can only run so far...you face them as best you can..so I think JH is weak.
Who do you guys think is the weakest? Why?
I'll get back to you on who I think it is in a bit...
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41 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:38 AM
WOW WOW AND WOWIE....reading everyone's thoughts on JH vs TJ...made me laugh, frown, and smile...ROFL...the things people said were funny like I think it was JAyhe with the punch through computer screen stuff. I repeat I love you guys and this thread!!! There were amazing comments from both sides...and I love how Ginnie is like the mediator and gives credit to opinions on both sides. Ginnie rocks so much for all she does!!! I'm probably embarrassing her.
Redcoral...who is saying stuff about who is the lead? Aren't they ALL leads...from how I watch it their is no main male/female. There doesn't seem to be side leads in my opinion. I can't imagine the show progressing without one of them They are all vital to the drama.
By the I thought we couldn't say things like jack***,or am I wrong because I've wanted to use it but I wasn't sure we could..so I just go with buttface!!!
In my opinion the weakest person is actually none other than HR...why you ask...well let me tell you why I think she is...everything she is doing up to this point is weak. I mean being that childish and immature at her age...by the way what are their ages? is just not the way she should have handled the situation. She should have held her own and been strong by herself without resorting to mind games and manipulation to win her battles..by the way did anyone else think her ep.8 wardrobe was lacking..like the dress she wore to the party? Continuing w/HR. This is what I would have liked to see her do....move on gracefully...but make herself irresistible to him to get him back. Don't give him the cold shoulder just be her normal self...the one he fell in love with in the first place.
Ginnie I love the whole knight in dented armor thing
Someone said something about not forgetting your first love doesn't mean you can't fall in love again and just as deep but in a different way. I agree with that statement. I've never been a big fan of this idea of first love...like is it your first taste of love...puppy love..yeah I just kinda don't get that...random point.
My main point is that JH doesn't love ES...ES doesn't love JH or TJ(she is getting there)..HR loves/loved JH. JH might be falling for ES(is it for real or is it to get over the past)..we'll just have to see. HR might be developing feelings for TJ...but I don't think TJ has any for her except maybe sympathy for some reason that I have yet to understand.
I feel like my post is a puzzle piece...lol
One last thing, I think that both TJ and JH has weaknesses, they are different in style but just as poignant and influential to each of their lives. In TJ's case his weakness is that he doesn't know how to use his heart...he knows it's there for a reason but he hasn't figured out why...he is jsut going through his life...but not really living. But then again I don't think any of them are REALLY living...instead they are just passing through the days..watching them pile up. As far as JH goes his biggest weakness to me is that he knows how to use his heart but he refuses by his own choice to not use it. I just feel that if he can give up on love so easily (yes I said easily because I think he didn't give it his all...he left when the going got tough..boohoo tears.gif, love isn't easy if it was then we could all love...I think all of them lack the courage it takes to risk themselves when it comes to love. Love is a risk without guarantees and it shouldn't be limited to worldly things like social status..and so on. But it is so true that we live in a world that forgets the essence of love and twists it to value those kind of things. Yes they might be important but in love I don't think they are relevant...well that is my two cents!!!
Thanks for the caps and spoilers everyone!!! Can someone tell me about the episode 9 preview I can't play that link!! Thanks!!
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42 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:43 AM
So I just finished everyone's posts and have lots to say...lol
First thing is the almost "rape scene" I haven't watched it but from what people are saying I understand that it is WRONG there is no denying it but here is my input.
Put yourselves in his shoes, again I repeat it was wrong, but if it was you and you were so enamored and frustrated mentally and physically because you wanted to be with this person so bad, your mind was filled with this person, you were in so much pain, just put yourself in this deeply complicated state. Your filled with this uncontrollable longing to be with someone who you pushed away and having them so close to you. Breathing them in but not being able to hold on to them...what would you do? I'm sure this is going to start a serious discussion, yes it was wrong but I can understand it. Would you guys have felt the same way if it had taken place somewhere else? How many k-dramas have you seen with the guy kissing the girl and she tries to push him away, have you also called that rape? I just feel that rape is too strong of a word and has too many implications. Yes there is no denying what and how he did, but the why to me needs to be taken into account. This is just my two cents on it, put yourself into both characters shoes and just take some time to think about it. I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of blah about what I just said but I am looking forward to hearing what you guys have to say, as long as you explain your point of view and get past the whole it is wrong idea. Can you really call that rape is my question? mellow.gif
Thanks to those who posted more caps/spoilers/links...can I ask that someone tell me the WHIB ending...I'm curious since it keeps getting mentioned. I also hope that this drama does not end like that movie that someone posted up sweatingbullets.gif, I think I'd just die at that moment. I think that this drama will not have a typical happy ending, because this is not a typical drama. I am looking forward to a unique and innovative ending. At this point I am not sure who will end up with who...there is a likely possibility that none of them will end up together in my book. Of course, you guys know who I am rooting for, but I want to see a lot of changes in each of the characters before this drama ends. I hope that this drama will not end in tragedy, and if it does not in the typical way of k-dramas. I think a tragedy is too typical, I don't want any of them to die or get sick or any crap like that. Even if they all go their separate ways I want it to be done with taste,style, and creativity. No matter the ending let it leave marks on our thoughts and footprints on our hearts!!!
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43 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:44 AM
I think that love is in the mind as well as eyes of the beholder...you know how people say a picture holds a thousand words..who's to say we all see the same thousand words? Love is seen is so many ways that I find it to be limitless. Love is without boundaries...it is human beings that choose or in some cases are forced to confine, cage, and limit it.
I also think that TJ is his own greatest enemy and biggest obstacle. Isn't that true for most people it is ourselves and our attitudes that shape how we live our lives. In 9/10 cases I'd say we all are our own greatest obstacles. But with that we have the power and ability to change that is we choose to.
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44 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 11:45 AM
dnak we are going to be in a corner for a while!!!lol...that is my point we know the what and how of the situation but we need to take a look at they why...
Also how can JH as ES to marry him that quickly...I think he is just trying to have a semblance of normalcy. I mean that is just way too quick..am I the only one that thinks that?
I have to commend all the actors for doing an incredibly fantastic job in making their characters come to life from the scripts. The realism in this drama is soooo wonderfully excellent. I hope that futre k-dramas will have the same standard and level of acting. Like JB said they have made acting into an "artistic expression"
Why is it that women always attack the "other woman" instead of the man..it makes me angry HR should have walloped TJ and not ES.
JAVABEANS did an excellent job discussing the uncomfortable subject of the almost "rape"...I am also sure that a lot of people might not watch it anymore after that happened...but I feel as a drama it should test the limits and go beyond the boundaries of the typikdrama
THought so...remember guys this is a drama and things happen beyond the realm of real life...so lets not get too upset or start taking sides in this he did battle...we all love the show..so lets just have fun like THE CONDUCTOR said and not get too riled up!!!
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45 javabeans
May 8, 2007 at 11:56 AM
tsunamiblues -- Reading all your comments from past episodes makes me remember how much I loved those prior episodes! Can't believe the series is winding down now. Time flies.
Great comments so far. Keep 'em coming! :)
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46 love
May 8, 2007 at 12:30 PM
I think the casting is very successful and very good. As the story goes my heart is aching with my sympathy to them.
I'm so interesting in Mun's playing these days and touched his great performance.
Thank you for the drama and all the people involved the drama and share the place to say this for me.
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47 Ericku
May 8, 2007 at 1:31 PM
Addict to QSS drama ... first.. because of Eric but than the storyline really drag my feeling in... I felt in love... sad... cry and upset too.
On the beginning episode... I like TJ character... so cool and EU is to cute, innocent and fragile... but comes to epi. 5 above... I feel I want to slap TJ a lot coz he treat EU badly .. And go to epi. 10 above.. I feel sorry and crying together with Tae Joo.
Beside the storyline... I like their costume... Is fit for each character person in this drama.
The scenery also beautiful...
Thanks JavaBeans for makes comments about Que Sera Sera Drama in detail and provide us with some photos and mp3 too.
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48 Emma
May 8, 2007 at 2:35 PM
To all the production people who wrote/worked on this show...This is one of the best korean drama I have ever seen...and I've seen quite a lot. I am half-korean, half-american. I don't speak the language yet i am hooked. Queserasera is one of those dramas i don't mind seeing over & over again. I will likely purchase it when it comes out on DVD here in the states. I am so looking forward to the dvd release so I can show my friends here in Cary, NC. This drama has a great story, great cast(not to mention very good looking), and great pacing. I am never bored and always waiting to see more. Javabeans did a great job summarizing each week. The soundtrack is awesome and mixes well with the storylines. The leading actor and actress are very competent. I am looking for more of their other dramas as well. They fit each other like a glove, even the supporting cast. Just awesome all around. Thank You for bringing us this great drama.
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49 tsunamiblues
May 8, 2007 at 4:02 PM
JB, it brought back memories for me too, I went through the first 130 pages of the QSS thread, and will go through the rest. I hope that the QSS cast will see how much this show has meant to all of us!!!!
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50 one of QSS fans
May 8, 2007 at 4:30 PM
To all respective people behind Que Sera Sera,
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!! N THANKS A MILLION for bringing this great-perfect drama for us to enjoy our spring
dont get upset seeing the low ratings coz theres a lot more people outside korea appreciating this great drama. Although i dont understand korean at all, i never missed watching it online from mbc streaming every weekend. and thanks to javabeans for all the summaries, at least i can understand what happpen through out each epsisode. u're the best, javabeans!
for me this drama is so unique, classic and different from typical kdrama.
i know maybe some people prefer to watch a fun going romantic-comedy drama. so thats why the other drama showing right now such as hello miss and witch yoo hee get higher ratings.
But to me, QSS is the best drama for this season, and one of the best kdrama i've ever watch. i dont have any comment about this drama coz for me its just soo perfect, with great plot, great cast and great script. i love the OSTs too.they suit their respective scenes really well. and i love how the writer of QSS was able to give such an unexpected ending for every episode which makes us left hanging and so looking forward for the next one. and being able to maintain that for every episode was such an amazing work from the writer. the storyline didnt drag at all!! u guys are so great and talented! Keep up the good work and we 'll surely looking forward for your next project! ^____^
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