Beanie level: Noble idiot

Not usually into kpop, but checked out BTS for first time today.Was surprised.They seem different,its like their songs have personality and its their own?They do stand out from the rest.Congrats ARMY!


    I really like their music. I don’t even know half of what they are singing about – the music and musicality of it all is enough to get you listening and hooked. I recommend checking out Save Me, Not Today, Fire and Spring Day thise songs kind of give you the two sides to their music, the soft vs the hard hitting.


    I also highly recommend House of Cards and the four Cyphers. Those will give you a great sense of the capabilities the vocal line and rap line have, respectively. 😀


      Sure will check them out!

      Thanks ! @umbrellaman @sunflowerdiva


      Okay am in love love love with House of Cards! Their voice together is so angelIic!! 😍 I feel so sad for not discovering their music earlier! And wings album was so good, didn’t expect all of them to have solos and all of them were different good! Does all kpop groups do this?


        Yes, House of Cards is one of my favorites! The Wings album was a big surprise — I don’t believe many groups give solos to each member, so BTS really did something special. Of the solos my favorite is Jimin’s Lie, but they’re all so good. I believe each member also wrote the lyrics to their individual song.


          I tagged you in my post!!
          Lie was also so good and Suga’s song on piano! Also Jungkook’s Begin. I cant pick favorites!!
          After 8 years in Hallyu-land, I have finally got the kpop bug I guess. I never felt this compelled to follow any group’s music before. And their albums are extremely well produced, each song is a surprise!

          Imagine my surprise when I was trying to find out which entertainment group they belong to(out of the big 3), only to find out they are not affiliated with any of the bigshots!


            Yes, the fact that BTS is from Big Hit and not one of the Big 3 — or even big labels (Cube, Pledis, etc) is another surprising fact! It shows that even the underdogs can make it big. But also that Big Hit trains their kids well, works with talented music producers, and has a mean marketing team. (Their marketing strategies are some of the best if I do say so myself. Utterly fascinating, utterly effective.)

            I got into K-pop before K-dramas, but only a little before. Since late 2014. I love BTS, they were a great gateway group to K-pop that I’ve followed since discovering them years ago. EXO is the group that got me hooked initially, and VIXX is my ultimate favorite group (I think VIXX is hugely underrated). I check out pretty much all K-pop artists nowadays (when I get around to it…), but I only really follow my few favorite groups. BTS is definitely one of them. I’m glad I helped to hook you on them even more!


So did I level because I did the survey? Or that has not happened yet? How do we know our beanie points? 😮


I finally levelled up! On this occasion, I present to you the noble idiot who broke my heart the most. Maybe he is just an idiot.
Stop smiling Jung Hwanie, am still mad at you! 🙍😔


I felt my heart crack when his voice went so low!


    this made my heart break …


    Cried my eyes out watching this scene… The first ever (and hopefully last) rom-com that ever made me cry this much T.T


      Haha you in kdramaland now! Tears and heart twists are customary. Don’t worry, it definitely won’t be your last,lol.

      Thought first ones will always be special.


        LOL Even after 15+ years of K-drama watching, I still never know what to expect XD


      I remember my first. To this date, I don’t understand why the hell I cried so much in coffee Prince!
      She was just going abroad to study not dying because of cancer. But me being the kdrama rookie at that time, didn’t know foreign travel separation by end is a cliche at that time 😂😂😂
      I saw Gong Yoo crying so much and the floodgates opened for me!


I have spent more than half a day hunting down all Urban Zakapa songs because of you @daydee !
They are wonderful! <3
Why are all of them so good to hear!!



    I’m glad you’re liking them 🙂


    Also, I swear this guy looks like so many different people from different angles – Nam Joohyuk, Seo Kangjoon, Bang Yongguk, Junho, Ji Soo…


      Yes when the song started, I got so excited thinking he is Nam Joo Hyuk!
      Am really finding new artists and songs through db fan wall. I have always never been able to get much of Korean music because the most popular ones are the typical kpop groups and I can never get interested in them!


        You may find you like the artists on the Mirrorball Music channel on YouTube


Good night beanies! My bed time keeps getting delayed everyday due to db fan wall, he he! Its already 3 am!


    Have a good night!


    Goodnight! I know exactly what you mean! I’ve been sleeping at the wee hours in the morning, too. It’s so bad. DB is a blessing and a curse. *Cries! … Checks DB some more*


I blame @yuelie and @azzo1

These two are love 😍


    But it’s not my fault…but if I’m responsible for more Nam Joo-hyuk…guilty as charge! lol


Whatever he does, my heart flutters! 😍
Is this love?


    He had some really great expressions on his face in that ep😛 he makes everything adorable though, seriously how?


      Maybe we are just blinded by his hotness 😛

      Am glad he is doing this drama before he leaves for military service.


        Think we might be but who even cares? He has the best puppy eyes ever✨

        Sameee, it’s fun seeing him in a role which is a little comedic- after seeing him as Bong Soo I wanted more😎


          Yeah no life or death stakes! And he looks healthier here, he looked tired all the time in K2 !

          Best puppy eyes!? I might have agreed with it if not for Park Hyung Shik. Throughout SWDBS, I felt like I was cheating on JCW and now I feel like am cheating on PHS! 😛 <3


            All those dark circles😪 Did you actually watch K2 till the end?

            Oooh dayum, how could I forget PHS- his puppy eyes are right up there! That’s hilarious though, Divyrus I never took you for a cheater *gasps*


            If am being completely honest to myself, PHS will win the contest. He just consistently amazed me in each and every scene! Even when the scenes do not focus him, his eyes will say everything! Maybe that was his character?

            Think we will know when he does his next drama! If its the character or the actor I fell for!

            And yeah I did watch K2, with a lot of fast forwarding. I was interested in Song Yoon Ha’s character, so it was not that difficult to finish. It was a very mediocre drama in end. Very few things worked and lot of them didnt work.


Okay thanks to all you beanies who promoted Tunnel! I do NOT regret my decision to binge watch it this week by being unproductive,lol. Totally worth it! 👏👏 can’t wait for finale!


    I am so glad u picked it up. I really am enjoying this show. It may not have had any huge revelations, most people guessed who was going to be who etc., but it does characters so well. There just is something very enjoyable about it. 😊


      Exactly. Its not the greatest mystery ever but the characters are so rich that you are ready to go along with them till the end!
      Its such a heartfelt drama!


        I am totally in love with the lead actress. Her emotions just reel you in. She cries – I cry. I am a fan of hers now for sure.


          Yeah ! She did such a great job with her character.
          I didn’t like her at start, was 100% sure she is a psycho. Then slowly you see different shades and she becomes relatable all of a sudden. Just a damaged and lost soul. I was so happy for her that she found her father. Knowing that she was cherished and loved.


            You totally see her vulnerability when she finally broke down in tears at the hospital and admitted she was scared. Everything till that point had been a sort of facade of strength. Who ever wrote her character did a great job of slowly developing her emotional growth. And that ending of last episode with the phones! Broke my heart. This show with its damned cliffhangers.


            Yeah that scene and the one where she finally found her mother’s pic. Something about that, the way she quietly realized who she is and who her parents are – it felt like she finally belonged. She was crying but it felt like she was finally free!


    I love this show and I’m so happy more people are picking it up just before the finale, Tunnel deserves all the love!


      Yes it does! Am glad it did so well in ratings too. I usually don’t go for thriller/mystery genre until people rave about it!
      So am happy I didn’t miss this show!


        And I’ve been raving about it since day 1! LOL!


    I’m so happy that Tunnel receives so much love. It’s such a well done show. Can’t wait for the finale too.


And should I stay off beanies wall posts while I catch up with Tunnel? Am I gonna find any big spoilers!?


    I can’t really remember if there are any major spoilers of Tunnel’s recent eps. But you’ve just started so I can tell you there are a few spoilers from the earlier episodes.
    So heed with caution. You have been warned…


Finally after all you beanies reviews everywhere, I started tunnel! 3 episodes in, I wonder why I didn’t start it before! I am hooked.


    i JUST made the decision to do this today, too. glad to hear its worth it!


    I feel so oddly proud for shamelessly promoting it everywhere. Glad that you like it. 😄


      @gadis Same, same! Hehehe. All the positive things we said about Tunnel has paid off! Welcome aboard the Tunnel, fellow Beanies!


Can I get some short drama special recommendations? I have seen only 3: Splish Splash love, Page Turner, Individualistic Ji Young. Am pretty sure there are ton of great ones out there that am missing!


    I’d love some too! Will keep checking this thread 😀


    KBS Drama Specials
    Red Teacher (Lee Donghwi & Jung Somin)
    Legendary Shuttle (Lee Jihoon)
    When I Was the Prettiest (Lee Jongsuk)
    Sirius (8 episodes – Park Hyungsik plays the main lead’s childhood part)


    I really liked Goho starry night it has 4 episodes.


    Holyland is good. Otherwise I’ve only seen Page Turner and Splish Splash Love.


    It’s a bit old, but check out MaBoy. It’s 3 episodes and stars Kim So Hyun. It’s the cute and fluffy kind. I liked it:)


    KBS Drama Special are generally good and you can watch then KBSWorld youtube channel.
    Baek Hee Has Returned (Kang Ye Won, Jin Ji Hee, Kim Sung Oh) : quirky/family/romance/4 eps
    The Sound Of Your Heart (Lee Kwang Soo, Jung So Min) is a webdrama (slice of life/comedy) but you can find the episodes compiled like for Gogh starry night.
    White Christmas (Baek Sung Hyun, Sung Joon, Lee Soo Hyuk, Kim Woo Bin) : psychological thriller/8 eps


    It’s a bit old, but if you need a good cry and/or want to see a younger Yeon Woo-jin and Yoo Da-in, try KBS Just an Ordinary Love Story (2014_4 eps).


I love this recap as much as I love this episode! 💓
They are a basket of puppies!


Finally saw last 6 episodes of TWY.And I have words.Angry words.I argued for you Show,I was on your side.I didn’t mind your depressing tone,but you ended up as stupid show! Good riddance! :-/ 🙁


    I finished it recently too and my thoughts were the same.

    Oh what it could have been


      I don’t mind plot holes or characters being stupid for sake of plot or to keep the suspense. But this went way way way overboard. When your entire series conflict is because Ma Rin stupidly jumped to a conclusion that everything would be alright if they broke up!
      That psycho would have embezzled money and sold off buildings, was not in love with her!

      *shakes fists*


        I’m with you, SJ didn’t actually change anything in the end did he? It was all down to her dad☹️


          I don’t get why would you get into the subway in first place. You could just have let the police do the job. It was just pointless for him to get stabbed.

          Even if I put up with all of it to get happy ending for our OTP, at end we find out that he still time travels! I mean why would you do that ! :-/
          I felt like there was a lot of character growth at start and then at end, it stopped and they never grew.


            Exactly, and why did he let her go home by herself? That made me pull my hair out, seriously.

            I stopped for ages and then forced myself to finish the last two episodes and it wasn’t really worth it tbh. It’s a shame bc I really enjoyed it to begin with


            Yeah how hard it was for both of them to go to police station together!

            Same for me too! I stopped after episode 10 because I did not get much time and wanted to see it properly. And finally picked it up and ended up feeling very much disappointed. Am glad they got their happy ending but the show sure made me feel by the end that they need to die just for being so consistently stupid. :-/

            I did love their martial life and relationship arc very much. Was so meaningful, subtle and intricate. And I felt even that stopped after the truth was out in the open.


This is one of my most favorite conversation post of JB and GF!They are super hilarious.I wish they make more plans to kidnap stars!


    Omo this is hilarious! How did you ever find it?? This was in 2011!!


      Haha I remembered this post all of a sudden when their old city hunter podcast came up in my old playlist! They both were squeeing so much ! All their conversation posts for city hunter were so much fun. They both were in extreme fan girl mode!


        Ahhh I miss City hunter era where everyone was under LMH’s spell !


        Haahhha…. they sure used to fangirl about him a lot! They don’t anymore though, right?Heirs kinda ruined him for everyone! I liked him in Legend of the Blue Sea though! But yeah, City Hunter was his best show!

        He was my second kdrama crush (very close to first because Kim Hyun Joong disappointed in the very next show I watched- so I think LMH could even qualify as a first crush in retrospect :P) but I don’t know why I just lost interest somewhere… I think I found other actors to fangirl about! And what is surprising is that I didn’t mind Heirs as much when I first watched it but later when I thought about it all I could remember was Park Shin Hye’s constant crying, LMH’s weird clothes, and an appreciation of Kim Woo Bin and his eyebrows! 😛


          Yeah, heirs ruined it for me too. His character was horrible. Those ridiculous grandma sweaters and shining lipstick did not do him any favors.

          He was my first kdrama crush. I saw him in Personal taste(which was my 3rd drama), I loved his character so much that I went into Boys over flowers the very next hour. That was my first hectic kdrama weekend, lol. I was so in love with him that I even sent him a postcard for his bday. 😛 I have not done so for anyone else before that or after.

          His stardom became so big that his shows are guaranteed to be a hit anyway. And I never could get into Legend of the Blue Sea mostly because of Jun Ji Hyun. I must be one of the few who never got the hype around her. LMH held his own though, no arguments on it. But still, I dont love him like that anymore 🙁

          This is why I get so sad when my favorite shows end and actors have to move on to next projects. Their charisma which we fell in love with may not appear in any other shows ever!


            I would someday really like to study why his stardom got just SOOOO big! Because while he is a good actor and good- looking, there are better actors around… I have a feeling it was all because of BoF- the gateway drug for many and Heirs- which is surprising cuz his City Hunter is way better than those shows..

            True about what you said about charisma being part of one particular role. I can see it happening with Ji Chang Wook cuz he seems to be fighting against his set image as ‘Healer’..


            yes yes, same with JCW. I am glad K2 was not such a train wreck. Whatever the show’s faults were, his character did not come off very worse.
            And which is why I am cautiously optimistic about Suspicious partner. I know I can love his character and him there but I want to be sure before I do!

            And am afraid on the same thing happening to Park Hyung Shik as well!


          Talking about Heirs? Can I join you with my rant? 😛
          It was my first time seeing Park Shin Hye and I really did not like her afterwards! As you say, all she did there was cry. I felt like she had no spine and just let everyone do anything they wanted.
          I don’t remember much about LMH’s notorious sweaters and since LMH was my bias back then, I didn’t really care for Kim Woo Bin. (How is that possible???) However, after seeing him on Uncontrollably Fond, I have become quite fond of him and I plan to rewatch Heirs someday just for him. (Maybe…)


            Oh it is weird but I love Park Shin Hye. Like absolutely adore her! I didn’t like her character in Heirs or in You Are Beautiful. But I loved her in Pinocchio (one of my favourite shows), Heartstrings, even to some extent in Flower Boy Next Door.. I loved the first two episodes of Doctors when she was all bad-ass!

            The only thing I am thankful to Heirs is for introducing me to the phenomenon that is Kim Woo Bin… he is just all kinds of wonderful and I don’t even know why because it’s not like he has done that many shows! 😛


            I have never disliked Park Shin Hye but I really did love her in Pinocchio. She is really beautiful and sexy, you can clearly see it in her photoshoots. But she often chooses these safe and goody girl type that gets her typecasted I guess.


          Count this as a reply to your comment on my comment about Heirs, since I couldn’t reply to yours anymore… 🙂
          I guess I didn’t get to clarify my current relationship with Park Shin Hye! I really didn’t like her after Heirs because of her whiny character, as I have already stated. This happens to me quite often even though I know the character is written that way, for example with Park Shi Yeon and Seo Hyo Rim – I can’t stand them anymore, because they almost always play those I-wanna-punch-you annoying second leads.
          But back to PSH. After that, I saw her in You’re Beautiful, where I think I liked her (?) but I don’t think I knew it was her until later on. (You know, at the beginning all the actors look kind of similar, and her hair was very different!) But she won me over in Heartstrings and I’ve loved her since then!
          She is something like LMH to me – the first one. My first favourite actress in Korean world. And I really liked her bad-ass character in Doctors too! I saw also Pinocchio and Flower Boy Next Door. So when it comes to PSH, count me in!
          I guess Kim Woo Bin has the looks and the charisma. And some good acting skills! I saw him only in Uncontrollably Fond, but I really like him and I plan to watch White Christmas someday. But well, I plan to watch a lot of dramas. 😛


            Hehehhe… I know exactly what you mean by her being the first favourite actress! I have seen almost all her shows (not the ones where she was a child actress) and she has this childlike charm to her that draws me in..

            For Kim Woo Bin, I would suggest you watch him in all his appearances in Running Man.. He is hilarious! And I think there was an episode where he came with Park Shin Hye for promotion of Heirs, one with Lee Jong Suk, one with Kang Ha Neul, 2 with Rain, and one with Lee Hyun Woo… So you have a lot of options to chose from! 😀


            You should watch School 2013. Thats where I fell in love with you with both Lee Jong Suk and Park Woo Bin!! <3

            And its one of my ever favorite dramas!


            How am I supposed to reply to these last-in-the-line comments? I hope you’ll notice this one…
            @obsessedmuch: I really enjoy Running Man, even though I haven’t seen all the episodes. I know he was on some episodes (you see, youtube keeps me posted) and will definitely check it out. However, right now episodes with EXO are at the top of my list, because I am a newborn k-pop fan, so… 😛
            And I guess I am not as hyped about Kim Woo Bin as I was right after finishing Uncontrollably Fond, which was a few months ago…
            @divyrus: When it comes to School 2013… I am very well aware of the rumoured awesomeness of this drama and of the famous Kim Woo Bin – Lee Jong Suk bromance, both on-screen and off-screen.
            However, now, please do not kill me, but I’ve never really liked Lee Jong Suk. No, more like I am in the process of accepting him. 🙂 I’ve seen him in quite a few dramas (Pinocchio, W, Prosecutor Princess,…) and I guess it largely depends on the colour of his hair. (I know, I know…) I really liked his hair in W.
            And I am slowly learning to like him. I guess I am much better now, I even watched I Can Hear Your Voice recently. So yeah, I might watch it soon. Now that I write about it, I see no reason to dislike him, so…


            You are replying at the exact right place!

            Hehe, I get what you mean about LJS. I saw him first in I hear your voice and just loved his puppy character. And through all his other works, he has never disappointed me. Few shows have been a miss, but it was never because of him. Am always sold on his romance(except doctor stranger) and he does have great kissing scenes all the time, lol. I do have a big soft spot for him.

            On School 2013 – its not just their bromance that pulled me. It was one of the best school stories I have watched. That desperation on how everything can end tomorrow – I have never felt that so acutely in another show. when you are so young and you can’t believe that sun will actually rise tomorrow as well. It pinched my heart in all the right ways. And by the end, I was just glad they are out of that tunnel and are able to see the light finally!


            Wow, that sounds so deep! You have definitely piqued my interest! But if it’s that good, I’ll save it for later, right now I should focus on school.
            My most favourite school drama this far is Sassy Go Go. I really loved it. I won’t elaborate, if you haven’t seen it yet, just watch it.
            Back to Lee Jong Suk… You are right about his kissing scenes. Now that I think about it, the handcuff kiss in W was… Just hot.


    Thanks for the tip!
    I wasn’t here at the time, so I had no idea about Lee Min Ho kidnapping plans. Had a good laugh!


      Yeah they both were fangirling too hard at that time! Who can blame them!? I still feel City Hunter time was when I was in love with LMH the most!


        Hey, I guess I would faint if I met Lee Min Ho in real life!
        Well, for me, since I am pretty new to dramaland, I had no idea who Lee Min Ho was at the City Hunter time, but my first drama was Boys Over Flowers, second one City Hunter and third one Heirs. And Faith came soon after.
        So yeah, he is like my first bias in Korean world.
        I have to say, though, that I was really disappointed with the ending of City Hunter back then, I guess I wanted more romance at the end? Today, I wouldn’t mind, I would even love it, but back then… I must have been too young for that kind of drama.


          Yeah City Hunter kind of lost a little bit of steam after episode 14. The stakes did not feel quite as high. And their romance really did deserve a proper closure. That was the first drama I live watched, and also the first one to see it without subs. I was so sad when they didnt even show them hugging each other or even a hand hold. But I guessed the final episode to be another victim of live shooting.

          Hehe that time I dont think dramas were very forward with romance. It was strongly influenced only by the big 3 stations and proper kisses were rare.


          The romance might have left open, but we know that more romance happened offscreen 😉
          Isn’t it what matters? 😛

          I still remember how sad I felt when they actually broke up!


            Yeah, that’s true. I just heard about it when they had already broken up. And now he’s dating Suzy…
            But it’s nice that their chemistry spilled over into real life. And some couples who met like that even got married, right? Like Ji Sung and Lee Bo Young or Eugene and Ki Tae Young. 🙂


            Yeah ! Am really hoping we will have another dating newsbreak for Park Hyung Shik and Park Bo Young! 😍


I had 0 expectations and am already in love with the characters! Good writing, great chemistry! Is it my love for JCW? Or is the show actually very promising!?
He is certainly hot though <3


Individualistic Ji Young is my much-needed-midweek therapy.I didn’t expect to cry so much.Not for the characters,for myself.This show has been my mirror!Note to self:
Life is to live. Not to give up!


I don’t really believe in shipping real people, but these two make it extremely difficult. Gahhhh, am dyingggg from cuteness ! 😍💏


    Sigh…these two…it was so cute when he switched chairs with her!!


      Oh yes, what a gentleman! *SWOONS*


        Yes yes ! He was blushing from start to finish! I feel almost bad for the guy. He looks hopelessly in love with her!


    Too cute!!! I love these two!!!😍😘


    they’re sooooo cute!!!! they are actually shy with their first kissing scene. they should really be together in real life. LOL


      Yeah ! I do get the crowd would have made them more embarrassed. That many people going ‘KISS KISS’ would have freaked anyone out. PHS face expression was gold! <3


Another beautiful song! Another beautiful beautiful video! By the end, I have a few tears.


This is a beautiful song! <3 <3 <3