Author: mary
  • 0

    Test SG VPN

    Test_14_07_33 VIU code inside geolocator: [geolocator_show for="SG"]Your browser does not support iframes.    [/geolocator_show] [geolocator_show for="SG"]Your browser does not support iframes.  &...

    Tags: , ,

  • 13

    Plain video code

    Location: [geolocator] New code from VIU: For PH geolocator: [geolocator_show for="PH"]Your browser does not support iframes.[/geolocator_show] For SG geolocator: [geolocator_show for="SG"] Your browser...

  • 8

    Scheduled Post Test

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon shank ham hock turkey, pig pork spare ribs swine frankfurter chuck fatback filet mignon. Bresaola ball tip tongue bacon meatloaf porchetta. Flank picanha filet mignon,...

  • 159

    [Staff Spotlight] Get to know mary

    Explain your username (and/or avatar). It's my real name! Fellow mary beanies will know the struggle of registering this username without having to add 3 letters, 25 special characters, and the...


  • 73

    Beans of Wisdom from under the sea

    This week in Beans of Wisdom... It may just be a preference thing, but I’d rather not have more tragic Little Mermaids in dramaland. So in comment #1 of “Jeon...


  • 69

    Beans of Wisdom: Blessings and curses

    [You may recognize mary’s name around these parts, since she's been a longtime reader, commenter, and Song Jae-rim's most prominent ambassador of appreciation -- and also frequent wise...
