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Kolorful Palette: The lady in the red backpack [Kill Me, Heal Me]
by Fanderay
Just when I thought Kill Me, Heal Me had nothing left to excite me, they throw in an unexpected twist! Well timed, Show (for the record, I'm talking about Episode 16...
Tags: Kill Me Heal Me, Kolorful Palette
Kolorful Palette: Pretty in pink [Shine or Go Crazy]
by Fanderay
I was hoping to catch up on four or five Shine or Go Crazy episodes this weekend, but somehow managed to watch ten and am now completely caught up. I'm...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Shine or Go Crazy
Kolorful Palette: Red wedding [Shine or Go Crazy]
by Fanderay
It's amazing what a difference a title can make. If I hadn't specifically been looking at historical dramas for the sake of drawing I don't think I ever would have...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Shine or Go Crazy
Kolorful Palette: Healed [Healer]
by Fanderay
Over the last year I've left so many dramas unfinished that it feels a bit surreal to enjoy one all the way through to its conclusion, and then feel that...
Tags: Healer, Kolorful Palette
Kolorful Palette: Split [Kill Me, Heal Me]
by Fanderay
I'm a huge Ji Sung fan, so I'm surprised I didn't watch Kill Me, Heal Me earlier. I think what I love about him is that he always gives layered...
Tags: Kill Me Heal Me, Kolorful Palette
Kolorful Palette: Perfect pair [Healer]
by Fanderay
I've been out of town for a few weeks, but I told myself very sternly that when I got back I would make sure to check out all the new...
Tags: Healer, Kolorful Palette
Kolorful Palette: Question & answer
by Fanderay
[For this weeks' Kolorful Palette post, we thought it would be illuminating to ask Fanderay about her artistic process in coming up with ideas for scenes to draw, and how...
Tags: Kolorful Palette
Kolorful Palette: Open and shut [Healer]
by Fanderay
Well who knew that a drama about a night courier getting caught up in a world of news and political intrigue would be so squee-worthy? I'm not sure I would...
Tags: Healer, Kolorful Palette
Kolorful Palette: Riches to rags [Maids]
by Fanderay
Initially I was hesitant to feature this drama due to the recent fire and the tragic loss of a staff member. I thought it might be disrespectful to discuss the...
Tags: Jung Yumi (2), Kolorful Palette, Maids
Kolorful Palette: Wishing you a cozy Christmas [Healer]
by Fanderay
Isn't it so great when a drama hits its stride? After a somewhat scattered premiere week I was actually rather surprised by how quickly all the characters and plotlines in...
Tags: Healer, Kolorful Palette