It begins. (I will reply to you all later. xox)


    Gosh! This looks perfect! Now I am suddenly nostalgic and hungry!


      Twas perfect. Twas great. More updates on TLAHL AFTER I’VE CAUGHT UP ALL TO ALL MY NOTIFS


    Are those two bowls of ramyun? Yum 😋 Are u breaking your Sunday tradition? 😆😆


      Nope! Not breaking it! We’ll still do Sunday Ramyun, but @burgundy is an exception because we’ve been talking about having a drama date for a while. 😛




    For some reason it really annoys me that each pair of chopsticks are not parallel to the other… O.o


    Wow. Beanies here have a serious bias for drama end of the year votes. What kind of ramen is that?


      I know right. Hahaha.
      Ahhh it’s Nong Shim, but I add my own stuff to it as well, like soy sauce, ginger, garlic and veges.


        I saw the pic of the pack you posted a little lower down after reading this. I actually really like that ramen. It’s a little bit like the cadillac of pack ramen. Had this, then I had Nissin ramen. It’s difficult to go back to Nissin. The quality of the noodles alone is so much better let alone the seasoning and dried veggies that come with it. Have you tried the black pack one? Have you ever tried adding Ajitsuke Tamago (seasoned boiled egg) to it? ? I wonder how this would taste with a little gochugaru. Ah jeeze, I need this in my life now.


          Ahahaha the cadillac of pack ramen, so true!! The quality of noodles is so good! Comparitively to other kinds of minute noodles in NZ… Shin just has way better noodles.
          Oh I forgot, I also add a boiled egg hehe. It’s not really seasoned though… maybe I should try that?? Still learning things about Ramen though. So I haven’t had the black pack yet… is it spicier?
          I sort of just make do with what I have, rather than make anything super official haha.
          HAHAHA Talking about ramen always makes me hungry!!


            I can’t remember it being any spicier–but then again I have a high tolerance for spicy food. I think I’m mixing them up though. How many spice packs does the red one have? I think the black one has three (3): two (2) soup bases and one (1) dried veggie pack. It’s creamier and I think the noodles are a bit different too.

            I absolutely love Ajitsuke Tamago. They’re so good, you can eat them by themselves. It’s Japanese though, but it’s a nice fusion.


          *does not* *have a high tolerance* *for spicy food* *unless she eats it really slowly over about an hour+ hehe*
          Oooooh two spice packs!? Now I MUST try. The red one only has one. But I have a 6 pk of that to use, so when that is finished, I will check out the black one.
          I haven’t really been brave enough to try other kinds… there are so many kinds and I wouldn’t even know where to start but now I do. So thank you haha

          I just looked up the recipe for Ajitsuke Tamago. My brother bought mirin the other day… so this is something I could actually do. I just need sake though. That’s probably expensive here.
          Pffft Ramen is Japanese originally I believe. Ramyun is just the Korean version. Although I just looked it up and some people think it might be Chinese in origin so it’s basically fusion already 😛


            I’m such an idiot. I was replying to your post and then got a msg that I posted too many links. Argh. I should have copied my post before posting it. Oh well. I’ll have to post the links separately. So, I think I posted something to the effect of:

            I love food! lol. I think you’re right on the Ramyun being influenced by Japanese Ramen. China and Europe have influenced much of Asian cooking I think. Jajangmyeon has Chinese influence. The really fancy versions of Omurice is a french omelette over rice, although I’ve never seen the same version in Korean cooking–it’s more a crepe-like omelette.

            Sake is not all that necessary to make Tamago. You can make Shoyu Tamago which I love. The recipe will be in the reply below this. The only problem with that recipe is that it calls for a good amount of mirin. Speaking of mirin, be careful of the one you use. Some of them are pretty much glorified sugar water. I’ll include a link describing the difference between aji and hon mirin. Hopefully your brother got the latter. I’ve been told a good brand to use is Eden–I’ve used it myself. Either way, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem with the mirin you use.

            I hope you can try it. Let me know how it turns out if you do. Happy cooking/experimenting!


            The Shoyu Tamago recipe:


            The difference between Aji and Hon Mirin:


            Also forgot to say, I really don’t like the Nongshim Shin Big Bowl Ramyun, although I don’t know why it got so many good reviews on Amazon. The reason I don’t like it is because the noodles aren’t good. You should still try one if ever given the opportunity just to see though.


          Ahhh yes pesky thing only lets you post one link per comment. I guess to avoid spam? *shrugs*
          I learnt the hard way to try and copy every post I make before posting… I think I typed up a full 3000 character thing and then it said “inappropriate word”… I had to make an entire separate post to try and figure out what the word was hahaha. That being said I should copy more often O.o

          Hahaha! I noticed! Actually you seem to comment a lot on food related things! hehe
          Jajangmyeon does indeed. I once read a fascinating argument somewhere about whether it was Chinese or Korean… I think they concluded it was ‘Korean Chinese’ aren’t they just geniuses? hahaha

          I love people like you. You make my life a lot easier and I get to learn new things along the way hahaha Thanks for the recipe and tips!
          I just went and checked and it is ‘Takara Hon Mirin’ so yay, the good one. I think Takara is the brand? But I can’t read Japanese so I don’t know for sure *shrugs* I don’t know where you live but I wouldn’t be surprised if NZ (where I am) has different imported brands to you guys (wherever you are).

          Because we all like different things and have different tastes buds? And just because something is popular doesn’t mean one will like it haha.
          I haven’t had it although I do believe it is available at our local Asian supermarket so I will definitely try it out at some point.

          And for sure will post my Asian cooking adventures on here! Do you just really like food hence why you know so much about it or have you like, studied it or something?


            According to the internet, looks like you got some really good mirin there. I’m a bit jealous now. Yeah, Takara seems to be the brand name. I live in the Americas, so we don’t get too much of the good stuff, at least where I’m at, or it’s really difficult to find.

            I just like all things food. For the past year or so I’ve been really into Asian cooking. I sometimes make my own ramen from scratch (Shio, Shoyu, and Miso–I don’t like Tonkatsu very much, or at least the one I made), oyakodon, kimchi, many different kinds of fried rice, samgyeopsal-gui, fried chicken (치킨 and karaage) etc. Wish I could make a really good Pho Bo, but I tend to have to settle for Pho Ga at home. 😞 I’m going to try to make Jajangmyeon for the first time tomorrow. Hope it comes out good.


          Welp… we just picked it off the international shelf at our supermarket hahaha
          Ah. Lame :/ Any Asian marts near you?

          치~~~킨~~~ hahaha. That’s awesome though. I’m a lil’ jealous. I want to learn more about Asain cooking, and have been meaning to try more… but haven’t yet. You sound like you’re living the dream!
          Wooot! Did you try it??? How did it turn out?!?!


    Your ramen photos made me crave it..the look I got in the plane when I ask the flight attendant if they have ramen was priceless.


      HAHAHAHA were you on a plane when you saw this? That’s fantastic.


        Saw it before boarding…luckily they had ramen on board, I enjoyed my meal 😋


    Omg this teaser is the CUTEST teaser in the history of Dramaland teasers! <3333


    Perfect photo! That’s A LOT of ramen, though! Hahaha. Yum.


      It was two packets… so one each, topped up with veggies… so the perfect about really hehe




        Sounds delicious! Will have to take a food x K-drama photo like this one day, too! Probably ramen, too. Hee. Your posts are now making me crave both ramen and Melona pops!


          It was!! And yes! Let’s start a trend!
          Hahahaha…. sorrynotsorry


            Yes, *puts on sunglasses and gives you a pair, too* Let’s be… TREND SETTERS. *struts*


          Ahhh yes! *dons them fabulously*
          Tis a past time of mine already (Not really, I’d just like to think it is pffft)… although really it’s never up to us to make a trend…


            Oh, it’s definitely been around forever now, but hey, it’ll be a trend here on DB, since you don’t really see a lot of Beanies post about their rl much. I told my sister I wanted to post a pic like you here, and she was like, “you did, with Goblin at Subway,” and I was like, “Oh yeah!” Haha. But definitely wanna take more food x K-drama pics, though, since it happens more often than not. Also, it’s like, the perfect combo.


          Lol well yeah… I meant more on DB hehehe.
          I mean, mukbang is a thing so… 😛
          No they don’t really! But that’s understandble, they come here for kdrama, and some people are quite private about that kind of thing and that’s fine.
          However, you get a lot of cool stories on the OT!
          Oooooh you did??? I don’t know if I saw that one… *tries to remember*
          You can tell your sister that I’m replying to all your comments whilst listening to BTS’ new album… 😛
          So much so. Food + Kdrama is ♥


            Omg, mukbangs… that’s very much a thing, yes. A big thing! Idk how some of these people can EAT ALL THAT FOOD in one sitting. Oh wait, I know–$$$. Ha.

            I enjoy the majority of the Beanies’ posts, whether it be of their rl, the shows they’re watching, and/or the music they’re listening to. I do a li’l bit of everything, as you can see. Whatever I’m comfortable enough to share.
            I’ve been so bad with participating in the main part of the site nowadays, but I love that there are many stories shared on OT Fridays!

            Hmm… you probably didn’t, because I don’t remember talking to you on that post… unless you saw it and didn’t comment. Haha. I’ll try to find it later and share it with you!

            Yeah? I’ll let her know! She told me her friend at school today was all like, “Omg, they dropped their album,” and she was just like, “That’s great, but gurl, I’ma sleep first.” She said she needs sleep and will check ’em out afterwards. Lol. She said she doesn’t feel the need to “be the first.” She’s become a much more relaxed and calming Army, that girl. Or maybe it’s just the lack of sleep. She’ll probably be yappin’ about ’em later once she sees/hears it.


          $$$$ and they probably condition themselves to be able to do that haha

          It contributes to the real community feel, and since it’s part of the site, nobody gets antsy about it not being on topic or whatever, like DB has made that space where anything is acceptable to talk about almost and I like that.

          Mmm no I don’t remember either. Please link 😀 if you can find it 😀

          Hahahahaha that’s probably a good thing that she’s calmer! (maybe) Funnily enough I was there within the first 15 seconds and 11 views, but Korean comebacks post at my 9PM which is a totally reasonable hour to be on YT watching things. If it was still 2AM, and I had school or work and didn’t have time to listen, I am perfectly capable of waiting when necessary haha.
