I did it!! (I think)


    Hahaha! Why the speed of light & why roman numerals?!


      Ugh… the thought process behind it is a little weird.
      So I was thinking about tattoos, and how lots of them involved dates and RN, and how one of the tattoos I would get if I had to get one involves the speed of light, and then I was thinking how just 299 792 458 would make a pretty cool tattoo, and then I was like ‘why not that in RN… what IS that in RN? is that possible?’ and then voila.

      Why the speed of light? It’s such a fascinating constant, mathematically, scientifically, and light in general is frakking weird and amazing and interesting, both symbolically, religiously, and astronomically… so yeah. 😀


        NERD ALERT

        (I’ll reply to that other comment when I reach home in the evening… by which time u will be asleep.. so tomorrow for u..)


          Dat me 😛 😛 😛


            Woaahh! u actually managed to follow that stream of thought! high level nerd skills indeed! 🙂
            #ProudToBeANerd 😉


          Reading this again.. I sound bitchy! But this was me adding our conversation about nerdiness to this one and now I am explaining but I know I don’t need to explain it to you but I still thought I should!


            Lol wat no you don’t and didn’t at all don’t worry hahaha
            It’s all true… and you mean it in a good way so no you don’t really need to explain it hahahaha


      Hahaha I may spend a lot of my time thinking about how I think… that might be why. 😛
      #ProudToBeANerdAlso 😉


    👏👏👏 You are the epitome of human evolution.


    Hella cool, I say. My husband wants a QR code tattoo that goes to an actual website, but that’s all I can say…


      Hahahaha cool idea actually. Although now I’m way too curious for my own good considering you can’t say more… 😛


      Hahaha! Makes me so curious too! Must a be a real special website! Lol


    Comment was deleted


    And now in… Babylonian! *starts fan-chant* Do it! Do it!! DO IT! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!! 😛


      Upvoting… 😂 And waiting with bated breath 😆


        … I hate you all because you KNOW I’m gonna go try and figure this out now.


        Replying to your thing bellow so you get the notif!
        Heyyy! Yay! hIGH fIVE for that weird thing in common! haha
        Aww man, when work is quiet… often all I do is sit at the front desk and read up on random things on Wikipedia.
        Sometimes it’s research for writing (like fluid dynamics) sometimes it’s just cos I’m bored or for interest sake’s (the difference between yen, won, yuan) … language sprees is a bit of both hehe.
        Hahaha no it’s not a book, and I’m aware it’s not a super accurate source, considering how easily it can be edited. But yeah, we’re not doing exams on it, and for general, quick knowledge (specifically regarding things not likely to incite an edit war) it’s ok.
        #ProudToBeANerd < is this gonna become a trending hashtag on my posts or something? hahah


          Me – when someone says something I don’t know, I wiki it. Or random things come on my mind I can’t sleep til its answered.

          I am up for #ProudToBeANerd coming a trending thing. 😂 Now, if only we have a way to filter hastags here, it would be perfect. 😂


            Hehehe same. People are like ‘I don’t know this THING!’ and I have to help them and I;m like ‘I don’t know the thing either but you know what I do know? How to google really well…’ haha

            Yeah if only! Hahaha I don’t even really like hashtags, but I have to use them for instagram, and when they’re used ironically they’re funny. I prefer their actual name too, octothorpe. BUT! I’d make an exception for something like this haha.


            Sameee! People ask me all the time about health and sickness (I’m biology major) but hello, I’m not a doctor and my major is actually Biotech but they ask me all these stuff and I read on it and I even prepared a diet plan for my friends. Like, y’know you can google the stuff yourself.. but that’s what friends are for.
            Thank you for introducing this word to me: octothorpe. I super love. I’m thinking of ways to insert it in normal conversation. Hmm.


            Hahahahaha! I work at a library so I’ve had to try and find a book off like… 3 words not even related to the book itself, and a mispronounced last name… that’s always fun hehe.
            Ooooooh Biotech. Is it as cool and sci-fi-ey as it sounds?

            Hhehehe you’re welcome! Just use #octothorpe, or instead of using the symbol just be like ‘Octothorpe Proud To Be Nerd’ 😛 😛 😛


            Wow my first-ever dream was to work in a library, surrounded by books 😲
            It sounds cool and sci-fi-ey when people ask what I studied and there are times it is like that but nah, most of the time its watching in microscope
            for something different to happen like astronomers looking at the sky tryna discover new heavenly bodies. (Side note: I studied astronomy too. And sometimes I wished I majored in that instead 😢)


            It’s pretty cool. I could complain about things about it… but let’s not. Books books books yis books.

            Hehehehe… so it has it’s boring sides as well, like most things 😛 Unless you don’t mind looking into a microscope a lot.
            Waaaahhh astronomy too! So cool. Astronomy is on the list of things I want to study, but down the bottom because I don’t know if I’m smart enough. :/


            Astronomy.. You just have to be curious enough. There are an insane amount of things to study. Plus astronomy books are always gorgeous with rich colors and dreamy photographs. 😊 But I’m the kind who gets distracted and checks on the origin of each heavenly bodies name that I end up reading Roman and Greek mythology too 😂


            Well in that case… I will remain hopeful! Not that I’d study it sooner though… Linguistics and Entomology are still more likely hehe.

            Ahhhh yes ‘NH 2335-H001-657’ I wonder where that name comes from… kekeke (that’s not actually a star, I just made that up on the spot) 😛
            In all seriousness though, that would be me also… maybe you should’ve taken Classics instead of or as well as Astronomy? hehe


            By names I meant proper names like Sirius and others (very interesting mythology stories btw) but the one you mean are stars names acc to their positions (easier to track for astronomers)
            These days start with RA and Dec – Right Ascension and Declination, which are basically like latitude and longitude in the sky.
            I remember when YFAS aired Do Minjoon’s star was mentioned (don’t remember the name) but I checked it and it was a legit star


            I knoooooow you meant that! And I know why they use it hahahaha I was just teasing! lol
            And yes, Greek mythology is super interesting, and I myself have got lost in Wikipedia by star names hehe.

            I literally just put random letters and numbers together, I didn’t look it up haha, but thank you for the lesson in star naming hehe.

            Awww 진짜??? That’s really cool. Actually for some reason I feel like I knew that… still cool though.


      Hee.. this NEEDS to be done!
      *joining fan chant*
      Do it! Do it!! DO IT! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!!


        … I hate you all because you KNOW I’m gonna go try and figure this out now.


      Ba-by-… why… Why that one KAYBEE?!
      … I hate you all because you KNOW I’m gonna go try and figure this out now.

      However. For your information. Just so you know what you’re getting into.
      Bababyonians spoke an ancient form of Akkadian, which looks like THIS: ????
      and is an extinct East Semitic language and I do not speak or know pretty much anything about extinct East Semitic languages… but by the end of today… who knows.


        I should’ve considered the fact that you obviously is going to do that when I mention it, eep, sorry o.O (not being sarcastic in any way here, hope I didn’t make you feel stressed or anything! You know, it’s okay to not try and figure it out, I was just being silly lol 🙈)

        I know lol, I actually did a school project on it once, pretty sure I even still have it somewhere in the attic 😂 I’d be pretty freaking impressed if you suddenly spoke to me in Babylonian tomorrow! But also slightly suspicious that you’d have already started learning it in secret years ago, just for today. But then you actually being able to foresee this day would be even more impressive!


          (I know you were being silly hehehe it’s okay I’m not stressed I just see it as more of a personal challenge now. And also I actually love spending hours reading about languages on Wikipedia. It’s one of my past times. When I say “I hate” I don’t actually hate any of you, I’m just reacting on purpose hahaha)

          You did?? That’s so cool hahaha. I did wonder why you randomly just said ‘Babylonian’ out of nowhere haha.
          Aieeeeee no I’m not that smart kekekekeke.
          That would’ve been impressive! To forsee kdramas in my life at all is impressive since in high school I wasn’t interested in Korea at all! hahaha


            (I’m glad! I thought it was probably just that, but I tend to be very overly cautious, especially online. I’d hate to accidentally stress other people or something 🙊)

            We had to write a group report about various other numeral systems, including that one heh. And also, I find really ancient culture fascinating. Like Gilgamesh and such. It’s so interesting.

            That’s what I’m saying! I’m sort of disappointed to know that’s not the case 😛 Or maybe more relieved cuz it’d be kinda freaky o.O


            Glad to know I’m not the only one reading languages on Wikipedia. But mostly I read up on really random things like schizophrenia and life of criminals. And then my friend told me to not consider Wiki as a book, but hey, y’know I’m not reading it so I can answer an exam later. Like DUH. 😂


          (:D Fair enough. I’m pretty chill when it comes to that kind of thing. I think. If I stress, it’s because of me, not because of another person. If I can’t get round to doing something, then I can’t, and I’m trying to worry about that sort of thing less, because it doesn’t solve anything.
          To be honest, the drawing requests I got myself into are more annoying, but as long as people know that I have a lot of drawing and lyfe things going on, and that unpaid doodles is not priority it’s fine. Beanies are pretty good like that. I think)

          Oooooh cool. Do you remember much about it?
          Uhm. Same. The older the better. Like, screw the Vietnam War, High School, why can’t I learn about Neolithic Ireland?
          Although I get sad sometimes because there’s so much that ISN’T recorded. Like pre-Swedish Empire there’s next to no information on Finland. Which makes sense, because they were probably a mostly oral history and story telling culture, probably tribal too, so they wrote nothing down. But still.

          Hahahahaha! Sorry I’m not a fortuneteller and don’t have premonition dreams… It would be a bit freaky yes.


            (Aw okay, that’s good! :D)

            Errr… Tbh? No 😛 We had something about binary (which isn’t a numeral system though, as such? and then RN and BN.
            I’m just miffed we never got a proper timeline for where everyone in the world was at certain points. Like “oh guess what kids, at the time we were throwing rocks and living in caves, China was doing THIS”, y’know, that sorta stuff. I so want an entire timeline for all the major events in AT LEAST the major cultures, especially the ancient ones, but also up until like the 1950s or something. It’s not easy to find though. Instead we got to learn about the two world wars. Especially the 2nd. Again. And again. And again. And again O.O Oh, and vikings. Cuz we can’t be Danes and not know about the vikings, right? 😛
            I GET U. So many things lost. Even just family history I sometimes get sad it’s not really written down.

            Would probably be most freaky for you lol 😛


          Ah Binary. I don’t know binary but I suppose I could learn (having just done a crash course in Babylonian haha)

          Oh same. I’ve found some info graphic timelines for them online, but they tend to be inaccurate in someway, or forget some culture because it’s not “important enough” or have no idea how the history of language works.

          Although have you seen the ‘History of Japan’ and ‘history of the world’ youtube videos? The world one is just highlights? I guess? And from a evolutionists POV, but it’s really funny. The Japan one is great, and I hope the guy makes them for more countries.

          Oh I know! Like I get it, WWII is and was significant, and there’s some really interesting stuff in it that isn’t usually talked about in history classes, but THERE’S SO MUCH OTHER STUFF.
          Hahahaha! Well at least that would’ve been sort of interesting? We didn’t get to learn about the vikings so… (although viking is a verb but anyway). And ofc, America should so they know Christopher Columbus WASN’T the first European to their continent. Moving on…

          RIGHT! I’m so thankful that China wrote things down, and therefore early Korea (at least starting at BC/AD shift) wrote things down.

          Hahahaha… true dat.


      I did it… I think.
