THAT IS SUCH A LOW BLOW HEO IM 😡😡😱, but I understand they both are hurting


    That was so painful to watch, and as much as I love Heo Im and give him a wide leeway because of what has been done to him, that was unacceptable. It was painful.


      It was a low blow, but, as messed up as it was, she needs to try to address that issue. It could possibly really affect her job as a doctor in the future.


    But honestly, how did she even became a doctor if she starts trembling every time she sees car accident’s victims?
    It is Korea, the country of Sake and drinking culture, I am sure 40% of their patients are from car accidents.


      I believe after she met Heo Im, she is starting to remember about her own motorbike accident when she was little, I think the memory of it was too painful for her that she surpressed it and now it comes back and it makes her hand trembling.
      She did not experienced it in her early years of being a doctor


        I watched first seven episodes of this drama and she had those moments for nearly every episode. Even if she didn’t had it in the beginning of her career she still should have worked on solving this issue (If I remember correctly she told her friend/psychiatrist that this problem returned).
        I even remember how she tried to operate (CUT someone) when her hands were trembling. Heo Im helped her at that time, so I would say he has all the rights to call her on her incompetence.
