I feel betrayed–this entire time I’ve thought Reunited Worlds was only going to be 16 (32) episodes long… I was wrong.


    Wait…are there more? Or less? I’m not sure what I want the answer to be,


      It turns out there are 20(40).


        I have lost interest in this show. I don’t remember anyones names. When I started watching I wasn’t sure if I was in it for the super smile (and hugs! He looks like an excellent hugger.) of the main character or because I actually liked the show. The feeling is wearing off. And it seems like we’re getting fewer supersmiles because they want to focus on the mystery. I don’t care about the mystery.
        I was watching on Viki via roku and as far as I can tell roku doesn’t show you whether or not a show is subbed and I was half way through the newest ep and realized that I didn’t know what was going on. A) because I wasn’t paying attention and 2) because it was only 50% subbed (I looked online). I sat and tried to figure out what about this show I care about: the sister and the friend? Eh. Their cute but whatever. The sick little sister? Nope. Douchey doctor? Nope. Extra cute little brother who my lose custody of his daughter? YES. But….eh. it’ll be fine. Awkward and lonely Chef? Eh. (they described him as this tall skinny pale guy with a small face! I think I’d be insulted. I may have commented this before). Main couple? NOPE. Ho Bang and Jin Joo? HECK YES. They are adorable, precious, scene stealers and I want to watch them interact all day everyday forever.

        So…thats how I’m hanging in there.


    I already thought it would have been better as 12. Then I realised it was 20.


      Right? I’m going on a mission for my Church in a few weeks and thought I’d be able to finish one last drama before I left, so I was hanging on even though it’s kinda… eh now. But since there’s 20 episodes I can’t anymore! Aaaah my time feels wasted. :/ better luck next time I guess.


        I haven’t watched this week’s episodes and I’m away next week so I’ll see how I feel after that.


        Thats so cool @cozybooks. Where are you going? If you don’t mind my asking.


          Comment was deleted


            Korea? Oh wow! Maybe you’ll bump into an idol or two and tell them about your church. 🙂 And all those other people waiting for your message, I’m sure. Good luck!


            Thanks! I’m super excited. ^^ I don’t want to spread it around too much online though, just for safety reasons. Would you mind maybe deleting your comment too, so it’s not just out there? 😛 sorry if I seem a little paranoid, just wanna be safe. ^^
