Now, this was a travesty! Omma!! Come back with the bag full of kimchi and other Korean sustenance! I’m overworked, eating stale bread! If my mom did this to me, I’d never speak to her either.


    You wouldn’t talk to your mom if she brought you this much food? 🙁 Could you explain what you mean?
    I was so touched by this little side story. Watching the mom and her love for the selfish rude daughter, my heart totally went out to her.


      Did she leave the food? I haven’t finished the episode–taking care of 5 kids this weekend! This was the last thing I saw.


      I was too curious, so made an excuse and watched the rest of this episode. So, she didn’t leave the food! And then she has a heart attack? Why didn’t she leave the food, give it to her daughter–at least put it in the break room? So, some glaring common sense things, not even medical inaccuracies (although I saw no less than a half dozen of these) that should have happened that didn’t. Any mother would have left the food—especially after seeing their daughter not eating well. (Maybe I just feel too strongly about Korean food and kimchi. 😳) You really have no idea how upset I was she didn’t give her the food! The daughter is a brat, though, I agree. But I sympathize with her too—overworked, probably stayed up all night taking her chief’s shift—but I keep coming back to the food. 😂


        She even went through the trouble of following her daughter all the way to the lunch area/cafeteria. In my head I was like, just give it to her even if she gives you lip! But then I thought, yeah, this needed to play out that way to get her out of the hospital. Will/have you watch(ed) ep 2?


          No going to tonight. Busy weekend! I don’t know if I can keep up with his one and The King Loves! Two live shows is the limit for me.


            Yup, it’s pretty tough to juggle multiple live shows. I wouldn’t put this on the front burner though, at least no yet.


        Hahaha. I can sense how hard it might be handling the children. My sister has two and watching them is like managing tornadoes. 😜😅 ABout mom, oh yeah she didn’t leave the food with her. I guess she was too upset and I felt it was natural since the daughter was so rude with her. She didn’t even let mom finish her sentence and it must have hurt her a lot. I guess mom didn’t leave the food since the doctor told her never to come to her workplace with patients and her word choices were a bit harsh. :'( Haha, I didn’t honestly think of the food until you mentioned it. I was so angry with the doctor at that time, that her food choice didn’t catch my attention :P. Probably what I felt was that she has enough money to buy whatever food she likes, so serves her right. But lol yeah, I was being biased towards mom of course. 😄


          I just wrote an essay on why food is so important to us doctors on the recap, so yeah, I might have an unhealthy preoccupation with food! ?
