Oh look! A b-day cake! *just imagine I’m Hongki and that Muchie is Dindin* *and yes I will trick Muchie into buying you an expensive gift too* *but not underpants tho*
#Sicarius’Bday #ObsessedBee


    LMAO 😛
    *ready to be tricked*
    *underpants it is though*


    Pffffffahaha oh the shade… Ah thanks, I appreciate it. Although hey, I wouldn’t complain if I got expensive underwear… Good underwear is hard to find ye ken.


    Hello.. are you okay? You haven’t been online for a while now and I am getting a lil worried! Hope it is just the new semester keeping you busy. Take care kaybeeee <3


      Hiiii! So sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you 🙁 I sort of wrote an explanation on the party planning thread, didn’t think about how you didn’t get a notification since I wrote something in reply to sic and so sorry!
      But yes, it’s also partly just the new semester keeping me super busy too.

      Hope you’re doing well?? *big hugs* (and thank you so much for asking if I’m okay <3)


        You are here!!! I am so happy that you are okay! We missed you a LOT! Are you okay now? How are you dealing with the new sem? Was there something else bothering you? (I will go check that party thread later) Have you found a way to deal with whatever it was?

        I know, so many questions! I just got excited seeing 8 notifications and knowing that it would only happen if u were back! I wake up to 2-3 from Sic- if it’s more than that, has to be you 😛

        I didn’t check that thread after Sic went crazy replying to many things! 😛 You must have received a lot of notifications from there!

        I am doing well, yes. *hugs you back* (but ofcourse I had to! <3)


          Not really okay, but it’d probably be weird if I was right now, but I’ll be fine again, just need a little time.

          Hehe, sorrynotsorry 😛

          Oh I definitely got a lot of notifs from that thread lmao. It was a lot of fun to read kkk. Just didn’t have the energy to reply back to it all.

          Glad you’re doing well! How are those Spanish(right?) courses coming along?


            Fair enough… *hugs you for lack of better things to do*

            Hee… of course! 😀
            ^^ Fair enough! You don’t need to reply to everything! Nothing was that important..

            I finished a level.. enrolling myself for the next one.. I am thinking of starting personal coaching classes for students who have Spanish at school level.. I know enough to teach the school kids because their syllabus is pretty basic.. At least I will have something to do while i wait for my next exams/results etc..


          Oohh congrats! That sounds exciting and fun! 😃
