The genre-mix. It’s crazy and awesome and crazy awesome. I just LOVE that this is the work of someone who started out as a ballad idol. Way to break out of the box *Goliath-size thumbs up*


    He composed this?? But i thought he was just a singer! I mean I haven’t really checked out much of his work- just few variety stuff and Marriage Not Dating!


      He plays at least drums, guitar and piano (and bass?) and as far as I know all of his solo stuff is self composed, at least I know for certain that his first ones from 2011 are. He’s got a really high IQ, he’s super athletic, musically talented (even if he’s not a technically great singer (yet)), funny, handsome, taller than me and seriously the world is not fair, where are guys like this hiding?!?! 😭?😛

      Have you seen his WGM yet?


        Someone is crushing on him super hard 😉

        I knew about the super athletic, funny, tall and handsome part but didn’t know about the others much! 😀

        Yup I did.. I mean, I started it and saw the end and many episodes in between.. might have skipped a few episodes as I used to watch it on YT and some episodes were always missing.. Oooh and now I am remembering random parts from it and feel like going back and watching it.. I have even seen him as part of the panel on WGM- with very bad hair might I add :P.. And I still remember that lady on that one episode of Maknae Rebellion.. She just looked at him and ignored others! He does have that cocky, sexually attractive thing going on! 😉


          Well at least I’m in complete awe at his many talents and plus-sides lol, even though I obviously know he’s got flaws like any other person, that’s just quite a lot for just one person! I never meet people like that lol, so I’m just amazed that such a person exists 😛

          Ahhh you should totally go watch the whole thing! It’s so funny how she’s the noona (on WGM), but he’s totally got the upperhand in the relationship lol, he’s got some mad player-skills hahaha 😛
          And now I wanna go rewatch Idol Makbanshi lol. Him, Mir and Seunghyun were just gold and then the Shinee eps and Yoo Se Yoon, argh, wish it was still ongoing or had more eps at least. It could actually be really fun to see new maknaes mingle like that. Even though I wasn’t around for it, I really miss the 2nd gen shenanigans and how they all were on shows together and had all these friend-lines like 91’er and Kyu-line. It was so much fun. Agencies need to train their idols more for variety again, so few of them go on shows nowadays and when they do it’s mostly just when they’re promoting a song and they end up being really boring…


            I could say that about many Korean celebrities! How are they so multi- talented? I have never met someone like that in real life!

            I just remembered their first meeting, then his jealousy over Baro, that photo- shoot, yoga sessions, and that end.. Yup he definitely got some skills! And they made such an attractive pair!

            It would be so fun if they did a Makbanshi season 2! All those ‘savage maknae’ videos should give many candidates! And yes! I would love more cross- group friendships in kpop! I read somewhere that Hoonie knows/ is friends with- not probably not close anymore- Infinite’s Hoya- he even made a video supporting Hoya when he was back in school- but he didn’t want to take his name much just in case fans thought he was trying to ride on Hoya’s popularity!

            I would love more such stories to come across! But maybe the cut- throat fandoms and competition makes it hard to do that now?


          Very true!!

          I dunno, maybe you’re right. The fan wars are pretty insane at times and the gazillion groups debuting every year and everyone competing so hard probably isn’t good for these things. But then, some of the 1st gen rivalry was also insane, yet the guys are friends irl, they just didn’t show it back then and then came the 2nd gen and suddenly everyone were openly intereacting. So who knows, maybe it’ll change again?


            Yup.. maybe! One can sure hope so!

            And I just realized that I have mentioned Hoon in 3 separate conversations! I am definitely in over my head! 😛


          Hahahah that’s what I’m saying 😉 *throws life vest*


            *accepts it gratefully*
            I would throw one back at you but you have already been in over FTI as a whole and Jinwoon for a long time.. anyone else who qualifies as a crush?


          Don’t really think they’re crushes tbh, it’s not like I could never imagine myself dating them or anything. In fact, I’m not even sure I’d like to be friends with all of them lmao 😛


            Lol yeah they might be too rowdy to be friends! I can be friends with Jinwoo from Winner though… he seems manageable 😛

            But wait, no crushes at all?? Like I dunno SIG? Anyone else? Which other actor do you like? Lee Jong Suk I remember.. Anyone else?


          I dunno, maybe I do have a “celebrity crush” level lol, but it tends to blow over pretty quickly and I’m a bit of a realist, so even irl I distinguish between being attracted to someone and having an actual crush on them. I think it’s quite possible to be attracted to someone, yet not have a crush on them in any way. With celebs I just tend to be more fascinated or in awe or feel like “awww this person seems like such a good/funny/talented person, that’s so great” and just be appreciative of the fact that there’s someone like them able to make me happy through great skills or by just lighting up a screen with their warmth or charm. Maybe bc I tend to be hyper-aware that they’re real people, yet people whose real self I’ve never seen or met, no matter how real and honest they may be on screen, so they both feel like real people and unreal at the same time, if that make sense?

          It’s also why I always try to add things like “at least judging by their interviews” etc when talking about celebs, bc in all honesty I know that I have no freaking clue and they could all be pouring lies out on screen like nobody’s business lol and that it’s also unfair and sort of weird to talk about people you don’t know as if you know them just based on their TV appearances. So I tend to feel sort of weird fangirling or talking about celebs outside of trying to analyse or just appreciate their work, but I end up doing it anyways lmao 😛

          Well that was long… Again LOL 😛


            But but haven’t you ever fallen head over heels for a kdrama character? Loving him so much that you wish you found someone like him? And then loving the actor because if he was able to portray that character so well, there must be something of that character in him… Then looking at his interviews, BTS, songs, variety and falling deeper? This is Seo In Guk for me… I mean I obviously know that he is an actor and I don’t even dream of being together with him but just loving him still? Like if I go back and listen to some of his songs or some clips, I actually feel sad that I won’t be seeing anything from him for some time and literally miss him sometimes!

            You are right about us not really knowing their “real” selves but a celebrity crush is anyway different from a real life crush (though seriously, I can’t even recall the last time I had a real life crush.. it has been too long. I need to go out more! :P)


          “he seems manageable” ahahahahahahahahahahaha rofl 😛


            Lol he does. All that “I am pretty” would probably get on my nerves but it is a very recent thing and part of his new variety image where he just accepts instead of trying to be all humble..

            And I thought more, and uh I would want to friends with Hoonie! Who cares about manageable! He looks like he is the perfect mix of crazy but thoughtful. (Yes, there I go again! :P)


          Not really. I do go on binges, but that’s when I find people funny. Like, I looooove Park Hyo Shin’s voice and find him to be an incredible, awe-inspiring person based on what I’ve seen/heard, but I have hardly watched anything with him, bc when he finally do make a TV appearance it’s not really funny. It’s the reason why I love using gifs of and watching vids where Seunghyun or Jinwoon, because they ALWAYS manage to make me laugh or smile with their goofiness and cheerfulness and I need that more in my life 🙂 Doesn’t mean I actually want to find someone like them irl, even if I do at times bemoan the fact that handsome, funny, smart AND creatively talented guys don’t seem to exist in my world haha 😛 Not that I don’t get attached to certain celebs, just not really in that crush like way. But I dunno, maybe I’m just fooling myself bc I feel weird about the whole celeb concept lol. And this – “but a celebrity crush is anyway different from a real life crush” is also very true, so maybe I’m just not really aware what my celebrity crushing would look like kkkkk.
          (Ahahahah same!!! :P)

          Pfffttahhahaha you and Hoon hahahah 😛


    Yup that is what I am gonna believe in- you ARE just fooling yourself and that you are really just not aware what your celebrity crushing looks like 😛

    Oh btw did you hear of the Oppa War on DB? It was pretty hilarious and one of the funniest thing to happen on DB for a while! A new beanie appeared called @mrsparkhaejin and @azzo1 declared war! All in jest but then many beanies became azzo’s soldiers, suppliers, supporters and then there were some beanies who came up with popcorns to pass around to all the others enjoying the drama. SO it was like one big DB party and poor Mrs Park Hae Jin had to retreat! 2 days of all day laughing!


      Yeah and I tried to read some of it afterwards, but I guess I’m just too much of a pacifist, cuz it didn’t really make me that amused lol 😛


        Ah it did get a lil too much sometimes but I loved other beanies’ comments more… And if pacifism is your thing, you should totally check out the mini oppa war (that was not) between me and Jig then! 😛 I felt so weird staking any claim to SIG that I ended up being all “let’s share the love”- actually even saying that made me uncomfortable but we were on a “oppa war” high and just went with the flow 😛 Plus Ziggie is no oppa of mine- he is just Gukkie. I am not for calling them oppas.


          Yeah, the whole oppa thing isn’t my thing either lol. I feel like that should be reserved for Koreans calling their actual oppas or boyfriends etc that (or someone not Korean with a Korean bf or something, but you get what I mean heh).
