Jeong Jinwoon had a comeback of sorts this April and ohmegosh it’s awesome! He just gets better and better after leaving JYP <3
*gets ready to spam you guys with soundly awesomeness*


    He left JYP? 2AM is no more? Wow! I didn’t even know! But why?

    And this IS good!


      2AM still is, but they’re on hiatus I think and except for Jo Kwon I believe all members left JYP though on good terms. It’s really sweet actually, Jinwoon once said on RS(?) that JYP himself told him that he couldn’t be of any service to him if this is the kind of music he wanted to do and that it was okay for him to leave to pursue his music dreams, which awww ❤️ He’s with Mystic entertainment now, Yoon Jung Shin’s agency (the guy who made the song KSY made re-famous lol, Instinctively (I think, gosh my poor memory lol, overload on old interviews trying to remember all this ahahah)).


        JYP is such a weird guy! I don’t think I have liked his songs/acting/dancing but he just has that kinda charm.. I dunno… like he knows what would work most of the times. So I guess an instinct. Which doesn’t work all the time (did SIG fail JYP auditions? and he had quite a lot of critical comments for Yoon while teh other judges loved him? which I guess might have helped him grow but still— eesh! just realized that Ziggy won season1 of Superstar K and Yoonie was in the top4 in season2… so SIG is like a sunbae to him! and of Roy Kim and JJY! Dude should come back and focus on his musical career along with his acting career)- sorry went off on a tangent there and now I don’t remmeber what I wanted to say about JYP… but uh yeah.. that was sweet of him!


          Thing is, whenever JYP comments on singing, I can’t help but go “errmm dude, you promote “half air half sound” AND you have ZERO technique when singing yourself” hahaha.

          Oh yeah and he was also sort of Seunghoon’s mentor on Kpop Star I think?


            Exactly! He gives weird advice! Why is he so well- established?! Like YG makes sense most of the times!

            Was he? I didn’t know.. And I was googling Kpop Star and Lee Hi was the runner up of Season 1 while Hoonie came 4th… Now I am not one for shipping people but why have I not seen fans makes Lee Hi- Seunghoon ships!?! They basically started their careers together!


          I think it’s bc his songs are really catchy. He knows how to make a hit song and a hit group and establish a succesful image for a group (like 2PM as the beast idols), he’s just not that great at vocal technique lol. I think he’s more of a dancer perhaps. And likeability probably also plays a part.

          Lol didn’t know about Lee Hi!


            His dances are pretty stupid too imo 😛 But yeah catchy songs and maybe becoming popular at a time when there was not much competition and having a business sense..


          It’s not my style, but he clearly knows something about dancing, while at the same he doesn’t really seem that natural, so I dunno. But his artists generally tends to be good at it, like Rain (previously JYP), 2pm AND 2am. He talks a lot about singing, but dancing seems to be more his agency’s thing.

          Sometimes it sort of seems to me like the big companies’ focus can be divided into:
          YG – rapping, singing and individuality/artistry
          JYP – dancing
          SM – visuals, singing (like SuJu) and dancing (like EXO)
          FNC – instruments and singing


            Lol I just remembered him teaching dance in Dream High! And now I want to go back and watch that! What is with me and wanting to check out every thing I think of momentarily!

            SM seems to have it all then! I mean that is covering almost everything! But I still prefer YG! Not that I love everyone at YG but they seem to just have that ‘awesome’ thing going for them- I mean Big Bang and 2Ne1 are legends! And I love Winner and Akmu! Oh and Black Pink seem interesting too.. Could also be because I haven’t really checked out other groups much.. How many groups does SM have? Exo, SHINee, SuJu, Red Velvet, Girl’s Gen (?) who else? But there are so many more groups- Apink, Mamamoo etc etc– I will one day look up all these things! When I have time… Which i might have soon.. Winner has ended this CB’s promotions! I guess we can wait till December now…
            Ah but I think they will still be more active.. Mino as a special MC for Radio Star soon.. I really get irritated when one of my favourites comes on RS- I don’t like the show but have to watch it for them! 😛


            That was a lot of stream of consciousness speak, so ignore it 😛


          Aarggh I feel like it’s always me having to go up and find the reply button hahaha 😛

          I’ve been wanting to rewatch a lot of dramas and variety things, there are just so many things you don’t notice when you’re not in that deep yet haha 😛

          For me it’s like YG at least lets their artists be artists and also just people. There really is a reason why SM has such popular groups, but they just treat them all so horribly. They also have TVXQ – or what’s left of them. That whole thing was just so tasteless and still is -.- And yes, SNSD, also f(x) and NCT and according to Wiki also TRAX (are they still a thing?) and S.E.S which I don’t believe are together anymore? They also have BoA.
          Yeah it’s hard to figure out all the agencies! I’m still only sort of solid on the bigger companies and their artists. Don’t even know who Mamamoo is under despite really liking them.

          LOL the same with RS! Thanks for letting me know, didn’t know about it nor that their cb cycle had ended 🙂


    There you go! This should work for the next 2 comments 😛

    Exactly! Specially some episodes of RM where I completely ignored the guests because I didn’t know or care who they were!

    TVXQ has many fans though! Something happened to them? SM treat them badly? Oh and there is Cube Entertainment too which i know about only because Beast/ Highlight left them and started their own company and I like those boys/ ajhusshis…


      Haha thanks 😛

      They have tons of fans yes. As far as I recall, it’s something about them taking SM to court for their practically literal slave contracts that bound them for even longer than they do know and with all sorts of ridiculous clauses and stuff. I think they won or something and Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu left and became JYJ, while Changmin and Yunho stayed at SM under the original name, but SM was salty and got JYJ banned from music shows etc just by lobbyism. It was pretty bad and I believe SM was forced by law to change their contracts up a bit after that. They’ve also treated Chinese members of groups like SuJu and EXO extremely badly and most of them left due to it.

      Oh yeah, Cube! There’s also Glove Ent (Park Hyo Shin), Jellyfish (previous SIG), Mystic (Jinwoon), Starship Ent (K.Will), Star Empire (ZE:A), Big Hit (BTS), AOMG (Jay Park, Simon D), HGHGRND (or something similar), Drunken Tiger’s agency (don’t remember the name), 7 Seasons (Block B) and of course Woolim and oh gosh, I knew way more than I thought I did and these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head o.O There’s also LOEN which used to just distribute, but now also have artists signed I think. A few of them are affiliates or something of the big 3 though. SuJu also have their own “label” now.


        Wow! SM sounds like those big bad agencies/companies shown in all those kdramas! This just made me appreciate YG even more!

        Oh wasn’t Park Hyo Shin with Jellyfish? Or he was there before.. I think I saw him and Gukkie together in something- or maybe not..
        Wow! This is exactly what I meant to look up when I said “I will one day look up all these things! When I have time!” You just made it easier! 😛 But man you know a LOT! 😉


          Yeah, they’ve done some pretty awful things, like forcing SuJu members on stage when they were literally in the hospital hooked to an IV and stuff O.O

          He switched to Glove Ent, a year or two ago. Just looked it up and you were right, he was in Jellyfish before 🙂
          Haha, it’s probably just cause I’ve been hanging around yt watching kpop vids for a year more than you, these things end up sticking with you somehow lol. I don’t really know all that much though, especially compared to what actual kpop fans do o.O


            Eesh sounds horrible! And reminds me of Cindy from Producers.

            Ah yeah such info does stay in the brain. I mean I have not really heard more than 3-4 Park Hyo Shin songs and don’t know much about him but his being a part of Jellyfish stayed with me. So I can see myself being all knowledgeable about kpop and related stuff an year later..
