I keep a list of all the kdramas I’ve seen (79), then I rank them. The 1st pic is my original ranked list started in 2010, and the 2nd pic is one I just did. How do y’all organize your kdramas?


    I also have lists have favorites scenes and favorite lines. I hope I’m not the only one crazy enough to do all this lol


    I used to organize my list using word doc, but ever since one of beanies here told me about mydramalist.com, I’m using that website to organize my completed dramas, watchlist and currently watching.


      I had thought of checking out that website, since alot of beanies seem to be into it. If I did, I probably would maintain all three lists though lol


        I maintain an excel list as well, but mine is a bit ridiculous. I have the following columns: Drama Name, Lead Cast, Supporting Cast (I need to stop doing everybody cause this get ridiculous), Director(s), Writers(s), Channel, Type (K/C/T/t/J-Drama), Genre(s), No. of eps (total), No. of eps (aired), My current ep, My progress (completed/stopped/finished), Year, Day(s) Aired, Date Started, Date Finished. Finally the ratings are broken down as follows: Visuals, Sound, Story, Acting, Watchability, Pacing, Extra Credit (Cause no drama is perfect and I want by favourites to get a perfect score, lol), and finally, Average Points/Grade. Yup, kinda ridiculous, I know, but I find I get to sort exactly how I want this way. Started using it before I heard about mydramalist, but I put so much effort into this dang thing. I would use both, but don’t see myself abandoning my excel list anytime soon.


          Wooow, that is extensive, but pretty cool. I had thought about adding lead actors/actresses’ names. I’ll probably do so in the future or maybe have a column for stand out performances whether lead or not.


    I have a pinterest page with dramas worth rewatching and in my bullet journal I write down dramas that I really loved and actors that I want to follow. In my bujo I also try and write down something random about the drama because its never the plot, or the actor, or the OST that I remember. Its always something like: he has a really cute face and the mom and son in law really love each other and every time they see each other they run to each other and do an elaborate happy dance that sometimes isn’t elaborate and is just them holding hands and jumping up and down and twirling in circles as they smile happily at each other. While the daughter is off in the corner like…how are these my people?


      That’s a good idea to write out random points. I’m always surprised by what sticks with me about a drama long after I watch it. I usually think of the grand showings of love or emotion right after I watch it, but then looking back, it’s other, smaller moments that really stuck in my memory.


    I have a piece of paper which was part of a bank statement once upon a time that I’ve been writing my kdramas down on for four years now. It’s folded in half, and my writing is tiny on it. I’m running out of space on the last “page” now and I don’t know what to do. (I’ve debated posting a pic because I’m also curious as to what others do to keep track.)

    I’ve been debating transferring it to a notebook or doing an Excel/Word doc to be more organized, or to write an impression or rating along with the title but that seems like so much effort. Also I have a My Drama List so that I can keep track of Japanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese dramas, and keep track of where I put some kdramas on hold, so it feels almost redundant?


      That would be interesting to see. I would have been afraid of losing it by now!
      It only took me an hour or so to do mine, but of course it would depend on how many dramas you’ve seen. I always update it after I finish the last episode so that I don’t have to play catch up later. If you already do My Drama List, I could see not wanting to make a whole other list though


        Yeah…I’m at the 150+ completed point, I believe. I really only like MDL for organization and looking for new things. I only have about an inch of space left on my paper (it lives in my desk drawer, so I can’t lose it) but maybe I’ll start transferring it to a notebook one day soon.


          Yeah that would be alot to organize. If I were to watch all the kdramas on my to-watch list, I probably would be somewhere along there. I’m so far behind XP


      I have a mydramalist–but I always forget to check it. Once every few months or so I go through and make sure that its up-to-date. Its kind of like my goodreads. I use it to keep track of what I’ve read/watched but I don’t use the other features. Although, they do let you add notes to the dramas and I can see where that would come in handy. Like I said, I remember moments (a week or so ago I wanted to see the honeymoon ep from Playful Kiss but I’ve seen so many different versions of that drama that it took me ages to figure out which drama I wanted to see it actually came from!)


        It’s super helpful for sure, but I’m not enamored with it. I think it leaves something to be desired, honestly. But it’s definitely useful. I like that when I’m trying to remember the name of something or someone I can consult it really quickly. But I don’t love that they take some of the less common drama titles sometimes (e.g. “Stranger” for “Forest of Secrets”), as it makes it a bit confusing.


    That’s a lot of work ! I only use mydramalist to organize my dramas like @hannaehh


    An Excel spreadsheet? That’s some serious dedication. Hahaha. I just try and remember what I watched with varying results. 😂


    It used to be just in my head then a lot of beanies recommended mydramalist.com so the site keeps it for me now. So handy. 😊


    Wow, I’m impressed. I just write out my lists in a notebook. A page or 3 of completed shows and movies, dramas on my to be watched list, and a list of dropped dramas with the episode I stopped at so I can pick it up later, with a few notes to remind me of memorable moments, or actors names.


      The dropped drama list is a good idea. I’m a bit of a completionist so I don’t have too many dramas that I’ve stopped halfway. I did drop The Best Love and Miss Korea, but hopefully, I’ll go back and watch those…eventually.
      I have my to-watch list on my phone where I can cross them out as I go. I keep getting yelled at by my friends for continuing to add to the endless list. lol


        My -to watch- list is reaching scary proportions. The keep coming out with more exciting sounding shows!
