Don’t think too much, JUST DO IT! 😉


    I will never be over this bass line


      Saaaaaame! It’s a huge part of why I love this song so much. It’s just so freaking good.


    Have you seen this? He’s so adorable. I just can’t.


      Oh gosh… The cringe… It’s massive lol. I love how he’s naturally absolutely adorable, try as he might, but the second he’s forced or asked to aegyo it’s just so cringey and awkward ahaha.


        So true. His aegyo about not wanting to do aegyo is more adorable than the actual aegyo lol


          True dat haha. Did you see btw, I’ll be going to their Paris concert this October? 😀


            What?!?! Soooo jealous. I would love to see them live again. Their music has changed so much since the last time. I bet their concert would be even more amazing now.


          Yeah, the second I saw they were going to Europe, I was like, that’s it, I’m going no matter what haha ^^ Oh cooool, you already saw them? Where was that? ^^ And yes, their music these days is vastly different from before. Tbh I don’t think I’d ever have gotten into them if they had continued with the title songs they were given by FNC.


            I saw them in 2012 in LA with CN Blue, so it’s definitely been a few years lol. I still love their old stuff. I remember having “I Hope” on loop lol and “Severly” will always be a fav. But, I’m glad to see them grow and doing music they truly love.


          Ooh that sounds awesome 🙂 But yes, definitely a lot has happened since then heh.

          I’m more of a rock kind of person to begin with, maybe why I like the new and Japanese stuff better 🙂 There are a few pre-I Will Korean songs that I like, but they’re far between and mostly like them when they rearrange them for live performances now. And yes, it’s great that they finally seem to have creative control! Go them!


            Yeah, I think it’s just all about taste and when you first got into k-pop. I got into it with “I Hope,” SNSD’s “Genie,” Super Junior’s “Sorry Sorry,” Shinee’s “Ring Ding Dong,” etc. But, now it’s hard for me to get into new groups cause I’ve seen that kind of stuff before and now I appreciate groups that do take control over their music and try new kinds of sounds/concepts, but if you’re a new kpop fan I can see how these new but formulaic groups would look so fresh and cool if that’s the only exposure you’ve had.


            Not you, but just a generic you lol I just mean that I don’t mind their beginning stuff either because that’s what got me into k-pop. To me it was fresh and exciting because that was my first exposure like how people think BTS is fresh and exciting because that is their first exposure and people can argue whether that’s true or not based on what other k-pop they have listened to. Now I’m sorry that I got caught up in ranting lol


          I think maybe the difference for me is that I’m not really into K-pop dance groups, except for finding it oddly fascinating as an industry and liking Winner, some random songs and some of the groups in variety. I’ve always been more of a rock/indie kind of person, so Pray and that album really made me excited heh ^^ But yes, coincidentally that album did come out the year I got into Korean music!

          No worries, I got that it was a generic you. LOL I’m the master of ranting, that was nothing compared to what my rants look like haha 😛


    How is the memorizing songs coming along? 😀
    Also the stage sometimes does remind of Elysee Montmarte a bit!


      Haha it’s not 😛 I did watch/listen to some FTI, but it’s more there live stuff, no memorizing for me just yet. Right now I’m watching their We Will live in Seoul and it’s pretty freaking awesome, although I’ve seen more free and interesting lives from them. Somehow I like their Japanese concerts better, wonder why 😉

      It does, right? So I’m not completely cray for thinking that? 😛


        Hahha… because they are free-r in Japan! Maybe they have to take care of what they say (to a degree only cuz well they are FTI) in Korea more! 😀

        Yup! Not crazy at all! 😉

        Also, I am watching half Moon Friends and it is adorable! I have seen only the first episode and I am in love! These 5 were/ are just so cute with kids and with each other!


          Exactly what I was thinking 😉

          Ikr, Half Moon Friends is BEYOND adorable ^^ They all seem to care genuinely about the kids and you can just tell how much the kids like them back, it’s so sweet. Normally you can tell the kids are slightly awkward around the celebs or camera, but here they’re just bouncing about happily.


            Let’s hope they can let loose in Paris then! 😀

            I am missing OT5 and Namtae after watching it though! He brings so much to the table just by being there and not even saying much!


          Yeah, but at the same time all 5 actually seem much more relaxed and happy than I’ve ever really seen them tbh (well judging by what we see on TV obviously, so who really knows). Seems like it was the right move for all of them 🙂


            True, very true! I love them now that they look so happy! I love them then when they looked like they were having fun! Basically I love them no matter what!

            Did I ever thank you for posting that pic of Jinwoo- looking like across between Lee Jong Suk and Ji Chang Wook and then that video of him getting lost in Japan? That is what initially go me interested and look at me now! I don’t think I did!

            So thank you for introducing me to these lovely 5 dorks- wait 4 dorks and 1 talented as hell boy cuz Namtae is no dork! <3


          Awww hehe, well then I’m happy to have introduced you to someone this awesome!

          I was about to say, hold up, ofc NTH’s a dork too! But then I realized he’s far behind the others on dorkiness kkkk, but then who can keep up with those dorks’ dorkiness? They’re on a pretty high level haha 😛


            Hahha yeah! Their dorkiness level is unparalleled! 😛

            Oh and I am now waiting for some kind Inner Circle to sub their appearance on JYP’s ‘Part People’! All the teasers are so interesting! Plus I think I read somewhere that they danced to Hoony’s original choreo of LMLM which YG changed.. Yoon sang Instinctively again, Yoon- Mino’s Fear and Hoonie’s freestyle dance!*fingers crossed*


          I’ve been rewatching a bit of Winner TV today in between lots of stuff to do (I’ll reply back to alll my notifications tomorrow lol, sorry for the few answers today!) and yes, dorkiness reconfirmed 😛

          Yesss hope so too! Their “Nobody” cover is on yt and goodness it’s good 😛 As expected hee.


            Every time someone mention that WIN or Winner Tv, I feel like going back and checking them out but I am currently quite happy watching their dorky selves in Half moon friends 😍 (take your time… oh and we have to do that too.. I will be doing some research on it today)



            I just checked out Hoon’s LMLM dance- step and now I understand why YG changed it with the simple finger hearts one! That one is a mix between cute and suggestive! 😉 And Hoon and Yoon making those sexy faces! <3


          Glad you’re enjoying it too, I had so much fun watching it! (oh yes, true! If you start with a notification for me on whatever post you like?)

          Oooohh will so have to find that on yt later today! Right now I’m busy watching ep 2 of Night Goblin, cuz it’s finally subbed, woooo!! 😀 Hongki is so obviously a veteran in the industry haha I love it. He’s not that much older or even any older than a lot of much newer idols, but it’s just such a different feel when he’s on shows.


          Only watched half an hour of that ep, so far, and Hongki, Hyungdon and Sugeun are doing great so far, but will have to watch more to see what I really think. It’s worth it for Hongki for now at least hehe 😛

          Oh! I actually did already watch that and wondered about that step haha, good thing they changed it, yes 😛 Seunghoon’s facial expressions though pffftttt… (also he looks soooo good in that getup!)


            Ha.. i think I will start watching it after I am done with Badaland Chingus… Now waiting for KB subs!

            Lol yes! I mean I wouldn’t have mind that step but yeah I like the finger hearts! 😛 (dude I am *this* close to crushing on him big time! He looks so frigging hot! Plus for a change, he got a lot of camera time!)


          KB subs were the first thing I checked for this morning! 😛 Hope they arrive soooonnnn….

          (kkkkk you’re so cute crushing on Seunghoon haha 😀 I’m pretty sure you’re already in too deep, the amount of Hoon-gushing you do is soon to rival me and Seunghyun and Sic and Zico (lol just noticed that… Zic? Sico?) haha 😛


            Lol me too!

            (I just don’t want to accept it! But yeah might already be in over my head! Hahha… Sico reminds me of Saico… poor sicarius! :P- Sico might stay though… could use it for one of then bday posts)
