The beginning of this vid is so me today. All day today.


    I dunno how many times I have seen this one! It’s so GIF worthy! 😆 The short time when Yoon was just the maknae and Mino had so much responsibility!

    (I am getting a kick out of seeing you on DB for so long today! 😊 I can’t even remember the last time this happened!)




      Let’s hope we see more of Goofy Yoon on YOF 😛

      (Haha yeah, it’s been a while for sure. But I promised myself I’d take the day completely off today, so lots of DB and random vids for me hahah ^^ (not really keeping my own promise however lol, I unpacked a moving box anyways :P))


        *fingers crossed*

        (Much deserved rest then! Share if you find something cute and new.. (haha… can’t keep your hand off clearing stuff? All the boxes must look tempting!))


          (Hehe I will ^^ (lol yes very! I just get so annoyed if my stuff’s not in order. But I neeeeedddddd ressssttttt muustttt ressssiiiiissstttttttt :P)


    Ok… he gets points because his pun actually made me laugh. And usually I just grimace slightly at most puns (sorry Punnery Sergeant).
    Also, ‘got no hands to clap? That’s ok! you can just slap your own face!’… why do I feel like that’s something I would do…
    Well all your incessant CHECK WINNER OUT PLS is slowly winning me over, albeit reluctantly. I don’t know why reluctantly. It’s not like there’s anything bad about it lol.


      That pun is really on point! 😛 Whaaattt!?!!?!?! Noooooo!!!!! But… PUNS…. They be awesome! How can you not like them!?!?! Do you not like my puns either?! *goes to pout in corner*

      Hahaha I can totally imagine you doing that.

      Yassssss seee there’s fun times ahead if you watch Winner stuff! 😛 And dorky and cute and all kinds of awesome and talented stuff!
      Lol I get it except I don’t get it. I mean, I get that feeling sometimes too, but I don’t get why I get it, so I get your feeling, but not why you’re feeling it, cuz I don’t get why anyone feels that way including me, but we do.
      (Also I must have something with the Seungs, cause I’ve got such a soft spot for Seunghyun in FTI and Seungyoon in Winner haha 😛 (BUT HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE PEOPLE WHO DO RANDOM STUFF LIKE THAT? Tis impossible (said in French accent just cause))


        I know it is! It was marvelous. Hence, it made me laugh.
        I knoooooow I’m sorrrrry. Some are just so bad and not funny, and when people do it ALL THE TIME AND DON’T STOP I just want to run away hahaha (no, yours are ok I think. I don’t remember being drastically annoyed at any of them)

        I really don’t know what it says about me that you can imagine me doing that hahaha

        *reads last paragraph* is Kaybee tired? I think Kaybee is tired LMAO!!!
        yes to all the not getting getting stuff hahaha
        (You do yes. Already noticed that 😛 (Well I do like them so I guess it is impossible :P))


          “no, yours are ok I think. I don’t remember being drastically annoyed at any of them” How comforting 😛

          That you’re delightfully weird, unpredictable and likes to think outside of the box?

          Noooo, not tired at aaaaalllll. I have no idea why you’d think that. *props up eyelids with matches*


            Hahaha … >.> 미안… it is kinda a compliment though. Idk, I don’t hate people who make puns I just kinda groan if they’re really bad haha.

            \^-^/ I’ll claim that hahahaha

            😛 (go sleep if you aren’t already)


          Definitely tired RotFL!
          Her last few messages before going to sleep are always so hilarious!
          A tired rambling kaybee is adorable!
          (Us Seung lovers :P- I love the other Seung in Winner but yup have a soft spot for the Seung in FTI and Yoonie)


            Oh I love rambly kaybee hahaha it’s the best. Because it’s understandable but in a really roundabout way and it’s hilarious haha.


            (You have a soft spot for FTI Seung too?? I think I possibly may or may not just love you a little bit lot more than ever before if that is possible :P)


            (Yup I do- him and Hongki because he is so adorable, then comes Jaejin and then Minhwan and Jong-hoon! 🙂 And it is possible indeed! I am *this* close to singing Love Me Love Me! 😉 )


          Pfhfhfahaha well I’m just here for miladies’ entertainment, ain’t I? 😛


      Good thing I don’t make puns! Would have gotten you irritated so many times if I did 😛
      Though seriously that pun made me just roll my eyes at his dorkiness! (But I love when our Punnery Segeant makes an appearance 😉 )

      Hehe yay! *half fist pump* And I so understand reluctance cuz I feel that too! It’s like going into an unknown zone because of someone’s assurance & insistence that it is an awesome place but all you can see is darkness ahead…


        Ahaha noo I mean, I probably make me sound worse than I am. I’m not as bad as some people with puns, I’ll probably just give you a ‘really? why…’ look or an eyeroll haha
        It was a clever pun though. And from a Korean. In English.

        Yeahs! It is a bit like that! Also I guess me getting into them is going to be so different from everyone else I’ve got into? Like normally it’s uh… more my decision? hahah idk


          Hee I understand! And no you are not making yourself sound bad 😉

          Lol yeah! But trust us! 😀


          Is it in English though? *just posing an intriguing question* Since he’s actually making a pun on the v being pronounced b by most Koreans and since “valet parking” is actually called “valet (parking?)” in Korean and ballet possibly also just ballet, it’s sort of both a Korean and an English pun mayhaps? Dunno, just wondering the nature of language. Again lol.

          Bwhahah, it’s sort of like me and Block B, though part of my reluctance to watch their variety and such is cause I’m afraid I’ll suddenly be in too deep and have even more stuff to catch up on haha. But, yes, like @obsessedmuch said, trussssstttt usssssss (*said like Sir Hiss from Robin Hood*).


            English Loan Word pun then. I guess it’d be like me making a pun out of a well known and used French phrase. I mean, it’s even more clever that he’s playing on the Korean pronunciation of the word AND the two English words.

            Ahahahaaha ah yes so much assurance… I wouldn’t trust Sir Hiss at all! Ever! hahaha (although 70s DISNEY REFERENCES BLESS YOU can and will quote that whole movie haha)


          Oh definitely impressive! I was just fascinated by the fluidity of language yet again haha.

          (yessssss… Robin Hood is the best! (I also read like every book in existence with Robin Hood in it LOL). I never did like all Disney’s princess movies much, but Robin Hood was ma jam. And Aladdin and Peter Pan and Mulan, that sort of thing. And the incredibly underrated 80s movies that no one even remembers lol.

          Now I wanna rewatch Robin Hood…. *starts humming theme song*)


            (Ahahaha have you therefore read Hood by Stephen R Lawhead?
            Yes man, vintage Disney was the best. I mean, I like a good Disney princess movie every now and then… I think I’m over them a bit atm though. (Frozen whyyy) Mulan is still awesome though, despite being horrifically historically inaccurate hahaha

            Oodellally oodellally golly what a day…)


          Ehhh… not sure… It was all as a kid and that time I read like stacks of books every week lol, so I no longer recall which ones I read.
          (I don’t get the hype around Frozen. At all. Or the song. It’s so grating. And it all has NOTHING to do with HC Andersen and the message is so muddled and unclear. I dunno. The movie just bugs me. And it boggles my mind how it got so much more famous than Tangled which is AMAZING (oh. a princess movie I like! Also like Brave actually, but they’re both a bit… unconventional Disney princesses lol))
          Mulan doesn’t have to be historically accurate imo, bc it’s not built over history, but over the Ballad of Mulan, which is folklore. I’ve read one of the versions in translations and I think they did okay by the source material. And it’s just a freaking awesome movie with one of the best female leads they’ve ever had. She’s not really a princess either, so it’s not a princess movie 😛 I think she’s quite possibly the only female Disney lead who’s human and NOT a princess?


            Oh hahaha. Idk if you’d like them now, but he did his research and set them in 12th century Wales, and I really enjoyed the series.

            (Story Time. There was almost 0 promo for Frozen prior to the trailer. There were a few random concept sketches and the snow queen theme, but otherwise we literally knew nothing about it. Then the trailer dropped. And I watched it. And then the movie came out and I watched it twice because I had waited for ayges for there to be any info on this movie. And then… then the world LITERALLY blew up about Frozen. And there were millions of covers of let it go, and parodies, and fan art everywhere, and ship fighting and eventually there was just too much Frozen, and what I did like when it came out I now can’t stand. Like I actually do not think I could ever rewatch Frozen again, I have seen too much.
            So I don’t really get the hype either. And it’s nowhere near the best Disney movie. Although I will say I did like the tiny little nod at the Sami they put in it. And the Danish Hymn at the beginning.
            OHMYGOSH YES ANOTHER TANGLED FAN. Was gonna mention that because I love Tangled and can and will rewatch. (AND BRAVE TOO! I love Brave.)
            Well, mean, no it doesn’t, but haha there’s this artist who draws the disney princesses in historically accurate clothing, and her comment on Mulan is quite interesting, cos she says they covered so many dynasties it was confusing haha.
            Well, in that case then, that’s pretty cool. I mean, I don’t watch it for the history anyway. I watch it cos MULAN! and Eddie Murphy as Mushu, and the music.
            She’s not a princess, but she’s included in the “Official Disney Princess Lineup” cos Disney, and yes that’s actually a thing. *sigh*
            Well if you want to get picky, is a Chieftain’s daughter a princess?Haha but then you’d have to go through all the other Disney movies, and there’s tonnes of other female leads there. Jane. Esmeralda. Megara. For example…
            Oh shit my Disney nerd of 3 years ago is showing…


          About to go to bed, so short reply:

          Yay you like Tangled!!! Tbh it’s one of my favorite movies, I’ve seen it way too many times. Of newer Disney movies, also Brother Bear which I recently learned got bad reviews, though I can’t see why, because the moose brothers are just worth everything no matter what else happens in the movie and I just love it.

          “Official Disney Princess Lineup” <- yep, knows it's a thing. Finds it weird. And why is Belle in there too btw, HOW is she a princess? Oh wait was he a prince? Bc then she becomes one of course. But oh yeah Esmerelda! Had forgotten about her and Jane. Megara?

          And yes, I say a chieftain's daughter counts, because it's as close to princess as you get in North American Native American culture (lol that was a lot of words), I think. Unlike mulan who's just from a high class, but not part of the court or such.


            Yess! Same, probably. It’s just lovely.
            Mmmm Brother Bear is pretty good actually, and yes, the Canadian accent Moose are the best hahaha.

            Cos Adam was a prince, yes haha.
            Megara- Meg, from Hercules.

            That’s true haha. Have you seen Moana? It’s not my favourite but I just like that Pacific Island culture was well represented. And they make a joke on the whole chieftain’s daughter/princess thing haha.
            I’d love Disney to make an animated historic Korean movie, but uhm, they’d probably ruin it and I have Kdramas for that. So I also don’t want them to haha.


          Brother Bear is actually one of the few movies I love more in Danish dub, the mooses have a Jutlandian accent and it’s so unbelievably hysterically funny that it literally has me rofl 😛 But in general Danish dubbing of Disney movies is actually really good, we’re even known for it, especially since it’s usually people who sing really well who do the songs.

          Ahh yes, I thought she was probably from Hercules, but I’ve only seen it once and don’t really remember it, so wasnt sure.

          Not yet. I really want to, but errr time lol.


            Omygosh hahahaha that’s amazing!
            Oh that’s cool… except I don’t speak Danish so dubs would do nothing for me lol

            Ah ok. Yeah. Hercules. Good music. Everything else I’m just like eh.
            Haha fair enough. It’s not going anywhere


          I just went on yt to find a clip, cuz I got nostalgic and it’s not nearly as funny as I remembered *sigh* Guess that’s what you get for revisiting old movies! (well old and old, y’know what I mean :P)

          Yeah the only thing I remember about Hercules is a “twas fine” feeling and a few images lol. That era really wasn’t their strongest…


            I believe that is what is called “growing up” yes hahaha alas.

            Mmmm pretty much yes. I do love “I won’t say I’m in Love” and “I will go the Distance” though.


          Oh dear! And here I thought I could just Peter Pan myself and not grow old haha 😛

          Tbh I don’t think I know any of the songs from that one at all lol. Shame on me 😛 On the other hand, I know almost all the ones from Spirit, so there’s that. And they’re totally unrelated, but there ya go.


            I wish haha. Or maybe not.

            SPIRIT! That’s Dreamworks. But great music. And animation. Good movie.


          I’m thinking not heh.

          I know it is haha 😛 That’s why it was super random and unrelated lol. Sometimes I love Dreamworks more than Disney tbh. Yes, I just said that. And Spirit was one of my faves as a kid, I mean, it had horses and Native Americans and a great OST and rebels, what’s not to like?

          Btw, unrelated, again hah, but my friend can go to Paris for the concert! Woo! At least date-wise, now we’re trying to work out the financial stuff, because she won’t let me pay for her lol. So now I’m freaking out over whether it’ll be doable and what flight we’ll get and how she’s suggested we might be able to stay at her friend’s place, but I don’t even know the guy, but at the same time it sounds like it would be fun and lots cheaper which is nice even if I do have the money to pay for a place to stay, but aarrgghhh, I’m so confused now o.O
          Sorry lol. I just needed to vent that confusion for a bit. You don’t have to answer…


            Dreamworks has some solid older 90s and 2000s movies man. Prince of Egypt. Road to El Dorado. Spirit. Sinbad.
            Where’d 90s Dreamworks go man?

            WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! Does she listen to FTI? Or are you just like ‘wannagotoaKoreanRockConcertwithmeinPARIS?’ hahaha
            Awwww hahaha.
            Hey hey, don’t worry, just take deep breaths and work through all your options one by one. It’ll all come together. And just think about what kind of experience you want to make it. Does it matter staying at the friend of friend’s? Or would it be cooler to have a hotel room. *shrugs* (Like two days before my GD concert I didn’t have a ride to the airport. At 6 in the morning. And then I did. :0)

            well I answered anyway hehehe praying for relief of stress for you 😛


          Yesss exactly! Also Joseph King of Dreams or what it was called. SUCH GOOD MOVIES

          Errm she’s never really listened to Korean music hahaha. She’s got an idea that it’s “weird” actually, but she did once say “oh that’s way better” when I shortly played Pray for like a minute (as compared to Park Hyo Shin’s Wildlower (which WHAT) and that weird sushi mv from Orange Caramel that I showed her for laughs, but then quickly regretted showing cuz now that’s her idea of Korean music lol). I kind of just said I have two tickets to a concert in Paris with my favorite band and did she wanna go hahaha 😛 She actually doesn’t know yet who the band is or that it’s a Korean one lol, she just loves France and Paris and since I plan on it being a long weekend trip, we’ll be doing other stuff too, so I’ll just wait for her to ask who it’s with or something 😛

          I actually already have a hotel room booked (fully refundable so that’s not a concern), it’s just that I know it’s too expensive for her, but she won’t let me pay anything as a principle. It just suddenly was all like “how much do I transfer to you” and the staying place isn’t even planned and I didn’t have time to think it through before she got all “how much should I transfer!” which made me freak out even more lol o.O I’m not good with fast decisions, not when it involves where I’ll be sleeping and stuff… And I’ve been doing housework all day, so I’m super tired to top it off and just… not up for figuring it all out TONIGHT.

          Thing is I actually do want to have a more “parisian” experience than just staying at a hotel, I’m just worried about how I’ll handle staying at someone else’s apartment and whether or not it’ll be a comfortable/clean/etc place and whether or not her friend is nice aaannnd you get the picture. And maybe we can’t even stay there who knows. But then we’ll have to find an airbnb since that’s more affordable and I dunno, I want it all fixed and set now, but I also know I’m too tired and that it’s not dependant on me anymore, so it can’t be done all at once.
          And thank you <3 I needed that.


            Yes that too!! Ahhh man, childhood.

            Aahahahaha. Ease her into some of their rock ballads or something. 😛
            FTI is good at grabbing intl fans-who-were-not-fans-before.
            Awww man, I’m so jealous, I shouldn’t be but just now I miss Paris so much and a trip like that sounds like so much fun.

            Awww no I know exactly how you feel, not good with fast decisions either! You could always just be like ‘x much’ for the ticket only haha. Force your kindness onto hahaha.
            If it’s not working tonight it’s not working, just sleep and think about it tomorrow in the daylight! Our rationality goes out the window when we’re tired.

            Yeah, I do. Maybe ask her some constructive questions? Or just be blunt about it? You don’t want to stay in a shitey apartment building really. Plus Paris hotels can be really nice… hahaha. And very Parisian.
            No it can’t. How do you eat the Elephant, as my dad says? One bite at a time.


          I actually think she’d like the rock stuff more kind of, but tbh I’m just hoping them live will blow her away like all those kpop fans at KCon who said they never listen to rock, but loved it anyways ha 😛

          Lol yeah except then I’d walk around feeling like I was lying, which I kind of would be even if it’s a nice lie. And I already told her how much for each way per person and she thought it could be much cheaper, but said it doesn’t matter. (so actually I have already told her how much to transfer? Now I’m just more confused at her question lol)

          Maybe I should do that hehe. I was considering telling her that it’s all sort of making me worried, but I’m kinda worried she’ll think it’ll be too exhausting to travel with me, especially since she just travels w/o thinking a whole lot of it…

          Pffftttt yeah, bc obviously elephants are eaten? 😛

          Thanks for calming me down a bit <3 I think I'll try and get some sleep now and hopefully it'll all seem much simpler tomorrow.


            Ooop, Japanese album sharing then… haha.
            Yes! I hope so! Their Kcon 16 performance and everyone’s reaction to it is still one of my favourite things.

            Hahaha well yes, there’s that… What’s that bible verse? Don’t let your right hand know what your left is doing? Something like that… That’s what I think of hahaha.

            Ahhh she runs on a different wavelength huh. I know the kind. They’re all like ‘stop worrying. it’ll be fine, we’ll just do this!’ and you’re like BUT DETAILS. haha
            Hmmm, just try explaining it to her anyway. Simple like, these are the options, xyz, this is how it’s making me feel, I know you don’t worry but I do, I’d just like some more information on your friend’s place please etc etc

            I don’t even know where the phrase comes from, but it works in my head hahaha.

            Oh I hope I did haha. Yes! It most likely will! 잘 자! X


          I think anything but Puppy and their old stuff basically haha 😛 But yeah, thinking something along the lines of Take Me Now and Shadows.
          Same! It made me so happy for them 🙂

          Actually she’s a worrier too, just not when it comes to travelling lol. She’s much more spontaneous than me and stuff. I woke up this morning much more relaxed about it, bc a) not as tired lol and b) it always always always helps when I get a little time to digest. I’ve just told her to go ask her friend, we’ll see what happens!

          Sorry for my anxious rant last night and thank you for being of so much help <3


            Hahahaha yess, both good albums. Let me know how it goes! hehe

            Ahhh… I’m either hyper organised when it comes to travel or super spontaneous… haha my two OE’s have been almost opposites of each other. The first “oh I don’t know where I’m gonna be tomorrow”, the second “every ticket possible is printed before leaving NZ” haha
            Oh that’s good! I’m glad!!! Good luck!

            Aww no it’s ok! Sometimes you just need someone to listen 🙂 You’re welcome xx


        Haha at least someone loves my puns kkkk ^^
