@Sicarius couldn’t find the dance practice with the tumbling move I was thinking of, but just to show that Winner actually can dance more like other current idols than what they do these days:


    I still wonder at the fact that they were criticized after this performance! This was good! (Though, yeah iKON’s dance was good too)


      Maybe some of it was just all for show? I’ve wondered, after a rewatch, if it was YG’s purpose to make them underdogs, bc most people love rooting for the underdog. And Winner is much more YG than iKon, so I don’t get why some people say YG was trying to only debut iKon all along…


        Ah yes we have talked about this before! 😊
        YG is definitely smart and this is one of those questions for which we will never get any answer.. and I guess it doesn’t even matter as both groups have debuted now and seem to be doing okay (did u see the news about iKON fans collectively deciding on not buying iKON products cuz YG isn’t treating the group well?)


          Oh yeah, we did haha .

          (yes I did. Seemed a bit ridiculous imo. Unlike agencies like SM, YG seems to be treating his artists as actual people. Not giving a group a lot of comebacks isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it means they’ll be healthier… And either way, boycutting seems like an ironic and not very wellthought out way to go about it)


            We keep coming a full circle! 😜
            (The problem is apparently making them overwork in Japan and not giving a comeback.. plus belittling ikonics’ worries by saying you shall get a comeback in Sept/oct during which time they already have stuff scheduled in Japan… but you are definitely right about YG treating it’s artists better than SM… and Winner was on a sabbatical for a long time too.. they seemed to worked upon themselves during that lull.. also yes, doesn’t sound like a very well thought out move)


            Sorry to butt in..just read about this awhile ago.

            While in Jap iKON topped Oricon and merch are sold out.and K-iKONICs are boycotting their merch in SoKor wouldnt that be counterproductive? At this rate,iKON might keep promoting in Japan


          It really does seem counterproductive!

          “and Winner was on a sabbatical for a long time too.. they seemed to worked upon themselves during that lull.. ” They seem to have come back as stronger and happier people. Not promoting a new song all the time isn’t necessarily bad. Just look at BB, they do fine without that. In a way it might even make them in more demand (eventually though, not when they’re still a new group), it’ll make them seem more exclusive. That said, I’m happy to see Winner working a lot this year, they seem happy to do it and it means more Winner for us haha ^^


    Wahhhh I loveee!! Wait why were they criticized?!?!
    I mean, I want to say that it’d be cool if they danced like this now but there are more than enough groups that do intense dances and they wouldn’t really be Winner I feel if they did… haha


      They’re good right? And Seunghoon did the choreo! He made some really amazing ones during WIN!
      Very true! I like that they don’t do such intense dances anymore, bc it’s better for their health and also they get to focus properly on singing and interacting with the audience during lives, which is awesome. They’re like Big Bang when it comes to dances lol, they have choreos, but they tend not to really do them hahaha. But sometimes I do wish that they’d show how well they can actually dance. I was a little sad when LSG and Ho Dong thought Zico was lying on KB when he said that Mino can dance well 🙁


        He DID?? Wowowowow. I have mad respect for choreographers. Does he do any of their choreo now?
        Yeah, I think it’s more fun anyway when they just goof around on stage. It’s really funny to watch Jaehyo in Block B perfomances because he’ll often just run out of steam by the third song and just do his own thing interacting with fans haha.

        Ahhh yeah :/ I mean, I wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t shown me so I understand!
        Aissshhh like Zico would lie about something like that tsk tsk


          He made all of their WIN ones I think and he still participates/does it all sometimes, not always sure which ones he’s been part of though. I’m not good at finding that sort of info lol. But as far as I know he did the choreo for Fool (the stage one, not really much of one for the mv hehe). You should definitely try to watch WIN, they had some pretty great dances, both from Winner and from iKon (even if I can’t remember iKon’s dances much, they were still good. I think?)
          Looool I need to watch Jaehyo do that now 😛

          Hahahahahaha Sicarius, ready to jump to Zico’s defense anywhere, any day – Lee Su Geun better get his shield ready I guess 😛


            Ahhh that’s really cool. Yeah I’ve seen some iKons dances, like recent ones.
            I want to watch WIN, but I’m also like, while I’m not into either group properly yet, I sort of dread the idea of two such adorkable groups of boys being pitted against each other. I’m sure they have no resentment but I’m like ewww competition whyyy haha.

            Hahaha I’m not sure if there are any good vids of it, but I know he did it during their European Tour at the start of this year.

            Me and every BBC ever. He’s been through so much shit, we can’t help it. I’m not saying he hasn’t made mistakes… just… you know.
            Did Mino show them that he could, in fact, dance well??


          Aww I get that. But the two groups are so supportive of each other and such good friends. And the hyungs (Winner) constantly worry about their dongsaengs which is adorable. Mostly it’s just the fans who made it into this huge fanwar thing, but otherwise it’s just normal work-competition in my eyes tbh. It’s also just a nice story about going from total lack of confidence to enjoying life 🙂 And both groups debuted, so tis all good now lol ^^

          Been through much? Like the stuff with the company and the fact that he got hate for turning idol?
          Not yet it seems, but I’m hoping he’ll show them when him and Taeyang are on KB next ep! It’s gonna be so much fun to watch him with the comedy-duo on another show. Minhodong is the cutest, most unexpected thing I’ve seen in a long time in a variety show lol. I just wish the other guys would be there too, especially since Seungyoon was on Flower Crew with Janghoon! And Jinwoo + Heechul would make a fun Narcissism Duo kkkkk.


            Ahhhh that’s good then. That makes me want to watch it more haha. Also seeing Bobby in the MOBB bts without Mino and getting all shy without his hyung is so cute. Hee.

            Pfffft do you really want me to list it all? The company yeah, turning “idol”, a bunch of backlash the group got in their first two years for stupid reasons, controversies, Seolhyun… and more. It’s still happening too. Every time he does something someone tries to make it into something bad *sighs*

            Hahaha that’s good! I barely no any of those references so they’re just gonna have to go on the list… once again.


          There’s a scene where all the guys eat together and their friendships are just the cutest ^^

          Ugh that’s typical. So many people who don’t like people with talent or good looks or whatever and just hate on them just cause -.-

          Minhodong = Mino and Ho Dong are like an unexpected father-son duo on NJTTW (where LSG is also a member) and I don’t usually like KHD, but duuuudeeee. It’s freakin adorable. Especially in the new season there was this one scene that practically had me laughing the rest of the day lol.
          Flower Crew – don’t watch it. It’s bad. Like, it had potential and I liked the cast, but the form and script were such a mess. There’s a reason it got cancelled.
          Other than that, yas, you should add to the list! 😛


            Awwww ❤ I bet.

            Yeahp. It’s kind of a saying among fans actually, that Zico gets hate for even breathing. It’s frustrating. Things just get blown 100 times out of the water with reactions that are far far to brutal than necessary. It’s stupid.

            Ahhh okay! Yeah NJTTW is already on the list so 😀
