“Because I’m old”, “okay you’re not” hahaahahahahaha 😂 Kim Jinwoo, master in team-kills and self-goals!

I’m still not sure what on earth this show is though. Tis a strange world we live in.


    God! I watched it again just now!

    Hoonie looks drunk with all his exaggerated expressions! 😛
    Those are punishments?? I would like to see a punishment that would embarrass these people! They really don’t care! 😉

    The show is strange for sure! But they are at least trying to come up with new concepts, however weird they might be! 😀


      I’m surprised those are even punishments lol. Wear a headband? Really? That’s only what 95% of all idols have done at some point during their career at fansigns lol.

      True, props for creativity 😛
