I just moved…. I had 6 days from I received the offer till the move-in date…
Let’s just say it was a teeny tiny bit stressful O.O
BUT! Now I have a MUCH better apartment, woooo! 😀
Thank you sweetie! 😀 <3 I'm sorry I didn't get around to replying to your last reply on my last "I'm back post" lol, I meant to, but then the move happened and everything was chaos o.O
Errr… still got moving boxes and random bags of stuff lying around haha, so it might be a while before any housewarming can be done 😛
It’s okay, I figured you’d be busy because it was “kinda sorta back” thing, LOL!
The first few days are going to be a little hectic, just trying to get everything into place, take your time, we’re not going anywhere *demanding that housewarming party*
I may or may not have done Chandler’s victory dance on a table. (I’ll just leave you to decide whether it’s ‘may’ or ‘may not’ nwhaha :P)
Also not quite done yet. I mean, everything’s now in my new apartment, but… so much stuff 😳 Especially since I moved to one that’s a little bit smaller albeit not by much. I collect too many things…. what do I even need them for?!? Oh right…. life… survival,…. school… that sorta thing 😛 (And also entertainment but ssshhhh we don’t talk about that 😉)
What? You’re not able to figure out what my face looks like based on my profile picture and the fact that we’ve talked? I’m so disappointed in you 😛
Bhwahahaha at least entertainment is my field of study, so I can always say it’s for school kkk. Except for all my board games. Those would be hard to explain away 😛
The intelligent way to clap. I love nerds hehehe
It’s actually what a round of applause is supposed to be. At least… I think so. I don’t even know why but yeah…
(not planning to don’t worry! haha)
I still sort of, kind of want to finish P101-2 though…. But then I remember…. There’s this thing called time… And wasting it on Mnet’s evil editing and objectifying of idols is probably not a wise decision… Time isn’t exactly something you can just buy more of at the store after all….
Hee…. we love you back! And our random conversations without you have become random-er! 2 of our conversation threads have 100+ comments and both of them were initially about you! 😛
Yeah I would strongly recommend staying away from this chiefly because of the evil editing and objectification- because other than that, some of these kids were really nice and talented!
We’re gonna need those butterfly elbows now! *hs no idea what she’s saying* *is tired and busy worrying about whether I can figure out getting concert tickets*
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August 22, 2017 at 6:31 AM
I just moved…. I had 6 days from I received the offer till the move-in date…
Let’s just say it was a teeny tiny bit stressful O.O
BUT! Now I have a MUCH better apartment, woooo! 😀
August 22, 2017 at 7:35 AM
New, better apartment! Yay! ☺ 🏢
August 22, 2017 at 7:40 AM
*waves pom poms in your face out of insane amount of excitement* 😛
August 22, 2017 at 8:01 AM
Congrats on the new apartment! Now forget about the stress amd enjoy! And yeah.. when is the house warming party?! LOL!
August 22, 2017 at 8:07 AM
Thank you sweetie! 😀 <3 I'm sorry I didn't get around to replying to your last reply on my last "I'm back post" lol, I meant to, but then the move happened and everything was chaos o.O
Errr… still got moving boxes and random bags of stuff lying around haha, so it might be a while before any housewarming can be done 😛
August 23, 2017 at 1:49 AM
It’s okay, I figured you’d be busy because it was “kinda sorta back” thing, LOL!
The first few days are going to be a little hectic, just trying to get everything into place, take your time, we’re not going anywhere *demanding that housewarming party*
August 23, 2017 at 12:57 PM
Haha don’t worry, you’ll get your housewarming party! It might be an online one, but I’ll make sure there’s appropriate snacks 😉
August 23, 2017 at 1:26 PM
LOL, will be looking forward to it then 😀
August 22, 2017 at 10:41 AM
That gif! 😀 Makes me want to copy it!
Did you do a dance of victory once you were done with all the shifting??
August 23, 2017 at 1:04 AM
I may or may not have done Chandler’s victory dance on a table. (I’ll just leave you to decide whether it’s ‘may’ or ‘may not’ nwhaha :P)
Also not quite done yet. I mean, everything’s now in my new apartment, but… so much stuff 😳 Especially since I moved to one that’s a little bit smaller albeit not by much. I collect too many things…. what do I even need them for?!? Oh right…. life… survival,…. school… that sorta thing 😛 (And also entertainment but ssshhhh we don’t talk about that 😉)
August 23, 2017 at 1:20 AM
I totally imagined you (the face was all blurry obviously :P) dancing like Chandler! 😀
Lol.. I think you messed up the order there.. Shouldn’t entertainment come first? Before even life? 😉
August 23, 2017 at 12:58 PM
What? You’re not able to figure out what my face looks like based on my profile picture and the fact that we’ve talked? I’m so disappointed in you 😛
Bhwahahaha at least entertainment is my field of study, so I can always say it’s for school kkk. Except for all my board games. Those would be hard to explain away 😛
August 23, 2017 at 11:04 PM
I know right! I should do better! *Tsk tsk* 😉
Say to whom? Yourself? 😛
Board games? What kind?
August 22, 2017 at 2:40 PM
*happy claps*
August 23, 2017 at 1:05 AM
*happy clap hi5*
*does not know if that’s a thing* *or how it’d even work* *does it anyway*
August 23, 2017 at 1:24 AM
*well it works now I suppose* *hahahaha*
August 23, 2017 at 2:37 AM
Didn’t find any happy clap Hi5 but found a group happy clapping- so close?
The google searches I do for a conversation that I wasn’t even a part of! *SMH*
August 23, 2017 at 2:43 AM
You are always welcome in our convos hahaha
The guy at the front right aggressively doing the round of applause though…
August 23, 2017 at 2:56 AM
I think he is Nu’est’s Kim Jong Hyun, though not sure….

All of them are actually copying this guy-
Yes I know, you didn’t need that information. I gave it anyway.
And yes, I watched Produce 101 season 2. Don’t watch it! 😛
August 23, 2017 at 2:58 AM
The intelligent way to clap. I love nerds hehehe
It’s actually what a round of applause is supposed to be. At least… I think so. I don’t even know why but yeah…
(not planning to don’t worry! haha)
August 23, 2017 at 1:02 PM
Pffftt I love you guys and your random convos 😛
I still sort of, kind of want to finish P101-2 though…. But then I remember…. There’s this thing called time… And wasting it on Mnet’s evil editing and objectifying of idols is probably not a wise decision… Time isn’t exactly something you can just buy more of at the store after all….
August 23, 2017 at 11:10 PM
Hee…. we love you back! And our random conversations without you have become random-er! 2 of our conversation threads have 100+ comments and both of them were initially about you! 😛
Yeah I would strongly recommend staying away from this chiefly because of the evil editing and objectification- because other than that, some of these kids were really nice and talented!
August 23, 2017 at 11:42 PM
Haha! And here I thought it was possible for them to get any more random. Silly me 😛
August 23, 2017 at 12:59 PM
*tries it* *hey!* *it DOES work*
August 23, 2017 at 1:32 PM
Probably not a wise decision no haha
*hi5 happy clapping can be our thing then*
August 23, 2017 at 1:36 PM
We’re gonna need those butterfly elbows now! *hs no idea what she’s saying* *is tired and busy worrying about whether I can figure out getting concert tickets*