Does anyone else find that some shows put them to sleep?


    I remember this happening when I watched Arang and the magistrate (I really enjoyed it but I kept falling asleep) Now it is happening again with Bride of the water god, I watched the first episode over 3 sittings, now I’m trying to watch episode 3 and I’m 15 minutes in and I literally can’t keep my eyes open.
    I have no idea why, does anyone else have this with particular shows?


      Oh my gosh, @AussieGrl yesss! I am having this exact problem with this exact show. I enjoyed the first two eps but fell asleep multiple times trying to watch it and beanies are going gaga over it (or hating it completely) and I enjoyed it enough to want to watch but everytime I try and watch ep 3 does not matter how awake I am its naptime.


        I understand, it’s the middle of the afternoon here, but I keep having to pause it and do something else to stay awake.


    Some surely do! And those include some really “good” ones like Goblin! I didn’t hate it but I always saw it in 2 shifts because I always ended up sleeping while watching it! There were many others but Goblin shines in recent memory.
