Okay this duet is just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen 😀 Their bromance is just adorable haha ^^
(watch from about 2:00)


    There are no subs, but this is how I understood the dialogue (very roughly, so take it with a grain of salt. Also didn’t understand all of it, so there’ll be gaps):

    Kim Soo Hyun: I have a gift for Hongki.
    HK: You have a gift for me?
    KSH: Yes, I’ll try singing a song.
    Hongki: Waaaaaahhhhh! Suddenly? What are you going to sing?
    KSH: ‘Wind’ [FTIsland’s new single]
    HK: WIND?!?!?!?!
    HK: Wind’s MR (instrumental track) should be available for broadcast
    HK: Will you try doing it on your own first? Will you be okay? [I think LOL.]
    KSH: Ye-yes.
    HK: Will you just try and do it like we’re singing at karaoke?
    HK: This is awesome. Soo Hyun-ssi will be singing live. I didn’t know about it either. … Let’s listen to Kim Soo Hyun’s ‘Wind’
    Them singing the song
    HK: You did well, you did well

    KSH: something about loving the song
    HK: something about the key of the song being really high, so it’s hard to sing even for him, meaning KSH is good at singing.

    That’s about all I understood lol. In case anyone’s interested at all 😛

    KSH prepared a surprise gift for Hongki – singing FTIsland’s newest Korean single ‘Wind’. Hongki afterwards says KSH is good at singing, because the key of this song is so high that it’s hard even for himself to sing it.


    Oh, really cute! And Kim Soo Hyun’s singing is quite good!
    Lol, I hadn’t noticed your comment at first, so I watched it, tried to understand some and then read your translation to check what I had missed. 🙂
    Thank you for the translation, by the way!


      KSH could at least be good if given more training. He managed the beginning of the song surprisingly well, and like HK said, it’s a really tough one to sing, even for the composer himself haha 😛

      I should’ve mentioned it in the post, but didn’t think of trying to translate until after posting 🙂
      You’re welcome. Not sure how correct it is lol, but I thought it might at least give an indication of what’s going on ^^


        Yes, I think training would certainly help him improve, but for someone who does not sing on daily basis, it was good. I think he must have practiced this a lot. I really like his voice.
        I believe your translation must be right, because I understood things the same way :-P, but you got some more… It’s almost like a game – how much you can understand from a video based only on your knowledge from dramas and kpop.


          His voice is just… delicious LOL. I actually found out most of my favorite actors have really good voice tones that draw you in when they speak. The voice can be such a big part of someone’s charisma and charm.

          Good to know I’m not completely off-base with it hehe! ^^ Ikr and a very fun one! I love it when I’m watching something raw and then suddenly realize that I understood what’s going on anyway. It’s such a mindblowing experience since it’s not a language I’ve ever studied, but only just picked up a few words and phrases here and there. And sometimes the words I understand are really random ones like onion or something lol.


      It has to be good! He sang so many times in Dream High and he was good there! I think he sang in MLFS too but I don’t remember clearly!

      Thanks @kaybee for the subs.. I think I understood some of the same words but it is always better to know for sure! 🙂 Their real life bromance is really cute!


        He got singing lessons from JYP. Which I don’t put much faith in, cause the guy’s own singing is pretty weak haha 😛 And autotune… I did hear him singing that one song live on yt however and he did well, except for a couple of issues here and there. This song is haaaarddd though, so it’s no wonder he couldn’t exactly sing it perfectly. Training to sing one song well doesn’t mean you can all of a sudden sing a really tough, new song perfectly ^^

        Not sure if you can know for sure with my translation haha.
        And yes, it’s so adorable! I love that they seem like such unlikely friends and met through bowling of all things 😛 Their laugh was so similar here though!


          Lol I didn’t know that but yup, I wouldn’t put much faith in it either! 😛 He is good for a non-singer. And he covers everything up with his adorable smile so everything is forgotten! 😀

          When I first heard that KSH was going for professional bowling, I was almost afraid that with that we might never get his TV comeback. And then I heard that Hongki is with him. And I just couldn’t connect them! Till then, Hongki for me was ‘that’ guy from You Are Beautiful and I was left wondering at the odd way in which relationships work in k-world. Now that I have gotten to know Hongki more, I feel like they fit perfectly well and anyway, I feel like no one can NOT be Hongki’s friend if they meet him once. He is adorable!


            Haha exactly and he KNOWS when he makes a mistake, so that’s promising!

            Agreed! He’s even earned the rep of being a good radio host, because he makes all the guests feel really comfortable.


        Dream High is still waiting on my to-watch list, but I know he sang there! I should get to it sometimes soon…


          Dream High was cute. And also a bit heartbreaking. I mean, it’s got Suzy and Taecyeon as leads, but KSH balances out their bad acting kkkk 😛


            I think it worked because they made Suzy’s bad acting as part of her character lol
            It really is a charming show. Too bad I could barely get through the first episode of Dream High 2…it just didn’t have the same heart to me.


          Haha.. exactly what kaybee said.
          It somehow worked despite having pretty mediocre actors- Suzy, Taec and that other guy from 2PM. IU was okay but quite green. On top of that there was JYP himself! Now that i think of it, HOW did it work!!!! 😛
          KSH was awesome and so was the storyline. Plus there is just something about underdogs winning that works everytime!


            Hahaha so true! I’ve been wanting to rewatch it, because now that I know so much more about Kpop as well as have seen a gazillion dramas, it’d be fun to go back and laugh at JYP basically being JYP 😛 I love that it had at least one major twist.
            Yeah, who doesn’t love an underdog?


    This is amazing, and I live for Hongki’s laughing


      Me too 😛 It’s so childlike in its uncontrolled way lol. I find it so funny that him and KSH laugh almost exactly the same way at one point in this vid!


    Aw. Thanks for posting this @kaybee I really love the song anyway but they were so cute. He made a really good attempt, I thought, for a non-singer. Hong-ki’s voice is so powerful and I love his laugh. It’s the sort of laugh that makes you laugh yourself.
