[Revisiting Dramas] Twelve years later, still a lover of Lovers in Prague

By @radicchio

It was 2005 and I was 17 years old. Between AP classes, marching band, and college prep, Korean dramas were to me as they are now—an escape from real life.

In the 12 years since, I’ve gone to college, worked in Korea, got married, and I’m now back in the U.S. I have a folder on my laptop with all-time favorite dramas: Lovers in Prague, On Air, Goong, 18 vs 29, and Alone in Love. Of those, I had not watched Lovers in Prague for the longest time so I decided to rewatch it and see what it would be like in 2017.

I started with Episode 13, because I didn’t need to watch 18 episodes of something I’ve already watched. And, fellow Beanies, you know how wrong that assumption can be. I got hooked.

What held up to the test of time? I loved this OST back in 2005 and hearing the familiar operatic strains over the speakers as the beautiful city of Prague was shown—this is some timeless music. Most importantly, and why I ended up watching the entire series again: Lovers in Prague has one of the spunkiest, smartest heroines in a drama, EVER.

I’ve always been a fan of Jeon Do-yeon because I forget that she’s acting—she seems like the character she’s playing. As Yoon Jae-hee, the president’s daughter but a bona fide diplomat, this is still a huge win in 2017. You can tell she practiced speaking the different languages (Czech, Japanese) instead of just pretending. She isn’t afraid to state her feelings and go after her crush (Kim Joo-hyuk as Choi Sang-hyun), even if he’s being a timid, gruff mouse (yes, timid gruff mice exist). She’ll even state how embarrassed she is but still act on her feelings. What surprised me was how well her style translated; I wanted to rock some of the cute shorts/suit jacket combos she wore to work.

As someone who’s been in the working world for awhile, I also appreciated how not-perfect she was. I related to her being a respected diplomat but forgetting things like changing out of your slippers and into your work heels as you’re going off to work (I’m like this). Something else I noticed was that she seemed to have a minimal amount of makeup on, which was very realistic to me and quite refreshing. Then again, we’ve moved into the super HD world now and maybe fewer actresses want to go the natural route because all the imperfections are so high-definition? Jae-hee’s hair isn’t always perfectly coifed (even frizzy! gasp!) and sometimes it seems like she only has eyeliner and lipstick on, but that’s what it’s like to work five days a week in a very demanding job.

And, as an added bonus, there are a host of familiar faces in very early roles—shout-out to Ha Jung-woo in his first recognizable part for a drama! I’d completely forgotten about Jang Geun-seok being in this too, as well as Eunjung (from T-ara), Andy (ugh his stilted acting) and Shim Eun-kyung (in a brief cameo). They all look SO young.

However, in the decade that has passed since first watching the drama, I’ve also become more cognizant of a few things that I hadn’t realized before. Rewatching this, I really cringed at how many times the male characters would grab Jeon Do-yeon’s wrist. I recognize this straightaway when I watch dramas now but it’s not something that stuck out to me then. It was a pleasant surprise, though, when Sang-hyun started to cut off Jae-hee, to hear her say, “I’m not done speaking yet. I’ve got more to say so you need to listen.” It was a powerful moment that sometimes we don’t even get in our 2017 dramas, as male characters constantly talk over women who seem to have more to say.

Unfortunately, another unique part of this drama hasn’t changed much since 2005 is the representation of differently abled characters such as her best friend, Yoon-kyu, in his wheelchair. I rarely see characters like these in dramas even now and I wish it was something that was seen more. I appreciated how Yoon-kyu, in the last episode, contemplates snowboarding again and gets a potential love interest of his own.

As an older adult, I total squeed upon seeing real kisses and more of an adult relationship in this drama. We still get cop-outs in 2017 sometimes and I forgot how R-rated some of these Prague kisses were! I appreciated the fact that Jae-hee was honest with Young-woo (played by the swoony Kim Min-joon, in a very shaggy haircut) and her current feelings. Sang-hyun, who could have easily led Jae-hee on, was also pretty honest in saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship and asking her to please stop hitting on him. But once he was ready, he was forthcoming about his changed feelings.

While there were still some problematic aspects to the drama (did the conflicting diplomat really have to be from Japan instead of some other country?), the reasons why I enjoyed this drama continue to be reasons why I enjoy watching dramas today. It had a well-rounded cast with adorable side characters (Sang-hyun’s aunt was simply lovable, as was bodyguard Ha Jung-woo), hearty friendships, great acting, lovely OST, a strong heroine, and a solid ending. Minimal angst was another strong draw, despite almost going down the amnesia rabbit-hole with Young-woo. My heart broke for Young-woo in second lead syndrome and I totally got annoyed with Yoon Se-ah’s clingy, weepy character all over again (but you’ve gotta admit, girl’s got the saddest eyes ever).

Thanks to both Dramabeans for reminding me what a good drama this was and, of course, to the drama gods for bringing us this drama in the first place!


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I have never watched Lovers in Prague. After reading this article, I feel like giving it a try. :)


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Yep me too


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Aw, I hope you two enjoy watching it!


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It is weird how many things have changed in dramaland... and yet, how many things have NOT changed.


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Right? I was expecting it to be very dated, seeing as it's from 2005 but it was surprisingly progressive for its time. What were you surprised about that hasn't changed?


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Maybe she refers to the plot? Same exact plot being used even in the dramas nowadays. Amnesia, second lead, romance that got misunderstood, etc. When watching korean dramas I always think that I've seen the scene before, then find out that it was from a drama in the past that got reused haha


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I loved the drama. Jeon Do-yeon's character was really charming.


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She was my working woman role model for awhile!


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Ah, Lovers in Prague. I think the only reverse Cinderella story Kim Eun-sook unni ever wrote. I have a ranking of Kim Eun-sook dramas, and Lovers in Prague is the only other Kim Eun-sook drama I watched mostly in fast forward. The other being Lovers which is my least favourite of her dramas. I have never had second lead syndrome watching any of her second lead men because I feel like her heroines are very forthcoming about where their hearts truly lie. I remember shipping the two second leads until I found out who her baby daddy was. And, I didn't even know Ha Jung-woo was the body guard, no wonder he seemed so familiar. Say what you will at Kim Eun-sook, but she writes truly wonderful side characters even if some of her main leads make me want to punch my screen (looking at you Lee Seo-jin in Lovers), even Kim Nam-gil as Lee Seo-jin's bodyguard in Lovers was memorable and he didn't even talk much.


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Huh I had forgotten that Kim Nam Gil was the bodyguard in Lovers. Kim Eun-Sook's dramas are a hit or miss for me - Descendents and Lovers were a miss for me while Lovers in Prague, Gentleman's Dignity etc were complete hits.


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I recall a beautiful song on the OST that was titled something about the Charles River. Does anyone know the correct title, and where I might find the song?


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Sorry, could not find it based on that title - was it an instrumental?


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I think so because I looked for piano music for a long time, I never found it. Thanks!


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Oh, and it was Charles Bridge, not river.


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My goodness, because this drama is so old, had to do some major digging. Basically it's a 2 CD soundtrack and the song you were looking for is on the 2nd CD which is not easily available online. You were right - it's called Love on Charles Bridge (까렐교의 사랑)


Hope that helps!


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Heavens! You.Are.Amazing!!
radicchio, thank you so much for taking on this project, little did you know you were going to be appointed THE DB expert on Lovers in Prague now ?
Thanks again!


@bbstl No problem! I am an OST fanatic so it was a pleasure looking it up for you :)

Here is the full list of songs in the ost should you need it (it's in Korean)



Lovers in prague was one of the first shows I watched. I can never forget how much I loved this show and how much I wanted to punch someone on several occasions. I disliked the second leads so much. So much. And then there was a time I disliked her character too. I hated that she thought she had to stay with the second leads because of the accident, after the main lead was ready for a relationship. Maybe I should watch it again through more mature eyes.


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When I first watched it, I had the same feeling as you when she stayed with the second lead but... I think as an adult, I've come to realize that sometimes we make choices based on guilt, responsibility, or both. I felt less annoyed and more sad at the situation.


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Ermegawd! I thought my submission would be panned as it was almost the end of the month but flabbergasted that it's been posted XD


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Haven't seen this, but now I'm convinced to give it a go! Thanks @radicchio!


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No problem :) Can't believe I rewatched the whole thing though ^^;;


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Loved it and your piece is spot on. May I add that Young Woo was awful and got only worse towards the end. I'm still baffled at his behaviour and I've seen my share of crazy second leads over the years since then, about 8 years ago. Its funny that the big movie star Ha jung Wo started out as a chauffeur that didn't say much. Totally had a crush him. ^_^
Yoon Jae-he had her heart on her sleeve and she was so real, I think it's mostly because of JDY's performance. I honestly screamed at the screen for her to think of her pride and slow it down a bit, but in hindsight I'm so glad she was the way she approached life in general. Never hold back!

Ugh I'm so rewatching this, I just hope the subbed vids are easier to find. Vimeo here I come.


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You're right - Young Woo as a character, I disliked but the actor...well, I had not recovered from his role in Damo (2003) so I think I forgave him for all the annoyances as Young Woo.

Ha Jung Woo, I feel, was destined for greatness because his role was such a minor one in this drama but he made such a big impression on me. It was all in the details - the brief looks he would give Jeon Do Yeon where his character really came alive and had such personality.


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@radiccio Beautiful write-up! Your enthusiasm for this show is infectious, and makes me want to watch it. Bookmarked! :)


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It's been so many years and i'm just a child then. It's the first time I was impressed with Prague in Czech. Lol I've forgotten the characters' names; I only remember their faces and actions in drama :) she's a lovely and brave girl. Dare to love, dare to give up, Dare to get hurt! Actually, I feel like I love her first boyfriend more. If only he's better, he'll be a good male lead. He's not bad, but it's just he looks a bit selfish lying to her in order to get married with her, but I do pity him so much. Poor him.


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Years later, Jeon Do-yeon and Ha Jung-woo are two of Chungmuro's best.
There is hope for actors starting out in dramas.


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I actually live in Prague so I guess it is high time to watch this drama for the first time :-). Thank you for the suggestion.


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Shout-out to the City of Prague! I've tried to watch this drama once, because Prague is our capital and you know, having your country featured in a drama... That's kind of huge for Europe!
Anyways, I didn't get too far in it. I'm happy you liked it, though. :-)


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I watch this with my mother too back then in 2005. I think this was popular in my country thanks to Lovers in Paris that was shown first in television

It's been so long so I don't remember what exactly happened, but I remember that it's quite slow on the story with small uptake and strong alpha male characters

I think I need to watch this again. Thanks for reminding me about this!


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Thanks for writing about Lovers in Prague. I liked everything about this drama especially its sense of humor. Loved both leads too. Great actors. Now you made me want want to watch it again for the nth time. ;-)


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I actually never got to finish this one. Glad to see it here! Maybe I'll get to try it out again!


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