The Liar and His Lover: Episode 15

There are the smiles we know and love. They’ve been severely missed, and thankfully, they’ve returned just in time for finale week. (Augh, it’s almost over… Say it isn’t so!) With all of their insecurities now out on the table, the folks at Sole Music are opening themselves up to change. And even better, they’re finally opting to face that change together. So from now on, no matter what happens, no one will have to walk alone.


At the sight of So-rim, Han-gyul instantly breaks into gut-wrenching sobs, and he falls into her arms, saying that everything would’ve been fine if only he didn’t exist.

In the hospital, In-ho is tended to by his mom, and her loving words cause him to remember what Han-gyul had said after his confession. Han-gyul had promised not to tell the other boys and then ordered In-ho never to pull something like that again – because he and the boys weren’t the only ones who cared about him.

His emotions crashing back in, In-ho tells his mother that he’s sorry, though he can’t bring himself to say why. He merely surrenders to his tears, silently accepting Mom’s embrace.

Han-gyul cries that he’s made things so much harder for his friends and that it’s killing him, but strangely enough, he still wants to pursue his music. He wonders if he’ll be able to do better from now on. So-rim wipes his tears away and assures him that he will; she reminds him that she’ll always be by his side no matter what happens.

She pulls him into another hug, her own eyes filling with tears as she tells him never to say that everyone would be better off without him, “Because I can’t live without you.” He promises that he won’t and squeezes her even tighter. Jesus, we’re only five minutes in and I’m already a sobbing mess.

Chan-young sits at home, staring at a new song he started for Mush & Co. and thinking back to his conversation with Jin-hyuk. He’d told Jin-hyuk that he couldn’t trust him and that he wouldn’t tolerate being used anymore.

Shi-hyun calls him and Yoon out to reveal what CEO Yoo had said about taking over for Jin-hyuk. For now, they agree not to tell In-ho until he’s out of the hospital.

The next day at Sole, the security guards inform Jin-hyuk that Han-gyul had checked the CCTV footage. After viewing it himself, Jin-hyuk immediately confronts Han-gyul, who lies that he’d been looking for a lost flash drive. Jin-hyuk tries to pry the truth out of him, but Han-gyul ends the conversation there and leaves.

While Mush & Co. are chatting, So-rim gets a text from Han-gyul to meet. As she scurries off to the roof, Gyu-sun compliments Jin-woo for not freaking out. Then he pretends to spot So-rim and Han-gyul hugging, making Jin-woo whirl around and shout, “Kang Han-gyul, that son of a—…” (LOL.) He chides Gyu-sun for messing with him.

So-rim finds Han-gyul and is glad to see that he’s feeling better. He apologizes for showing her that side of him, joking that it was very unboyfriend-like of him. But in all seriousness, he was grateful to have her there. They both smile and start to lean in, only to break into shy giggles.

She invites him to the little get-together she and her friends are holding for their last day at the dorms, and he gladly accepts. Then he sneaks a quick peck on her cheek, making her (and me) squeal in surprise.

Soo-yeon finds Chan-young with Shi-hyun and suggests he go see Mush & Co. since they’ve been worried about him. Chan-young notices Soo-yeon and Shi-hyun suddenly acting veeery close and smiles, saying that he’ll give them some privacy.

He finds Jin-woo and Gyu-sun in the practice room and apologizes for being so MIA lately. The boys are just glad to see that he’s okay, though they are wondering if he’s still their producer. Chan-young frowns in confusion, so they elaborate that they know the company only favors So-rim.

Chan-young admits that he only favored So-rim too, but now things are different. He’d always liked the sound of a band, which is why he joined Crude Play and why he wanted to produce his own band. And then he met Mush & Co., he adds with a smile.

After leaving, Chan-young spots So-rim and Han-gyul in the corridor being all smiley and handsy, and he immediately hides out of view. He laughs sadly to himself as he watches them go.

Meanwhile, CEO Yoo informs Jin-hyuk that it’s been decided that Sole Music will be shut down, meaning he’s out of a job. So she wants him to join Who Entertainment as a director, and his first task is to fix both Crude Play and Mush & Co.’s images. To her surprise, he just quietly accepts her orders.

Soo-yeon drives Mush & Co. back to the dorms for their party. So-rim reveals that she has a surprise guest, and funnily enough, Jin-woo and Gyu-sun invited a surprise guest as well. Ha, I like where this is going.

Han-gyul and Chan-young are about to leave for the party when Jin-hyuk calls them both into his office. The boys eye each other curiously, and Chan-young even mentions that whenever the three of them are together, bad things happen.

Laughing, Jin-hyuk can’t exactly deny that. He tells them about CEO Yoo’s plans of merging Sole Music with Who Entertainment, giving them a fair warning that it’ll be quite chaotic. He asks for Han-gyul to think about where to go with Crude Play from here and for Chan-young to reconsider staying with Mush & Co.

Afterwards, the two boys go their separate ways, both saying they have somewhere to be. Chan-young reaches Mush & Co.’s dorm first, greeting So-rim and asking how she’s been. She replies with the same “joke” Chan-young once told her, saying she hasn’t been well since she couldn’t see her oppa. After an awkward beat, they all burst into laughter. Although, So-rim admits that she really did miss Chan-young.

Just then, the doorbell sounds, and So-rim reveals her own special guest: Han-gyul. And he’s carrying the exact same cake that Chan-young had brought (I guess they really do think alike). Chan-young laughs, “You again?” and everyone breaks into smiles, more than happy to celebrate with two cakes.

As everyone walks home, Han-gyul and Chan-young hang back. Chan-young defends his presence at the party with the producer card, making Han-gyul turn to him – is he willing to be their producer after all? Chan-young is still somewhat uncertain, so Han-gyul tells him to go for it: “Because your songs make your performers happy.”

He knows just by listening to Chan-young’s song that he wrote it with the perfect balance for Mush & Co. as a group. Han-gyul admits that that’s something even he has difficulty with, and he wants to write songs for every member of his band, not just one. “I’m going to do it properly now,” Han-gyul concludes.

Chan-young tells him to do just that, and they smile. So-rim turns around and takes the opportunity to snap a picture of them together, which also snaps them out of their friendly moment. They argue over who gets to walk with So-rim (“I’m her producer!” “Well, I’m her boyfriend!”), and she just grabs the both of them so that they can all go together.

Once at home, Chan-young takes Han-gyul’s encouraging words to heart, remembering all the times Mush & Co. were happy to have him as their producer. He comes to a decision and starts working on his second demo again. Yay!

Chan-young makes sure to tell Jin-hyuk of his decision the next day, promising never to change his mind. He is curious, however, as to why Jin-hyuk changed his mind when he was so obsessed with only making music that sold before. With a sigh, Jin-hyuk says that after taking a step back from it all, he was able to see a little more clearly.

Chan-young wastes no time in announcing that he’ll continue working with Mush & Co., and the trio are just as ecstatic as he is. He promises to keep the band as his top priority and to never leave them alone – the same thing he had promised So-rim when they first got signed. The promise sounds so much different when it’s for the whole group.

Jin-woo and Gyu-sun jump up to buy celebratory drinks, leaving Chan-young and So-rim alone. Feeling giddy, So-rim starts singing “The Road to Me,” triggering Chan-young’s memory of their first meeting.

She doesn’t remember singing the song then, but Chan-young does, and he figures he’ll never be able to forget it. He says that at first, he liked her voice, then he liked her trust in him, and now he just likes that he was able to meet her. He assures her not to feel sorry for him, though – as long as he doesn’t say it’s over, it’s not really over.

All the Crude Play boys join In-ho at the hospital, where the mood is rather light. Chan-young totally puts Shi-hyun in the spotlight by revealing his new relationship with Soo-yeon, getting a big reaction out of everyone but a dazed Han-gyul. When Shi-hyun asks why he’s so out of it, Han-gyul says that he’s been thinking that they should stop using session musicians once In-ho is discharged.

Han-gyul: “I’m being sincere. All this time, I thought I was responsible for all of you. Rather than us walking together, I thought that I had to carry you until you reached the level that I longed for. So I didn’t let you play the music you wanted, thinking that was the right thing for me to do. And you all knew I’d been wrong all along. But you held it in for me. That’s why from now on, I’m going to create music that we can all play together. Instead of the sounds I come up with in my head, I’m going to use songs that all of us can enjoy.”

He assures the boys that he’s serious about this, and they smile, saying that they already know. Despite their joking tone, they all seem moved, particularly In-ho.

Jin-hyuk tells Yoo-na about his new position at Who Entertainment, and she notes that he’s telling her as if he’s asking for her approval. She asks who he’s trying to make excuses for, but he’s unable to answer.

In-ho is released from the hospital the following morning, and he gets ambushed by Crude Play and Mush & Co. the second he returns to Sole. With an amused grin, In-ho pulls Soo-yeon toward Shi-hyun, and Mush & Co. gasp to discover that they’re dating.

Unfortunately, they can’t goof off for too long. Crude Play is sent in to CEO Yoo’s office, where they learn that they’re still holding a press conference this week. Seeing their shocked faces, she assures them that they won’t have to play live.

To Han-gyul, it seems like a bad time, but Yoo sees it as a good time, especially since their fans’ focus has shifted due to In-ho’s accident. That may be so, Han-gyul answers, but what are they supposed to do if another scandal breaks out later on?

Yoo believes it’ll all be fine as long as they’re careful, but Han-gyul disagrees – as long as they use the session musicians, there’s no guarantee that this kind of incident won’t happen again. Either way, he’s decided that he won’t create music this way anymore.

When Yoo points out that the quality of the music will be made obvious, he says they’ll just have to wait until they’re ready then. As for the press conference, they’ll have to think about it. Yoo is taken aback by his firm tone and can only glance at Jin-hyuk in disbelief.

After the meeting, In-ho pulls Han-gyul aside to ask if his sudden outburst is because of him. Han-gyul merely says that they can only go so far when it comes to covering up their lies.

He gives In-ho a warm smile, reminding him that he’d said he’d take care of this. Just above them, Jin-hyuk listens intently from a balcony.

That night in his office, Jin-hyuk can’t shake off Han-gyul’s words. Remembering the CCTV footage of In-ho, he heads over to Han-gyul’s place for some answers. Han-gyul figures that the both of them might as well know, so he reveals the truth of In-ho’s sleeping pills and what In-ho had intended to do with them.

Han-gyul is close to tears as he continues that his friend was so afraid of playing live – of destroying the band – that he’d actually considered getting into an accident. Jin-hyuk is completely floored to hear this. Han-gyul turns to him, stating that they should never forget that this happened and that they’re the ones who need to take responsibility.

By the time he retreats to his car, Jin-hyuk is drained from this sudden discovery. He thinks back to the very first time he approached Crude Play and had them shouting in delight at the sight of his business card.

After he’d gotten Chan-young on board, he’d told the boys to fake their playing so they could get Han-gyul’s song out into the world – they could improve their skills later on, he said. In-ho had asked if they would really get to play in the future, and he’d promised that they would, making the boys look awfully hopeful.

The memory gets Jin-hyuk choked up, but he quickly pulls himself back together and drives over to Yoo-na’s place next.

Jin-hyuk notices that Yoo-na took down her very first album cover, and she just shrugs, saying she looked like such a baby during those days. Jin-hyuk, on the other hand, says that he found her very pretty.

But he saw the potential for her to be prettier. To be a better singer. To be a better star. He saw that potential in her, Crude Play, and Mush & Co., which is why he started all of this. “I didn’t start it to ruin you guys,” he says, his voice filled with regret.

Tired of waiting, CEO Yoo decides to take matters into her own hands and announces to the public that Crude Play will indeed hold a press conference.

The Crude Play boys gather at the bar, feeling as if they’ve been trapped by their superiors yet again. Han-gyul sees this as their chance to come clean and start over, though the others are still a bit wary.

So Yoon speaks up, saying he’s worked so hard up until now, but because of their lies, it hasn’t felt worth it. But if they reveal the truth, he’ll be able to put his mind at ease.

With that said, they all place their hands on the table in agreement. In-ho would prefer that Chan-young stay out of it since he plays his own music, but Chan-young just slams his own hand on top of theirs, unwilling to step away. Yes. No one’s getting left out this time.

Later, Han-gyul meets up with So-rim, and they take a stroll outside. He tells her that he and the boys are going to acknowledge the accusations. With a strained smile, he says that it might be a long time before they’re able to perform again. So-rim sweetly back-hugs him, not caring if anyone sees. So-rim: “You’ll still write songs, right?” Han-gyul: “Of course.”

The boys inform CEO Yoo of their plan the next day, but she just scoffs, thinking they’re being completely irrational. Han-gyul insists that they can’t just cover a lie with another lie. Yoo heaves a big sigh and gives them one last warning – they can do whatever they want, but it will surely cost them their chances of ever playing again.

One by one, the boys wander up to the roof to brood, only to laugh when they see that they’ve all ended up in the same place. Together, they silently gaze out at the view.

Han-gyul joins his father at the bar (and I love that they have similar thinking positions here). He starts to wonder if revealing the truth is really the right thing, especially since In-woo was the one who had said the truth could hurt people.

In-woo suggests he give his son some fatherly advice – if he talks as if he knows everything, it’s because he’s scared to admit he’s wrong. He’s been acting this way for years and he’s still scared to change, so he believes that Han-gyul should make his own choice.

Later, the boys mentally prepare for the press conference in their separate spaces, an obvious sense of dread and sadness in the air.

And before we now it, Sole’s team is setting up for the reporters. CEO Yoo calls Jin-hyuk to make sure the boys won’t misbehave, and he vaguely replies that he’ll make sure they say what needs to be said (I hope you mean what I think you mean).

He finds the boys waiting out in the hall and hands Shi-hyun the scripted apology. Before Shi-hyun can get a word out, Jin-hyuk encourages them to say what they want to say.

The boys are surprised by Jin-hyuk’s words, but they’re able to walk into the room with a little more ease. The five of them take their seats and face the reporters, while Jin-hyuk and CEO Yoo watch from the back. Soo-yeon and Mush & Co. are in the back as well, here to support their boys.

As practiced, Shi-hyun takes the mic and speaks for the band. But to Yoo’s utter horror, he completely dismisses his lines and admits that the accusations toward everyone but Chan-young are true. The room erupts into a series of camera flashes and astonished murmurs.

Shi-hyun continues that they are deeply sorry for their actions and that for the time being, the band will be going on hiatus.

CEO Yoo turns to Jin-hyuk and fires him right on the spot before storming out. He merely brings his gaze back to the boys, clearly having already accepted his fate.

The boys file out of the room, ignoring the various questions being thrown at them. As Han-gyul sees them out, he looks past the sea of reporters and straight at So-rim, who gives him a small, encouraging smile.


I must admit that every time I leave an episode of Liar, I’m rendered speechless. Each episode has seemed to top the last, and this one was no exception. There’s something very special about this drama in that it knows exactly how to package those key moments and deliver them perfectly for us viewers. We came to know every character so well that we could understand their actions – whatever they said or did fit incredibly well with how their personality was supposed to be. That’s some phenomenal writing right there.

When Jin-hyuk’s whole world started crashing down on him, the way he dealt with it made so much sense with who he was. In a way, he was almost like a teacher having to accept that perhaps his students knew better than he did. But once he came to his much-awaited realization, he didn’t scoff and roll his eyes like an adult who couldn’t bear losing to a bunch of kids. He was never that kind of guy, which is why it was always so difficult to straight up hate him.

It was always hinted that he truly cared for these kids, and we got to see his true feelings for them when he made the heartbreaking confession that he never intended to ruin them. And in true Jin-hyuk fashion, he didn’t let this realization hinder him in any way. At the end of the day, he is a businessman, but it feels like he’s finally found the right balance of business and passion. I’m not sure what will become of him now that he’s jobless, but I trust that this writer has him – and everyone else – covered. I’m feeling just as tense as Jin-hyuk looked during the aftermath of the boys’ press conference, but I think Han-gyul was right: This was the direction they all had to go.

This has most definitely been a writer’s piece, but I can’t exactly say that the drama would be as enjoyable without everything else it’s offered. I didn’t think I could love these characters any more than I already did, but each episode kept building them into such wonderful people. The writing, the chemistry, and the overall feel all came together to make it just right for me. I have my favorite characters, but honestly, everyone is the heart of this show. I can’t imagine the drama without any of them.

I carry a lot of praise for the more experienced actors like Lee Hyun-woo and Lee Jung-jin, but I must also applaud the rookie actors. While they weren’t anything spectacular, they were able to bring so much heart to the show. They all had very natural chemistry with each other, making it a super easy and enjoyable watch. I hope to see this entire cast in many more projects in the future – preferably together again, but hey, I won’t be too greedy. I loved that this little rom-com was so much more than a romance (though that was arguably my favorite part). It explored various ideas of friendship, partnership, confidence, self-worth, and hard work, just to name a few. It started off very cute and bubbly, but I didn’t expect it to touch me on such a deeply emotional level. It wasn’t perfect, and the characters certainly weren’t perfect, but that was part of the reason why we loved them so much.

Lastly, I feel like I can’t sign off without thanking every one of you beanies for showering the drama with so much love. The sheer positivity that continued to radiate from the comments only increased my love for the drama tenfold. Let’s hope that this precious gem closes happily and gives every one of these characters a proper send-off. Crude Play, love, kill, die, aja!


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Ok, I didn't want to start the second page of comments with something meaningless like "omg omg omg squee cries flail" that I was initially was going to write so here goes:

Between episode 14 and episode 15, which was the more moving for you.

And which was your favorite?

And any reason why?

I'm seeing a lot of people citing these two episodes as their favorites so I wanted to ask out of curiosity.


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To reply to my own question. I don't know. I can't decide as of now yet.

Episode 14 had me in an emotional wreck. I was crying my eyes out every 5 seconds.

But episode 15 was better in deepening the relationship, and full of quiet moving moments rather than dramatic ones.

I say bravo to both for bringing me different experiences.

I hurt in episode 14, but I was moved in episode 15.

So uh... after writing this comment... I still haven't decided. But if I had a gun to my head, maybe 14?? or nevermind... 15??? Ah... I dont know.

14 might be more memorable in the long run, so I guess my final choice is 14. Agree, disagree?


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I don't know about 14 being more memorable.

I'm more of a quiet moments fan, like the rooftop part.

For example, even though Inho crying in Hangyul's arms was moving, I was even more moved by that quiet scene where he apologized to his mother and she wiped his hand for him. Maybe it's because of my age, but I was very touched by that.


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Episode 14 highlight had Jinwoo crying, which is still the most heartbreaking scene for me.

Episode 15 highlight had Chanyoung being part of the group.

It's a hard sell. I will go with 15 just because I love ma boys Crude Plays united. But 14 was a close one.


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14 because kiss.


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Actually, interestingly enough, I don't think I've a "favourite" episode because every episode seems to be quite well balanced to me. The writer has been pretty consistent in delivering great emotions.

I think people cite these 2 episodes as favourites because they're the episodes with the most character growth. CY grows up, the Crude Play boys own up to the fact that they need to stop lying, etc. I'll say that I like this episode a little more because I like how the Crude Play boys really stood up for each other and united over their decision to admit the truth. Also, I like scenes with all 5 of them together now that CY has gotten over his negativity (which was the one thing that frustrated me about him). Plus, JH finally decided to stop flip flopping over his decisions, which has been a long time coming. So proud of all of them this episode!


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Interestingly enough, rather than liking that things come together, I liked episode 14 better for the exact opposite reason. Episode 14 was the culmination of all their problems, and just seeing everything breaking down and crumble left a strangely cathartic feeling.
That said, I agree with all your points. There is much to be said about how the characters came up to task when it was time for them to. Even their worst critics in comments had to admire them for it and change their minds.


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Haha, that is true too! E14 was sort of the "last straw" for a lot of them and everything seemed to crumble. It was a very satisfying episode, too. I think the actors brought across the emotions very well.

I just like E15 more because of my personal preference - I liked seeing those heartwarming scenes where their friendship really shone through, and see how they all really cared for each other. It left me feeling all warm and fuzzy! :3 (But that said, really, the difference between both episodes is minimal for me. I like them both almost equally as much.)


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Same. I find it hard to choose a favorite when both left me so satisfied. It's like savoring two good dishes, and then you're asked to judge and dissect it and give it an objective grade. How can you be objective???


For me, episode 14 left a deeper impression on me. It's where I saw some of the biggest breakthroughs. It's also the episode where I really wanted to give each and every character a hug. I just wanted to give each of them a pep talk and let them know that they're not alone... I literally think this applied to almost every single character.

Episode 15 left me feeling warm and fuzzy. It closed some arcs and brought into fruition all those things that I wanted to happen-- CP unveiling their truth, CY really getting on board with CP, HG articulating how he had failed CP all this time. I just felt so satisfied.

But because I love really well written pain and struggle- I go with episode 14.


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Ha. I love pain and struggle too, the kind that you know is unavoidable and you can't escape. It feels horrible, but makes a good drama.


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If we go by my favorite moment in the drama, the episode with the confession on the bridge would have been my favorite. I just can't forget the feeling of excitement I felt for about 10-15 minutes towards the end of the episode. It was a non-stop high anticipation and the culmination of that didn't disappoint.


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Objectively, episode 15 is a better episode, because it's so delicately delivered.
In my heart, episode 14 might be teeeeensy bit better, for being unexpected in its impact. I didn't see it coming, but I saw episode 15 coming.


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Eh, I actually like the next one best.
No spoiler allowed so if I have to choose between episode 15 and 14, I'd go with 15. 14 had me emotionally drained, but 15 gave me a feeling of hope and peace even in bleakness.


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I loved 14, the Jinwoo story/arc was my favorite -- In Ho and Hangyul's scene was also very moving for me though but Jinwoo's pure love for Sorim and the flashbacks stayed with me for days. Emotionally, I got wrung out by 14 -- but 15, while just as emotional for me, I felt relief because everyone was growing up/moving forward to take responsibility.

I love episode 16 the best though but I'll refrain from posting about it until the next recap. ?


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It's amazing how Jinwoo was just that puppy making jealous face throughout the drama, and yet his love story was the most touching for its pureness.


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15 b3cause it packed so much raw emotion and character growth. That scene where gyulie ugly cried on sorims shoulder make me tear up and the small crude play moments here just made my day. My gem its over. *wails in dispair*


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There were so many crude play moments this episode... (even though more in the next one) it really leaves you satisfied how far they've come, even though they were close to begin with.


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15. Badass Hangyul.
14. Crying Hangyul.

Hands-down 15.


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cant wait to comment on episode 16 about Han Gyul.


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Can't wait too. But there seems to be a problem because the recap was changed from Episode 16 to Suspicious Partners Episode 2.


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My favorite was Episode 13, as that became the focal point for me that this show is no ordinary youth dramas. I was on the edge of my seat watching all the issues unfolds at every second. This episode tackles issues as if it happened in the real world. Bravo!

Episode 14 was heartbreaking for me because of Jin Woo, Han Gyeol and Inho. I was bawlin' by the time the episode ends.

With Episode 15, it would be the scenes on the rooftop and the press conference that made a lasting impression. The rooftop was a great way to say that everything will be ok, as long as we are together. It was beautifully filmed as well at dusk. Press conference was scary. It was nerve-wracking. It is something no one wants to go through, but proud of Crude Play to admit to. That scene for some reason, reminds of the scene in The West Wing, where President Bartlett just announced he has a medical condition in front of the many journalist. That's how nerve-wracking that scene was in TLAHL.


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I agree. I don't know when exactly it happened for me (I would have to go back and watch to find out) but at some point, this deviated from being an "ordinary" youth drama. Don't get me wrong, an ordinary youth drama wouldn't be bad. But this drama touched our hearts in a way that made it a category of its own. It made this drama "special" where I wouldn't categorize it with other dramas. The same way I don't categorize the Answer Me Series with anything else in dramaland.


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I want to say that roof top scene is one of my favorite moments... So beautifully filmed.


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I would have said episode 15 overall.

But for that scene in the playground of milk-alcohol drinking in episode 14. It was both touching and made me laugh so much. That scene made episode 14 special because I love laughter. Add sentimentality to laughter, and you've got a winner.


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I said it earlier, but I'm celebrating getting off work, so i'll say it again, 15 15 15! hehe.

But i'm an eternal optimist, hopeless romantic, glass half full, happily ever after, good triumphs over evil kind of girl.
So that's why this episode felt so good because to me, it was like the Liar and his Lover universe finally got reset to its rightful state- where the puppies settled all their misunderstandings, got to mend their hearts, came together as one family to stand up against the Evil One and took a step towards the light. It may be difficult, but they have each other now and things are going to be ok. *wipes away emotional tears*

Crude Play forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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Happy getting off work celebration!! Congratulations!! Hope that means you have more time for TLAHL. Or rest well, and prepare yourself for the last party tomorrow. :)

"Reset" is the perfect word to describe this episode. Everything is reset. It's not easy to destroy everything you built thus far, but if it's built on sand, perhaps it's better to destroy, and start something over that's more long-lasting.
In that way, I believe the Crude Play boys made the better decision than CEO Yoo, no matter how much she doesn't see it, or how much they doubt themselves.



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Awwww last party tml.

I'm wondering if I can camp here long enough so that I don't miss it! But regardless it's been a total blast- these mini Liar parties we've had twice a week... I shall miss it (and all you Beanies!) when it's gone! ?


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This was such a nice question and such a perfect way to start a new page. I am loving reading all the comments about why people love 14 or 15 or even 13 or 16.

For me personally, episode 15 was the best episode of the whole show! I think I mentioned it on the first page before, but this episode had all of them growing up and taking their lives in their own hand. It almost felt like a finale with all of them realizing what is important for them to live a happy and satisfied life. Also, I am a sucker for squad- love and this episode doled it out in handfuls.. It also had the cute and sexy romantic moments from our two pairs so all in all a very satisfying episode!


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I agree, this was a cool way to start a new page.

Episode 15 did feel like a finale, but even so, episode 16 didn't feel boring or slow to me. It was like an epilogue of sort, and relaxing, but not boring.


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Me.. i like united so i will choose ep 15.. crude play decision with hands together scene, really touch my heart.. mush & co united with their producer.. i still remember jin woo happy face while saying that he's part of the music that chan young wants to create.. han gyul n chan young, i'm like so rim.. really happy to have picture with both han gyul n chan young smiling.. choi jin hyuk finally understand and walk together with crude play boys to admit for proxy musicians..

Don't get me wrong.. i do like ep 14 too.. and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 Even 16 ?


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Mush and CO and Chanyoung on the rooftop I just love.

And also that moment between Chanyoung and Sorim in the rooftop. It was so bittersweet. He looked so happy hearing and watching her sing. There was a sense of freedom and peace. But it also felt sad, because it's a love that never can. My feels.


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Yeah i remember that scene.. poor chan young, but it's okay.. come to noona instead.. i will hug him ?


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I like all episodes too.


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Episode 14 left the most impact on me personally, so I'll got with 14 but both are well written and about equal in weight. It's a matter of taste than quality imo.


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Looks like most people prefer episode 15, which means SailorJumun, the drama gods have favored you after all. You might not have gotten the kisses you wanted, but you've gotten people's preferred episode. Adequate trade-off I'll say. :D


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I love them both equally.

If I could rewatch just only one episode, it's episode 15 so 15 is maybe just a bit better.


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So late to this!
I can't believe it's already E15. And with every episode this show just manages to deliver on the emotional front. My heart! T_T

On Shi Hyun & Soo Yeon: "When we were in the break room, was it an amusement park?" This pair continues to kill me with how cute they are. SH's jealous face when SY literally jumped on CY the moment they arrived, and then his sneaky wave when CY said he would give them some privacy? Hah! CY's finger-on-chin-contemplative-look at the two of them was adorable.

On Chan Young: I thought it was very thoughtful of CY to reassure KS and JW that he had no intention of removing them from Mush&Co, because he probably understands first-hand the feeling of "not being good enough". It's just adorable that Mush&Co loves their producer so much. And finally, some genuine, real, happy smiles from CY when he and SR were on the rooftop! Those have been rare. I'm just so happy that CY got his motivation back.

On Han Gyul and Crude Play: For all of CY's faults, he was a great producer for Mush&Co. They looked up to him, and he cared a lot for them. I'm glad that HG pointed it out to CY. Admittedly, HG will always be the better composer, but sometimes you don't have to have better skills to be a better producer - HG himself admitted that he wrote songs selfishly without thinking about the whole band, whereas CY considered the skills of every individual.

And I think it's important that HG learnt a lesson from CY in this aspect. When he apologized to Crude Play in the hospital and CY gave that small happy smile, I just knew they were all going to be alright. It's been a tough learning curve for these boys, but they're going to make it through together. They'd better!

When Yoon said that he wanted to stop living with guilt, I mentally cheered for him. It's a difficult decision to make to admit the truth. This is their livelihood, they're public figures (with anti fans) and they could stand to lose everything with this decision. Yet they chose to go with it.

I love how IH told CY to consider before he joined the press conference, and how CY told them that he wasn't going to run from it. It's clear that these boys adore their maknae and CY himself really likes them despite all his pent-up feelings. I just... I can't. These boys have hearts of gold. They're just 5 people brought together by a love for music, and they just want to be able to love music without guilt. Is that too much to ask for?


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I want to write so much to reply to your whole section about Crude Play but you wrote it so well, I'm afraid anything I say would be just bad. Haha.

I just love those boys together when they're of one heart and mind. For a while, it looked like their hearts might have taken them away, or is it their mind? I'm confusing myself. haha.

So proud of HG for saying what he said to CY on producing. I wonder if he said it because he could understand CY's inferiority complex?


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Aww no I love reading comments here! Nothing is a "bad" comment (;

I think he might have understood how CY felt. Not that HG might have ever felt inferior in any sense, but that he empathized with how CY must have felt all these years, especially with the whole "I'm just a stand in". If he were trying to boost CY's confidence, then I say, good for you, HG. It was a very sweet thing to do, PLUS it helped CY to realize that there's more to being a good producer than just genius composing skills.

It was also a moment where he realized that the hyung he'd looked up to so much wasn't really 'perfect', and had his own flaws as well. I liked seeing HG admit his own flaws as much as I liked seeing CY's confidence boosted.


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Yes! Jinhyuk in that aspect tended to be too blinded by Hangyul's skills. He was so focused on Hangyul's ability to produce hit songs, he tried to force something that might not have fit.
Which, in itself, is bad. But failing to see Hangyul's flaws also caused him to boost Hangyul's up so much in Chanyoung's eyes and compare them that Chanyoung's self-esteem went down the gutter.


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Does CY really consider HG to be perfect? I'm not sure in the drama, but in the manga he clearly doesn't. Here is how Shinya (CH) describes Aki (HG) to Riko (SR) in the manga, when she still didn't know that her boyfriend is Aki from Crude Play (*Spoiler*, be warned):
"Shinya: ...Not only that, but the position of Crude Play's bassist originally belonged to Aki.
Riko: Aki...What kind of person is he?
Shinya: I guess you can say that he's a very stupid guy?
Riko (frowning): If you only want to say bad things about him then forget about it.
Shinya (smiling ironically): Because even though he's obviously a genius, he keeps thinking that he's just an ordinary person. It's ridiculous. Sometimes I really wonder if he really isn't just an idiot."


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Chan Young did diss Hangyul to Sorim in the restaurant too. :D


HG and CY moments - I agree with you.
Finally the boys are able to talk and be open with each other.


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I think both the boys, especially Chanyoung, were a bit sick of constantly butting head. It must have been exhausting to put yourself up against someone. So once they let go of that, there was a space for them to be speak heart to heart without being antagonistic all the time.


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On that note, I wished we could ahve seen more Crude Play x Chan Young moments.
Their relationship seemed sweet, I wished we had more lone screentime of them together.


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Part II
On President Yoo: "What happens if someone else accuses us? And if it happens again?" - HG's unspoken words were clear: IH already had to get into an accident this time. What next? How many more lies, how much more serious would the "accidents" have to get?

I've never really disliked Yoo before this because I understand the profit-maximizing motivation, but in this episode I felt so angry that the boys had presented their heartfelt request, and she'd bulldozed right over it. She doesn't care that IH got into an accident, or what might happen to them in the future either. Her priority is to clear their accusations so that they can continue raking in the profits for the company. I'm not saying that I disapprove completely of her actions because I can see things from her POV as well, but there has to be a moral limit to how far you would go for profits.

If you continue backing a mouse up a wall, it'll bite even if it was harmless before. And I think that's what's happening with Yoo and Crude Play. She'd always made the decisions for them, and they're finally lashing back at her. It's strangely satisfying for me, but I'm just worried that it's a battle that will be difficult for them to win.

On Jin Hyuk: On that note, kudos to JH for finally trying to make right his wrongs. YN's words were very perceptive: that he was looking for some sort of approval regarding his decision to join WHO. JH clearly knows that he's been doing it all wrong, and joining WHO will just lead him further down that path. It would be the "right" choice to make for his career, but I think his conscience is telling him otherwise, and he was looking for some validation to justify the decision to join WHO.

JH started off with a genuine passion to help artistes grow because he saw their potential to be a better musician, and it's obvious that he's deviated from that path. It's a painful realization for him that only came after he realized how far he had driven the boys up the wall. Which is why I say, good on him for finally realizing that he needs to take responsibility for his actions, and help Crude Play to make things right. He might have been a terrible manager, but at times his heart was in the right place, and I can't fault him for his lousy management skills because of that.


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Does CEO Yoo knows that IH got into the accident on purpose? She must have assumed it was just a normal accident. Maybe she would have changed her mind had she learned like JH what truly happened.
If HG didn't tell JH about IH, do you think JH would have helped the boys anyway and gotten to reflect back on himself?


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I honestly think that she wouldn't really have cared even if she'd known it was on purpose. Heck, she might even have praised IH for doing so, because then he got a lot of sympathy. I'm not bashing Yoo, because I understand where she's coming from, but I feel like she's not really into understanding the feelings of her artistes that much.

I think JH was on the path to reflection already. When he saw IH in the hospital, he seemed to look very guilty and I thought he might have already suspected that the accident wasn't 100% accidental. But regardless, thank goodness for HG and his push for JH to take responsibility.


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CEO Yoo is like the mother that tells the kids to study for the exam and obsess over the grades regardless of how tired and stressed they feel.

Or mothers who fusses of competitions.

Jinhyuk, on the other hand, I wouldn't say, more nuanced, but more conflicted.

I know I should think that CEO Yoo is less of a nuanced character than Jinhyuk, but she feels so real, I have a problem calling her "unuanced." She's inflexible, but written so realistically, it feels unfair to call her not nuanced. Sorry, I went on a tangent there.


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Agree with you on Jin Hyuk Couldn't have said it better. The final blow was when Han-Gyul told him about In Ho. The harsh reality of the consequences of all his machinations hit him. He finally realised that he was still trying to salvage himself from the mess without consideration for the boys. HG saw that too and that is why he said that JH should know.


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Do you think he was trying to salvage himself? In my opinion, he was thinking of salvaging Sole Ent, for the sake of his artists. He always tries to push his company to survive for the sake of the artists, but harming them in the process. Am I wrong?


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When I say JH I also meant Sole Ent. Without which JH has no job unless WHO takes him in - and going by Pres Yoo - he'd just gotten fired.
Pres Yoo called it when she said JH was constantly at war with himself - between the musician and the businessman. He saw CP heading for 'disaster' which in turn would mean the end of Sole Ent. and the businessman kicked in.

When he heard from HG about IH - his humanity kicked in and he remembered how he was in the beginning.

I agree with a lot of commenters - it's not easy to hate on JH totally.


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I don't hate on him at all. It must be because of how Lee Jung Jin portrays him, but he always looks like a good man in over-his-head trying to survive, than someone evil.


I'll add the qualifying misguided to the good man.


Man, I know it's too early to say this, but I'm going to miss seeing your structured comments.

My eyes always zoom in looking out for them. The bold letters, the paragraphs, the thorough analysis.

Usually on the first page though, I had to search a bit this time. Maybe it's preparation for next week when no matter how much I search them, there would be no more. Oh dear, I'm getting mopey already.


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I usually manage to catch recaps but I think it just so happened to go up at a different timing because I was asleep! When I woke up there were already almost 300 comments, haha!

And aww that's so sweet of you! :'( I'm really gonna miss writing a whole novel of comments for this show too. I already have a whole novel ready for E16, gosh. Hope to see you around on other recaps, hehe! I'll definitely be around on other shows!


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I often see your name in the comments feed. You truly are everywhere. Where do you find the time to write so much? Or does it come naturally to you?


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Oh dear, maybe a sign that I'm spending too much time on this site. ?

I love to write, actually! I have a tendency to jot down notes when I watch an episode, and when it's over I go back and flesh out my thoughts. Sometimes I write so much that I feel like I'm recapping the show, so I cut down on a lot of my rambling paragraphs before I post my thoughts here! Hehe ?

I actually have quite a bit of time recently because I just finished my university finals and am enjoying a 2 week Summer break before I start on a summer internship. So I expect I'll disappear quite a bit once that starts. You might have seen me quite a bit here because I've been loving so many dramas recently!! I was quite mad over SWDBS, and now that this is almost over I've moved onto MXM, and I already have thoughts down for Suspicious Partner. Clearly spending too much time here. ?


Haha. Is there such a thing as spending too much time on DB? That's like saying you're spending too much time on the beach. :P

I always find it hard to cut back on my writing. Editing my essays down the the right word count is my worst nightmare.

Congrats on landing the internship. And good luck and enjoy your time.
MXM is hilarious. But damn you're fast. SP was just out! lol.


And may I add that it doesn't matter if you catch the recap late. The number of audience for your comments in page two probably still surpasses the audience for the usual recaps. :)


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i love reading your novel of comments. with 3 kids, house to keep, part time online job, i cant write longer comments. but reading & trying to support.


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Wow. You sound busy. I'm also don't have much free time, but i'm trying to support this drama too until the end because DB is the only place it gets support. Only one more recap left.


Ok, now on to the meaningless comment.



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And of course, thank you @sailorjumun You've been a champ, I love you, and I'm going to miss reading your recaps to death. Seriously. I'm soooo going to miss reading your recaps next week. What am I going to do??? Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. It's like the feeling of parting with a friend you've had good conversations with over a two months, even if I don't know you at all.


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Sorry, I just realized that might sound burdensome. Don't worry, I'm not some psycho.


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Thank you Sailorjumun!!!!

HG - he's come a long way from being the closed off, somewhat haughty vibe, genius producer he had in first few episodes. I'm sure being told you are a genius producer all the time did have its effect.

But to see him totally loose it at the sight of her, being so vulnerable and open with SR and pouring his heart out to her, that he had to keep hold of her was hitting me in the feels.

I think too that he's able to do so also because SR has been such a constant in his life since he met her - always telling him she likes him, that she's on his side no matter what, telling him she's there for him and that she needs him. She's also been able to see through his lies and understands him like no other.

And because of this - I am not too bummed that we get only surprise pecks only at this point (much as I too am chafing for more!!!) - but this works for them. I feel that HG and SR do not need to be hot and heavy because their relationship seems to be really grounded in what really matters - trust, communication, support and love. That back hug at the river just goes further to show what a support system they both are to each other.

HG going toe to toe with Pres Yoo - hubba hubba!!!!!!
SR honey - just wait till you're fully of age (20 in kdramaland).

CP - the all for one one for all hands on table moment - was so satisfying. Finally everyone is on the same page moving forward. How brave of the boys to finally take charge of who they want to be as people going forward.


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It's true they don't need to be hot and heavy... But is it just me, or does it seem like Hangyul really wants to get hot and heavy with her eventually???

I don't know, he just seems really thirsty for more all the time. He's always the first one to initiate it. Holding hands, kissing, pecks, etc. One day, it might be too hard for him to resist after holding back for so long.

Sorry if I sound delusional. I'm writing their whole lives ahead.


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Totally!!! HG is so ready for it. He's just waiting for SR!!


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Why can't we see SR grown up so we can see HG jumping on her????

I'll never be able to get over that.
The way he turned around on the bicycle. The way he looked at her before the peck. (also the way in episode 16.... no spoiler)
It's like he couldn't help himself. I'm so weak for that sort of thing.
WHY! So much potential unseen.


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"Thirsty" Han Gyul, lol. I bet So Rim will probably just decide to pounce on him one day and it'll be Game. On.


@kayak ? x 100000000000000000000000

At the rate they're going all that touching should lead somewhere soon - HG is a man after all ?


Don't get me wrong - I meant that HG is a man in love.


@madkdr Well, he's both. He's a man, and he's a man in love. So he can use all that manliness on the girls he love. And we can be happy watching it. Oh, darn it. The drama doesn't let us see it. Darn darn darn.


@kayak Would she be the type to pounce on him though? She's always so shy whenever anything remotely significant happens.


Wonder how Hyun Woo feels for Joy in real life? 2 perfectly fine guy and girl both in their 20's, perfect time to love.


@Rika, she is shy but they are usually in public. Or give her 6 more months, haha


@kayak next, she'll be the one complaining because he's not doing skinship enough. :P


I think the one that shy is not so rim but joy.. bts shows that everytime the director ask joy to get close to hyun woo, she always shy..


I knew it was going to happen, but I'm still extremely proud that the boys admitted to their fake performances. *sniffs* they're all grown up

Also: Seo Chan young Seo Chan young Seo Chan young Seo Chan young Seo Chan young Seo Chan young Seo Chan young Seo Chan young


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Lee Seo Won Lee Seo Won Lee Seo Won Lee Seo Won Lee Seo Won!!!!

If I have to choose between Seo Won and Chan Young, I don't know.


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I went into this drama expecting to bask in my love for Lee Hyun Woo and enjoy the music (plus I'm a sucker for romance/coming of age/youth dramas/shoujo-style manga) but I fell for grumpy Chanyoung and the awesome/sexy visuals Lee Seowon! Ugh. Guys that young have no right to look that sexy and attractive -- so bad for noona hearts.

My OTP is Hangyul and Sorim (forevarrrr!!) but I gotta admit, Lee Seowon's vocal admiration for Joy has me shipping them both in real life. I would love to see those two in another drama someday.


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I love how this drama started feeling a lot like reading a manga. I forgot that's what the comments said at the beginning. It feels like ages ago.


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Oh my god, these recaps come at the most random of times! I may have to forgo sleep for the last recap.

In any case, thank you SailorJumun for this one last recap. I can't believe I won't hear from you again about Liar. Tell me this isn't real. I still want to read your recaps! I still want to hear you talk about Sorim and Hangyul and music and all the bands of friends and musicians.


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My comment is already in the 2nd page! Wow! That was fast!

As always, Thanks @sailorjumun for the recap. Hope I can also read your final thoughts/comments in the Final recap.

Off to read comments!


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Do you think she could insert her own comments in the final recap? I haven't seen many cases of that in recaps.


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I think i'm late for the party.. n it's already 200++ comments.. sure u guys so fast.. thank you to @sailorjumun for this wonderful recap and this episode made me speechless too.. from hangyul who cried in joy's arm to crude play decision to admit for proxy musician, i really like ):&/££:"/&/£&:&/9:££:93£&!),^{^]*={€{=]$=]>{^{€*]*]>|$!|+| hahahahaha

I like how the writer describe all the characters include choi jin hyuk.. i think this episode was his.. i cried when he said to yuna that he want all his artist shine through him, he didn't meant to ruin them..

And to chan young, he's matured now and i'm so proud of him.. his commitment as a member to crude play really impressive compare to early episodes.. and his decision to be producer of M&C.. same like han gyul, i also want to see M&C that his produced..

I also like lee yoon statements when he said he also working hard like everyone else but becoz just one lie, he doesn't felt worth it.. and crude play became one, with one decision to admit.. wow i really love this just like all for one and one for all.. han gyul and so rim as always, my favourite couple and they are so sweet..


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What kind of keyboard do you have that you can produce all those characters. Hahahaa. So funny.

Yes, I really like what Yoon said. Just because of one lie, suddenly, all his hard work also must feel like a lie, and he's constantly doubting himself. I think it's unfair of CEO Yoo to ask him to go through that.


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I just comment using my phone @josie63 i like yoon voice too


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Heol. How can you type that much on your phone! That's impressive.


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I not the computer type person.. even when watch drama, i'm using my phone


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Can you look at the small details from the phone? Is there a reason you prefer the phone? Just wondering if I should start watching from the phone if it makes it a better viewing experience. :)


Hmmm.. i dont know.. mybe i'm to lazy to open my laptop.. n with my phone, i can watch my drama everywhere.. while waiting meeting to start, in the train, while waiting my son to finish his homework, lunch break at workplace.. it's like a habit..


Yoon has the best lines in this show.

"I don't mind if it takes years for the next album. I don't care if Kang Han Gyul scolds me. I'll still play it myself no matter what."

Since Episode 1 when he got into a fight with Han Gyul, Yoon has always reiterated playing for himself. I'm definitely most happy for Yoon they no longer have to live a lie.


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Yes!!! People don't talk enough about Yoon because of how cheerful he appears (instead of charismatic like Shihyun), but Yoon has consistently, since episode 1, been passionate about playing for himself. That makes him quite an admirable character in my eyes. He's like Sorim. You might think him carefree, and dismiss him as not deep, but he's very thoughtful and firmly principled.


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Yeah from ep 1, yoon already want to play guitar himself.. he hate the idea of having proxy musicians again for I'm okay song.. i want more scene with yoon too.. i


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This drama makes me cry in the most unexpected moments.
I didn't expect to cry during Sorim's date with grandma.
I didn't expect to cry for Jinwoo's young love.
And I didn't expect to cry during a scene with no line, just background music, of guys, lounging in the house. But I cried in all those scenes.


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Second page already! That's fast.


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our recapper SailorJumun just left a wall message for all of us.


I'm not a stalker, I swear.


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Aww so cute. This kiss was definitely adlib. Look at how Joy's all red faced.


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So you think the kiss scene was adlib.. i think it's cool then


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What an intense episode! Good kind of intense. Happy to see my puppies fighting for what is right. One proud noona here! ?


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And one proud dongsaeng here! *u* Honestly they've been feeling so guilty for so long, and been really torn up over the whole "lying to everyone" issue that I couldn't be more proud of them for standing up bravely to admit it. It was such a difficult decision to make, especially since they're such public figures... but they did it anyway, because they needed to take responsibility for all the lies they'd said over the years. What an episode!!


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You're a dongsaeng? I'm... that's.. unexpected. You sounded so mature in your posts, I assumed you must have been a woman in your prime, 30-40, maybe more. Goodness me. Maybe it's because youth seems such a long time ago, but I don't remember being this mature.


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Definitely a dongsaeng, heh! I'm probably CY's age, if he's somewhere in between SR and HG/Crude Play. I shall take it as a compliment, haha! (; I probably just sound more mature in writing, it's easier to comment on dramas because I'm just a third person POV looking in from the outside... If I were in CY's shoes, who knows, I might have acted just as he did.


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Knowing that you might have acted like him is already halfway through the path of NOT acting like him. :)

I always catch myself being extremely petty at the most childish things, and I realize I'm not as mature as I thought I was. The more I live, the more I realize I'm not as a good a person as my younger self felt proud of. You're a much better person than me. :)


@lezah sound so mature. Good for you.


So many feels. I honestly don't even know what to comment on at this point. This drama completes me and addressed a lot of issues exactly how I wanted them to be addressed!

One random and sort of shallow comment. I don't know why but Hangyul and Sorim's date at the river with her hat just made me really happy. It made me nostalgic for old days. But also just made me think of all the celebrity couples I ship who do the very same thing (although they're probably in a car). As they say- the River Han is always a place where interesting things happen :)

This couple has grown a lot, each individually throughout this drama. And just this moment where they got to spend a little bit of time together despite how crazy their lives are just warmed my heart. It was such a small thing, so I don't know why it touched me so much!


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I know the feeling. This drama provides everything I wanted, it simultaneously makes me want to talk and gush about everything, and at the same time, leaves me so satisfied, I feel complete enough I don't know what else to say.

What couples do you ship? :D


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Well, there are the couples that happen in dramas that I so want to transfer into real life...

-Joy and Yook Sung Jae is actually a couple that I'm in love with from WGM, even after all this time. They're just too adorable. Joy is wonderful at naturally portraying affection and sweetness. I just recently rewatched the episode of Running Man with her on it and I can really see how she would just bring hearts to a guy's eyes. She's adorable.

And then there are the real life couples that I'm so happy for that gives me couples goals (and some are so well established they definitely don't need to hide their relationships with discrete trips to Hangang!) To name a few - Lee Ki Woo and Lee Chung Ah, Haha and Byul, or Jo Jeong Suk and Gummi


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Lee Ki Woo and Lee Chung Ah are still together?? Flower was like ages ago. Wow, I'm impressed.

Aren't Haha and Byul married? Does it still count as shipping if it's already docked? lol.

I don't know much about Jo Jeong Suk and Gummy's relationship. I love Gummy's singing though.


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@sailorjumun thank you so much for this recap! Gaaah, reading your comments just made me tear up. I don't usually have this emotional reaction to dramas but TLAHL really surprised me in an absolutely amazing way that it has touched me personally and deeply. The values it taught me through the characters and the way they live, the choices they make, the pain they felt, the overall feel (I agree with you) - it was endearing and heartwarming, no wonder it's reaceived much love from the Beanies. It was somewhat a coming-of-age drama but also in a different level. I love this episode so much because like you said, they FINALLY decided to do this together and that's the best way to do it! Gosh, the cast is perfect, the script was jjang, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I still can't believe that we've arrived to this week, the finale week, but what can I do... probably binge-watch the whole thing. ???


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I don't know if I can qualify this drama as coming-of-age. From the very first, it seemed like most of them had that grain of maturity in them already, it just needed to burst out. Most of them knew it within themselves, knew what was wrong, but suppressed it for others. Even Chanyoung was already quite mature. They felt like adult characters in the skin of young people. Flawed adults, but still very adult.


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I want to say i loved CY in last 3 episodes. Really matured a lot.


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I liked him a lot ever since he changed his hair. Haha.


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Its really the characters and their relationship to each other that gave this show a lot of heart. They are imperfect people that has dreams and good intentions that made mistakes. They owned up to their mistakes in the end. Their bravery as they faced that hurdle made me admire each and every member of Crude Play. Even Jin Hyuk. They owned up to it and faced the consequences of their actions. Not everyone would take their route. Its natural for people to take the path of least resistance. They have been doing that since signing up. And their conscience just could not take it anymore. Their bravery and loyalty made me love them so much more. As a fan, i would give them major points right there.


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I like also that non of them are righteous about it. They're not doing it out of principle, but because their natural principles doesn't allow them to act in another manner.

It's not something they do with a sense of justice, like the heroes we see in many dramas. They're not full of positivity and unflappable. They all feel afraid, all dislike the consequences, all would have loved to find an easier solution. But there's none for their peace of mind.
I like that little bit of uncertainty they have going in. It makes them more relatable than say, if they were 200% sure that their choice is the right choice. They still wavered with the easier choice, but chose the harder road to walk on. That's much more admirable than not wavering. Ok, maybe not more admirable. But more emotionally engaging.


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OT5 FOREVER!! So Rim may be the heart and soul of this show, but I'm 100% more emotionally invested in Crude Play. They've been so unhappy for so long, I only want the very best for them. All of them looked so happy in the flashbacks (When have we ever seen Chan Young smile like that?) pinning their hopes on Jin Hyuk's empty promises just for their dreams to turn into a living nightmare. I wish they had dropped the bomb at their press conference instead of forewarning CEO Yoo, since she went behind their backs first by scheduling the press conference. Why was she so shocked they actually went through with it? I'm so proud of these boys and want nothing more than for them to find peace. I love Han Gyul for assuring In Ho he'll take responsibility. I ship Crude Play and happiness.

I also ship Chan Young and Mush & Co., which is his happiness. I'm really glad Chan Young and So Rim got to talk it out, otherwise, they would forever be awkward working together. So Rim obviously didn't have to apologize (it's not her fault she doesn't return his feelings), but it is so her to apologize for breaking his heart. She's a peacemaker. I totally got So Rim's joke right away "No, I haven't been well since I didn't get to see Oppa." How did they not get it? I could tell this drama was nearing the end because everything came full circle today -- So Rim's joke, Chan Young's promise on the rooftop, So Rim singing The Road to Me, and Chan Young repeating what Jin Hyuk has drilled into his brain "You are Crude Play's Seo Chan Young first and foremost."

Was CEO Yoo threatening to blacklist Crude Play from the industry? I doubt the boys care about being celebrities anymore, but what about Chan Young producing Mush & Co.? When CEO Yoo countered, "You all signed the contract," I wished one of the boys had argued, "We haven't signed a contract with Who Entertainment." I laughed at Chan Young's dead-on "This is a very ominous gathering." My number one wish for the finale is Chan Young's second single for Mush & Co. all-kills the charts, proving everybody wrong.

Thanks a bunch for the recap, @SailorJumun!


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I guess she was shocked because they've been giving in to her bulldozing for so many years, she just expected them to do the same this time. But I think IH's accident was a huge turning point for them. I know a few recaps back either SailorJumun/festerfaster mentioned that JH behaves like a spoilt child when managing his artistes. I think President Yoo behaves the same way, actually.

She doesn't exactly throw a tantrum like JH does, but she gets pissed off when her artistes actually have a mind of their own, and she gets all petulant and threatening, because she can't understand why they don't see things her way. It's almost immature behaviour to only expect others to have the same philosophy as you and refuse to accept that they don't. (Especially in E16, but no spoilers here).


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Perhaps less a spoiled child, but more like an adult with a long-time ingrained world view that's hard to change.

It's that way when we talk politics for example. No matter how mature you are, once you form a political opinion, and meet someone with a differing view, it's very hard to understand them. And you can't understand why they would think that way, or be on that side of the argument. I'm guessing it's the same principle here, but with business instead of politics.


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Yes, very true! To be honest when I watch this show, half of me wants to agree with Yoo, only if because she's seen a lot more of the world than they have and is definitely more "realistic" and the other half of me wants to hold onto the idealistic thinking that SR & the rest have. It tears me apart!

I see what you mean about the politics. I haven't been exposed to a lot of politics yet (have never voted before!) but what you say makes a lot of sense. It IS difficult to try to think from another person's POV when the two views are so differing. Heck, even on drama recaps, I sometimes have a hard time trying to understand when someone thinks differently from me, what more business and politics?


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Being too idealistic can be impractical and get you to nowhere, but being too realistic and compromising your integrity for the sake of it can be equally devastating to your sense of identity in the long run. In the end, it's about setting a limit for both (which is easier said than done.)

Politics can make grown adults cry up in rage when in an argument. So I understand CEO Yoo's attitude of frustration. To her, it's like talking to a really stupid child about to ruin their lives making a stupid decision. Of course, to us, we're the one who are questioning how much she believes in her "business" standpoint.

Heh. I agree about the recaps. Sometimes, I read a pov that's completely totally different than mine, and it's a wake-up call that people's thinking can diverge in such extreme ways. I always have that tendency to think my views are shared.


All I could think about when CEO Yoo started threatening them and saying that they would never be able to perform under the name CP again was- IS THIS ABOUT BEAST AND HIGHLIGHT?


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And HOT, Shinwha, DBSK, and countless of other groups, unfortunately.


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Highlight overcome this and i am happy about it. And forever sad about DBSK. I mean together they could be as famous as Big Bang.


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They were more famous in their prime.

But with all their scandals now, it's hard to tell. Xiah Junsu made it the biggest out of the 5. But TVXQ as two are having a more solid foundation than JYJ.


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Exactly what came to my mind! More so, because I am on a Highlight binge and I could just instantly connect!


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@obsessedmuch Totally with you on the binge. I get that this story is not unique to one particular group- I just thought of Highlight b/c I'm way into them right now. My love for these boys ebbs and flows with what drama I'm watching. Totally discounted them when they first came out circa 2010, and it took the drama, Monstar, for me to get interested in Beast. Then watched Yoon Dujun in all his food eating glory in both Let's Eat, AND his amazing chemistry with Kim Seulgi in Splish Splash Love. There's been no turning back.


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I still haven't watched Let's Eat- 1 or 2...
And I never realised that Monstar starred Yong Jun-hyung! I was way too busy falling in love with Kang ha Neul there! But yes, loved Doojoon in Splish Splash Love!

I just randomly caught them on their recent WI & School Attack episodes and then went back to watch their RM episodes! Recently watched their ICSYV episode! They are hilarious in everything! Plus I really love such success stories of people breaking away from corporate bondages to try their own luck on the field! Hope they continue being this successful!


What a great episode!! They just keep coming, better and better, and I've gotten so used to that, it still hasn't sunk in that it's over.

I still somewhat believe next week, we'll have another better episode. This drama has been so consistent, it has become part of my life and such a routine, it's hard to believe it's really over.


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me too feels like that. I have practically breathed through this drama for last 3 months. I dont usually ship leads after drama so much, i just want them to take on different roles and different chemistry. This time i think Lee Hyun Woo& Joy are such cuties and definitely compliments each other and maybe become a cute couple IRL too. Haha i dont know.


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I don't know why, I'm fascinated by Inwoo whenever he appears on screen. In real life, men like him who like muse and talk wisdom wouldn't click with me, but man, in the drama, he just plays with my feelings. I don't mean I'm attracted to him in that way, just that I feel like he's playing around with me, the way a player would. So smooth with words, knows exactly what to say, and carrying himself around with ease. It screams danger.


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right, irl i wouldnt understand such a man. i mean divorced, hurt his son and lost his songs. In the drama, he is charming.


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Drama characters are more easily forgivable of flaws when they're charming. In reality, charm isn't enough, but in drama, it is. It's why dramas are so addicting. Hah.


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I really dont know what to say except i love this drama dearly. I loved HG's crying in SR's hug, and HG's quick peck near the mouth, the look he gave before the kiss.
Also Crude play guys at the rooftop and their hands tight squeeze moment.


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Was the peck near the mouth? I didn't notice, I just assumed it was on the cheek.
I agree about the look. He always looks at her JUST SO. It's intense, yet loving.


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I thought so, i might be wrong. I think kiss was definitely adlib in Hyun Woo's part becoz after that kiss Joy's face got so red.


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Did Joy face get red? Her cheeks are always so rosy I don't know if it's natural complexion, or blushing. It's cute if she blushed.


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Reading SailorJumun's last recap feels so bittersweet. It was amazing as always but I couldn't help reading it slowly because I didn't want it to end.

As much as I loved the drama, I also have the same love for the magic that happened in here. And that magic started with SailorJumun and trickled down to the comments.

I love all of you and I love SailorJumun, and I don't want to say goodbye. I just don't.


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I feel sad over that drama ended. That love story between HG& SR and friendship between CP. Wonder what would have happened if it is real life situation? Like HG&SR is dating happily and get married, CP boys are experiencing love, CY, Yoon, In Ho etc...


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I want to see that too. HG proposal to SR.


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Oh my god, those eyes in that picture of the cheek kiss. The way he was looking at her.
Nice screen capture @sailorjumun.


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Ok, I got distracted, now I need to go back and finish reading the recap. I just had to talk about those eyes first. I missed seeing them while watching the drama (I got distracted when my husband used that scene for an excuse to give me a kiss too :) )
I'm so grateful the picture is included in the recap, or I would have missed that moment entirely.


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I love this scene too. I have exact same screenshot too. Way he staring where he is about to kiss is hot.


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While I'm still off the recap, let me mention this... 400 comments!

I wonder if we will manage to reach the magenta stage this time. 100 comments is a lot, and people will soon be distracted by Ruler's recap coming out next, so I don't want to get my hopes up. But at the same time, I love purple so much, I can't help but hope. It's so pretty whenever the bubble is magenta. Sometimes, I just type in dramabeans in the address bar just to look at the bubble before going back to doing what I need to do.
And now that I've expressed my love for purple/pink/magenta enough, let's go back to the recap for real this time. Hee.


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We definitely could reach magenta. I will try to make sure of it.


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Magenta happened!!! Yay!


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What comes after magenta?
Curious to know. ?


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Nothing actually. It's the maximum color. :)


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late again. I.m at work and my phone cannot handle the heavy db site but i am here to join the party because THIS DRAMA GAVE ME LIFE AND MADE ME COMPULSIVELY WAKE UP AT 4 AM IN THE MORNING BECAUSE ONLY THEN the subs used to come out. I love this drama so much. Its so hard to let go. Just - i will rewatch again and again for life probably. ?????????❣?


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aww. I love this drama to and will probably watch again and again whenever i want to watch good drama. I love Lee Hyun Woo much so i am watching Moorim school now. Episode5. Drama is good for Lee Hyun Woo fans, coz we get many close shots of his face.


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The soundtrack for Moorim School is good. It helps watching the drama.


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I like moorim school ost too like alive, the king, run and last but least one thing sang by lee hyun woo ❤️


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Mine is feels so good and alive and king


And fire.


Moorim School OST is dabomb.


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I think this drama is one in a million and I guess in my mind, HyunWoo will forever be Han Gyul-ie so I can't watch anything else of him - at least not right now. :3


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But that would be a shame. He has lots of good projects. :)


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Love the hearts!! And this drama deserves all those hearts and more <3


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saying goodbye to this drama by looping the OST?


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Same fam.

It's sad, but what's better than saying goodbye with music to a drama that started with music? Tears.


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I just love how Chan Young is now truly a part of Crude Play :)


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me too finally.


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Argh, I'm so late!! Oh well, better late than never..
Ohmygod, this episode is everything to me..
The OTP keeps being amazing and cute, So-rim and Han-gyul's smile has to be protected at all cost!! I teared up when So-rim told Han-gyul that he shouldn't think about how everything would be fine if he's not around because she needs him, god that made emotional.. That little squeal So-rim let out(and her reactions in general) when Han-gyul kissed her made me think that it was an ad-lib which is even cuter..
Our secondary couple finally got together and IT'S SO CUTE I COULD DIE!! What was that moan when Soo-yeon pushed you against the wall, Shi-hyun? Now, I couldn't help but thinking about what would the two of you do while Shi-hyun pressed to the wall. (Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned)
I love that Chan-young still became Mush&co.'s producer and that Gyu-sun and Jin-woo probably wouldn't end up like Crude Play..
I'm so happy that Yoona doesn't ended up as bitchy 2nd female lead, but a badass unnie who stand her ground if somebody else wronged her but brave enough to put herself down to accomplish what she wanted and still wanted to help her ex even when other people misunderstood her intention..
Jin-hyuk, now finally learn how his way is putting this young children especially In-ho in such a grave situation.. I especially love what Han-gyul said to Jin-hyuk to don't forget about what happened with In-ho and what drove him into making such decision, even tho I didn't like how Han-gyul basically putting all the burden in his shoulder and I don't like seeing my puppy got hurt..
When In-woo finally told Han-gyul the reason why he seems to know everything, about how he's actually scared of changing damn this is why I love this drama so much..
And now with what Crude Play had done at the last of the episode, chance that they could get back to their original fame is quite slim and they know that too.. The way they tried to protect Chan-young into takin' all the blame is so endearing, and then he still want to be with them, that he doesn't care about the rest but he's Crude Play's bassist Seo Chan-young and suddenly I can't stop grinning my cheeks hurt!
And what is this talk about this drama will end in one more episode?? Isn't this drama 50 episodes long?? Hahahaha, what are you guys talking about?!!in denial


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This drama should go on for 100 episodes. Until Crude Play and Mush and Co are all in their 30s, struggling or striving in the industry. Married, single, divorced for some (I like drama), with children. I would watch the heck out of it.

Why do you think Chanyoung changed suddenly?
I loved that he suddenly prioritized Crude Play, but what made it click when he used to say he would put Mush & Co first and above Crude Play?


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i'd watch it too.


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I know that scene when Soo Yeon push Shi Hyun against the wall- god damn girl. Too much sexy chemistry that I cannot handle. The way Shi Hyun looks at her- swoon! I guess they are making up for the lost time.


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He looks at her as if he can't get enough of looking at her.


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Thank you! Late to the party. I blame the lag. I had to wait a few hours before it was better. However, being late should not prevent me from thanking our host.
SailorJumun, thank you. Just as how everyone in the drama is precious, you made every odd-recaps and everyone in it feel precious. So thank you. For making me cry and laugh, and then cry again (literally! that last commentary! really!! too!! much!!!) and then laugh along with everyone else. In this particularly case, the drama truly saved the best for last, and so did you.


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500 comments. Who wants to do the 501th comment and turn this to magenta? :D

You can play the magician and change colors! Tada.


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Thank you for all recaps of TLAHL, @SailorJumun! A lot of beanies came out of lurkdom (like me) because of your reviews. You honestly expressed your love and enjoyment of a drama that a lot of beanies initially dismissed and dissed because of the rookie idol actress and rookie actors and that gave us courage to like, squee, enjoy, cry, groan and gush our hearts out in the comments despite the occasional troll or naysayer. On behalf of the all Liar Lover beanies, thank you! ???

Episode 14 was emotionally stressful and draining for me -- and episode 15, if anything was the aftermath of the storm. It was still heartwrenching but there was this sense of relief for me as a viewer because everyone was just growing up, moving forward and taking responsibility for their actions. My favorite moments this episode (in no particular order):

1. In ho's scene with his mom, it was subtle, short but wow, I completely cried. The guy playing In Ho is such a good actor. Hope to see more of him.

2. I can't even begin to gush at how much I loved Hangyul falling apart in Sorim's arms and Sorim holding onto her man so tightly to keep him together. I'm one of those complaining about the lack of kiss/romantic scenes but the close/tight hugs of Sorim and Hangyul gave just as much emotional impact as a passionate kiss. I think the most romantic lines this episode were from Sorim: "No matter what happens, I'll always be on your side" and "Don't say that (it's better without you)....I need you". Sorim was such an amazing girlfriend this episode. She was strong and steadfast for her man and was able to say the words he needed to hear. Well done, Sorimie!

3. The rooftop scene with Sorim and Hangyul was so sweet and cute and fluffy! I was screaming, kiss! Kiss! Kiss!!! I thought the Hangyul was going for it when he leaned down and put his forehead against Sorim's. The cheek kiss was cute though because it looked like Joy was caught off guard as well. ???

4. Loved the OT5 scene in the bar when they all resolved to come out about the proxy musicians. Yoon, Chanyoung brought a lump in my throat and I was all emotional when they put their hands together.

5. The scenes of OT5 and Sorim looking at CP memorabilia while "It's Okay" was playing made me tear up. It gave so much weight to their decision to say the truth -- it could be the last time CP would be adored by fans but they're sacrificing it to be free.

6. Loved the after party in the park with Hangyul, Chanyoung and Sorim and Mush and Co. Everything there was gold but I love how Sorim is such a catalyst of peace and good for Hangyul and Chanyoung. When she linked arms with both guys and said, "We can just walk together" was priceless and neither Hangyul and Chanyoung can resist.

7. Last, I like the rooftop scene with Chanyoung and Mush and Co. I had so much feelings when Chanyoung gave M&C the promise he gave Sorim! I gotta admit though, Chanyoung's confession/nonconfession...


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...confession/nonconfession made me swoon. His line about "If he doesn't say it, it means its not over for him" made me wish there's another drama for both Joy and Lee Seowon. While my OTP is Hangyul and Sorim, Joy and Seowon IMHO, had crackling chemistry too! It doesn't help one bit thay Seowon gushes so much about Joy in real life.

I love how everyone, despite going through a lot of pain, has come full circle in this episode. The truth has set them free and its time to start anew for everyone.


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1. Did you watch Inho's short webdrama? Boy next door or something? Someone posted the link to it in recap 14. It's very funny.


2. About impact of affection, I liked the backhug during the river date as much as I would have liked a kiss scene. I might even prefer that moment more than the kiss scenes. It's such an intimate gesture, only done between two people who love each other.

3. Rooftop scene: Did I interpret that forehead scene right? Was HG teasing SR and making her think he might kiss her? It looked like he was teasing her with the possibility.

5. That scene was the highlight of the episode for me.
It had no line. No interaction. No dramatic acting to speak of. Just the stirring background song. But it was one of the most emotional scenes in the entire drama personally. This drama makes us imagine and conjure up memories in the simplest, but amazingly effecting way. I could tell how much history and memories Crude Play had in that moment. It's like the bicycle/childhood flashback with Jinwoo. The drama helps us conjure up years of history in seconds.

6. Sorim makes it impossible for people to fight, when they both share a love for her. She has no time for their squabble, and just want to be happy and enjoy the love from everybody. And she leads others to do the same. One of my favorite scene this episode. You could tell she loves both, and since they don't want to sadden her, they won't fight for her sake.

7. That's why I was never as angry as other people by the first rooftop scene between Chanyoung and Sorim. While others saw deviousness, I saw sincerity and genuine excitement from young people at going on a journey together. Lifting the romantic rivalry cloud away by inserting Mush & Co, and you can see that.

Seowon and Joy have so much chemistry in real life it makes me wish for a reunion!


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More than kisses, backhugs (and hugs in general) speak of comfort for me, and are completely fitting since comfort is a big part of So-rim and Han-gyul's relationship. It's such a happy sigh when you can wrap yourself around someone, or be wrapped up in them.

Han-gyul totally had a cheeky expression on his face before swooping in. +100 squee factor!

So-rim has such a way about her that disarms even the grumpiest of grumps. It's amazing, and I love her all the more for it.


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It's a happy sigh and very squishy too.

I need to watch again to see his cheeky expression. Can't miss that. Hee.

Yes to that last sentence on Sorim. She's so unpretentiously bright and kind, you can't help but want to keep her that way and go along with her mood. :)


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Reading all the comments while stuck in traffic jems.. at least im using my time wisely ?


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Traffic jam #goals.
Stay away from road rage, read TLAHL recaps!!


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It looks like we're on target for 600+ comments. So comment away!! Only the finale recap will prevent this from happening.

I am still quite surprised that this drama managed to make a party out of nowhere. It wasn't supposed to be a party atmosphere from the get go. Great job everyone.


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The final recap, or the distraction of Ruler and Suspicious Partners new recap. :P Shiny new toys can be distracting and make people forget the old ones. Haha.

Let's still do this though. I believe it would be the first time SailorJumun's recap reach the 600 mark. It would be a nice farewell present. :)

This drama's party didn't start out as a party at all. I still don't know how it happened. It just somehow built momentum and snowballed.


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I've commented on this drama since it first began and yes, in the beginning, it would reach only a 100+ and up. But even then, we were happy to get comments because it was the underdog drama -- the fact that it was getting more comments than ratings-monster Whisper (which I tried to watch but dropped after episode 6) felt like a victory. I guess the TLAHL comment party became this huge because 1. The drama just keeps getting better (the build-up is just awesome), 2. The recappers and the commenters did not mind the antis and trolls who even disparaged our taste (I remember being called juvenile for liking this and was even accused of being a Joy fan) or claimed DB has given in to pressure from Joy fans and last, 3. Because awesome, positive people attract awesome people as well, the engagement in the comments sections as well as the high rate of upvotes made it very enticing to participate. I loved participating here because the comments are respectful, thoughtful, and best of all, positive.

Anyway, I loved our TLAHL party --- I hope to see everyone in another thread soon!


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Isn't 100+ comments a really good number for a drama anyway? I would say above average.

You're right about the influence of the recappers. They could have gone into this drama with prejudice like every other person out there, but they didn't, and were honest about their love for it right from the start, despite all the criticism. And their words and steadfast position on the drama opened the minds of other people.


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I can't remember when I started commenting on this show's recaps but it should have been decently early on (I was too preoccupied with SWDBS's recaps then). I personally think it's amazing that the show is receiving so much love here - I've never seen a show hit 800+ comments before! But TLAHL deserves it. And it's been so fun reading comments and replying like crazy while battling the site lag! I hope to see some familiar names from here on other recaps soon!

(Side note but it does make me feel a little sad that my new love MXM isn't getting the same amount of love. Maybe I've just been too spoilt with the amount of love SWDBS and TLAHL got!)


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On top of my head (I could be wrong), I believe Moon Lovers, Moonlight drawn by clouds, W-two worlds, Goblin, and of course, the legendary Healer had comments passing the 800 comments, or even thousands of comments.

Take heart about MxM. It's still early days and could gain momentum as you and other fans spread the word. TLAHL started much more unpopular as well, and look at it now.


MxM has 200 comments, which is really good! And I enjoy watching it too. Once I rest from TLAHL parties, I might even join MxM parties. :)


Right? Such a festive thread! I love all the positivity!


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Yes. I'm a usual lurker, but the positivity attracted me to post too.


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Many thanks and a big applause to @sailorjumun
It's been quite an unforgettable ride, and as a recapper, you have left a mark that will stay in my heart for a long time to come.
I will not be able to forget this drama, or the people who have gone on the journey of watching this with me.


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Folks who are too lazy to read everything and just "Collapse" the comments thread. Do yourself a favor and go read @michykdrama comments #43 in the expanded comment thread. They'll put a smile to your face.


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"It wasn’t perfect, and the characters certainly weren’t perfect, but that was part of the reason why we loved them so much."

-Yes! Definitely. But what I love most is that each character, especially Hangyul, was really flawed from the get go but we were there with him (or President Choi) while he came to every realization, every heartbreak. And I feel like a proud noona watching him grow into a better musician and more importantly - a better person, friend and son.


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my favorite character. loved watching him to grow&care&love&hurt&heal.


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I will point out that wanting to be a boyfriend to Sorim allowed him to be the better person, friend, and son as you said. So Sorim was the key to it all. :)


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*better boyfriend


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Yes I agree that So Rim was the most significant factor that made him want to be a better person. As what Hangyul mentioned in one of the scenes prior to the confession, he said SR makes him feel insignificant.. like he is a bad person..
This made me ponder on the fact that sometimes, like Hangyul, people just need to encounter someone that can make them desire change.. as often depicted in Kdramas. I know it's not always a nice kdrama trope especially when it feels forced in writing. But let's face it -- this often happens in real life. We encounter a person and something in us is touched.. and the next thing we know we are changing. Whether for the good or bad, it's up to us. (Listen to Wicked's OST - For Good by Idina Menzel)
As many have already pointed out, the writer is amazing for the slow but steady character development of Hangyul, and not only as a boyfriend to So Rim but as an individual.


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I LOVE Wicked Musical. It's soooo gooood!!!

Meeting someone who makes you want to change happens when they're so good, you admire them and look at them as model. Or when you want to make them happy, and you can do that by being better. But it has to happen naturally, and that person makes you want to be better without forcing you or asking you to be better. It's from your own will.


Yes, Sorim is such a gem. She was the reason HG wanted to be better man. I love this girl.


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OK This is a reply to a comment/question by @josie63 at comment 35.
It's gonna be long so I thought I'd just post here.

A question on why I thought SR was so devoted to and trusted HG. I said I'd do homework and I did :P

1. In Ep1 - we have HG meeting SR's voice on the bus and giving her the umbrella - trust me - it's important later.

2. Then SR sees him at the Han River and it's love at first sight - and on top of that - he makes music - making him unforgettable.

OK - here's where I sense the seed - and I mean seed ok - not the be all and end all - of why SR is so steadfast and true to HG and (coupled with later points) trusts him.

3. We see SR looking for him everywhere - for days on end to no avail. Then she goes for the school band audition - and she freezes - she's lost Zeze and that brings back memories of her mother telling her they'd always be with her - to which she says 'kojimal' and starts to cry remembering how they were killed and that she was alone.

So at her lowest point and feeling utterly abandoned - she spies HG walking by - as if by miracle and she then remembers her MOM saying that Zeze was made of and filled with love and not to be scared - and she starts to sing to HG.

I think she 'imprinted' on HG (:D for want of a better word!!)

4. In ep2 we see SR being really bold and forthright - HG is taken aback but I do believe he remembers Zeze and SR - especially after hearing her sing and his song no less. I think he is intrigued - I mean he could have just said to her - please delete the sound file - instead he got her number and met with her. It is cute in ep 2 when they meet that just hearing SR go - OH! makes him go all blank and in a daze.

Now SR feels that her Mom sent HG to her - she said as much in her bedroom - and her Mom's choice surely can't be bad. So she has an open mind about HG.

5. Later - after the lie thing blows up - it must have devastated SR - thinking that her feelings, her expectations were all a lie.

it is telling that HG in EP 6 tells SR that in music he never lied to her. This speaks to SR - she knows HG's music. He even says it when bringing the last minute arrangement for Mush & Co. to sing. SR realises the truth in this, which brings us back to ep 2.

6. In ep2 - HG meets SR and hearing CP's song -she recognises that K made the song out of love for music. You can tell HG is surprised that she sees that - even not knowing him. She even scolds him for dissing the rough guide for It's OK saying that he should treasure his music making ability.

7. He feels bowled and overwhelmed by SR so much so he forgets to talk to her about the music file. And this I think is the very start of why HG would take account SR's opinion and point of view - and slowly make changes - as he feels that she connects to him and can understand him. But it's a rough ride - cos HG is still K and can be really harsh.

8. So this all leads to ep 6...


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I do apologise for rambling so long.


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Wow.. i agree it's long.. but it's nice read your summary about HG-SR relationships


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Wait I got cut off!!

8. Ep 6 - HG searches out SR - and tells her that he would not run away and he would make the effort to get close to her and that he would not leave her. He tells her he would prove that their moments were real to him to. And that he never lied in music. This speaks to SR as she does know HG's music and he says as much to CY. She realises HG is sincere and again draws courage and confidence from him.

So there you have it.


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Wow. I'm no good teacher, but I'll give you an A++++++++++ or 300/100 for your homework assignment. You went over and beyond. Very excellent and impressive. Would give a recommendation for Top Beanie to the Headmaster JB. :D


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aww loved reading.


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Wonderful analysis and I'm sure you have it right. What I think about this drama is that all the character's feelings for each other are so believable. I think Joy is the key to everything in it as she so perfectly projects a positive and loving vibe in each frienship.


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Yes, Joy's acting might still be green, but she's very good at creating natural rapport.


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Well I am here 611 cmments later and after reading all of these...I don't what more to say. Now this show is something to be uncontrollably fond of.


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Haha. Well let's cheer for the fact that it's uncontrollably fond without any one dying.


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When Gyu Sun offered to buy coffee to celebrate and said, "It's our treat, Hyung!" and Chan Young remarked, "You're all grown up!" that totally looked ad-libbed.


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I don't know if it's all ad lib or not, but it feels so weirdly satisfying to see CY as the big boy hyung to Mush and Co. Like a puppy taking care of even smaller puppies.


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I LOVE when Gyu Sun and Jin Woo call Chan Young "hyung," especially since for the longest time, Jin Woo refused to call Han Gyul "hyung."

This was meant to be a reply to @Josephina in comment #18. I swear I clicked reply; I don't know why it posted as a new comment, but the webpage did keep freezing up on me. ?


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It looks like it's happening to a lot of people right below you too.

This drama thread is full of lag, timeout, and comment reply bugs, and yet it's amazing how many comments there are. Beanies are a persistent passionate breed.


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When I want to reply to every single comment, but also want to save my energy for the last party in episode 16. Sigh.

I'll compromise and thumbs up instead :)


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I'm going to reserve my farewell goodbyes for episode 16, but as this is the end for SailorJumun here, I want to say thank you for being the guide, companion and friend to so many of us for the past 8 weeks. It has been an epic journey that wouldn't have been possible without you.


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yes definitely thanks for recapping this amazing gem.


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*better boyfriend


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Sorry, this was a reply to a comment above.


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Impatiently waiting for the final episode recap... Drumrolls


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It was 3 or 4 times I think. I'm going to watch it again to make sure lol ?


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That's a reply for a comment on page one right? lol.


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Yes! I don't know how it ended up here lol ?


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Late. But as they say, better late than never. :)

Thank you for this great last recap SailorJumun. Looking forward to seeing in you in some new drama adventure, although I will almost for certain miss your writing about TLAHL specifically.


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We're so close to the 700 mark, I'm going to go on another reply spree. As someone said, a goodbye gift to SailorJumun . She deserves her last recap to blow through that ceiling.


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Wow did i miss this song during mini concert?


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Did you watch the full concert?


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i watched but somehow missed Lee Hyun Woo solo.


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He doesn't have the best voice, but I love to hear him sing.


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Thanks SailerJumun for the recap!

As a big fan of Hyun Woo, I am upset about the rating of the Liar, but I am also happy that so many people here love this drama!

I hope that this drama will be successful when it airs in Japan. I hope that the cast will go Japan to hold a live mini-concert as well. I will definitly fly over to support them.

I too disappointed that there are no passionate kiss between our OTP, but OTP2 somehow make up to it. It's okay.

I really love the OST and reading all the comments here!??


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I hope it will be successful too, or if not, at least, loved by those who watch it.

Lucky you can fly to Japan :D

I love the OST too, and the comments here are a source of happiness and energy to me as well. Only one more recap. I'm sad about it, but also excited.


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It's both baffling and amazing how the comments for this drama increases consistently from week to week. Proof that quality can influence popularity too since the episodes keep improving from one week to another. If only viewership ratings worked the same way.


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I think this drama was a "perfect storm" of low-expectations going in, totally over-performing (writing, acting, music, chemistry), overwhelming positivity on these comment sections, and a little us-against-the-world due to the ratings and negativity elsewhere.


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That's a comprehensive summary. :)

I think SailorJumun deserves a lot of credit for being the start of the "overwhelming positivity." Everyone expected the recaps to criticize the drama given what was said about it elsewhere. She defied expectations and expressed her love for from the very first recap. Her words set the tone for the rest of the time this drama was covered on Dramabeans.


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Yes, it's us against the world a bit. I'm more active now than I ever was because people don't support this drama and I wanted to show some love.


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So has anyone mentioned how hilarious Jinwoo is for having not changed at all and getting jealousy exactly the same way after his "man" conversion last week. lol


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Never change, Jin Woo, never change. ?


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So.. you want him to stay jealous and play bodyguard to Sorim all his life. Poor guy. Mwuahaha.


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Thank you SailorJumun! I loved this episode, and you made me love it more.
I love you and will miss this.


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While I agree that the writing is what made the drama shine, the drama was only able to be this special because everything else was good enough to support the writing. That includes the music, the directing, and the cast.


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Yess, this drama is shining so warmly ? by every part that involved, and i never loving every ost of kdrama like this before, even all of the bgm in this drama makes me jamming onto it , what a masterpiece ?


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There are many good osts out there tho :3

That said, I agree, this one is bomb.


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