The Liar and His Lover: Episode 14

When this show breaks your heart, you can be sure that it’ll heal it again with hugs and kisses. After the most conflicted characters in the story hit rock bottom, there was nowhere to go but up. However, the journey is both painful and poignant. While Chan-young and Jin-hyuk deal with the fallout of their actions, Han-gyul finds out exactly how badly his years of passive compliance have hurt his friends. So-rim reaches her own point of realization as the music she loves threatens to separate her from her friends. Ultimately though, both bands have ties of friendship than run deeper than any amount of anger or resentment, and that’s exactly why we love them.


Han-gyul rushes to the hospital and finds that In-ho is in surgery. Shi-hyun tells him that while In-ho’s injuries weren’t life-threatening, he fractured his arm. Later, the doctor tells them that In-ho won’t be able to play drums for the next six months.

When In-ho regains consciousness, he sees the whole band in his room watching him with concern. The boys and Jin-hyuk sit in the waiting area and wonder how the accident happened. The band’s manager apologizes for not taking better care of In-ho, though he knew he was operating on very little sleep.

Yoon feels guilty for letting In-ho drive back alone last night, saying that he had been uncharacteristically stubborn about it. Chan-young points out that they should just be grateful that In-ho is still with them.

As the news breaks on TV the next morning, Soo-yeon calls up Shi-hyun to ask about In-ho. Mush & Co. listen over her shoulder, asking if they can come visit. Shi-hyun tells them not to, since reporters were hovering in the lobby. Gyu-sun feels awful that a video leaked from his phone caused all this trouble.

When the police come to take In-ho’s statement about the accident, he says that he must have dozed off for a moment due to lack of sleep. This matches the evidence already gathered by the police, and since In-ho didn’t injure anyone, they reassure Jin-hyuk that no charges will be pressed.

CEO Yoo calls up Jin-hyuk and asks if In-ho had been driving drunk. She’s astonished to hear that In-ho had been suffering from stress-induced insomnia for the past week and tells Jin-hyuk to cancel the press conference and bring the boys to her office.

Once off the phone, she thinks over the matter and immediately makes a call to a reporter she knows. She spins a tale of malicious rumors hurting the pride of musicians and causing them so much stress that they lost sleep for days.

At her office, CEO Yoo tells Jin-hyuk to release a statement after In-ho feels better and says with relief that the incident takes the focus off their scandal. To the boys, she says that they no longer have to explain themselves, and they look at her with bewilderment. When everyone gets up to leave, CEO Yoo asks Crude Play’s manager to stay behind. What is she cooking up now?

Han-gyul finds In-ho’s mother outside his hospital room and coaxes her into having lunch with him. Over food, she admits that she hadn’t called In-ho often so that he wouldn’t sense her concern, but now she regrets that she hadn’t asked to see him. Han-gyul is taken aback at this, since In-ho had told him that his mother had wanted to see him the night before.

Mush & Co. sit listlessly in the practice room, wondering what will happen next for them. With Chan-young gone and no one talking to them, they feel powerless over their own futures. So-rim tells her friends to focus on practice for now.

As Shi-hyun, Yoon, and Chan-young head out to the hospital, they see Mush & Co. practicing, and Shi-hyun suggests they stop by to update them on In-ho. Chan-young makes up an excuse to avoid going in with them.

At the hospital, all the Crude Play boys gather around In-ho’s bed, refusing to leave his side. They tell In-ho that the press conference was canceled and that they won’t have to perform live anymore. When they turn on the news, a reporter talks about the band, adding that In-ho’s insomnia was caused by the scandal.

The report includes an interview with their band’s manager, who confirms that In-ho hadn’t been sleeping for days. Yoon wonders when he had time to give that interview, surprised at this turn of events. But In-ho just looks calmly at the TV and says that maybe this will make the public more sympathetic to them. Everyone looks at him in surprise, while Han-gyul watches In-ho with a blank face.

Just like In-ho said, the public turns favorable, and the next batch of articles written about the band are a lot less critical. CEO Yoo shows these to Jin-hyuk and says that this isn’t the first time she’s cleaned up after him. She announces that she’ll be personally speaking to all the artists he manages at Sole Music. At his protestation, she asks if he wants to stay in his position after everything that has happened.

Walking out of her office building, Jin-hyuk thinks back to every hurtful word he’s said to Crude Play. He remembers how he cut them down when they tried to talk to him about playing their own music, and then thinks of In-ho saying that he couldn’t sleep for a week. He rests against a pillar, emotions welling up inside him.

CEO Yoo arrives at Sole Music to talk to Mush & Co. She listens to them perform “Shiny Boy,” then asks for another song. Soo-yeon says that they haven’t been able to practice “Waiting For You” enough, so CEO Yoo asks the boys to come out, and for So-rim to sing.

At that moment, So-rim realizes that she’s at a crossroads. CEO Yoo’s own words ring in her ears: “You’ll have to make a choice.” So, she insists that the boys be allowed to play, even though they’re imperfect. Giving her friends an encouraging nod, she sings Han-gyul’s song.

CEO Yoo compliments them on the song and smilingly tells So-rim that they’ll be talking soon. On her way out, she asks to speak to Soo-yeon. Sitting on the roof together, Jin-woo observes that CEO Yoo had been angry at them. So-rim tries to reassure them, but Gyu-sun interrupts that she was annoyed by their playing.

Soo-yeon comes out with their phones and tells them that they only have to live together for another week. They look at each other with concern and ask why. Soo-yeon just says that it’s CEO Yoo’s orders, but she’s clearly uncomfortable with this development.

Han-gyul visits In-ho at the hospital, and finding him alone, he offers to peel some fruit for him. They joke around, until In-ho says that so long as his hand stays out of commission, they won’t have to perform to prove themselves. He tries to laugh it away at Han-gyul’s serious expression, but Han-gyul asks him not to make light of this again.

He also asks In-ho about his plans to visit his mother on the night of the accident. In-ho laughs that he must have been really tired, since he can’t remember what he told Han-gyul. Han-gyul doesn’t look like he believes him, but his dad arrives just then to lighten their mood.

Later, as In-woo and Han-gyul walk down the hallway, he asks Han-gyul if he’s all right. He’s talking about the proxy musician scandal, and Han-gyul asks how he could be all right when he had been using his friends to get his music out, just like his dad had once told him. In-woo tries to say that he hadn’t meant his words as a criticism, but Han-gyul asks him not to say anything more for now, since he has a lot on his mind.

At the end of their break, when Mush & Co. heads back in to practice, So-rim excuses herself to make a call. Jin-woo follows her to listen in, while Han-gyul stands on the hospital’s roof and thinks about the puzzle pieces around In-ho that were creating a disturbing picture in his head. When So-rim calls, he tells her the truth — that he suspects In-ho of having orchestrated the accident.

At her confusion, Han-gyul starts to apologize for talking nonsense, but So-rim stops him and says that he can tell her anything. “Even if I can’t give you answers, I can be by your side,” she tells him, promising to be with him no matter what. Jin-woo hears this with a grave face, then turns and leaves.

When So-rim gets to the practice room, Jin-woo asks who she called. At her hesitation, he berates her for keeping secrets. When she asks if she doesn’t have secrets of his own, he looks at her and says that he keeps a secret so that they can stay friends, while she keeps a secret for someone else’s sake.

Jin-woo’s frustrations coalesce as he yells that he started to play the guitar for her, but now, no one wants to hear him play, and she’s drifting away from him. He storms out of the room just as Soo-yeon arrives, and So-rim can only watch, unable to follow him.

Back at their dorm that night, So-rim asks Gyu-sun what was going on with Jin-woo. Gyu-sun doesn’t want to tell her, so he just says that she’s being very thick. Jin-woo ignores her as he leaves the house to take a walk, but thinking of his agonized outburst from the morning, So-rim follows.

Hearing her call out, Jin-woo starts running, but her voice reminds him of the first time they met. It was at their school’s playground. So-rim and Gyu-sun had come up to him to ask him to play with them. (Omo! Little Gyu-sun is a tiny replica of older Gyu-sun!) He had been reluctant, but So-rim had smiled and called out his name.

In the present, as So-rim calls him again, Jin-woo slows down and turns to face her. While present-day So-rim looks up at him with remorse, Jin-woo thinks of the laughing younger So-rim who had coaxed him into playing with them.

So-rim asks if he’s very angry with her and admits that he’s right. She kept her relationship with Han-gyul a secret because she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to see him otherwise. She pleads with him to understand, because she really likes Han-gyul.

With his eyes fixed on her face, Jin-woo asks what’s so great about him, and So-rim just says that being with him makes her happy and makes her smile. He nods and says that he forgives her then. Memories of So-rim laughing as she sped down the road on her cycle flood him, and he says: “Because, I… I like your smiling face.” (Oof. Right in the heart!)

Grinning at her relief, he tells her not to make that ugly face, since he’s only friends with her because of her smile. She lightly punches his chest, and he laughs. Gyu-sun watches them from afar, shaking his head at the sudden maturity in his friend.

Jin-woo walks So-rim back to their dorm, then tells her that he’ll be back after buying some milk. Out of her sight, Jin-woo wipes away his tears. Gyu-sun catches up with him and compliments his friend on being awesome. Jin-woo just cries about how much he likes So-rim though, and the two friends end up sitting at a park.

Jin-woo declares that now that he’s a man, he’ll become unemotional. Gyu-sun says that there are other women in the world besides Se-jung and So-rim, but Jin-woo cries out, “Not for me,” which embarrasses Gyu-sun. Hahaha. He turns to Gyu-sun and says that he’s the only friend he has in the world. Gyu-sun sniffs that it’s the same for him, and the boys hug it out. (Is it just me, or did they almost kiss? Hee.)

When they get back to the dorm, the boys refuse to talk to So-rim and shut her out of their room. Pfft.

CEO Yoo meets Shi-hyun and talks to him about holding a press conference, so reporters can see In-ho’s injury for themselves. He asks why they’re talking in the absence of Jin-hyuk, and CEO Yoo tells him that Jin-hyuk will be stepping away—she’ll be handling Crude Play from now on.

He gets back to Sole Music in a thoughtful mood and collapses on a beanbag. When Soo-yeon comes in, he tells her that he might have a fever. As she checks his temperature against hers with concern, he laughs at her for being gullible. Soo-yeon about his teasing, and he confesses that he’s just furious.

When she asks if he’s all right, Shi-hyun says that the leader of Crude Play has to be all right. Soo-yeon points out that she didn’t ask the leader of Crude Play, and Shi-hyun smiles sweetly at her. Then his brows furrow as he remembers a similar moment in their past. He says that they were preparing for a festival together, and when he was lying down, Soo-yeon had come up and asked if he was all right.

Soo-yeon remembers that day too. Shi-hyun had been lying on a table with his eyes closed when Soo-yeon came into the room. She had touched his forehead, smiled, and slipped a note into his jacket pocket. She looks at him now with hurt in her eyes.

As he begins to speak, she gets up to leave. He catches her arm and tells her with frustration that she’s confusing him. “Sometimes you look so pretty, and sometimes you just look cold. I don’t know what I can do to make you love me!”

Soo-yeon looks at him in surprise, but he says that she was like this in high school too. “I thought you liked me, but then you turned so cold that I couldn’t even talk to you.” Soo-yeon is completely taken aback. She argues that he was the one to reject her feelings by throwing her letter in a trash can.

Shi-hyun clearly doesn’t know anything about a letter, and when she says that she’d put it in his jacket, he says that he’d lost it on the day of the festival. (Is that the proposal meant for Shi-hyun that Yoon received? Did Yoon take Shi-hyun’s jacket by mistake?!)

Shi-hyun starts laughing at the utter silliness of their misunderstanding, but Soo-yeon is just hurt. She thinks of all the wasted years and turns to leave in embarrassment. Shi-hyun catches her hand again and pulls her close. Cupping the back of her head, he pulls her into a kiss. Eeeeeee!

CEO Yoo takes Yoo-na to a shoe store and buys her everything she likes. She talks about Yoo-na joining Who Entertainment, and when Yoo-na brings up Jin-hyuk, says that there will be a change in management, and Yoo-na should think about what shoes she’ll be most comfortable in.

On a roll now, CEO Yoo visits In-woo at his music bar to ask him to start working on the album. He plays out an impromptu song in answer: “If you squeeze your feet into shoes that don’t fit/Your feet will hurt/Why not just take them off?/Am I supposed to stand the pain?” (Pfft. These two and their shoe metaphors.)

CEO Yoo offers to have Han-gyul examine their contract if he can’t trust her, but In-woo says that that’s not what Han-gyul wants. Yoo argues that Han-gyul is more worldly than his father thinks: “Look at Crude Play. A truth that can hurt a lot of people should be kept silent. Your son is taking advantage of that too.”

In-woo doesn’t look up from his guitar, but he disagrees. “Those guys still have a sense of shame… sunlike us.” CEO Yoo looks away, unable to argue.

Han-gyul can’t stop thinking about the night of In-ho’s accident. He remembers how In-ho used to be in school before they debuted. When the gang was huddled over a laptop, second-guessing themselves before sending a demo of their song to an agency, In-ho had clicked “send” while the others were distracted.

Clearly nervous himself, he had still told Han-gyul that when you’re uncertain, you should stay positive. The boys had clasped their hands in prayer then (while Shi-hyun muttered the lyrics of song, ha).

Present day In-ho had a different philosophy though: “Who knows? They might feel sorry for us and cut us some slack.” Han-gyul recalls this, along with how shifty he looked when Jin-hyuk had asked him if he dozed off.

Han-gyul visits In-ho in the hospital and finds Mush & Co. visiting. So-rim instantly brightens up, and In-ho teases her about it. Everyone notices how tense Han-gyul looks, and when In-ho says that there’s no need for him to be worried, he snaps. “Why do you look so okay?” he asks In-ho, pointing out that there is plenty to be worried about, not the least of which is his injury.

Han-gyul leaves, and So-rim follows him out. In-ho asks their manager to give Han-gyul a ride. Outside the hospital, So-rim catches up with Han-gyul and asks what happened. He tells her that he can’t get certain thoughts out of his mind.

Before he can say more, their manager arrives with the car, and Han-gyul agrees to take the lift. During the car ride, he finds out that CEO Yoo had arranged the interview with the reporters that had swung public sympathy their way. He also finds out that the manager had bought him sleeping pills on the day of the accident. With mounting worry, Han-gyul asks his manager to take him to Sole Music.

Jin-hyuk sits in his office thinking about CEO Yoo’s intentions towards Mush & Co. It’s clear that she’s only interested in So-rim and doesn’t want “another Crude Play” on her hands. It’s then that he gets a call from Yoo-na, but he doesn’t pick up. She looks at her phone and thinks back to Jin-hyuk telling her that he has too much on his mind having to try to protect what he thought was already his.

Chan-young is working on “Shiny Boy” at home when he gets a call from Jin-hyuk. When he reaches Sole Music, he’s reluctant to sit down, but Jin-hyuk promises that the conversation is important. He explains that CEO Yoo wants to disband Mush & Co. and train So-rim separately. When Chan-young asks why he’s telling him this, Jin-hyuk says: “I think you’re the only producer who can lead Mush & Co. without breaking them up.”

Han-gyul visits the security control room in Sole and asks to see the CCTV footage of the night of In-ho’s accident. He finds what he’s looking for — the moment when, by the vending machines, In-ho had thrown something away to hide it from Han-gyul as he approached.

Han-gyul dashes to the room with the machines and finds a strip of sleeping pills exactly where In-ho had thrown them. He heads back to In-ho and tells him that he just wanted to see him. With a sad smile, Han-gyul says that he just realizes that he’d never had a fight with In-ho. Because In-ho suppressed his feelings, none of them ever gave a thought to how he’s dealing with things.

In-ho tries to shrug it off, but Han-gyul asks why he did it. “Why did you drive while on pills?” In-ho denies it, but Han-gyul pulls out the strip he found and tells him that it was captured on CCTV.

As Han-gyul gets angry, In-ho finally yells back that he didn’t take the pills. He admits that he thought about it, tried to do it, but Han-gyul had come in at the right time. He didn’t go through with it, but the accident happened anyway because he was so distracted.

Han-gyul isn’t satisfied, wanting to know why he would consider taking the pills at all. In-ho says again that Han-gyul should forget everything, since it all worked out in the end. This frustrates Han-gyul as he shouts that driving on pills could have killed him, but In-ho shouts back that it was the only way he could stop the live performance.

Han-gyul is stunned that In-ho would go to this extreme because of the press conference, but In-ho says that they would have been exposed since he can never play as well as his proxy drummer. Han-gyul argues that they would have just paid the price for lying, but In-ho cries that he didn’t have the courage to ruin his friends with his own hands.

With that heartbreaking confession, In-ho gives in to tears, and Han-gyul envelops his friend in a hug. Han-gyul apologizes and promises to take care of it: “I’ll take responsibility, so don’t worry anymore.”

So-rim sits in her practice room thinking of Han-gyul’s tense face at the hospital. She gets a call and immediately leaves to meet Han-gyul in the recording room. He’s sitting there alone, thinking of his friends when they first started out. At So-rim’s arrival, he completely breaks down.

Instinctively, So-rim hugs him as tears pour down his face. Holding her tightly, Han-gyul cries that everything is his fault. “I hurt everyone.”


How does this show do this to me? I want to hug every character here — even the ones whose actions have caused the most misery. It’s not a drama I would scream from the rooftops about, yet I don’t remember the last time a show made me feel this happy and content. It’s the people that populate the story, I suppose. They are horrid and wonderful, helpless and powerful. And every one of them has a journey I want to be a part of.

We’ve been told repeatedly that Han-gyul’s decision to go along with Jin-hyuk’s methods has hurt the band, yet the truth of that has never hit harder than today. Han-gyul spent the entire episode worrying that In-ho was suicidal, but the truth of the matter is that In-ho has lost all confidence in his ability to play the instrument he loves, and Han-gyul is directly responsible for that. For years, he told his bandmates that they aren’t good enough, that all they have to do is hand-sync, because their own music isn’t worth listening to. When he didn’t say it in words, he said it in his actions.

We can blame Jin-hyuk for being money-minded and shortsighted, but he was never friends with the Crude Play boys. Han-gyul was. Yet, just like Jin-hyuk, he only thought of how to cover up their flaws, not how to encourage them to be better. The heartbreaking part is that Han-gyul did it while believing that it was the only way he could debut with his friends. But it’s an excuse a green musician in the industry could use, not an experienced composer who knows the ins and outs of how this world works. Before today, I don’t think Han-gyul ever really understood how badly his silence had hurt his friends.

Which brings me to CEO Yoo’s sneering comment to In-woo about Han-gyul being worldly. When Yoon had protested against lying to their fans, CEO Yoo had silenced him by pointing out how many people their “truth” could end up hurting. It was the same argument that Jin-hyuk used to shut the boys up when he’d found out about their “Real Crude Play” videos. It’s an effective argument, and one that has merit. But it’s also a clever distraction from the boys’ real questions: Is it right to take credit for skills they don’t possess? Is it right to lie to those who admire and support them?

It’s clear that CEO Yoo understands this well. She also knows that her emotional blackmail on the boys would not work unless some of them wanted the status quo to remain. Han-gyul is particularly guilty of it because he only saw the scandal that could harm his friends, not the danger of a lie that was already eating away at them. CEO Yoo may think that Han-gyul went along with their plans of denying the lie because he was jaded, but I think he did it for the same reason he has done it before — he thinks it’s the best that he can do for his friends.

Those friends have had enough now, though. And I was glad to see that Chan-young isn’t the only one done with the way things have been until now. Yoon and Shi-hyun have both clearly reached their own turning points. And while In-ho is scared now, I believe that he just needs the support of his friends and a chance to show what he can really do. That’s the way Han-gyul can really help his friends, and now he finally understands them well enough to have their back in the fight to come.

This episode was chock-full of beautiful moments that warmed my heart. A long-awaited one was Shi-hyun and Soo-yeon’s confession. How characteristic for these two to have loved each other for years, all the time believing that the other doesn’t reciprocate. I’m convinced that this is the confession story Han-gyul was telling So-rim about, and someone needs to box Yoon’s ears for delaying that kiss for five whole years!

The other one, of course, was when Jin-woo realized that he likes So-rim too much to make her sad. That boy is seriously bad for this noona’s heart. For all my initial whining about this show’s editing, Jin-woo’s memories of a laughing So-rim intercutting with the sadness of present-day So-rim was beautifully done. And that walk with Gyu-sun, when all of Jin-woo’s maturity fell away, and he wept like a little boy! The end of a puppy love has never been shown in a drama with more sympathy, I think. Even as the two boys cried over their failed first loves, I never loved them more.


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This drama is great at teasing us just the right way. Every time we're about to miss someone, they give it back to us again in the best way possible. And I don't only mean shihyun sooyeon hot couple. I mean everything. Sorim - hangyul. Jinwoo and Mush and CO, etc. I trust they never forget anyone.


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Oh wow. Second page already. O___O


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Even the Crude Play, Yoona, or Mush & Co managers with no lines always get included in scenes so they could feel more realistic. And for example, Mush & Co always have scenes together even when Gyusun or Jinwoo don't have any lines. Since this is a drama titled after Sorim and Hangyul, it could have easily discarded those side characters in many scenes, but it never did.


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So true! This drama is one of the very few which is taking care of each of it's many characters, however minor they might be!


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Please let me live in denial that the drama is not ending next week. I'm not ready to say good bye to all the characters! I need at least 10 more episodes of the Crude play boys drinking, playing games, going MT, throwing hugs around and screw music! I also want Mush & Co to enjoy performing like they once do (don't anyone dare to hurt puppy GyuSun and JinWoo! And precious Sorim!). Heck, I even want to know why CEO Yoo became who she is today.

There are a lot of dramas which I tend to fast forward when nearing the end because I've never cared or stopped caring for some of the characters. But this drama right here, it is nothing like that. It made me care for the ones I love, and managed to interest me in understanding the ones I love lesser. That's how perfectly crafted the characters are.

Seeing how every episode keeps becoming the 'best episode so far', i'm confident that we're all on a fantastic ride until the end!


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It's so rare for me to say at episode 14 that it was the best episode so far, especially when the past episodes have all been great. This show blows my mind, when the last thing you would think this drama is if you didn't watch this was "mind-blowing."


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i know right, i almost call every episode my favorite one, yet next one is even better.


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I'm actually scared the last week might end up ruining the drama for me. I don't know, I got burned so many times I get pessimistic. -___-"


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I've been burned a lot as well. Don't we all. However, the story has been so well planned so far that it made me believe the writer has all the details layered thus the ending wouldn't be nonsensical or abrupt. And the drama finish filming 4 days before the last episode! They have sufficient time to touch up on the editing and whatnot compared to so many other live-shooting drama.


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I just hope for a happy ending. For everyone. I just want everyone happy. I'm afraid I might get disappointed if we get a sad ending like the movie (bittersweet), or the manga's ending, which I won't spoil. lol.

But you're right, I'm going to try to trust the writer for one last week.


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For endings, I prefer it ends realistically. I know the couples will stay together, that's a given. It's the music aspect that I want to see end realistically. Even if it hurts, I'm ok with that. I just don't want an ending that everything is all good and dandy.

But I do trust the writer and PD to not botched the ending.


@drawde2000 Can't the drama end all good and dandy and realistically at the same time? I know I'm greedy, but I hope we get to keep the cake and eat it too. At least in dramaland.


@wunvo hmmm, that might not be a bad idea either.

I normally prefer tragic endings over happy ever after endings. But good and dandy and realistic is somewhere in between that. So, yeah, let's hope for that.


@drawde2000 But this drama started so light and breezy, surely a tragic ending would be "unrealistic" for the drama given that context?


@marina Since this drama isn't about life or death, I guess by saying tragic ending @drawde2000 means option say GS and JW decided to pull out from Mush & Co to avoid themselves being the second Crude Play? I personally don't mind their subpar skills because I love them as character, but I do not want them to face the real world with harsh criticism. Or even, Crude Play decides to own up to their lies, and got hit by public, but they have the determination to take hiatus off a year and brush up their skills then restart as the 'Real' Crude play.
These endings are not all rainbows and unicorns, but it seems more fitting for the story?


I believe that we will get a happy ending for everyone. It might not be "happy" as how you might define it, but it might lead to their long term happiness in the L&hL fictional world! I believe this writer is capable enough to give us an ending the characters really deserve.


I would love 20 episodes. But i love 16 episode dramas.


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I know everyone is obsessing about the kiss, but Lee Hyun Woo's pain at the end of the episode stole the show for me.

Jinwoo's tears made me cry and was a total shock. I didn't expect to be affected this much by his puppy love, but I believed it and felt his pain.
Then Lee Hyun Woo's confrontation with Inho broke my heart and drained me even more.
Just when I thought I couldn't feel any more, he called Sorim into the room, and just broke down and I was just like Sorim. I didn't know what to do, but just want to hug him and cry with him. It broke me.


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I lived for the way Han-gyul just melted into So-rim's embrace. This couple is goals so much.


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I just loved how they cuddled to each other. You could tell they were hugging each other with their whole soul, as cheesy as it sounds. Sorim was embracing him and giving, but also sharing.


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For me, it's right before they hugged. There was that release Han-Gyul gave before So-rim gave him the hug. In that moment, he acknowledged I can't take it anymore. I don't know what else to do. Thank you for being here.

That was the moment I've been waiting for from Lee Hyun Woo. And he gave it all.


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Lee Hyun Woo impressed me with his acting in this drama. He is showing much versatility, from being cute to being mature, to being tender, to being vulnerable. He's really doing it all as Hangyul.


I have very little experience/knowledge about Lee Hyun Woo before this drama. I've only seen him in Running Man, and I remember he was the wee little Kim Yushin (?) in Queen Seonduk. I am very very impressed!


@sparkzy Check out the movie Secretly, Greatly. It's short so you don't have to spend a lot of time. Hyunwoo isn't the main there, nor the highlight, but it's a good movie.


Awww beanies thank you for loving Lee Hyun Woo!!! Hugs to all of you!!!


I start following lee hyun woo since secretly greatly and to the beautiful you.. he is so cute n a good actor.. i love all of his drama n movie.. and i start to watch TLAHL also becoz of him..


That was my favorite part too. You could literally feel him crumple under the weight of it all as soon as she was there to catch him.


Everyone keeps mentioning Secretly, Greatly, but I think Lee Hyun Woo's best work was The Con Artists.


@panshel tell me more about the con artist if you don't mind?


@ChaimaaF The Con Artists also called The Technicians is a heist film starring Kim Woo Bin, Lee Hyun Woo, and Go Chang Seok.

I initially watched it for Kim Woo Bin, but could not take my eyes off of Lee Hyun Woo through the entire movie. Nonchalant attitudes are my weakness.


I love how it mirrored that episode when sorim let her heart and tears out the moment hangyul arrived at the hospital. They really have become pillars for each other.


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Oh, nice observation!! I didn't connect those two.


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Gosh, i was expecting that kinda of emotional broke down from veteran actor Lee Hyun Woo. I mean he debuted 2004-2005. I was wondering why show isnt making him cry. I got it and i am happy. I am kinda of loyal person and so i am following HG and Sorim and loving them.


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following their love story and characters in the drama i meant.


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Lee hyun woo did cry in secretly greatly and the equator man.. i think i'm gonna rewatch all his movie n drama after this include the beauty inside although his part only less than 5 minute in that film.. but i love it


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Oh my plushies! He was in The Beauty Inside? I never noticed?! To be fair there were tons of actors/actresses in that movie. I'm gonna watch it again for him. And yes to watching all Lee Hyun Woo's past works after this. ❤


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Awwww thank you for the love!!! Pure Smile will surely be elated once he knows that international fans are loving him this much.❤❤❤


He holds hands with HHJ.


Yeah scene holding hands but i really like that part.. lee hyun woo is great actor.. no doubt


It's here!! Thank you for the recap festerfaster ❤️


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That leak video from Gyusun's phone to identify his voice turns out to be the cause behind crude play's scandal AND Inho's guilt and subsequent accident. Goosebumps. talk about butterfly effect. No detail left behind.


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Some small scene from previous episodes always come back to be of use. No detail left behind indeed. No dull moment too.


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That's why one should not fast forward when watching this drama! It's a totally different league, but when watching Liar, one should treat it as serious as Signal. Do not miss out all the details!


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Hi, what is the confession story that this post mentions regarding Yoon and how Hangyul told a story to Sorim? What episode was that mentioned also?


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Someone in comment 29, I think it was @librarianerin said it was beginning of episode 12?


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The closer we get to the ending, the better this drama gets, the more nervous I become.
Like this is too good to be true, and I can't quite bring myself to believe this drama exists.
And the more this drama makes me love it, the more I am scared that the ending might destroy my love for it. It's why I admire the characters in this drama, they're not afraid to love, unlike me. They love with all their hearts, and hurt with all of it too, bless them.

Praying to drama gods. Just one more week. Just hang on in there for one more week and I will forever be grateful to you.


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I would say "when things are uncertain, you have to be positive" ;) but, honestly, I trust the writer, we have come this far and I didn't feel any lull that mostly plagues live shoot dramas after episode 10. All the characters are getting their due and their arcs, so I am positive, the ending will be good. But, I just don't want to accept Its ending! *sobs*


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I've lost count of the number of dramas which fell into a lull past the halfway mark. In fact, I can't remember the last time a drama was able to increasingly fix my attention as it went on. I watched this for Joy with no special expectation. However, I will admit that this drama is only little special drama I never expected to enjoy this much, or feel this much for the Crude Play guys and even Jin-hyuk and In-woo.


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This is my favourite episode so far and it has everything that I wanted. Han Gyul's break down in front of Sorim is my favourite scene in this whole drama. It hurts me to see him blaming himself :(


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The way she hugged him, the way he just walked straight into her arms, everything was done just right to hurt us good.


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This couple is just too good for us <3
I started to cry when Han Gyul was imagining the Crude Play boys in the recording booth and shouting their team's cheer. These boys are so good at making me cry :(


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By the way, do you know what he was trying to do in the studio? He was working on some songs and listening intensely but I have no idea on what.


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@newsbff Hey i was wondering about the same thing too! I was praying he is going to pull a one-night-producing stunt he did for Mush & Co's competition. So the journalists would be amazed at the new arrangement, and it can shows the strength of the boy's skills (i believe they do have some skills, just not perfect overall) and saves the world!


@cimmie The drama (and Jinhyuk) has brainwashed us into believing in Hangyul's god-like producing skills. He can do anything! *crossing fingers*


I also don't know. I think it's his way of releasing his stress from all these problem which I think again it's not because he has Sorim lol ?


@newsbff Are you referring to the part where he tries mixing a song? I have a hunch that he's trying to simplify the musical notes for "In Your Eyes". As we all know his songs are created with a complex beat and notes. I'm not a music expert sorry.?


I was already crying during In Ho and Han Gyul moments. They during Hang Gyul thinking back the CP boys, started tearing up again and fully sobbed with HG. Drama is good.


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This drama should be called the Sense & Sensibility of dramas.

It is written with much sense: everyone in the drama is sensible in their own way.
And yet, it writing is also just as sensitively written as it is sensible and touches all our sensibilities as much as it satisfies our logical brain.

I say bravo.


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I'm crying with you, Han gyul! T_T


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Han gyul cries and hundreds of hearts cry with him.


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Sorim cries and hundreds cry with her.

Jinwoo cries and hundreds cry with him.

Inho cries and hundreds cry with him.

Basically, they cry, we cry.


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Am I too greedy to want to see CEO Yoo crying, too? ?


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I just want her to laugh and smile. She has a permanent frown. :)


Crying with Gyulie. Poor HG.


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I was camping here at DB til 1 am (on my timezone) waiting for the recap then I fell asleep and now I'm late to the party. *wails*

Random thoughts:

- I swear to dramagods I have a lot to say about this episode but I lost everything when Hangyeol broke down in front of Sorim. My heart crushed. I'm relieved he has Sorim to lean on now. I admire their relationship very much. It's the kind that gestures are enough to comfort and unspoken words are understood.

- They say you can't choose the person you love. They say it's a miracle when the one you love, loves you back. On that note, I commend Chanyoung's and Jinwoo's decision to not confess their feelings to Sorim. They both know and see how she likes Hangyeol and only him, how she's happy, how she smiles just being with him. Both let her go without burdening her of their feelings. That's selfless love right there. ?


- Ceo Yoo continues to fix things for Jinhyuk as he is trying to ground himself of the events around him. He needs to make  decisions for his artists as soon as possible. I wonder what will happen to Crude Play and Mush&Co. Especially Mush&Co since Ceo Yoo is particularly fixated on getting Sorim for herself. I agree with Jinhyuk, that Chanyoung's the only producer that can keep Mush&Co together. Remember when Jinhyuk and Hangyeol were listening to Shiny Boy demo, saying that the song was basic and plain, I want to believe Chanyoung made the song thinking of Sorim's voice, Jinwoo's guitar and Gyusun's drums. I hope they can work this out to keep Mush&Co together.

- I shed tears for both Inho and Hangyeol. Inho trying to take responsibility for the downfall of Crude Play by doing what he did and Hangyeol owning the repercussions of his decisions for Crude Play since they started. I have no more feels left anymore I just want all of them to be happy.

- I reel that the drama is ending next week. No, I don't want this to end. *lives in denial* ㅠㅠ


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In other recaps, when I see 200 comments, I think "Wow, so many!" but for these recaps, I see 200 and I think "I'm here pretty early" so you're not late to the party, you're early! ;)
If we think positively, the sleep allowed you to gain energy to have fun for a longer time on here. :)


I thought it was so painful that Inho thought it was his fault Crude Play was exposed, and was so afraid to ruin Crude Play with his own hands, he almost ruined himself as a sacrifice. Clearly, this is too much at stake for him or anyone to bear alone, and I hope Hangyul realizes that and doesn't take on everything himself. The fact that he reached out to Sorim gives me hope he won't go on the Noble Idiot way Inho almost went on.


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That's true. I feel like HG is taking all the blame for what has happened and I am so glad that he's got SR and he reached out to her because I'd be so worried if he tried to carry this heavy burden alone.


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I agree. 200+ comments for TLAHL isn't so bad. Last time I was late it was 500+ comments and I gave up commenting. Heh


I think all the guys are trying to be noble idiots in their own way. From Chanyoung to Inho to Hangyeol. Can they just sit down and talk it out and think together of a solution. They're breaking my heart everytime they do something for others on their own.


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Funny how I don't get bothered by Noble Idiocy in this drama, but instead feel all the feels like I should.


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I like the caplock idea.. ? @revgail


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Def agree that only Chan-young can take care of Mush&Co. the best way possible and I look forward to seeing thir reunion soon and I swear I know I'll cry when that happens because our MnC babies will surely be delighted to have him back and I can only imagine their joy!! ??


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I love how you call them our babies.


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This drama is too beautiful in it's own way just reading the recaps make me tear up! This episode just really made me love all babies here even more and I already love them so much before this episode. The pain of letting go, growing up, and making hard life-changing decisions. ? This drama and every single character has definitely caught everyone's hearts! Can't believe it's ending soon (too soon) but I hope aside from the solution for the issues at hand, they also show a beautiful restoration of Han-gyul's relationship with his dad ❤️


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Thank you for the reminder!! With all that has been going on, it's almost too easy to forget the relationship with his dad. But it is one of the more interesting relationship in my opinion. His dad isn't perfect by any means, but he has so much wisdom to share, he could be a great model figure, if only he could settle down. Would marrying CEO Yoo allow him to do that, I wonder? Or would it "tie him down" too much?


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I'm not sure at the thought of him settling down with CEO Yoo but I do hope that if his relationship with HG is restored, they'd live together even for a while to be able to strengthen their relationship with one another and maybe make some memories as father&son to make up for the lost years? Idk but I agree with you that he could be a great model figure and HG can learn so much from him. I do know and believe he can help HG not only as a musician but as a person as well as HG continues to navigate his way in the music industry & pursue the things he love and relationships he wants to keep.


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Isn't it expected that he would end up with CEO Yoo? They have too many scenes together for it to mean nothing.


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Really? ? I think for their scenes, it's mostly to see another side of CEO Yoo and maybe to give more story about the dad's past and it just so happens that they've been close since then. Maybe this is just me, but suppose his relationship with HG is fixed and he does decide to settle, I don't see CEO Yoo as a mother figure for HG?? Although I think CEO Yoo may change for the better as this drama ends, I still am not sure about them being in a romantic relationship.


@somegirl but does HG need a mother figure? Grandma could play that role for him in any case, just as IW has been a father figure for SR


@Aedee that's a way to say it and it's possible too! Maybe my opinion will change eventually... your comment definitely opened my mind for that possibility.


Aw. I love it when Beanies change each others' mind through discussion like this. I'm super touched by you two. Forcing you into a group hug. lol.


On a shallow note, Shihyun has the sexiest lips ever.

On another shallow notes, is it me or does it look like Chan Young's softer fashion style is becoming increasingly similar to Han Gyul's? The bromantic in me keep thinking "couple look." :P


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Those lips and those skinny tight jeans with holes in them. The one he wore during the kiss. Hmmm!!


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I was really distracted by how high the rips were on his jeans... I was like... that's a lot of... thigh


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lol. Thighs are yummy. I'm talking about chicken thighs of course *innocent*


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Off to check that tigh and lips. haha


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Saaaame! I got distracted because the holes were too big and the one was too high?? Haha. I couldn't help but post about it right after seeing it! ?


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Omg, this episode. It just made my heart break (for in ho and jin woo), flutter (shi hyun and soo yeon ♥) and just die (I don't even have to mention why).

I didn't realize the depth of feelings jin woo had for so rim. I just thought since they all grew up together, he didn't want to share her fearing she would drift away. But seeing the poor puppy cry was just heart breaking and they had to give us a backstory where they were all adorable kids (but gyu sun will always be the most adorable for me among the trio. Then and now) and she was the first one to reach out and I could totally see why he would never want to let her.

And soo yeon and shi hyun with the crackling chemistry they have, it is no wonder it was the lack of direct words that has kept them apart for so long. Yay! The ship has finally sailed!

And the last part where in ho said like no matter what he did, he would never be able to play that good,It just crushed my heart. And when they contrasted it with him saying you should be positive about uncertain things, I realized the extent this proxy playing has traumatized these guys. No wonder han gyul cried like that. Though I don't think its entirely his fault, he did it with his best intentions for them, he couldn't have known it would have huge consequences. *tears up*


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I, too, didn't realize how much Jinwoo loved Sorim until I saw him sob out the words "But I also liked her so much" so sincerely when he cried besides Gyusun. And also when he said with so much conviction that there was no other woman besides Sorim for him.

And too true. The contrast between Inho's optimistic past self, to the fearful frightened kid on the hospital bed only amplified all the damage one lie do to all of them.


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I know, right? I thought his jealousy part was for comic relief. But nothing about this drama is superficial. When jin woo said that, I just thought, if this was a different drama, you guys would have ended up together (with han gyul being the meddling second lead, lol) and I would have watched the heck out of that one too.


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I want a spinoff drama with a Sorim and Jinwoo from a parallel world getting their happy ever after together. Hangyul would of course be the one she crazily fell for at first to make Jinwoo jealous, but not "the right one" for her. :P


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Same! I also didn't realize Jin Woo's feelings for So Rim was that deep until this episode happened and I felt my heart breaking with his and I was so glad Gyu Sun was there and they have this friendship because what, how, and who else can help you move forward after such heartbreak but a friend like GS! Hnggh~


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"I felt my heart breaking with his"

Yes, what was magical about that scene, was my heart was breaking "with" his, not just for him. Where can I find a GS in my life, seriously??


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I remember when SR said that HG will compose music for her, not Mush&Co. I'm thinking maybe HG should really think of not just the singer's voice but also how the skills of the others in the band when he writes a song. This way, they won't need proxy musicians. Do you think it's possible?


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I think it's possible, but it's something he has to work on. He's such a perfectionist, it won't be easy for him to let go of his need for the "perfect sound."

I think what SR was referring to in your comment was the fact that the person he longed so badly to make a song for was SR herself, not Mush & Co, rather referring to the fact that he's incapable of making a song for Mush & Co. It's just he fell in love with her voice, he didn't fall in love with her band.


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My theory is that he's working on that - remember when he was in the study before seeing InHo in ep 13?
I think he is studying their playing and may be writing a new song for them to debut live.


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That would be a wonderful and beautiful idea. I'm hoping your hunch is right.


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High 5! I was hoping the same! I want HG to loosen up. Not losing his senses but appreciate the other boys's 'real' play and just be happy with his job of producing. It can be a perfect song on emotional level instead.


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@librarianerin Hmm... During that part I think HG is trying to simplify the musical notes for "In Your Eyes". We all know HG is creating music to perfection, and with it comes complex notes and heavy synthesizers. So if he will rearrange it (just like what he did on SR song on Ep7), at least the audience won't notice if ever CP skipped a note during their live playing.


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Yes! I feel like that is totally something he could do to help!


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Shiny boy was composed by Chan Young and as Jin Hyuk said it wasn't exceptional. However, MushnCo played live in every performance. Unlike what happened to Crude Play.


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very true.

It feels weird to see your name uncapitalized. :)


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OMGosh Little Gyu-sun realy Is a tiny replica of older Gyu-sun! Heeeee!


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Soooo cute. Sooooo soooo cute.


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Oh my god, they look sooo alike!!


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I love you. Thank you for this. I'll steal it for my fan wall. :)


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Well I am here late to the party but I have to admit that kiss is something I have been eagerly waiting for so cute omg >/////<

Kinda made up for all the tears spilt in all the other sections of this and the last episode TT_TT


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You can't be as late as I was. I was late to the party by 13 episodes.


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Late to the party! Woke up to 300+ comments lol! And I'm also in denial that we're on episode 14. Where do I start? Here goes my random musings:

? That kiss! Yes, of course we have to talk about that kiss. More please!
? IH breaking in front of HG. That was heartbreaking, but I was glad he was able to let his bottled feeling out.
? JW's first heartbreak scene. I really thought the show wouldn't take his story up anymore because it was quietly settling in behind the other bigger conflicts, but I was surprised they still managed to squeeze it in.
? HG crying in SR's shoulder. That was also beautiful how SR promised to be by HG's side even when she doesn't have anything to say. In the previous episode, she was upset that she couldn't seem to say anything. I'm glad she realized that sometimes she really doesn't have to speak, but that her presence alone is enough.


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They always sprinkled JW's moments in almost every episode. They had a purpose after all. And wow did that pay off well. His scene is without doubt one of the highlight of this entire drama.

When HG asked SR for a solution, she had no answer, and the drama showed several times when she was thinking hard for one. Sometimes, the best solution is the simplest. If she can't provide spoken answers, her presence is answer enough.


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I might be bit biased, but last scene HG cant contain himself and pour his emotions before SR is the best thing of this episode. Other were good scenes too.


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Refresh refresh refresh.

I'm finally here! *off to read everything*


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It took me hours to read all the comments hahaha.. tq to all beanies


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Good thing this is the week-end. And it's hours well-spend I say. :)


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Weekend ends now n tomorrow is monday!!!!!!!!


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This is next level of playing with our emotions. Damn.


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Wow, I'm super late for the recaps, but no matter, I still want to express how much love I have for this show. Where to begin, anyway? I just have this feeling in my chest that I can't give a name into, I feel poignant, reflective and I worry but at the same time a sense of satisfaction, this is how the show made me feel. It feels like seeing your kids grow up, except I don't have kids ?. In short, invested, I am so invested in the show that it makes me take the problems like they're my own and the character's hurt mine too.
Jinwooooo, bless your soul and GyuSunnie's, welcome to the real world where love isn't always butterflies and flowers. But don't worry, there are different kinds of love in this world and you've already found one, friendship.

Jinhyuk, I really want to blame you so bad, but I also give second chances where it is deserved. Learn well, okay? It's good that he's realized that he needed to save Mush & Co. at least and Chanyoung is the best person for that because he write songs with the whole group's ability in mind, unlike HanGyeol who only writes with Soorim, like Soorim pointed out.

I don't know who made me bawl in this episode more, JinWoo's innocent heartbreak or HanGyeol's breakdown, boys, I can't even...

ShiHyun and SooYeon, finally! The ship has sailed but I am sooo frustrated, like not even a close-up? I hate that wall/door whatever that they focused instead. Okay, I'm a little biased here, but I.am.thirsty. ?

I can't wait for next week!!! And yet I don't want it ?, I don't want this to end.. ?


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"except I don't have kids" Haha. Good training LOL

Yes, we feel invested, so all our emotions are being driven this way that way any way the drama wants us to feel. And it's a wonderful ride indeed.

I cried during Jinwoo, Inho and Hangyeol's scnes, but Jinwoo's scene left me the most impact, because the emotions came out of nowhere. I didn't expect them to come, so it was the most shocking emotional scene this episode for me personally.


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Jinwoo's cry scene: I felt his pain so, so much as he kept walking with the tears streaming down his face looking like they were uncontrollable, the way they do when your heart is completely shattered and you wonder what is going on with your body because it hurts so much and there's tears, but you're numb too.

Jinwoo! We've all been there.


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Yes, it felt so real because we've all been there. The feeling of trying to suppress your emotions but it's out of your hand and totally uncontrollable. Just burst of sobs.


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i take that wall/door thing is kiss between HG and SR is coming and this time there wont be door/wall.


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Help!! I can't think about anything else but this drama for the whole week!! Aaakkk.


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same here. that is why i am happy next week is final or else this drama is consuming my life.


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You're happy? I'm so devastated. lol.


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Heyyyy me toooo!!! If this show continues up until next month, I will lose my sanity and train of thoughts for sure...


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I'm kinda happy too it will end next week, as I'm also sad at the same time. The dilemma. ? Haha since this drama consumed my time from streaming live, then downloadling the episode at the break of dawn, to watching with subs enroute to work, to commenting on DB, to checking official sites for updates... yeah pretty much my life for the last 2 months. ?


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Hahahaha! We have same routine @revgail !!! ???


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LoL. All of you, just hang in there. One more week until withdrawal symptoms will inevitably hit.


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Before going on a commenting/upvoting spree, I thought I'd share what I'm listening to while reading the recaps and going through all the comments:

Lee Hyun Woo's song compilation. Fits the occasion, don't you think?

Makes me mourn the fact that we never got that Hyun Woo soundtrack for TLAHL. Everybody and their mother participated, why not him? TT__TT


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And yes, I'm talking about Hangyul's version for "It's Okay"

Why did we never get the release for this gem... I can't keep rewatching this drama clip over and over again, I want to include it in my playlist!


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We need more scenes of Hangyul playing the piano to Sorim!


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Then they should also release Hangyeol's "Waiting For You" version. Basically they should all release the songs played in the drama!


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Yes, all the covers too!! I know they all have them recorded already, so why not? Such teasing.


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YEEEESSSS! All the covers too! Joy's version of Flying Butterfly, Flying Duck and Snail were so good to not release. Bummed that they'll only release "The Road to Me" but not the others.


@revgail maybe if fans demand enough, they'll consider it? Unless there's some problem acquiring the rights. I don't know, I'm not overly familiar with how this works.


These are nice songs. I like all of them. Listening at 2nd song now.


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What a coincidence. I was just listening to Moorim's School OST.
TLAHL has me going on a LHW's binge lately.


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Lee Hyun Woo is the heart and soul of this drama for me. want many dramas from him.


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Lee hyun woo fan ❤️


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Beanies i just want to inform you that the physical album will have its domestic pre-order on May 10th. That comprised of all the OSTs that were released plus an additional song which will be released on May 8th, 6PM KST. I am still hoping Hyun Woo's version of It's Okay and Waiting For You will be included.... *fingers crossed*


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I thought it was already known what song would be released (Joy's Road to me)?


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@silverp Road To Me wasn't originally included on the official track list. Apparently it was requested by fans.


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How am i gonna order that album.. i don't think it's available in my country..


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Just finished. Lee Hyun Woo what a gem who can act and sing.


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And he can semi dance too. Even if he can't, just his bashful smile alone can make us forgive him everything.


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And he can rap too. I posted on it some time ago on DB.


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Great bgm for this post (and also moorim school ost aedee). Thanks. I miss the time where DB had the music player song recommendation for each main recap.


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I need a 5min epilogue called The Snoozer and His Letter with SiHyun and SooYeon. Done interview-style with flashbacks, it will trace 5yrs of missed connections between both of them... as they worked together.


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LOL. You who came from the stars style?


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The Snoozer and His Letter. Oh my stomach. HAHAHAHA.


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Oh my heart! In-ho just had to get hurt for all of them to wake up. I wonder how all of this will end next week.
Sooyeon and ShiHyun..awwww! Love them so much. I feel bad that it took them this long but it still worked out in the end. Everyone could tell there was something between them except for the two of them. That kiss!!
Feel so bad for HanGyul. But he needs to learn his lesson as well.
And puppy Jinwoo... I am proud of you. You irritated me for so long but I am glad you made up for it in the end. May you have a better woman more deserving of your love!
Can we have more episodes please? I am not ready to see this series end. ?


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Why did Jinwoo irritate you?

And yes, more episodes please! I would pay for them.


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I think this is the first time I arrived to a recap and there was a second page of comments already. Beanies are shook by episode 14.


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Beanies are happily commenting away.


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SailorJumun showing up randomly on festerfaster's recap at comment 49. I can never let my guard down. #celebrityspotting


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went back to read :)


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Unlurking once again, because this episode is worth it *flips L'Oreal hair*


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Welcome :)


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Thank you <3


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So it's already hundreds of comments, but since it's been only 13 hours, I'm hoping all of you won't leave me to be alone on here right? #unlurking 14 episodes too late.


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we are till monday. dont ya worry.


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And if I understand right, obsessedmuch will be joining the "we" later on.
I miss her, and others like dramaninja or zgs1994. I bet we could have reached the magenta phase earlier if they were here with us. Thankfully, you're still here @urnaa. We love you.


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@urnaa hwaiting!!


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@Josie63, @Nisa kn, thank you. Happy to be here. We are about to reach 600 comments.


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Hey I've been truly reading all the comments only now..Well life happened. But this Show has earned so much love that no one can stop the roll of comments here. So much heart and love and positivity too. I'm smiling away and upvoting almost every comment over here. Even contradictory ones cause I understand all the perspectives. Coming late to the party has somehow helped me to simply sit back and bask in all the outpour of love! ??


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I know right? Even people commenting things that I don't necessarily agree with makes me happy! I couldn't have guessed initially that this show would lead to people writing essays! :P


@dramaninja I came late too and basking in all the love outpour too. But after a while, it was boring to sit back and bask, so now, I'm on the task of chatting. (trying to rhyme and failing)


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I rapped this, in my head! ?


@Dramaninja I almost succeeded, but got stumped at the last word and was off beat.


Woah! I was called? Thanks for mentioning me! I am here since the morning but was just staying on the first and the last page! Should have checked this one too! Much love!


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For the magenta comment!


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we did it again :)


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So very pretty. Thank you.


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Thank you! I love the color, but I'm afraid I like it too much and I might get too used to it and get greedy for more. Haha. I know it doesn't come often.


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I have a feeling you might see the color again for episode 15 and 16 recap If I know beanies from TLAHL recaps like I think I do, they won't disappoint you. ;D


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Aw. Thank you!
I didn't see you in the earlier recap, but you must have been there since you referred to "magenta."


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Is there a next colour after magenta? A bit late to the party here tonight. I read about 250 comments on 5 May but it's over 700 now and I'm still working my way through them all!


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Magenta seems to be the top color because Healer has over 10 000 comments and it's still magenta.


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And I praise you for going through all the comments, hopefully, it's an enjoyable reading. :)


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It's pretty! But it also seems to scream- "DANGER! Beanies have gone crazy happy about this show and you should enter at your own risk!" :P


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Last episode, I was so stressed out and anxious because of the scandals left and right that were crushing Sorim and Crude Play that I NEEDED Sorim to sing "Its Okay" to me and hug me to her bosom (I totally enjoyed that scene and was happy Lee Hyunwoo, ahem, Hangyul got the song and hug). This episode crushed me and left me a sobbing mess! Inho-ya, Jinwoonie, Hangyulie -- your tears and pain reached deep inside my heart, and I am glad you had Hangyul, Gyusan and Sorim hold you through the worst of the storm. For a youth drama, I was no expecting to feel so deeply for its characters, bravo writer-nim!

As much as I loved Shihyun and Sooyeon's long overdue spotlight on their loveline and the kiss (KYAAAH!!! Way better than Hanrim's first kiss IMHO) and Hangyul's breakdown in front of Sorim (it was so raw, heartfelt and I loved our OTP like a gazillion times more) -- my favorite this episode had to be, hands down, Jinwoo's story.

Its funny how a third male lead could evoke such heartbreaking feels in me and so late in the story. I thought he was the comic relief -- I totally lived for his sullen, pouty face whenever any guy other than he or GyuSan gets close to Sorim.

My heart ached so much for Jinwoo from the time he found out about Sorim and Hangyul's relationship, to his pained outburst about no one wanting to hear his playing and saying that he only started learning to play the guitar for Sorim but they're only drifting further apart up. What ultimately killed me was his talk with Sorim, when she tearfully apologized about hiding the truth because she just liked Hangyul so much. Ugh! My tears! When he said he forgive her and says, "I like..your smiling face" and the flashbacks of their childhood and middle school days in between -- I was a sobbing mess! Everything was just wonderfully written -- it was sweet, sad and poignant. Seeing him give Sorim a smile (despite his heartbreak) and when he even teased her about having an ugly face when she's sad to make her smile did me in! Jinwoo's love is so pure he didn't even confess because he didn't want to burden Sorim with his unrequited feelings. He was right that he became an adult that day, he did officially become a man in my eyes at that moment. Well done show -- who knew I'd be feeling empathy so much for a 3rd male lead?

KNetz are all shook over the JinRim scene too (it had a huge response and even got featured on the main page), I saw some posts in Naver saying they want Joy and Song Kang reunited in another drama...while my OTP is Hangyul and Sorim a part of me supports another drama for Joy and Song Kang.


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I would support a Song Kang - Joy's reunion too! And thank you for sharing another perspective. I was one of the people laughing indulgently at Jinwoo for saying he became an adult while drinking milk, but you changed my perspective. It is true, he became an adult when he put Sorim's first before his own self.


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I agree with you. If I take one single event from this episode, it is Jinwoo's heartbreak. Although there are so many scenes to choose from, all very weighty.


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lovely written. I wish i can write like this. At least supporting i can do :)


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This is so interesting, because they often say not to mix business with personal relationships. Like it's often advised for spouses not work together or they might end up hating each other. They say mixing business with personal relationship can ruin both the business and the relationships.

In this case, the business part is music. I don't mean business as money, but just as a profession. Hangyul is all "business" with music, trying to create the most professional music he can. But then, the concept of a "band" is a group of friends making music together. So by default, a band mixes friends with music. Is it why Crude Play was bound to have all those problems from the start?

We can see that Mush & Co might possibly not have the same problem, because Sorim always prioritize people over business/music, like how she wants first and foremost to be able to sing together with Jinwoo and Gyusun playing the instruments, no matter how imperfect they are. And I think, Hangyul is slowly realizing that's what he truly wants too for his band. That he wants to create music together with them, rather than use them for his music.


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I've seen several comments talking about how this drama is detail-oriented, and I agree completely.

Every scene is useful, whether it be for characterization or for plot advancement, sometimes for both at the same time. Triple if you count PPL. Wink

Even the "filler scenes" are used to establish or reinforce relationships, or to set up a new conflict or a subsequent scene. I'm not sure there are "fillers" in this drama, the traditional way people call scenes fillers.


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PPL is not annoying as other dramas.


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I'm happy every time a PPL comes, even Goblin in all it's glory could not do that to me!


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Reserve judgement until the end!! (Descendants of the Sun crammed like a zillion PPL in their last episode like they were making up for lost time...)


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Doesn't PPL only come like that to the most succesful dramas though? So maybe it's a blessing in disguise that the ratings are so low for TLAHL. (trying to find the silver lining)


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it makes me wonder how much pressure CP and HG have been under all these years.

Remember they were all only 19 and at that age - in a hurry to chase their dream! they get handed their opportunity and right there made their first mistake in compromising.

HG - was always the main draw - his music making ability being 'genius' and all - but he wanted his buddies along for the ride and therefore thought - no harm would come of it - after all - it's part of the journey. What he did not realise was that - he was so focused on making great music for CP, - he even changed their comeback song last minute cos he was certain it would be a hit (It's OK) - he left out the emotional quotient. He was so focused on making CP a success, he failed to consider his friends. He knew they griped about his need for perfection but he justified it as being the best for CP.

HG only ever started getting in touch with his emotions when he met SR. She forced him to question his motives and feelings and questioned his rationale - like when she asked why she had to choose between music and him.

One smart thing HG realised was that he really needed SR and I am happy that once HG decided that - he never let SR go.

So - with this new realisation and self awareness, HG is slowly also recognising that his past actions were adding burden to CP - what with CY's issued escalating - HG seemed to just take CY's crap and tip toed around him - I think cos HG was beginning to realise the effect and repercussions of his decisions.

This crisis with CP just brings everything to a head and HG was already feeling the weight and burden of making wrong choices.

Then to realise that In Ho would even resort to self harm must have devastated him and just then the weight of the world settled on HG's shoulders.


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yes yes yes!!! You nailed it in the head.

Reading your comment, it's easy to see how the situation snowballed to where it was, coming from genuinely good intentions from HG. With no one to stop his wayward thinking, he was going deeper deeper into the wrong directions, but SR gave him the pause he needed to start questioning himself and all his beliefs.


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I've made it at last!
Ep 14 was so packed with heart. The nostalgia of all our MnC babies, the love, the passion of CP's young selves, this episode was so bitter sweet! We delved into the minds of almost all our players and it just left me wanting for more. With just 2 more hours to go, how will I ever be able to leave this Show behind, I have no idea.

IH's struggles were unravelled so beautifully this episode that I once again have to give props to this Show's writing. The past and the present interwoven, we got to see how a passionate and reckless guy, has been broken down, wherein he doubts himself so much but still is willing to sacrifice himself for his friends' sake.

Then again we have our Plushie HG, who at this moment of his realisation tugged at my heartstrings so much, when I realised that though he has always criticised his friends in a heartless manner, he is the one who is the most affected when his friends are troubled. His earnest attempt at trying to help his friends with what he percieved is their ambition(i.e. fame), and trying to be ruthless when it came to it, has now caused all this heartache and scars in his friends' psyche. His earnestness and single minded personality continues to shine through his struggle of grappling to understand where it all went wrong and how he should be the one taking responsiblity for the mess that he is also partially responsible for by his passive compliance. For all that earnestness he has shown I hope he finds a way to figure out how to help his friends and also redeem himself so that he can also be at peace with himself.


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Finally @dramaninja join the party!


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Heh..At this rate, I might be coming here a month later and commenting my thoughts on rewatching this. Lol.


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Oh, I love your last paragraph. Your way with words <3 It made me feel for HG even more than I already did.


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Maybe I sound more coherent because I was trying to get on here and write for so long between my busy schedule. This drama is always running in a open tab at some corner, I hear the music, I feel the feels, but I don't know where that special corner is, to turn it off and concentrate on life.


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Some corner-* of my mind*


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I literally have an open tab of TLAHL music not in my mind, but on my desktop. :D Hey if I have to be distracted either way, might as well have it for real.


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yes, i want HG to shine in next episode.


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#savetheplushie indeed!!

HG needs to share the burden! Clearly the boys all want to protect each other and CP, they just need an honest pow-wow where they acknowledge their mistakes, but figure out a way to move on. It might mean accepting the public's wrath, but I think it's possible to earn back the public's trust.


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Disagree @festerfaster !!! I *WILL* shout out from the rooftops about this drama! Everyone NEEDS to watch it! :D :P


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Me too!!! I want to shout out about this drama to everyone.. but i don't think i can.. nap time for my sons right now


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Me 3. This will definitely be on my List, first thing. To anyone and everyone bear with with me, but you'll be sorry if you miss this.


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I watched In Ho and Hangyul's scene plus his ending breakdown scene three times now and I ended up crying each time. Usually when you watch a scene repeatedly it loses steam because you already anticipate what happens next. But this show and these characters really. Gaaaah.
Also, i know LHW is a good actor so i'm more surprised with kiyong's acting. He needs more screentime! ?❤️


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Kiyong acted in a lot of dramas so he should be good too. Check out his newest webdrama (with a cameo from Sorim). It's hilarious. With subs in caption.

This is the episode with Sorim. But I recommend watching from episode 1.

It's called "Man to man"


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Sorry, not "man to man" Brain fart for a second there. Haha.


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Thanks for the link! Will check this out! It looks like a funny bromance drama so I could use a break like that. :)


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me too. everytime i watch, i end up crying.


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Dear beanies, girlfriday finally decided to check out this drama! Let's rejoice that we get the full JB & GF combo!!



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They also used Sorim as the cover picture. That's the best part, because I get to see her picture within my comments feed. :)


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i was happy about their comments. even most of comment below are about The Liar and his lover.


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So... I got overly enthusiastic trying to explain Sorim to someone on Team Dramabeans what we're watching and hit enter before I thought to review my post. I didn't realize how long my ramble was, and now I'm super embarrassed and afraid I probably made a bad impression as a Liar fan with that person for being such a chatterbox. Haha.


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But if they ultimately give it a try, how sorry will they be to have missed this particular party here. Btw I'm sure the entire DB community by now is aware of how chatterboxy we can be, with the amount of comments registered here. Lol


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But it's one thing to know you're neighbors are noisy, and another thing to have that neighbor be noisy in your place. :D

That said, I read your comment Loris, and it was ok. Don't worry.


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Yes there was the kiss and the hug with the girls, but this episode was undoubtedly the boys' episode. Han Gyul. Jin Woo. In Ho. (and even kisser Shi Hyun ha. )

They all shone and broke our hearts.


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Gyu Sun too! Don't forget teddy Gyu Sun! He shone too!


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when will we read about the "kisser Han-gyul" I wonder? Shi-hyun is ahead of the race for the kiss of the drama, and that's a no-no. Han-gyul is the lead after all, he should step up his game. Haha.


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Yes, he must. I've got sneek peaks of his abilities thanks to some beanies?, and I must say he shouldn't hold back.


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I hope the director has looked up Hyunwoo's kiss scenes and knows.


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I think he will forever face the potential wrath of the conservative Korean public opinion, so he'll always have to be a bit careful with Sorim being in high school and him clearly being a bit older (do we know how much?). Maybe if we get a scene that fast-forwards 3 years we'd be in the clear and get the kissy Hangyul we all want!


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This is so bleeping bizarre. I'm not addicted to this the way I was to, let's say HEALER, where I was literally stalking anything related to it, but I can't stop thinking about this even if I do nothing, and I get so excited when the next LIAR episode come, and it makes me so happy, and I just love Crude Play and Mush & Co to bits, so it's more like REPLY 1988 kind of addiction. But better, because the comment section is love <3 With HEALER is like constantly checking your facebook feed. And this feels like going home after work. Like you're not in an extreme rush to go home, but you really long to go home early every evening, and feel happy when you're back. Argh. It's so frustrating because I don't know how to exprsess what I'm feeling.


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I'm living this feeling. It's inexplicable. We are satisfied and content but still want more but our heart might burst if we ask for more, so we patiently wait taking it all in and meanwhile sort out our thoughts and emotions on this wonderful thread reading recaps and comments, and compose ourselves by the time the next episodes come. It's a complete experience. Not a fleeting feeling. Hence it lingers on our minds. *okay I'll shut up now* ?


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I can relate. And welcome back! I wonder when @obsessedmuch and zgs1994 will be able to join you again. I lurk but I always enjoy seeing the small group of you being active, helping each other alleviate the wait until the next episode and recap.


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I am here now! Was almost the last to comment just like in the previous thread! Already clearing out my schedule for next week so that I can just camp in the recap threads! :P


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Everybody's eyes look mad red, and not just the ones who cried. Poor them, the lack of sleep must be busting their eyes vessels.


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I heard their wrap-up party was yesterday, so they must have had some sleep by now. Don't worry.


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Passing by 600 comments too late...

The energy Liar Beanies possess doesn't cease to amaze me. I honestly didn't expect the comment count to continue to be this high. I thought it would go down after the kiss scene in episode 9 or 10. I guess like drama, like fans.


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What do you mean by like drama, like fans? That like the drama improves, the fans improves too? or as the drama has more things to say, so do the fans? I'm trying to figure out what you mean. Haha.


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I think she is talking about the drama's and the beanies energy level. There is no letting up. We persist. Siyo Nicoba!?


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I was tired before I reached this thread. But once I'm on here and was reading all the comments, suddenly I'm bursting in energy as I bask in all the love pouring out, so much so I'm now going on a comment spam spree. LOL.
Siyo Nicoba?


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More accurately spelled as 'Siyo Nqcoba' meaning, we are going to conquer. It's from Lion King, my go-to mantra.


In-woo is such an enigma. He explains everything to everyone. But the only he won't explain is himself. It's always "You know me, for no particular reason." which is both exasperating and charming, because you just KNOW there's a reason. He has a reason for everything, he always is so insightful for everything else, he's bound to have his own reasons as well. But he never discloses them.


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Thank you festerfaster (and SailorJumun) for the recaps. I can't believe this is the second-to-last time I will get to wrap that.
It doesn't feel real yet.


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I watch this movie just because of joy, her voice is very beautiful.


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Does anyone else feel like despite the popularity on here, this drama isn't "mainstream" success?
I don't know, it might just be the circles I surround myself with, but I just feel like this drama has just a small community of very passionate lovers, rather than "mainstream" love.
Is it just me? I just don't feel it for some reason. I would love to be shown wrong. :)


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This Show is not a mainstream success at all. I for one am acutely aware of this. But those who give this a chance without tinted glasses have mostly loved this show. I think mostly those who don't like it, or hate it, they expect different things from the Show, which it is not. Some expect broody like the Movie, complex like the manga, fluff and lighthearted because it's youth, but this Show defies expectations. It's not spectacular, neither ambitious. It's pure adultured Heart 24/7 kinda experience. You need to live(watch) it, to believe it.


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It's so odd because even though this drama has more comments than SWDBS, SWDBS seems 10 times more mainstream success than this drama. It's like all the love for this drama is concentrated on Dramabeans, while SWDBS has love spread out everywhere else.
It's like SWDBS is like Justin Bieber who is known everywhere and we're like fans of a small indie band that are all gathered in a noisy and energetic fun but very small concert venue.
This is not spectacular, neither ambitious, but that way, it touches me more.


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What better analogy could there be than comparing a musical Show with music irl. Though I was never into JB, I still did care about SWDBS, upto a certain point. The lead pair's chemistry had people more involved, than the plot IMO. But yes this drama is very much the indie band we all adore and cherish in DB. It mught never earn fame or money, but it has earned the heart of it's fans.


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I know all of you didn't do it for me, but I just wanted to drop a thank you for the beautiful color. As I've said in the previous recap, I love purple (and also pink, even my keyboard is pink). I know it's not rational, but just looking at the icon makes me happy for no reason at all but the color. Every time I land on the homepage and see it, I'm happy. I even screencapped it and bragged to my husband, who shook his head and called me a crazy woman (he's used to it). Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Have fun in the thread.


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I love the DB blue as much as you seem to love this magenta. I was so happy when they did this to the site, it has made me turn away from Fb blue to a large extent.
Also thanks for pointing the magenta bubble out, it's a happy colour! I might not have noticed it for days or even months.


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i'm happy too when the bubble turn magenta.. thank u everyone


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You must like Twitter too as well Fb. Twitter has default blue.


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Never joined twitter, but love the little birdie!


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Since I saw how this had 600+ comments on the front page, I checked by to see how everything was. All of you seem very enthusiastic, maybe I'll join in next week for the very last week. I haven't been commenting, but I've been enjoying the drama. It's nothing new, yet also surprisingly refreshing in its quality and storytelling. Nothing original, yet quite unlike other dramas in the landscape in recent memory. I don't wonder at its popularity on here and will be looking forward to the finale next week. Perhaps I'll see you then.


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Hm. The hundredth comment. I take it as an omen of good luck. I will by a lottery ticket today, and if I win, I'll definitely remember this thread. Really. Wish me luck.


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You are a centurion. This is the first time I've seen it happen! Spen yoir winnings well?


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Good luck. And come back here next week whether you win or lose. We will congratulate you or console you either way. :D


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Good luck! Tell us if it really turned out to be lucky for you! :)


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