The Liar and His Lover: Episode 8

After years of working in an industry where promises are meaningless unless bound in a contract, So-rim’s integrity becomes a sudden obstacle for Han-gyul’s need to hear her sing his song. So now, he has some choices to make. He’s always put music before everyone else, and despite his best intentions, lying is an easy habit to slip back into. Will Han-gyul see the trap he’s laid for himself? Or will he sacrifice another relationship at the altar of his music?


Jin-hyuk is shocked to find out from CEO Yoo that the Crude Play boys have been uploading videos of their practice sessions on the net. The folder she throws at him even contains a testimony from the guitarist Han-gyul had fired from Sole Music. Before leaving, CEO Yoo snarls that he should have focused on the band he already had.

Han-gyul walks home listlessly after So-rim refuses to listen to the song he wrote for her. He slows down when he notices a man playing the guitar across from his front door. Finally, he greets the man as his father, and In-woo looks up and smiles at him.

They go inside, and In-woo looks around the house with open curiosity. Han-gyul is more interested in why he’s here and when he arrived in Seoul, but his father wants to check out his studio and make dinner. When In-woo tells him that he’s been in the city for two months, Han-gyul asks sarcastically if he’s been too busy playing on the streets to come visit.

Chan-young reads about Mush & Co’s debut in the car ride back home. Shi-hyun gets a call from Soo-yeon, and she tells him that they’ve been found out. Jin-hyuk calls the van driver and has the boys brought back to Sole’s studio so he can rake them over.

Shi-hyun, Yoon, and In-ho try to defend their actions by pointing out that they feel fake every time they go up on stage, but their righteousness withers before Jin-hyuk’s anger. He points out their hypocrisy in wanting to make “real” music when their stunt could have ruined the very real hard work of the people around them.

He asks them if Han-gyul knows, and Shi-hyun asks Jin-hyuk to keep the videos a secret from their friend. This makes Chan-young — who had been listening silently to everything — smile grimly to himself. Once outside, the boys stop Chan-young to apologize, but he points out that even after five years he’s still an outsider to them, the one they only think about after Han-gyul. He thanks them for teaching him to distrust them.

Jin-hyuk and CEO Yoo meet with the reporter with the scoop about Crude Play. Jin-hyuk denies that the videos were of his boys, but the reporter has him cornered. He asks for meatier gossip in exchange for staying silent about Crude Play. CEO Yoo asks if Jin-hyuk and Yoo-na’s wedding is a big enough scoop. Jin-hyuk is taken aback, but he remains silent when the reporter squeals in glee.

Han-gyul calls Shi-hyun, who looks painfully at the screen but doesn’t pick up. In turn, So-rim calls Han-gyul, who frowns at the screen and texts that he’ll call back. In-woo calls Han-gyul down for dinner, and when he tries to pretend that he’s listening to music in his room, he shouts “Han-gyulie, gyulie, gyulie, gyulie, gyulie!” till he gives up and comes down. Oh my god, that was so cute!

Han-gyul finds his dad pouring truffles into his wok and squeaks that they were really expensive. In-woo laughs and explains that he thought they were normal mushrooms that were going bad. This makes Han-gyul ask indignantly if he was planning on feeding him moldy mushrooms. Hahaha.

So-rim sits mournfully, thinking about the moment when she rejected Han-gyul’s song. Her phone rings and she snaps it up, hoping for a call from Han-gyul. But it’s Chan-young, and he’s waiting for her outside her house.

She goes out to meet him and can tell that something is off. Chan-young smiles and says that Han-gyul will want to write a song for her. His face shows clearly that he expects her to choose Han-gyul’s music, since she likes him. But So-rim surprises him by saying that she’s already turned it down, because she’d promised to work with Chan-young first.

Chan-young laughs in relief and thinks back to Han-gyul’s words to Shi-hyun: “In a battle, where the opponent doesn’t want to win… I can’t win either.” He asks So-rim if there is such a thing as winning and losing in music. “The one who wants to win is likely losing, right?” he asks her.

He takes her hand and promises to be by her side anyway. As long as she trusts him, he promises not to let her go.

Jin-hyuk meets Yoo-na on his way out of Sole. She’s furious about being replaced in the ad contract by a rookie band and hurt that Jin-hyuk has been avoiding her calls all day. He can’t really explain the machinations behind the scenes, and Yoo-na leaves after telling him that she doesn’t want to hear anything more from him.

Han-gyul leaves early the next morning, which makes In-woo ask if he’s uncomfortable in his home because of his father’s presence. Han-gyul stops at the door and retorts that his father is the one who seems uncomfortable, because why else would he try and act like a nice dad at this point? He asks In-woo to just be himself.

In-woo visits the market and stops at Grandma’s vegetable shop, where So-rim recognizes him. He tells So-rim that he’s staying nearby with someone who doesn’t like him much, but he like him a lot. So-rim admits that she has someone like that too.

They bond over coffee and self pity, and So-rim asks why she feels hurt when he doesn’t take her calls, when a few weeks back, a text from him would make her day. In-woo explains that expectations build up when you find someone you want to rely on.

Han-gyul is listening to the new band for Crude Play’s recording practice when Shi-hyun comes in to talk to him. He notices that Han-gyul is ignoring So-rim’s calls, and Han-gyul admits that he’s angry because she rejected his music twice.

Shi-hyun says that she’s only been able to reject it because she hasn’t heard his song yet. Han-gyul perks up at this and wonders aloud if he should find a way to make her listen. But Shi-hyun interrupts him and asks why he’s so eager to have someone else sing his music — is Crude Play not enough? Before Han-gyul can register the hurt in Shi-hyun’s voice, he leaves.

Mush & Co get their first photo shoot, as stylists try to figure out which look suits their image the best. So-rim walks out in a pretty dress and stuns the boys. She’s flattered by their reaction, until her eyes fall on a poster of the older, more glamorous Yoo-na. Soo-yeon offers to do her make up to get an idea of the full look.

Han-gyul sits alone in his studio trying to figure out ways to trick So-rim into hearing his song. (Pfft. What happened to not lying?) So-rim calls him from outside the room, asking if she can come in. He gets up and unlocks the door, and then stands speechless as So-rim walks in with her new look.

She asks if he’s still angry with her, but he stumbles over himself to tell her that he isn’t. He can’t look away from her, but all he manages to say is that the lipstick she’s wearing is too bold for her age. *facepalm*

So-rim notices the bass guitar asks him to play for her. When he declines, she doesn’t press the issue and instead asks him about the difference between a guitar and a bass. This prompts Han-gyul to help position her fingers correctly on the instrument until he’s standing with his arms around her, their faces inches apart. So-rim’s smile dies away as awareness heats the air, but before anything can happen, Chan-young comes into the room.

He calls their “moment” much too predictable (ha), but then pays lavish compliments to So-rim on her new look. Han-gyul watches this with disbelief, barely suppressing an eye-roll. On his way out, Chan-young asks to speak to Han-gyul in private.

Outside the studio, he asks Han-gyul if he gave So-rim a song. Han-gyul says that it wasn’t for her debut and didn’t have much meaning. Chan-young scoffs at this and says that he knows Jin-hyuk hasn’t given up on Han-gyul producing Mush & Co. With a smug smile, he tells him that he’ll repay So-rim for choosing him over Han-gyul, so he should stop trying to come between them. Jin-hyuk overhears this exchange from around the corner.

Han-gyul re-enters the room to find So-rim with her earphones in, singing to herself. He flashes back to the first time he heard Chan-young playing his part in the band. He had asked Jin-hyuk who the bassist was, and Jin-hyuk had explained that people need to believe that Han-gyul was not only an excellent songwriter but also a brilliant bassist. At his shock, Jin-hyuk had laughingly asked if he had believed himself to be a good at playing the bass. (Ugh, that was mean.)

In the present, he strides to So-rim and takes off her earphones. “Don’t sing that song,” he tells her. “It’s fine if you won’t sing my song, but don’t sing his either.” Ouch.

That night, he finds Yoo-na waiting outside his house. She asks him once again to write a song for her, and he asks her if she isn’t ashamed. Yoo-na tells him that compared to when she was in love with him, this is nothing. Back then, she was afraid that he would find her voice inadequate for his song, so asking him to write her one could have lost her his love as well as respect. But now all she has to lose is her pride. Han-gyul doesn’t have a response to that.

The next morning, Han-gyul talks to Jin-hyuk about Yoo-na’s lapsed ad contract. He’s angry on her behalf, since Jin-hyuk seems to be putting his business before her. Jin-hyuk seems unflappable, but he proposes that Han-gyul write a song for Yoo-na in exchange for So-rim. This trips Han-gyul up, especially when Jin-hyuk points out that he might lose So-rim to Chan-young permanently.

While In-woo practices with a band, Yoo-seok saunters in late. He bullies the other musicians and throws his weight around until In-woo gets up and leaves. CEO Yoo catches him on his way out and asks why he’s leaving early. He explains that Yoo-seok isn’t ready for practice, and he’ll come back when he is. CEO Yoo says with frustration that Yoo-seok is a businessman now, not a man who performs for the love of music. In-woo simply says that he won’t be coming back then.

Han-gyul notices them in the lobby and asks his father what he’s doing there. They move to CEO Yoo’s office, where Han-gyul has a meltdown when he hears that In-woo is acting as session musician for the man who stole all his songs.

CEO Yoo is upset at his tone and reminds him that she’s the one who rescued Crude Play from their recent scandal. Han-gyul asks what scandal she’s talking about, and CEO Yoo has the grace to look uncomfortable at her gaffe.

In-woo takes Han-gyul aside and tells him about the whole thing. (How does he know?) Han-gyul wants to race off to confront his friends, but In-woo asks what he wants to hear from them. He points out that Sole and Han-gyul have the same goal — producing his music with the most efficient musicians and making the most money. He adds that his friends have had to live as dolls concerned only with their own stardom to preserve this perfect production line of Han-gyul’s musical creations.

Stung by his father’s words, he turns the knife back at his father: “You aren’t free, you just don’t have the confidence to be responsible for your music. Just like you couldn’t be responsible for Mother and me.” Before walking away, Han-gyul adds that even if he becomes the bad guy, he’ll always be responsible for what belongs to him.

Han-gyul gathers his friends at Shi-hyun’s bar and confronts them about the videos. He makes it clear that he doesn’t want to know their reasons and just wants to make sure this never happens again. Shi-hyun asks if Han-gyul had even listened to their videos. Han-gyul says that he’s heard their subpar playing for ten years and that anyone with good ear will know the difference between their music and the music recorded for Crude Play.

This makes Shi-hyun yell that he can’t tell the difference. No matter how faithfully they stick to the music sheets they can never satisfy Han-gyul. He asks his friend if he knows how inadequate he makes them feel. Concluding that the band is just business for Han-gyul, Shi-hyun tells him that he doesn’t want to sing his songs anymore.

The three boys walk out, leaving Han-gyul standing alone in the bar. He looks towards the stage, thinking back to the time when they practiced for a small gig in that bar. Han-gyul had been frustrated at their mistakes, while Yoon, In-ho, and Shi-hyun had claimed that their appearances would make up for any deficiency. In the present, Han-gyul blinks away tears.

Jin-hyuk drives Yoo-na to dinner and tells her that Han-gyul agreed to write her a song. She asks how he agreed, and Jin-hyuk jokes that he just had to hold someone hostage. Yoo-na’s face falls then, and she asks if it’s So-rim. She wonders what kind of person she is to inspire this kind of attention from so many people.

Han-gyul gets home to find that In-woo’s things have disappeared from the spare room. He curls up on his sofa and tells himself in a sad whisper: “I knew it.” His father has left him again.

Gyu-sun and Se-jung sit at a cafe where she asks him about their debut song. He promises to tell her once it’s decided, then gets up to pay for their food. Se-jung swipes his phone and hands him his bag as he leaves for practice.

In the studio, Gyu-sun realizes that his phone is missing but it’s too late to go find it. Soo-yeon arrives with a flash drive of five songs for them to listen to — one of these will be their debut songs.

As Chan-young nears Jin-hyuk’s office, he hears his song playing. He smiles and opens the door, when suddenly, Jin-hyuk switches the track to another. In the studio room, So-rim listens to the track too, and it has the same beginning as K’s. Her mouth tightens as she listens to it.

Chan-young asks who wrote the second song, but Jin-hyuk guesses that he knows K’s songs well enough to recognize one. Those two songs are among the five to be discussed by the executives in a meeting soon. Chan-young turns and leaves, and after staring at the screen for a moment, Jin-hyuk deletes one of the songs. He hands this shortened list to Soo-yeon for the meeting.

Chan-young arrives to find Han-gyul working on Yoo-na’s song in his house. He asks why Han-gyul submitted his song to Jin-hyuk after he repeatedly asked him to stay away. Han-gyul tells him that he met and discovered So-rim’s voice first, so he has a right to be involved in her debut.

This is clearly news to Chan-young, but he doesn’t back down. He accuses Han-gyul of using So-rim’s infatuation to make her sing his music. He tells him not to fool around at such an important junction in So-rim’s life.

But Han-gyul asks what Chan-young plans to do if he’s serious about So-rim. “What if I want to be with her and do everything with her, including music?” he asks. Chan-young stares at him, nonplussed, then says: “You should still give up.”

He tells Han-gyul that he makes everyone around him miserable, and Han-gyul doesn’t deny it, but he says that it’s up to So-rim to decide. He advises Chan-young to keep out of their relationship, just like he isn’t talking to Jin-hyuk about fixing Chan-young’s song.

Through his anger, Chan-young tells him that it was because of Jin-hyuk’s greed to release his music quickly that Crude Play didn’t get the practice they needed to play their own songs. So, it’s Han-gyul’s fault that his friends have become fakes.

After Chan-young storms out of Han-gyul’s home, he gets a text from Soo-yeon that the decision has been made. Jin-hyuk calls Han-gyul to tell him that they chose Chan-young’s song. Han-gyul is disappointed, but he praises Chan-young’s song as one that will show So-rim’s voice to advantage.

Jin-hyuk is pleased with his attitude, then he asks how Yoo-na’s song is coming along. Han-gyul figures out that he’s been manipulated and asks if Jin-hyuk thinks he’s a machine that can unceasingly crank out music. Jin-hyuk replies by calling him a very efficient machine.

Han-gyul finally breaks and tells him that he’s bound up with Jin-hyuk in every aspect of his life, and he can’t take it anymore. Jin-hyuk tells him that even if he breaks his contract with him, he knows Han-gyul will be back… because of music. “What you value the most is music. You’ll only meet people through music. You’ll love and hurt people only through music.”

Tears slide down his face as Han-gyul puts down the phone. He collapses in his chair as his life and relationships lie in shambles around him. On the other end, Jin-hyuk sends Han-gyul’s song to Yoo-na.

So-rim, Gyu-sun, and Jin-woo put their headphones on to listen to the song selected for their debut. As Chan-young’s song starts playing, the boys exclaim in excitement, but So-rim’s face falls. Ah, she’s already heard Han-gyul’s song. Jin-hyuk notices her reaction and smiles.

Soo-yeon asks him why he excluded K’s song, and Jin-hyuk says that singing Chan-young’s song will benefit the band in the long run. He explains that So-rim will eventually become a songwriter, and right now she needs a song she can trample on. He expects her to want to rework the song to improve it, whereas with Han-gyul’s song, she’ll just want to protect it. Wow. That’s cold, but brilliant.

So-rim calls Han-gyul to ask if his song had been taken out of the selection process. Han-gyul goes along with it (even though he doesn’t know if that is true). He asks to meet her and prepares a flash drive. About to copy the final version of “Waiting for you,” he copies the first draft into the drive with a sad smile.

Se-jung calls Jin-woo’s number to tell Gyu-sun that she carried off his phone by mistake. She promises to return it the next day. In the meantime, she sits in a cyber cafe looking through Gyu-sun’s chats with So-rim and Jin-woo.

On her way out of Sole Music, So-rim meets Yoo-na in the hallway. She greets So-rim and draws her into a conversation about her debut. She smoothly mentions that Han-gyul will be producing her comeback album and asks if she wants to hear the song she’ll be singing. From the very first riffs, So-rim knows it’s the one he wrote for her.

She excuses herself and goes to the washroom. With the song playing in her head, she washes her face repeatedly and asks why it had to be that song.

She clears away the traces of her tears before meeting Han-gyul by the river. He still sees that she had been upset and guesses that he’s the reason. So-rim asks why he had to give Yoo-na the song he wrote for her. Han-gyul clearly doesn’t know about this, but instead of being honest, he asks her if she dislikes the idea of Yoo-na singing her song.

She admits that she does, and Han-gyul presses her to sing it herself. He says that it doesn’t have to be her debut song, but she just has to promise to sing it. Miserable, So-rim explains again that she’s bound by her promise to Chan-young, but Han-young’s face hardens.

He asks her if she had to choose between never seeing him again and keeping her promise to Chan-young, would she forget about the promise and choose him? (Oh, you jackass!)

So-rim tears up, unable to answer. Han-gyul takes a deep breath and says that this is why he doesn’t like dating girls who sing. He hands her the flash drive, saying that he’d meant to turn over a new leaf with this, but he ended up hurting her anyway. Then he walks away, leaving So-rim standing alone.

But a little distance away, Han-gyul slows to a stop. He wrestles with his conflicting feelings, then turns and runs back to So-rim.

In a haze of pain, So-rim walks down the road, where Chan-young finds her. He observes that she looks sad, but she denies it. Then, looking into his sympathetic face, she slowly starts to crumple. Gently, Chan-young pulls her into his arms as she sobs her heart out.

Han-gyul comes running down the path and stops at the sight of them. Jin-hyuk’s words rings in his ears: “You’ll always love and hurt people through music… all your life.”


That was brutal. With the sweetness of Han-gyul and So-rim’s courtship these past weeks, I’d begun to think that their world was less ruthless than I’d suspected. Han-gyul’s demeanor is usually so passive and guileless that I had forgotten how easily he’d torn his friends down when they’d questioned his decision about their music.

As Chan-young pointed out, much of Crude Play’s current misery can be traced back to Jin-hyuk’s initial decision to use professional musicians to record their songs instead of letting the band grow into their strengths. While he blamed it on Han-gyul’s need to get his music out in its most perfect form, I think most of the responsibility lies with Jin-hyuk, who was older and nurtured Han-gyul’s habit of putting his music before his friends. He could have fostered Crude Play’s bonds and ensured that they came out stronger together, but instead, he chose the path of quick success. I’m sure, as the owner of a brand new label, Jin-hyuk had been in a hurry to establish his company’s credentials in the industry — but as a mentor to five teenaged boys, he failed them spectacularly.

That flashback into Crude Play’s early days showed Han-gyul’s frustration with his friends’ playfulness during their practice session. It was telling that even as a young boy, he wanted his music played perfectly, while his friends dreamed of fame and stardom. Ironically, they got exactly what they wanted; however, none of the boys had imagined that they would have to sell their integrity to achieve their dreams. And maybe, Han-gyul had comfortably believed that his friends were happy with the renown they had claimed they wanted, freed from the pressures of playing at the level Han-gyul demanded from them. But they were ultimately living a lie, and not everyone is as comfortable with that as Han-gyul.

Jin-hyuk’s reasons for choosing Chan-young’s song for Mush & Co. is ruthless, but understandable. With her penchant for writing lyrics and ear for music, it’s unsurprising that he sees a budding songwriter in So-rim. So it makes sense that he would want her to start developing her composing skills. And it’ll be interesting to see how Chan-young reacts to So-rim suggesting changes to his song. She has shown backbone whenever her beliefs were tested, but will she be able to hurt his pride by criticizing his music? Contrary to what Chan-young believes, So-rim didn’t choose him over Han-gyul, she simply chose to keep her promise, even at the cost of losing a song that could start her career with a bang. It’s sad that neither of the boys can see the simple truth of this.

I don’t know how I feel about Han-gyul’s dad. They are adorable together, but In-woo has clearly left deep scars in his son’s psyche. Even I thought it was rich of him to preach about Han-gyul using his friends for his music when he had left his son to be brought up by his grandmother as a boy. No matter how crinkly his smile is, I’m not feeling too generous towards a man who up and leaves the moment his son lets his hurt and resentment show.

Then again, abandonment issues don’t excuse Han-gyul’s treatment of So-rim here. He behaved like a spoiled child who was unused to being denied what he wanted. It was infuriating to see him take So-rim’s honest jealousy over his song and use it to manipulate her that way. Somehow, he has internalized So-rim’s rejection of his song as a rejection of him. Music is so much a part of his identity that he can’t think clearly outside its framework. Ultimately, this is what makes him the eponymous “Liar” of the show. When it comes to his music, he will say anything, hurt anyone, to get what he wants.


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I know so rim is young , but it wasn't just jealousy, she'd fully being crying about the thing. For me I felt she could have asked him first if he had given the song Yoo na. Rather than assuming he did, yeah yeah I guess he lied before so it's easy for her to think that. But I also don't think she has the right to be angry atleast not before confirming with hang yul. I'm angry with three of them, chan young, so rim and hang yul. I think they need schooling on to how to act. Also I think the song conveys his feelings for her and by her not listening it may mean she doesn't like him. Like she full on didn't listen to it,I know it's because she wouldn't be able to refuse but she didn't give it a chance. And i think everyone would agree that's painful spending so much time on something and no one acknowledges your work. A bit like cooking and no one says thank you or compliments you. Plus hang yul needs to decide exactly what he feels for the girl he is so confused over liking her and wanting her to sing his song, I don't get his obsession sometimes. Welll now that he has decided to become a dick from the next preview in the bid of not wanting to hurt her further. I think I'm ready to throw things at him next week, I just need to find a way of doing that without breaking my things as well.


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Well, Yoona told So-rim it was his decision to give the song to her. At this point, she had no reason to be suspicious of Yoona.


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I hate CY. . I really hate JH. . This drama have a knack of making everything seem so true that your heart breaks when you watch HG being alone, bearing everything. .


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I felt for Yoona this episode. I still don't like her, because I don't condone the fact that she kissed Jinhyuk before she notified Hangyul that they should break up. That said, I believed in the pain she endured as a lonely girlfriend this episode. When she told him about how much she felt afraid to lose his love, you could tell how much she loved him, and how much she had a miserable time towards the end of the relationship. The pain showed in this episode explained the level of anger she directed at him in episode 1 and 2 better. I still don't like her, but for the first time, I felt for her.


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Looks like I'm late to the recap party -- omo, the cupcakes and rainbows from our previous episode seem to have been rained on, kind of fitting since this was an angsty and frustrating episode.

Honestly, my heart broke for majority of the characters here, even Yoo Na (though gloating about Hangyul's song in front of Sorim was SO NOT COOL). But my heart broke so much for Hangyul and Sorim. Hangyul for taking so much damage (though he isn't completely blameless) and Sorim for once again, receiving the brunt of Hangyul's frustrations. They're both having a crap day and its easy to say things you'd regret when you're in pain and lashing out. Poor Sorim though.

While I am still firm on Team Hangyul, this is the first episode where I finally see Chanyoung as a legit second lead. His face when he was hugging a sobbing Sorim..wow, its definitely more than just his ambition that makes him care for her. I think after the fiasco with Crude Play and their videos, Sorim's absolutely trust and honesty with him (something obviously in short supply in the industry) made him fall for her.


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Hey, late can be fashionable ;DD I'm glad you still commented because it's always interesting to read how everyone felt about the episode, even the ones late to the party. XD Especially when I agree with most of you comment. Yoo Na: not cool about gloating, still sad for her. Yes about SR&HG. Also yes about CY's sympathetic face before he hugged SR + about short supply in industry.


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Man this episode hurts so much, but it hurt gooood.

First of all, god I just want to punch Jin Hyuk! Him manipulating Han Gyul to write a song for Yoo Na by offering him the chance at having his song selected for So Rim' debut but then removing the song from the selection AND giving the song he wrote for So Rim to Yoo Na!?!? Gaaaahh I can understand why he is so successful but damn he's ruthless. All I can hope is that somehow Yoo Na sings a different song, even if its another song written by Han Gyul, just NOT the one he wrote specifically for So Rim. I think that would hurt me just as much as it would hurt her!

Also Chan Young.... I completely understand him but it doesn't change the fact that he's being incredibly hypocritical. Him telling Han Gyul not to interfere in his and So Rim's relationship and to not mess with her emotions at such a critical time in her career..... YOU ARE THE ONE DOING EXACTLY THAT! He's jealous of her relationship with Han Gyul that he keeps butting in where he can and he's the one holding her to a promise to sing his songs, even when K is a better songwriter than him. I understand him wanting a shot for himself and I respect So Rim's dedication to her promise but he needs to stop acting like a spoiled whiny child. If he is serious about producing, he needs to be serious about the reality that sometimes a better song may be chosen over his without throwing a hissy fit just for Han Gyul's song being considered along with his (even if it was removed in the end).

As for Han Gyul, it was really hard watching everything just fall apart around him in this episode. Even though he was partly hurting himself with his own actions, I couldn't help feel sorry for him. I loved that he turned back after being a jackass to So Rim, presumably to apologize but also love that Chan Young beat him to it. He needs to see that he can't keep prioritising music over people and if he's too slow to react, then others will get there first.

Overall, I am just loving this show! I look forward to the new episodes all week long!


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Well said!! Thumbs up!


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I really love the Crude Play boys! Their reactions in the background always make the scenes more dimensional. This episode frustrates me though. And the preview. Even though Han-gyul has chosen music over everything else, he's beginning to really place So-rim first, so my heart broke for him when he sees Chan-young hugging So-rim.


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Also, what's the age gap between Han-gyul and So-rim????


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They only have a 5 year age gap. Sorim is 19 (as expressly stated in episode 2) and about to graduate while Hangyul is 24 (25 max). Remember, Crude Play were also scouted back when they were students and they've been in the industry for 5 years (as stated by Chanyoung in this ep) so Hangyul and the rest were likely 18 or 19 when they were also signed as artists.


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Oh, I forgot to comment -- this almkst kiss between Hangyul and Sorim! Squee!!! Is it just me but I find Lee Hyun Woo's slender fingers (especially when he was "teaching" the bass) sexy? I've always thought he looks young but he gave off such an oppa vibe in that scene. But again, its another fake out kiss! What gives TvN? Even teenaged Kim Sohyun had kissing scenes in Let's Fight Ghost and don't get me started on The Liar and His Lover manga and j-movie which had kissing scenes. I demand a kiss scene! LOL.

Also, out of curiousity, I want to know what ship the beanies here are rooting for? I am actually Team Hangyul and Sorim (HanRim?). Jinrim (as suggested by actor Song Kang aka JinWoo in his VLive? ChanRim?


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Hanrim/Rimhan/Hanso/Sohan/Sogyul/gyulso/Rimgyul/etc. other names, like the first love couple, or the genius couple? song couple? I'm horrible naming. lol


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There is one major problem with Chan-young. He smiles way too much! My defences against second lead syndrome are crumbling because of it. He looks beyond adorable when smiling. The fact that Han-gyul is acting like an complete ass is not helping either.


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I do have to side with Sorim in the episode, because all she did was to just keep her promise to Chanyoung. If Hankyul had introduced himself right in the first place, he would've gotten to Sorim first. And the confrontation between Chanyoung and Hankyul in this episode is probably my fave. It prompted Hankyul to say how he actually feels. Chanyoung is in-deed selfish, all I can hope is that he stops seeing Hankyul as a competition, and I do hope to see them working together for Sorim soon (and being bassist together for Crudeplay too)


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Finally, 355 comments later ...

@festerfaster thank you so much for speedy recap and, boy ! , how I loveee your comments and your insights.

Reading all the Beanies' comments and analysis really is my crack these days.. Too bad there were some bitter spats in between... But hey, people are entitled to their opinions, and if you don't like the show... Why are you even here?!?

Poor Han Gyeol, but it is all his making. So I hope he learnt his lessons well. Lie o e of the beanie said in comments above, I also wouldn't mind if So Rim doesn't talk to him much in the next episode xD
Joy's portrayal of young innocent So Rim sometimes amiss, but ones that she nailed, really stirred emotions (... Yeah that's me looking at a pile of tissues on the floor...)
Chan Young is very much an insecure young man and he is putting up a lot of facade, soon it too will crumble. And I hope he will be fine... Who will hold his hand though? The Crude Play boys, or So Rim?
I am on Seo Yeon and Shi Yin ship, their chemistry is waiting to burst and I am so looking forward to it.


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Chan Young's family is off-screen so on screen, he's the most lonely, no friends or family.


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I wonder if they will put Chan Yong's family into screen, since they are musician too,right? Classically trained?


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I'm so glad the show kept the band's name as Mush & Co from the Japanese version!


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Hangyeol is a jerk and basically fails his relationships with people, yes. But when people around him treat him as a music progidy (crude play, yuna, sole music n employees) and a genius songwriting machine (jinhyuk) and put him up there at a pedestal, they don't allow him to go beyond his music. He has never loved (successfully, that is) and care beyond his music. Now with Sorim, he'a all lost trying to separate his feelings with his music. // He's the most lonely out of the TLAHL characters, if you ask me, coz he's up there on his pedestal, struggling alone to perfect his music with no one to confide to about his feelings/insecurities. He's reminded of these insecurities when Chanyoung continues to hold onto Sorim-- when Chanyoung already took the place in crude play to play the bass with his friends. // Just something I thought because, heavens, I can't sleep. Hello, it's 2am aaaaand I dunno if I'm making sense... ciao!


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Makes perfect sense. VG analysis of HG, and quite impressive for something done at 2AM Haha


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I know right? I'm a zombie during 2 AM, I can't even find the bed to sleep in.


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"In-woo takes Han-gyul aside and tells him about the whole thing. (How does he know?)"

I assume he was in the room when CEO revealed the entire scandal to HG.


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just watched episode 8 again and Lee Hyun Woo is so so handsome. Especially last scene. i have been watching dramas for 2 decades since i was 10 or something. never found someone this handsome. Maybe acting is so on point along with his visual.


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I am not really happy every time So Rim turns to Chan Young for comfort when she gets hurt by Han Gyul. She claims liking HG and people liking each other unavoidably hurt each other also. She cannot be that naive to think that she will not be giving CY ideas every time she turns to him for comfort. I know HG has issues but i feel bad for him whenever he sees SR in CY's arms. CY does not have the right to warn off HG from SR because he does not really know his struggles.


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perhaps i'm one of the few who actually likes Chan Young as a second lead. i don't see him as a possible love interest for So Rim (although i think he's already started falling for her, more on this later) since I'm quite confident that she would not be changing her mind about Han Gyeol and i absolutely adore the OTP. however, i do like his interactions with So Rim. as it stands, So Rim is the only person that he confide in. he's an outsider to his own band, their ceo keeps using him as a pawn, he's family doesn't really like his chosen career path, and he has this ongoing rivalry with Han Gyeol. So Rim is the only person that sees him for who he is and he can just let his guard down and be himself with her. he may have started seeing So Rim as a way to prove his worth to Choi and the others, but as he gets to know the real her behind the voice, he finds himself getting drawn to her and falling for her.

out of everyone in the drama, i think his character is one of the most pitiful. he and Han Gyeol are almost in the same situation. the glaring difference between the two of them is that no matter how much Han Gyeol and the rest of Crude Play fight, the boys have his back no matter what. Chan Young does not have anyone on his side. He's all alone trying to fight his battles and trying to prove his worth to Choi.


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Thanks so much for the recap! I couldn't bring myself to watch it after I skipped ahead to the ending but still kept wondering what happened ?. Really really hope that tomorrow's epi salves the pain so I can watch this epi and mondays back to back - love love love this show ?


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I think I am one of the few that keep feeling that Han Gyul's character keeps screaming to me -- G-dragon! especially at the truffle scene. Which other singer/composer has truffles at home?

Am I one of the few that is weirded out by the fact that chan young (actor lee seo won born in 1997) is actually in real life younger than joy (born in 1996). Because when she calls him oppa, it really felt that Chan young was much older.


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Crude Play boys just did a V-live video and re-enacted the scene between HG and SR almost kissing <33333 http://www.vlive.tv/video/27570?channelCode=ECA251


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Rereading recaps and comments while waiting for new ep of TLAHL.. even if it'll air tonight, I could only watch it on Wed night.. ??


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It's like the people in this drama have never heard the word collaboration. The guys could have shared credit on Chan-Young's song. Writing and arranging are both important and Chan-Young is still a relative rookie himself when it comes to songwriting. Having a song cowritten by CY & K would be fine. Likewise So-Rim seems to already have a lot of lyricist talent so again CY & SR would probably be a fantastic duo. And that way they could both really grow their skills.

I feel bad for Chan Young though. I think he's gonna get screwed really hard in general before the series ends.


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I forgot to say this when the recap was posted, but watching the new ep reminded me...the photo shoot scene was probably the funniest part of the manga. They kept trying on all these different "looks" and styles to find their "concept" and most of them were pretty comical misses. I wish they'd done that with the drama, it would have been adorable and even funnier in person!


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Despite the many many flaws in the show (choppy editing, cringy dialogue, bla bla bla), I do love how they portrayed the band. The Crude Play boys (Han Gyeol included) seem so genuine, and their struggle/desire for approval is downright real.

I didn't think I'd be this hooked on the show but I am. D:


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OK great episode honestly.

I’m kind of bummed that Yoona is coming out to be the bitchy second lead but I do get it. I feel bad for her, understand her, and am annoyed by her all at the same time haha.

there is only one disconnect for me (not a big one) is that Han-Gyul is supposed to be in his mid 20s but LEE HYUN WOO HAS SUCH A LIL BABY FACE. i mean it’s adorable as heck but he honestly looks like the same age as Sorim (who does look young and fresh). you don’t get so much their age gap and how it’s a little taboo (I believe source material she’s 16 and he’s 25). anyway I’ll watch anything he’s in though so whatever

TWO: I CAN’T WAIT FOR THAT SONG TO COME OUT IN FULL. I know we’ve only heard like the first 4 seconds of it but it does honestly sound amazing… pls… come out soon!


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Chan Young must be one of the most hateful second male leads I've seen. Usually such bitchiness is only found in female second leads, but here the female second lead pales in comparison.
He purposefully manipulated So Rim. He took advantage of her being a fan of his to hastily extort a promise from her before she realized her crush was HG and making sure to conceal the fact from her.
This is disgraceful and has completely ruined his character for me. Yes, he has a crush on her, but he withheld information with his own selfish interests in mind and is sabotaging the couple in petty, underhanded ways. All this, while Han Gyul is still behaving in a very honest and friendly way towards him, and innocently offers his help. Ugh!


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This episode has me stressed, only because my children are fighting and not communicating how they feel. Like they'll do it for a bit and then panic because of outside emotions and then revert back to old habits. UGHHH and I haven't even finished the episode yet. When will my children be happy, I want them happy, successful and growing!!!!


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