Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Episode 8

No matter the ups and downs, I will always come back to this show just to get a few more moments of Bong-soon and Min-hyuk. I swear these two will be the end of me, but I suppose there are far worse ways to go than from an overload of heartfelt stares and cocky smiles. To counter the sweetness, our ever creepy Bride Collector is still on the loose, and while the cops try to step up their game, the kidnapper is already two steps ahead of them.

Episode 8: “One Step Closer”

Min-hyuk watches from afar as Gook-doo leaps to defend the “delicate” Bong-soon from one of Boss Tak’s underlings, Kwang-bok. Gook-doo pummels the heck out of Kwang-bok before Bong-soon rushes forward to pull him off… and accidentally tosses her crush a dozen feet away.

Luckily, Gook-doo doesn’t think much of it and calls in to report the attack. He apologizes for not taking Bong-soon home himself, but Bong-soon is more concerned to know if he’s ok (from her push). He brushes it off, saying that she’s so small that there’s nothing to worry about.

Gook-doo starts to drag Kwang-bok away, and the gangster puts up a fuss that he’s the one who gotten beaten up, so why is he being taken? Heh, Bong-soon daintily hands the limping man his cane and sticks her tongue out at him when Gook-doo isn’t looking.

As Kwang-bok is carted off, Min-hyuk reveals himself to Bong-soon and proceeds to follow her home, chastising her the whole way for making him worry. (Aw.) When they part ways, he calls out for her to report to his office tomorrow morning, bidding her goodnight with a cutesy wave.

Bong-soon, however, spins around and marches right back. She yells that she’s going to report him for making false promises since she caught his stalker, but he still hasn’t hired her onto the product development team. Cue bicker fight as Min-hyuk argues that they should catch the person after her first while Bong-soon snaps that he never intended to keep his promise in the first place.

Bong-soon even threatens to leave the company, but Min-hyuk grabs her arm. Taking a serious tone, he promises that he is on her side and will help her. Bong-soon reluctantly accepts his sincerity and heads home while Min-hyuk waves after her, smiling sweetly at her scowl.

Gook-doo questions Kwang-bok at the station, and the injured gangster can’t believe that he’s getting blamed after Bong-soon was the one to beat him up.

Overly protective of Bong-soon, Gook-doo doesn’t buy a word of the thug’s tales of being thrashed by the tiny girl. His team leader is more sympathetic, but then again, he just thinks that Kwang-bok is straight up crazy.

Kwang-bok keeps repeating that Bong-soon isn’t a normal girl, which just riles Gook-doo up even more, so they drag him off to lock him up in a holding cell overnight. Kwang-bok has a hissy fit over the injustice, screaming that he’s the victim and losing his dentures in the process.

Gook-doo sits down but immediately grimaces in pain — apparently he landed hard when Bong-soon pushed him. Still, he texts her sweetly to ask if she got home all right. Min-hyuk is also remembering Gook-doo’s valiant protection of Bong-soon and sighs that Gook-doo keeps pretending he’s just a friend to Bong-soon: “It bothers me a lot.”

At the Do house, Bong-soon’s family is up in arms about the culprit trying to take Kyung-shim from the hospital, and Bong-soon laments that she lost him again. Her father and brother try to reassure her, but surprisingly, Mom is extra sweet to her daughter, revealing the chicken feet (Bong-soon’s favorite snack) that she bought for her. Heh, Dad and Bong-ki look at Mom like she’s lost it.

The next morning, Bong-soon ruminates at how her dream was once to be a member of AinSoft, but now, she’s wanting to catch the kidnapper more and more.

Speaking of, as Bong-soon walks to work, the kidnapper watches her from a distance with a creepier than usual look. Crap, he knows her daily route?

Bong-soon finds a new laptop on her desk/playpen, but jumps about a foot in the air when she powers it up and sees a winking candid picture of Min-hyuk saved as the desktop background. Pfft. Guess we know who the computer is from.

Speak of the devil, CEO Ahn literally slides into the room with a bright, “Good morning!” He asks if she slept well, then grins as he adds, “I slept well too.” (Why is that sexy?)

Min-hyuk tells her the laptop is hers to use for developing her game, then he hovers around, clearly wanting to see her reaction to his picture. Ha.

Kwang-bok is released, but not before Gook-doo warns him not to go anywhere near Bong-soon or else, “I’ll make sure you can’t even crawl.”

News breaks of the kidnapper’s fourth victim (the pharmacist and third bride), and the police chief orders an open investigation on the case. As the newscasters speculate that the kidnappings are similar to other hate crimes against women, the kidnapper sits at a desk in the junkyard and reads the police report, smiling.

Bong-soon and Min-hyuk also listen to the news break, and Bong-soon thinks, “No matter how much time passes, crimes against weaker women continue.”

When Bong-soon takes a break from creating her character (is that a pink hoodie the character is wearing?), Min-hyuk sneaks a looks at Bong-soon’s laptop and snarls to see that she’s changed her background to a Jo In-sung picture… so he switches it right back.

Min-hyuk’s father pays his son a visit at AinSoft. He trusts Min-hyuk to handle the stalker matter on his own, but he instructs him to bring Bong-soon to the house so he can get to know her, ordering Min-hyuk to announce his engagement before the next stockholder meeting.

Heh, and Bong-soon jumps yet again to find Min-hyuk’s picture back on her computer screen.

The police station chiefs meet to share information on the kidnapper now that it’s a joint investigation. At the same time, the neighborhood ajummas also gather to form their own special committee to catch the criminal. We get a rundown on the details of the case as both teams discuss the clues.

A special police task force is put together to catch the Masked Man, but Gook-doo’s team decides they will still look into the case on their own, determined to solve it.

Over at AinSoft, Bong-soon gazes starry-eyed at the Development Office. Hee, Min-hyuk sneaks up next to her and startles her out of it, imitating her gasps fairly accurately.

The two return to the training ring. Now that Bong-soon can control her strength, Min-hyuk shows her self-defense moves and takes special pleasure in knocking her down. Bong-soon turns on the strength and gets her revenge, showing some moves of her own and kicking her boss’ butt across the ring. Well, she does have a wrestler for a father.

Bong-soon delivers some water (with a side of PPL) to the sore CEO, and the two go for a run. Min-hyuk jokes around a bit, and soon, they’re both smiling.

Oooh, a montage! Bong-soon trains constantly and slowly masters her strength while learning proper fighting techniques. Throughout it all, she thinks that there must have been a reason for God to give her these gifts, and swears that she will catch the culprit with her own two hands. “I am the Strong Woman, Do Bong-soon!”

Bong-soon’s high school kiddos get in a fight with yet another group of Boss Tak’s men, and unfortunately, the older thugs beat the stuffing out of the youngsters. The gangsters instruct the kids to call their boss, so one of the kiddos calls Bong-soon to come help them.

Bong-soon reluctantly arrives, and the kids instantly rush to her side, crying, “NOOOONIIIIM!” The thugs recognize her as the Do Bong-soon that’s been beating up all their cohorts, and the high schoolers cry like little kids to their mom, “They hit us!”

The lead gangster actually spits on Bong-soon’s shoe, then throws a punch at her. But thanks to her training, she easily dodges the blows and swiftly takes the men down one by one. She even uses her stone-flicking skills to knock out one of the gangster’s front teeth. Her underlings cheer and Bong-soon warns the whimpering thugs, “Don’t mess with my kids.” D’aww. She is their Noonim.

Boss Tak yells in frustration upon receiving the news that Do Bong-soon has beat up yet more of their men, and he screams that Bong-soon isn’t a woman: She’s their enemy.

Bong-soon visits Kyung-shim, who is almost ready to be released. She brings up the love triangle between her brother, Gook-doo, and Hee-ji, and pouts that when you like someone, you should stay faithful. Kyung-shim sighs at her naïve friend and wisely says that that’s not the way love works. “Love moves up and down like a seesaw.” She remarks that you never know: Bong-soon might even end up liking Min-hyuk.

Gook-doo meets with Hee-ji that night. He blames himself for making her feel insecure enough in their relationship to waver and apologizes, but he also admits that there is someone else in his heart as well. “There’s a girl that I start nagging as soon as I see her… She’s always doing foolish things, so I get mad at her. But whenever she’s sick or hurt, I really hate it.”

Hee-ji smiles sadly and says that he must like this girl a lot. Gook-doo apologizes again and tells her she can leave him with an easy heart. One love triangle ends, another begins…

Kyung-shim comes home to Bong-soon’s house, but Bong-soon is interrupted from playing nurse when Min-hyuk calls her out, promising to double her pay and instructing her to look nice.

Mom comes in to tell Bong-soon to go with her to pray at the temple, but Kyung-shim chimes in that Mom’s son-in-law is coming to pick up Bong-soon. Heh. Mom runs out to meet Min-hyuk and literally drags him inside. He tries valiantly to flee, but Mom guilt-trips him unabashedly to get him to join them for breakfast.

Eyebrows are raised around the table at the giant spread that Mom lays out, but she plays it off as though they always eat like this. She glares to get everyone to eat, and soon they’re all laughing. Min-hyuk watches the easy banter, smiling at the small but close family.

Not long after, Bong-soon and Min-hyuk sit at his family’s breakfast table, and it’s a stark contrast to the loving meal at the Do house. Min-hyuk’s father immediately launches into a potential daughter-in-law interrogation, asking what Bong-soon likes about Min-hyuk.

Bong-soon gives the generic, “He’s handsome” and “He has a good personality,” but nobody seems to buy it. As the wind blows across the silent table, Bong-soon goes for honesty instead: “Truthfully, he is crazy.” HAH! Dad yells, Min-hyuk glares, and the whole table holds their breath… but then Dad bursts out laughing, “That’s right, he is completely crazy!”

Afterwards, Dad talks to Bong-soon alone. He reveals that when Min-hyuk studied abroad he dated a lot of girls, but then when he came home, he hasn’t dated anyone, which worries him. He sincerely asks Bong-soon to take good care of his son.

During the ride back, Bong-soon wonders at Dad’s words about his son’s dating habits and how all her friends have said that Min-hyuk isn’t gay. The car beeps at her to put on her seatbelt, and when she struggles, Min-hyuk pulls over and leans in close to click her belt for her. The proximity creates a moment between the two, and they gaze at one another as the cars speed by.

Min-hyuk takes Bong-soon to visit his mother’s grave and puts flowers at the base of a tree while Bong-soon looks on. Thinking to himself, Min-hyuk tells his mother, “Mom, I have a person I want to show you, so I came together with her.”

The two walk along a river, and Min-hyuk tells Bong-soon about his mother’s favorite movie: When Harry Met Sally. He quotes a famous line from the film that men can’t be friends with a woman they find attractive.

Bong-soon muses that she must not be attractive since she’s just friends with “him,” but Min-hyuk answers that her friend actually likes her a lot. “Seeing you only as a friend is too hard to do. If the person who sees you is a man.” (*swoon*) He says that “her friend” is probably tricking himself into thinking that they’re just friends, or he thinks that keeping her as a friend is the only way to hold on to her.

(The dialogue here is really interesting, because the obvious conclusion is they’re talking about Gook-doo, but they haven’t actually said his name, so it could also be a cloaked reference to Min-hyuk.)

Bong-soon denies it since she’s sure they’re just friends, except Min-hyuk says that it’s easy for two friends to become lovers, “One person has to take a step closer to the other.” Then he takes a step closer.

With less than a foot between them, Min-hyuk nearly whispers, “This one step, makes the relationship change… like this.” He stares at her, his heart in his eyes, and Bong-soon looks back, realizing that something is changing. Kyaah! Okay, if anyone needs me, I’m the puddle of emotions over there on the floor.

Min-hyuk walks away, and Bong-soon gazes after him as her voice narrates, “One step. There wasn’t this one step in my relationship with Gook-doo. However, on that day, that person… took a step closer to me.”

Gook-doo’s team catch a break when they recover the black box from a car parked along the route the culprit took. The team watches the footage, and Gook-doo suddenly remembers Bong-soon’s statement that the kidnapper had smelled like gasoline and asphalt before taking off to check something.

The lead actor from “Blue Mustache and the Seven Brides” – the one who had his shoes stolen – arrives to give his statement. He says that his shoes were stolen during a company party, but there was no CCTV to catch the thief.

Gook-doo returns to the junkyard (which was near the last place they tracked the kidnapper) and smells the ground there. He checks with an employee who reluctantly says that his boss is overseas right now selling car parts, and that he goes abroad often.

On the streets of Do-bong, all the women travel in groups at night, shying away from any men on the street. However, one woman in a red coat leaves her home alone.

In his lair, the Bride Collector watches his monitors, and on one screen is… the police station!? Oh, crap. A flashback shows that when he went in to give his statement, he placed a hidden camera right in the center of the detective’s room, and now he can hear and watch everything that Gook-doo’s team does to catch him. Damn, he’s clever.

On a foreboding side note, one of the monitors is also tracking the solitary woman with the red coat as she leaves her house.

Gook-doo’s mom, Mi-hwa, is at the walnut shop again. She and Dad happily discuss one of her favorite authors, and she compliments Dad on his apron. Mom watches the two laughing through the window, then storms in, making Dad freeze in fear.

The women engage in passive-aggressive barbs against each other’s sons, but Mi-hwa gets the last word in before walking out. Dad stands up for the other woman, saying that Mom started it, but Mom yells at him for laughing and smiling with her. Dad has finally had enough and screams that he won’t stand by her anymore. He makes a break for the door, but Mom yanks him back.

Next scene, we find Dad shuffling around the bakery with tousled hair, a black eye, and a split lip from Mom’s beatings. Tears trek silently down his face as he covertly looks up the author that Mi-hwa had mentioned on his phone.

Looking for a new angle to deal with their mighty enemy, Boss Tak and his men assemble for a presentation by their company’s “brain.” This turns out to be a Steve Jobs-esque speaker, Charles Go (cameo by Yoon Sang-hyun).

He gives a rundown of the multitude of ways that Bong-soon’s family has beaten their company and recommends that the best way to redeem themselves is fight her, Dachimawa Lee style. Boss Tak Stands up to applause (Dachimawa Lee is a meta reference to an old school spy-comedy that Im Won-hee starred in) and Charles proposes that they have a grand showdown: Bong-soon versus the entire Taek Industries squad. Boss Tak agrees, but demands to know how to get Bong-soon to meet them.

Charles then reveals the oh-so-scientific method of voice phishing, introducing his… specialists? It’s another cameo, as Jung Chan-min and Lee Suji (playing themselves) shuffle onto the stage. (These two actors have a skit on Gag Concert where they pretend to do voice phishing.) PFFFT! These are the “brain’s” specialist? Actors who have never actually done voice phishing in real life?

Heh, Boss Tak and his men mutter, “Aren’t they celebrities?” and Boss Tak wonders if they’ve kidnapped them.

Apparently, Bong-soon’s kiddos filmed their noona’s butt-whooping from the other night, and one of the kids asks if they should post it. The leader snaps that their noona wants her privacy… but, of course, people should know about their strong backer. Up on YouTube it goes.

Bong-soon visits her brother to give him part of her first paycheck. Bong-ki thanks her and tentatively brings up that he likes Hee-ji, but that he probably shouldn’t meet her, right? Bong-soon gently agrees, saying it isn’t fair play, and to leave Hee-ji alone.

Still, Bong-soon gives her brother an affectionate head pat, calling him all grown up now. She heads out, and Bong-ki calls after her to wish her good luck in dating Min-hyuk, since he agrees with Mom that he isn’t gay.

Boss Tak’s men assemble, and Kwang-bok instructs them to bring all their baseball bats and crowbars. But Boss Tak arrives and yells at them for using weapons on a girl, calling it embarrassing. Kwang-bok begs him to bring the weapons since this is no ordinary girl, but Boss Tak just tells Kwang-bok to stay behind as he departs with his men.

Dad is currently dancing around the apartment after Mom left for a trip (presumably to the temple). In the midst of the celebration, Min-hyuk calls Bong-soon to remind them of their training today, saying that he’ll come pick her up.

As she’s getting ready, Bong-soon finally reads the letter from Grandma:

“To my pretty granddaughter, Bong-soon,

Our child has finally grown up into a young lady with a proper job. You don’t know how much I love you. I know that you cannot live normally like other people. Some might wonder why we are embarrassed by our own strength, but isn’t that how the world is? Just because you’re a little different or not up to standards, people will bully and hurt you. But Bong-soon, although I told you to not use your powers, don’t ever be ashamed of your strength. That is a gift from God for you to help this world.

I love you, our strong girl,

As we hear Grandma’s letter narrated, Bong-soon opens the cupboard containing her family’s history and takes out a dusty box. With tears in her eyes, she pulls out a familiar looking pink hoodie.

Boss Tak’s men bully Jung Chan-min and Lee Suji onto a stage where they’ve actually set up everything to match the actor’s comedy skit. The two try to point out that voice phishing is illegal and that they’ve never actually done it for real before (lol), but the gangsters just tell them to succeed this time, then.

Wearing the pink hoodie, Bong-soon heads downstairs and stashes a few walnuts in her pockets before training. Her phone rings and she picks up, expecting Min-hyuk, but it’s Jung Chan-min and Lee Suji. The actors tell her that they’ve kidnapped her mother and clumsily threaten her to meet them at the address they sent her, warning her not to call the police.

Bong-soon believes them and immediately freaks out. She tells Kyung-shim and instructs her to keep calling Mom’s phone while she goes to find her. She run off without seeing Min-hyuk waiting for her outside.

Kyung-shim and Dad manage to reach Mom and are shocked to find her very much not kidnapped. Heh, Mom snaps that if someone kidnapped her, she’ds just annoy them. Kyung-shim hangs up and immediately guesses that it was voice phishing.

Bong-soon arrives at some abandoned warehouses and starts frantically looking around. Min-hyuk calls her to rant that she’s late, but Bong-soon cries that her mother was kidnapped. Min-hyuk demands to know where she is, but she hangs up.

Dad calls Gook-doo and tells him about the setup, and Gook-doo immediately starts tracking Bong-soon’s phone. Min-hyuk also tracks (what I’m assuming is) Bong-soon’s phone, both boys rushing to save their indomitable damsel.

Bong-soon runs into the warehouse calling out for her mom, when suddenly, a cargo door slides open to reveal Boss Tak and two dozen of his biggest and baddest thugs. Bong-soon demands to know where her Mom is, but Boss Tak just laughs.

Kyung-shim calls at that moment to tell Bong-soon that Mom is fine and that she thinks Bong-soon was called out on purpose. Bong-soon just sighs, “Looks like it.”

Bong-soon hangs up as Boss Tak yells that they’ll no longer stand still after all she’s done to them. He tells her that it’s time to face each other, but first, he instructs her to kneel down so that they can get a video of her saying “I’m sorry, please forgive me.” Ugh, he laughs at his own cleverness.

Bong-soon nods, agreeing that they should. “But the person who is going to beg for forgiveness is not me, but you.” Boss Tak and his buddies all laugh, until Bong-soon takes out the walnuts from her pocket and casually crushes them with her bare hand.

Thinking about his own walnuts, Boss Tak looks slightly less cocky as he scowls at Bong-soon. She raises her hand and nonchalantly beckons them forward, glaring back. Refusing to back down, Boss Tak instructs him men, “Begin.”


What is the significance of the pink hoodie?! Before, I had just assumed that it was the identifier for Min-hyuk’s mystery angel, but it’s clear now that it means something to Bong-soon as well. If she’s saved it in that box — in the same cupboard as her family’s history books — then I have to assume it’s related to her strength in some way. She definitely remembered the bus crash that Min-hyuk referred to being in, so did saving the bus mean something special to her? Did she stop using her gifts after that? Will Min-hyuk notice that she’s wearing his savior’s pink hoodie? And now I’m back to once again counting the days until Friday.

I will say that I have a definite problem with Mom’s character. I was holding off judgement because she did have several redeeming moments with Grandma, and she was much sweeter to Bong-soon during this episode, but the way she abuses Dad is too much for me. She’s a bully. Her treatment of Dad is not just abusive, but textbook domestic violence. This poor, beaten down guy has been doing Mom’s bidding for over two decades, and when he finally gets the courage to yell that he’s had enough, she beats him black and blue. If the genders were switched and it was the wife getting hit, then the husband would have been hauled to jail by now. But because it was a woman doing the hitting, everyone turns a blind eye while Dad silently weeps in the corner. I appreciate that the show is trying to give us empowered women, but Dad’s injuries don’t reflect an age of equality, but one where the suffering has just swapped genders.

I continue to be impressed with our creepy kidnapper, though I’d really prefer it if he disappointed me and slipped up somewhere. Why does he have to be smart, too? Were the face mask and horror dungeon not enough? He actually planned to have his first bride be “saved,” all so he could pose as a witness, stash a camera in the precinct, and then steal her back. I thought we would catch a break with the shoes, but he was once again a step ahead. It feels like this villain is in a different caliber from the rest of the show: His story line and character are both clever enough to warrant a darker melodrama of his own, and our romcom cops are nowhere near his level. At least Gook-doo is sniffing around the junkyard, but I would feel safer if he brought some backup with him.

I really can’t wait to see Gook-doo’s reaction to what I’m assuming is going to be a warehouse full of thrashed gangsters and one unharmed, itty-bitty Bong-soon in her pink hoodie. Now that we finally know for sure that he’s carried a torch for Bong-soon all this time, I want to see if those feelings are conditional upon his image of her as a fragile woman, or if he can accept and love her as she is. However, given the strength of our main pair, I’m now fully convinced that there can be no one else for Bong-soon but Min-hyuk. I will always love my Ji-soo puppy, but I can honestly say that in this instance, I will be disappointed if Gook-doo gets the girl. There’s just something about watching Bong-soon and Min-hyuk together that goes way beyond what I was expecting from this show in terms of romance. There’s chemistry (hell yes!), but there is also such a connection between the two characters that when they’re in those intense moments together, all I can do is smile at my screen and giggle like an idiot. I don’t know if it’s young love, fated love, or true love, but I sure am in love with the two of them.


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Unpopular opinion and maybe I'm just a sucker for first loves or Ji Soo but I'm honestly a bit sad they barely gave any character development to Gook Do, considering she pined after him so long and he actually cared for her after all. I think people are being a bit harsh on him, like yeah he is oblivious and acts a bit patriarchal (as per usual kdrama men tbh), but I don't think he only likes her because he thinks she's dainty- they argue a lot (it's not like it's a submissive relationship), she never listens, and he seems to have noticed everything (very unladylike) she did since they were kids, and grown to love her for all her silly actions and habits that frustrate him. I think it's the wacky personality rather than the daintiness that draws him to her, and if their relationship had a bit more screentime it would have made for a more interesting love triangle (like his character being so by the book and her being so inexplicable and uncontainable, could've actually been a cute dynamic if developed properly rather than just making him look boring). It's hard not to root for Min Hyuk when they're adorable and obviously I love that he supports her so much but he also gets 99% of the screentime, I'm slightly disappointed they didn't make it more of a competitive love triangle. After it turning out he liked her all this time I can't help but feel a little cheated on Bong Soon's behalf she never got to fulfill those lifelong dreams haha. Also again unpopular opinion but while I love that MH is so supportive of BS I do find it a bit like her strength, coupled with his lack of familial love, is a large basis of his attraction to her. Whereas there's something to be said for the fact that despite thinking of her as super ordinary Gook do still cares about her deeply.


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I agree with your comments! (Maybe not unpopular, but just unexpressed.) I like GD and I hope for more story for him. I also like MH, so either way is a win. Maybe we can still see an equilateral triangle.


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i agree with what you think about Gook Du. he should have had more screentime with Bong Soon; that could have possibly made us more evenly torn between Min Hyuk and him. but having said that, i'm definitely not complaining about Min Hyuk getting more screentime as i absolutely love him and ship the lead couple since day1. i also think Min Hyuk doesn't feel attracted towards Bong Soon due to her strength; maybe in the beginning, but now it's become natural for him. as for his messed up family, i doubt they play any big role in their relationship, except for maybe the fake-engagement. but so far, we've seen him keep himself together without anyone else's support, which is a kind of super strength not many people have. i think he supports Bong Soon in everything she does/wants to do because no one was there for him and he doesn't want her to suffer because of it anymore. sure he's attracted to her from the beginning, but i don't think it's because of her strength, but her wacky/unique personality instead.


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agree on your point about GD should have more screentime. But disagree about the statement "a little cheated on BS's behalf"... If a man likes a woman, he should pursue her or get to know her more, spend more time with her etc... But instead, he got himself a girlfriend, buy her chocolates on White Day, hold her hand in front of BS. He had girlfriends at school in the past and BS knows... So what kind of message is he giving BS?... that "you are not good enough for me as my girlfriend?"... I will call such a man a "TOTAL JERK", but I will forgive JiSoo this time bcoz he will never get the girl anyways :-)


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Thank you guys for supporting an unpopular opinion haha! I got even sadder with the last episode when GD still liked her after finding out about her strength, but then he barely got any time with her the entire episode. The writer/director clearly have a strong ship in Min Hyuk haha, I do find it a bit disappointing as a viewer considering how strongly they advertised the love triangle aspect, and personally find it a little boring how little obstacle there is between mh and bs getting together. I do feel a little less cheated as you say when I think how much time Gk could've been with BS instead of finding new girlfriends all the time, I guess he didn't realise he cared for her as more than a friend until now, but yeah it is you snooze you lose I guess (although now I feel like it's a bit forced and unrealistic that he's not saying anything and is just sitting on his feelings for no apparent reason, he could just tell her he likes her instead of moping about her budding feelings for MH- they're only going to get stronger if he does literally nothing except yell randomly at mh to back off before he left the room lol- clearly it's a choice by the production team that they don't want to make it a truly competitive love triangle)


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LOL!!!! He will never get the Girl!!!! ha ha aahahahahahah
Poor Ji soo...
Oh my... he has a beautiful smile, but in this Drama he barely does it...

well... let´s wait, maybe next time... ha ahhaahhahh


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"and giggle like an idiot"

Nice to know it's not just me. (I was pretty sure it wasn't.)


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After he took the step towards her and then walked away, and I started breathing again and the blood returned to my brain I thought "thousands of Beanie toes just curled!"


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My toes included.


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And mine.


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Mine too! Kept watching the exact same scene in FB and IG..in different translations. Haha


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Final scene was great! After all the comedy, it was nice to see Bong-soon put on the serious/determined look. Fake kidnappers in for some hurt. And crushing nuts is an especially fitting way to strike fear into the nuts hearts of those macho bad guys.


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Supposedly, this show is to be empowering but I have to shake my head because in my eyes it is not. This show has tried to make sexuality into a joke, it has a wife/mother being abusive not only her husband but her daughter as well, it also has a crazed maniac collecting women like they are toys for his amusement. If the writer wanted this to be about female empowerment then she or he is failing in executing that properly in my opinion.


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You know what I agree. As much as I root for Bong Soon, what that kidnapper is doing to those girl is absolutely awful. I hope the gay jokes are over with too, its cringe worthy to me. He is raping them and keeping them captive/killing them or will kill them. I know catching him is going to be the "Aha" moment for Bong Soon bu they need to expedite the process.


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I was about to write this comment. Kinda bummed dramabeans didn't elaborate on the topic of abuse more


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Ahn Min Hyuk! Don't be too perfectcutecharminghandsomeadorable. My heart can handle up to just this much. My heart burst when you took a step closer. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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This is soooo true!!!! I can't forget his gaze!!! *melting*


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I KNEW it! Gook Doo likes Bong Soo!

I already had that hunch when one of the previous episode ( i forgot what it was) shows flashbacks of their
highschool days when GD was telling his friend he liked fragile women and he was LOOKING (surely) at BS while she was washing her hands.

Oh my, this is going to be a long, hilarious ride as they try to win our strong heroine's heart *squeek*

Anyways, I'm SOOO in love with MH right now, can't BS really see his small, swoony moves? Can't she see her eyes?! Omo, those eyes!
However, I don't know if it's just me or what, but I can't really tell if Gook Doo really likes Bong Soo. The way his conversation goes with the cellist (i can't remember her name) seems dull, the way he explains to her he liked someone else for a longest time.

My favorite scene would be when MH took that one step closer to BS and it had her confused! at last! she's looking at him in a different level now. She's now wavering if he's really gay or not (because he SURELY is not gay!) and I can't wait for that truth to sink in in her heart :)


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Thanks for the recap CandidClown.

Wow, I never actually noticed the pink hoodie till you pointed it out and now I feel I must have been blind. Anyway, I absolutely love Bong-soon and Min-hyuk together. I agree with girlfriday, can Bo-young and Hyung-shik just be in everything together!? Their back-and-forth bantering is so natural and perfect it hurts.


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Oh ya, that pink hoodie, I hope Bong Soon tells him that she's the one who saved him before, or he'll find out about it himself


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Gook Do does like her after all, tbh I don't really care about him and now he's about to get in the way, I hope Bong Soon starts liking Min Hyuk soon, I'm too inpatient lol


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I am not sure, but I wish the writer starts to give us some background on GD now that he realizes his feelings for BS. Perhaps that will make him less one dimensional.


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Yeah he is, I don't mind if they try to give him some more depth but if by doing so he'll get in the way of my otp I don't think I would like it, he should go far far away, and he's really not interesting tbh (My apologies to dear Ji Soo)


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I wish Gook Doo's mum interact with him rather than Bong Soon's dad!


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Before the show ends!!!


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After reading this comments i feel like watching this episode again.. I love MH but i dont see that relationship bond between BS & MH. Like in Master's sun each and every episode will show how he falls for her and how she falls for him but i dont see that bond here. Hoping for that in next ep..


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I don't know if anyone has pointed this out, but does anyone here get Im Si Wan vibes from the kidnapper? I think they have very similar facial features.


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yes! similar features :)


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Right? He's facial features are much manlier than Im Si Wan, but they could play brothers in a drama and that would be perfect casting, appearance-wise.


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Yes, very much so. Also, I keep thinking that I hope this actor got paid a lot because after playing such a creepy villain in a popular show no one will want to see him again for some time ?


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I'm appalled by the abuse mom did to dad, and I don't think the show intent to show it in a comedic light. It seems the show intent to provoke that reaction out of viewers, and that is not ok whether it is from a man or woman, or rather, the person in power.

The abuse did not provoke an reaction from bong soon and her friend, I thought, is a commentary about our society that we are immune to the violence the ones in power has done to the weak, feels bad about them but do nothing about it. That's what bong soon was doing, hiding her power.

The fact that bong soon didn't react to Mom's abuse to dad also reflects the fact that bong soon, who is in power (her strength), has a lot of harder time sympathizing someone who has been physically hurt because she never experienced it herself. Look at all the non reaction she has to all the gangsters she beat up. She reacts to emotional violence with physical violence. At the same time because she has not been trained, she cannot discern how much of that physical she can use to achieve justice. That's where min hyuk came in.

I think Mom has a hard time telling the difference between what is right and wrong (bullying) and also the degree of bullying (a group of weightlifters vs just her family unit) she did say she tried everything to gain her power back but never learned.

It seems like bong soon draws a line at using her strength when attacked vs preemptive. During the scene where that gangster with the cane came after her, she pushed guk Doo away because the gangster has not attacked her yet. Here u get a picture of guk doo who is a representation of brute (police) beating up a guy who has done nothing, vs min hyuk who is a representation of intelligence (gaming, wits, computers) standing their evaluating the situation, and bong soon in the middle who has clearly drawn a line when to use her strength. She is initially drawn towards guk Doo (brute force) (believe in the police). By the end of the episode she has abandoned the police and went to the warehouse on the own.

I think that is part of the theme they are developing for the show, telling right and wrong, then excercising the correct amount of punishment and judgement for the situation.

Min hyuk is perfect for that role because he's teaching her defensive moves. But I think part of his intelligence will also rub off on her.

Besides the gay joke being insensitive, I think this show has a lot of feminist vibes, and mom's character will get her own lesson later on. I have faith at the writers


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There are no feminist vibes on the show and personally I think the mother is past character development, the only thing I want from this shit show is for the father to get enough courage to leave his abusive wife and find happiness.


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Hi Danielled, by feminist vibe I mean female empowerment/respect for females/see the person for who they really are. I'm not sure what the disagreement is?


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I wonder if the pink hoodie marks a point in Bong Soon's life when her power took another turn. I know she was born with it, and she obviously had it as a child, but I wonder if perhaps it grew or something after the bus incident. Or, perhaps, her power was off and on and the pink hoodie incident marked when the power finally "stabilized" in her body and became a regular occurrence. I think in one of her recollections of high school, she remembered having difficulty. Or, perhaps it was the first time that she actually CHOSE to use her power instead of accidentally using it.


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I fear I must admit my theory about Gook Du being gay bit the dust this episode. I may have been reaching a bit when I suggested a gay member to the love triangle.
Although I still believe he is struggling with something in his life. If he likes "fragile" women and he believes Bong Soon to be such a "fragile" woman, then what's holding him back? Has he really circled around her literally all his life and never developed romantic feelings for her until now? Why is he unable to take a step towards Bong Soon? Simply because he didn't know his own feelings? Its possible but it seems a little weak.

All I can do is weave my own little webs of alternative reality until the show decides to cough up some better character development for Gook Du.


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QUESTION: Did PHS repaired his teeth? It looks different from before. I'm just curious.


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looks like it, doesn't it? His teeth are a lot whiter and straighter if compared to his earlier photos. Many K-artists fix their teeth pre-debut or soon after. Cosmetic dental work is very common nowadays, most of my friends has braces starting in Grade 8. I think everyone should make their smile beautiful if can afford it... and I am not even a dentist... lolol...


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It's been a LONG LONG LONG time since a confession scene made me squeal in real life. Ugh, I was flailing when he took that step forward..THAT WAS SO DAMN SMOOTH GOOD JOB MIN HYUK!!!!!

I'm still in the middle of this episode so I'm saddened to read that the mom is abusive and I hope it's not just swept aside as comedy. It seems in almost every episode, there is one or two really distasteful scenes that take away from an otherwise enjoyable episode.


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I love this show but did not like what the mom did the dad but i like the scene where they was at the river and he told her that he like her and i though the scene they was at his family having breakfast and she call him crazy it was good


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the mom is a comedic character, she was a bully and still is... half of the drama (eg. the hilarious gangsters) is so out of this world that I watch it with a light heart and just get some good laughs...


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Thanks for the recap, CC!

Pretty sure GD will learn the truth soon after that toss, which definitely hurt judging from those grimaces.

Love MH-BS bickers. MH and GD keep getting jealous of each other all because of BS.

I love how BS can be appeased so easily with just her fave snack.

Creeper is creepy!!

ROFL at new laptop complete with CEO AMH's winking desktop!!! ???

Love BS training sessions.

Noonim to the rescue!! Love how she's like the high schoolers' mother hen.

Thank goodness GD finally realizes his feelings and HJ and him can just move on. Not like she hasn't already, and we all know GD has liked BS probably as long as she's liked him. Just that he never clued in to it or kept denying it. And that's gonna cost him his chance. ? Poor Jisoo puppy.

Love seeing how happy MH was eating breakfast with the Do fam!!! The Ahn family is quite the opposite, but I loved the wind-blowing sound effects and Dad's hearty laugh at BS's honest response.

CEO's analysis of GD to BS is right on the money! GD has never been the type to take initiative. That's why he never got together with BS, yet he's dated other girls. So, I'm gonna assume that probably those girls asked him out and he just accepted and went along with it. But it's pretty obvious he cares the most about BS since he always prioritizes her above his gf.

The one-step line is exactly what sets MH apart from GD. MH takes initiative and is very attuned to BS. And that's what's gonna ultimately win the girl's heart. *prepares tissues when GD realizes he's already too late*

BS is slowly recognizing all the things MH is doing for her. With her and GD, she never took that step either. So, without any confession from her side, GD also did nothing. And that's why they never progressed from friends to lovers.

Dang! Creeper is skilled!! Already planted those devices during his statement visit to keep tabs on the cops. Eeep!! No wonder he's always one step ahead!

YSH being like Steve Jobs? LOL The voice phishing was funny as well.

Love Granny's touching letter. And yes! Been waiting for that pink hoodie to show up!! BS's warrior gear!!

GD and MH are not far behind that warehouse showdown that's about to take place!! *excited to see how this plays out*

Completely agree with you about poor Dad being beat up. That's too much. Also agree about Jisoo puppy. Once again, the OTP are the ones who are meant to be together and our beloved second lead will be nursing a broken heart. I do love BS-MH couple though, so lemme give some extra hugs to GD. LOL


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This drama has been so fresh and good so far! Really am so excited for more (*´∀`*) Also does anybody know what phone Bongsoon uses!!! It's so gorgeous


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that walnut scene, where she makes a sound from them .. I'M PRETTY SURE I'VE SEEN IT ANOTHER DRAMA I JUST DON'T KNOW WHICH ONE


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