Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: Episode 14

It’s a new chapter in Gil-dong’s life as he celebrates his victory over Choongwongoon with the rest of his crew, and it’s also the beginning of a new reign of terror as Yeonsangun realizes that he can possess much more power through fear than respect. The winds of change blow over Joseon as Amogae passes his mantle of authority to Gil-dong, and Yeonsangun revels in his newfound authoritarian strength.


Amogae surveys his Ikhwari with fond eyes and spies his men going about their daily lives. Yonggae practices with his preferred weapons, and Amogae nicknames him Nunchucks Yonggae and teases him about his fear of women. Ilchung, who is practicing his tai chi on a rock, lets out a loud fart, and Amogae turns to him and tells him that he has faith in Monk Ilchung.

Segul finally confesses to Amogae that he wasn’t actually a nobleman, but the foster son of one, so it should still count, right? Amogae looks at him with tender eyes, and soon Keutsae finds him and asks him for a nickname. Amogae names him Reversal Keutsae because he looks tough on the outside, but is actually cute and sensitive inside.

Ga-ryung tells Amogae that she does not want to take on the family name (because then Gil-dong and she would be family and wouldn’t be able to marry), even though she knows that Gil-dong pines for someone else. Amogae replies to Ga-ryung that Gil-dong likes her too.

Soboori asks Amogae why he helped him at their first meeting, and Amogae tells him it was “just because.” Soboori tells Amogae that he partnered with him because he thought he was a crazy man for wanting to take down his master. But now Soboori knows that Gil-dong is the real crazy one for dreaming and actually accomplishing the takedown of a member of the royal family.

Gil-dong and Amogae rest on a rock while they are on their way to visit his mother’s gravesite. Amogae tells his son the story of how he and his mother met. Amogae wanted to run away after a harsh beating from the master, and she was crying at the stone wall of the household asking him not to leave.

Amogae tells his son that his mother was always sorry to him for not letting him go then, because she believed she denied him the freedom to enjoy traveling and life. But Amogae wouldn’t have been as happy without knowing his wife, before telling Gil-dong that he must stay alive for the sake of his new Hong family. A traveler then calls to ask for help, and Gil-dong leaves his father’s side for a moment.

Amogae speaks to the wind, calling to his wife, saying he’s only half a day away from her. He reaches for his shoe that has fallen off, but then his movements stop. Gil-dong notices the stillness of his father and puts the shoe back on, chiding him for losing it. He reaches for his father’s hands and caresses his face, knowing that Amogae is no longer a part of the world anymore.

Tears fall from his eyes, and Gil-dong tells his father that he’s done enough and that he’s struggled enough in this life. Gil-hyun, who was walking in the palace, feels a sadness that makes him suddenly stop in his tracks.

Gil-dong tells Amogae that in the next life, he’ll be born as Amogae’s father so that he can protect him and spoil him as Amogae did to him and his siblings in this life. Atop the mountain, Gil-dong weeps for his father and says he’ll never forget him.

At night, a specter of Amogae comes to Gil-hyun in a dream that almost feels like reality. Amogae is proud to see that Gil-hyun has become a scholar and asks him to read a little from his textbook so that he can watch his son study. Gil-hyun starts reading with happy tears at seeing his father again, but when he looks up, Amogae is gone, and in his heart, Gil-hyun realizes that his father is gone forever.

A funeral procession for Amogae travels across a long hillside, with Gil-dong right behind the dirge, his expression full of sorrow. Mori and Heotaehak conspire to attack now, when the Amogae Avengers have lost their pillar of strength.

But Mori also tells Heotaehak about a man in a mask that took down dozens by himself and says that they’ll have to make sure that man is taken down first. Heotaehak mistakenly thinks that it was Keutsae, so he’s the first one to be captured in a net when Heotaehak’s gang attacks the funeral parade.

The Amogae Avengers are taken unawares, and Gil-dong is forced on his knees when he sees Ga-ryung in the clutches of Mori, who has a knife to her throat. He tells Heotaehak to let them go so that they can finish his father’s funeral in peace.

But Heotaehak demands the entire silver mine and one of Gil-dong’s ears. Gil-dong gives him one last chance to retreat with his men, but Heotaehak just laughs in his face and gives the order for Ga-ryung to be taken away. Then, the entire earth turns dark again as Gil-dong’s rage begins his transformation.

Gil-dong shouts: “Whoever touches my people will die,” and he uses his immense strength to make men go flying everywhere. This is the first time the Amogae Avengers have seen Gil-dong’s super powers in action, and they’re all shocked and amazed. Seeing this, Heotaehak immediately runs away, although Mori looks like he wants to stay and take Gil-dong on.

Gil-dong — who is now in the clutches of an old memory — thinks Ga-ryung is his sister Eorini, and tells her to come to him. He’s grateful because this time he’s kept her safe, but then he collapses into unconsciousness.

Ga-ryung watches over Gil-dong while the Amogae Avengers have their meeting. Soboori tells the rest of them about Gil-dong’s condition, which he learned from Amogae.

Mori tells Heotaehak that he should go to into hiding, but Heotaehak wants to beg Gil-dong for forgiveness because he’s afraid of keeping him as an enemy. They go to a hidden location, but Yonggae is on their trail, watching their every move.

Gil-dong finally wakes up, finding Ga-ryung asleep in front of him. When she sees Gil-dong awake, she asks if he remembers everything. He says yes, lists out their memories with each other, and tells her that he’ll be a real brother to her from now on. They embrace.

The Amogae Avengers surround Heotaehak’s hidey-hole and capture him and Mori. Heotaehak begs for his life, telling Gil-dong that it was all Mori’s fault. He turns on the man he raised as his number two just for the sake of his own skin. He claims that he only helped Mori out of pity, and that they have no relationship at all.

Gil-dong tells Heotaehak that he’ll have his life, but that he’ll never be a contender to be a Hong brother again. Mori, however, who Heotaehak pointed out as the main conspirator, is put into a holding storage room, where Yonggae comes to bring him porridge. But Mori escapes, and a few moments later, we see that it’s all according to Gil-dong’s plan to get rid of Heotaehak.

Mori approaches Heotaehak and tells him the story of how he came to him. Mori confesses that his father tried to kill him at the age of six, and so he ran away. He tells Heotaehak that he regarded him as a father from the time he took him in, and sometimes even called him father out loud when he was alone.

Heotaehak says that he will now be a father to Mori, but it’s too late. Mori twists a dagger into Heotaehak’s stomach and says that maybe he was not meant to have an earthly father in this life.

All of Heotaehak’s men pledge allegiance to Gil-dong after they realize that their leaders are gone. Gil-dong becomes the next Great Ikhwari Elder. In front of his parents’ graves, Gil-dong promises that he will protect the Hong family.

At Bandit HQ, Soboori tells Gil-dong that he should leave Ikhwari and take a state exam to become a soldier, but Gil-dong says that Amogae’s last wish wasn’t for him to be a general, but to protect the clan. Gil-dong believes the best way to do that is to get the highest power in the land on their side: the king.

Soboori says that according to rumors, all the scholars who protested the king’s every move have all disappeared. Ever since the Kim Il-son case, they have become completely complacent. Eop-san says that he heard from a palace maid that the king does whatever he wants now. Gil-dong knows that the king is running through the national treasury gold, spending it like water, and proposes that they give him their silver mine, which would allow them to go legitimate.

Yeonsangun feels empty because it all seems so easy to him now. After struggling with the nobles so much, a few public executions and floggings were all it took to make everyone obedient. He tells Eunuch Kim that he’s different from his father, and he doesn’t want or need to be a revered wise ruler. He likes this easy road of just being feared.

He remembers Nok-soo and her request to meet with someone in exchange for her services. Nok-soo tells Yeonsangun that the person she really wanted to meet was the man who took her virginity, the master who forced her mother to make her daughter a sex slave.

Soldiers barge into the house of an old noble who is being massaged by young girls. They charge him with embezzlement for fraud committed seventeen years ago. Outraged, he asks who told them he was the behind the fraud, and Nok-soo steps up as a witness, but he doesn’t even remember her. She says that today is the day she feels like she finally is glad to be alive.

The king also rewards the others who helped him in the investigation of Kim Il-son, including Park Ha-sung and some other scholars. Meanwhile, country Magistrate Eom is elevated to a position as a senior official in the palace.

Eunuch Kim reports to Yeonsangun that a citizen named Soboori from Magistrate Eom’s district has presented him with a silver mine. Initially, Soboori does not want to enter the palace to meet the king and receive his award because all his criminal instincts yell against going into the heart of the authorities.

Despite all his protests, he ends up in front of the king, stuttering and incoherently babbling his statements. In the middle of his audience with Yeonsangun, he keels over because he has fainted from his nervousness, ha. Yeonsangun chuckles, and says that Soboori is exactly the type of good citizen whose fear of the king’s august presence prevents him from speaking. He rewards Soboori with a position as a royal craftsman working at the silver mine.

Gil-dong’s next step is to start expanding their underworld empire into Hanyang, the capital of Joseon, by using the legitimacy of Soboori’s position. To do so, they buy an expensive house in the profitable merchant part of town.

Gil-dong leads Ga-ryung to her rooms in their Hanyang house, and she’s delighted when he says that he’ll do anything for her and spoil her. He adds that he’ll even marry her off to the best man in Joseon, but at this, Ga-ryung becomes upset and tells him that she is not part of the Hong family, implying that she can marry a Hong family member. (Take the hint, Gil-dong!)

The Amogae Avengers get fitted for their new fashionable clothes for their lives in Hanyang. Ga-ryung comes out in a silken hanbok, looking bashful and expecting compliments. So when the rest of the ajusshis tease her by saying that the hanbok doesn’t look as good as they thought, she runs away in a huff.

Gil-hyun is called to Lord Noh’s household in the middle of the night. The older nobleman coughs like he’s on his deathbed and grasps Gil-hyun’s hands. He recognizes Gil-hyun’s true loyalty to the king, and says he appreciates that in him.

Because he doesn’t have much time to live, Lord Noh tells Gil-hyun that his greatest fear is for this nation, because the king has yet to resolve the problem of his late mother, the dethroned queen. He asks Gil-hyun to ponder the meaning of true loyalty and tells him that he’ll help elevate Gil-hyun to a high position so that he can protect the king from falling into the hands of people who want to use his power. And a barrage of scenes show us the people who have special interests staked in the king, which includes Nok-soo, Gil-dong, and Choongwongoon.

Gil-dong walks the streets of Hanyang with the rest of his gang, and Ilchung brings up the fact that Park Ha-sung was instrumental in their taking down of Choongwongoon. So Gil-dong says that they should meet and thank helpful contacts like Park Ha-sung.

In the palace, a train of young maids walk past, but one girl loses a purple ribbon. When she runs back to grab it, we see that it’s Eorini, who has become a palace maid.


She’s alive! Eorini’s appearance gives me hope for Gil-dong and Gil-hyun’s relationship. For the past two weeks, I’ve been despairing that the brothers were diverging onto completely different paths that would lead them to become enemies. Especially after the death of Amogae and Gil-hyun’s continued blind loyalty toward the tyrant king, I was afraid that they’d meet in the worst possible circumstances. But now with Eorini back in the mix, I don’t think their sibling bond will falter as easily due to a difference in their ideology. Because at their cores, Gil-dong and Gil-hyun both just want to protect their family.

Speaking of which, the part where Ga-ryung keeps insisting that she’s not a Hong family member was so cute. Up until my grandparents’ generation, it was considered an incestuous taboo for people of the same last name to get married. I know the concept is kind of ridiculous, because with all the Lee’s and Kim’s floating around, there’s bound to be some people of the same name that fall for each other. But in the olden days, that standard was a strict rule, and Ga-ryung is making a bold statement by not taking on the Hong name. Although she is loved by all the Amogae Avenger Ajusshis, by this action, she’s renouncing all the legal and social benefits of having a proper family name (which would confer protection and prestige because servants and slave classes often did not have last names). And she’s almost blatantly proclaiming her eligibility to marry into the Hong clan. I just want to say: You go get it, girl!

I’m sure Gil-dong is not oblivious to Ga-ryung’s obvious affections for him, but is he still pining for Nok-soo? Now that she’s gotten her revenge, I wonder what’s next for her, because it doesn’t look like she wants to leave the palace and look for Gil-dong anytime soon. The king’s interest in her seems to be an asexual curiosity as of yet, so it’ll be interesting to see how their torrid jealous love affair begins. But whatever happens, I hope we’ll get to see more of Honey Lee’s beautiful artistic performances soon.

I can’t end this commentary without talking about the most significant event of this episode: Amogae’s death. I am so glad that my prediction that he’d die under duress was proven false, because Amogae deserved a good peaceful death for all the trials he had encountered and overcome in life. While I’m sad that Kim Sang-joong will no longer be gracing our screens with his majestic presence, his passing opens the way for our hero to fully bloom and take on his responsibilities as the rebel leader. So I can’t wait to see him spread his wings, especially now that his powers seem to be coming to him more frequently.

Of course, his plans to manipulate Yeonsangun for his own gain are a bit concerning in terms of morality, but as he becomes more involved in palace intrigue, perhaps the idea that helping the king may hurt rather than help his people will become clearer to Gil-dong. He definitely has the quick intelligence to cut through to the heart of the matter, and we’ve seen how his decisive action to give the king the silver mine has already started to gain his crew advantages they’ve never had before. Now all that’s left is for him to immerse himself into Hanyang politics and gain a big picture understanding of the changing power upheavals so that he can learn what’s really at stake. But now that they’re finally at the capital, the first episode where he shoots an arrow through Ga-ryung’s heart feels like it’s not too far away. So, I’m just hoping for a few more happy episodes until more inevitable tragedy hits.


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chae soo bin is so adorable as the very earnest Ga-ryung...


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When I saw Eorini I fricking SCREAMED and was then very thankful to be alone in my house. I love it, all three siblings are converging onto the king in very different places and will likely come into some painful conflict with each other. But I will eat it up happily through my tears.


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Yaaasss, that ending was EPIC!!! I really want to see how the three siblings happen upon each other in the next episode, unless fate takes a hand in their matters again and keeps them from meeting. I always get so annoyed in those scenes where Gildong and Gilhyun just barely miss each other. It manages to irritate me every time.


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Wait, so Garyung's last name is Song, but she doesn't have a last name yet as of now, so that means that she probably gets that last name from her future husband, who dies later on? Does Gildong really marry her off to some well off man as he promises? I feel so dumb for just realizing this.

I loved how she declined the chance to take on the Hong clan's name so she could legitimately marry Gildong one day. She was so cute when she was waiting to be showered with compliments when she wore her pretty hanbok. I kind of felt bad for her because although she and Gildong seem to have grown closer, he still sees her as a younger sister. Gildong! Open your eyes! The girl right in front of you has done everything she could to show you she loves you without saying it outright!Take a hint, she's been waiting so patiently!


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Wait, but didn't the Joseon ladies keep their last name even though they marry?

Or this is only applicable to noblewomen?


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The women kept their family name (last name) no matter which class they belong to. That's the way it was even way before Joseon was established.

I think Ga-ryung doesn't want to join the Hong clan because she would be an adopted sister. She wants to be Gil Dong's wife.


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@Kiara, snowglobe, Liina

Thanks for the reply! Who knows naming can be so complicated lol I come from the country where you can name your kin whatever you like so this is really fascinating for me

Now I'm curious why there are people who have surnames and those who don't in sageuk


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It depends on their status or class they belong to. Iirc, the lower class commoners and slaves etc couldn't have a last name compared to the middle class and upper class nobles.

Rich merchants were able to secure last names with their money so that itself tells the story of Amogae's family and their journey from slavery without a last name to being rich merchants and choosing the Hong name for their clan.

In the folktale Gil Dong's father was a nobleman so he had the Hong last name from birth.
I was beginning to wonder how Gil Dong would become a Hong since his family were slaves but obviously this writer did her/his homework beforehand because this change totally make sense.


Yes, all Korean women keep their maiden names, regardless of social class, but I don't think Garyung has a surname at this point of the story yet. They at least didn't tell us if she had one yet. Garyung doesn't want to take on the Hong family name because then it wouldn't be legal for her to marry Gildong.


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The countries where women took on the names of their husbands after marriage have a different idea about who belongs to a family than Koreans had in older times. It was basically man and woman get married get children and build a new family while in Korea the family is more like a clan and you become a member through blood or adoption but not through marriage. The woman does not become part of the husband's family. I have read in older comments that there are many beanies who seem to consider this as feministic, but one should consider this: the woman is a part of her parent's family but her children are part of her husband's family, they are not her family. That means the woman has nothing to say about how her children get raised etc., because they are simply not considered as hers. Not a very nice situation in case the husband dies (or doesn't support his wife) or in case of divorce. Luckily this idea about family changed in recent years.


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That song that played when Amogae passed away ruined me! I had the OST playlist playing while I was working, and the song came up and my eyes started to tear up. It perfectly echoed the gutting nostalgia I felt when I saw the father sons relationship montage. Amogae was a great character (and a great dad!) and I will definitely miss seeing Kim Sang Joon on my screen again.

Anyway, poor Ga-ryung for being sister-zoned by Gil Dong. I liked their relationship dynamics, but at this point I feel that my ship is starting to sink. Also, we're halfway through the story, and I'm glad that we get to know about Mori's backstory, but there's still so little known about Ga-ryung's...

I wondered if Eunuch Kim was the person who brought Uhrini to the palace? He was still undercover as the peddler during the time Uhrini and Gil Dong separated.


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"In our next life, let us be father and son. When we do, you can be born as my son. I will teach you, cloth you..."

I love it when dramas portray tearjerking scenes simply and just let the actors carry the scene. Amogae's death was so poignant, subtle yet powerful and the sound tract was so fitting as well.

I'm not worried about Gil Hyun and Gildong becoming enemies because if we look back at that dramatic scene in ep 1, Gil Hyun was standing with the avengers telling Gildong not to shoot Garyung.


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Yeah, a few episodes ago I thought Gil-Hyun was in danger of becoming a fanatic loyalist in the Song Sabu & Madam Jo style, but he very quickly showed to have more complex motivations. His attitude towards Choongwongoon was obviously of revenge, and Lord Noh has said a few things that really shook him. So on ideological grounds I don't see the brothers becoming enemies.


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I don't think Gil Hyun has forgotten for a second who he is, the son of Amogae with gifts and talents for learning.
It's understandable that he would listen to Scholar Song's advice. He is the reason why he is a scholar in the first place.
Imagine what would happen if he finds out that Gil Hyun has been deceiving him by pretending to be noble Park's son. He'd get him executed.

Serving the king comes with the job. I'm not sure if he thinks of Yeonsangun as a great king. He doesn't know him well yet.
I think he'd come to find out his true evil nature and help his siblings.

I'm nervous for Eo Ri-ni being in the palace because I think Yeonsangun will be worse than Prince Choong-won when it comes to women.
I'm glad that Gil Hyun is in the palace and would be able to protect her. He fought off many of Heotaehak's men by himself just to let his brother and sister escape before. I hardly doubt that protective big brother has change.


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I would actually say that Eorini's pretty safe in the palace. Rumors and seeing how he treats the kisaengs at the palace shows that he doesn't have much interest in women in general and more in the arts, (music, dance) and hunting. I cant wait to see all the Hong siblings recognize each other!!


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I understand your opinion since until now, the drama's depiction of Yeonsangun has been tepid. Yet, according to history, Yeonsangun was known to be an extreme hedonisitc king and tyrant who led two bloody purges of scholar nobles, transformed Sunggyunkwan (a university that still exisits today) into a pleasure house for himself and forcefully brought in thousands of women into the palace to make them his personal entertainers. It's also due to Yeonsangun's reign that Ga-ryung loses her husband in mid-show (according to her character's description) and enters the palace to become his concubine to kill him and Gildong's growth to a fighter for the Joseon people's rights.


We are still in the early stage of Yeonsangun's reign.We haven't seen the real Yeonsangun yet. He was the worst king in the entire history of Joseon. No other king was as cruel and as violent as Yeonsangun according to the annals of Joseon. That goes hand in hand with his sexual appetite. Anyone wearing a skirt wasn't safe around him, married or not. He even summoned the officials' wives to the palace and have sex with them. Despicable!


sound track ?


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I think it was the most heartbreaking goodbye I have ever seen in a drama so far. The whole part was crafted to perfection. Music, images, contrasts. Plus I liked the fact that they showed a little part of a traditional funeral procession. I think the whole ritual is rich and interesting.


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I agree. Crazy as it may sound, DOTS was one of the few dramas which made me shed a tear or two when SHK & KJW were crying their hearts out. I knew that there's no way the guys are dead but the way those two ladies acted that scene moved me. The background music was also spot on.


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I agree. After everything that he & his family have been through I don't really see him being brainwashed that he'll blindly follow the king.


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Gil Hyun is temporarily brainwashed through Scholar Song, however that is likely to change because of Lord Noh's last government act through promoting him as an inspector and personal act towards Gil Hyun which is to find the true meaning of the word "loyalty". He is hoping that Gil Hyun will get the required experience & wisdom to help the king & himself. But as history has shown that does not work in relation to the king.

In 1505 in the first episode we see Gil Hyun as one of Gil Dong's men so there is going to be some serious events that leads towards this transformation. Plus the fact that Scholar Song will help Madam Jo and despotic Choongwon to escape a proper punishment just because he is royalty two persons he hates a lot will be an incentive to change directions. He is going to have a warm time accepting a king who is of complete immunity of royalty no matter the crime and immense tyranny.

I am hoping that in the next two episodes that the brothers are reunited and we get the back story of what happened to Eorini. The palace is a huge place so its going be a chance encounter with either one of Gil Dong's people or Gil Hyun to find Eorini.


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I don't feel THAT sad at the scene where Amogae dies at the hill, because he was with his loving family and having fulfilled his life being a free man and having his revenge. But then when Gil-hyun dreamed of Amogae though...I wailed like a little kid lol. I just feel for Gil-hyun at that moment because he has been alone without a family and hiding his real identity...must have been hard for him these past few month. I will miss Kim Sang Joong very much. I have seen some making films of this drama and he seems to be just like Amogae in real life too - kind, charismatic and wise.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Ga-ryung has always have the surname Song? I think she introduced herself as Song Ga-ryung before? Or I'm just dreaming? If so, wouldn't that make her NOT from a low caste like the rest of the Hong family members?


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As far as I remember, I don't think Ga-ryung has ever introduced herself with a last name. I only know her last name is Song from the character descriptions which also stated that she's a widow [getting worried now if we ever going to delve into that with the remaining episodes and come out with satisfying character trajectory for her]


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We are still waiting for her background story. She was a servant at the gibang so she doesn't have a last name. The lower class and slaves couldn't have last names except for the upper class.

She could be from a noble family with the clan name Song or maybe she picked the last name Song because she doesn't want to take the Hong clan's name.


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Gil Dong as a ruthless strategist: turns Mori into the remover of Heotaehak. Whoa. I'm impressed and slightly terrified.

A note on Mo Ri: Even though he is a minor character (or is there any minor character in this drama?), he has been well developed. We know he is another victim of the unjust social system and we've seen him again and again look after Heo tae hak. I really felt his pain at being betrayed by his father figure, and I shudder to think what he'll do after this (probably offer his services to Pervert Prince).


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I don't know if Mo Ri is necessarily going to go over to the 'bad' side. Or of Gil Dong will really shoot Ga Ryeung through the heart. That scene in the first episode was most definitely manipulated somehow. It'll probably be different when we come to it (I think).


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I sure hope that it's manipulated as well. However, in this writer's previous sageuk, which is King's Daughter Soo Baek Hyang, the opening scene is a future scene like this one too, and it wasn't manipulated (we came back to the opening scene in episode 105). I hope they rescue Ga-ryung before her last breath - Gil-dong can give her blood transfusion or something, since his wounds heal quickly.


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Ooo... interesting theory! So Mori could be working as a 'spy' for Gil Dong?
I do hope that there will be a twist for the scene where he shot Ga Ryung.


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It just occurred to me: with Gil-dong's strength he could use an insanely strong special bow if someone could make one for him. Like strong enough to launch satellites.


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I actually felt very sorry for Mo-ri. I know he killed the girl in the beginning rather remorselessly but he reminded me more of a person that never learned the right behaviour. He also had set himself some moral rules (being blind loyal to Heo Tae-hak. Not the best moral rule, but at least a moral rule) which shows a tendency of wanting to be a good person. He also didn't get a kick out of killing. So I thought he somehow still had the ability to redeem himself. Now Gil-dong made Mo-ri break his own moral compass. He will have probably lost his self-respect in the process too. Not good at all!

Gil-dong is wandering in the valleys of shadows as well. He reminded me so much at Joo Ji-hoons character in Mawang this episode. Manipulating other people into doing his revenge for him...


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I've cried in almost every episode of Rebel... the feels!!!


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While I'm very happy to see the young actress playing Uh Ri Ni, it means this show is deliberately keeping timelines vague. If at least five years had passed since since the previous king died, she would most definitely look different.


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I just hope that the king won't settle his eyes on Eorini. As it is, all palace maids are for the king already. But Yeonsangun's records are well known. Ack. Please be safe.


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Does Gil Dong sincerelly not aware of Ga Ryung's feeling for him or he's one-sidedly decided to treat her as a replacement for Eorini's empty spot? Man, I can't read the meaning behind his smile after his conversation with Ga Ryung about marrying her off to someone else. What's on your mind, boy?


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Maybe he is not over Nok-soo yet.


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YES. That little smile at the end made me curious as well. Maybe he's the best man who's going to marry Ga-ryung (gah, yes please)? And that's why her last name is Song instead of Hong.


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I think a big problem is that there was not exactly a clean end to the Nok-soo Gil-dong relationship. Aside from the feelings, the promise that Gil-dong gave to Nok-soo that he will return to her is still valid. I know it seems to have lost its meaning, because it was she who left, but I don't think that is the way that Gil-dong thinks about it. Despite the fact that he seems to value promises he also knew that Nok-soo was quite vulnerable deep inside and that she was afraid that he didn't come back. I don't think that he considers her going away as a betrayal of their realtionship. Before he wasn't even angry when she held back the ribbon.


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I think this is the best possible explanation of why he can't accept Ga-ryung's heart (yet) and we know how usually the men and women in sageuk usually don't forget their first love/promises even after 20+ years...they're just very loyal in general. But if I'm at Ga-ryung's place I'd be frustrated cuz he is just so gentle to her... Like boy, don't toy with my heart plz


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Yes to this @Liina.

Gil-dong the peddler was an intuitive charmer who knew how to read women so I'm not buying that he is oblivious of Ga-ryung's feelings for him. He clearly cares for Ga-ryung as well as evidenced by his lowkey actions and his seemingly grudging acceptance of her affections and ministrations.

But there is the matter of his promise to Nok-soo and their unresolved relationship. He knew of Nok-soo's intention to gain power through the King and more importantly, I think he understood her pain and her deep-seated need to exact revenge on those who ruined her and her mother to a miserable existence.


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Oh, and Ahmogae's dream where he met the shaman gave me a bad feeling about Gil Dong's fate. Like, he really is going to die at episode 20-ish because of the King. But he had married Ga Ryung before so later we will have some episodes showing Ga Ryung's carefully crafted plan to avenge the King for her dead husband. But then, it would appear that Gil Dong's still alive because someone had saved him, but no one (including Ga Ryung) knows about it.

It's just my wild guess of the plot story. Because until now, I have no other idea how Ga Ryung will marry someone other than Gil Dong (she likes/loves him so much!), becomes a vengeful widow (I think she won't have to get a revenge if she doesn't really love her husband, and who else that she loves more other than Gil Dong?), and then ended up at the stake.


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I also think Ga Ryung's husband would be Gil Dong but somehow they'd end up being separated and she'd think that the king killed him.
Maybe Nok-soo will save him. Gil Dong is probably the only person she ever love and she is just using the king for her revenge.


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Now this makes perfect sense on how Ga-ryung will somehow end up "widowed" as depicted in her character description! The way she's so deeply into him, I also don't see Ga-ryung marrying anyone else other than Gil-dong.


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Same exact thought. I think this is how we will see Ga Ryung as a gisaeng, while in her revenge for Gil Dong.


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Mori confesses that his father tried to kill him at the age of six

I'm guessing Mori will be a tragic bad guy. Emphasis on "bad", more than "tragic". I'm guessing he serves the great tyrant and causes the downfall of the greatest hero of his generation (?) So maybe father had the right idea. But just made things worse by fumbling the execution?

Joseon would have had plenty of fortune tellers able to tell his father "Dude, your son is going to...."


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Eorini is alive and that's the only thing that matters.

I was sooooo relieved to see her. I was squealing and stifling my scream so that I don't disturb my family members


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I do love how witty the writer of this drama is with integrating parts of the Hong Gil-dong tale in the drama. How he twists them and how he/she plays his/her little word games.
For example the whole general thing. Firstly the writer seems to primarily use the Jeongju version of the story, which I haven't read - sadly I do know only the 24 pages Seoul version, but I know about some of the differences between some of the versions - which is considered the most socialcritical one. In the Jeongju version it is actually young Gil-dong dream to become a general, which he can't because of his standing.
Secondly the Mighty Child which is called Aegijangsu in Korea. Aegi means child and jangsu comes from the chinese characters 將帥, which means something like highest commander, high general. In the drama child Gil-dong doesn't want to be the aegijangsu but he wants to become a peddler. Of course one of the korean words for peddler is --- jangsu! :)

In the Tale of Hong Gil-dong (and I think this is something that is the same in all old text versions) Gil-dong's band of thieves is called Hwal Bin Dang 活貧黨 Hwal: living; working; bin: poor; dang: organization = The organization that lives for the poor (people). The Gibang that Gil-dong is buying is named Hwal Bin Jeong. Both Hwalbin but a different chinese character resulting in a total different meaning... :)


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Wow. Thanks for pointing out the wordplay, Liina!
I wish I knew fluent Korean so I can appreciate the subtlety of wit in this show.


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I see some similarities with the real life Joseon Robin Hood, Im Kkeok Jeong whom I'm fascinated with. I just love how the writer incorporated the history, folk tale etc and adding her/his own spin making this story enjoyable from every point of view.

If he's able to escape in the end then add the other rebel Jang Gil-san to the mix with a happy ending.


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Oh no; oh no, no-no-no-no NO! Eorini is a palace maid. As in, the King's Woman. The same king who, among other things, went on a rape-rampage. This is ALL the bad. ALL of it. An absolutely brilliant reveal by the director, and the somber choice of music on the upshot of her smiling face just let's the audience know how terribly, awfully, horribly SCREWED she is.

I also like Lord Noh; the actor playing him is usually either a stooge or an outright villain in historical K-dramas, so it was a nice change of pace to see him as one of the good guys, even if it was as a background character for only a couple of scenes.


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Loved this episode! Can't wait for tonight's episode 15! Thanks for the recap!

I had to rewatch the beginning of episode 1 again and that's when I noticed just moments before Gil-dong shot that arrow at Ga-ryung (which bearded Mori was holding hostage), Gil-hyun was next to him! And all the Amogae Avengers! Looks like they were royal guards protecting the city. Correct me if I'm wrong LOL. But I can't wait for the siblings' reunion!! <3


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anyone else notice how Gil Dong's narration after Ah Mo Gae's death mirrors that of his opening narration in episode 1? just another example of how good the writing of this show is imo


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It is very difficult for me to describe how much I adore Yoon Kyun Sang right about now. He was my star-crossed favorite in Doctor Crush, and he didn't grin or weep manly-movingly NEARLY as much as this and I simply cannot even.

(But he is too young for me. Woe!)


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(Also, if MoRi does not become wildly successful and happy and surrounded by buddies by the end of this drama I will be deeply upset.)


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