Introverted Boss: Episode 15

We’re approaching the end, but our introvert-extrovert couple seem further apart than before and are unable to be together despite mutual feelings. Their past seems to get in the way of their present, and doors that were once open have closed shut. But luckily, there’s someone courageous enough to knock, ready to return the favor and draw out the lady who cracked open his shell.

EPISODE 15: “A Reason Greater Than 99 Other Reasons”

Ro-woon brightly serves her father a home-cooked breakfast. Judging from his stumped expression, Ro-woon’s clearly no chef, but he tells her the food tastes delicious anyway. Then Ro-woon tastes it and cringes.

He asks if she plans on continuing to work since she began with bad intentions, and Ro-woon replies that Ji-hye led her to a place where people finally recognize her worth. Ji-hye may not have left behind the necklace, but Ro-woon says she got a prettier one from Hwan-ki instead.

Cut to Hwan-ki scrubbing meal trays at the orphanage with Woo-il, who knows Hwan-ki didn’t come here to do dishes, but because he needed someone to talk to. Woo-il urges him to speak, reminding him that his silence can be alienating and that he wants to understand him, too.

Hwan-ki says he was wrong in thinking he can see through and understand people, and that he now recognizes how dangerous that notion is. Woo-il doesn’t understand, and Hwan-ki discloses that Ji-hye’s death occurred because of him.

Ro-woon waits for Hwan-ki inside his office. She moves to the windows, and the view surprises her. Just then, Hwan-ki arrives looking sad, and he wordlessly embraces Ro-woon; he wonders why more reasons they shouldn’t be together continue to arise.

We go back to Valentine’s Day evening with Hwan-ki leaving Ro-woon’s place with a big smile on his face. Reporter Woo suddenly appeared and reminded Hwan-ki that he doesn’t have the right to smile so freely since there’s something he doesn’t know about.

“Ji-hye was watching you, not Woo-il,” Reporter Woo divulged to Hwan-ki. He added that Ji-hye’s unfortunate entanglement with Woo-il came about because of Hwan-ki.

We flash back even further to Ji-hye holding onto her drawing and wondering if she should ask Woo-il to give it to Hwan-ki in her stead. Then we see her grab drinks with Reporter Woo and lament how she ultimately wasn’t able to give Hwan-ki the drawing. She felt inferior to Yeon-jung since she dealt with real art, but she didn’t hate her because it was thanks to her that she was able to go on a date with Hwan-ki.

She smiled, explaining how excited and nervous she felt even though it was a practice date, and we see that she had looked longingly at Hwan-ki when he left to meet with Yeon-jung. Reporter Woo chided her for falling for bad boys, but Ji-hye contended that Hwan-ki was actually a warm person.

Ji-hye laughed, admitting that she’s not very bright, since she still liked and watched Hwan-ki despite the despair and the knowledge that they could never be. Reporter Woo had urged her to confess already, but Ji-hye said that if she did, she couldn’t see him anymore.

Ji-hye then answered a call from Woo-il and left to see him despite Reporter Woo’s insistence to stay. He sheepishly took out a box from his pocket, and in it was a shiny ring. He sighed and lamented his missed opportunity.

Back to Valentine’s night. Reporter Woo said Hwan-ki should’ve given Ji-hye a glance and listened to her at least once, since she only had eyes for him — how could he be so cruel and ignore her? Reporter Woo stated that Hwan-ki, more than anyone, hurt Ji-hye the most and was therefore the most reprehensible: “So how can you be beside her sister?”

Back to the present. Ro-woon’s stunned by what Hwan-ki recounted, since Reporter Woo had never shared this with her. Ro-woon then realizes that Ji-hye didn’t die because of shame from abandonment by Woo-il, but rather the thought that she wouldn’t be able to face Hwan-ki again. Umm, what?

We flash back to that night three years ago. Ji-hye called Hwan-ki, desperately hoping he’d pick up, but he didn’t. She cried and stood by the windows in his office and imagined Hwan-ki standing next to her. She reached for him, but retracted after picturing his disapproval and anger. Then, she stepped onto the ledge.

Back in the present, Hwan-ki and Ro-woon stand before the same window. She states that Ji-hye’s view was not of Woo-il’s, but of Hwan-ki’s. In a flashback, we see that Hwan-ki was engrossed in looking out his window. Ji-hye had taken note of this, and while he was away, she had checked out his view and jotted down all the businesses outside his window.

Back in the present, Ro-woon hands Hwan-ki Ji-hye’s drawing and says that Ji-hye had filled the concrete building with people — Hwan-ki’s alone all the time, and Ji-hye hoped he’d always be surrounded by warm people. Tears fall from Hwan-ki’s eyes as Ro-woon describes Ji-hye’s thought process. She puts on a brave front and sets the drawing on his desk, saying that it’s finally found its original owner.

Hwan-ki follows Ro-woon outside, keeping a short distance between them, but Ro-woon never turns around despite sensing his presence. She continues forward, fighting back tears, and Hwan-ki silently trails her.

The next day, Woo-il sits on a swing waiting for Yi-soo. She’s dressed casually, and Woo-il notes that she looks relaxed. Yi-soo explains that there’s no need to dress up for anyone since her parents ordered her to stay at home, probably because they’re embarrassed.

Woo-il admits that he’s thought about her a lot and realized that he took her for granted because he assumed she had everything and that there was nothing he could do for her; he had no idea he was hurting her so much. Yi-soo says it’s not his fault, and Woo-il catches her acting on his behalf again. He encourages her to say what she wants and not hold back now, adding that she looks more beautiful than ever now that she’s comfortable being herself.

Yi-soo proceeds to blame him for everything, but Woo-il says she can do better than that, so she calls him a jerk and starts hitting him. Woo-il finally approves and hugs Yi-soo, who starts to cry, relieved that he didn’t run away once he saw who she truly was.

At the office, Sun-bong approaches Kyo-ri in the kitchen. He asks her who she’s trying to impress by taking diet pills, and Kyo-ri answers that she’s working on improving herself so she can love herself more. He asks her to attend a concert with him that Brain is promoting, assuming she doesn’t have plans, but she declines; she has a PR lecture to attend as part of her personal growth mission.

After she leaves, Yoo-hee pops out from behind the counter and startles a dejected Sun-bong. She offers him some advice — being manly comes across as being cold, so he should be kinder to softhearted Kyo-ri.

Sun-bong pokes out of the kitchen and spots Kyo-ri and Se-jong together. Se-jong asks if he can attend the lecture with her, adding that he’ll treat her to dinner, and Kyo-ri says yes. Sun-bong looks disappointed, and Yoo-hee frightens him again with an I-told-you-so. She stuffs chocolate in his mouth and instructs him not to lose Kyo-ri again.

That night, Se-jong thanks her for letting him attend, but Kyo-ri replies that he was asleep during the whole lecture. Se-jong laments that everyone seems to be progressing except for him. Kyo-ri reminds him that he has a different dream — to be a celebrity — but Se-jong still feels left out, noting that even she has matured.

She says that once he starts pursuing his dream, he’ll change too. He jokingly wonders if she’s trying to send him away, and Kyo-ri surprises him when she confesses that she liked him and asks if he’d like to see where she lives.

Se-jong stands around Kyo-ri’s humble rooftop abode, a new experience for a rich kid like him. Kyo-ri tells him that she couldn’t tell him how she felt, since she was too fearful that he’d pity her. She adds that she regrets developing feelings for him when he asked her to pretend-date him.

She returns all the clothes he bought for her and determines that it’s really over now. She sincerely thanks him for the fake relationship and gives him a farewell hug, which ruffles Se-jong.

The next day, Yi-soo helps Woo-il hang the laundry at the orphanage. She clarifies that she’s not here for him, but to volunteer and overcome her heartache. Woo-il’s worried about Hwan-ki, but Yi-soo says that he’ll be fine since he has someone next to him who’ll knock on his door and drag him out. But Woo-il says that won’t be so easy anymore.

After updating her, Yi-soo remarks that they were all fools for failing to properly confess their feelings. She teases Woo-il for having it the worst, since he wasted his time on Ji-hye when she was looking at someone else. Then she calls Woo-il a dummy, and they share a laugh.

Hwan-ki’s father receives the 411 on Reporter Woo, who was close to Ji-hye and has been targeting him relentlessly. But the real shocker is the fact that Ji-hye’s sister is a Brain employee.

Next, we see Hwan-ki leave two potted flower plants outside Ro-woon’s home. He continues to bring two more on every visit, growing a beautiful collection of flowers. Ro-woon beams as she waters all of them.

One day, Hwan-ki’s setting down the flowers when the gate opens. He sees Ro-woon’s startled face behind it, and the two lock eyes for a beat until she turns away. Hwan-ki’s eyes brim with pain as he looks at her, but neither is able to cross the threshold.

The next time Hwan-ki stops by with flowers, Ro-woon’s father requests he stop since there’s no more space for them, and Ro-woon’s unlikely to change her mind. He invites Hwan-ki inside and says he’ll be closing the barbershop — the landlord’s changed and rent’s been increased.

Plus, there haven’t been many customers despite being in business for thirty years. He’s not sure why Ro-woon closed herself off, but he advises Hwan-ki to move on, figuring the two weren’t meant to be.

Hwan-ki meets with his father, who’s finally clued in on who Ro-woon is. He’s distressed to learn that his father is the one who took over Ro-woon’s father’s barbershop, but his father is remorseless as he merely says that he’ll have to find Hwan-ki’s partner himself.

Just then, Yeon-jung arrives. She’s shocked that Hwan-ki didn’t get the memo about her being here. Hwan-ki’s father loves that she’s known and liked Hwan-ki since college and asks if she’d like to marry him. Yeon-jung answers that she likes the notion, but Hwan-ki’s father isn’t exactly her type, which properly offends him.

She explains that she likes how careful and considerate Hwan-ki is, but that his father is the opposite; since she’s outgoing and impatient like him, those qualities don’t appeal to her. She thanks Hwan-ki’s father for thinking so highly of her, even though she thought he’d give Hwan-ki a heads up at the very least.

Her bluntness prompts Hwan-ki’s father to angrily leave. Although she may have been too harsh, she says this meeting didn’t feel right. Hwan-ki apologizes, but Yeon-jung is unfazed and wonders if this is the start of a sad love story.

Ro-woon’s father sadly looks around his barbershop. His daughter enters with a huge stack of promotional flyers and says they should try and revive the business and protect the memories of Mom and Ji-hye.

Ro-woon hands out flyers to passersby, but they mostly toss it on the ground. She hears a commotion and is surprised to see the return of the familiar Christmas panda, who’s attracted the attention of all the ladies with his cute dance moves. Ro-woon wonders if it’s Hwan-ki in the getup.

Ro-woon urges him to leave, thinking it’s Hwan-ki, but the panda motions that he’s actually Se-jong. We see that it’s Hwan-ki underneath the costume, and he takes it upon himself to act silly without feeling inhibited.

Ro-woon knows Hwan-ki’s the panda and urges him to drop the act. She tussles with him trying to get the head off, so he bearhugs her to make her stop. Hwan-ki asks if she can just pretend he’s someone else, since he just wanted to see her.

She grows teary and asks him to let her see his face. Then a little girl spots Ro-woon in an embrace with the panda and asks her family if a hero will be born when a bear falls in love with a human, heh.

The two relocate, and Hwan-ki finally has his panda head off. She thanks him for her help, but asks him to leave after finishing his snack. He says she shouldn’t thank him and admits that the barbershop is suffering because of his father, sadly noting yet another reason why he can’t be the one for Ro-woon.

But Hwan-ki says that he’s here anyway and will push forward — until now, she’s always been the one to run to him. He tells her she can close her door, because he’ll knock and pull her out from now on. Ro-woon says they shouldn’t do this, thinking of Ji-hye, but Hwan-ki reiterates that he’ll be doing it, and asks that she let him help out the barbershop since it’s his father’s fault.

They pick up the trampled flyers outside the barbershop, which reminds Ro-woon of three years ago, when no one listened to her cries about Ji-hye’s death. But Hwan-ki reminds her that this time, she’s not alone.

Hwan-ki nods behind her, and Yoo-hee, Se-jong, Sun-bong, and Kyo-ri all appear, much to Ro-woon’s delight. She’s touched that they’re here to help, and they scold her for leaving the company.

Kyo-ri and Yoo-hee take photos of the barbershop. Hwan-ki narrates that because the world is dominated by hair salons, simply begging customers to visit won’t work. Sun-bong narrates that instead of blaming the world for not changing, it’s easier and more effective to change yourself.

Yoo-hee and Kyo-ri pass out questionnaires at various hair salons for market research while Sun-bong and Se-jong pick out a new outfit for Ro-woon’s father. At the office, the Silent Monster crew applauds his new look, but he’s visibly discomfited. He’s grateful for their efforts, but admits that their new ideas for changing the barbershop don’t feel right to him.

Ro-woon tells him people need to change in order to be loved, but her father wonders what the point is if he’s just going to be staying in one place. Hwan-ki appears to understand the sentiment.

Ro-woon’s frustrated by her father, but Hwan-ki says that they shouldn’t have forced him to change against his will — they’ll need to find a way so that he can stay the way he is. Hwan-ki reminds her that she was the one who told him this in Malaysia, and says he’ll figure it out.

Hwan-ki seeks Yeon-jung for a favor: He wants to have her announcer friend (Han Suk-joon in a cameo) feature the barbershop on his show. Yeon-jung asks for a favor in return — to pretend to be her boyfriend just once — since Suk-joon was her first love and she wants to show him that she’s a changed woman.

Sensing his reluctance, she returns the barbershop deck to him, heh. But he stammers that he’ll help her, so she takes it back. It’s a deal!

Next, we see the two dressed up and outside the restaurant where Suk-joon waits. Hwan-ki asks if they can make it quick, and Yeon-jung okays this, but requests a farewell kiss, too.

Hwan-ki hesitates, but eventually concedes to a kiss on the cheek even though she asked for one on the lips, and they head inside. Yeon-jung introduces him to Suk-joon as the CEO of Silent Monster and her boyfriend.

She then says Hwan-ki can leave now and sticks her cheek out. Hwan-ki moves in to kiss, but Yeon-jung turns her head so they kiss on the lips, shocking Suk-joon. Hwan-ki’s eyes widen in surprise, and Yeon-jung smiles sweetly as he staggers out.

Next, we see Suk-joon getting a trim at Ro-woon’s father’s barbershop and praising the old establishment on camera for thirty years of quality cuts. Ro-woon and Yeon-jung exchange smiles during the shoot. They step outside, and Ro-woon thanks Yeon-jung for her help, but she’s sad to hear that she’s leaving for the U.S. tonight and will be gone for a while.

She extends her hand, asking Ro-woon to take good care of Hwan-ki. But Ro-woon hesitates, so Yeon-jung just hugs her, understanding her uncertainty. Later, a long line forms outside the barbershop, and Ro-woon’s father finds himself suddenly busy.

Ro-woon happily counts the thick stack of cash. But then she answers a call from Yoo-hee, and her smile drops. Turns out Reporter Woo had aired some compromising news regarding Silent Monster — a Silent Monster client, Mr. Park of Rose Airlines, holds a key vote in Hwan-ki’s father’s upcoming election for congress.

Reporter Woo had also mentioned that the suicide of a secretary was covered up, as was Hwan-ki’s power abuse. He ended on this note — as a congressman, Hwan-ki’s father would prioritize issues that are advantageous to him, namely those having to do with Brain and Silent Monster. Hwan-ki listens to Reporter Woo’s words with concern while his father’s anger intensifies.

Ro-woon angrily calls Reporter Woo, wondering how he could do something like this. She says that Hwan-ki and Silent Monster are separate from Hwan-ki’s father, but Reporter Woo cuts her off and says the truth is relative. She’s about to step outside when the sight of Ji-hye’s heels stops her.

Her father asks her why she’s hesitating, and she tearfully informs him that Ji-hye liked Hwan-ki and that she suffered because she couldn’t tell him how she truly felt. She wonders how she can possibly accept Hwan-ki’s feelings knowing this.

Hwan-ki meets with his father again, who says that there’s only one way out of this — to say that Woo-il orchestrated everything due to his unwavering loyalty and that they fired him once they found out. But this is too much for Hwan-ki, and he shouts at his father to stop.


Well, that’s an odd and abrupt way to end the penultimate episode. But I guess I’m not surprised by anything anymore, because there’s still so much about this series that doesn’t quite add up. This episode was certainly an improvement from last week’s dull filler episodes — not that that’s saying much — but I’m so dissatisfied and baffled by some of the developments.

The sporadic appearances of Reporter Woo, Ji-hye’s not so mysterious death… I’m so over it all, yet the show’s still trying to hammer me over the head with how “important” her death is and the ludicrous notion that her death can be attributed to Hwan-ki. What?! Why does Woo-il get away scot-free for drunkenly forcing himself on Ji-hye? And since when did he become the trusty confidant that Hwan-ki turns to whenever he’s got something on his mind? I think the show wanted Reporter Woo’s “bombshell” of a revelation to Hwan-ki to seem like a curveball, but Ji-hye’s suicide made little sense then, and Reporter Woo’s random tidbit doesn’t change that now. Am I really supposed to believe that Ji-hye committed suicide because she couldn’t divulge her feelings for Hwan-ki? It seems the show has forgotten that Woo-il’s cowardice and severe lapse in judgment played a huge role in her death.

It bothers me that Yi-soo for some reason still meets up with Woo-il and is able to enjoy his company when she should really be receiving psychological help. And the way she joked about how Woo-il misunderstood Ji-hye and “wasted his time” on her rubbed me the wrong way. Did she just make light of his one night stand? I mentioned this before, but Woo-il seems way too hunky dory, but I guess he no longer feels culpable now that Hwan-ki’s responsible for Ji-hye’s death. It must be nice to get away with bad decisions and to have a best friend who believes beyond logical reason that somehow not recognizing a woman’s feelings for him resulted in her suicide.

The writing has consistently been problematic and inconsistent, and I can’t even recall if Ro-woon was ever told exactly what Woo-il did to Ji-hye, because I’m guessing if Ro-woon did know about what transpired that night three years ago, revenge would be back on her mind. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m utterly perplexed by all the main characters except for the Silent Monster crew and Yeon-jung. Bless Yeon-jung, ever the coolest cucumber. I’m annoyed at Hwan-ki and Ro-woon for being so easily persuaded. I’m glad Hwan-ki has the courage to stay by Ro-woon’s side, but his sudden burst of confidence originated from nowhere, and his transition from cripplingly shy to assured and fearless was not steady nor rewarding to watch. There was no semblance of a natural progression, and I think this can be said for the entire series as a whole; the central narratives and characters did not progress in a manner that made much sense.

The only conflict that’s left, really, is whether or not Hwan-ki and Ro-woon can be together. And we know they can, because this show is incapable of twists. It’s a pity that Introverted Boss didn’t live up to the hype or the fun teasers and posters. The rewrite solved very little, but I think this show was doomed from the start by opening with an unexpectedly dark and gruesome suicide and not knowing what to do with it afterward.

To end on a positive note, I love that Kyo-ri neatly ended her relationship with Se-jong, and that she has this newfound desire to love herself more. It was also nice to see the Silent Monster crew back in action again, and I wish we had more heartwarming moments of levity with them. I’m so fond of Yeon-jung’s candidness — girl got that kiss! — that I’m starting to think she’s too good for Hwan-ki and Ro-woon. Seriously, they don’t deserve her. With one episode remaining and knowing it’s going to be a filler finale, I’d love to see her pop up and steal more scenes. Hwan-ki and Ro-woon make a cute couple, but they’re awfully tedious when they’re sorting out their “issues.”


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"Why does Woo-il get away scot-free for drunkenly forcing himself on Ji-hye? And since when did he become the trusty confidant that Hwan-ki turns to whenever he’s got something on his mind?",/i>

THANK YOU. Woo-il's half-assed redemption made the show really unbearable. I don't understand why the writers just flipped him into a a pathetic lovesick man instead of the predator he started out as. His character wasn't the problem, Ro Woon's was, but now that everyone's been lobotomized into softer versions of themselves there's no real responsibility or consequences.


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That's exactly it!

It's like the characters keep getting micro-amnesia so they forgot what happened in past episodes and what they want for the future. The only trouble is that I remember, so when they act like Woo-Il is a nice guy or start treating Hwan-Ki like he is a freak, I can't stand it. So annoying!

If there had been some consistency with the story arc and character development, the show would have been great! Instead, it was a hot mess! A weird Frankenshow of mixed up pieces!


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At first when I started on this drama, I was quite certain that Woo Ii is the villain (my friend have the same thinking too) but somehow the writer decided to change the tide and made Hwan Gi's dad as the villain now instead....haha...so now Woo Ii became a good guy stepping down from his Co-CEO position at the company and instead do volunteering work at the orphanage....and Hwan Gi became the main culprit being indirectly responsible for JI Hye's suicide...and yes my hunch on she having a secret crush on Hwan Gi is right !!


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I rmb that Ji Hye said that she can't drink but she still drink like two or three glasses then she and Woo II was at a room and the latter kinda 'forced' on her or more specifically, the thing happened when BOTH of them were drunk in certain extent, maybe that's why after knowing the truth of why she commit suicide and the one whom she crushed on is NOT Woo Ii, the rest of the main characters didn't come after Woo II and accused him of rape and causing her to commit suicide becos of the rape or smth like that....but I hate it that it becomes Hwan Gi's fault for her suicide....how do he was to know that she has a crush on him and furthermore he was an extreme introvert 3 years ago......don't tell me that everyone have to suffer from some consequences becos they are ignorant of other ppl's secret affection for them??


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Not to mention the reason why she committed suicide is not convincing enough. At least I will be OK if some plot twist, like she is having some mental disorder or anything.

Like I said below, the writer already gave up on this show after re-write.


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No matter how long it takes, I will make an MV of Yeon Jung and Hwan Gi to that song ONe More Step by Sandeul. My Alternative ending.


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I coudn't agree more!


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Hmmm.... maybe in other places date rape isn't rape? Hey people from other parts of the world... is date rape ok where you live? Did Korea not get the memo? I could have sworn Hollywood totally put out that date rape is bad.

I agree... they lobotomized or defenestrated the show when they changed it. I think the emotions would have been more real with less jarring character interactions. I felt like I was playing with a puzzle where the pieces don't fit right but i'm still mashing them together- a form of puzzle rape? Oh, wait... is puzzle rape a crime? Uh oh... people of the world... raise your hand if you've ever done puzzle rape.

*Slinks head and raises hand* Damn pieces never fit together....


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Can we rewind to ep 5 pls where this "thing" happened between Ji hye and Woo Il. Ok, wegeddit it that it os Hwan Gi that she really likes, she would be bonkers not to, right? But she went to Woo Il hoping he would pass the drawing to Hwan Gi or something. She could've just left it on his desk. Anyway, she has a few drinks herself but still strong enough to bring Woo Il to wherever room that was. Stress on strong enough to guide him with his arms around her, walking on a flat surface and up the stairs, maybe. It is not a short distance for sure. So when we get to that scene ... Does it seem like she was forced? Forced in all forms or forced with reservations? Coz if forced then that would be rape and was she even accusing him of that. The next day, did she seem like a rape victim. She would hv been crying and spaced out. But no, tho she knows it was a mistake , there was something consensual there and I was saying she was kinda seduced. So forced with reservations. Coz to be seduced is to be enticed to do it not really wanting to do it in the first place but just went along. We all saw that she was strong enough to guide a drunk Woo Il and help him get to the room, right? So isn't she strong enough to resist him and ran out of the room? Or all strength left her and he just let him and maybe she'll just say she was raped by morning. But that wasn't the case was it? Tho she likes Hwan Gi, she wavered in that moment ok, it was a moment of temptation and she couldn't get out of the situation. Thrn when she was trying to set things right. There's Hwan Gi confronting Woo Il about it, then psycho JiSoo also confronting her and told her to disappear which she did. What wasn't clear and they are misleading us to think that Hwan Gi is responsible for not taking JiHye's call. So which one really triggered her to jump out of the window? She doesn't hv mental issues, her parents doesn't seem to have loan sharks after them so no financial problems either, she is pretty with a good job. Having slept with a man who has a gf that she didn't know about who turns out to be the psycho sister of the very guy who is her boss that she was crushing on, isn't enough reason to jump out of the window. Yes, it is mind stressing when you try and be in Ji Hye's shoes, she felt like she was abandoned. But not enough reason to jump out, right?
Am saying it is not an extreme reason. And it is Woo Il and Yisoo' s fault, Woo il for everything.
And for the record, I don't think Ro Woon and Hwan Gi is well suited for each other, I don't care about that intro extrovert thing. Their kissing scenes doesn't draw any reaction from me, it was just ac-ting, y'know.
But Yeon Jung with her ninja moves on Hwan Gi made me flutter. They should be it. And they will be coz Rowoon and Hwangi will break up eventually. And Yeon Jung and Hwangi will find their way back to each other. And they lived happily ever after.


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I had to stop reading when you said she didn't act like a rape victim the next morning. There is no way to act. People react differently to trauma. You don't get to decide what an appropriate response is


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I am so agreed with you. I love when Yeun Jung be with Gwan Hi so much. When she steel the kiss, wow....


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I wanted to like, even love, this drama, but I just. . .don't.

None of the characters behave in a consistent manner. Their choices and behaviors don't match their established character traits from episode to episode (sometimes even scene to scene or line to line!). They certainly don't have anything resembling character development. As the end approaches. I not only don't care about most of the characters, but find them incredibly annoying, mostly because each one has shown flashes of potential that was quickly reversed.

The drama itself can't decide if it is a psychological thriller, quirky workplace romance, or silly rom-com. Bleh! It feels like watching a different drama depending on what is happening in a scene.

I stayed to see Hwan Ki. He was delightful. I enjoyed seeing him struggle with social interactions and overthink every word before he actually spoke. That's just like me!

Overall, I would not recommend this drama. It is too disjointed, which makes it unenjoyable.


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Exactly it! Nothing matches from scene to scene!


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There's the comments section where am watching this with subs and most were gushing that it was so good and they were happy for rowoon and hwangi and all that sh...jazz. And I couldn't comment that it was crappy, there were some fun scenes but overall it was dour. And fierce ahjumma, I forgot her name was in a role that for once did not make her shine or she could not make into something more than it is. That former secretary who us trying to be IU' s clone and that... Ugh, it's a long list. I'll get back to this when i get to my laptop.
But I couldn't comment that I didn't like it for so many reasons. Why didn't I stop watching? I was hoping for some answers til the end. My only consolation - Yeon Jung kissing Hwan Gi. She is so cool from start to finish, and actually a better girl for Hwan Gi's type, much like Han Groo in Marriage not Dating. Yea, (sigh).


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You have expressed exactly what I feel about this mess. I think the author created such a great character (boss) that he/she thought it would be enough and then didn't know what to do with it. The same with Woo Il, he could have been a great villain.

I wish that a different writer took Hwan Ki and wrote a great story for him to make him justice!


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I'm kinda annoyed that they keep forcing Hwan Ki and Woo Il into a bromance. Like...Woo Il is super toxic for both Hwan Ki and his sister- are we just supposed to forget all those years Woo Il played on Hwan Ki's social anxiety so that he was getting ahead at work?
I love Hwan Ki, but the plot is so confused...


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It was really that rewrite that did it, and unfortunately the writing is not good enough to cover up for the initial characterization. They started off with Woo Il as a predator and user but when they shifted the show after ep 5, they couldn't quite redeem him so they just pretended it wasn't as bad as we thought. But sadly the execution just couldn't undercut or soften that initial impact. Weirdly the whole show makes less sense the longer it goes on (why suicide? Why isn't Ro Woon blaming Woo Il for taking advantage of her sister now that she knows she didn't like him?). It's all just nonsensical.

And Yi Soo needs to be as far away from Woo Il as possible. Come on show.

But did love Silent Monster crew, liked Hwang Ki, loved Yeon Jung. Overall not bad.


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Yeah, it was worth a watch just for Hwan Ki and the Silent Monster team


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they more they try to explain the suicide, the less sense it makes.
i can't even believe they're gonna make a whole issue out of jihye's secret crush. hwanki was supposed to be a mind reader? tho painfully shy we was supposed to magically know jihye liked him and start wooing her? ok
and because he didn't he can't be with the woman he loves because that's her sister. ok

also, WTF isn't yisoo in a hospital?? the woman jumped in front of a car to hold on to a man! if that doesn't rate a 3 month stay in a psych hospital what does??

no more jihye right? finale is just the time jump and all happy couples kissing right? let's finish this train wreck so i can look away!


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haha do leave any logic at the door...in kdramaland, characters especially main characters, can magically recuperated and be healed in a good speed so that they can continue on their plot....any more scenes in the hospital isn't needed unless it is a medical genre.... :)


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ok so reporter woo didn't accidentally kill ji hye like i predicted but i WAS right about him secretly loving her... when he took out the ring i laughed so hard just because of how ridiculous this drama is.

i also agree about woo-il being a predator & feeling disturbed that they can laugh about that situation suddenly? especially with reporter woo saying she "only had eyes for hwan-ki" ... after this was explained to hwan-ki, woo-il, yi-soo, & ro-woon... WAS NO ONE WONDERING WHY SHE WOULD HAVE SLEPT WITH WOO-IL? & then made the jump to "hm maybe that wasn't so mutually consensual then?"

excuse me while i go re-watch yeon woo jin be a cute couple with lee je hoon in "just friends?" & forget about this drama LOL


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I cringed so hard when the reporter pulled out that ring. How in the world can he be an investigative reporter when he can't tell that a girl has absolutely no interest in him other than friendship. He's living in delusion so of course revenge is the only way do deal with it at least according to this writer.
Power abuse scandal?! All along I've wondered how they could make that accusation without any proof.


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That was embarrassing (again). Why man, are you walking around with a ring in your pocket? What was he gonna say? The lady was lamented her romantic sorrows about another dude right before you!!!


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Man, all your thoughts on this and the last episode perfectly articulate how I felt watching them. Thank you for the recap chickachunga. The only reason I continued to watch this drama (with a lot of forwarding past scenes I felt were redundant and just didnt care about) was because I needed to know what happened in the end. Well there we have it, this episode and the finale happened, and nothing will be remembered as special (except for maybe the songs, which were replayed in the background so many times that they'll be stuck in my head for sometime).


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The songs...I know that they write new songs for each show, but sometimes I still find myself racking my brain trying to figure out which previous show used a particular song. And I did that with this one.


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This show is not entirely bad but not that good as well. IMO, the writer wasn't clear what she wants and her focus from the beginning. End up, due to negative reviews and low rating, the writer probably gave up on the show and just write for the sake of finishing what she started.

Overall, I enjoyed myself for the whole show. There are couple of things I love; Hwan Ki, the OTP, Silent Monster and Yoon Jung. I say it again, this show would do better without the entire suicide issue.


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I love it when Yoon Jung kinda told Hwan Gi's father off when he wanna match her up with his son....haha ....


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Lol that's the best way to make his father give up.


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I don't think I have ever liked a character like her. Especially as a second lead. She is the highlight of the show...
I honestly have no idea why she wasn't the main character.
Wouldn't it have been awesome if SHE had been the main female lead? Her and Hwan ki are the only reason why I am still here...
I was always hoping for that 0.0001 percent chance he will be with her and recover then just forget Rowoon and that stupid sister and Woo Il. I really wanted to like this drama.
And I HATE how they totally just threw Ji Hyes' story to the mud and dragged it around.. Her story was actually bittersweet, but now seeing everyone's reaction about it, and the "additional" info about it.
Forget it...
Thank God this drama is over..


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I actually love Silent Monster team....they are quite fun to watch.....


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Yes. This show is a mess but there are also some good things.


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It's pretty obvious the writer gave up after the low ratings, re-write and episode reduction, but yes, the show wasn't well-thought out to begin with. I can't believe anyone thought the suicide mystery was a good idea, or that the ultimate reasoning for it being one-sided love was a good idea.

Drop the suicide angle and keep the workplace romance about an introverted boss and his struggles in the workplace and in romancing an extrovert, and they had something.


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ji hye suicide provided main suspense for this drama, without it there would be too little conflict and dram would be impossible.

But I agree that one sided love for hwan-ki is totally insufficient reason for suicide , main person to blame for suicide becomes Ji Hye herself. May be they could blame "rape" more and better show Ji Hye psychological condition?

Or all happened because she drunk too much ???


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The episode has been awfully tedious to watch. Nothing interests me, and everything is a mess. I am just watching to find out what happens in the end. I am glad it is over this week.


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This show has its own loopholes and inconsistency but I'm glad that it's another happy ending (spoilers)....hahaha....


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Happy endings don't interest me. Logical consistent stories do.


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Show: At least prove to me that Yi soo got professional help outside of that toxic home life!! Doing some volunteer work may be good for the soul but she needs so much more.

Thanks for the recaps! I liked all the actors, but the plot-- not so much. I'm looking forward to future projects esp with Yeon Woo Jin. Rock-n-Roll Baby!!


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I agree with you that they shouldn't have done the rewrite. The whole thing would have been better with a darker tone.
It started out looking as if it would be an interesting, different kind of show. Then we suddenly spent an entire episode revealing the back story all at once -and yet it wasn't quite all of the back story so what was the point? Followed by turning it into a fairly standard rom-com, weighed down by the previous suicide and probable rape that no one is reacting to properly. The revelation that Ji Hye liked Hwon Gi and not Woo Il should have created an entirely new wave of guilty feelings in Woo Il (at the very least), but instead he's feeling all refreshed after a too easy round of apologies.

The rewrite made everything too light and breezy to be able to properly deal with the serious things that were introduced at the beginning of the show.


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Could some kind soul explain to me why Ro Woon and Hwan Ki can't be together. My brain's failing me.

Even though I don't know the actor playing Reporter Woo, I feel embarrassed on his behalf. Even he, must know that that his function in this show is utterly useless, wet soggy bread. Sad!

Yeon Jung is too cool. I suspect she must have seen the direction the drama's heading and was like, "look, I've tried my best with you guys, but I'm leaving you to deal with your sh!t yo, I'mma bounce! Bye!". And she got herself a kiss because homegirl's a total baller! That dressing down she gave to Horrible Dad? Too Good! The yeye man couldn't even say sh!t, silently fuming and hightailing his a$$ outta there. Yeah, People like him know who not to mess with.

Kyo Ri, you go girl!! You do you, baby.

Woo Il and Yi Soo......*crickets*...*goat bleats*...*fart*....Uhm, no comments.


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this whole time when they were acting like ro-woon & hwan-ki couldn't be together because it was "his fault" that she died (not running(?) to her in time before she jumped, being at the hospital with his sister who just attempted suicide??) i thought they were really backwards reasons to keep them apart.

however this last time, tho it wasn't any kind of twist that made sense, i thought it was more of a valid reason they should be apart. her sister was (apparently) in love with hwan-ki. according to ro-woon's strange logic, her sister killed herself after being unable to face hwan-ki's presumed judgment of what she'd done. this way he played a much bigger role in her death.

i would definitely feel pretty uncomfortable to know the guy i dated was my sister's one-sided crush & that her worrying over his reaction to something she did caused her to KILL HERSELF. even tho i don't understand this chain of events, that's how it was presented to us. therefore i get why they can't be together as they presented it.


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Thanks @paramount for your attempt to explain this whole....(shouldn't have been)complicated mess.


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I stayed for hwan gi too


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I just can't with this show anymore. I might not even watch the last episode. It's just so dumb and worse, really boring. I just don't care. The lead actor has carried this show like that poor dude in Lucky Romance carried his show but I've hit my limit.

How did this creative team screw it up so badly? You know what? It was the sister's death and the insistence of it being so important.

They could have done a screwball comedy where she didn't know her fearsome boss was the shy "deliveryman" and milked 8 episodes out of that alone. BUT NO.


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This is the best drama!! Ost is amazing!! I will miss it, its reminds me how wonderful days is mon-tues like when i watched AMO, that i waited a week just to see the preview and now is gone, my montues will be like hell again


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I stay for Hwanki too.He did a good job protraying as someone introvert eventhou somewhere along the way,I got confused on his character.And also the second couple,Woo Il & Yi Soo.Their history can be dark but I have to admit,they have a good chemistry.The look so lovely.
I prefer if they less evolve around Ji Hae's death.
But the drama ended already.Too bad.There're characters they should develop more.
Yeah,even the writing & editing are bad,the OSTs arr good.


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What a mess. I was really hoping they would finally stop referring to the suicide but no...now it makes even less sense. So she basically killed herself because she was feeling ashamed that HG knew about her one night stand with WI? Because his sister went mental on her and because she could not tell him how she felt?
wow...just wow.


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If everybody can read the mind of depressed people who have suicidal thoughts, there will be LESS SUICIDE CASES around! Often then not family members and friends of suicide victims are completely dumbfounded!


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