Missing 9: Episode 6

The deeper we delve into the secrets of the island, the more it feels like we still have to discover. The isolation has a way of bringing out the best or the worst in the survivors, as the hardship teaches each of them who they truly are. You may be a hero or a monster – but the important question is, will they be able to uncover the monster before it’s too late?


While fighting over the lifeboat, Tae-ho kicks Yeol down an embankment, and Yeol hits his head on a rock. Tae-ho begs him to wake up, but Yeol is gone, and Tae-ho pushes his body into the ocean to be carried out to sea.

On the smaller island, Bong-hee follows So-hee to a cliff over the water and begs her not to jump. So-hee takes a step towards the edge and Bong-hee grabs her, trying to pull her to safety, but So-hee trips and goes over the edge.

Bong-hee looks down and sees So-he hanging by her fingernails, reaching a hand up for help. Bong-hee stretches out her hand, grabs So-hee’s, and struggles to pull her back to safety.

In the present, Bong-hee sits straight up, having suddenly recovered all of her memories from after the plane crash. She gasps in relief, “It wasn’t me. I didn’t kill her.” She catches a cab to find Chairwoman Jo, but on the way she hears a news announcement about the press conference, and directs the cab driver to the location.

As Chairwoman Jo prepares to tell the press everything, including Bong-hee’s confession, she wonders if she’s doing the right thing. She takes the stage and gives the reporters a short rundown on everything that’s happened so far.

Chairwoman Jo reaches the point in her statement where she confirms that So-hee’s death was ruled a murder, and in the back of the room, prosecutor Tae-young awaits the naming of his sister’s murderer. But just as Chairwoman Jo is about to reveal Bong-hee’s confession under hypnosis, Investigator Oh interrupts to tell her that they’ve found another survivor.

At the same time, Bong-hee herself runs in and approaches Tae-young. She tells him that she’s gotten her memory back, and that she wasn’t the one who killed So-hee.

Chairwoman Jo sees Bong-hee in the back of the room and figures that something is up. She ends the press conference, and on their way out, Investigator Oh tells her that the newest survivor is CEO Hwang. He also tells her of the accident — CEO Hwang’s car was crushed by falling construction equipment while on his way to the airport in China. Chairwoman Jo instructs Investigator Oh to have CEO Hwang’s body brought to Korea, and to get Bong-hee out of the conference room before the reporters see her.

In the back of the room, Tae-young asks Bong-hee who really killed So-hee. But they reporters spot her before she can answer, and they swarm her until Investigator Oh pulls her away, leaving Tae-young without an answer.

Back on the island, Tae-ho makes his way back up the beach, but he finds that Ki-joon and Ji-ah have escaped from where he left them tied up. Suddenly he’s kicked violently and falls to the ground, and he looks up in shock to see Joon-oh standing over him. He’s alive!

Joon-oh had survived the rogue wave, and the body we saw on the beach was actually that of the copilot Joon-oh had tried to save. It looks as though he didn’t die right away, and Joon-oh stayed with him until he finally passed.

He came back to rejoin the others, and now he pummels Tae-ho until he passes out, furious that he tied up Ki-joon and Ji-ah. He leaves Tae-ho lying there and tells Ki-joon, Ji-ah, CEO Hwang, and Ho-hang that they need to go rescue Bong-hee and So-hee.

CEO Hwang thinks they should wait until morning, but Joon-oh argues that if it’s bad for them here, it’s worse for the girls. He says that even if they lose the boat and end up stuck here forever, people are the most important thing.

Bong-hee manages to pull So-hee back to safety, and So-hee looks chastened. She apologizes to Bong-hee, and Bong-hee notices that she’s injured her wrist and urges her back to their small camp on the beach.

Ki-joon offers to go in the raft with Joon-oh, and poor Ho-hang gets told to join them. CEO Hwang and Ji-ah head back to take care of Tae-ho, but Tae-ho is already awake and has made his way back to the shelter. He fills a suitcase with clothes and food and goes off alone into the forest.

After a couple of false starts getting Ho-hang into the lifeboat, the guys make it across to the small island. Joon-oh is relieved to find So-hee on the beach next to the fire, but he wants to know where Bong-hee is.

So-hee says Bong-hee went to find something (probably medicinal plants for her injured wrist), and Joon-oh grows worried all over again. He runs off to find Bong-hee while the others stay with So-hee, who cries and apologizes over and over.

As Joon-oh looks for Bong-hee, he thinks of everything they’ve been through since they first met. They got off to a rocky start, but have grown close on the island, even saving each others’ lives multiple times.

He finally finds Bong-hee searching for something in the grass, and he asks what she’s doing. She looks at him as if she’s seeing a ghost, and all she can do is breathe his name in relief at seeing him alive. Joon-oh approaches her and she fusses over him, making sure he’s okay.

Joon-oh takes a candy from his pocket and pops it in Bong-hee’s mouth. He softly tells her not to put others before herself, and to stop going in the water alone to look for food. He tells her that he’ll do all the dangerous things from now on, so that she doesn’t have to do anything anymore. Awww, such a sweetheart.

He starts to lead her back to the others, but Bong-hee just stands in place, still reeling. Joon-oh goes back and gives her his coat, telling her, “Stay right beside me. You can do that, right?” Bong-hee nods, and they start back towards the beach.

They make it back to the main island, and on the way to their shelter, Bong-hee gives So-hee back her infinity necklace. So-hee tells her to keep it, saying that her brother said it would protect the wearer, and she wants Bong-hee to have it since Bong-hee keeps protecting her.

They run into CEO Hwang and Ji-ah, and CEO Hwang asks if anyone has seen Yeol. They suddenly realize he’s gone, and Ji-ah says that she thinks Tae-ho did something to him, which means he’s gone, too.

Joon-oh realizes that Tae-ho must have run off when he finds the clothes and food gone. They all go looking for him, and Joon-oh slips into a mud puddle and lies there, exhausted and despondent.

He thinks back to the night before he, Tae-ho, and Yeol made their debut, when they’d wondered how long they would last as an idol group. Yeol had worried they’d someday argue and disband, and Tae-ho had assured him that would never happen.

Joon-oh had said that they would naturally get jealous, keep secrets, argue, and resent each other. But he’d made a promise that no matter what, they would always trust each other. Then Tae-ho had farted and Yeol had opened a window to escape the stench, ha.

The castaways gather back in camp and discuss where Tae-ho may have gone. They piece together the evening’s timeline — first Tae-ho tied up Ki-joon and Ji-ah, then went after Yeol. Since nobody has seen Yeol since then, they assume that Tae-ho did something to him before fleeing out of fear.

Only Joon-oh doesn’t agree, and he says that he’ll go looking for them since they must still be on the island. He tells Ki-joon to stay and take care of the others, deciding that he needs to do this as the former leader of Dreamers.

Bong-hee stops him before he leaves the following morning to give him some fish to take with him, and Joon-oh is touched that she took out the bones for him. She asks what he’ll do if he finds Tae-ho and learns that he killed Yeol. Joon-oh says that he’s not sure, but that he thinks he’d feel like killing him.

He even admits that he can’t let himself think that Tae-ho killed Yeol, or he’s afraid he might not look very hard. He says that he’ll find them first, then ask questions. Joon-oh then goes out searching for Tae-ho and Yeol day after day, unaware that he comes close to Tae-ho’s hiding place several times, but Tae-ho always manages to stay out of sight.

In the present, a man lies in a hospital bed, unconscious and hooked up to machines. It’s CEO Hwang, who miraculously survived the accident intended to take his life. Chairwoman Jo, annoyed, asks his doctor to call her if he regains consciousness.

While she’s still at the hospital, she gets a call from someone who sounds like her boss. Whoever it is isn’t happy with the way she’s handling the information on the crash and hangs up on her.

Investigator Oh calls next to tell Chairwoman Jo that Bong-hee’s memory is back. They meet, and he updates her on what Bong-hee has told him so far: that Yeol disappeared and Tae-ho was responsible. Chairwoman Oh backs up and asks if Bong-hee told him who killed So-hee, and Investigator Oh confirms that she did. They resume Bong-hee’s recorded sessions, and Bong-hee continues with her story, which now corresponds with the events we’re seeing happen on the island.

One rainy day, Joon-oh goes looking for Tae-ho and Yeol as usual, while the others rest at the shelter. CEO Hwang objects to Ki-joon and Ji-ah exchanging shoulder massages, saying that Ki-joon shouldn’t be touching Ji-ah since he’s just a manager. He reminds Ki-joon that he’s still his boss and warns him not to forget his place.

He complains that Ji-ah and So-hee are all the talent he has left after the crash and events on the island, and tells Ki-joon that once they get home, he’s not allowed near Ji-ah. Ki-joon tries to explain that it wasn’t skinship, but he backs down in the face of CEO Hwang’s anger.

But Ji-ah isn’t about to let it go that easily, and challenges CEO Hwang on why she and Ki-joon can’t stay friends. He tells her that actresses who date managers cause scandals, and tells her to stick with Tae-ho. Ki-joon keeps apologizing to CEO Hwang, but Ji-ah tells him to knock it off.

CEO Hwang just tells Ji-ah that she’s not allowed, and that doesn’t sit well with her at all. CEO Hwang again says through gritted teeth that she can’t get involved with Ki-joon, so Ji-ah turns and asks Ki-joon boldly if he wants to date. Okay, I love her spunk.

Ki-joon is flustered, and he says that he has no idea what’s happening right now, hee. Ji-ah pressures him for a yes or no answer, and after thinking for about a third of a second, he agrees to date her. Ji-ah announces to everyone that he’s her boyfriend now.

CEO Hwang’s voice takes on a too-calm, warning tone, and he tells her again not to get involved with Ki-joon. In response, Ji-ah grabs Ki-joon’s face and plants a big ol’ kiss on him. She tells CEO Hwang never to mention Tae-ho to her again, and leaves. HA, Ho-hang shoots Ki-joon a proud thumbs up.

Out in the rain, Joon-oh sees something that makes him freeze. It’s Tae-ho, washing his face in the river, and Joon-oh whispers his name. Tae-ho doesn’t move at first, but then he breaks and runs.

Joon-oh chases him into the cave where he’s been hiding, and grabs him when he trips on a rock. Tae-ho throws wild punches while Joon-oh asks why he’s running away, and he eventually straddles Tae-ho and punches him until he stops struggling. He asks where Yeol is, but Tae-ho throws sand in his face and nearly gets away again.

But Joon-oh pulls him back again and yells for Tae-ho to say that Yeol isn’t dead. He slams his fists into Tae-ho’s chest and screams, “Tell me you didn’t kill him!” Tae-ho stops fighting and whispers, “It was a mistake.” He starts to cry and whine that he didn’t mean to kill Yeol as Joon-oh stares at him in stark horror.

Right away, Tae-ho starts to justify what he did, saying that Yeol lied to him and went around behind his back. He blames Yeol for his actions, saying that he wouldn’t have hurt Yeol if he’d just obeyed, while Joon-oh gapes at him as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing.

Tae-ho sobs that everyone is against him, but all Joon-oh can think about is their long-ago promise never to turn on each other. He picks up a large rock and raises it high in the air. As Tae-ho begs for his life, Joon-oh brings the rock crashing down.

Back at the shelter, Ki-joon asks Bong-hee what Ji-ah said to her about him (so cute, it’s like middle school). Bong-hee tells him that she thinks Ji-ah didn’t really mean it about dating him, and Ki-joon blusters that of course, he didn’t mean it either. Awww, poor puppy.

Joon-oh comes back to camp looking subdued, and he shakes off Bong-hee when she sees blood on his hand. He calls out to someone, and a sheepish-looking Tae-ho shuffles into camp.

Ji-ah flies at Tae-ho and demands to know where Yeol is. She beats her fists on his chest, asking over and over if Tae-ho killed him. But Tae-ho doesn’t say a word, just as Joon-oh had instructed him when he invited him to come back. He’d told Tae-ho to feel guilty towards Yeol for the rest of his life, and to pay for his sin that way.

The other survivors express concern about letting Tae-ho stay with them, but Joon-oh says they can’t just leave him alone to die. He asks if they prefer to just kill Tae-ho now — he admits that Tae-ho deserves it, but Joon-oh entreats them all to be better than that.

So-hee asks if they can let Tae-ho leave if he wants to go while looking shifty, as if she has something in mind. Later, she meets Tae-ho in secret in the woods and asks him to leave. She says that he’s killed people, adding that she can always tell the others what he did (referring to his killing the pilot for the food in his suitcase), and then he really won’t be able to stay.

Tae-ho plays dumb, so So-hee says she’ll just make him leave, and heads back to camp. Tae-ho stops her and says that he won’t be the only one hurt if she tells on him, telling her to forget all this so they can all survive. But So-hee says they can just die together before starting back toward camp again.

Tae-ho’s face takes on that cold, empty look, and he follows So-hee. He wraps his jacket around her throat and squeezes, not letting go until well after So-hee stops moving. He sits next to her body and says calmly that survival is hard.

In the present, Bong-hee relates all this to Investigator Oh, though she says that they thought So-hee killed herself. CEO Hwang had found So-hee’s body hanging from a tree the next morning, and they’d all just assumed she committed suicide. Plus, Ho-hang had told them that So-hee was talking again about how she wanted to die.

Investigator Oh asks how they learned that Tae-ho killed her, and Bong-hee reveals that Ho-hang was a witness to the murder. He’d stepped away from camp and seen So-hee’s body being dragged away, and he’d followed to find Tae-ho with her. Tae-ho had threatened to kill Ho-hang if he told anyone.

The survivors had made a raft, and sent So-hee’s body out to sea wearing a crown of flowers.

Chairwoman Jo isn’t happy about this, but she decides that they’ve heard enough to believe that Tae-ho was So-hee’s murderer. She tells her people to call another press conference, but then she takes another call that has her ordering Investigator Oh to halt Bong-hee’s questioning immediately.

She says that they’ve found another survivor, and that they’re on their way to Korea right now. We see the silhouette of a man walking with a couple of Chinese policemen, and the camera zooms in to show his face — Tae-ho.


Tae-ho being alive and back in Korea definitely brings a whole new sense of danger to the present timeline — I previously said that Bong-hee’s life may still be in danger because of what she knows, but I wasn’t expecting her to have to face Tae-ho quite this soon. Once again, Missing 9 is carrying us to the next confrontation with breakneck speed, and I’m sure Tae-ho isn’t going to be exactly thrilled when he finds out that Bong-hee has told the investigation that he killed three people. At least, that we know of.

What’s great about this show is how it doles out information in such an interesting way. It gives us the broad strokes first and makes us think events happened one way, then parcels out details slowly until we get the whole picture, which is often very different from what we originally thought. It’s a great way of showing how the big picture definitely isn’t everything, and that details matter. What you think you know when hearing only the main pieces of information can actually reveal a very different truth once the entire story is told.

For instance, we’ve known that So-hee dies for several episodes now, but we’ve been made to think that it happened in different ways as we learn more about the true events. What started as a seemingly straightforward suicide became an accident, then turned out to be a murder to stop her from talking. The buildup of this and several other events on the island have turned the show from a simple “who survived the crash” story to a full-on murder thriller.

I knew Tae-ho would find a way to justify what he did to Yeol, and sure enough, he took his explanation to Joon-oh straight from the abuser’s handbook. He blamed it all on Yeol, saying that if Yeol had only done what he told him to do, he wouldn’t have been forced to hurt him. It’s interesting that Tae-ho’s attitude doesn’t seem to be something he’s always had, because in flashbacks he seems to have been a sweet, funny guy who loved his friends. But, knowing the way bullies work, I’m betting it’s more that Tae-ho was just very good at hiding his true self before, and that the island is bringing out the pure, unfiltered potential monster that he’s always been underneath. We know he’s got a great career now as an actor, and I have no doubt he uses that ability in his personal life. I didn’t even think his tears in front of Joon-oh felt genuine — he was just doing whatever he needed to do to get on Joon-oh’s good side. And it wasn’t long before his true colors showed again, since he was more than willing to take So-hee’s life without even a second thought.

So-hee’s death (well, seeing how it actually happened) struck me surprisingly hard, considering that we’ve known she doesn’t survive the island for several episodes now. I think it’s because she had just finally found her will to live — you could see the light in her eyes returning after Bong-hee saved her from the cliff. Her fatal mistake was not being able to keep her mouth shut, but part of me can understand why she told Tae-ho what she knows. They’ve been friends for years now and went through a tragic loss together, plus she’s young and a bit naive. Even though she’d seen Tae-ho kill the pilot, it’s true that he was probably mortally wounded anyway, and he was a stranger to them. It probably never occurred to So-hee that Tae-ho would be capable of killing her in cold blood.


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip! *now off to read*


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I knew Bong-hee wasn't responsible of So-hee's death! It's just impossible, since she had that necklace all the time. She wouldn't have kept that if she was the one who killed So-hee. Ugh, i hate Tae-ho. He's just straight up evil. I actually glad he's survived, so Prosecutor Yoon can put him in jail. I'm still angry that Tae-ho just threw away Yeol like that. What if he's still alive then?


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I'm also so glad that BH did not kill SH (i also think by right it shouldn't be her who is so kindhearted n always place others before her)...

SH is really naive to have threaten TH like that. If he can kill his longtime friend, he can also kill her. Why doesn't she sense the danger of threatening him ?? I think now that he is another survivor he would definitely rebuked what BH has said n will say that BH has killed SH instead. Maybe later on it will be the prosecutor brother n BH to join hands to bring TH to justice !!


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i am so into this drama. i love the storytelling technique - as you mentioned - even tho it's deliciously frustrating. most people expected tae ho to be alive but i still found myself gasping in shock & horror. i want him to pay for what he's done, but when all we have are bong hee's words.... tae ho can just as easily say bong hee killed them & it would be easier to make her into a murderer than a popular actor!! it's scary knowing that it's already been established the authorities don't want to real truth... they want a way to manipulate it to their benefit. at least investigator oh seems slightly sympathetic. rooting for him to rebel at the end if they try to go against bong hee!
i'm not even a huge chanyeol fan but i'm still praying yeol's not dead lol they've faked us out enough times that it's possible~


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At the end of episode 5, I thought that Yeol's death was also a fake out and that he'd end up washed up on the same outcropping of rocks as Bonghee and Sohee, but when they panned out, he was floating to the opposite direction, so I knew that his death wasn't a fake out. He might've survived the float over to Bonghee, and she could've helped him out, but he went in the other direction.


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Also, if I remember correctly, he was floating face down. Assuming that he's still alive but unconscious, he would still die because the water will eventually fill his lungs.


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Wait wait wait!
He could have flipped onto his back and floated in a coma, I don't know, far away with the salt water healing his wounds while he slept soundly, and then he was picked up by a fisherman who revived him, kept him warm and fed him.

When he wakes up, he has amnesia, and because of his idol training has some understanding of Chinese, and eventually comes to believe that he is partially Chinese, and has no memory of the plane crash or ANYTHING.

Till ONE day, a citified cousin of the fisherman shows up at his house with a daughter who recognizes him! They show him his old videos, and he's like, "OMG. I am an idol."

Eventually, he makes his way to authorities who figure out he was on the plane, and they call Legend Entertainment with the good news.



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LOL dying & hoping for a similar result.
also add on that he remembers tae ho did that to him & gets him put in jail for life


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Well, I'm going with my sea turtle theory. A sea turtle comes along and gives Yeol a piggyback on his back, er, shell, I mean. When they reach the shore, the sea turtle gives Yeol CPR using his flippers, and Yeol wakes up. The sea turtle slaps aloe vera on Yeol's head wound, and gives him a drink from a coconut, that it cracked open with its flippers.

When Yeol makes it back to civilization, he becomes an idol, and his first hit song is "Turtle Oppa".


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Haven't watched the episode yet, but I've read the recap and...wow.
I wish people in the present will choose Bonghee over Taeho. But my pessimistic self is doubting that. It'd be more easy and beneficial to put the blame on Bonghee and treat Taeho as the real survivor since he is the superstar that people love and Bonghee is a nobody. I wish Joon-oh is still alive. I just need someone to be on Bonghee's side and protect her.


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So scary to see Tae Ho's tranformation when he was killing So Hee. That orgasmic shudder before he opened his eyes like he had definitely enjoyed strangling her. Birth of a serial killer right there.

Letting the CEO survive was a bit odd on the writer's part since the Crane of doom looked so final. I felt it weakened the show a bit.

Why do characters try to negotiate and blackmail killers? Reminded me of YFAS. No sane person would do what So Hee did.


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I thought that that's the end of him on seeing how crushed the car became. Maybe he has like a cat's nine lives or smth like that. Anyway I hope he survive. He is a good person.


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Maybe this implies that Yeol might also survive. Who knows. :P


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he's the only one who can support BH's statement, maybe that's why the writer didn't kill his character.

Maybe no other survivals will be found now, or if they will find anyone it will be at the last episode.


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Actually the crane of Doom actually fell on driver's side of car, so it wasn't too unrealistic for CEO to survive


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Crane of Doom has botched his debut and been demoted to crane of misdirection. Acting career now seriously in trouble -- might have to go back to his old construction job.

Producers have learned the hard way that if they want it done right, they need to hire the Truck.


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Oh, I wish I could like your comment. I laughed out loud.


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Hahahaaha crane of misdirection nice one.


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LOL! I love your sense of humor! They should have used a professional stunt double for Actor Crane of Doom, who was obviously not yet ready for his debut. Send him back to action school!


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Lol! The crane lost his nerves and felt wobbly because it was his first acting gig. Poor guy. He learned his lesson, though. No leading parts for now. Practice, practice, practice.


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At least he hasn't (yet) been bumped down to toycrane :)


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These are all gold! Where is the bicycle of doom? He's been rehearsing!


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Bwahahaha good one!! :)


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Bicycle prefers romcoms- playing the role of cupid and being a plot device to make the leads wrist/waist grab the other to safety, away from bicycle's path ?❤️


Lmao. Some of you guys here are really funny.


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Hahahahaha! Wondering if producers aren't getting tired of the ol' Truck these days. Lookin' for some variety.


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Well they have to find new 'Dooms" for them since there can't be any truck for them on that island. So Rock Of Doom, Wave Of Doom, Cliff Of Doom debuts...who knows what else for the coming epsidoes.


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Those rogue waves made a cameo, might be used as a future 'Doom-er'.


CEO could still die. TH is back in town and he could continue his serial spree.

Which, btw, I can't effing believe he KILLED So-hee with his bare hands! How has he managed not to kill to this point? It seems like second nature...or, maybe these are not his first murders? dun dun dun...

The detectives start to check some unsolved homicides in places he lived over the years and we may see he HAS been doing this for quite a while...


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@Moose I noticed TH's shudder too. It was soooo creepy! That little detail made him look the part of a serial killer for sure.


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Does Joon-Oh character development and his new way of treating Bong Hee seem sudden to you? What changes? I feel like he is acting like a hero in this episode but he was never really this way.


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Hmm Joon Oh is stepping up and that needs to happen especially now things are changing fast. For me Joon Oh always liked Bong Hee you can track it back since the first episode when he went back after he fired her you could see he wanted to help her up when she was on the ground but changed and asked the keys when it got akward/ when he noticed what he was doing.

Its just he's now acting more like him self than when he was trying to be cold to her.


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I don't think his character development was sudden. From episode 3 already, he's started to see Bong Hee in a new light. He's started to appreciate the hardwork she goes through to help all of them survive.

And its been shown that he's gotten tired of not being able to help at all, so this episode, he doesn't want Bong Hee to shoulder the burden on her own anymore. They've had a few moments where they were able to bond, when they saved each other, so obv he's gonna treat Bong Hee a bit nicer after all that she's done for him.

I think it was good that his development didn't have to take so many episodes.


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I don't think his change is sudden too. He has been changing ever since from the beginning days at the island.


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He's always been very caring of all his hoobae and especially thoughtful of Bong Hee. It was his idea to look for the man-made shelter and for BH to have JA's jacket.

Not sudden at all.

In fact, when he wasn't around for an entire episode, I really missed him.


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Yes. When i watched ep 5 i kept thinking, this group of people are so dispersed without Joon-oh. He's truly the leader of them. When he's around, everyone seems to be more focused. Also, does anyone notice that everytime Joon-oh went looking for Bong-hee, he brought some kind of light (the torch, lamp). I know it's because of the dark, but i think it also serves as a symbolism that he always brings light (hope) to Bong-hee.


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Well, I thought he was just being sensible but I think you're on to something about the recurring use of light. :D


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i don't find it sudden either. joon oh was immature when dealing with bong hee & his manager alone. but every scene (even before the crash; in flashbacks or on the plane) when he was with the legend entertainment crew, shows that he took on a more subdued & mature persona. he was their group's leader & i think he takes that role seriously even tho they've disbanded. he references it constantly. he has often tried leading them in this show which is what it felt like to me in this episode... not necessarily a hero but a leader.
the fact that he's now treating bong hee the way he treats the others indicates how he feels closer to her after all they've gone through (hence the LOOOONG flashback hahah).


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The moment Soo Hee went to Tae Ho to blackmail him I already knew what was going to happen. I was thinking Soo Hee don't do that and look what happend. Tae Ho went full psycho, there is no going back for him now.

Joon Ho and Bong Hee were really good togehter I really hope they both survive by the end of this drama.

Some people already speculated that the next survivor would be Tae Ho nice one :D As much as I hate Tae Ho when it was reveald that he was the survivor I got exited. Things wil be more interesting now in the present and Tae Ho will give it more edge.


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Yeah,it was stupid of her.she saw him killing someone and still confronted him alone.at night.no self perseverance


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Tae Ho's next excuse - So hee asked for it. She came to him. She was suicidal and had the guts to warn him. Its all her fault.


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The villains are always like that. It's always other people's faults but not his.


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Ugh, evil never dies. Tae-ho is going to lie his butt off, and his fans will probably believe him over Bong-hee. Things are going to get complicated.


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I bet so this will be the case for the next epsidoe :(


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the real question is why didn't So Hee tell everyone earlier about him killing that pilot guy? She was stupid to provoke him like that alone -_-


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still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this is Choi Tae Joon playing Tae Ho the Serial Killer. I keep seeing him as the sweet kinda goofy son on All About My Mom. Well...no more! He is doing a fantastically scary job here!


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Yes he is getting psychotic here. Maybe he can be the serial killer in "Voice". Haha.


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Really CTJ is doing a good job, he's nailing his character specially when he killed SH, his facial expressions were for a serial killer.


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He should do a cameo in Voice. Lol.


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Yeah he is definitely doing a good job, great villian and great acting


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Watching him go from aloof to psycho has been awesome.


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I know that thi is not a romantic drama but i can't help shipping joon oh and bong hee together


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Me too.


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Me too??


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Me too! But I can't help but wonder what the outcome of that will be eventually! Since we don't know yet whether or not Joon Oh survives the island will theirs be a doomed love? will there be a noble sacrifice (or just noble idiocy ala kdrama)? or do we still have hope that Joon Oh has made it out alive.


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Mee 2 guys me 2


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Me six.

For a show that's not primarily about romance, the romance feels to be humming along nicely.


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Actually I was yelling at him in their reunion scene to "kiss her already!"


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Me too. Maybe a hug or smth.


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Same. I ship them so much. I appreciate how subtle their development has been. Just little looks here and there and taking care of each other. No grand gestures or anything.


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So true. If they can get out of that damn island alive I bet their rs will develop more than just a stylist and a celebrity.


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I think Tae Ho is going to blame Joon Ah of killing Yeol. He will probably even say Bong Hee helped since they had developed a friendship on the island.


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So Hee's death got to me too. Just when she was grateful to be alive and becoming mentally stronger, her life was cruelly taken from her. Tae Ho is unforgivable. He needs to pay for his horrible actions.

Bong Hee is all alone in the present. I want her to team up with Prosecutor Tae Young asap. TY needs to find out TH is the real killer. I really want to see Joon Oh in the present, reconnecting with BH and taking down TH.

I watch this show at night and since it has gotten so grim, I feel a little emotionally drained. I like to watch something happy and light afterwards as to not go to bed with dark thoughts. I still like watching this show a lot though. The storytelling and mystery is compelling.


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And Investigator Oh! I think he wants to do the right thing.


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Bong Hee is going to need the prosecutor on her side. Now that Tae Ho is back, it will become a case of 'he said, she said' and he could easily pin the blame on her or someone else and claim her memory is faulty. She's already had trouble with her memory, so people may believe Tae Ho. Plus he has more of a celebrity status. Things are looking bad for Bong Hee, who might be made into a scapegoat. I'm hoping the prosecutor will look closely at Tae Ho and maybe discover that the breakup of the Dreamers was not entirely Joon Ho's fault after all. And I hope Joon Ho will survive and come back to help Bong Hee, and they'll both be exonerated and live happily ever after.


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You know what bothers me a bit?
Now that we know that Bong Hee has recovered all of her memories, the 'first' (well second) thing she does is continue with the narration instead of going to the investigator or the people documenting her and saying 'Here's where the rest of the survivors are most likely , let's go find them'

Her lack of doing that (or at least not doing that right away) puts a damper on the tone by suggesting that she know that most of them have not made out alive. Or maybe it ended with another wave of doom that separated everyone. Or in a best case scenario she was taken by the wave of doom (or luck?) and brought to where she was found while trying to leave the island with the others.

I feel like at some point they must have either made a big enough raft to leave the island or something ( boat? other survivors? fishermen?) might have come along and taken the survivors from the island, because they found no trace of them when they went to the island once it was found.

I could be wrong. I want to be wrong and I want the rest of them to be found. I specially want Yeol's body to be found too so he can be given an appropriate send off.

mysterious mysterious so curious so curious


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You're definitely right... they were able to make Sohee a raft for her send-off so they could have made something a raft of some sort to get off the island. Also, the fact that CEO Hwang didn't know that Bong Hee was alive until somebody told him in China is a sign that they must have all gotten separated again later down the line.


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That was my thought too!
At least if I'm the investigator, after Bong Hee's memory is back the first thing I'll ask is how she escape the island and with who so they can make a plan to search for another potential survivor, but it will destroy the narative and surprise.
Although even if it been revealed, the writer still has many things to drive the plot; where the other survivor, how they expose the murder and how Tae Ho try to get away, what happen to the songwriter, what is CEO Jang's motive, while still continuing on what happened in the island through flaskback.


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So far it seems like an almost-all-Korean investigation, but the island is probably in Chinese territorial waters, so shouldn't they handle the persecution prosecution of murders in their territory?

And even if the island isn't in Chinese waters, they'll probably claim it is, if you know what I mean.


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Heh. Don't march on their rights dude. jokes aside it all comes under there sphere of influence and their culture had good influence all lively islands countries there.


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Well, as the perpetrator of the murders, the victims, the plane itself are all Korean, Korea would have equal jurisdiction rights. What's more, China has no reason to spend its money and resources on the Korean 'murder mystery'.

Hahaha laughed so hard at the the Chinese claim 'unsaid' comment.


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So...in her explaination..Bong hee said 'Yeol dissappeared' right? Not died or Tae ho killed him right?? Does that mean he comes back??
Ugh!! Maybe I'm just raving mad about letting Yeol go like this..I'm hanging even onto the slightest ray of hope of him being alive...Please writer-nim..bring him back! Please!!


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I agree!!! I really do want to see more of Yeol. May that be in Falshbacks (maybe when we uncover the death of the songwriter) or finding his body at least so he can get a proper send off rather than just adrift in the ocean. I understand his death as a necessary plot device but it is just so unfortunate! Yeol-aaaaaaaa thashi deorawa!


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Well. She did told the investigators that TH admitted to killing Yeol.


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It feels that we're seeing the beginnings of a Rashomon set-up. Conflicting testimonies that will drive the powers-that-be completely up the wall.

This will definitely make things a lot more interesting as Tae Ho will in all likelihood position himself as a victim in all of this.


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i hope that at least one more survivor is found, so that someone else can be on bong-hee's side. when she was the only survivor they kind of had to take her testimony as truth, but tae-ho's survival changes things. at the end of the day tae-ho is rich and famous and if he says that she's lying, people are probably going to believe it.


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I imagine so. I expect there will be at least two more survivors if the show is going the way I think it is.

But the unpredictability is definitely part of the charm.


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Tae Ho's return and the present political battle just shows that tiny inhabited island was more secure than this modern human world. Now players will try to use these survivors for their own benefit. Truth never mattered as said by The Lady in 1st episode itself.

I think once more they will visit the island and there they will face off each other.

There is good possibility that Joon oh is alive too. Because facing everything together is set by this episode and we know how much Tae Ho can play.

So Bong Hee + Joon Oh pair Vs Tae Ho + Ceo of company + maybe chief Lady Ahjumma.


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I second this !


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I don't know if anyone posted this in a previous recap comment section, but did anyone notice that some of the survivors are wearing the colors of the rainbow?

Red - Joon Oh
Orange - Yeol
Yellow - Bong Hee (under her pink jacket)
Green - Ki Joon
Blue - Ji Ah
Purple - Sohee

The only ones not wearing rainbow colors are CEO Hwang, Tae Ho and Ho-Hang...

I wonder if this has anything to do with... anything?


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And because you mentioned the color, I like how the flashbacks were starting to get colors slowly. It all started in sepia-tone clothing, probably to show how BH lost her memories. In her mind, she still couldn't color in the details, and that the flashbacks were for us viewers (not necessarily what BH remembered) but with the sepia tone to show us how much she (doesn't) remember.

But as the show moves, little colors have been added to the flashback scenes through the survivors' clothing and items, mirroring BH's memories.

Loving this subtle execution. Just wanted to mention it since shiroimomo mentioned the clothing on this episode :P

Anyway, this is right up my ally. I love shows like this :) It's not perfect, but I like it ^_^


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Yes I love that the change in clothing and clothing colors shifted with her memories! It was a great way of showing Bong Hee's memory coming into focus. I think this show deserves a lot more credit and attention than it's getting.

I just wonder if there is any significance in the color scheme of the islanders' new clothing... Because it can't be just coincidence that they're wearing colors of the rainbow. Maybe I'm reading too much into it....


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I actually looked up the color meanings and they match with the personality of the individual character...pretty cool of the director to do that ??????


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Oh.... wow yeah that actually makes a lot of sense!


Whoa, neat detail! It is interesting that they have their own individual colors..... o:


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I am really enjoying this drama for all the same reasons. I love the pacing. So much better than a lot of korean dramas, even action dramas. Nice writing. I'm enjoying the cast as well. They're all doing a great job. I wasn't a fan of Choi Tae joon. He looks too much like an idol and he hadn't done a role with much meat. I'm glad he did this drama. He's getting better at being the sociopath as the filming goes along. I love Jung Kyung ho I like him best when he's being funny but he can pull off any role. His role I think is the most sloppily written and frankly cheesy. It's not deal breaker I still love him anyway.


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I wasn't expecting for TH to have killed So Hee. I thought her death was an accident.
I was surprised to see that TH is alive, he probably is going to try to harm BH. I am also thinking that he could say that he is only a victim and that he didn't kill anyone.
I like the pacing of the show. Sometimes if I like a show I will write something about it. I wrote this for Missing 9:

Missing 9

I survived
I kill you?
Or did I
Try to save you?
Was it
For me
But did I
Do nothing
And just stood there
As you kept
For help
Watching you
As you fell

Not guilty
He was dying
He was bleeding
I had to,
He would only have suffer
I did it to survive
I needed the food
I only helped him
Only did what was necessary

I killed I killed
My friend
It was an accident
I didn't mean to
I couldn't control my
I couldn't
What I


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Thanks for the recap! My favorite idea from this and last episode is "people are the most important thing."
Surviving is not worth it if it means not helping everyone else. This could be at odds with natural selection or moving our species ahead by weeding out the weak.
But I do think that sharing resources helps a larger number of people to survive, rather than only a few, which, increases the chance of species surviving, too. "Many hands make light work."
So, in a way, we have two directly opposing theories at work.
TH - the selfish survive - Kill the competition and keep more food you already have.
JO - the strong help the weak - By pooling resources and keeping more people alive, you have a greater chance of survival for everyone in the long run.

My least favorite part of this drama is the episodes are over before I know it.

The casting director did a great job in this show.
All the characters seem to fit perfectly to the role. Ji-ah is so beautiful as the tough and hugely popular star. Doesn't she look like Song Hye Kyo in some shots?

The strange colors in the forest add to the eerie feeling of waiting for something else bad to happen. For TH to kill someone else, or something to fall out of the sky and crush our hopes and dreams.


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It frustrates me that everyone seems to be so weak and intimidated by Tae ho, even that big guy...I loved your killer bunny vid....LOLOL


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Talking about Ji Ah. Her hair is still overly nice, smooth and tidy. I know that they did found some suitcase with toiletries but still ......at least BH's hair looked more convincing.


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So, what if:

1. CEO Jang met Tae Ho before he meet CEO Hwang. He know about all murder but as Tae Ho is more popular and make him murderer will create huge scandal, putting Tae Ho as hero will give him more benefit that's why he will get rid anyone who know that he's a muderer. Either it's his idea or Tae Ho's.

2. The accident was CEO's plot all along to get rid CEO Hwang. Tae Ho know it (may be the pilot or co-pilot told him, considering how well prepared they are with bag of food and lifeboat). Tae Ho use it to blackmail him; I'll cover your crime and you'll cover mine.

But for no. 2, I wonder what's the point of killing the idols too? He can just setup some car accident.
Or may be it has something to do with the songwriter suicide? It was not suicide and CEO Jang was involved in it so he need to eliminate everyone who might know.
That aside, even if everyone believe that Tae Ho kill them can they bring him to court and prove his guilt just by their statement?

And I doubt Yeol survive as if he did, Bong Hee will say that Tae Ho tried to kill him instead of responsible on his disappearence. Unless by miracle of kdramaland, he'll be drift ashore to a place and was found and saved by someone.


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Point 1. I think so too.. Probably Tae-ho met with the new ceo earlier on and striked some deal with him.. they had a common goal, since new ceo wants to remain what he had and cont to be the ceo and tae-ho want to get rid of ceo hwang for being a eyewitness that can support bong hee statement (two against one, at least with him gone, its bong hee and his so far.. neither side have more advantage in the eye of the law unless there's more evidence, if not what can they do)

The new ceo seems to be very interested in whether ceo hwang remembers and how much he remembers (i guess maybe he's curious why tae-ho want to kill ceo hwang and probably he wants to get some form of protection to threaten tae-ho in the future.. like a recording of recollection on what happened from ceo hwang etc..) .. he isnt dumb, i guess to work with someone with no backup plans..

maybe bong hee wasnt much of a threat at that point since she had amnesia and basically she's untouchable to a certain extent since she had protection and was kept under eyes of the investigator team..

I also think there's a bigger secret out there which so-hee definitely know.. not sure if its due to the translation from the source i watch, but i think so-hee wasnt refering to the killing of pilot as the "big issue shes threatening him"..


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add on..
i agree that the crash seems suspicious, doesnt look as simple as it seems though im still wondering how..

but i doubt those 9 main survivor know it beforehand.. if not why would they board the plane..

maybe the new ceo is behind it (he seems to be the biggest beneficiary anyway..) and tae-ho & so-hee somehow found out after the crash like u mentioned from the pilot or co-pilot.. then the blackmail part seems to make sense and new ceo wanted some sort of protection or assurance to keep tae-ho in check, so he met up with ceo hwang and ask him what exactly happened..

hopefully yeol dont die T_T 5 ep and he's gone~~ i would be so sad..


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Let's make it more complicated.

1. Bong hee is lying through her teeth. She convinces herself that she saved So hee. The reality is that she killed her. She let her plunge down the cliff. We've already seen Bong hee's scary face when she tells So hee: "Watch what I'll do." The threat is there. Don't mess with me, or you'll regret it.

2. Tae ho is the innocent here. Bong hee claims he killed the pilot, So hee and Yeol. He's back, and he's going to have a tough time defending himself. Especially since he looks every inch the serial killer, while Bong hee looks like an innocent lamb.

3. The more innocent they appear, the more likely they'll turn out to be dark and twisted. Like those rabbits. They 're actually a bunch of cannibals. They ate up all the human inhabitants of the island. That's why the island is deserted.

4. Everyone is dead. Bong hee killed everyone to protect herself. The only one who got away was Tae ho.


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I loved your twists, even one of the K-netz comments was saying: BH killed everyone. i hope for something like this to happen, we heard the story from BH's side only, now with another survivor in the picture who knows what's gonna happen.


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Oh~I like your theory, it's interesting and allows for the show to go in a lot of different directions. I hope this is the direction the show will go in, but at the same time I don't want to because I want Bonghee to be innocent. Either ways, I like your idea :)


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This will really be a big twist if BH is the real villain cos now they make it clear to we viewers that TH is the villain. But I still hope not cos I really ship BH and JO so much and that BH is a selfless person who always place others before her so I don't think it would be she who is the actual culprit.


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Hmm i hoped not.. My brain went into twisted mode every episodes and it sort of straighten back when the truth for that plot is found and told.. How am i to accept that its another deception..

I cant tell in the future as the plot moves, but as least i hope what she tells up till now is the truth..


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ohmy. this will totally crack me up but there's a possibility since we aren't in the climax of the story yet we all know that Tae Ho is the villain here. her memory is vivid and noooo! i don't want to think about it but after realizing about the rabbits, ohmy. a big possibility and a total brain wrecking plot. y u do diz to me??


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interesting... but that kind of twist would remind me of "Regression" ending (movie with Emma Watson in it) which I hated :/


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After all the talk here about homicidal rabbits, I should have remembered this sooner...


You can find similar links by googling "Jimmy Carter banzai bunny", etc. I remember seeing "banzai bunny" in the news at the time.


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Did anybody notice when RBH tried to save SH from the cliff. At that moment there is one person (female with turquoise colored jacket?) below the cliff??


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Eh? I did saw for a brief moment a person below the cliff at that scene..But with white clothes. I even repeated that scene many times to confirm , I thought that's a ghost hahha


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Sure? Oh my don't scare me. Lol.


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Yes, long straight hair and white clothing.

If the appearance had been more ordinary I'd have written it off as a screw-up showing one of the staff, but now....

.... someone who Tae-ho doesn't know about and probably can't get to anyway (?). A witness to refute Tae-ho's story (?) Or will she be left there even at the end of the series?

How long has she been on the little island? Just how many planes crash around there anyway? How has she been surviving? Does she have fire? Can she dive for fish? Do her tears turn to pearls??

Could she possibly have failed to notice the commotion up on the cliff? Or did she see them and just decide to remain hidden? Why?

It all seems so implausible that I'm back to guessing screw-up.


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wow interesting finding..

i would like to think its a screw-up.. but with that clothing 0.O?

but i cant imagine any reason why she's suppose to be there, if its according to the plot.. we arent talking about supernaturals right??

i think they really need to scan the entire island.. something seems to be hiding at every corner lol


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i noticed that too, thought it was just a towel or whatsoever but i repeated it like five times just to make sure it is like a human built but hey every single details in this story is not a joke or something to be shrug off. what if she was the one who can testify that bong hee did kill so hee? YY's theory is truly getting on my nerves. hah!


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it was too fast for me to pause/look closer at that woman :O could she be one of those girls from the airplane that survived? Or just a filming error?


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I was speculating in my mind a lotm but then I thought - can we be SURE that what we saw is actually true?
Bc guys, we've seen actually TWO version of the cliff accident. We saw both So Hee falling from it and Bonghee picking her up. Now I actually question everything we see bc it could be simply Bong Hee trying to lie or trying to remember under the pressure. I mean, people constantly require answers from her and when she can't her brain starts to create memories basing it on some staff and piece of memories she knows.

Is everything we see happend n island is just things that happened for real or is it the story of island based on Bong Hee's Mamories and imagination (she obviously couldn't know what happen and was said in situations she didn't participate in).
But. well, it's just can be actually TaeHo being freaky serial killer and Bong Hee trying to defend herself in present.

Also there are strange flashback that have black frame. is it indication of fake memory? Is it indication of very subjective memory?

Btw, maybe someone here knows japanese game/novel/manga "When the seaguls cry"? In short, there are 100500 versions of one event (massive kill on the island), mostly deaths are blamed on Witches that kill people with magic, but main char undertsnads that Witches doesn't exist and tries to explain everything by logiv and trying to remember/find the murderer. I knpw the whole story from spoilers only, but one of the versions was that Main char is the only survival and he don't remember what happend and can't believe that someone there (they are all his family) could be a killer so his brain/imagination started to explain it using magic and witches.
Highly recommnded to read, by the way, but it's super cryptic and complicated


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True. BH didn't really witness TH killing the Pilot, Yeol or SH. She is only recounting hearsay.

How did she know about SH blackmailing TH when they weren't exactly confidants. Where did she really get that food in the early episodes?After all, TH was found living on fish.

I wonder what colour pallette TH's recollections/ memories will be?


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Hmmmmm, and we also have two incompatible versions of the songwriter's suicide at the beginning, one with SoHee on the roof and one with her on the ground. What does it mean???


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this makes sense really. there's always two side of the story and we're just seeing what we think is what happened based on bong hee's perspective.

i was also confuse about so hee's death. she actually fell right on that cliff plus bong hee's scary face when she threatened so hee, man that was not the bong hee we used to see. and then suddenly, she did not kill her and she actually help her up? My confusion/doubt about bong hee's statements starts right there.


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Did anyone else think So hee's body was rather well preserved for when he brother found her months later?
I'd thought she'd died recently. Goof? Or does it mean that Bong Hee remembers wrong?


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Yes you've got a point there.


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Im falling in love with the show. The moment of confession and the flashback of their debut.


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l believe in BH she couldn't be lying that she saved SH l mean she is the protagonist in this story so all she is saying is true


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But is it...

She really didn't see any of the killings. And you can substitite her and TH in all the killings and it would still make sense.

Lets hear TH' s version next week.


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I hope not too.. Basically for the past 6 ep was all her recollections, and who knows how many more episodes to come...

Since so far the story was built up entirely base on that, i would feel a little incomplete if they just brush through or turn the ending to bong hee as the kiler who was lying all along.. (they cant possibly show as much content as what she had shown so far.. unless the writer really had a way of genius writing.. if not i would feel a little incomplete if it turns out that way)

I can imagine the little sandcastle in my heart building up with bong hee memories being collapsed and turn to nothing if thats the case.. its like u are led by someone on the nose and it turns out its not true(?).. i know its a twist in the twist.. but i highly doubt it would be in here.. at least i wouldnt feel satisfied with all the writing the writer had shown us up to now.. but who knows, maybe there's some genius writing


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since there's a prosecutor and that infinite necklace that been shown umpteen time.. im hoping with that, its more likely prosecutor would team up with bong hee and challenge against tae-ho and overcome whatever to come..

like that necklace meaning, its to protect the wearer.. hopefully her brother would protect bong hee in times

(i seriously dont think so-hee is stupid or so brave enough to face off tae-ho with nothing plan, its way out of her character.. maybe there's some evidence somewhere) cause i still dont understand why she would tell tae-ho to leave.. from the conversation, whatever that matter is, she can just tell the rest what she knows and tae-ho would be made to leave.. unless what she knows is sth to do with her too and she would be made to leave if the truth is expose.. if not i really dont understand her rationale in doing that..


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I think maybe JO is still alive then in the finale he, prosecutor brother n BH will face off TH and the evil CEO. From the start we knew that TH have been against JO and JO knew that TH killed Yeol and also SH. So in the end it is the good vs the evil as usual.


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I hope someone could give me an answer or just reply me because i don't know where to ask actually. lol
i just watched missing 9 until episode 7 (i must wait until broadcast finished, i hate waiting for another episode. lol)
and i found something (or someone??!) in episode 6.
When bonghee try to help sohee in the cliff.
If you can re watch it, you will saw someone passed behind/under the cliff. A woman. Staff?? or?? hahaha...
I was shocked and sacred, tbh...
I have captured it. but i cantt upload in here tho..
Am i the only one who saw it?


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