Introverted Boss: Episode 5

We rewind to the past in this episode, right before tragedy struck and irrevocably changed the lives of our main characters forever. Believe it or not, our beloved Hwan-ki had many reasons to smile then, thanks to a special someone who boosted his esteem and gently reminded him of his potential. For once, he felt safe and at ease, and what a difference a trustworthy friend makes.

EPISODE 5: “Three Years Ago, the Secret I Couldn’t Reveal”

Ji-hye waits expectantly at a cafe and stands when Hwan-ki, in his usual hooded getup, arrives with a bouquet. Omg is this a date?! He smiles timidly and hands it to her, and she happily accepts. Aw!

The two take their seats, and Hwan-ki removes his coat, surprising Ji-hye. “Won’t you be uncomfortable?” she asks. Hwan-ki replies that he’s at ease when he’s with people that don’t judge him. He suggests they head out, but Ji-hye proposes they order coffee first.

Hwan-ki decides on a caramel macchiato (after rethinking every possible choice), which Ji-hye orders too. They sit in silence while Hwan-ki overthinks how best to ask her out on a movie date — “Should I open my planner and discuss availability?” — but when he finally speaks, Ji-hye says time’s up. Hwan-ki sighs and asks if he looked stupid, but Ji-hye offers a reassuring smile and compliments him on ordering a drink that women prefer, though he admits he simply ordered what he liked. Aw, this was all practice!

She offers some advice: don’t put too much weight on the movie date and ask lightly so it feels less burdensome. Hwan-ki gratefully accepts her note and asks if he should leave the coat at home. Ji-hye answers that he should wear whatever makes him feel comfortable if he cares about the woman. He’s about to leave with the bouquet, but she thinks it may be too much, so he gives it to her instead and thanks her for her help.

Hwan-ki’s at another cafe, looking for someone when a woman suddenly yanks his hood. He turns around and faces a smiling woman who asks, “You’re still going around like this?” Her name is SEO YEON-JUNG (Jang Hee-jin), and she orders an Americano, declining Hwan-ki’s caramel macchiato suggestion. He decides to get the same as well. Uh oh.

The two catch up, and Hwan-ki valiantly drinks his Americano, keeping his cringes to a minimum. She’s disappointed that he came empty-handed; she expected a bouquet since he liked her in college. But this is news to Hwan-ki, and Yeon-jung laughs as she admits her crush on him then.

She asks him to hang out with her often since everyone else got married, and Woo-il is his sole friend. Hwan-ki suggests catching a movie, but Yeon-jung interrupts and asks him to buy her art instead, since he’s loaded. She laughs at his befuddled face and clarifies, inviting him to visit her gallery.

Ji-hye’s patching up her worn heels with black nail polish at her desk when Hwan-ki returns to the office. She gets up to greet him, and he notices the trail of nail polish left on the floor. Ji-hye apologizes and removes her heels immediately, explaining that she was painting them to muffle the loud noises they make.

Hwan-ki smiles and informs her that he met with the woman thanks to her help. He places a gift bag on her desk before heading into his office. Ji-hye opens it and is touched to find a brand new pair of black heels, the ones we know she wore the day she died.

Hwan-ki and Woo-il shoot hoops outside. After learning that he successfully met up with Yeon-jung, Woo-il asks if he can “borrow” Ji-hye for her services. The word choice bothers Hwan-ki, who informs Woo-il that Ji-hye is a good person. Woo-il’s already aware since Ji-hye handles Hwan-ki so well and explains that he just wanted her dating expertise in order to treat Yi-soo.

Ji-hye comes to work the next day feeling great in her brand new heels. She spots Woo-il, who tells her how grateful Hwan-ki is for her help. Then, Hwan-ki’s mom approaches Woo-il, and the two head up to his office; she says she has big news for him.

She surprises Woo-il when she encourages him to formally propose to Yi-soo. She says she got the okay from her husband even though he wasn’t keen on Woo-il’s orphanage upbringing. Woo-il’s at a loss for words and admits he’s nervous.

At a jewelry store, Yi-soo eyes a necklace and informs Woo-il that she’d like to wear it on Christmas Eve, since it’ll be a special day. Woo-il recalls her mom’s insistence on proposing and looks worried.

Ji-hye returns home, and Ro-woon points to a necklace in a magazine (the same one Yi-soo liked) as she begs Ji-hye to get it for her before her big audition. Ji-hye says she’ll get it for her eventually, and Mom chides Ro-woon’s neediness.

Hwan-ki fumbles with a sweater before a mirror, uncertain if it’s the right look. But Ji-hye assures him that it looks nice and encourages him to charge forward with confidence, which makes him smile.

Emboldened by Ji-hye’s words, Hwan-ki visits Yeon-jung at her gallery and surprises her with a bouquet and an Americano, and says he’ll purchase the artwork she just finished putting up. Yeon-jung feels guilty that he took her words literally, but he insists he’d like the piece in his office. She laughs and suggests they take things slow, surprising Hwan-ki.

Yeon-jung instructs him to treat her on Christmas Eve with wine and a pretty present that’s not too pricey. She ruffles his hair and explains that she’s being intentionally direct to simplify their relationship.

Woo-il is back at the jewelry store, looking dazed as Yi-soo’s necklace/proposal gift gets wrapped. Later, he meets with Ji-hye on the rooftop and asks her what she’d like for Christmas; he’d like to reward her for taking good care of Hwan-ki. Ji-hye asks for lots of money so she can donate it to the White Cloud Orphanage, surprising Woo-il.

She gets home, and her dad asks if she’s eaten, but Ji-hye turns the question back to him. His neighbor friends note how considerate Ji-hye is for thinking of him first, as well as the orphans. Then Ro-woon makes her boisterous entrance, and when her dad asks her if she’s eaten, she answers that she’s starving and yells for her mom to feed her. They all have a good laugh about the polar opposite sisters.

Ro-woon asks Ji-hye about the drawing she’s working on on her bed, and Ji-hye coyly answers that it’s of the view someone is always looking at. Ro-woon’s under the impression that Ji-hye has a boyfriend and teases her, even though Ji-hye maintains he’s just a coworker. Ro-woon asks her to attend her last show on Christmas Eve with her boyfriend so she can size him up, and Ji-hye pinky promises to attend, even if she goes alone.

The next morning, Ji-hye sits nervously at her desk. When Hwan-ki arrives, she brings up her little sister’s show on Christmas Eve, and Hwan-ki permits her to leave work early tomorrow to attend. It almost seems like there was more to her question… was she going to invite him?

As soon as Hwan-ki enters his office, he punches the air and breaks into the biggest smile we’ve seen yet. He flies around the room, so ecstatic about his Christmas Eve date. Ji-hye opens his door and catches him mid-celebration, and he freezes.

Ji-hye pretends she saw nothing, and Hwan-ki informs her that his painting by his artist friend will be delivered this afternoon. He shyly adds that he has plans to see her tomorrow, but isn’t sure what to gift her, so Ji-hye offers to give him a list of options.

Back at her desk, Ji-hye examines her drawing of a multistory building. She gathers the courage to text Hwan-ki and ask if he can meet her later. Yi-soo arrives in a perky mood and reveals to Ji-hye that she’s getting married, but doesn’t reveal who her man is.

Yi-soo’s flipping out about tomorrow and expresses how nervous she is for the proposal, despite eyeing Woo-il for twenty years. Hwan-ki smiles at how happy she is as she describes tomorrow’s events — first, a musical at W Art Hall, followed by the proposal. Hwan-ki recalls Ji-hye mentioning that her sister was performing at the same hall tomorrow.

Ji-hye anxiously clutches her drawing, wondering if the cover and decorative ribbon are excessive. She accidentally drops it on the floor, and Woo-il picks it up. He takes a look despite her protests and admires her artistry. He stubbornly insists on taking it since he’ll donate to the orphanage like she wanted, and Ji-hye reluctantly gives it up. Ugh.

Woo-il finds Hwan-ki’s disgruntled dad sitting in his office, wondering if Woo-il is shirking work after gaining permission to propose to his daughter. He mutters that Hwan-ki should be getting hitched soon and asks Woo-il about the woman from college Hwan-ki’s seeing. Woo-il’s shocked to hear he knows who Hwan-ki is dating; Dad hastily insists he heard from Yi-soo, but Woo-il answers that even she wouldn’t know, because Hwan-ki kept it a secret from his entire family.

Hwan-ki’s dad scolds Woo-il for nitpicking at him, the very person who took Woo-il in despite his lack of roots and groomed him to become a CEO. He warns Woo-il that he’s always watching. After Hwan-ki’s dad leaves, Woo-il shockingly finds a blinking recording device glued under his desk. Uh oh. Hwan-ki’s dad wasn’t kidding. That evening, Woo-il drowns his sorrows at a bar, and Ji-hye arrives soon after.

She’s concerned by how much he’s drinking, but downs a few shots herself out of obligation despite her low tolerance. She asks him why he’s upset, and he answers that his office was wired as he shows her the device. He mentions how his intentions were sincere, but that everyone believed his relationship was based on his need for power.

Ji-hye suggests he return home now, and he asks her to take him there, since she’s frequented the White Cloud Orphanage before. Ji-hye’s surprised to hear this, and Woo-il laments his shameful inability to call it home as he tries to down another shot, but Ji-hye stops him. Suddenly, he pulls her in and kisses her despite her resistance.

Even though she’s tipsy herself, she manages to lug Woo-il to a hotel room. She gets up to leave when Woo-il pulls her back. He fastens Yi-soo’s necklace around her neck and pulls her in for another kiss, and this time, Ji-hye looks apprehensive, but doesn’t resist.

The next day, Hwan-ki pulls into the parking garage, smiling from the Christmas gift he prepared. But there’s fire in his eyes as soon as he catches Ji-hye with Woo-il in his car. She’s badly shaken as she stammers that she made a grave mistake, but Woo-il tries to comfort her with an embrace.

Woo-il looks at Ji-hye’s drawing in his office and apologizes to Yi-soo over the phone since he won’t be able to give her the necklace she wanted. But Yi-soo’s undeterred since she actually came by the store to get it herself, and she’ll be the one proposing. The saleswoman recognizes Yi-soo from before when she came with Woo-il, and informs her that Woo-il already purchased it with the intention of proposing to her. Woo-il’s inability to give Yi-soo her necklace suddenly takes on another meaning, but Yi-soo insists to the saleswoman that she must be mistaken and asks for the necklace again.

Back at the office, Ji-hye knocks on Hwan-ki’s door, hoping to leave early, but he asks her to come in. She’s uneasy as she approaches his desk and detects his dour mood. She encourages him to say whatever he needs to and point out any mistakes she made. Hwan-ki thinks back to the sight of her and Woo-il together, and the coincidence of Yi-soo and Ji-hye both planning to catch the same show.

He shows her a single cufflink and instructs her to locate the other one that’s gone missing, even though she points out that he rarely wears shirts that require cuff links. But Hwan-ki’s adamant that she does this task immediately. She calls Ro-woon to apologize for breaking her promise and missing her show tonight, and Ro-woon doesn’t take this well, accusing her sister of being too important to attend her measly show.

Ro-woon drops her phone when she bumps into Woo-il, who’s at the hall with Yi-soo. He gathers the pieces of Ro-woon’s phone and returns it to her before heading into the theater. Meanwhile, back at the office, Ji-hye calls the flower delivery service to send Ro-woon a bouquet.

Hwan-ki sullenly opens his hand, revealing the other cufflink he tasked Ji-hye to find. Meanwhile, Yeon-jung waits for Hwan-ki at a restaurant, but he’s a no-show. She calls him and refuses to let him stand her up on Christmas Eve — she’ll wait, she says. Hwan-ki’s about to change for his date when he glances at his cufflinks and remembers that Ji-hye’s still here.

He opens his door and notices Ji-hye calling Woo-il, asking him to meet her on the rooftop. In her hand is Yi-soo’s necklace that he drunkenly gifted her. Woo-il was in the middle of dinner with Yi-soo when Ji-hye called, and now he’s clearly distracted. He gazes at the necklace around Yi-soo’s neck — the one she purchased herself — and tells her that he has to return to the office, which Yi-soo takes surprisingly well.

Unable to wait for Hwan-ki any longer, Yeon-jung finally decides to leave the restaurant. At the office, Woo-il takes the stairs to the rooftop when he runs into Hwan-ki, who wonders why he’s here when he should be with Yi-soo. “I saw you and Ji-hye alone in the car. What’s going on between you two?” he asks.

Woo-il sputters that he made a drunken mistake, one that guys typically make, and that Ji-hye came on to him first. Ji-hye overhears this; she’s only steps away from them, and proceeds to walk past the men without saying a word. She rounds the corner and finds Yi-soo looking spurned; she heard everything, too.

After her show, Ro-woon holds her bouquet from Ji-hye and regrets yelling at her. She calls her sister, but there’s no answer. Cut to Ro-woon running through the streets wishing desperately for Ji-hye to stay alive. But it’s too late, and Ro-woon sobs next to her sister’s corpse at the hospital.

Next we see Ro-woon at Ji-hye’s wake, looking through her sister’s belongings. She wonders why her heels aren’t there and discovers the necklace she asked Ji-hye to get for her, which brings her to tears; she’s unaware that it came from Woo-il.

Inside the penthouse, Woo-il panics about what others will think when they find out about Ji-hye’s suicide, because that’s his biggest concern. He falls to his knees and begs Hwan-ki to save him and keep this incident their secret, using their friendship as an excuse. Hwan-ki’s visibly distraught, but manages to tearfully say, “Okay fine. Let’s just say it was my fault.” What?!

Hwan-ki feels partially responsible and instructs Woo-il to inform his dad that he’s to blame for making Ji-hye suffer. Woo-il, incredulous and relieved, promises to do everything he can to make sure this doesn’t reach the public and that his dad will do the same. He grabs onto Hwan-ki to ascertain that Ji-hye jumping to her death will remain a secret between the two of them, but Hwan-ki walks away distressed, taking Ji-hye’s heels with him.

Cut to Hwan-ki kneeling before his furious dad. Then we see a rep from Brain put down an envelope of money in front of Ji-hye’s parents at her wake. Ro-woon marches in, fuming that the company is trying to silence them with money, which confirms to her that something went awry at work.

The rep states that no evidence was found from their internal investigation, and Ro-woon shouts that that’s even more suspicious: “Someone committed suicide by jumping off the company building yet there are no reports in the paper?! All you came up with is that she suffered from depression. How does that make sense?”

In the days following Ji-hye’s death, Ro-woon passes out flyers, attempting to spread the word about Ji-hye’s suicide brought on by her workplace. At home, her mom falls ill from the grief and eventually passes away, leaving Ro-woon and her dad alone.

Hwan-ki stands outside the barbershop and follows Ji-hye’s dad inside, where he readies him for a trim. Hwan-ki struggles to get something off his chest, but misses his chance when Ji-hye’s dad places a hot towel over his face and exits for a cigarette break. The mood is odd between them, as if Ji-hye’s dad knows that Hwan-ki needs to cry, and is giving him the space to do so.

Meanwhile, memories flood back to Hwan-ki, from the night Ji-hye jumped, leaving only her shoes behind, to the moments where she smiled and helped him as his secretary and moral support.

With the towel still on his face, Hwan-ki silently weeps as Ji-hye’s dad stubs out his cigarette outside (among many others — has he been giving Hwan-ki more time?), and Ro-woon sits in solitude inside an empty theater. A messenger drops off a bouquet for Ro-woon. “Again?” she wonders. She asks him who sent it, but the messenger says it’s a secret.

The flowers make her smile through her tears, and Hwan-ki watches her from a distance. He narrates, “I watched over her for three years instead of someone no longer here, but…” We return to the present, three years later, where tipsy Ro-woon confronts Hwan-ki: “If you only watch quietly like that, nothing will happen for you. If you only watch, you can’t protect anybody.”

She passes out and falls limply against Hwan-ki, who instinctively holds onto her. Next, he piggybacks Ro-woon up the steep steps to her dad’s barbershop. He has a red bruise on his eye, although it’s not clear how that materialized.

Ro-woon drunkenly mutters that she’s tired, the irony of which doesn’t escape Hwan-ki. She laments that her revenge put others in trouble, and that even though she sort of succeeded in exacting it, she doesn’t feel good about it. “I feel very sorry.”

Her apology gives him pause, and he replies, “That’s what I should say,” and continues carrying Ro-woon up the steps.


Of course, this episode began with adorable Hwan-ki smiles and sweet little moments, only to take a very dark and dramatic turn in the middle. Thanks for nothing, Woo-il.

This episode, save for the last bit at the end, finally revealed to us what exactly happened that Christmas Eve three years ago, and most importantly, the circumstances that led to Ji-hye’s tragic death. I loved that we got to see the relationship between Hwan-ki and Ji-hye pre-Woo-il, because it wasn’t previously apparent that the two actually shared an easy, comfortable bond, which makes Hwan-ki’s sacrifice and Ji-hye’s suicide all the more devastating in hindsight. Now we know that Ji-hye’s cautiousness and Hwan-ki’s cold demeanor toward each other on Christmas Eve was an anomaly.

How lovely was it to see Hwan-ki so relaxed around Ji-hye? He smiled easily, loosened up his posture, stuttered less, and breathed evenly. What a stark contrast to the Hwan-ki we were presented with before. It seriously warmed my heart every time Ji-hye gently guided and looked after him. I know it’s sort of her job to do so, but the two definitely connected on a friendship level that was very sweet and genuine. The part where she quietly alerted Hwan-ki before moving forward and plucking a stray thread from his sweater really illustrated how considerate she was of him without being overbearing. In fact, Ji-hye just may have been his only true friend. And no, Woo-il definitely does not count as a friend.

I disliked Woo-il from the start, and now I know he’s a certified spineless, self-absorbed coward. Forget that he’s had this lifelong insecurity for being an orphan and that Yi-soo’s father looks down on him! Woo-il is still a fool, and his pathetic self was on full display in this episode. First, he infuriated me when he basically forced Ji-hye to give him the drawing. Who does that?! Then, he had the audacity to blame Ji-hye for his lapse in judgment and characterize his mistake as “something that guys do by accident,” like it’s a common and admissible phenomenon. I don’t think a rape took place, but it was clear that neither of them — especially Woo-il — were in the right state of mind to make sound decisions. Furthermore, Woo-il always had the tendency to take advantage of Ji-hye’s kindness — just like he does with Hwan-ki — so even when he was intoxicated, he still acted very much true to himself. As for how drunk Woo-il and Ji-hye were, it’s rather unclear; he probably drank more than she did, but she also had a very low tolerance.

Because we’ll never know what was in the original script for episode five, it’s hard to say what specific changes were made during the rewrite, although it’s safe to assume that they overhauled all of it, since that was the statement released by the creatives. Fortunately, this episode didn’t feel at all out of place; it didn’t feel like it was rewritten, and I guess that’s a good thing? There weren’t any jarring shifts in tone, and all the characters’ original personalities and motivations remained intact as far as I can tell; I appreciated seeing a new side of Hwan-ki and learning more about Ji-hye. I was, however, very confused by Ji-hye’s building drawing. Why the building, and how is it significant?

Perhaps the narrative changes will be more evident in the next episode, which I expect will take place entirely in the present and feature Ro-woon more, now that we got the full backstory/giant flashback out of the way. It’ll be interesting to see how — and if — they change Ro-woon; she’s the main lead and the most problematic character of the bunch. Her pain is understandable, but directing her blame entirely on Hwan-ki based on pretty much nothing? Not so much.


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Ah,, that sucker Woo-il, sometimes there are these awesome bromances in dramaland and then sometimes there are these frenemies... :(

And lots of father issues... for once, why can't fathers be nice to their sons? A lot of problems in the world would just vanish.


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Want to see father be nice to his son ? Watch Illjimae :D


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Thanks for the recap!
I thought the JH and HK scenes were lovely, too. In fact, if the drama were just about the pair of them getting together, I would have loved it. Which makes it ten times sadder that we lose her so early on! I am glad they brought us in on that friendship right away instead of in flash backs the whole drama.

As far as the picture, who was it for? I thought it was for Woo-il because of the view from his place? Grasping at straws here on why I made that connection. LOL Anyway, she brought it with her to meet him instead of leaving it behind. That, too.


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Yes I thought the drawing had been for woo il as well and That her crush was on woo il?


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That's what I thought, too.
Like, she liked him but was too shy & reluctant to be open about it?


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Re the picture, I took as it being for Hwan Ki. She said it was the view "someone" has of the world so I took it to mean it's a picture representing Hwan Ki looking at the world without joining it... or something?
Plus didn't she ask to meet Hwan Ki in the lobby to give him the picture but that Woo Il interrupted? Or do I remember that scene wrong?

Before this episode, I thought she liked Woo Il but this episode seemed to illustrate that it was Woo Il who liked her and basically forced his feelings on her, while she had a crush on Hwan Ki instead.


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Thanks so much for the recap. One small little note on Woo il, I agree that he's a spineless coward - that's a terrible friend at best but I was glad that this episode exposed his layers and modivation. This episode helped me to understand him even if it cemented my disdain for him.

I think he was genuinely attracted to Ji-Hye and liked her. It probably did move him when he found out she cared for orphans like himself. I interpreted the scene when he asked for the drawing in a totally different light as in the recap. WI knew the picture was for him. Jihye had arranged the meetup and was standing there waiting for him with a bow wrapped around it. He knew she was shy and debating on whether or not to give it to him. By asking for it, he was making it easer for her. That's the kind of things charming people do. He is quite charming, but in him we see that charm without strong character, can be used as a tool of manipulation and deception.

He was attracted to her, and was prehaps rebelling against the pressure to marry someone he didn't love. However attraction is not the same thing as love, as in the end it was clear that Hwan-ki was the one who truly cared for her whereas at the end of the day, WI is going to look out for himself.

I could say more, but it's hard to type on a tablet. ?


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JesO, I agree completely about the drawing scene. I think Woo-Il thought it was for him, so he was being considerate and making it easier to give. The way Ji-Hye reacted, though, I thought maybe he assumed it was for him, but she meant it for someone else. Much like the way we thought the flowers were for her at the beginning of the episode, but they were for Hwan-gi's date.


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I think she messaged Hwan-ki to meet at the lounge in the scene before so the picture was meant for him.


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I agree with you on this, as I had the same impression. What a sad episode, but I loved it even more for giving us this background info. I still ? you, show! And thank you for the recaps!


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I agree with your assessment! I also think that Ji-Hye had a crush on Woo-Il and he liked her back. He could tell that she liked him though and he took advantage of that.


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I think it all depends upon whom she was texting to meet her. The person she was texting was the one she was interested in. And separate things happened in the episode to weigh in either direction. She was far too willing to help HK out in helping him court his crush. At the same time, she was quite uncomfortable about whatever it was that happened between her and WI. I know it's implied, but not shown, and I don't trust dramaland on implications. Anyway if something major happened between them, when her crush on him (assuming it is on him) was in it's nascent stages, awkwardness and discomfort is understandable, but the fact that she'd return his gift (which would be a complete rejection) is not.
Also, I couldn't figure out whom she was texting, but clearly that drawing of hers has some significance for the person it is intended, but WI showed no recognition, only interest.
Truthfully I have a feeling she liked and cared for both men a great deal, and in both cases her feelings were largely platonic. The kind of affection that can, to outsiders, come across as something more; it might even, at some point of time in the future, develop into something more; but it's not quite there yet.


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Sigh. I'd have shipped HK with JH. I liked the scenes at the beginning of the episode. To me, it was as if we had reset the story or watched a different story. * Sad face *


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Ah, the much-hyped episode 5. I agree with you, Chicka, in thinking this episode didn't feel out of place. I did notice how they might be doing things a little differently, though.

Mainly, they seem to be trying to explain Ro-woon's motivations after the fact. The first 4 episodes were jarring because she was acting so wild and we were supposed to accept that it was justified because her sister died. But we didn't know much about her sister. This episode explains how close their bond was and how Ji-Hye was the glue that held the family together. Without her, everything fell apart. Her mom passed away as a direct result. We feel more for Ro-woon now because we understand the magnitude of her loss.

They're also (and this might be reaching into ep 6 as well, excuse me) really trying to hammer home the fact that she's sorry for everything. The show seems to be hurrying to wrap up the vengeance plotline and soften everyone's edges so that there's more room for cute and character growth.

Tbh, if the showrunners hadn't told us they were changing things I probably wouldn't have noticed the different direction. But I watched the entire episode reaaally carefully lol, even pausing sometimes to let new information and connections sink in. Did anybody else do the same? I felt like a special investigator lol.

ps. - Ro-woon finding the necklace in her sister's things and feeling guilty all over again broke my heart. I hate Woo-Il so much. I have so much to say.

pps. - OMG Dad placing the hot towel over Hwan-gi's eyes and stepping outside so he could cry in peace made me so emotional. It made me wish that Dad was Hwan-gi's real dad so they could be quiet and nice to each other all the time... even though that would be terrible for the otp lol


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what?? did the dad really cry?


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No no, Hwan-ki needed to cry. Poor guy. I still wanna give him a hug and now a caramel macchiato.


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I remember how Ro Woon, when seeing how depressed was Hwang Ki's current secretary, thought that maybe her sister felt the same, and she felt guilty because she didn't realize at that time how much her sister was suffering.
In this episode we see that Hwang Ki had a sweet friendship with his secretary, so she was not depressed at all. So I was a little taken aback by her sudden decision to commit suicide, she seemed quite a grounded person and knew how to handle her bratty sister (really, Ro Woon? "Give me your shoes, buy me this necklace"?).
I suppose Ji Hye had a crush on Woo Il and wanted to give him the drawing (but she kept overthinking how to present it). I understand that she was appalled when she heard him blaming everything on her and then she also saw that his fiancee had heard it all. But I still think her decision to commit suicide was too rushed. There are worse things in life than this :-(
I've read recently that many people commit suicide in places where it's easy to do it, because it's an impulse decision. As soon as the authorities add some high rails on the bridges, for instance, the number of suicides diminishes a lot, because people cool off and don't want to make an extra effort to really do it. So maybe they should have added some rails to the roof of the company.
I am so sorry for Ji Hye and for her family, which was destroyed after that. It takes a lot of strength for the survivors to go on with their lives.
I really hope that Woo Il is punished for being such a jerk. Hwang Ki is a saint for taking the blame. The only problem is that his "friend" doesn't learn anything from this, he just becomes more entitled and more manipulative.


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I agree with you in saying that her decision seemed a bit too drastic and that's why I think two things probably happened to actually make her want to end it.
One, I don't agree with Chika when she says that rape probably didn't happen, I see Woo Il as plenty capable of doing just that, and I think he probably did rape her. Not in the screaming violet way we all imagine rape to happen, but more in the coersive way it so often happens and gets utterly swept under the rug. She also was tipsy so couple that with his charm and she probably at some point just stopped refusing. Which would explain why the next day she was devastated blaming herself for the huge mistake. I also think that after witnessing Woo Il just tell Hwang Ki that it was all on her, he just hammered her guilt in even more. And if Chika is right in that JH had a crush on HK and not WI, then embarrassment and even more shame immediately followed. And if JH had a crush on WI as how some of us interpreted it then she was probably pretty shaken to see the guy she liked refer to her as easy.
Two, I fully believe HK's sister is also to blame. To me she seemed pretty spoiled this episode. I mean seriously what girl buys the engagement bling for herself and just proposes to herself? Like who does that? It's like she considers WI as her toy, she wanted him therefore she would get him no matter what. I mean it didn't even occur to her that WI didn't love her. I mean he says I considered them like my family. So he probably saw her more like a sister and she misinterpreted and then he just went along because of greed. But I don't think she ever stopped to think about the reality of things. So after she heard I truly believe she went as dark as her dad and probably threatened JH.
These two things combined were probably what caused her to want to just die. I mean who would believe that a secretary had been raped by her boss? It's the CEO's voice against hers. She could easily have been painted as the greedy scorned bitch agaisnt the charming kind CEO. If she didn't talk, who would hire her if HKs sister demanded it. Woo Il would certainly not put his hands on the fire for her.There goes her livelihood and the shame and worry of facing her parents' possible disappointment, plus the judgement of everyone else. And then there is Hwang Ki, what guaranteed her that he would fight for her? That he had the courage and spine to protect her if she told him the truth when he can barely speak in front of people? Nothing did. So i think she probably felt backed into a corner, with no way out and just decided to die...

And damn, sorry for the essay, didn't mean to get so carried away. But I think that rape so often gets thought of as happening with screaming fighting people that it gets forgotten and people think that it doesn't easily happen. Which sad reality, it does.


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Personally I think there's nothing wrong with a girl proposing but the way she (and her mother) disregarded Woo Il's opinion wasn't cool (even if he's a jerk)


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I have no problem with a girl proposing to her man/significant other. I have a problem when girl just goes to the store, picks a ring (or necklace in this case), disregards her man and basically proposes to herself on his behalf. The only thing missing was for her to kneel in front of a mirror and do the q & a all by herself...


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That's true, but I see Yi Soo as a very happy-go-lucky girl who probably doesn't think very deeply. I find that Woo Il, who as you have mentioned, went along precisely due to his greed, is also to blame. Because of his desire for a family, or the company, he went along and didn't correct Yi Soo about their relationship and eventually went almost to marriage. Since they've known each other for 20 years I assume they've been going out for at least a couple years.


@ Agatha
I completely agree with your analysis.
She had to endure the humiliation of listening to the guy she was shyly interested in refer to her as his "mistake" because she seduced him. Compounded by the fact that it was her direct boss, who she cared for as a friend, was hearing about if right in front of her. All she could do was try to get out of there and she runs into the fiance who has also heard everything. She was drowning in shame at this point.
Was it enough to commit suicide? I believe a rape occurred and that Ji Soo may have threatened her in some way. I don't think she realized until she saw the necklace that her boss's sister was the fiance. Double the shame!
At this point it is possible.


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That is so true. I was also wondering if there was a rape and wanted to convince myself that it didn't happen because she didn't refuse and was reluctant. But most cases of rape happen between people who know each other and where the victims trust is being abused. and it also didn't seem like they didn't know what they were doing. so by forcing himself on her and then putting all responsibility on her, woo il betrayed her twice. he seriously knows how to use his charm for a person who seems "weak"/trusting against him. whereas with people who are demanding or dominating or controlling him, he loses his power and becomes "weak". to me he seems to have characteristics which are polar opposite. on the one hand he is very confident and on the the other hand he is a coward as is being shown in both his conversations with hk.


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I totally agree Agatha! I thought it was clear that even though she wasn't shouting her objections or struggling too hard against him, she wasn't consenting either. Her character was portrayed as overly considerate and polite, so it seemed perfectly in keeping that she yielded to him physically, even if mentally she regretted it the whole time, and immediately afterwards. Not to mention the ever looming power dynamic of their professional relationship. And it seems in keeping with his character that a) he believed she liked him and wanted him even when she clearly didn't, and b) that he would disregard her feelings either way. When he hugged her after she expressed her regret in the car I was so mad!! I was like get off her you slime!

It's tricky with K-dramas because they do like to skirt the line sometimes, what with the 'man-leans-in-to-kiss-and-woman-struggles-but-eventually-acquiesces' trope, which is one of my least fave things. LOVE when you get those dramas where the girl wants to kiss just as much as the guy!!!


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You have taken every single point into consideration and this is s a very well written wall of text but still suicide looked a bit unreal. I think here writer still showed his lack of writing skills. Ji-Hye had to deal with so much in a span of 1 day so its also possible she took this drastic step. And it goes well with 1 side of her personality but then i don't thik she was mentally weak. Overall, this was far better episode than other 4 but still ha d a few minor issues that's can't be ignored.


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@Agatha, if he forced himself on her, then her rush decision to die makes sense, in that context (from my interpretation, she had a crush on Woo Il, but maybe we are being mislead for the time being).
I just can't stand Hwang Ki's sister, what's wrong with her that she clings to Woo Il and still wants to marry him, even after she found out that (as he put it) he cheated on her? (He seemed trapped and desperate when Hwang Ki's mom told him he has the permission to marry her daughter)


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Aw, I was starting to ship Hwan Gi and Ji Hye together!! Had to restrain myself because of my knowledge that she dies :(

I'm glad that her job was not as unpleasant as we thought from the previous episodes, and they had a totally cute friendship, I think JH drew HG out in a gentle, good way that a friend does. Unlike WI. And it was so nice to see that HG was so much less withdrawn 3 years ago! The suicide must have affected him a lot such that he is so much worse at socialising now.

Hmm, I was under the impression that Woo Il had a crush on Ji Hye and Ji Hye wanted to give the present to Hwan Gi instead.

Ji Hye might have felt that her reputation was tarnished in a way, because WI's fiancee overheard that JH was hitting on WI. Which could _somewhat_ explain her suicide. I still feel that it was out of character given that she seems quite down to earth BUT I'm willing to suspend my disbelief. Or perhaps there are more things that are not yet revealed.


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God bless who made that Lee Joon Gi header ....
it's glorious


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Probably one of the best Dramabeans banners ever made.


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It stopped me instantly from doing anything but staring at it ... ?


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Stopped reading the comments to look at it but Lee Seung-gi is up there. No complaints though, I love him as much!


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Genuine question... Have this drama got better? Is it worth watching? Cause you got 3 beautiful talented actresses in one episode but in the end the main girl is that rookie bad acting one lol...


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Okey, so I watched this episode simply because of script change and whole episode I was thinking "hey, I like this girl, am I still supposed to ship him with the female lead?"
I don't think it is acting, but more about writing, in this episode we had two great female characters-who were hard-working, nice, smart people and the 5 seconds given to Ro-Won was about her begging her sister to buy her expensive things.

Oh and if you wondered, why grown up-logical-self made woman would suddenly kill herself than you would be dissapointed.
Guy problems? Shitty day? Who kills themselves over that? How did she even lived up to this day? Am I a bad person for thinking it would have been better if she had depression?

Actually, aside from that everything was a lot better- Hwan Ki was more introvent than guy with Social Phobia, Woo-Il could be called something other than untrustworthy and female lead had less screen time.


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Mmmm... Actually I was thinking that maybe she didn't really commit suicide but something happened between her and the sister. They didn't show what happened next after the scene on the rooftop. But on second thought, that scenario wouldn't work because as we have seen in episode 1, she clearly commited suicide. Im just thinking that maybe the not suicide scenario would have worked better.

I ship hwanki and his secretary too and I love watching their parts. It would have been better if her character isn't dead yet. I really wish for her to be the female lead instead.

Then, the scene with hwanki and the father, I was wondering if the father knew him as the boss? The silence between them hints something and I am really curios about it.
The crying with towel in the face is one of the best scenes of this episode. It made me cry. (It reminded me of park seo jeon in witch romance) I can feel the guilt and pain inside hwanki. The actor did very well. For me that scene prove that this drama has more to offer, the actors (not the female lead though) are talented and they are doing their best to save the show. Lets just hope that the writer will also do their best to improve things and make it work.


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No I don't think it got better and agree. Why is the main one the worse one??!!


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This was a really touching, sad and bittersweet (mostly bitter) episode. I really felt for Ji-hye. So misunderstood and mischaracterized by others. She was definitely too trusting and it really hurts, what happened to her. Side note chickachunga, I believe the father stepped out because he knew who Hwang-ki was and couldn't bring himself to interact with the man he mistakenly believes led to his daughter dying. It's probably why he smoked so many cigarettes. He knew Hwang-ki was probably trying to apologize or explain but just couldn't bear it. That seems to be what the scene was implying. Overall a really good ep. I liked it a lot.


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I agree! The scene with the father plus the flashback is very heartbreaking.
I also think the scenario about the father knowing hwanki is really possible but I wanted to see confirmation. I want to see how they knew each other but I guess we wont be seeing it coz the next episode will show the present.

I hope they tone down the attitude of the main female lead (in a believable way) because I really do hate her even after watching this episode.


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Hmm I thought Jihye liked Woo-il. Her text message to meet was addressed to CEO and Hwanki and Woo-il are joint CEOs, so it could have been addressed to Woo-il. And she seemed genuinely happy for Hwanki when he scored his New Year's Eve date.


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I think so too.. but I do not think Ji-Hye would be the type to invite someone when they were arranging a date with someone else. besides was happy for Hwan Ki scoring the date.. if she liked Hwan Ki she would have been slightly sad otherwise..


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So I went back to the episode to see who Jihye liked, and I think I have to take back my statement! It was a little ambiguous (and I think the writing was purposefully done so), but the kicker was the drawing. She said it was a view that her crush sees everyday. Woo-il's office is a glass cube inside the main office right? I don't think he has a view. But Hwanki definitely has windows that open. I guess I just watched with the preconceived notion that she liked Woo-il because I thought everybody liked Woo-il.


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good point.. it was of her crush's view... sigh.. feel even sadder now..

I wonder if Hwan Ki will ever find out..


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Oh if he does find out, he's gonna be even MORE devastated than he already is. I'm sad for him already!


I really think that the drawing is for hwanki but then hwanki talked about getting a painting, aybw she taught her gift was not enough. This is regardless whether or not she has a crush on him or none. Im not sure but i think her sister just assumed its for her boyfriend/crush.

I think that gift is for her hwanki because she is thankful for the shoes.

(I think im obsessed with this episode. I kept on commenting on everyone. Hahahha... I need to sleep)


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@ Becky
I thought Ji Hye liked Woo Il and she was providing him a view he could watch from his cubicle because he had no outside window. Hwanki's office is in the penthouse which looks out over everything else. His back is to the window. But then again it could be for Hwanki to show him all the things going on around him if he ventures out.

I don't know which one she secretly crushed on!


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The picture was meant for Hwan Ki. Looking back, Ji Hye is probably the type to feel happy for her crush when he is happy, and she probably developed feelings for Hwan Ki along the way as she helped him chased after his own crush.

She knew Hwan Ki's sister was dating Woo II, and I don't think she is the kind to go after an attached man. Yet, her character is slightly flawed in the sense that she couldn't resist against Woo ll, even when she knew he was attached and she has an interest in Hwan Ki instead. (Could be the alcohol, and could be that she is just really timid to put up a fight.)

Though, it does seem a little extreme to commit suicide because of these incidents, hopefully there were more behind it, and the show will show more in depth on the reason behind.


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You missed something. JH never knew about the relationship between Hwanki's sister and Woo II before she heard about that.


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I think she did though, she was in shock when she saw hwan ki's sister overheard the 2 guys confronting each other at the stairs, shows that she already knew of the relationship.


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She dont know who hwan ki sister is dating.. when she comes to the office to find her brother, and was telling ji-hye she's getting married soon.. but she told her its a secret and didnt tell her that it was woo-li.. which shows ji-hye doesnt know..

i think she only know when she spot hwan ki and woo-li confronting each others on the stairs (where hwan-ki was asking what is he doing here instead of keeping his sister company).. and she's definite about that, when she saw her wearing the same necklace..


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Wish it was more clear whom she liked. I also think she liked Woo-Il, and was crushed when he date raped her while he was practically engaged to another woman and then the slimeball claimed she came on to him. It was devastating though I thought the suicide was really sudden. I can understand it if she decided like a week later than she could no longer go on living, but basically like 24 hours later is super fast unless she had some underlying depression and trauma before this.

I wish we got this info earlier. Ji Hye was such a wonderful person and with her mother's death, no wonder Ro Woon became a little unhinged. I was really sad too.

They did a good job casting Park Hye Soo and Han Chae Ah as sisters. They share a resemblance

Can we get a top ten for characters who die before the main story but leave an undeliable mark on our characters?


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1. Lee Min Ki in Shut up Flower Boy Band :P


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I think ji hye's crush was hwanki. she was even planning to invite him out on a date on Christmas eve to rowoon's performance, only that she couldn't come up with the words. and I also think that drawing was meant to be his present, if only that wooil jerk had not self imposed himself between these two.


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following the break from the drama, it seems like they have toned down Ro-Woon, which I presume was the main concern considering her outspoken nature and actions. It seems like a totally different drama.

This episode was mostly a flash back.. showing all of the back story.. it was refreshing and provided necessary information to understand the inner workings of each character.. who they were and why they were the way they are..

so going forward we will see a change in the way Ro Woon is portrayed. While she is still young (and inexperienced?) I do not fully blame her, as the staff also play a role in discussing character portrayals.

Regardless of this episode, Woo Il was an a*hole before, but after all explanations, he is even more of an a*hole... there is no redemption for him..

I don't know at this time.. while I would blame Woo Il for his misdeeds, I would also need to blame Hwan Ki and Yi Soo both for turning a blind eye.. Hwan Ki for covering up and knowing what happened and how Woo Il was hurting his sister as well as his employee, but then I would also blame Yi Soo for seeing the signs of something going on but seemingly ignoring them..

too be honest.. I still like Hwan Ki with the (new) secretary but then it was nice to see there was someone else in his inner circle who actually liked him, Yeon-jung. would like to see more of this relationship.. as I do not think a relationship between the main two leads would be satisfying.. considering the history between the two.


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I saw in this episode that Hwan-ki and Ji-hye were both sides of the same coin. She had a family and extended family who understood her and they were an amazing network of supportive people to help her become a more confident person in the world. He had the exact opposite and nobody by his side but her (well, that didn't use Hwan-ki's shyness as a way to manipulate him, anyway). I love how they interacted, and I mourn his loss, as well as her family's loss. Her father knew what to do for Hwan-ki while he cried; I'll bet that's what Dad would have wanted, too (to cry in private). What Woo-il did at the stairs and Ji-hye overhearing all of it must have been devastating to her, especially when I see her as the same sort of over-thinking, considerate, lovely person as Hwan-ki. I also think that Hwan-ki may have taken the blame so that he could protect Ji-hye's reputation after her death. So much to process, and I'm so glad they gave this to us!


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Thanks for the recap.

I'm confused how Woo-il, who did wrong, ended up in the position of power to the point of using the event of three years ago to subtly threaten Hwan-Ki.

The best I can figure Woo-Il is holding Hwan-ki's sister's potential heartbreak should she find out (since neither knows that Yi-soo knows) over Hwan-Ki's head. Snake.


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And suddenly I wish I could watch a show about Hwang Ki and Ji Hye. I'm still finding it hard to warm to Ro Woon when there's perfect big sister Ji Hye right in front of me.

I really thought Ji Hye wanted to give the picture to Hwang Ki and that's why she was so uncomfortable with Woo Il's insistence. I actually thought Ji Hye's crush was on HG.

Poor JH, coerced into sex by your boss, who got you drunk and then forced himself on you (I say she gave up fighting him not gave consent to sex) and then (at least in my mind) her crush and other boss finds out. Compile that with finding out your crush's sister is the fiance of the guy who pushed you into sex. And that guy is blaming you. I can see why she did it, but it was so quick, if only she'd given herself some time. So sad.

Burn Woo Il. Burn him at the stake.


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Ima have to agree with u, I thought Ji Hye liked Hwang Ki. It seemed that she had a crush with him, when she was happy that he left the flowers with her, and when she was pulling the lint off his sweater. And being happy for him. I also think she wanted to ask him to the performance but was too shy, ro woon even said in an earlier episode, that it was really difficult to get her sister to talk, so I think that is what happened when it came to asking to go to her sister's performance. And the drawing definitely had to be for Hwang Ki, she didn't look very happy to be giving it to the Jerk. What possibly made me more furious is how that Jerk basically took ADVANTAGE of her, then BLAMED her, then is worried about his IMAGE after she commits SUICIDE?!!? Definitely. Burn him at the stake. I am done with his character. Let the truck of doom hit him, with four other truck friends...
Ugh, despite all that, I loved this episode, it clarified more things, and made me love Hwang Ki characters even more.


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Ji Hye is very pretty and her character seems interesting but I still love Hwan-ki and Jo-roon together. I might be in the minority but I can see the chemistry of the 2 leads. I'm so looking forward how they will fall in love with each other. There were scenes where the 2 of them are both in the screen and I just want to look at them longer.


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After epi 6 i started to love the OTP better.


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This episode reminds me that not all people have mental health issues, but all people do have mental health.

Everyone in the cast 3 years ago is in some kind of state. 1 or 2 seem severe but others are a little under the weather as well. It's when those type of bumps get ignored, the mental health issues erupt and people begin to pay for it.

Drove home the phrase "you never know what that person's day haso been". Even before making guesses about their lives & and we might be right, we need to acknowledge just the hours spent away from us. We don't know how those hours have treated anyone. Eonnie, Hwan-ki, Woo-il, Yisoo, appa and on and on.

Can be applied in real life.

Yay! My drama didn't get mainstreamed into oblivion.


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I am glad they toned down the revenge aspect because frankly, RW is three years too late. i actually ship JH with HG, but alas!


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I think Ji Hye's crush was Hwan-Ki. But how weird will it be if in the past Ji Hye+Hwan Ki was possible and now in the present it eventually ends up as sister Roo Won+Hwan Ki. I think that's the reason they're using the second lead artist girl. To show that back then Ji Hye's crush was one-sided. Ji Hye+Hwan Ki was not possible then because he didn't think of her like that. But here in the present he's going to choose Roo Won even over his old college crush. So it kind of justifies their being together even though Ji-Hye had a crush on him. But of course this problem wouldn't even arise if she just liked Woo-Il. But Ji-hye seems a very grounded person with the ability to discern charm from real good-heartedness.


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Thank you for the recap. I am enjoying this series a lot. I don't think there is much cause for all the complaints the show is getting. I mean, apart from flower boy next door, I think this show stereotyped a hikikomori in a direct point.

I originally thought that illustration was really meant for Woo Il, but now I'm thinking maybe it's for Hwanki.

Anyway, If they're gonna rewrite this series, i hope they don't change the whole tone of it because I like the dark humour.


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Did you notice that this is the first episode where we see that there are people who actually liked hwang ki, despite any of his "flaws" or misunderstandings?


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I guess how some of the comments framing it as rape helps me understand the suicide a little better. I had thought she was mainly distressed about her ruined reputation if it got out but then there was v little chance any of the people who knew about it would let it spread. But I guess if it was shame and humiliation over rape... Idk this show just feels 2% (or sometimes a lot more) lacking in realistic portrayals.

Also I might be wrong but I thought it was shown in ep1 jihye jumped from the roof rather than the window?
Why would she have gone back to the office to jump?

And how are the sister and wooil still together engaged in the present?


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Same thing I keep wondering seeing: she jumped from the roof in one shot. The rest of the time it's seen as going from HK's window. Either way, aww, so sad for her. She was the only person on HK's side and really understood him through and through.


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Am i the only one who think ji-hye didn't commit sucide
Plus the first ep showed her jumping from rooftop then her shoes appeared in hwang-ki office without showing her jumping from there


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Omg if this drama had just been about Ji Hye and Hwa Shik and there eventually getting together and all that, I would actually watch it. Han Cha Ah is one of my most favorite actresses (so underrated and appreciated) and is just a scene stealer and magnetic in all her roles. I adore the chemistry between her and HS and ugh, again what could have been. Could they undead her pls?


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At this point i don't really care about anyone else, can they just bring jihye back to life n live happily ever after with hwanki? I just want them to fall in love n be happy...the end


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How about the whole thing is a dream, in the last episode, we all wake up, and Jihye is alive and she and Hwanki live happily ever after?


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There is just one word to this describe this episode SAD. Even though we got what happened that night I still believe there is something more to Ji Hye's death and I feel that Yi Soo has something to do with it since we don't know what happened between her and Ji Hye.

I really don't think Ji Hye committed suicide over what happened in the beggining of the show it showed her jumping off but in these episodes it shows that she jumped off Hwan Ki's office window. My theory is that Yi Soo pushed Ji Hye out of the window somehow I just can't seem to trust Yi Soo just yet.

I feel like Yi Soo's character is a strange one she knows that Woo il cheats on her but she does nothing about it I feel bad that Hwan Ki is always wanting to protect his sister from something she already knows.

Hwan Ki made me so sad in this episode he was clearly happy and not as bad with people before Ji Hye's death but then he lost his only friend that took care of him.


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Sorry, saw your post after submitting mine. I agree with you. I think his sister killed her.


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@Lala and @Cris
Hi! I agree with you guys. Episode 5 was truly sad. I kept thinking that Jihye might possibly have some feelings for Hwan Ki. There were some moments, short glances that she gave him throughout episode 5 that gave me this feeling, but I didn't think too much of it until I came here and read the comments. Originally, I had thought the picture was for Woo-il, but after reading the comments here, I rewatched a few scenes and realized that it really did seem like she did not want Woo-il to have the picture. It felt like she was too shy to tell him that the picture was for someone else. I don't know for sure if she liked Hwan Ki romantically, but I do think the picture was meant for him because he was a special person to her (a sort of friend who understood her and had a lot in common with her). Ah! Sorry to go off-topic. About what you guys wrote, I wanted to say that I agree that Jihye's death is suspicious. I had thought it was sad that the writer chose to kill her off because I felt like her character was so sweet and had wonderful chemistry with Hwan Ki! :) But I had never thought that Yisoo might have possibly done something to her - that idea is something both possible and scary at the same time. It certainly would give more weight to the character of Yisoo because we don't really know that much about her right now. I am excited to see what else happens in the drama! I hope we will get an answer in the future about who the picture was really meant for... hopefully! :)


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I've wondered if maybe it wasn't a suicide....What if the sister pushed her in a fit of jealousy? I know the opening scene leads you to believe it's suicide, but I've watched other dramas that totally fooled me by the way they edited a shot and when you get the whole scene it's something different. I didn't see anything worth killing herself over. She seemed to caring to do something like that to her family. I don't think her character could have caused them that pain. I also don't think it was a rape. I think it was a drunken bad decision. She was not acting like she'd been raped, just remorseful.


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I don't think it was a complete re-write but more of a restructuring of the drama. They probably had to push that backstory much earlier than they originally intended just to give more depth to the characters and their motives since people are getting annoyed at what's going on in the present.


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My suspicion is that the major re-write was dumping all the info from 3 years ago into this episode so that there is no room for misunderstanding. Woo-il is a terrible jerk and he basically drove the sister to suicide and manipulated his friend into taking the blame.

This has clarified all the motivations but the problem is ... I liked the dead sister better than any of the regular cast. And that's a problem.


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i agree so much @ the last part. i think i have to let it go~


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that's certainly assault. it's coercion and that can ruin your life. this episode was sad and a little slow in terms of what was happening for me where i wasn't engaged but i think it's getting there (maybe idk.)


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A little too late, but i really wonder how much does the sister like woo-li.. even after knowing the truth (though might be a mistake between both drunk).. but with that character/personality woo-li had (he lives so well and act like nth happen while his poor brother is taking the scapegoat, though willingly..) she still sticks with him during the present and all these 3 years? i wonder how can she live with a man like this..


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I really enjoy reading ur reviews. After watching an episode I come to check your thoughts


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