Voice: Episode 3

This show owes me a new manicure, because with every second ticking down against the “golden time,” it’s a fingernail-nibbling anxiety-inducing race to see if Kwon-joo will be able to figure out where the boy is and if Jin-hyuk will trust her deductive powers of hearing. We also learn more of what exactly happened the night Jin-hyuk’s wife died, what happened to Kwon-joo’s father, and why Kwon-joo is so adamant that the killer is not Dong-chul. There’s just no resting in this show, is there?

EPISODE 3: “Two-Faced Healing Mama Part 2”


It’s ten minutes after Ah-ram’s call to the emergency center: Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik realize they’re at the wrong apartment and Ah-ram’s mother discovers the boy is hiding in the washing machine. She angrily yanks him out and drags him crying and screaming into the living room, while Kwon-joo listens helplessly from the other end of the phone.

Over the radio, Jin-hyuk asks her what she meant by a xylophone, but she says, in slight distress, she doesn’t know what it could be. He reminds her that she’s supposed to have super hearing — focus and figure it out! If nothing else, he tells her to buy time by talking to the mother so they can investigate the other buildings.


Ah-ram’s mother advances on the boy with her knife as he pleads for his life, promising that he’ll be quiet. The woman says it’s too late for that now, but she freezes in terror when she hears Kwon-joo’s voice, telling her that it’s not too late. As the woman takes the phone from Ah-ram’s grasp, Kwon-joo informs her that the police are on their way.

Meanwhile, Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik discuss what things could possibly sound like a xylophone, and spot a wind chime hanging from a window. Bingo. Counting the windows to try and figure out what apartment it is, they run back to the security office, but the guard is nowhere to be found — although there is a wind chime half assembled on his desk.

Dae-shik asks the curious neighbors if they know of a seven-year-old boy living in that apartment, and they tell him that’s where “Jae-eun’s mother” lives — they only have a daughter, who’s been hospitalized for months due to meningitis. It seems like a dead-end, until Jin-hyuk remembers the boy talking about the girl who used to live there before him.

Kwon-joo’s team has pulled up more information about the woman’s husband — he’s a failed restauranteur who now works as a chef, although he hasn’t been at work for the past month, and he and his wife have adopted three kids. The first child died, the second is in the hospital, so there’s only the last adopted boy currently living in the house. The address matches the location the detectives found the wind chime.


As the police run to the building, Kwon-joo tries to stall Ah-ram’s mother from doing anything else. She asks the woman if she really wants Ah-ram to die like this, but the woman shrieks out that it’s not her fault. She fed and clothed the children — the “old man” was more cruel than she was!

The woman leans over to try and strangle Ah-ram, but Kwon-joo has figured out that the woman must have gone through similar abuse. She orders her hacker Hyun-ho to dig up more information while she keeps talking to Ah-ram’s mother, calmly pointing out the woman must also be in pain, just like Ah-ram.


The woman freaks out, reverting to an almost childlike state as she screams that she hates how noisy and messy children are, and then blubbering to her father that she’s sorry and she “won’t do it again.” Hyun-ho discovers that the woman was also adopted when she was a child, and tried repeatedly to run away. Even though the reports say she was found with severe injuries, she was returned home each time.

Kwon-joo tells the woman that she knows she’s had a hard life, and has probably asked herself many times why she’s had to struggle when everyone else seems to have it easier. Based on the sound of the woman’s voice, Kwon-joo can tell that her words are getting through. In a flashback, we see the woman as a young girl, attempting to run away when her adopted father — whose face we can’t see — advances with a stick to beat her. Her words sound identical to Ah-ram’s: “I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me! I won’t do it again!”


As the detectives run to the building, Kwon-joo tells the woman that she’ll help her have a normal life if she’ll let Ah-ram go. Both the woman and Ah-ram plead for help, and Kwon-joo relaxes in relief. She tells them that the police will be there soon, but the wind chime — which sounds like a xylophone, and looks creepy with human teeth dangling from it — starts to ring as a man steps into the apartment.

By the time Jin-hyuk, Dae-shik, and the rest of the police arrive, only the woman is there. The sole trace of Ah-ram is a bloody stain on the sofa. As the men search the apartment, Jin-hyuk arrests the woman, who stares vacantly ahead as tears stream down her cheeks.

They put in a call to track down the husband since they suspect him of kidnapping. Jin-hyuk’s convinced the husband is their new culprit, but Kwon-joo thinks the footsteps sounded like those of an old man, whereas the husband is in his thirties.

The neighbors all watch in shock as the woman is escorted, handcuffed, to a police car. Hyun-ho has found out more information about the woman, having had to dig deep since the adoption agency buried the fact that the adoption was dissolved due to her adoptive father abusing her.

Kwon-joo calls the patrol officer in the car with the woman, asking to speak to her. But the woman despondently says that she doesn’t know who took Ah-ram. Her eyes widen in surprise when Kwon-joo asks if it was an old man with arthritis, and she trembles as she repeats that she doesn’t know anything, insisting that it isn’t her adoptive father like Kwon-joo suggests.


Suddenly the woman ducks down, terrified of something she can see out the window, and she whispers that she doesn’t know anything. Hearing the change in her voice, Kwon-joo suspects that the man is somewhere nearby.

Jin-hyuk and Dae-shik drive to where they think the woman’s husband might be. When Jin-hyuk learns that the woman’s adoptive father used to be a dentist, he remembers the wind chime that was made with teeth, and the half-assembled chime on the security guard’s desk. He orders Dae-shik to pull over so he can run back and investigate the security guard.


Twenty minutes after Ah-ram’s call to the station, Jin-hyuk returns to the security guard’s office. The guard appears, surprised to see the detective again, asking if they’ve found the boy. With a friendly smile, Jin-hyuk tells the old man that he just needed to double-check if someone ever visited the woman, claiming to be her parent.

The guard apologizes for not being able to remember because he sees so many people come and go. He then apologizes for forgetting to be hospitable and offers the detective a bottle of healthy juice. Jin-hyuk takes the drink, asking why the man’s trouser legs are so dusty. The man admits he was in the boiler room, and Jin-hyuk asks if a boy could hide in there. Offering to show him the space, the guard tells Jin-hyuk to follow him.

Meanwhile, Kwon-joo has gotten the woman to confess who took Ah-ram, but when she calls for Jin-hyuk, only Dae-shik answers. Kwon-joo is worried when she hears Jin-hyuk returned to the apartment, because she just found out that the security guard was the woman’s adoptive father who would abuse children to get insurance money. He became the security guard of her apartment complex to get revenge and reassert his control in her life. In hurting the children, the woman was only following his orders.


Jin-hyuk follows the security guard down to the dusty basement, but his radio crackles due to bad reception as Kwon-joo calls for him to get out, now! She repeats over and over that the security guard is the culprit and that Jin-hyuk needs to leave, but the radio only crackles with the broken messages.

As he looks around the boiler room, Jin-hyuk casually talks about kids with the security guard, drawing out the man’s opinion that children should be beaten for their own good. The man admits that his own daughter has been troublesome for him. As the guard informs Jin-hyuk that his daughter is actually the one the cops have been looking for, Jin-hyuk gets dizzy and collapses on the floor.

Standing over him, the security guard mockingly tells Jin-hyuk that he shouldn’t take drinks from strangers — the juice that he drank a few minutes ago was actually spiked with an anesthesia that disrupts the central nervous system and makes it difficult to breathe. Jin-hyuk gasps and struggles to move as the security guard gloats that he was the one responsible for all those kids dying — he was going to throw them out like the trash they really are.


He pulls out a syringe filled with something that will kill a man, telling the struggling Jin-hyuk that those kids should be grateful for him. He at least let them live like humans for a while. The reason he’s doing this is because he decided to take revenge on his daughter after she reported him, and he laughs as he confesses that he also killed her husband.

But enough of that — it’s time for Jin-hyuk to die like all the other children. Except Jin-hyuk fights back, resisting the syringe and revealing that he’s been recording the old man’s confession. Jin-hyuk springs up, fully fit and in control of his body. Ha! He saw the empty anesthesia bottle in the trash, and only pretended to drink the juice.

He asks the man where Ah-ram is, but the old man stubbornly refuses to tell him. So Jin-hyuk grabs a nearby wrench and bashes in the old man’s knee. Ouch. But before he can hit the man again, Kwon-joo’s voice crackles over the radio, telling him that she thinks she knows where the boy is because she can hear him.


Hesitating a moment, Jin-hyuk tosses away the wrench and holds the walkie-talkie up so Kwon-joo can listen. She focuses on the rhythmic tapping that she knows is coming from Ah-ram, since she had told him to keep tapping on the phone when he was hiding in the washing machine.

After a few twists and turns, following Kwon-joo’s directions, Jin-hyuk arrives in front of a blank wall. She tells him he needs to keep going straight, but there’s no where else to go. This time, Kwon-joo can definitely hear the boy’s fingers tapping against metal. She knows he’s in there.


Jin-hyuk grabs a nearby sledgehammer and knocks down the drywall, opening up large enough hole to see a the husband’s body wrapped in plastic, and the injured Ah-ram leaning against his cage, his fingers still tapping against the metal.

Jin-hyuk tears down the rest of the wall and frees the boy, asking him if he’s okay. The boy weakly asks to talk to Kwon-joo, letting her know he kept his promise to keep tapping, no matter how small the sound. Jin-hyuk calls for back-up and an ambulance for the boy as Kwon-joo officially ends the timer.

Thirty minutes after Ah-ram’s call to the emergency center, the case is closed.

Kwon-joo steps outside to call Ah-ram’s mother, letting her know he’s safe. She seems relieved to know the boy will be able to live a better life than her, even if that was the reason she hated him. The woman asks the patrol officer to roll down the window enough for her to throw away the wind chime. She drops the chime, the symbolic reminder of her life with her abuser, out the window and at least seems freed even as she’s headed to jail.

When Jin-hyuk returns to the station, he asks Kwon-joo when she first was able to hear sounds that no one else can hear. She tells him that when she was twelve, she was in an accident that made her blind for a few years. She assumes that’s when her hearing became better than others. It’s a secret that only her father used to know, but now that Jin-hyuk knows, there’s a total of three people in the world that know about it.


He then asks about what happened that night his wife died — what was in the recording that’s missing? Why did she return to this station and make him part of her Golden Time team? They sit down in a quiet corner of the station as she goes into detail what happened.

Flashback to Kwon-joo, recently transferred to the emergency call center for a week, settles into a busy Friday night shift when a call comes in about a potential robbery at a politician’s house. Due to the high-profile client, that case takes the focus of the call center.

Then Jin-hyuk’s wife calls, and after Kwon-joo transferrs the call to her supervisor so he could get more information, the call is dropped. Kwon-joo hesitates to call her back, but her supervisor presses the button and once they’re reconnected, she asked the woman for her location so they can help her.

Except, of course, the phone ringing catches the attention of the hooded man. The scene of the murder plays over again, but this time, we see Kwon-joo’s reaction to the sounds and voices she hears. As she recoils in horror when the woman is bludgeoned, her supervisor takes over and orders a patrol to that area.

Meanwhile, the call center chief is on the phone with someone who tells him the robbery report is false — a dog tripped the alarm. No need for a “code zero.”

Over the radio, Kwon-joo’s father calls for her, letting her know that he’s in the area of the attack. Of all the places for him to be assigned. She reassures him that a patrol has been dispatched, so he should just wait for them to show up, but he hurries through the alleyways when he sees a mysterious hooded figure.


Kwon-joo’s father, not in the best shape, does his best to run after the suspect, reporting back to Kwon-joo that he can’t just let the guy go since he’s right there in front of him. When he loses the hooded man in an alleyway, he radios back to Kwon-joo, asking if she heard anything that could help. She pleads with him to just wait for the patrol, but they both freeze when they hear the sound of someone walking up behind him.

It’s the mysterious man, but this time he’s shed his hooded jacket and staggers drunken-like down the alley. Kwon-joo’s father isn’t fooled by this disguise, noting the blood on the man’s hands. The two men tussle as Dad tries to arrest him, but the younger man is too strong and agile — and he has his trademark kettle bell, which he swings down against Dad’s head.

Listening through the radio, Kwon-joo stutters in shock as she realizes what’s happening. She calls for her father through the abandoned radio, but it’s the mysterious man who picks it up instead.


He laughs at the fact the cop has a daughter who’s also a cop, and Kwon-joo tells him that she recognizes the cracking when he speaks, so she knows that he’s the one who also killed Jin-hyuk’s wife. He’s amused that she can actually hear that, and at the sound of Dad groaning, reveals he’s still alive.

Kwon-joo desperately pleads for her father’s life, telling the man that there’s no way he’ll get away with it. Too late though — Dad saw his face, so the man will have to kill him. As Kwon-joo screams that she’ll hunt the mysterious man down herself and kill him, the murderer lifts up his kettlebell one last time and smashes it down on Dad’s head.

Meanwhile, Kwon-joo’s supervisor is updating the chief about the situation, and they angrily remind him that he shouldn’t have called the victim back since it would expose her location. But he says it wasn’t him who hit “redial” — it was Kwon-joo. Ohhh, you bastard.


Kwon-joo sits alone at her father’s memorial, dazedly watching a news report that they’ve caught the man responsible for killing Jin-hyuk’s wife. Dong-chul’s fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime and the woman’s blood was on his clothes, so it seems like he’s the obvious culprit. Except as Kwon-joo listens to Dong-chul angrily tell reporters that he isn’t going to talk, she knows that his voice and the killer’s voice aren’t the same.

Back in the present day, Kwon-joo tells Jin-hyuk that he knows what happens next: how no one believed her testimony or that there was more to the recording, proving that her father was killed by the same man. After the trial, she was summoned by the then commissioner (who’s since become the Secretary General) that she should withdraw her testimony.


She insists she’s not crazy — she knows what she heard. But he points out that she’s just causing trouble, and if she still wants to keep her job and have her father be buried at the National Police Cemetery, she should watch her mouth.

That’s when she realized that it was the police who were trying to cover up this case. It’s not just a simple murder case — it’s about a few powerful people using the police to violate the law. She went to America to try and become stronger in her ability to catch the man who killed her father.

Jin-hyuk’s still stuck on the fact that she insists that the same man killed his wife, her father, and destroyed the evidence. He believes that Dong-chul killed his wife, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.


Kwon-joo is convinced that there’s a connection between Dong-chul and the killer, which is why they found the coat in Dong-chul’s possession. She believes the killer fled the country once Dong-chul was released. Jin-hyuk says he’ll believe her if she brings him concrete evidence.

All she can tell him is that the killer is a psychopath, a monster who was able to stay calm even while killing someone, and has the money and power to cover it all up.

But Jin-hyuk continues to insist on evidence, demanding she bring him proof. Kwon-joo tells him that she believes Dong-chul and the killer are back in the area. She’s convinced that the killer’s agreement with Dong-chul has been broken, and Dong-chul is planning to meet with the real killer.


In a deserted part of an industrial area, the hooded man hammers another victim who pleads for his life. The victim is none other than Dong-chul, and as the hooded man raises his kettlebell for the kill, the sound of police sirens give him pause.

Over the radio, someone tells Kwon-joo that they’ve just received a report of a body falling to its death in the area, and that body has been ID’d as Dong-chul.

Jin-hyuk and Kwon-joo stare in surprise as the realization sets in. The man accused of killing Jin-hyuk’s wife is now dead.


On one hand, I’m relieved that this episode hasn’t ended with another nail-biter of a cliffhanger. Not to say it isn’t a cliffhanger, in that I definitely want to know what happened. But I don’t need an hour after watching to decompress while I worry about someone about to be killed. I mean, he’s already dead. (Er, is that too harsh?)

On the other hand, I’m desperate to know more about the Kettlebell Killer. It takes a special kind of person to casually murder two people in the space of ten minutes, keeping his cool long enough to ditch his jacket to frame someone else. There were also some accomplices — those guys in the car — that also make me wonder what their role is. Were they just there to pick up the killer? Or is this some kind of organized killing gang? Despite knowing that the killer must have some serious connections and money to buy his way out of any accusations, I think I’ll be disappointed if we discover it’s just another rich asshole chaebol with psychopathic tendencies. (And what does it say about the state of dramaland that this wouldn’t even surprise me if it were true?)

I, for one, don’t believe Dae-shik is the killer (although I’ve been enjoying all the theories everyone has posted!). Not just because I immediately recognized that jawline the moment I saw it, but also because I would be gutted to find out that the one person Jin-hyuk has had to lean on during his three years of anger and grief was the person who caused it all. And now, knowing that this guy killed a police officer in cold blood, I’m even further convinced it can’t be Dae-shik. As someone who’s been on the force for so long, I just don’t see him killing a fellow cop — or having the resources to cover it up afterwards.


I do appreciate that Jin-hyuk seems to be gradually coming around to Kwon-joo’s abilities. Ha, I say “gradually,” but I have to remind myself that this is still only their first official day working together. I really liked that he was the one who told her to focus on listening and was able to talk her through her distress and not figuring out what the sound might be. Although, having learned exactly what happened that night — and how her father died — gives me even greater respect for Kwon-joo. She’s not only had to deal with everyone blaming her for Jin-hyuk’s wife’s death (aaaaaaargh, I’m still so angry with her supervisor throwing her under the bus for his mistake), but also thinking she’s being bribed to cover for Dong-chul who everyone believes to be the real killer.

But she heard her father be murdered! Not even taking into account the emotional and psychological trauma that must have caused, she carries the burden of being the only one who has an inkling of what really happened that night. No wonder she’s so careful to control her emotions, knowing that someone in the police force has gone to great lengths to destroy that evidence and threaten her to keep her mouth shut. I think it’s pretty clear how Commissioner Cha made it up the ranks to Secretary General in just three years: massive coverup for a psychopathic, entitled killer who, by the way, is still killing people. Which leads to some important questions: is he using the same kettlebell as the one from three years ago? And does he carry it around all the time in case there’s a convenient chance for murder? Or is it a premeditated “hey, I feel like killing today, so I better not forget my kettlebell!” situation?

As for today’s case, I’m of course relieved that Jin-hyuk and Kwon-joo were able to save the boy, but I’m also happy that the resolution wasn’t as obvious as the clues they were planting in the last episode. I was totally convinced the other person the woman was talking to was her husband — the security guard didn’t even factor in until they showed the wind chime on his desk. Also, you have no idea how loud I yelled “Dooooooon’t dooooooo iiiiiiiiit!” when he offered Jin-hyuk the juice (and let’s just say that Jin-hyuk’s acting skills were totally). I’m generally pretty good at predicting the outcomes of crime shows, and while I definitely have my theories, I’m delighted that this show manages to keep me on my toes and the edge of my seat.



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This is my first OCN drama and I'm still getting used to the visual stuff. It's graphic but it's not really that graphic... Anyway, it's a lot graphic than public broadcasts.

It's sad to think that stuff like this do happen in real life and a lot of them are probably not reported.

This show's cliffhangers will be the death of me so I won't watch ep 4 until ep 5 comes out. Thanks for the recaps!


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Good idea! No spoilers, but episode 4 had me very mad at OCN. HOW VERY DARE THEY DO THAT TO ME ON AN EVEN NUMBERED EPISODE.


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It's not ODD that they love to leave us hanging.

How shall we get EVEN with them?


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This is funny!


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Let's not EVEN think about being at ODDS with the show this early in the game. :p


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Dae-shik may not be the killer but he's either the informant or related to the killer in some way. Maybe his brother?


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The killer is probably Presidential bestie Choi Soon-sil's amnesiac secret son :)


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OMG. You just made my day ?. Great to know that you know what's happening in Korea rght now.


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Hahaha xDDDDDD


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Sometime's real life's dramas are even better than TV dramas ;)


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Most important is - Hearing Ability. Scriptwriter hasn't provided it as some god gift or supernatural ability. And that explanation aka excuse given for this ability is like placebo effect. You can believe in it or not. Losing one of your sense is generally compensated with other senses taking up the load and minimising the loss of particular sense. But what to do when major part of brain is involved?

I can accept the logic and its a plus for me that there is no magic or miracle in it. That's why

Our female Central room chief can be wrong at times or make vague guesses and depends upon Information to deduce a better result.

I think this episode was the best episode so far. Killer is so far meh. Really he needs to up his game because unknown killers are more scary and dangerous so far.


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So far better than I expected, at least no supernatural reason for her hearing ability. I was kind of surprised that she gave the detective the whole story up front - most dramas drag that out endlessly over about 8 episodes where nobody on the case talks to anyone else.


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I really like how this show has been flirting with the theme of the cycle of violence and how people can get caught up in it in many different ways. Experiencing violence at the hands of another (or secondhand, like Kwon-joo) can cause others to consider violence (the mother in this episode, Jin-hyuk, even Kwon-joo threatened to kill the murderer). I hope they go deeper with it, it seems like it could be a powerful theme.

Just don't go full TEN on us please!


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I'm still 97% sure the suspect is Dae-shik though. The jaw, lips, teeth, and voice... they're definitely his... unless:

1. Dae-shik has a twin brother.
2. The director is using Reply Series trick: having the actor who's playing Dae-shik to play the murderer temporarily and replace him later with the real actor who is meant to play the murderer.
3. The actor who's playing Dae-shik and the actor who's playing the murderer have similar appearance.

But if I'm right, I think I'll be disappointed.


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Hi @nchoe: Somehow, I suspect Dae Shik is the murderer. If he is, Kwon-jo supposes to recognise his voice. I like your theory that he might have a twin brother. Well, let's see how this show will reveal who is the psycho is...


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Murderer has Connections. If Dae-shik had that many powerful friends, wouldn't he also have a higher rank?


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Well... if Dae-shik is the murderer for real, wouldn't he want to stay low-key?

Plus, judging from how the way he acts all this time, I guess the murderer is the type who loves to stay behind the scenes and enjoys playing puppet-master. He's not interested in being in the spotlight.


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Uhm~~ despite I don't think Daeshik is a the killer I don't think the murder is not interested being in the spotlight or want to stay low.

he wouldn't pick up the phone and talk to anyone on the other line. Kwon joo's father's death was written as coincidence in the plot, if somehow the police is not kwon joo's dad the murder could have talked to two central officers already. If he want to stay low he won't pick up the phone in the first place.

But in the other hand he was dying to shows off his cruelty.


I'm still not sure whether this show can be trusted when it comes to consistency, especially when it comes to Kwon-jo's super-hearing ability.

But let's say that this show is being consistent with it's own rules, maybe the murderer is really smart that he knows how to fool Kwon-jo.

Or maybe Kwon-jo has already known who the murderer is, but she's being careful because she doesn't want to make the same mistake by blabbering what she knows. She doesn't let Kyung-shik know since he's really hot-headed, especially when it comes to catching his wife murderer. If I were Kwon-jo, I'd do the same. I'd play fool and keep the murderer close to me so I could watch his every move. Maybe that's why she includes Dae-shik in The Golden Time Team.


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Another twin brother murderer like in current Defendant ??


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I still think Dae-shik could be the murder but also there could be more than one person as we saw a car with more people when killer strike again, good theory about a possible twin but at the same time if the murder have money and connections wouldn't DS dress differently or we see people talk to him differently? Too many questions to early in the drama for a better answer but after watching so many American crime dramas usually bad guy is always shown at the beginning of the series.

On a side note I'm loving this drama just a little mad because there will no new episodes this week so now the wait is longer.


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Well I m not sure if it was Dae-Shik. I tried to search on all casts information and found there is an actor who looks like the kettle-bell killer. The one that acted in the coffee prince, a look-like Japanese feature..

The VOICE really drags my attention to even do research on the drama casting, hahah


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You and me both! I went to read up on the casting and saw that Kim jae wook guest starred. His height, deep voice (before the drama synthesised it ugh), facial structure matches the kettlebell killer's!

I really hope dae Shik is just another red herring, with no relation to the case at all, not even as an informant. Don't do this to me show, I'm still heartbroken from Signal, when Jae Han's cop bestie took the bribe and tampered with the case. When betrayal comes from people you choose to let into your life as opposed to sharing blood ties with, it stings harder man.


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Somehow I have a nagging feeling that the killer is Shin Sung-Rok... Too much Liar Game? Haha!


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I think we should ask the PD to make Liar Game's actor cameo..


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The killer's Kim Jae wook.


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I think its the killer's Lee Soo Hyuk, judging from his voice


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HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA that already made my day and it's just 9am here lmao


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Man, this drama gives me Criminal Minds' vibe. I held my breath when seeing Ah Ram's blood dripping from the washing machine.... chilled! But I love it!


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I wished that they would have show if Ah Ram survived. He seemed to be dying when our detective finally found him.


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I still haven't watched this show, since I feel that I just can't stand the cliffhangers -- but then after reading the recaps I'm very very tempted to watch it already!


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Please give it a chance! :D I think the cliffhangers from the first week were the worse though.


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I agree. The cliffhangers of the first week of this drama is more intense. This week is less intense.


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It's a pretty good show, so I tolerate the cliffhangers. I was like an addict after episode two looking for the next episode that wasn't even out yet.


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Am I the only one who was disappointed that this episode didn't end with a cliffhanger? I love cliffhangers hehe...


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You are not alone ;)


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Kim Jae Wook is up for a special appearance maybe he is the.... :) just imagine his smile under that hoodie :o


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Really good episode. I liked the explanation for Kwon-joo's hearing ability, and I'm glad we got answers about what happened that night. I was also happy to see Jin-hyuk's using his detective skills.


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I was really surprised when Detective Moo almost die on basement, but when that was his act, I was relieved hahaha.
That's my favorite scene hehe,
The killer's mind in this episode is not that great, but the psychology reason is making sense and understandable.
And about Dong Chul being in the same city with the killer, how can Kwon-jo knew that they were in Seoul and Dong Chul will meet the real killer?
Thanks Odilettante for the recap ^_^


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That scene! I was shouting at Jin Hyuk not to drink the juice! "You should NEVER. EVER eat or drink anything a suspect gives you! Don't you watch enough sagueks to know this?"

And when he found Ah Ram, I was wondering why he took so long to mash the wall. By the way, how did the old man bring Ah Ram there if there was a wall?


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My guess is the old man brought the child in by another secret entrance.


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Me too. I was thinking how stupid. You just drank a spiked drink from a stranger. But was totally surprised when we know that he was actually playing along with the old man n acting !! ??


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I'm also wondering how did she know that the Dong Chul is meeting the killer at that area ??? This was not explained in episode 4 too.


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The mommy is super creepy! Credit to the actress. One time she looks really scary and mean but one time she also looks really terrified.


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I don't quite understand since the mother also suffered a lot at the hands of her adoptive father, then why would she want to the same to another helpless kid ??


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Stockholm syndrome? Or her esteem and fundamental ethics have been beaten down by all the abuse she went through. As much as everyone would like to believe they've outgrown certain behaviour or experiences, something related to the incident can trigger them to going back to the scared and helpless state they were in.


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I was thinking Stockholm Syndrome, too -- along with PTSD.


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Why is episodes 5 and 6 crossed out?! How am I supposed to wait another week?!

Yesung is way cuter as an actor than an idol.


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Ep 5-6 will be suspended next week due to Lunar New Year holidays. We will only get them on 4th and 5th Feb, which means a two weeks wait arrrrrgh..


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Really? Chincaa?? OCN, how can I survive next two weeks???


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Well that sucks.


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I'm a chinese from Singapore. Do koreans celebrate Lunar New Year like us ?? (first day of LNY is coming Sat)


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Hey hey me too !! And yeah, Koreans do celebrate LNY like us


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This reminds me of a joke that's been going round:

Trump was crowing again on Twitter about how China will crumble in a trade war:
"In little over a week when I take office, China will fall into a slump. Factories will shut down, shops will close, stock markets will not trade, and government will grind to a halt.The wealthy will flee overseas with their families, citizens desperately trade their currency for food, doors all across the country will be plastered with red notices and the empty streets will reek of lingering gunpowder. The people, with nothing to do will turning to day-long drinking and gambling. Children will roam the streets begging for money. So sad."

China foreign ministry: "That's Chinese New Year, dumbass."

Yeah, Chinese New Year where things come to a standstill and I have time on my hands. And they had to pre-empt this???


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Me too. Long weekend for me since it's public holiday in Singapore for the Chinese New Year. How am I going to survive without a "voice" weekend ??


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Happy Lunar New Year to all Chinese and Koreans !!


Oo, twisty and gritty, me likey! Altho a bit to bloody tho, have to read the recap for the missing parts where I closed my eyes... Poor Kwon-joo's dad T_T
Have a question tho, am wondering whether Kwon-joo told Jin-hyuk about the murderer saying to his wife "that's why you shouldn't have acted up". Shouldn't this means that either he or his wife was targeted, so it wasn't a random murder? In my thinking, if it is a murder, then first thing they should look for is motive; if I were Jin-hyuk, I'll be wondering why this murderer chose his wife as his victim. Wonder why they didn't start investigating from there...


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Show got me good with Jin Hyuk's fake out! I totally cheered out loud at that moment. I seriously thought he drank that juice. I was suspicious of it when the guard gave the opened bottle to him, but when I replayed this scene, it looked sealed when it was in the fridge. So I thought the guard opened it in front of JH, which made it look untainted and ordinary. I think a past preview made me think JH was going to get hurt because of the injection by the syringe too.

Absolutely horrible that Kwon Joo had to hear her father being murdered and she could not do anything to save him. Her character is really intriguing. I like her smart and mostly calm persona.

I'm glad that JH is slowly giving KJ a chance and hearing her out too. But it's also realistic to see him demand actual proof to back up her claims.

How does KJ know the location of the killer and Dong Chul? I guess we're suppose to assume she has been tracking them for some time.

Yeah, this cliffhanger wasn't too bad. LOL!


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I'm surprised at KJ's calmness too.
1) She heard the murderer battering a victim
2) Heard the same murderer battering her father
3) She has super-hearing which makes it even worse
4) She knows that the man arrested is not the murderer
5) Has been threatened not to tell
6) Knows the police, who is supposed to be the law enforcer, is shielding the murderer
7) Has no one to confide or talk to

Under these circumstances, I would have gone bat crazy and hysterical. Her calmness is either unusual or she has LOTS of self-control.


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Yeah I also thought that it was an opened bottle of drink. I was so surprised n happy when it was shown that Jang Hyuk was already suspicious of him n acting along with him n even recorded what the old man has admitted.


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Aarrrgghh I love this show but why so many potholes????
And that too plot holes that can be fixed with minor changes. How in the world does Kwon Joo figure out the route to the kid based on sounds from a walkie? She's not there on site to gauge what direction the sound is coming from, the walkie speaker is uni-directional!
And how did she know the exact location of the killer and the guy who was falsely accused with such accuracy? And if she did, why was she just sitting around calmly talking things over with JinHyuk? I mean talk about burying the lead! Had he not demanded proof, was she just gonna sit around and not do anything about it? For such a well written show, they're surprisingly careless about these things. Come on show, these plot holes have easy fixes, letting things continue like this is just lazy!


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First, about the walkie-talkie... of coz Kwon Joo cannot figure out the location of the boy just by listening. That was why she asked Jin-hyuk to turn right (a random direction)... after he started walking and she heard the sound getting softer, she said no no, turn left. She did that a few times, making him turn right and left before getting it correct.


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O____O That's really smart.


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I think overall the plot so far is good given the characters' haves n don't haves. And it is just 4 episodes but we were given a lot already...so...:) anyway, on your concerns,

1. KJ has lived like a blind person so she can heard distinctly those sounds even normal person can't. Reasonable. Logic. When all you have is your ears to live by. This characteristic has been initially and repeatedly addressed.
2. When JH moved with the walkie talkie KJ can discern the sound through the level of volume she is hearing it.. she still hears them but when he moves to the right she stopped him n asked him to turn left. My take on this is that she can hear the sound is decreasing when he turned right but increasing when he turned left. Thus she asked him to change direction... still acceptable. Reasonable...
3. I don't think she said an exact location. She just mention their district Seongwun. As we all assumed the killer is a local from seongwun.
4. About presenting the proof and do something about that whole incident 3 years ago. We heard her stories. My take is she is being extra cautious cos she knows someone in the police is involved and there is no one to trust. I can also see her reluctance to trust JH in episode one when he barks at her for coming back to the station. Plus there is nothing much she can present now as a proof cos she doesnt have much and she really needs JH to cooperate with her in finding the real culprit bcos he has interest in the matter as well and that he is a very capable detective. One who uses his brain rather than jumping to conclusion easily like stupid monkey.

All in all...I am all good on Voice...besides this is a drama...a fiction... we should not expect it as being too real and too perfect with answers to practically everything, like in reality in which even the most bladderdash things can also happen in the plot of our lives.

Just my two cents. Cheers!


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OK I can buy the explanation of how she tracked the boy, because I thought the same thing. But they could have done a better job of it. For example she could ask him to stand in one place and turn slowly. Then we know what she's doing. That is what I meant when I said easy fixes.

I don't buy the explanation for the killer's location. I don't know why everyone assumed the killer is from a certain district. Of course, I'm watching the subbed versions and don't understand Korean so I might have missed some nuance. However she said the guy is with the killer right now in so and so district, because their agreement broke down. Even if the district is a big one, that's oddly specific information. This when jin hyuk has also been looking for the same guy for three years, has access to the resources of the police department and still found nothing. So how does she know? What is she basing her assumption of the cause of their meeting on? And seriously, if she has the information why is she sitting around not acting upon it?


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Nah, she wont be able to identify the direction of where the sound is coming from if he stood in one place and turn slowly. He need to move and then she can detect the volume of the sound getting louder or softer. Turning in a single spot does not work.


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This show's biggest problem is time. Never have 10 minutes felt like 30, and 30 like 10. I hope that issue doesn't cause too much trouble later on.


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What if the murderer was Kim Jae-wook? He is listed as special appearance though and so far, we "didn't" see him yet...


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At first I thought that this just another random serial killer but as what the lead gal told Jang Hyuk, somebody (maybe some hifher-up in the police) is covering up for the killer so I'm guessing that the killer might be some big shot/influential person/or the son of some congressman. This always happen in korean police drama.


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*some higher-up


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Thanks, odilettante, for another great recap and commentary. At least you still have enough fingernails left to manicure. ;-)

Holy premolars, Batman! The strikers for the windchimes were TEETH?! I thought they were cowrie shells! Silly me. What else could I expect of a homicidal dentist?!

One thing that surprised me was the destruction of potential evidence when the woman dropped the wind chime out the window of the police car. Plus it was littering. Sheesh.

Here's a bit of comic relief for shredded nerves:

Little Shop of Horrors - Dentist Song

The boy who played Ah-ram did a terrific job.

The footage of Profiler Kang's father's last patrol was creepy as hell. I recall from an earlier episode that he was allegedly killed in a hit-and-run, which makes me very suspicious of the car that appears to be waiting near the intersection of the alleyway with the road. It leads me to suspect that her father's body was moved and run over to make it look like a hit-and-run, the same way the alleged killer of Detective Moo's wife (Dong-chul) was murdered in one location and his body literally dumped off an overpass to disguise the true nature of the head trauma.

I'm concerned that the killer could have overheard Profiler Kang's father ask her if she heard any suspicious sounds. It may be that there's one more person -- a homicidal maniac, at that -- who knows of her super-acute hearing besides herself and Detective Moo. That's a terrifying possibility.

Another item caught my attention, and that was the alleged false alarm at a politician's residence that was blamed on a dog. Right. A distraction? I'm wondering if Detective Moo pissed off the wrong highly-placed criminal somewhere along the line. It's giving me a Jack The Ripper vibe, too, considering that there had been speculation that Jack traveled in high social circles or might even have been an aristocrat or a royal. Hmmm.

That clicking sound when the perpetrator spoke made me wonder if s/he had an electronic larynx, or used a switch-activated voice scrambler.

Drat, no episodes this coming weekend. I hope the lunar New Year interruption doesn't kill the momentum of the show.

An early Happy New Year to Beanies who observe the lunar New Year!


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Thank you, Miss Odilettante for the recap and great comments:)
I totally enjoy this show... the actors are portraying their characters wonderfully. I don't really agree with other comments at previous recaps about Kwon Joo being too stiff. I think she is entitled to act like that... I mean, after what she's experienced and the people around her, I would be the same, I would change dramatically - the joyfulness I guess would disappear from any normal person. Plus, we've seen her showing her emotions on her first day at work, or when she could not recognise the sound of the teeth wind chime. In my opinion her acting is totally appropriate... she is someone who has a plan and that's not what to prepare for dinner - it's finding a psychopath killer running loose and more so, a killer who seems rich and with powerful connections.
Also, I for one don't mind the cliffhangers, I mean that is what makes a thriller, you know thrilling, when has more episodes. And about Dae Shik, I think he is suspicious (and many people seem suspicious in that police unit), but not the killer...
Anyway, this show is great. Congratulations to the entire team for their hard work!


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Maybe DS is just another accomplice. You know, the person who also help to cover up the murder case. There isn't anybody whom Kwon Joo can really trust in the police force now.


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I'm sure Kim Jae Wook is the murderer, voice and smile is exactly like his! he is suppose to make a special appearance too!


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Kim Jae Wook is the killer that's for sure.


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Kim jae wook is the murderer


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I like the show but I think the story needs to focus on who the murder is. There has to be some connection between the cases. Hopefully in the next episodes that will happen.


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Okay, I was also wondering how she knew that the ostensible murder might (or would) be meeting with the real killer, but I'm willing to let that one slide for a little bit. What I can't let go of is the fact that I distinctly remember seeing her replay at her home, an audio of the first incident where the detective's wife was killed---so she has some sort of "evidence". Also, I caught her watching some footage of the supposed killer's capture and thought I saw her recognize another voice in that newsreel. I do not think I imagined this. She is actually playing a very deep game, to try and gain evidence, I think.


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Also, why would she reveal to the real murderer that she heard his "clicking" voice sound? That, to me, is a real big "duh". Now he can find a way to "fix" that so she can't recognize him aurally---ooohhh, the plot thickens!


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