Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Happy weekend! Time for another check-in with the Dramabeans crew. Are fantasy romance dramas taking over your life too (and not just because of the ridiculous running times)? Or are your drama-watching feet firmly planted in reality? What’s it like there? Tell us how your week went, and what might become your next drama crush. –girlfriday



Currently recapping: Legend of the Blue Sea, The Lonely Shining Goblin

Entourage: I’m SO MAD at Young-bin right now. This show raises my blood pressure, which is strange since I didn’t even think I cared enough to get this mad. But when I asked for more drama, this is NOT what I meant. Who would bro-dump Jo Jin-woong?! Who would do that?!

The Man Living in Our House: Here’s a thought: If you only have enough story for twelve episodes, end it at Episode 12. For the love of mandoo, get it together and make the final week count!

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Thank goodness for you, Weightlifting Fairy. If I could watch six of you in a week, I would. It wouldn’t even be that hard to fill the time: We could add Noraebang Hour, Uncle/Coach Soju Hour, Bunk Bed Snuggles Hour, and Bok-ju Eats Her Weight in Fishcake Skewers While Joon-hyung Grovels Hour.

Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: Are TV doctors the worst disaster magnets in the history of ever, or what? I almost wish we had a full-scale natural disaster as the background instead of coming up with a new and violent traffic accident every week. But I love the characters and the intensity of the interactions, and I like that the show has found a way to make the younger doctors bumbling at life, but still skilled professionals you might actually entrust your life to. Maybe.



The Lonely Shining Goblin: After getting over the length of the first two episodes (which was more like a movie), I’m cautiously optimistic that I’ll love the show. The first episode was compelling, but the second episode was the winner — breaking down the mythical image of Goblin and Reaper into petty humans with superpowers. The show’s premise is a recipe for a poignant melodrama and I’m captured by the world, but I admit that I’m in it for something greater: the bromance.

Legend of the Blue Sea: Chungie is my favorite! Her deep despair over food restriction had me laughing out loud; Joon-jae’s seemingly reluctant compliance to her demands had me rolling; and then the merman cameo this week… I was done for. It’s a simple story, but there’s something so enjoyable about rediscovering our world through fresh mermaid eyes.



The Man Living in Our House: When you watch a drama but then realize once the episode’s ending that you really only paid attention for maybe five minutes, it’s a sign to part ways. This house will have one less guest to see it through until the end.

Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: It’s a little more medical and not quite as quirky as I was hoping (then again, I did have some ridiculously high Twin Peaks-esque expectations), but I’m still enjoying watching all the characters work and learn together. While I may have started watching for Han Seok-kyu, my heart now officially belongs to the formidable Nurse Oh — may she always be the wise, practical, and sardonic soul that keeps this eccentric hospital running.

Legend of the Blue Sea: This show has become the highlight of my week, but Jo Jung-seok’s cameo the past couple of episodes has become the highlight of my month. Possibly even year. I’m pretty sure I cried some happy pink-tinted pearls whenever he was onscreen.

The Lonely Shining Goblin: When is someone going to stage an intervention with tvN and let them know that no matter how great a drama it is, there’s no reason for an episode to be longer than an hour? Okay, maybe they do have a reason, since I’m pretty sure this is an expensive show to produce, what with the Big Name salaries and fancy CGI, and you gotta cram in as many of those PPLs as you can. But I don’t have the attention span to last longer than an hour, and if they want me to keep watching, they’d better seriously learn to edit. And give me more of the bickering Goblin and Reaper. And more of my beloved Lee El. And not to question my illogical desire for more scenes but fewer minutes.



The Lonely Shining Goblin: Not gonna lie, all my hopes are pinned on this show continuing to capitalize on its fantasy premise. It’s pretty exciting to see both Gong Yoo and Lee Dong-wook together in the same show—it seems like that happens nowhere near enough in dramaland once actors reach lead status. I just love the wistful tone and magical realism of Goblin’s world, and the characters’ splashes of bright color against it. Kim Go-eun’s character might be the hardest to give dimension to, seeming intemperately, inadvisably, insouciantly candylicious… until the moment you realize it’s a thin veneer for the desperate girl inside. That’s good stuff. Also: bromance, bring me allll the bromance.

Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: So good. This show reminds me a lot of Pride and Prejudice, but with doctors instead of prosecutors. It’s just as exciting watching the layers of the game get peeled back, but always a step ahead of what I—and Dong-joo—think the game is. I love being taken for a ride, and getting turned inside-out is always its own reward. Yet Doctor retains an ability to really bring the emotional beats in a way that doesn’t feel rushed or manipulative, even as credulity is stretched to a breaking point with all the improbable happenstance. (Poor Dong-joo can’t seem to drive a mile without coming across a dire emergency, lols.) I feel like this week, our doctors all cracked a little, one way or another, and that makes me begin to genuinely like our jagged little pills. Seo-jung especially makes you realize that trauma isn’t something a doctor can run away from, ever. The stakes are literally do or die.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Eeeeeeee! I love this show so much! The only dark spot in it is Shi-ho. Just as I feel sorry for her after all, she goes and does something miserably selfish and I’ve got better things to do than forgive her. Bok-ju calling her out on why Joon-hyung doesn’t like her was surgically on point. If the girl wants to drown in the river of her own self-pity, then so be it. Bok-ju, though, I adore her. The fight with her friends was so great (all her fights are so great), and I just LOVE how she tucks each one under her arm like her personal cuddle-blankets. Swaaag!

Legend of the Blue Sea: Jo Jung-seok cameo. The colliding universes of Legend and Jealousy Incarnate. The meta, oh my god, the meta. It all KILLED ME DEAD.



Currently recapping: Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: This girl is oblivious. Completely oblivious! Neon pink signs couldn’t be clearer than the I-have-a-crush-on-you gestures that Joon-young sends Bok-ju. That scene on the bunk bed when he wouldn’t let her go because he wanted to keep her in his arms? So transparent. Nevertheless, I relish her complete obliviousness because it’s going to be that much more satisfying when she realizes the extent of Joon-young’s feelings. In addition, her relationship with Nan-hee and Sun-ok is one of the sweetest depictions of friendship that I’ve seen in Dramaland. I loved that they have issues with each other, and actually fight it out because that’s what real people do. I also loved that afterwards when they made up, they engaged in some crazy karaoke antics like true best friends.

Laurel Tree Tailors: Normally I love Lee Dong-gun, but to be honest, his character is a little flat in this show. He still has all this charisma, but I wish the writing would help showcase it. Cha In-pyo and Ra Mi-ran are hilarious as always. If there were another drama/anything where these two were the main couple, I would watch the bejeezus out of that show. Also, I’m enjoying the side romance between Hyo-won and Tae-yang, despite all the weird camera zooming, because I adore the trope of a persistent rich girl pursuing the shy poor guy.

The Lonely Shining Goblin: Maybe Gong Yoo should forget about his bride, and just live with Lee Dong-wook as his partner for all of eternity.



The Lonely Shining Goblin: I lowered my expectations so hard for this, and I fell for it just as hard in the first hour. Can it be, is the version of Kim Eun-sook I used to love actually back? Time will only tell if my hopes will be crushed mercilessly. For now, I’m in love with everything about this show: Gong Yoo swinging his sword like Aragorn and rocking his long coats of immortal angst; Kim Go-eun as an old soul who still tries hard to find hope in whatever crumbs life offers her; Lee Dong-wook’s granny caps and his petty future bromance with our leading man. The writing is wonderful so far, and I’m impressed with the world-building, which feels complete in a way that’s believable but still leaves us with lots of mysteries to unravel. This director’s flair for epic drama works so much better in a story as big as this than it did in Descended From the Sun, which had these sweeping directorial flourishes for relatively minor moments. I also find the balance between humor and pathos to be pitch perfect here. You gotta love a hero who can pull off swoonworthy badassery, while being completely undone by a song about his manly goblin undies. Moar please!

Signal: I finished it. My heart is lying shattered on the floor, and I wish I could watch it all over again for the first time. Someone please tell me those rumors of a season two are real.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: This show has utterly charmed me: I watched all eight episodes in the last couple of days. For all the cuteness and joy this drama overflows with, I wouldn’t call it fluff; it has such thoughtfully realized, almost painfully lifelike characters that it brings me right back to those growing pains we all know so well. We don’t get enough of these friends-to-lovers stories, and I’m so glad that in this case our OTP is made up of such a delightful, awesome pair. In a drama landscape where we so often get shouty, aggressive male leads that bulldoze their way into a heroine’s affections, Joon-hyung’s admiration and affection for Bok-ju, just the way she is, is such a breath of fresh air. If their progression from frenemies to real friends was this satisfying, how will I contain my squeeing once they actually fall in love?


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Aaargh... So many dramas to watch, so little time. At 30-something, I can't wait for my mandatory retirement so I can binge-watch Kdramas until I die.


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I was so excited bc it's the weekend again, aka Goblin. But episodes 3 and 4 are pretty meh compared to 1 and 2. I felt like nothing really happened plotwise. I'm getting tired of GY and KGE bickering. And please show more YIA next week!! She's getting really brief airtime.


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Why are people complaining about Goblin's episode length? I just want MORE of it, especially Goblin-Reaper bickering along with Deok Hwa going "Heol, Daebak" along with everything they say. I could watch that for 1000 hours. I ffwd the aunt/cousins scenes, but that's about it. Everything else is good. More, please. Love it. Couldn't care less about DOTS, but Goblin is LOVE.


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Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: I understand that this is a drama I probably won't care to rewatch, but I am currently loving it in the moment - the suspense, the thrill. This is what a true drama should do to you. This drama is like crack you need simply because you want to know where it'll take you next. I have loved Seo Hyun-jin since before Oh Hae-Young, but this drama seals it. She is bae <3 The drama has finally been able to fall into its rhythm - its emotional beats are hitting home at last. My only qualm is the romance, because while the chemistry is definitely there...there isn't much story line building up the two protagonists' respect and trust in one another. Here's hoping the drama will improve on that!

Legend of the Blue Sea: As with everyone else, loving the hauntingly evocative sageuk scenes. Nice bonus: this week it finally feels like the sageuk and modern scenes are being woven into one story rather than as two disjointed story lines in the same drama. Otherwise, I find it an enjoyable drama but nothing spectacularly awesome. Jo Jung-seok, however, is. Whatever scene that man is in, he turns it into mermaid pearls. Is he still single? Because I'd marry him in a heartbeat.

The Lonely Shining Goblin: Two syllables: bro-mance!!! No wonder Gong Yoo and Lee Dong-wook decided to match outfits with each other at the press conference rather than with their paired love line...they're the real OTP! This drama is promising and as a person who took a class on East Asian supernatural lore in college, I am loving the creative twist on the idea of "goblins". It's fresh, fun, but also moving. And I won't lie...I have re-watched that ending coming-to-save-you scene in the moonlight probably 20 times...and it never gets any less epic.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo: My favorite right now. A rom-com, friends-to lovers, underdog, college coming-of-age, sports movie with healthy messages about body image? Count me innnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! Does this drama have a ton of cliches? Yes. But it is nailing its execution and isn't that the thing about novels or films or dramas? That most have already been told before, what matters is HOW you tell it. Additionally, I love the dramas exploration of all of Bok Joo's relationships, not just the one between her and Joon-hyung. He's not the only person in her life! There's her dad, her uncle, her friends, her teammates, her first crush, and her coaches. These are all people who give her life meaning, who have taught her about life and herself, and are her support system. It's so great seeing all these relationships depicted rather than cast aside in favor of lovey-dovey moments between the main couple (not that I'd be complaining THAT much). They are seriously so cute! And more than that, they have created a truly trusting relationship based on mutual respect and being there for each other during down times and good. Cannot say enough about this drama! Love, love, love, love, love. <3


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Re: Jo Jung Suk

Get in line missy! ?
(Though Gummy got dibs on him already)


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I actually love that Goblin have longer-than-normal airtime. It's aired on a Fri and Sat so i have no problem with it. ?


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Still watching The Man That Living In Our House, not for the story I think. I didn't know that I love Soo Ae and Kim Young Kwang this much. Even Kim Tae Hee - Joo Won couldn't make me finished Yongpal.
K2. Ffwd a lot. Ji Chang Wook is pretty. I shouldn't be greedy.
Laurel Tree Tailors. Finally I find family drama that's as addictive as My Daughter Seoyoung.
Next list on my watchplan: Goblin, Weightlifting Fairy, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim and Oh My Geumbi.
Note: Since the dissappointing CITT, I decided to watch drama which has or nearly ended. I keep my expectation low and I don't mind any spoiler, so I know what's coming or what to expect.


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goblin is such a nice surprise!! especially given who the writer is. i'm so happy to find that there's hardly any of her trademark rapidfire back-and-forth banter, though she's still very, very good at extricating and expressing in words some of the more vague, elusive emotions we commonly feel.

gong yoo is LOVE. i'm so happy to find that i love him here as much as i did in coffee prince. i don't remember a lot of big (and maybe that's a good thing, from what i DO remember), but i'm so delighted that he's in another good drama. coffee prince has a huge soft spot in my heart and so does gong yoo.

but... the episodes are long. 90 minutes!? normally i don't know that i would complain, since i really love this show right now, but i'm so busy and i only managed to get through part of episode 3 so far. planning to finish it after writing this comment... but. BUT. DID I SPY SOMEONE EATING A SUBWAY????


subway must have a deal with tvn shows, because it's only tvn shows that i've seen subway on.

entourage is also pissing me off—young-bin is pissing me off. the past few episodes it's ended with him doing something something obstinate and stubborn and mule-headed. maybe i just don't like the way seo kang-joon is playing his character—i feel like all he does is smile blandly and try to look cool.

it's a very boring show. i will say though, that i applaud the giraffe and his all-out performance in portraying the desperation of his character. i get mortified and embarrassed for him! awww, but i hope he finds his place by the time the show is over.

LOBS—it's better, and it's fairly fun, but it's definitely not the type of crack quality that i've come to expect and enjoy from the writer. and this isn't even comparing to man from another star. i feel like LOBS is the result of the pressure she possibly felt after stars' huge success. in a way, it feels like she took elements from stars and hodge podge tried to create something that would be as big a hit, rather than being genuinely inspired.


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I'm watching both LOTBS and goblin. Love Both at the moment although i do feel goblin is too long - it makes me impatient at some scenes. Will start fairy since it's been having great feedback! Looks and sounds like a story that I will loved

Just wanted to share the below:

LOTBS- I'm enjoying more than it should be. The leads play a lot in that factor and things have gotten fun and stakes established well this week. For a while, I was surprised how much "berth" I give lee min ho. I mean he's definitely good looking and cute but joon jae isn't extremely unique nor were his lines any groundbreaking funny or smart. If you really be honest, there's nothing to shout abt his acting as well. But somehow I just found the scenes so laugh out loud funny and makes me warm and fuzzy and I can discredit any skepticism or criticism I have for the show or his performance. I thought perhaps U know I've gotten this fan girl thing for him - being such a charming pretty boy. But this isn't norm for me - to illustrate healer hit all the notes for me for Ji Chang Wook, and for the life of me I wasn't able to finish k2.

Then last night I was surfing through YouTube on some LOTBS hrs and randomly found clicked an episode of city hunter online. Ep9 to be exact OMG! It was 5 years ago so I kinda forgot. l even went on to read through the dramabeans recaps and it was so crazy at that time. All of us were SO into the drama, I haven't seen girlfriday recaps being so animated and dramatic for a while! it made me remember all those feels of the drama. Sheepishly to say I slept 2 hours last night because I continued from ep9 all the way to ep14!
Remember how we called him- lee min HOT and everyone wanted a piece of him? He was really something in city hunter - the acting range and the emotional level he could show. I truely believe it was a peak of his performance as an actor and sadly he never replicated that since on that scale. ( think heirs -*shudder* I still standby by view that he should have never taken up that drama period)

I saw in one recap it was Gf or DB that said some actors are aware to be"cool" or "look good" in their scenes that it shows but for him in CH, he was so believable as "I'm just here to get the job done (i.e. Kick the assess of the bad guys), I don't freakin care abt my hair how it looks or whatever" but then I look so damn hot BY the way even in those pink pants. Damn! Lee min ho never did that again somehow I realize he's too concerned abt how he looks now in certain scenes and possibly that's how it sells PPL or to his fan girls but BECAUSE of that performance in CH, he forever owns me.
I will always watch his dramas with leniency and hoping that at some point he will replicate the magic and intensity that was so awesome and that he is absolutely capable of.

Ok I'm going off to read those old recaps coz rewatching those episodes even 2nd time around makes me go gaga


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with City Hunter I was changing between "oh shit that was a close call but he is such a bad-ass!", staring at the prosecutor I had a mad crush on, and swearing not to watch the next episode because I had nightmares of Bad Daddy.


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Agreed with tineybeanie that Laurel Tree Tailors has some pretty weird camera-zooming where Hyo Won was concerned. It's getting a bit much. I adore that pairing though and I love the cheesiness of the washed-up rockstar couple too!

Legend of Blue Sea is utterly charming and I think I cried pink-tinted pearls watching JJS' cameo too! Saranghae, writer-shi!


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Weightlifting Fairy : Its just so awesome. I am in love with this show. Everytime i see joon hyung i light up and become giddy. I love his character so much. He is perfect . He draws a clear line with shi ho , is playful , very sweet , cares a lot about bok jo and a good friend to her as well.

goblin: i wasn't sure about this one at all. I was quit nervous. But then ep 4 happened and everything was perfect. Now i love this one too. i wasn't sure what think of the female lead or the romance before and was always waiting for the bromance .But after ep 4 i totally like everything about it .

entourage: I am behind on this one . I don't know what to say about this show except that i am still watching it and i like joy


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Weightlifting is the show I most look forward to each week :) I'd even watch it raw if I have to. Really refreshing and uplifting show.

The only other show I'm watching is Goblin. Enjoyable and pretty.


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I am only watching Weightlifting Fairy now, and looking forward to Wednesday. When I watched ep 1,2,3.. i was thinking, hmm, typical school romcom with love triangle. But after, 4, 5, 6.. I am so in luv with this show and I rewatched it from ep1 again to catch all the little details. I really appreciate it fot being light and fun, making me smile from ear to ear. And the same time, the story touches me in so many different ways. The sisterhood, the difference from "love at first sight" and finding out the true love. Love all the casts, the writing, the ost. I love this show so much that I put LBS on back burner now.


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My dear weightlifting fairy lovers, please leave your nice comments to mbcdrama, they put some official drama clips on youtube, user: mbcdrama. So they know this drama is loved by many eventhough the rating in korea suffers a lot.


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Thanks for letting us know. On it!
It's the only thing I can do for this show that I totally love and adore.


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Episode 4 sold me on Goblin. Sometimes it's worth it to give a drama a chance to capture your heart/attention if it doesn't do so from the get go. I'm going in with some plot possibilities in my head though so that my heart wouldn't get crushed. I'm also constantly reminded that the female lead character is young, the only other real downer for me. Regardless, fighting!


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I'm glad that one of you (tineybeanie) has Laurel Tree Tailors! I was worried that none of you are watching it! I recently started on it. Marathoned 30 episodes in 4 days. This is my first 50-episode drama. (I've dropped quite a number of them) I didn't get bored for a second! And now I'm back to watching 2 episode per week :(


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Weightlifting fairy in my book
Fluff with substance
Light hearted with painful issues
Fairy tale like with realistic characters
Tough looking bokjoo with so much heart and charms
Joon hyung the tease with a warm comforting love
College girls with deep and bickering friendships
Grumpy dad and unusual uncle with love as deep as ocean


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Loving Weightlifting Fairy, Goblin and Legend of the Blue Sea in that order. These 3 dramas are making my December viewing very entertaining.

WF- The relationships among the brothers, the friends and the Father and daughter, all entertaining. Like others, I can't wait for Bok Joo to find out her childhood friend Joon Hyung loves her. I like seeing Bok Joo - a smart, strong, ambitious, and kind female lead fall in love. She deserves it. :) Nam Joo Hyuk as Joo Hyung is so awesome. Can he get any cuter? I love the way Nam Joo Hyuk looks at Lee Sung Kyung. Pls date in real life.

Goblin is awesome. So beautiful to watch. The bromance is fun and the potential romance is interesting. Of course there will be a time skip. KGE and GY are bother doing a great work. KGE is playing an abused, lonely, teenage girl that still loves life. She still hopes for a better future.. despite not having anyone, including the verbally abusive teacher, supporting her. As with most abused kids..Eun Tak didn't develop the same way as a child in a stable practical supportive home environment. Eun Tak will have hyper reactions to situations. Too much joy, too little pain because she hasn't built the confidence or manage her emotions the way others do. KGE is playing her accurately.. After having a supportive boss that cares for her, and a stable home for a bit, hope the future Eun Tak is ready for love.

Legend of the Blue Sea is getting really interesting. Hilarious this week. Glad I stayed with it and hope for so much more. LMH and JJH are great together.


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Goblin and Kim Bok Ju are my life right now! I'm watching Legend of the Blue Sea as well and I like it a lot but those 2 dramas are just rocking my world! Really wish for them to pull it through to the end!


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